@Sacramento Kings

Malik Monk to RE-SIGN With The Sacramento Kings! | NBA Offseason 2024

Malik Monk to RE-SIGN With The Sacramento Kings! | NBA Offseason 2024

all righty I’m not goingon to lie I saw this one come through last night and I was like I can’t be asked to do another one of these I really thought that I was going to start to have a little bit of a break once the finals were over but nope we got to keep churning out NBA news but you know what it’s fine it’s fun this is a cool one Malik monk coming back to the Sacramento Kings monk got a 4year 78 million I think that’s the most they could give him cuz was he on early bird rights or they didn’t have like any bird rights at all I can’t even remember exactly um what it was but he’s not even going to hit free agency um for those of you that don’t know the reason that like some of these moves are happening right out earlier on in the offseason is now because of like the new CBA teams can talk to players that were on their team as soon as the season ends like as soon as the season ends they can start to negotiate this stuff but the contract doesn’t become official until the moratorium phase ends which I believe is like early July something like that so just know that they’re just basically saying yep nope he’s not even going to hit like free agency like that we’ve got the contract ready to go cool stuff I think this is awesome um especially just because I know there were a lot of Kings fans that just didn’t think he was going to come back and reasonably I was like I be surprised if he explored some things elsewhere I didn’t think he would just sign like right away in things I figured he’d go see what other options were out there I’m sure they kind of knew what the options were at the end of the day but I know Orlando Magic fans are ill if you guys go and look at the comments of my like ideal offseason of that one there’s so many people like we’re getting Malik monk it doesn’t even matter and I was like I don’t I don’t think it’s that simple and I I tried to even do it my Sacramento Kings ideal offseason like I didn’t I didn’t buy on the fact that Malik monk was like for sure coming back so we didn’t actually put him on the team for that one but I always thought in my head I’m like it just makes sense to stay where you’re at because let’s be honest like the the thing with Malik monk is he had a rough start to his career career right he was in Charlotte not a lot of people find a lot of success in Charlotte and um sorry Charlotte Hornet fans that’s just how it is he really wasn’t figuring it out there ended up going to the Lakers and kind of just doing like yeah just like a little bit of stuff here and there maybe a little bit of stuff isn’t like the right way to say it necessarily cuz I want to say he he was scoring like 13 14 points on like 38 or 39% shooting so that’s pretty that’s pretty awesome but you didn’t see him have like as big of an impact as when he got to the Sacramento Kings right is he was a guy that like they weren’t really sure what his role is can he just kind of be a scorer but as soon as he got to the Kings and he was reunited with Fox and Coach Brown really unlocked him there uh he’s really like developed into like the the player that we all know him as today which is like an ultra like six-man can go and get you a ton of points crazy athlete uh not a bad defender in all honesty um keeps people in front of him pretty well for his size which is uh tough thing to do at at just like his frame and everything it’s not always the easiest thing for him to do but he’s become a better playmaker as well he just fits on the team really well so it’s cool to see that somebody just like him just kind of said nope I’ve recognized that I’ve got a good thing going on here like let’s not do this thing where I sign like a one-year thing and then try to get like an even bigger contract like let me just go make my money man like $78 million is a ton of money let me go get my money right now and I just I just love to see when guys do that we’ve seen guys like Dennis shrewder or like Victor Oladipo just just like kind of like they’ve made enough money in their NBA career right but like throw away like some big contracts cuz they want to like bet on themselves a little bit more when it’s like hey man sometimes there’s just there’s a big bag in front of you and I’m not saying you can’t bet on yourself ever but like I just I I like to see when guys are just like nope I know I’ve got a good thing here I know it works here let me stay where I’m at I like my teammates I like my coaches like I’m going to get paid good money here and I’m going to continue to be like a good basketball player what does this mean for the Kings though this is this is great news for them cuz um I know a lot of people were kind of prepping for them to just not have monk this year for a lot of reasons and you know there were plenty of people that said like no Monk’s just coming back and again that was not an unreasonable thought either like for all the reasons I just said I’m like that’s why I would stay on the Kings if I was Malik monk but you know he’s got his own prerogatives at the end of the day but um this this is great for the Sacramento Kings right um a lot of people forget the kings were like really rolling last year until like a bunch of injuries kind of started happening um I think the kings run one of the like better systems in the entire NBA I really think like Hub offense is like the the best offense to run nowadays that’s just my perspective um when college teams hire me to come in and kind of like tweak things for them I almost always if I can try to implement their system the Sacramento King system into what they’re doing and I’ve almost always found like success with it because it’s not that hard to teach um there’s only a few reads that you really have to understand like that well and if you have decent enough Personnel that can comprehend some very basic movements I think it goes a long way but having Malik monk back on this team and getting another guy that could go get you 20 points every single night to go along with Fox and sabonis and presumably Keegan Murray continues to develop I think that’s a huge thing for this team right um I think Keegan Murray’s potential is pretty high in all honesty I think we we saw a lot of him even in the playoffs when he started to put the ball on the floor a little bit more and work and like be a decision maker and a playmaker for the team like I just I just think it leads to a lot of really cool things he’s already a really good shooter he’s a nice Defender like I just I I like Keegan Murray a l I think this team is really really interesting I think if they make like a couple moves here and there they could they could really retool like kind of the rest of the roster to get a little bit more defense on the team and just kind of back up the the scoring punch that you’ll have with that kind of core four but no yeah Sacramento Kings should be really excited about this I think this is cool um it’s the NBA offseason is just so interesting nowadays I see Zack LaVine trending I have to imagine we’re going to see a Zack LaVine trade somewhat soon um we’re we’re what like not even 24 hours into the whole Caruso giddy trade and I’m just I’m kind of surprised how many people um and we we can get back to the Kings to finish things off but I’m surpr I’m surprised how many people like don’t like that move I think there’s this thing where people are like well look at what they could have gotten before it’s like well that mistake already happened right and so like we can compare and we can we can and should judge the Bulls front office for maybe not getting more out of him because they should have traded him at the deadline last year like yeah without a doubt but now we’re here right so you can only make good decisions from like the present right and I think they made a good decision giving the present situation that they were in so you know what that’s just what it is right we’ve all like pushed things too far and made mistakes and stuff and the Bulls have made plenty of those but I don’t know that’s just me but hey no signing Malik Monk and getting this I think it’s a steal of a contract I’m happy for Malik monk that he’s getting some money and stuff now I’m glad that he’s found a home I love seeing him in Sacramento him and dear and fox seem like best buds I think it’s really really cool I’m just glad Sacramento is just not like a pushover franchise like right now I just that just makes me happy to see somebody just like want to stay here and stuff so I just I don’t know I think that’s really cool okay I wanted to touch on one other thing really quick uh new uniforms and stuff first of all can NBA teams just please just post a picture with the Jersey just like held out like like a normal t-shirt would if you just like held it by like the shoulder Parts like why do you guys post the pictures like this where we like can’t see like the Jersey just in its actuality if we need to we can zoom in on the details and that just really pisses me off but uh the Washington Wizards I know I kind of rack on them a lot on this channel and stuff just as a franchise I think they’ve got the worst name in the NBA and I don’t think many people disagree and we know that they’re probably going to be moving to Virginia um somewhat soon right they’ve got plans to build that new stadium and everything like that um I personally think they’ve got some of the worst jerseys in the NBA too but what do we think of these I actually like these so I actually think these are kind of cool um I’ve always thought like this format of jerseys is kind of odd and look I have no sense of style no sense of style whatsoever I’m just curious what the rest of you guys think about this um I I put it in the in my Discord as like hey what do you guys think of these are they fire or not and people seem to think that they’re fire so far I think it’s pretty cool so I was just curious what like the rest of you guys thought I’m trying to cover like couple other things in here no way they use the Washington football team font on the pants man oh is that a thing oh no is that an actual thing shout out them for being able to identify that see I’m not I’m not smart enough to do that no way someone approve this oh no is it not good need to order you just use the old layout and change the colors no bro draft Alex s yeah okay fair fair fair well yeah let me know what you guys think about it yeah that kind of does it Shout Out Sacramento Kings fans man you guys you guys got a win today this is awesome I hope to see the Kings continue to succeed and stuff like that and I hope they have a healthy season but yeah we’ll talk to you guys later bye [Music]

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  1. Very good with Fox for the kings as 6th man off the bench, Kings still need to upgrade defensively to compete in the west…KCP would be nice

  2. You sound like you stopped watching the Kings after their playoff season. They missed it this year, the offense fell to #16 (from #1 their playoff year year) so spammed DHOs and chucked 3s have become very predictable and lazy, and not sure why you think Monk likes coach Brown cause he only shows signs he doesn't like playing for Brown through his comments and actions

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