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Detroit Pistons Have Officially Started Their Head Coaching Search | Three Names To Look Out For?

Detroit Pistons Have Officially Started Their Head Coaching Search | Three Names To Look Out For?

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons stck hope you guys are having a great night so far before we jump into this head coaching search that W dropped the bomb earlier today I want to spend maybe 30 seconds just to thank you guys yesterday we had a podcast with Corey Woods um it was our most unloaded podcast ever on the audio side Spotify and apple it was viewed almost 3,000 times on YouTube and at one point uh we almost had 12200 people watching live so I want to thank each and every one of you guys that support me support this Channel and this our Die Hard Detroit Pistons fans shout out to you guys but while you guys are here W did tweet that there are some candidates for the Detroit Pistons it says ESPN sources the Detroit Pistons have permission to interview Dallas assistant Sean Sweeney and Minnesota assistant M Nori for the newly vacated coaching job Pistons also planning to interview former Cleveland coach JB Bickerstaff will be available to meet sooner than the rest he also goes on to say down here Pistons are expected the call permission and more assistance to sources set so for right now we have three names we have two assistants that you guys are probably familiar with and then we have one former head coach so what I wanted to do in today’s video is we’re going to be looking at their coaching resumés because I think what gets lost a lot of times when we talk about head coach searching or head coach uh searches excuse me um is the resume what their track record is where they worked before so you guys get to understand a little bit about these head coaches that are up for head coaching jobs now before we do get into that though Mike and Nori and John Sweeney were already in Detroit at one point if you guys remember mik Nori and Sean Sweeney were on Dwayne Casey’s staff here in Detroit so these are two former Dwayne Casey assistants while he was here and if you remember Dwayne Casey did not get let go by the organization Dwayne Casey still works for the Detroit Pistons and I I think if you look what Dallas did they made the NBA Finals he Sean Sweeney is more known for his defense um and you watch Dallas this year during the NBA playoffs they were a very good defensive team Mike Nori with the Minnesota Timberwolves they went all the way to the Western Conference Finals with the Mavericks Mike Nori um is kind of a guy that is unknown I don’t really know how involved he is um with the Timberwolves I don’t know if he’s a that offensive coordinator if you will or a defensive coordinator like Sweeney is in Dallas but did want to touch on that Sweeney and Nori have already Bennett Detroit obviously there’s JB bicker step we’ll get into him and his resume but just wanted to give a little bit of briefing before we do check out these guys resume and the the type of experience that they have so let’s get into all three of these uh head coach candidates for your Detroit Pistons okay the first coach we’re going to talk about is JB Bickerstaff now JB bicker staff probably has the most qualified resume out of mik Nori and John swen I’m I’m just going to say that first and foremost he has the most experience now we all know that he was the head coach for the Cleveland Cavaliers um as you guys can see from 2019 and they decided to fire him on May 23rd in 2024 but before he was in Cleveland he was the head coach of the Memphis Grizzlies uh it says from 2017 and they fired him uh two years later uh on April 11th 2019 before that he was an associate head coach an assistant coach with Memphis he was also a head coach with the Rockets where he did get promoted but then eventually did resign in 2016 uh before that he was an assistant with the rockets for a few seasons um also assistant with the Minnesota Timberwolves and his first assistant coaching job was with the Charlotte Hornets um in 2004 to 2007 so if you look at his resume he’s had a couple of head coaching jobs he’s been an assistant he’s been an associate head coach um Cleveland is a very weird situation right now I I think the job is probably going to go to James burgo if I had to guess um I’m not really sure why they got rid of bicker staff maybe it’s because of the underperformance in the playoffs uh the past two seasons with Cleveland it seems like you know all year they they play really good ball and by the time it’s playoffs it’s just they they shrink I don’t know if that’s the reason why Cleveland decided to get rid of bicker staff but if you look at the resume the resume is pretty good um you you look at kind of where Cleveland was at you know top 10 and three-point percentage top 10 defense um maybe he’s a guy that the Pistons could value but uh the resume kind of speaks for himself I I think he’s probably the most qualified candidate as of right now but let’s go over and check out Shan Sweeney’s resumee Shan Sweeney so let’s look into his job history over it L GM so his most current job is assistant coach with the Dallas Mavericks and he got hired in August 2021 so I want to talk about Jason kid for a minute so when Jason kid was in Milwaukee when he was their head coach for the bucks Sean Sweeney was on his staff when Jason kid got the head coaching job with the Dallas Mavericks John Sweeney was one of the very first calls Jason kid made in the Pistons did lose him as an assistant to the Mavericks it kind of tells you how highly Jason kid thinks of sha Sweeney So currently he is an assistant lead assistant withy Mavericks now this next one uh this is news to me he was the head coach of the Detroit Pistons that is not true this is obviously a hypo on real GM’s part no one’s perfect we get it but pretty sure Dwayne Casey was the coach during that time uh the next job was an assistant coach of the Detroit Pistons that is accurate he was an assistant coach here in Detroit under Dwayne Casey Dwayne Casey poached him from the Milwaukee Bucks and as you guys can see uh he was an assistant with the bucks for a few years he also was a video coach with the bucks he was an assistant coach with the Brooklyn Nets video coach uh with the Brooklyn Nets um an assistant video coordinator with the New Jersey Nets video coordinator of Northern Iowa Panther and an assistant coach of the Academy of arch Urban Knights so his resume is actually pretty pretty it’s a pretty big job resume um he has experience as an assistant coach he doesn’t have any experience as a head coach even though real GM said he was the Detroit Pistons coach which is kind of funny uh but I think he’s one of these assistants that is going to get a head coaching job eventually I don’t know if it’s going to be Detroit I it could be it really could be we could be up here maybe a week or so saying Sean Sween your next coach to the Detroit Pistons this is what we like about it um I I think what I remember from him in Detroit was really getting on the guys defensively uh when Casey was sitting down I vividly remember seeing Sean Sweeney getting on the Detroit Pistons for missing a defensive assignment this is a guy that’s upand coming young but his main focus is on the defensive end it sounds like um from a lot of articles that I’ve read um from reporters I’ve talked to today um and also this is a guy that janisan the Kubo um really speaks highly of some people go as far as to say that he developed Giannis I don’t know that to be a fact but he was there um when Giannis was younger and you saw progression in giannis’s game each and every year and he did work with Giannis I’m not saying Shan sweene is the reason why Giannis is to start today Giannis has great work ethic but Shan Sweeny was in the gym helping Yannis get better each and every year but he’s definitely a candidate he’s a real candidate to possibly be the next head coach of the Detroit Pistons but did want to talk about his job history for a little bit we’re going to go over and look at Mike and nory’s job history next and kind of give just a a final recap of all three of these coaches what we think of them last but not least Mike and Nory so let’s let’s get into his job history so he was an assistant with the Timberwolves this season under Chris Finch and I mean we could talk about the Timberwolves for a minute or so made the Western Conference Finals had a really good playoff run obviously they ran into Dallas who was actually assistant coached by Sean Sweeney and they couldn’t get past their defense so he was an assistant with the t-wolves um under Chris Finch over there it was an assistant of your Detroit Pistons under Dwayne k for a few seasons now I do remember Mike Nori and I remember him yelling at Luke Canard one time and I can’t find the video but he said something to Luke Canard Luke got really pissed I don’t know what he said I really don’t but uh don’t really remember him too much uh on the bench I I remember Sean Sweeney I don’t really uh remember Michael Nor too much uh the the head coach of Denver Nuggets is obviously a typo he was an assistant under Mike Maloney in Denver um so anytime you get someone from the Nuggets you know that they’re they’re going to be a good coach uh I honestly think Denver is one of the most well organizations in the NBA I think they’d be in my top five so you know Mike andori was under Mike Malone during that time with the Nuggets if we scroll down he was also with the Kings for it looks like a year and then he was with the Raptors for quite some time I mean you can go all the way down he was an assistant coach with the Raptors from 98 to 2000 got promoted as an advanced Scout for the Raptors from uh 2001 to 2007 uh then got promoted to director of scouting from 2007 to 2009 got promoted to be an assistant coach with the Raptors from 2009 and eventually he decided to go to the Kings but he resigned after one year with the Kings so I don’t really know why he did but he did I have no idea if mikee Andor is gonna be a good coach I don’t I don’t really know if he’s known for his offense or his defense I’m not going to sit up here and lie but I did want to go over his job history so kind of his resume if you will because I think a lot of times uh like I said at the top of the video we really don’t know too much about these coaches because they’re these assistant coaches you never really know if they’re going to be good good or not um personally I I think this first wave of announcements from Adrien wowski and others I think is a start um I think Sean Sweeney is a name that I think he will be a head coach one day will it be with Detroit I don’t know same with Mike anori will he be a coach does he want to be a coach I don’t know JB bicker staff is a very interesting name and I’ve seen a lot of people on social media recently talk about JB bicker staff and they would be happy if the Pistons went after him I could understand it he’s established um he he’s been around multiple organizations um my only thing though with bicker staff is I don’t see him as a long-term solution I see him as more of a coach that’s a placeholder until you want to get a another coach that’s just my opinion of JB picker I could be wrong there I could be way off in left field with that I know you guys let me know Sean Sweeney and Mike anori they’re top assistants they’re very highly regarded in NBA circles I’m not going to sit up here and say I think they would be a bad hire because I don’t know how they would pan out as head coaches because they’ve been assistant coaches for a majority of their job history I think eventually these guys will be head coaches if they want to be um but my personal opinion is I I I think with all three of these guys I think JB bicker St is the most established and I think he’s a guy that could come in and be a good coach for the Pistons um but this organization may decide to give in assistant a chance um they might try to go that OKC Thunder route where they’re not really getting that big sexy name they’re getting a upand cominging um young coach and giving them an opportunity and a chance to prove themselves and I I I think where the Detroit Pistons are right right now in the stage of uh where the franchise is only winning 14 games last season I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to go in a younger Direction a younger route if you will but I want to know what you guys think of these three names that Adrien wowski did report earlier today again John Sweeney Mike an Nori JB bicker staff out of these three which one do you guys like the most let me know Down Below in the comment section and I will talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care I’ll catch you guys in the next video peace [Music] m [Music]

Today I reacted to the recent news from ESPN naming three potential head coaches that could be the next coach of the Detroit Pistons.

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  1. We need to hire one of these young, hungry assistants who want to prove themselves. We dont need another recently fired head coach retread.

  2. I am tired of established retreads, they have done nothing for this team, hire a smart young assistant for the love of God

  3. Boston just won a championship witha bunch if 3 & D wings. Its an ugly game to watch. I hope Detroit doesnt become that where you do nothing but shoot 3's.

    Ironically Denver whos not good at 3's won the year before.

  4. I would like Sean Sweeney to get the job in the games Dwayne Casey missed Sean coached the team and I like how they responded also I love that he's young and energetic on the sidelines it shows he cares

  5. Tbh I wouldn't hate the JB hire. He took a young Cavs team and had them in the playoffs.

    Between sweeny, Quinn, Atkinson, Borrego, and JB I don't think I'd hate any of them. I do think Sweeney and Quinn would be who I'd prefer

  6. Sean Sweeney would be solid, Pistons need a coach with a defensive identity!

    Any coach who can help Jason Kid go to the finals should definitely be considered for the job.

  7. Nice to see your growth and I feel the same about JB. We're good no matter what IMO, even tho I don’t want Barrego maybe as an assistant, but not head.

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