@Dallas Mavericks

[Grant Afseth] Nico Harrison says he anticipates “nothing happening” with the players who ranked in the “top seven or eight” for minutes played.

For context the top 7 in minutes (per game) are Luka, Kyrie, PJ, Gafford, Lively, DJJ, Green

The 8th would be THJ from the regular season, Maxi from playoffs

He also said “Regarding Derrick Jones Jr., Harrison called him “priority 1A and 1B” and will do whatever required to re-sign him.”

by uninspiredlt


  1. RefinedDefect69

    It is highly likely that DJJ resigns which is great for us

  2. manabanana21

    I really think we will get DJJ on the TPMLE 1+1 deal like Bobby Portis did with the Bucks. He knows how the team values him and he seemed to love it here.

  3. wheresthecheat

    I mean it’s clearly Maxi over Tim. He fell out of the rotation during the playoffs, Hardy seems to have taken another step and if Maxi didn’t try to be air Jordan his playoff stats would prob look a lot nicer

  4. Well if that’s the case Luka will again have to carry an unsustainable load all season, get hurt throughout the season and play through it to get wins and then probably be hurt by the end of the season.

  5. We were the best team in the West last season. This season, we’ll have more chemistry with PJ and Gafford, a sophomore Lively and hopefully a healthy Luka. We’re going to be a better team even with no major changes.

    Obviously, we’re contenders and so we should be all in on getting better now, but there’s no need for us to take expensive gambles.

  6. Masterplan by Nico again. Watch him turn very limited assets into absolute studs who fits perfect.

  7. edmarcake

    We are so lucky to have a very good GM especially after what Bulls did lol

  8. SugoiHubs

    Hopefully the new ownership will be opening the war chest now that they’ve tasted the possibility of a chip

  9. armandocalvinisius

    RIP my “6’6 or taller starting lineup” Dream


  10. Pizza64427

    The plan should be bring everybody back and add a sf starter.

    A healthy Luka, another role player/borderline all star, more team games and prospects improving might get you over the top if Boston and Dallas meets again.

    If Nico makes it happen with THJ, Kleber and picks he deserves a statue.

  11. I wouldn’t mind that. We’re in a great place right now, just keep on improving. We can still make a trade later, if some better player becomes avaliable

  12. longliveorangic

    I loved his interview. Bringing back DJJ is the biggest priority.

    Our best POA defender and big part of our defensive identity. Also a dawg, super durable and has good chemistry with all the guys, especially Luka. He was very very valuable for us last year.

  13. godnorazi

    Team is mostly fine, the youngins just need another season or two under their belts to develop especially Green and Lively (All Star soon IMHO).

  14. Biggest need is a THJ upgrade. Package Hardy, THJ, Powell & picks, resign DJJ, get Maxi healthy and find another project like Exum/DJJ who can stretch at the 4/5

  15. Kball4177

    I am tepidly okay with running it back with this group to start the year, but if PJ & DJJ are both in the starting lineup come playoff time, I just don’t see how they can expect to beat Boston.

  16. Greenvest2k50

    We need a team to beat Boston. If you notice every player from STARTING 1-5 can score clutch buckets on BOS. Mavs had lines where only Luka plus one guy having double digits in STARTING. Unacceptable if you want to win the championship.

  17. Hollerino

    Do the Nets accept Hardy, Green, THJ, Kleber,2 FRP, and a 2nd round pick for Bridges and Doedoe?

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