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MAJOR Klay Thompson update… – Warriors contract offer REVEALED | Warriors news

MAJOR Klay Thompson update… – Warriors contract offer REVEALED | Warriors news

folks we have a Klay Thompson update for you on the hoop collectives podcast which is ESPN’s insiders podcast with Brian windhorse Tim bonts and Tim McMahon we know the Warriors have given clay a two-year deal we don’t know the numbers but they’ve offered him a two-year deal so we’re going to break down what they said and other pins that have dropped already in NBA free agency or trades and how affects the Warriors Randy silver here Warriors digest Warriors fans this is it we have breaking news coming out daily we’re in the middle of a week before draft two weeks before free agency summer league Olympics it’s about to get wild only 14% of the people watching subscribe do not miss anything please subscribe and get notified so you know when these videos come out to keep you up to date on everything in Warriors land Klay Thompson so as I just mentioned in my opener did not bury the lead he was offered a 2-year contract ahead of NBA free agency we know he was offered two years $48 million so 24 per year in the middle of the 2024 season before the 2024 calendar year started he rejected that wanted more than 24 million we reported a couple days ago he could get potentially 30 plus million dollar per year on the open market could come from Orlando they have salary Philadelphia they have salary Dallas will want him but they don’t really have the salary they would have to make some moves happen potentially San Antonio the Lakers with JJ reic now you know he’s a big three-point shooter family is from the LA area of course his dad played there but what we know um some of those could offer more warriors were offering two years however we don’t know what the actual money is Monty P’s reported that he wents at least three years Thompson’s eligible to resign with the Warriors prior to his unrestricted free agency on June 30th due to new league rule that allows teams to negotiate with their own free agents although it appears the two sides have some hurdles to overcome he unfollowed the warriors on social media so it looks like this tactics of the negotiating is happening Steph got three four years on his deal Draymond got four years on his deal his was 400 million and that was considered a HomeTown discount so if Clay is saying hey I’m the same as Steph I’m the same as Dre why am I going to give a significant discount to the Warriors I’m just as vital then he should expect three or four million excuse me three or four years 25 $30 million per year as well now does that help the Warriors win tomorrow and for the future probably not when we look at our salary cap issues again we’re already at over the tax threshold of 171 we’re at 174 getting us close to that first apron the second apron we got some wle room what we know gp2 $9 million has opted in that is in the 174 Chris Paul’s 30 million is uh not guaranteed it’s our team option and then of course Klay Thompson’s off the books what is next that we need to see from the Warriors $8 million contract of Looney becomes guaranteed June 24th this is being filmed on June 21st so depending when you watch this you may know 3 million’s guaranteed and we talked about this and Looney alluded to this on the Draymond podcast we have an episode about this and check it out he may be salary cap casually because if it’s only 3 to8 million guaranteed what does that drop you down to if nothing changes here 169 million his role diminished behind Trace Jackson Davis loone says he knows he needs to become a better shooter if it’s mid-range become any type of three-point threat but um you know lifelong Warrior help us wi multiple championships would love for Looney to stay as a backup but his role on the Warriors you all know of course just phased out as the season went on so if you want to save 5 million then because it’s not guaranteed at that part helps you potentially take Clay’s deal from 20 million to 25 million in that case in addition Chris Paul say his 3 million is gone then now you could give clay 30 million and then you would still have TW 15 million to do something else 10 Mill excuse me let me say that so you got Chris Paul 30 million and then you have 5 million save for Loney say you want to give clay 27 million then you have 7 million do something else say you want to give clay 30 million then you have 5 million do something else so Looney may become a casualty and speaking of Chris Paul right here they ALS talking about that his June 28th date it becomes guaranteed if they exercise it boom if they say we’re not then he’s a free agent on that podcast they mentioned potentially July 5th they may agree to push that too it’s a win-win for both one they may say hey if you we guarantee three million of this can we push this to July 5th why is that good for Chris Paul because then they could do like what happened with the Wizards if the Warriors don’t want to keep them he gets a couple million dollars then they do a trade to a different team get trade asset back potentially get some players back and then he can still get the other 27 whatever the left of the guaranteed is on that team a team of note Spurs you know they need a point guard imagine him in 1B on the pick and Rule him just teaching 1B teaching that young team being under coach pop something uh was good also Dallas excuse me Dallas San Antonio in Texas overall has no income tax while that 30 million will stay in his pocket versus California where it’s a high income tax something that could be interesting to him you know he’s late in his career maybe he wants to go to a winning team Philadelphia if they’re not going to keep Kyle Lowry they could use a backup point card put him in one be on the pick and roll that’d be pretty good for General so there’s some teams out there who have the space maybe we can get a player or two back or we’ll get draft back uh Capital do the wars when to bring him back a thir million we talk about it it’s way too much money but just be on the Note again June 28th his contract becomes guaranteed potentially as they talked in the podcast the May it push back to allow the Warriors to have some flexibility with the star free agency and understanding what happens with Clay because with Clay the extensions basically kick in me extension fre agency will start we’ll know what’s happening with him if that means we need to keep Chris Paul as that floor General as a proven leader if clay does walk away or if it helps him find opportunity to make a trade speaking of Trades we saw Caruso got traded to the Thunder Bulls get Josh giddy that’s a massive massive get for the Thunder put Caruso in that perimeter defense they have the best perimeter defense in the NBA I mean they kind of were already up there now they’re going to be up there we know how well he is playing off the ball slasher doesn’t need to be a a big scorer in that team that team just got better and they were already the number one team in the west this year and they got a little bit more experience of course with kuso older giddy I think he’ll do well in Chicago he’s better with the ball in his hand and playing off the ball felt like in especially in the playoffs he got phased out of the offense phased out of the team wasn’t playing as much of course he had that whole incident with um how do we put nicely with the the girl what what was her age what happened etc etc so probably best for both sides to sever start fresh and OKC gives up no draft Capital which they have like 13 first round picks over the next 10 years something like that they give up no extra salary so they can get more people it was a win and then Malik monk reportedly staying with the Kings four years $78 million this was somebody that we said we would love to get the Warriors coming off the bench could potentially even be our two guard move Brandon the backup point guard and be a shooter but he’s staying with Mike Brown in Sacramento that’s a big get we know how much he’s torched the Warriors he made that final second shot final second shot in our first or second game of the season this past 2024 to beat us that’s a big get for the Kings so we’re seeing Domino’s fall why are we tell talking about that because Caruso is out there we use him on the perimeter as a two for us that would have been actually really big made a couple trades didn’t that happen could have used Malik monk as a shooter for us didn’t that happen so there’s things happening in the NBA right now and that’s why right here it’s notable Golden State Warriors have offered a 2-year contract to Klay Thompson he’s looking for three or four years he wants that um I’m the guy I can still play multiple years Beyond two years I’m want to play three or four years give it to me I’ve earned it so we’ll see what happens of course anything that happens you want to stay with Warriors digest subscribe here we keep your updated on everything Warriors land let me know your thoughts on what we talk about today and we’ll see you on the next episode

Klay Thompson reportedly has been offered a 2-year deal, but he is looking for at least 3 years! Randy Silver breaks down the reports and updates on everything we know about Klay Thompson’s free agency.

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  1. Randy, next week before the draft tell us your Top 3 players you would like the Warriors to draft??

  2. Warriors are brining back Klay, Dray, and Steph. They will be trading JK and Moody to get another player for one last run. Unfortuntely, it will not work and the next 2 years are going to be a farewel tour. See you in 3 years….

  3. Better for klay to leave get his money bag, or join LeBron and Anthony Davis fir chasing championship for the last time. Accept paycut but a 4 years deal on Lakers

  4. Hello,first time here,good video man,can you address for our pick 52 3 good guys or something like that to help Warriors right now ?

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