@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets Reign Ends – What the Celtics Did Differently than Nuggets: KUWT About Last Night…w/DMac

Nuggets Reign Ends – What the Celtics Did Differently than Nuggets: KUWT About Last Night…w/DMac

how you doing it’s your boy dmac it’s about last night look at Denver sports news and opinion the world that is around us on June 18th 2024 it was a windy night last night it was like the uh temperature change like came around just said ah hot cold beautiful day today and more moderate temperatures so we live in the best state in Colorado and not some sort of sweat house so it’s good that it’s going to calm down here a little bit and glad to be with you okay about last night we’re going to have our guy Ed Prather come and join us around 7:15 love our visits with Ed the Ed prayther selling series will debut this week putting the final touches on it super cool glad to have that number one real estate guy in Colorado by a mile is Ed Prather and his team dmax smack will come your way we’ll get your feedback on everything that’s going on and we’ll talk about what is going on with your Rockies and Bud black but there was something good that came out of a nine- to-5 lost to the Dodgers last night details on that as well take the journey with jurny spice this is incredible even listeners are chiming in go to joury [ __ ] go to and and click on H find Journey spice get 20% off using the code flavor in look at this hey we love this man you want some group participation points you know just send us a note this is my guy Robert that looked on to the uh the the Mediterranean herb and said this is what’s going to work for me and throws his own photo of his food porn on there are you kidding me I love it Robert way to go man thanks for supporting our sponsor Journey spice it’s easy to support something that tastes so good we use it on every meal had chicken last night and you know uh you really can’t go wrong so we got the Sicilian on the chicken you know you want to talk about a healthy meal look at that brother yeah baby you don’t get this Greek god body of mine so we’ve got we’ve got our listeners chiming in you know what I do put some pork got some chicken we got you covered to to bottom steak it tastes great even breakfast foods are amazing it’s Journey spice for the win go to Journeys spice on and get that flavor going really love the fact that uh um Robert you s in that photo highly encourage you if um you know you get feedback about joury spice or i’ pray there any of our sponsors Trek Bicycle Boulder will detail journey of the average athlete a little bit later today with with my ride so all that coming your way on the kill you a truth channel the rain for the Nuggets is now over the Celtics win 106-88 beating the Mavericks relatively easily they’re I mean I couldn’t help myself but look at that 20-point lead by the Celtics in the second half I’m like I bet they’re not going to blow this and they didn’t they they slowed down in scoring they only scored 20 points in the fourth quarter but it was a blowout in fact they only scored 39 points in the entire second half didn’t matter Dallas got shut down because of a second quarter where they outscored the Mavs 39-28 they were up 2818 after the first so they built up a 21-point lead going into halftime and it was over and Pritchard hit that crazy midcourt shot that gives you so much insane momentum going into halftime and it took the heart and soul away from the Mavericks and again the Mavs did beat the Celtics 42-39 in the second half but it did not matter your world Champs are the Boston Celtics and congrats to Jaylen Brown for winning the MVP first player since 2015 to win a finals MVP without making MVP uh making an All-Star game so good for him the Mavericks were you know donic with 28 Minus 19 defensively 12 of 25 shooting Kyrie Irving had a bad game five of 16 shooting three and nine from three which is good but only 15 points and they just sputtered they gave it everything in game four and it looks like the Oilers they got it too I anticipate the Panthers taking it over tonight um Don is first player to lead the NBA in total points rebounds and assists and Steals and lose but he was not the MVP not even close not only is D just not the MVP but I had some speculation myself personally that perhaps he was the best player in the world I think he had the platform to do so and uh he failed he failed but this is a this is these are lofty high standards it’s not like he had a lot of support either and frankly I saw um a mashup a video mash up of people ragging on the Celtics and I kind of don’t get that I thought the Celtics were damn dangerous from the I I thought it was they should have been in the finals against the Nuggets last year I don’t really understand where people are coming from where you know the Celtics just aren’t that good they’re a great team man they went 64 and 18 37-4 at home on the season 16 and3 in the playoffs they’re great they’re well balanced and here’s the big difference they didn’t sit on their hands they added holiday they added por zingus and yes you’ve got katum and brown of course they’ve been together forever but they did not sit still and porzingis wasn’t much of a factor Off the Bench 16 minutes two of four for only five points got a free throw in there but the fact is they didn’t sit still uh Tatum had 31 and brown had 21 but On Any Given night that could flip-flop and double figure some holiday and Derek white and man for a kid to go to Legend High School in Parker go to UCCS picked up by CU go late in the first round which is amazing um and now we’ve seen plenty of Derek white over the years but I’m pump for man congratulations that is the Denver suburbs kid Legend High Schools just down the road from where I’m living right now um really cool school uh they do things the right way there Legends U nice facilities cool place and I bet they’re awful proud of um of their guy Derek white as they should be he chipped his tooth oh my God yes go see the dentist today but um but I’m pumped for him uh and I would love love love and we will try on the radio show to get Derek white on at some point so at some point that would be incredible to get him on and um I I congratulate his friends and family I’m I’m GNA guess Mo most of them are in the Parker area um but way to go man that was awesome and he played great 14 points four of eight from three including a huge three-pointer I mean Dallas was just kind of creeping back in there um and he hits big three the the bigger lesson though is you just can’t sit still ever and and that that’s the Nuggets did two things they just can’t do next year you can’t sit still at the trade deadline can’t sit still in the offseason they were just a little bit too satisfied when Bruce Brown and Jeff Green left to just sort of roll with who they already had and the results were not great um and I love Reggie Jackson Another local kid but they just stuck with them they didn’t try to make any other improvements and that was surprising they gave a a deal to Zeke Naj he didn’t get even Off the Bench um they did add um Justin holiday which was all right you know he played a lot as turned out but that’s not significant enough and with like Klay Thompson not following the Warriors anymore on Instagram and there’s s signs out there you gota you got to move here and the way the NBA works the draft is coming up here like next weekish week and a half and then free agency starts right after that it’s it’s different than the NFL where free agencies you know opens and then you go a month before the draft with the NBA it’s it’s backto back so time is coming for the Nuggets to do their first step but what they have to learn from the Celtics is you just can’t be satisfied Brad Stevens their president of basketball Joe Missoula they took a hard look at what went wrong for a team that went to the NBA Eastern Conference Finals and they made significant changes and the nuggets have to be open to do that as as well and then you can’t burn out your guys you just get to 50 wins get in the top six and then whatever after that now listen if you can just Cruise like the Celtics did okay fine if you can be that much better than everybody else and that’s what the Celtics did they didn’t have to press going down the line they were 64 and 18 they were unbelievable and arguably with the record they have and the way they cruise through this Championship you’ve got a fair argument that this is one of the better teams of all time you really do and why because they weren’t afraid to make change about last night we’re looking forward to watching the Oilers and the Panthers tonight we’ll have a a watch along uh later in that game the same time we do bottom of the eth which will be a little bit earlier the game starts at 6 and who knows exactly what time they’re going to drop the puck uh hockey goes a little slower than basketball so it should time out last last night we had a fun time last night if you missed it you can go to the watch along just see it from um bottom of the a so we were watching the NBA uh and we were watching the Rockies and we’ll do the same thing tonight we’ll kill you with truth we’ll see if Florida doesn’t repeat what this Celtics just did you know you just sort of said hey man we got this thing done we’re gonna sweep this bad boy anyways now in hockey it has happened one time one time in the history of the NHL A team’s been down 3 0 and has come back to win it all one time so it’s not like it hasn’t happened but only once so we’ll see if Florida is uh trotting around with the cup and and again um I think this is beyond stupid that you’re having the Stanley Cup final game after the NBA like we’re gonna figure out our hockey champion after the NBA it’s dumb man it’s June 18th bro it’s like a 100 degrees outside oh I don’t even know what the hell it is in Miami where the game is so again hockey should figure this [ __ ] out they should start in August wouldn’t that be great on a a hot summer day that you would just go and check it out and enjoy a cool Arena and then you finish in March when it’s cold and it feels like hockey and Canadians will watch hockey at any point so you don’t have to worry about them they’re they’re proving with this series they don’t give a [ __ ] it’s hockey it’s on they’ll watch it whenever you need to focus in on your American audience in terms of when um and competing heads up with the NBA is just silly silly hockey is an amazing Sport and the Stanley Cup Final most of the time is pretty awesome and exciting and we’ll see what dry Sidle and McDavid and see if Skinner can not give up four goals a game very GE give like so we’ll see but we’ll be here for it to watch it so if you want to watch long man that would be great and we’ll be watching the Rockies about last night the Rockies fall to the Dodgers nine to five Cal quantrel actually pitched pretty well he did but the Dodgers are a tough damn out they have plate discipline like you can’t believe they have unbelievable high quality players sh Otani had a great game last night with a couple doubles and um you know all of that and we’ll get to the uh Rockies and what happened in a little bit but I see my guy Ed Prather is joining us so Ed my man how are you you know what I’m gonna use a an analy with the Nugget real estate watch this the nuggets in real estate you can’t assume everything that’s worked previous will work in the future you’ve got to be open to change how am I doing on that I think you’re right on you know and especially you know gosh I think very much in tune with sports and and the nugs it’s like we can only control what we can control you know there’s there’s things out of control and so we need to adapt and revise and and make sure we’re effective because things change and I mean more in the realm of the Nuggets you know that second run every you know you got a Target on your back and you know like I said we got a a huge guy in our office and uh and he’s how’s he doing hurting today well I I I’ll give you something else you can’t just have a oneman show like Luca was not really and Luca was a weird one man show because it also came kind of in a little bit of a selfish nature but lizen I I hey Ed I thought is there a possibility he’s the best player on Earth not joic and no the answer actually is no yok just still the best player on earth it ain’t Luca it’s not Luca’s time well and and I think to I mean down three 0 it’s it’s never happened um I was talking with my guy yesterday and you would think it’s bound to happen right but it didn’t feel no I I think it’s like uh aund and 0 for 15507 like that is that is a huge sample size in the NBA it’s in it’s incred rible I mean just I mean just knowing that every season’s different every team’s different there’s injuries happening and and like you said I mean I I think if kyri would have would have shown up the way I mean frankly we know he can uh and matched kind of the duo on the Celtics and the problem I you know maybe not the problem but the the difficulty is the Celtics are so deep you know I mean it’s just you know poringa started off this area so hot um and I I hate to even say it I had to watch through like you know refreshing my little Gamecast but he didn’t play last night did he he played like 20 minutes he scored like Five Points wa refreshing in your game cast what what what was going on last night Ed well you know it’s these two little critters run around four and six making dinner and and and I mean frankly the Paramount piece of this is it wasn’t the nuggets um you know and and so now we have next year and and obviously I heard you talking a little bit about the Rockies and I don’t know what the future is there but um you know it’s fun going to games but now now we’re in sort of that summer Dead Zone looking forward to see you looking forward to to the Broncos but it sure would be nice if we could make some changes I thought you know adding Chris Bryant would do something oh yeah who knows he’s got noblique injury now he’s got something else listen I actually do after we’re done here me and you I I do have a nugget it’s a nugget of good news about the Rockies I do that’s a bit of a tease we’ll get there but you know what I’m enjoying right now Ed is of course I have the world’s greatest wife and uh she goes in our new place that you help me purchase I was like right we got to get a big TV oh I so did you watch the game last night on the big TV Ed I watch everything on but it’s not just it’s not just the big TV Ed Ed Ed Ed I got a flat screen in the garage brother I got a flat screen in the garage are you you know what I’m talking about I mean you you have leveled up man you know and I got this thing without even a like I’m not even able to watch it I’m just like oh Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed I got I got I got my own Studio that I’m doing the podcast in that’s a dad I love it and it looks so good man I love it work in progress but listen it can’t happen without what you guys did for me so I’m so eternally grateful and we figured out some production issues the Ed Prather selling series will debut here actually that’s going to be on you whenever you want absolutely whenever you want that to start it is it is good to go so we are excited about that absolutely and so my you know it’s imminent um you know it looked fantastic and I think gosh I don’t want to get ahead of myself myself but um you within a couple of days I think we’d have that out right uh that however you wanted to roll it was listen what I love about you is you’ve been so patient with me on many different levels but um and you’re so supportive of what we’re doing here so um as we figure things out together and this is why when it comes to buying a home this is what I really enjoyed the most with our relationship it’s been this constant conversation and and and what we’re doing here is kind of proof of it as well so we will unveil in the uh Ed prayther selling series just I mean the real specifics of you know what I went through and what everybody should know when they’re selling their home that being said why don’t you catch us up with what’s going on this week well you know the FED met last week and basically they meet about every month not every single month and what they say and how they say it is really really impactful on the market kind of the stock market in general but Al also uh the mortgage rates you know there’s a heavy correlation there so they held they kind of you know held the the federal funds rain um right where it’s at which we all expected and I don’t want to get too far in the weeds but you know what’s really interesting is they some of the indicators you know that are coming in you know inflation is Cooling and they’re talking about gosh it used to be three cuts um that they were going to make in 2024 and we were all very excited because you know our feeling was that mortgage rates were going to come down and and probably rather quickly but you know the three cuts are gone but they have sort of reaffirmed that they’re going to make one cut and that would be the first I think of several so that would go into 2025 with that news we saw rates mortgage rates drop about a half a point which is really amazing because last week what we were talking about is an increase in inventory you know which creates opportunities for buyers I mean it it has been tough I mean really really tough when you have so little inventory not much to choose from you know and then all of a sudden you get these rates that Skyrocket on you so you know we’re really looking forward to a more balanced market and and right now with those rates down we’ve seen a a huge jump in activity in just the last few days well we should reach out everybody to Ed Prather at Ed it’s not just Ed it’s a team of folks that are unbelievable and you start that conversation you just take it from there Ed r a t Ed my man we’ll talk to you next week and I’m very excited to roll out the Ed prayer selling series um that will debut here this week thank you Ed thank you DC all right brother we’ll see you later speaking of the Rockies I told you I’d give you something good but I can’t give you something good until I give you something bad and Bud black um explains that uh against Paxton who’s seven and one pitcher for the Dodgers they just couldn’t get it going so three to one uh in the fifth uh 3 to one in in the sixth you know we’re in this game this game was probably more about Paxton you know uh really stifling us and we just couldn’t get anything going against him at all that was the that was the thing that I saw when you yeah actually the the Rockies were lucky to even be in the game at that point the Dodgers were leaving men on base left and right quantro pitched all right got out of a lot of jams but you’re playing with fire when you play against the Dodgers because their lineup is to Bud Black chalk full of Hall of Famer you know those four all stars and you throw in Hernandez you know it’s pretty good you know those guys are really good players and uh you know some might say destined for the Hall of Fame right they’re you know a lot of their position players so super talented uh that’s what they do I mean they have that uh they have that knack to really grind out the pitcher with a couple different combinations of uh great play discipline uh selectivity uh they control their Strike Zone they don’t expand much uh when they do get to two strikes they they change their swing they shorten their swing uh a lot of times if you make a mistake even that swing can produ some damage like you saw Hernandez in the first inning with two strikes against Cal so you know they got some talent but going back to the res yeah they got talent all right they’re the Dodgers that in this game listen man they were playing with fire the entire game they’re just they’re one of of the best teams in baseball period watching sh Otani play baseball is I don’t know it’s pretty magical man couple of doubles and he’ll he’ll he’ll just go with the pitch he’ll take it wherever it’s delivered um you had Freddy Freeman who took five walks there there haven’t been six walks in a game since Jimmy Fox did it in 1938 you were on the cusp of history and uh instead Freeman uh hit an RBI single okay way to spoil it Freddy by not walking again meanwhile I did say there was something good okay and you know bud black has said that you’re going to they’re they’re under construction or his words that’s baseball but they’re under construction so you’re going to see a lot of young players now against a team like the Dodgers again I’m not angry at Bud black or the Rockies or anything sometimes you just play a better team and the Dodgers are just flat out a better team they’re better pitchers and hitters they’re better everything they’re just better so it’s tough to be really upset about anything but you want to see glimpses of good stuff and you did last night in the ninth inning you saw um a home run by Hunter Goodman who has a just a man does he have a body he’s like a Paul bunan sort of guy Michael toley is a big dude too who h a double off the- wall again but the story of the ninth inning where the Rockies did score four runs was Greg Jones young player who got traded is with the Rockies hasn’t got a lot of playing time but in his first well not his first at bad but but his first hit was a home run Greg Jones’s first hit in Major League Baseball was a home run not in his first game not in his first it bat but when he did get his first hit he got a home run last night it was a no doubter after the G and I love Greg too because he play he has glasses he’s one of these rare baseball players that actually wears glasses and as a guy who played baseball his whole life wearing glasses there’s not many of us out there you need pretty good eyesight to play baseball but here is uh Greg Jones after the game was you’re just now getting a chance to know these guys is that do it does a we different know knowing what you’ve gone through the last year I mean no not really at the end of the game at the end of the day I’m still playing the same game you know and like I’ve created friends in this locker room just like I would have in any other locker room so I can’t complain about These Guys these guys have been great welcome me into this Clubhouse and these guys are phenomenal is that the ball behind you that is the ball behind me we we’re and we managed to track it down what are you going to do with it probably give it to my parents cuz they’re going to leave here in a couple days and I’ll just send it to them so they can take it home and wondering them did they they go on the entire road trip and then back here with you yeah they were here so my mom and my sister and my girlfriend got to see that so actually meant even more that’s awesome that’s great thanks Greg yeah that really is great that chokes me up a little bit man just want to see your kids do well and um I’m happy for him I’m super happy for him and his reward is probably going to be being sent down to doublea here within days but but you are going to see a u they’re probably or Bob Nightingale speculated they would be trading Alias Diaz who’s hurt right now I I anticipate seeing Hunter Goodman behind the dish by the way Jacob Stallings had a home run Jacob stalling has been pretty good for the Rockies and likely Diaz will be dealt and he’s not even playing these days because he’s hurt Chris Bryant is hurt um Kyle Freeland is getting back on the bump pitching for the Isotopes Marquez is throwing again so they do have some guys coming back I I don’t you know Chris Bryant whatever it it doesn’t matter I I would rather see U more opportunities for like buard bringing back up here and Hunter Goodman um to is playing more now uh Montero is an interesting player you know uh uh amadel amadel I think the second baseman has been playing for Brendan Rodgers um treyo made an incredible catch at third base last night and then you got youngsters like Greg Jones and of course um Zeke Tovar so I don’t know man um I I can lean into the I can lean into the young guys I can I actually really like this Rocky team it’s I just don’t like them losing games that they could win and I do understand it about Bud Black and let me give you an example man this is Bud Black pregame and one of the reasons he’s so popular is he’s so likable he’s a hard guy to get rid of I just think they need a different voice but this is kind of this is Bud Black right here pregame I think they got it inside the park home run yeah hey do you remember that uh remember that that F that uh in Iowa that ballpark yeah yeah remember that one yes yeah B just keeps going yeah B didn’t have the fence yeah it kept going and then there this ballpark it was adjacent to a farm and it and and the baseball rolled in and a pig ate the ball and you know what they called it it’s baseball and inside the pork home run what can I tell you and inside the pork home run about last night time for dmax let’s get some feedback from you about everything going on and we’ll wrap things up good morning Michael dmac have a great day I’ll be at the game today well right on man hey Michael I like your Dodgers I like how I like the cut of their jib that you know i’ I’ve never been a big Dodgers guy um and of course you kind of hate the Dodgers I guess I roll my eyes at it but like I understand being a Dodgers fan they spend a ton of money they’re committed to winning they’ve got some incredible players I mean it’s I don’t hate the Dodgers I don’t I mean I think the Dodgers do the things the right way to win Ed Prather thank you for being Man of the Year and of course take the journey to spice Heaven support our sponsors is the best thing you can do for our Channel go to use the code 20f flavorin for Journey spice you love it I promise send us your photos food porn is good Stephen morning dmac any predictions or thoughts on the Fly green series oh boy help me out here on the Fly green series 2024 PDGA pram happening Thursday in thoron yeah yeah I’ve been scouting that event and um the only problem with the team from um Vil is they’re high uh listen if you want to throw some disc dude you got my back strap on that headband with your ponytail um enjoy your IPA micro brw and you know get after it good morning roxan good morning dmac good morning to you roxan it’s great to see you RJ I don’t mind the Celtics winning their 18th at least they have one more Championship than the Lakers I hate the Lakers and like the Dodgers I’m fine with I really am I [ __ ] hate the Lakers so they can just sit and spin as far as I’m concerned rip to the longest Dynasty in nuggets history oh come on they got a bounceback they’ve got the best player in the world I thought it might be dones it’s not it’s it’s joic they got a bounce back got to make some changes we have the draft and free agency coming up in the next couple of weeks should be interesting Brent good morning good morning to you Brent I love people just checking in hockey finals June 18th or later Awards go from May 14th to June 28th that’s just silly it’s stupid it’s I can’t believe I I can’t be the only one that thinks this sports calendar is idiotic and and also the NBA champ we should be just getting into the NBA playoffs right now they it should start on Christmas and right after uh Labor Day you should be starting the entire NBA playoffs that would end in Late July wouldn’t that be amazing if right now this week was the first week of the NBA Playoffs how great would that be we have this very odd bizarre thing um with our sports schedule where for the next what everybody’s got to go on vacation you gotta go on vacation uh dmac prayer dynamic duo thank you my man that’s baseball dmac Chad recommendations on a good bar downtown uh to watch the game or just to I that you know I need some more specifics on that one Michael um and and you know in all honesty things have changed so much downtown Michael I do love going downtown but very very rarely do I go out to because getting back home to the uh suburbs where I live I live squarely in the suburbs Ain’t No Doubt about that didn’t think so but we explored different places to live we looked at a lot of places like downtown that area just for one reason or another couldn’t make it happen so but we love where we live right now absolutely love it recommendations I don’t know brother uh go to the dmvr bar our friends at dmvr why not go see what they’re all about love dmvr congratulations to Harrison wind my guy Harrison’s a great guy and uh just had a kid and way to go yeah go to the dmvr bar support those guys why not go find them it’s a fun place Big Lots of fans for every sport go see it I’d rather watch young players than old ineffective free agents old free agents are The Road to Nowhere all right if you were a mford how would you go about making the Rockies a relevant team I would syn a ton of personnel and cash into analytics I would make our analytics Department um the large just analytics Department of baseball uh that was not my idea that’s Troy rank’s idea but I agree with Troy they they I would truly truly commit to it and I would make sure everybody was aligned to It Like Money Ball Billy Bean it’s there’s no point in having the analytics Department if the manager isn’t into it so I I would probably try to find a manager that would hold this same belief and have a full commitment I I don’t need folk folksy dad joke um from the the manager Joe moula there of the Celtics you think he has any dad jokes I doubt it that is one serious button-down dude right there you don’t need that from your head guy um you need your head guy to get your players attention and to have a firm plan on the future it’s nothing I think Bud Black would make an amazing bench coach for somebody because he’s got that folksy sort of friendly you know I’ve been here for a million years sort of thing I think you need some younger energy and I think you need a deep dive in analytics and I think it’s just time to move on from Bud Black I think he’s you know he’s got 500 wins here but he doesn’t have their attention and you have a lot of young new players um that you need to to bring along in a certain way that fits them listen man Bud Black’s had an incredible baseball career it’s the only person in Major League Baseball to have 500 win Seasons with two different organiz ations meaning he’s had an unbelievable length of time with the Padres and with the Nuggets while also having a 100 wins as a pitcher I mean it’s a legendary career it’s just you got to get something different and you’ve got to get a deeper dive into the analytics it’s it’s too difficult to say well we just have to do one thing you probably have to do a thousand things and the only way to sort of look at that is to really sketch it out and and their approach right now is obious viously not working despite having some really interesting young players inside the poror con run Michael liked the joke there you go uh two early predictions nuggets are second in Vegas to win the title next year I love it I mean they do have the best player on earth and a great starting five but you can’t be fine with that ouch Lakers well you know how I feel about the Lakers Michael you know how I feel about the Lakers dmax analysis of a PDGA event now makes me want him to be a permanent fixture on the o show I’d break it down man I mean here’s what you want you want long skinnies you want long skinny uh guys because and you gota you know with with heart because you got to lay out for the disc you gotta lay out for the disc I mean there’s really no choice great see Ed in person we’ll look forward to seeing him more do you have any how questions you could ask how great is it that’s you’re good real estate my God RJ you’re [ __ ] a riot for pregame dmac all right all right listen I love you guys how great was it to win how questions are the worst man they are the worst they get see the problem with how questions is they they get results they do they they the athletes and coaches figure them out but it’s just it’s one of my pet peeves how how how rewarding was it to win an NBA championship I mean why don’t you just stick the microphone NBA championship you could just do that huh how about that hey huh would that be great I would die I gotta ask that at some point during training camp I I’ll I’ll challenge myself I just got to be hey huh okay we’ll be back on at not you know what I do not know when Nate Jackson gets back from Hawaii I’m sending him invites every day and I’m and Chad’s at Harvard so I don’t really know if he’s going to join us we’ll see but we’re going to talk about the Redemption of Zack Allen what Zack Allen needs to do to justify him here and Draymond Jones gone that’s what we’ll focus on with chuckle at pain and catch up with all the oh I think there’s some Aaron Rogers news out there too because he is this dude this this dude is so weird um I we’ll get to it Chuck lip pain at 9:00 a. noon three with Tyler palumbus and Scott Hastings on altitude sports radio 925 4:30 hangout live and then around 8:15 or so we’ll join um a watch long of the Oilers and the Panthers and the Rockies and the Dodgers okay so we’re getting going on this day temperature’s cooled off get outside if you can and enjoy it it’s kill you with truth we’ll see you in 90 minutes

About Last Night…w/DMac: DMac goes over the latest Denver Sports News and Opinion every morning at 7am


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