@Detroit Pistons

Stephen A. Smith CLOWNED the Detroit Pistons

Stephen A. Smith CLOWNED the Detroit Pistons

say this here’s what I would tell you Monty Williams is is obviously a God-fearing man very religious and what have you he needs to get on his knees and look up and thank the he his heavenly father that he was L out of that miserable situation in Detroit I didn’t know where that was going he couldn’t be he couldn’t be happier I know he’s going to be happy and obviously he’s going to have other opportunities down the line because that situation in Detroit was an absolute mess he regretted it from the time he got there it’s just that it’s something he’ll never say public satisfies so cool we saw Stephen A Smith talk about Monty Williams should be should be praying to the Lord he’s out of this horrible situation that Detroit put him in that it was not nothing was his fault he’s glad to get out of there he regretted it from the first moment that seems to be all the national media’s narrative yeah yeah and I’m not saying it was all Monty Williams of course not not at all but he has a hand in this let’s not get it messed up like 14 wins I don’t care if you’re a first year coach somebody of that caliber with that experience we paid you that much money you’re supposed to get more than 14 wins I don’t care what happens he should be 20 wins yeah that should be as a coach that should be his bait 20 wins 20 wins so there were a lot of factors in the last season a lot of stuff that can and can’t be controlled or couldn’t couldn’t be controlled um but there were a lot of poor decisions made on court as a coach but cool what do you think of those those statements I I I sense I sense your face just you’re disagreeing with what Stephen A Smith I’d love to have you as an ally on this topic or against this man definitely man and that’s why that’s why I love wake up you talking about ground level coverage with all of our Detroit sports teams and people who are giving honestly an an experts level amount of time to trying to get down to the matter of all of this stuff from breaking down games to knowing positions to covering this thing on the beat that’s why I’m very very grateful for the work that you do here with the Tigers and the Lions you guys know that I cover the Pistons here for the network as well we’ve been on the ground level of this thing since mon was here this will be my third regime that I would have covered since I have been credential by the Detroit Pistons and when Monty Williams got here he said look yes the money was a factor but he wanted to be here and unless he was just looking into the faces of everybody and just lying to us all season this was the man who wanted to be here but the reports that’s I started to kind of get even before this season started but about halfway through the season I really started to report on it was that there were multiple effectively multiple kind of uh fractures in this front office uh kind of multiple different minds and they were kind of working against each other and it was disallowing them to be a cohesive front office and then you got even a guy like Troy Weaver who was in the middle of hiring his own coach and then you have the ownership group that actually said you know what we think this is actually the best direction to go in it was an absolute mess but he did want to be here he did accept that contract he did put that this is on his resume you added to K Cunningham you won less games I don’t I don’t even understand that I don’t understand that but there’s one aspect here of the different kind of factions and shout out to Vinnie Goodwill as well who uh kind of reported on this he said of the Pistons a league source told Yahoo sports recently there’s four factions in that building and getting on the same page should be the first objective that goes well beyond Troy Weaver and Monte Williams lots of work to do in mtown so hopefully Tran Landon is one of these kind of unifying pieces who as we reported here already via Source he’s suppos to be reporting directly to Tom gor making sure to centralize the basketball operations the basketball voice the the kind of the build strategy and whatnot so it should be everything we heard about the firing of Monty Williams is that via Omar Seno for the Detroit Free Press he reported that treas Landon actually had a lot to do with that it was a conversation that they had and you suggested was Tom Gores potentially protecting a tra Lon we questioned does Tran actually have the full power and then we hypothesized you know what I think that there was conversation that was had some of this was on stuff that that you know we hear through the Great Vine we try and keep our ear close to the ground that there had to been some conversations that tra Lon did have some conversation if Monty Williams is gone is because he presented a competing Vision that Monty Williams just didn’t fit in and that’s what you see kind of going on here right now you know so for Stephen A to kind of be flippant about kind of you know with his comments about the thing to try and make Detroit look bad I think that’s just a bad look I I I I was in countless practices man where you’re looking this man in the face and he’s seriously trying to win games you see them coaching you see them trying to do the do like and I’m hoping that they’re at some point time mty Williams can clarify this whole thing as well that he can speak that’s something that Stan Van Gundy did as well later on after he left the Detroit Pistons he just came out spoke uh in some capacity yeah we also heard conflicting reports that maybe Monte wasn’t the friendliest there he was maybe at some points trying to get fired you know I don’t know if that’s 100% true but that’s some of the reports that’s out there as will just on the other end and the speculation of all right you’re you’re saying certain things in the press conference or Jaden ivy needs to play more and then like yeah I I I get some of the Optics it’s hard when we’re not in the room and we just see the Optics and you you can provide us a little more a little more insight are we going to know who the coach is by Wednesday I’m I’m starting to think that we should accept that we’re not going to have a head coach by Draft Day right I you know it’s not the end of the world it’s not any inside info that we know uh there was some reports I I believe via James Edwards of the athletic that um it’s very possible the Detroit Pistons won’t have a coach or and possibly a GM until after um the draft you know that’s a real possibility you got the draft coming up this Wednesday you guys definitely tap in because we will have a lot of coverage that day it is Woodward Pistons Wednesday on Wake wood that day and then we’re going to also have our offseason kickoffs starting with the draft uh show I believe we’re going to be starting at 7:15 right after the Heavies probably y love it I love it let me throw some names at you I don’t expect came out you know later in the day yesterday so if you don’t know too much about these guys no big deal but per Adrien Ro Rosner rousi have permission to interview Dallas assistant Sean Sweeney and Minnesota assistant Mike Nori also also they’re planning to interview JB bicker staff former Cavaliers head coach there you go JB there you go JB yes JB hey and you know what JB’s been calling shots man and they’ve been coming true as it relates to this NBA stuff but um you know you talking about a couple people that were on Dwayne Casey’s staff here when he was with the Pistons uh you know I don’t know I I guess leave no stone unturned you got to kind of trust what Tran’s doing at this juncture it’s the same thing we did with Troy Weaver at the beginning of his tenor as well I so that at least whatever is happening and being put together my only hope is that there’s just one voice yeah I I prefer though if you can go after one of those bigger fish that have Championship pedigree that are coming from some coach trees I like Greg papovich you know and that’s where a James B go that’s where a Chris Quinn who’s been in that Miami Heat kind of ecosystem that’s where coaches like that Chris Chris Quinn James morgo there’s another one Sam Cel yeah and those guys aren’t off the table these are just three new names that have been thrown into the mix and the more they keep talking about I’m like man they they’re going to go through the interview process they’re probably not going to do it in the next five days yeah correct you know and you said something about one voice as from the coach I I kind kind of want to hear that I’m hoping that’s the the undertones of the press conference today it’s Tom gor coming out whether he he formally admits mistakes or not to come out and say all right we brought in tran langon for a reason he is our voice like I I’m I’m going to be a part of the conversation I’m not going to make the decisions I’m not going to tell him what to do from a basketball sense I’m going to write the checks and that is a unified front man hearing that it’s four factions in that building ain’t necessarily the most reassuring thing in the world so right what about this question L from Rando Smalls I’m throwing I’m throwing some at you yes sir he says been hearing a couple of guys that are heading up into the top 10 of the draft D Silva and Cody Williams do either in your opinion deserve a look I do I do believe Cody Williams at least deserves a look I think he fits a need but it’s just a matter of um a couple of his deficiencies that we uh covered here on this show actually and we’re going to cover him a little bit more next week too so I like Cody Williams I understand why they’re looking at him I personally if you’re going to get a Cody Williams I would probably trade back to get him so yeah [Music]

Join Matt Broder and Detroit Kool-Aid as they discuss the Detroit Pistons. Do you think Stephen A. Smith went too far with his comments about Monty Williams?

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  1. Williams valued KIllian Hayes as a starter. Then the entire rest of the NBA did not even value Killian enough to sign as the 15th man on the bench. That sums it all up.

  2. I absolutely despise the national media namely Stephen A "KNOW NOTHING" Smith.

    That said, the problems I see is Arn Tellem. I believe his son also is employed by the Pistons also.

    They need one unifying voice as was mentioned. I'm a Pistons fan (44 years) but I live in Florida. When I was up there for the draft, the Pistons have completely lost not just a fan base. But an entire generation.

  3. Stephen a Smith is a CORNBALL HACK… He spoke on the WNBA and Monica McNutt made him look stupid, he spoke on blacks supporting Trump and the black community made him look stupid, he commented on Kyrie and apologized and now he DISRESPECTING DETROIT ONCE AGAIN LIKE HE DID WITH THE LIONS and he sounds STUPID ONCE AGAIN…..i wish Cade was the type to POP OUT AND SHOW….lol

  4. Losing 28 games in a row with a healthy Cade Parker Cunningham says a lot about Monty's coaching.

    There were teams that had worse talent than the Pistons on paper that won more games.

  5. Steven A isn't lying. What could Monty have done with that constructed roster outside of Cade and Duren? Pistons have a meddling owner in Tom Gores. He ;is the Dave Tepper of the NBA. We saw that when he (gores) hired Monty Williams, and didn't allow Troy to bring in his own guy. But Troy still has to take some blame. The Blame lies on troy for the simple fact he can't construct a roster outside of having the 1st overall pick in order to build a team. His trades were questionable, and a few draft picks (Kilian Hayes most notable) horrible

  6. I've been saying this, Monty need to resign if u change ur mind, or don't take the job, he has to own that!

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