@New York Knicks

[Fischer] Hartenstein, at this moment, is now generally expected to return to New York, as the Knicks have contacted opposing teams about moving Mitchell Robinson, sources said.

[Fischer] Hartenstein, at this moment, is now generally expected to return to New York, as the Knicks have contacted opposing teams about moving Mitchell Robinson, sources said.

by Vtachh



  2. politebearwaveshello

    Celtics ended up flipping Brogdon and chronically injured Robert Williams for Jrue. Wonder if we got a similar deal brewing.

  3. I feel like it might be the time, I think teams biggest mistakes are holding onto players far to long (COUGH CHICAGO BULLS)

    I hope if he is traded he goes somewhere he will be happy like home in NO or maybe OKC who have a lot they can give us, and the slower paced country type lifestyle might be something Mitch likes given his hobbies.

    But I’ll drive down to Leon’s office myself and throw hands if they send him to some he’ll home like Washington

  4. IDownvoteRedditAds

    I love Mitch but sadly it might be time to move on. We know he can’t stay healthy.

  5. HipnotiK1

    i get having 2 high paid centers isn’t ideal and if we can flip mitch for a better fitting piece it makes sense. but it’s unfortunate we might never get to see last year’s post trade team healthy. the jan run Mitch was hurt then we got burks/bogs after Randle and OG were both hurt. when mitch came back in the playoffs he was still far from 100%.

    would have loved to see the team fully healthy and see what it can do.

  6. oh_no_the_claw

    I hope we can keep Mitch but he is injured every season and the free throw shooting has gotten worse.

  7. guitarguy67

    I mean I understand the injury concerns, although some have been unlucky imo. But we saw in the Philly series Ihart got bodied by Embiid, I know on paper Ihart has been pretty good defensively but can he be that defensive anchor at center? Especially with Giannis in the eastern conference too. That’s the only thing that concerns me with trading Mitch. Still probably the right move but we would have to bring in another vet and not draft a guy to fill that hole defensively.

  8. Ok-Side-1758

    If it’s not for a superstar I’m not trading Mitch.

    Who could we trade Mitch for that would be impactful on this roster considering we would have a massive whole in backup C if we trade Mitch

  9. YurtlesTurdles

    I will feel very similar to losing IQ if he goes. I can see how moving him can potentially make us better if it’s the right move but he will be very very missed and I will forever be rooting for him.

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