@San Antonio Spurs

Should the San Antonio Spurs re-sign Mamu?

Should the San Antonio Spurs re-sign Mamu?

hey let’s catch you up with some Spurs news that you may have missed and then take a little break from all the draft talk and ask if the Spurs should resign big Mamu you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey welcome back to locked on Spurs right here on the locked on NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs riter for Ken 5 San Antonio and TGF everybody hope you all having a great end of the work week weekend is here let’s close it out strong right here on lock on Spurs subscribe to lock on Spurs wh get your favorite podcast Spotify Ki Plus app YouTube pick a platform we are there today’s episode is brought to you by Price pick the easiest most exciting way to play Da fantasy sports go to Price loock MBA use code allow case Lockton NBA for first deposit match up to a 100 bucks so what’s on tap today everybody catch you up with some Spurs news and knows that you may have missed and then bring in our guest Joe Garcia to Shan’s podcast we’re going to try to take of a break from all the draft talk and um talk about if the Spurs should bring back big Mamu Sandro Pros cons why they should why they shouldn’t and then wrap it up with some lock on Spurs fan comments that you guys are leaving over at the YouTube page but first some Spurs news that you may have missed and well maybe have not missed it because it hasn’t been revealed yet but I’ll let you in real fast so lock on NBA network we’re doing our final moth draft and I know everybody’s looking at Mock right now and trying to figure out who’s going to pick where and who’s going one two three before and everything well do this any indication that that nobody knows what’s going on and what’s going to happen or who’s going to fall in place this should be it so picks one through four were made a couple days ago and number one alexar you know and the mock locked in be um you know Mock Draft so no surprise there but then I think got interesting because second went kingan and then third went Shephard so I’m sitting there saying oh my goodness rashay is still on the board at least in this mock draft and I took him so there you have it you know so at least little hint we haven’t got to eight yet so we’ll figure how that goes out but it’ll be interesting to see how the final mock draft that we did over here at the locked on NBA network will pan out but again that’s just an indication over the map you know this draft is going to be you know maybe you can say SAR one or two you know that’s kind of playing out but after that it’s kind of a gamble I mean look at the lock on wizards they took kingan at number two you know Houston number three they took uh Reed know and then there was rash you know that that could actually play out for the Spurs next week Wednesday you know you you just don’t know but of course we’re going to be keeping on top of things on that front here locked on first now I know I told you we’re g to take a break from draft talk but I’m talking about with Joe moving forward so we’ll get a little bit of here with then with the guest we’ll try to ease up on that so you know that again that’s just to show you just how Wild and these mock drafts are nobody really knows who’s going to go where ultimately and we’ll find out in just a few short days in other Spurs news you know talk talk talk about lucky so in San Antonio know there’s a sports card collector store called Boomtown sports cards and collectibles well a big-time Spurs fan who’s also a big time basketball card trading card fan uh she went in there and uh she pulled the one of one Victor wiama Bowman University super fractor card and get this she didn’t know she had no idea she pulled it all she her reaction was oh that’s a pretty wimy car she was still hunting for a wimy autograph she had no idea she pulled the one of one yes one of W wmy card so congratulations to her I think there’s some people have been saying that out there for a while now but nevertheless that was the first time I saw it and I figured hey give this lucky lady some shine because my goodness can you imagine pulling a oneon-one wimy card no matter it’s a Bowman tops what it is incredible those things can go for thousands and thousands of dollars auctions or at eBay or even a card shop that’s wanted to pay Mega Bucks you know we’ve seen cards somewhere going over 13,000 or more 20,000 or more so you might want to hit up your local card shop you never know you could be the next uh lucky person to pull a super rare Ry card in other Spurs news ESPN and former Miami Heat Udonis Haslam recently released his Haslam’s hierarchy and he gave out his top five most dominant franchise since 2000 and uh he has the Spurs there so so far so good uh but where he ranked him was interesting so at number five he put the Boston Celtics number four he put the Miami Heat and number three he put the San Antonio Spurs they were behind the Warriors and the Lakers interesting interesting you know you can’t fault them for putting the Warriors over the Spurs I get that you know but over the but the Lakers over the Spurs you know I I don’t know about that if it was up to me I may have bumped up the Warriors to number one and Spurs a number two and the Lakers are number I just think uh the the Spurs you know you forget how dominant they were and they were the ones to shut down the Forum they were the ones to put an end to any Laker run to the title remember it was Spurs and Lakers early 2000s one of those team going to come out of the West and uh yeah you know you I think think he may rol it you know some Fans Say know K 3 is about right know the 200 Lakers they did repeat Spurs never did still you the longevity 50 plus win Seasons more than the Lakers ever had so I’m kind of on the fence on that but I like to hear what you think was Haslam right you can let me know on the lockdown Spurs YouTube page just go to YouTube and then search lockdown Spurs leave your comment you agree with Hassam putting the Spurs third best team since the 2000s behind the Warriors and the Lakers let us know what you think here at lock on Spurs and other Spurs news Jamal Crawford was a guest on The Dan Patrick Show and Dan Patrick asked him hey so what’s up with you uh in San Antonio going one-on-one and teaching wimy well he revealed Jamal Crawford that is why he was in San Antonio so basically he wanted to show him a wraparound move so here’s Jamal Crawford you know one of the best six man the NBA has ever seen at top level score when he was playing giving dribbling skills extra pointers to wimy he also went on to say that their relationship actually grew since the All-Star break when Jamal Crawford was there and he was teaching womy more basketball moves and a matter of fact he said there was a point where a lot of the rookies and sophomores were starting to surround them because they’re interested in what they were uh what wom was learning from Crawford and then Crawford had to say okay we’re going to keep it very base level so keep it simple but nevertheless he said the move that he taught him the rapper arm is only reserved for players with long arms and he felt that wimy can do it he also talked about the Spurs and their need for a point guard and in in nutshell he said yes they do need a point guard but he said they need a point guard that understands it’s wm’s world not his so it’s a very interesting thing and man can you imagine wimy with some Jamal Crawford dribbling skills under his belt that he can carry into a sophomore season think he’s Unstoppable now let’s see what he what he does with those moves interesting though Wy did say that he had been incorporating the wraparound move that Jamal was showing him we’ll see if maybe Crawford fine- tuned it for wimy leading into his second season all right there you have it some quick Spurs news and notes when we get back we’re gonna bring our guest Joe Garcia Two Shots podcast we’re g to be asking if the spur should resign Mamu we’re gonna try to stay out of the draft talk you know just take a little break before next week begins because then it’ll be heavy draft talk but we’re gonna be talking about that as well as a lock on Spurs fan comments what what are y’all talking about just say it now it’s it’s all about the draft there you have it you’ll have your little draft draft segment later on the show that’s coming up next right here on lock first want to talk to you about prize picks America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members it’s the easiest most exciting way to play dating Sports unlike other apps on prize picks well it’s just you against the numbers that’s it all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections you can start watching those winnings roll in you get in all the daily as your friends and become a part of the prize picks Community basically you can win up to 100 times your money on price picks 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and get that deposit match up to 100 bucks price picks pick more pick less it is that easy vedi uses the Force to subscribe to lock on Spurs pass on what you have learned and look who is back everybody Joe Garcia you know him you love him he even has a Halo above his head look at that see that Halo above your head there now go like that yeah yes he’s just an angel here make sure to follow him on X at Two Shots podcast he is part of the um MJ well not the MJ quir that was the old show Al City AL City cast yes on YouTube Joe we we need that sign behind you remember last time you were on you had the team on and had The Branding there well I couldn’t turn everything on today because I was uh just got through with my interview uh like I was telling you so oh yeah that’s right hopefully good news you know coming next week well crossing fingers cross it could be a a great news next week for you could be a new job and maybe Spurs good picks number four and eight next week hopefully man hopefully maybe yeah the animal City Sports cast uh it’s on YouTube make sure to go and subscribe to that right now Joe’s going to tell you what to expect when you do subscribe to it they’re close to a thousand so help them get there and once they get there it’s celebration party time there so why is Joe back well we’re going to be taking a at least for this segment a break well I don’t even know it because a break because it kind of weaves in but we’re gonna try to take a break from the NBA draft talk uh we’ve been doing a lot of that leading up to today’s episode we’re gonna be asking the question should the Spurs Reign the big man Mamu should the Spurs throw him some money keep him or not and free up a open spot maybe to bring in somebody that can help the team fit better with Wy that’s what it’s about Joe isn’t it it’s all about Wy it’s all about Wy man you got to go ahead and surround the big man with some some instrumental pieces here so yeah we had might be talking about somebody who might be an instrumental piece this upcoming season maybe maybe all right so Joe you know you look at Mamu and you know serviceable big you know he didn’t get too much playing time throughout the season but did get a spike of minutes towards the end of the season when the Spurs uh seon was all but over and you look at him he’s Dynamic he’s athletic you you know he can shoot the ball well he brings a lot of intangibles to the team now look Joe this team is not going anywhere they’re not going to be a playoff team they’re not gonna be a title team for quite some time but with the way the Spurs are being constructed and the fact that they’re still in a rebuild is it smart for them to bring back Mamu or open up that spot maybe to bring somebody else in well you’re comparing Mamu to one Zack Collins too I mean you’re looking at their stats Jeff they’re pretty similar you know and you know one of the things that our our good friend Michael Jimenez shout out to you Mike likes to go ahead and and and highlight all the time is effective fi go shooting percentage right that’s his favorite stat and if we’re looking to see what Zack Collins did last year with his effective field goal shooting percentage 53.1% you compare that to Mamu 53 3.2% so Mamu is a little better but then you’re looking at the points per game you know Mamu had 4.1 points Zach has 11.2 total rebounds Zach had 5.4 Mamu 3.2 assist Zach has 2.8 Mamu has 1.1 but the games played Mamu played 46 games Zach played 69 games the reason that Mamu got more playing time and were able to see a little bit of that spark that M could bring to the team especially playing alongside wemi was due to injury you know and Mamu got more playing time let’s face it Jeff wasn’t a lot of playing time left to go around for Mamu Mamu is one of these veteran players high energy Off the Bench uh he does play great in in small sample sizes you know small limited minutes because that’s all he’s given and he’s been he’s been great I I don’t see any of the cons when it comes to Bringing Mamu back I if you were to bring him back if you’re the San Antonio Spurs what’s not not not to love about Mamu he has a high motor he has a high basketball IQ he’s creative out there with the ball he can read the floor very well there’s a lot of good things you can say about Mamu and if you can bring him back on the cheap he’s only what I think the Spurs if they want to bring him back he’s gonna beow something like 3.2 mil that’s a bargain he’s gonna be a restricted free agent uh well now he’s already a restricted free agent so he’s ready to enter that phase of his uh time here in San Antonio but you look at Mamu and you know he as but he closed out the season strong granted you know I mean maybe the end of the season and you know teams are kind of mailing it in and playoff teams were already shortening up their their roster and their rotations but nevertheless he made the Spurs really think about whether to let him go not match any offers or resign him now so you look at uh at Mamu he did have some career highs in several stat categories you hit on some of them points per game rebounds assist and field goal percentage so the trend is he’s he’s trending upwards okay but to close the season in five games in April Joe 11.6 points per game 9.7 rebounds 2.1 assists 39% shooting from the three-point line that is intriguing because if he could do that with a higher amount of minutes maybe he is a nice big to put around Mamu that can spread the floor I’m sorry put around wmy and Mama could help spread the floor for Wy to operate uh Joe when you hear those numbers the way he closed out the season strong would you still say you know we got to bring them back or no let’s let’s consider our options and cre to open roster spot maybe to bring in a point guard no I’d say bring him back if you can I mean he’s a welcome addition to the San Antonio Spurs Squad again veteran player like high ceiling yeah not a high ceiling but High motor you know good basketball IQ great teammate to be around you know he’s seems like he’s very positive high energy always out there you know rooting for the his teammates from the bench as well you can see his Antics he’s always happy for everybody yeah and he’s a fan favorite man so there’s a lot of pluses to bringing him back but you know at the end of the day you also have to look at the NBA draft that’s upcoming who are the Spurs going to draft are they going to be drafting a power forward you know that might put Mamu out of business are they going to go ahead and draft a guard you know what are they going to do in this upcoming draft there’s only so many roster to go around it’s the nature of the Beast you know you can only have a roster of so many players per season and sometimes that comes at at the cost of having to go ahead and cut some of these fan favorites and Mamu might be a casualty of that I do hope the Spurs are able to bring him back I for one like to see Mamu out there he’s a fan favorite like I said and you like to see him out there playing alongside wemi they looks like uh they had some real chemistry out there more so than I say that he did with Zack Collins but if Mamu does come back he can actually get some really decent playing time if he can do one important thing go ahead and raise that three-point shooting percentage man if he can do that he’s gonna be more instrumental More instrumental piece to this this team than Zach Collins when he’s at there playing because Zach he’s atrocious when it comes to shooting from Beyond The Arc but if Mamu can go ahead and make a cause for him to be hey Pop you got to put me in because I’m I’m a better shooter from the three-point line that does open up the floor for wemi and kind of spread things open a little bit more so I’d like to see see that advent of Mam’s game come to fruition but again we have to see where the chips fall yeah pop final game of the season and he was asked about Mamu returning or not and he said quote he’s done a good job he deserves a serious discussion that discussion revolving around to bring him back or not and he goes on to say we definitely have to have that discussion uh I’ve said it before he really knows how to play and that’s what I like about M Mamu is that kind of a glue guy that any type playoff team needs does the Dirty Work mixes it up in the paint can hit the outside shot kind of uh kind of in the M of the modern uh big that you need in today’s NBA but Joe I I I see this situation with the Spurs and yeah they do need help at bigs you know they do need help stretch bigs but don’t you think they should open up that roster spot to bring in guard help because it’s is that if it’s wm’s world and wi’s team then that’s the number one thing they need right now is a guard so why not just open up the roster BR and bring in a veteran guard and then Mamu you know it was nice knowing you and you know good luck where your next stop is yeah you ideally you’d want a point guard you know the Spurs in order for them to go far to get better as a team they’re going to need a point guard Trey Jones I mean we like Trey Jones for what he is but he’s not that guy that’s going to get you over the hump have you seen what’s happened even in the NBA playoffs NBA Finals what what’s happening these teams have great guards you know Trey Jones he’s one of those uh let’s say pieces but he’s not the guy that’s going to go ahead and Elevate this team to another level to to a higher gear and you’re looking to see what’s going to happen in this upcoming draft one of the number one point guards coming out of the draft right now is going to be Stefan castle out of Yukon and where is Stefan Castle projected to go in this year’s upcoming draft he might be number four going to the the San Antonio’s spur yeah he is undersized but he’s a bucket getter and that’s one of the things that the Spurs are sorely needing right now they’re needing bucket Getters so you might again you might have to say goodbye to Mamu if you want to go ahead and make the team better in that regards but again if they can make these things work I’d love to see Mama will return and keep him here on the team yeah look and I don’t think he’d be an expensive price tag as well you know you’re not exped look his uh he had a $2 million one-year deal with the Spurs that just expired making him an a restricted free agent so he he will with the jeap you give him a little pay bump sure uh but uh you know one thing I like about him too is he’s a great locker room guy I’ve been to that locker room many times last season and he just keeps that gr energy Spirit up uh very positive always laughing cracking some jokes up with the guys in the locker room so I think that’s needed as well this roster now he did speak to uh Euro Hoops recently and he was asked about his time in San Antonio whether he wants to come back and he says quote I’m happy to be there I’m hum LED I’m honored to be uh sure to be around great teammates and learn from them we’ll see what happens to be part of the young guys who are in the NBA so he would love to stay in San Antonio and he would like to stick with this roster in the rebuild but Joe you know it is a business ultimately and he could be a casualty if the Spurs want to revamp the roster to fit it with Wy and you hit it on the head if the Spurs get a stretch big in the draft yeah you might you might be looking at the final days of Mamu in silver and black huh yeah man it’s this just like I said it’s a business and at the end of the day you only have so many roster spots given that the Spurs already have some of the younger players that they’re looking at to develop a little bit more and give them more playing time and if they go into the draft and they do get a stretch you know four a big you know they get that they go ahead and draft a big what’s going to happen with Mamu you know they get that point guard that they want it’s GNA happen with Trey yeah you know so there’s a lot of things there there’s question marks see while Spurs fans might be excited you know looking at this NBA draft and be like yeah we got our guys you got to also look at the flip side to that what’s the consequences of drafting these younger players if they’re going to get some real you know minutes this upcoming season you’re going to have to go ahead and say goodbye to some of the the veteran players on the team yeah and and you look at the numbers you know like anybody you give the time on the court you’re going to see production and here’s the example right now now we talked about those five games in April he averaged about 12 points per game and close to 10 rebounds it was almost a double double in five games uh or I should say no F Games Starting uh overall he had seven games in April and he put up those numbers but just look at the jump you know from March he played seven games uh didn’t start and averaged 7.9 uh minutes per game and then produced 3.9 points per game and 3.3 rebounds now you see the big jump now he gets 26.1 minutes in the final month April and then he gets near a double double 11.6 and 9.7 so what if this is just a case of Mamu just getting the time on the court to give uh the Spurs that production yeah that’s the the thing with Mamu mama was just Insurance you know but when Zach Collins went down you had other injuries happening mama was called upon to play more minutes and when he played those meaningful meaningful minutes he had more production that goes along with getting more minutes you know especially with the caliber player of Mamu who’s a season veteran already I mean you’re going to get this kind of production because he is that role player he is that guy high energy Off the Bench and I think that’s what coach pop loved so much about Mamu and not only coach pop but the fans as well Mamu went on I mean coach pop went on to say Mamu was his favorite player I remember that quote you know because he liked his High basketball IQ and he was a high energy guy coming off the bench always positive so coach pop really loved Mamu and so do the fans but again things have to work at the end of the day and like I said you know Mamu might be the casualty of just the team trying to get better now look it is a small sample size but hey you look for some positive signs the Spurs were 4-2 last season when mam scored 11 points or more and they’re also four- two when he got on the court and played 25 minutes or more so there could be something cooking there again small sample size but it’s something to work with ultimately Joe uh are you thumbs up thumbs down bringing Mamu back thumbs up I’d say bring Mamu back if you can unload Zack Collins and you’re it is your mission to get him out of a Spurs uniform isn’t it oh man it’s not only my mission I think a lot of other Spurs fans feel the same way about one Zack Collins when you see him out there and what is our our good friend Christopher Le leas say a traffic cone can play better defense than Zack Collins you know we got maybe we should take off that Halo that’s above you right now put devil horns on you every time you talk about Collins he’s a nice guy he’s a nice guy Jeff but he’s atrocious on defense you you’ve seen that you see him get cooked all the time no you’re right dude Zack Collins is a great guy you know um you know if we forget he was a top 10 pick he was actually number 10 in his draft so Portland grabbed him I I remember talking to Zach the day before he got drafted into the NBA and we had a discussion about Defensive Player of the Year and uh he had I still remember this to his day he said that oh it’s criminal that Tim Duncan never won defensive player of the year and then mind you this is still non-nba Zach so he knew his basketball history he knew his Spurs history yeah so you give him a little credit for that Joe he knows his Spurs history oh he knows his Spurs history I’m sure he’s a great guy I’ve seen him seen him at the arena you know the frost Center interacting with the fans doing great things you know out there for the community he was just admi that his Hospital talking uh my wife was the one that let me know because she is one of the directors over there and said hey we had one of the spur come out and talk you know to to the staff and whatnot was none other than Zack Collins so I appreciate for everything that he does great guy he’s just can’t play defense you know and the stats tell you that he doesn’t pass the ey test when it comes to defense and that’s been the faux for the San Antonio Spurs they’re just one of the worst defensive teams in the NBA and you can all see that as well so Z just goes along with that Trend as for me with Mamu I’m gon to give it a thumbs up I think he’ll come cheap he won’t break the Spurs Bank uh he has familiarity with the team he got a ringing endorsement from wmy to close out the season I wmy was just I get Mamu Mamu gets me you know we we we Jive together we got that Euro background we understand each other that should have helped Mam’s case to stay in San Antonio and then of course papait saying that Mam’s making it difficult for them to say no gotta let you go so all in all though I think you bring him back and uh as you mentioned to an insurance pod poliy what if they do go uh you know a Swing Man swing big like a Reet you know and he’s not fitting in while he’s not developing fast enough you got Mamu there as insurance so all in all yeah bring back Mamu hey we’re not done talking we get back we’re g to shift gears and talk about you guys the lock on Spurs fans you guys are leaving a lot of comments we’re gonna pick two talk about it Joe I’ll give you a heads up it’s likely gonna be about the draft because we know that’s right on the corner yeah obviously all right so that’s coming up next right here on lockdown Spurs this is Emily swallow and you are listening to locked on Spurs with Jeff 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quicker and easier 2.5 million yes 2.5 million small businesses use LinkedIn for hiring you should to post your job for free at lockon MBA that’s lmba to post your job for free terms and conditions apply and we are back with Joe Garcia of Two Shots podcast right there you see it on your screen follow him there on X right there you see it give him a follow and check out the animal City Sports cast on YouTube they’re close to getting a thousand help them get there go subscribe to that show in a while Joe will tell you exactly what you need to do to help them reach their goal but Joe I think it’s time we give some shine to the fans the lockdown Spurs fans they’re leaving a lot of comments Joe you know which players we’re g to talk about nobody shock it’s all about the draft so I’m I’m gonna let I’m gonna let Joe have his pick here he’s the guest do you want to talk about Shepard or do you want to talk about topish first first let’s go ahead and talk about bad news good news let’s go with the bad news first let’s talk about topic I knew you’re gonna pick that all right this comment is from Ramon pelang he says if the doctors say topic won’t have long-term health issue Spurs Draft him at number eight so he is all pushing for topish to be a Spur Joe you’re not you’re not there yet are you no man at this young of an age he’s already had he’s prone to injury he just went down uh most recently what about a month or two ago we saw that happen no this guy’s damage Goods man if you go ahead and get him he’s going to be one of these guys that’s going to be a bust they’re going to go ahead and draft him and wind up he’s going to wind up tearing his ACLS he’s not going to have any acl’s left you know at this point being so young I mean the scar tissue and all that’s always going to make him prone to have that injury over and over again it doesn’t matter how healthy a doctor says he is he’s going to be prone to these injuries it’s he’s already been proven this early on in his career he’s a pass in my book man you don’t want somebody injury you know you brought about the no ACL remember Dean Blair no acl’s no acl’s and look at you know I go ahead sorry no I said look at what happened with danan Blair he went from NBA you know being an NBA player to what happened later on in his career because he had no ACL he winded up making the Spurs g-league team ouch yeah he was on the Austin Spurs for a minute there and then he I think he was even signed with the Texas Legend the Dallas G but as far as topic is concern I spoke to him a couple weeks ago he told me that the Spurs doctors did talk to him about his health so they’re keeping him and and his ra on their radar but I’m with you because the last thing the Spurs team need is to draft themselves topic you know who has a great ceiling you know you know but there those any injury uh and he could almost be plugg in play as far as running the floor I know he can’t shoot as well but as far as running facilitating attacking the rim they’ be great but can you imagine the Spurs on this rebu they invest a number four number eight pick on topic and he busts his knee again don’t you think that could set back the rebuild a bit it could set back the rebu rebuild and going back if you want to go and look back at what’s happened with NBA the Spurs NBA draft history in the recent first round pick who were they number one most recently Victor wama a number nine pick in the 2022 draft Jeremy soan who did they get in that 22 draft as well at number 28 Malachi brandham 22 draft who else did they get Blake Wesley at number 25 and who can for who can’t forget Josh Primo in the 20 21 draft at number 12 that was a reach Deon vasel is still around from the 2022 from the 2020 draft Lucas Sanic who remembers him picked him at 19 2019 Kellin Johnson was also picked in the 2019 draft at 29 Lonnie Walker 2018 he went 18th overall Derek white in the 2027 draft they drafted him 29th Deonte Murray 2016 they got him at the 29th pick and Nicola mov at in 2020 in 2015 he went 26 overall immediately traded to the net so that goes to show you what the Spurs have done in the most recent draft that they’ve had hopefully with this 4 and8 pick they can go ahead and turn their fortunes around Jeff I hope I’m hoping that they’re not going to reach and draft at number four a guy that should have gone at 12 that’s my biggest fear yeah to Topic’s name is falling um from mock draft he was high as a top five pick now I believe he’s round 10 towards the end of the still a lottery pick but not a high lottery pick as he was and of course that injury happened with the worst worst right ahead of the draft so yeah we’ll see what the Spurs do although Vegas Joe thinks the Spurs have good odds at selecting to at number four at number four so you know poo those zero players Joe you know that he loves those players we he does love his players man but you know I I just hope that you know hopefully with the Spurs fans is cuz anticipation right now for this upcoming draft is that an all time high they want to see who they’re going to you know go ahead and play alongside wmy and they do need they need some bucket Getters they need people who can go ahead and knock down some shots Jeff specifically you know some three-point shooting because this team has been horrible and they’re just not a very good offensive team they’re one of the worst in the league you know so hopefully they can go ahead and get some bucket Getters if they get some bucket Getters you pair that with wemy maybe one of them is a point guard can actually get the ball to wmy hey man I’m excited I’m glad you brought up uh guards because let’s go to our next comment is from Casey Gwyn talk about shooting guards well here you go Joe here’s what he had to say Shephard talking about re would defend point guards and play shooting guards so Casey’s Pro Spurs getting a reed Shepard now some mock drafts have Shepard going off the board ahead of the Spurs pick per four but nevertheless if Shepard is there should the Spurs grab of course they should Spurs are always going to go for the best available player you know that’s what the smart move would be you know you don’t really want to draft for need most of these teams picking up high in picking high in the draft are going to draft the best available player because they just can’t pass the opportunity up but you’re looking at Reed Shepard 62 He’s listed as a shooting guard out of Kentucky he’s 182 pounds he’s a he’s a three-point sniper man and what do the Spurs need Jeff they need somebody who can knock down the buckets from Beyond The Arc that’s your guy right there the other thing is if you look at Reed Shepard and then you’re looking at somebody else who’s a top pick is when to come com to point guards now I’m not saying he’s going to be the top overall pick no no no I’m saying when it comes to point guards and what’s available in this upcoming draft one name keeps coming up and it has been linked to the San Antonio Spurs and that’s none none other than Stefon Castle he’s a 6 foot6 guy at a Yukon 210 pounds he has excellent size and length you know he has versatility on both ends of the floor this could be your guy you know that’s I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be mad at either one of these picks but I want the Spurs to get a bucket bucket getter I need they need somebody who can knock down some shots no no I and I think you’re right you know outside of the point guard spot is just the idea and the need for the Spurs to get a perimeter shooting inconsistent last year you overall I I look at this Spurs team and I say you know what you got to spread that floor for wimy you got to do it and the best way to do it is to get a guy like Shephard in uniform and he just shot lights out lights out in college you pick a spot on the court it was either close to 50% % or over 50% it was just ridiculous so he will fit that mode and uh yeah I’m going to steal a a phrase from James Pledger here deceptively quick deceptively athletic does that go ahead and also uh can we use that term for for heenez as well deceptively quick and a no no no he’s just not quick he’s just not athletic goodness but nevertheless yeah I think Reed sheeper fit in nice you know it still kind of leaves the point guard spot kind of in flux but you know maybe the Spurs can address that with number their number eight pick you know you’re hearing words like Castle Devin Carter so I think the Spurs are likely going to pick two guards one that can be a floor spacer perimeter shooting and one that can just be a floor General overall can get the ball to Wim and uh understand that he needs the ball give it to wimy doesn’t take a genius this hey there’s a 7 foot4 guy there let me throw it to him easy enough but hey we appreciate those comments you’re leaving on the lockdown Spurs YouTube page will continue as the offseason continues especially leading up to the draft next week Joe we’ve been talking about your show over on the YouTube page tell us about yeah you can go ahead and check out what we’re doing over here with the Alamo City’s uh podcast Network we have a show Monday through Friday from 10: to about 11:30 or so and it’s called The Alamo City Sports cast it’s me along with Michael Jimenez who you can go ahead and and view our Shenanigans and his hor hor it takes Monday through Friday and love him or hate him sometimes he makes some sense and sometimes he doesn’t like James Pledger likes to say flip flopper and I called him out the other day for being a flip flopper and he backtracks and say no I’m not and I’m like well ler didn’t give you the nickname flip flopper for a reason but nonetheless go ahead and check us out we’re on YouTube at the Alamo City Podcast Network there you go help them get to a thousand subscribers they’re right there they’re so close get them to that uh subscriber point and they’ll love you for it for making lockon SP is your first listen every single day we’ll be back next week Jack Thompson will return once again we’re going to put another uh drafty Spotlight Hot Seat uh we’ll let you know who actually if you paid attention the last time Jack was on he already told what the next Spotlight Player is going to be so go check that out it was this past week here in lockdown Spurs on the YouTube page and subscribe there iTunes Spotify K 5 plus app the list goes on and on Joe I see you still have the Halo above your head that’s a good sign right that’s a good sign for now for now you know let’s see what the Spurs do in the draft maybe that Halo might might go away and break oh no no not horn not devil horns if they mess up the draft can you imagine if they mess up the draft Joe oh man the Spurs Spurs Twitter would not be able to withstand that Jeff it’s already on shaky legs man they would burn it down to the ground Jeff exactly make sure to follow Joe on X at Two Shots podcast see it on your screen make sure to do that right now so for Joe Garcia I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to be back next week right right here on lockdown Spurs [Music] n [Music]

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia catches you up on the latest San Antonio Spurs news.

Then, Joe Garcia of the Alamocity Sportscast joins to discuss if the Spurs should re-sign Sandro Mamukelashvili. Did he prove himself at the end of the season? Should the Spurs part ways with the big man to open up a roster spot?

Also, we read some Locked On Spurs fan comments.

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  1. Yes!
    and agree with you Zach Collins need to go (I'd add another guy Spurs don't need: the worst D in the NBA, Malaki Branham)

  2. hell yes, If people observe last season. Mamu provide a different offensive perspective if he played together with Wemby

  3. When Aaron Gordon bullied Wemby, Mamu, who was on the bench, took it personally, After the game,he said he would have confronted Gordon had he been playing,. He deserves to remain a Spur.

  4. Alien in the Mask 👽… Fans have spoken …. Mamu should be resigned, and used as the four or three when he has the advantage, not The Five unless its small ball …unleash him or do him the favor we do and find him the right home. …. But he was to good to ride thaa bench like he did…. And he did that sooo well ….. THANK YOU MAMU

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