@Atlanta Hawks

Alex Sarr won’t work out for the Hawks…who will be taken #1 overall?

Alex Sarr won’t work out for the Hawks…who will be taken #1 overall?

okay stop me if you’ve heard this before an international Prospect is refusing to work out for the Atlanta Hawks and it appears there might be some gamesmanship going on here the Hawks have wanted alexar to be a legitimate option for them to go first overall uh he has not worked out he has not come to Atlanta he is refusing to work out for the Hawks presumably because him and his Camp are trying to push him elsewhere the one I’m alluding to this happened with luk donic Luca donic ended up in Dallas on a draft night trade partially because Luca donic would not work out for Atlanta which caused Atlanta to want Trey young over Luca uh you know the connection here Luca D’s agent is Alex sar’s agent so this is this is going back to the old well this is a trick we’ve seen before from this agency uh your thoughts cart should alexar be working out for Atlanta first of all yes what yes there’s no reason to avoid him to avoid being the number one pick because you know what happens if you avoid being the number one pick you don’t get taken number one you don’t get taken number one you don’t get number one pick money and you’re sending yourselves to the Wizards like what are we do what are we doing here bro like if you’re like say what you want about the Hawks like the Hawks have like been in playing contention the Hawks have played playoff basketball the Hawks have Trey young they’re probably not going to have Deonte Murray but they have something on that team team you’re really really that adamant on going to play with Denny aija and Kyle kosma and Jordan P like what what what are we what are we really doing here there’s I don’t understand what the what the what the issue is here especially giv the hype of Alex SAR he could go in there and pull a Darko pull a kle Weare go do a couple drop steps against a chair and probably secure your number one pick your number one pick money it’s it’s bizarre to me why why he would avoid this now the Luca thing might have been a little different like it might have been like I don’t want to go to that team thing I don’t really know but to me unless he thinks the Wizards won’t take him then he drops to three and he’s getting the number third pick money I I really don’t know it it doesn’t make but it doesn’t make much sense to me because like if the Wizards don’t take him at two right yep and the Wizards been awful rockets at three they got shenon as their Center so like they’re probably not going to want to pick SAR let’s they figure out playing them together and then like the other team is the Hornets which is like okay you have a young team but the Hawks have also won more than the Hornets so it’s like I I don’t know what angle he’s trying to pull here because to me the Hawks are the best option maybe team-wise out of these first couple picks but he really wants to force himself to a worse situation for Worse money I don’t get it yeah if you want uh a breakdown of how I feel my only major takeaway from this I was already down on alexar you’ve heard me throughout the cycle on this no thank you I’ll pass if I’m a GM in the top three five even maybe I’m looking at this guy like okay so your your guy from overseas who’s played OT by the way was good in OT was not like the best player in OT was not a dominant guy in overtime lead and you don’t even want to compete to be the number one pick here like what are we doing and I think this has happened with a few guys man like re wasn’t wasn’t trying to work out against buellis and Mattis buellis is like give me him I want to show up to his workout and let’s go toe-to-toe and show who we really are like we have players right now in this draft class that want to compete and then we have players that don’t and the the two that seem to not be willing to do this are the two that were mocked one and two as the high upside guys I just am skeptical of all of it I think it speaks to who this draft class is but um man it should be a massive red flag to anyone that saw is like no Atlanta’s a bad situation for me like Atlanta is one of the best situations that’s picking in the top five do you want to be in Detroit do you want to be in Washington like those are disasters right now um so I I don’t get this one at all also like do people suddenly hate Atlanta as a city is that a new thing I didn’t I didn’t understand that I mean [ __ ] even given their team they got quo on the sideline Atlanta gam seem pretty hype good DJ at the games yeah uniforms are good play with Trey young that makes things easier for you I I really don’t understand this is that it what was that last part you just said playing with Trey young don’t people kind of seem anti that why I see I love Trey young I’m a Trey young truther but like it seems like there’s a lot of people who are kind of like no thanks I’m that guy I I just don’t understand there’s a lot more of like no want to know who’s really no thanks on that guy who Johnny Davis no thanks on Jordan p no thanks on C no thanks to Corey kissper I’m good Ryan Rollins I’m good on that thank you like yeah yeah okay um this does make the Donovan kinging to go first overall rumors make a little more sense right like if if Atlanta just can’t seriously consider taking a guy they haven’t met then oh that would make sense why they might take uh I I I can’t shape the feeling of that we’re getting played with this is like this is like a couple years ago when it was the APO Jabari thing there was a lot of smoke about that and then it all just came back down to apulo getting taken now there wasn’t workout situations with that but I’m just a little you know you go to make a pick on who’s the betting favorite alexar still the betting favor to go number one overall what does sham say I won’t believe a thing until Shams tells me where I should put my heart hard earn money in the app that he works for presented by FanDuel of course right of course yeah what is the Shams Shams tell me what’s going to happen Shams please okay who who goes first overall in the straft cart after all that little Spiel I just gave Donovan kinging you’re going clinging you’re buying into the SAR stuff being real until I get my Shams tweet okay I think you’re right I think think you’re right and I feel really weird about it but I think it’s the smart move because straight up I think Donovan King will be a better Pro than alexr do you agree with me on that I think EAS Mei will be a better Pro than Don mcing the NBA draft is coming up and I’ve got something awesome for you we are partnering with the people at NBA 2K lab NBA 2K is the best video game on earth the people at 2K lab are making some awesome stuff to make that game even more fun and they just launched their 2024 NBA draft simulator where you can find the official sleepers media Big Board we ranked our top 75 players in this draft class me Carter Brian Ralph Riley Davis we did it together and it is featured on the 2K lab NBA Draft simulator you can take control of any team in the draft play GM with just one click and see our entire rankings before these videos even come out check out the link in the description of this video to try out the draft SIM for yourself and you can find more mini gamess at slnb mini-games

The Sleepers debate who will be taken 1st overall in the NBA Draft

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  1. 2k is a joke right now don’t boost they ego, all they doing is gouging our pockets tbh

  2. People it’s because he wants to start if he goes to Atlanta is coming off. The not what he or agent wanna do that. It’s gonna screw his development as a player. He goes the Washington and he starts and they help the development now if they draft zacky and if Hawks are drafting first because one is reminds me of either a mixture between Scotty pippen and Kevin Garnett. If Alex sarr goes hawks to end being Kwame brown , because they not focus on his development they will end up trying to win so more about winning than actually development of Alex sarr , if he goes time Washington they will give time to develop and they will working on his development since they are development team . Which gives the best team for he can develop or maybe he can end up maxing his ability which like I said yesterday on a couple places if Alex sarr could end up being between. John salley and maybe if maximus Max out end being poor man’s Dale Davis or Horace grant and if hawks draft Donovan clingan he max out is Mark Eaton, but most likely he ends up being Greg Ostertag

  3. The idea that any player would rather be on the wizards than the hawks baffles me. These young kids are corny nowadays.

  4. 2:00 i live in ATL… it’s literally A BLACK THING. These EUROPEAN PLAYERS don’t want to go to what they see on tv and in the media as a ghetto “ALL BLACK CITY”.

  5. Please do your homework on the Wizards before commenting. If you did your research you wouldn't know why he would rather go to the Wizards.

  6. Yeah these dudes have absolutely no idea about what's been going on with the wizards lately and their new direction

  7. Will Dawkins signed Oliver Sarr (Alex Sarr brother) during his time in OKC. The trust and camaraderie with the front office goes a long way. I’m sure Oliver has told his brother how great of a GM Will Dawkins is. This is great for Alex’s development.

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