@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics – 2024 NBA Championship Parade 🔥

Boston Celtics – 2024 NBA Championship Parade 🔥

[Applause] see you soon Abby the uh parade has officially started the confetti has been thrown Joe Missoula and his family just went by there is Al Horford and his father Tito who has been a fixture Glenn on the sidelines what a day what an absolutely spectacular day Brad Stevens coming in next and then Chris stops porzingis is supposed to be on this orange one someplace there were the first duckboats going down Causeway Street we’re going to duck down so that you can get a better look as those duck boats go by this is the procession beginning for the rolling rally that is going to now leave pway Street and head over to the City Hall Plaza where JC Monahan is Joe Mula is on that front boat it’s maroon he is leading the team in this rolling rally trening which is absolutely fitting because he led this team to their 18th banner and a lot of people much like the Jays wondered whether or not a 35-year-old at the time 34-year-old unproven head coach could bring another title to this town Joe missoula’s uh tactics sometimes unconventional but man did he get the most out of his team and so many people have come out here to wish this team well and show their appreciation for a spectacular season they were the best team in basketball all season long finishing the championship run in the postseason season at 16 and3 it was a tremendous accomplishment and here on Causeway Street there are people lined from the barricade all the way to the building we just saw our pal scow go by as we’re expecting there to be a couple of duckboats treny with Celtics legends on board all right the the trophy you’re seeing right there is actually the 2008 World Champion those are the legends you saw Brian scalabrini Eddie House Paul Pierce on that boat they are honoring not only the present but also the past and trenny look who it is it’s Jason Tatum holding the Larry O’Brien trophy pulling out of the garage here at CD garden and he’s followed by a truck carrying confetti and the crowd is at its loudest point that we’ve heard all day as Jason Tatum is seen on the top of that duckboat I’m not sure I have ever seen Jason Tatum smile bigger than he is smiling right now except of course at the end of game five when he exclaimed we finally did it we finally did it one of the best moments of the entire run was when he picked up his son Deuce tossed him into the confetti and then hugged his mom Brandy who has been beside him every way cuz they were shipping up to Boston yeah I heard him say on social media earlier this week that he was out playing golf and everyone he saw called him champ and I think he’s really falling in love with that experience and that’s great to hear as a Boston Celtics fan because we want to see him do it again absolutely and this team you don’t want to get too far ahead of yourself but it’s certainly poised to do it again with all of these guys expected to come back and there’s the other MVP the real MVP Jaylen Brown MVP of the Eastern Conference Finals and the NBA Finals as the crowd rings out in the MVP chance for Jaylen Brown who has proved his doubters wrong from the beginning Glenn this is a guy who when he was drafted the garden crowd booed the pick they did not know who he was and he has ended up bringing Banner 18 back to Boston he was a number three pick in that draft of course treny and the same was true for Jason Tatum in his draft and you know what we go all the way back to Al Horford’s draft he was also a number three pick and all of those players together have helped this city get Banner 18 yeah I saw an interview with Jason Tatum the other day he was asked what his favorite number is and he said three he was born in March which is the third month of the year he was the number three overall pick it really is fitting that these guys the number three picks have brought it home and now we have Derek white it looks like he’s holding his son there as he comes out of the garden building he is a player that was so critical for this team he helped uh solve a piece of the puzzle that they hadn’t been able to solve and I really think the city has fallen in love with dere white especially in this postseason that last game when his face got smashed into the floor and he broke his tooth yes if any of you are noticing that Derek white has all of his front teeth he told our Abby chin before the ceremony today that he’s had some temporary dental work done a shout out to Boston Dental for doing that for him done so he’s going to he’s been in the dentist chair about 3 hours already probably some more time because they’re all just temporary right now but you can’t miss that smile on Derek White’s face what a gamer what a tough player and he brought something that this team desperately needed props to Brad Stevens for seeing the need to bring a player like Derek white to Boston we’re expecting 23 duckboats in all there are some other vehicles that make up the Caravan including confetti and music you have that great sound happening now and I think I’m looking at pton Pritchard there having a sip of something delicious it looks like a light beer as he rolls by in this green duckboat and of course everyone is excited to see him after hitting that amazing half court shot uh in actually pointing out pton Pritchard right now there are crowds there are t-shirts in the crowd that say prit please do you guys get it at home prit please and Peyton Pritchard one of the guys or one of the gals on his boat tapped him and he gave the guy a shout out because how do you not want that t-shirt Clen I want one of my own I want one as well listen Causeway Street even on a game night has not had as much energy as all of us are experiencing right now there it is wall toall people everybody is having a fantastic time the weather is great and they’re getting the chance to show their appreciation for the 2024 NBA champion Boston Celtics [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever your business needs Vista Print can print it yeah Vista Print like Rachel needed fun packaging so Vista Print designed and printed new stickers tape and thank you cards bye Corley and ducky needed to get their brand out there so they printed new t-shirts bottles and caps and Tasha well she needed a total refresh so vist made her a new logo and that that that all that because with vista print the print abilities are endless print it all with 25% off for new customers at [Music] [Applause] all right the duck boats continue to roll and manach is down amongst it all manach what’s up well we’re all getting excited over here okay we’ve seen so many D folks here it is it’s getting crazy around here and I’m here with my friend Anthony’s from Road Island this is his first Parade ever is it living up to your expectations yes what’s been the best part so far the parade how many people do you see here talk about how crazy it is million tons tons of people and you got that perspective of course now we’re going to go to an older fan he he he’s been here before what number of parade is this for you this is my first seltic for oh this is your first Celtics parade but you’ve been other parades before Pat parade talk to me about this one and just the difference between you know being out here this summer this is far better than the Pats parade more excitement more hype just great just great are you surprised this many people came out I am I am surprised I am surprised I I couldn’t expect it we could here like at 8:00 this morning and it was cacked so man 16 years ago it’s been a while but to finally see them do it again how does it feel it feels great I’m from the uh hav cheu era so it’s great to see the young guys pulling out well I guess you’re a young man too right now we’re alive amongst the crowd of course they’re a little bit busy right now but you can hear them getting loud it’s a fun atmosphere and we’re just living through it right now we’re live here in Boston with as Kari NBC 10 Boston now we’re going to toss it back to [Music] you okay Minaj thank you very much we’re continuing to see all 23 of these duckboats leave TD Garden right now we think the final duckboat is pulling out of this area so let’s walk you through the parade route really quickly so you understand where this Caravan is going after it leaves Causeway Street here in the shadow of the Boston TD Garden it is heading over to Government Center where it will go by city hall and for the first time triny go by the statue of Bill Russell which was erected in 2022 a great Boston Celtic and I hope um the players get a moment to reflect on that as they’re moving by City Hall Plaza yeah I mean this is a team I think that really appreciates history appreciates what this franchise means to the city of Boston but also to the entire NBA this is a a historic franchise this is a franchise that won eight consecutive titles from the 50s into the 60s they won again back to back in the 60s they won in the 80s and then they had a drought but they brought it back in 2008 and again 16 years later uh they have won another championship 18 and the reason 18 is so important um is because it is one more than the Los Angeles Lakers that’s right nobody would like to add that title and give a little more distance than than the folks of Boston as it makes the Boston Celtics the winningest NBA franchise in history and that is another reason why this parade to today is so special you know before this started mayor woo and her staff were expecting a million people I’ve talked to you today treny who have seen so many parades in this city you’re not going to be surprised if we exceed 1 million people this is and listen I’m not great at math Glenn but I think I can tell I think I can tell a good crowd uh this is by far the largest crowd I have seen yet for a parade that I have covered in the city of Boston I’m sure some of it has to do with the weather and kids being out of school but I also think that listen everyone loved the six titles from the Patriots right but after a while they okay yeah this is great they won a game even with the uh even with the the um with the Boston Red Sox they won an4 but then they won an eight 13 and again an 18 so there wasn’t a long time in between these DieHard Celtics fans have been waiting 16 years to see their favorite players roll through the city and they are basking in it today that green duckboat you see right there is holding Payton Pritcher and you can see that he’s signing hats and tossing basketballs into the crowd this is the Caravan that now is approaching City Hall Plaza NBC 10’s Eli Rosenberg is on one of these duckboats let’s check in with him to see how this rolling rally is moving through the city of Boston really just unbelievable Glenn this sea of green and white that we seen the cheering that we saw as soon as we left TD Garden so we are on Old Gloria here Mike we talked to early the captain what do you think I threw a party once when I was 20 years old in my apartment and 100 people showed up and this is way bigger than that this is insane this is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in my life I can’t believe the amount of people right now and if you look outside here as we can continue to talk to Mike you see the vantage point the players that are going to see as they come down the street here outside Causeway and all the cheering people of just how deep this is block after block as we continue down the course right here can you believe just how many people are out here I don’t know how this many people are in here having fun you just it’s it’s amazing this is like is way bigger than I thought it was going to be I knew it was going to be big and it’s 10 times as big as I thought it was going to be be right off the bat this is nuts as we continue up Cambridge Street here you can see through just how many people are greeting these players you know talking to the players including Alor yesterday he was talking about how he didn’t know what to expect when he got out here he said he was trying to have very low expectations but he was still very excited you have to imagine seeing all of this the constant cheering the Roar of the crowd everyone lined up here cheering that this has to blow away the players and I think this gives you a sense of just how much the city has wrapped their arms around this team through the playoffs and then the NBA Finals even just yesterday Al Horford stopping at the raising teams on boyon Street hundreds of people were there some had lined up as early as 7 in the morning just for a chance to see Al Horford so you take that yesterday and you magnify that times a million and you can see all the people here that are cheering it really is unreal and we talked earlier about the history of the duck boats and it really wasn’t idea by then Thomas monino the mayor back in 20012 2002 they were looking to Mark the Patriots winning the Super Bowl that year with Tom Brady but they were really worried about having a rally where just all the people would come to one location so what they did instead was say hey let’s do this rolling rally idea a it will allow people from all over a chance to see these players as we come through town and B what better way than to use the iconic duck bows it’s such a part of Boston and so the idea was hat to put the players on duckboats and it also is a great form of crowd control because it allows everyone to see the players on the back of the duck boats while at the same time keeping them away so it really was an indigenous idea and talking with dill Burns who used to be the Deputy Chief of Staff Julie Burns rather and she said other cities have since copied Boston it really was Boston that led the way with this idea of having a rolling rally like what we are seeing right now Eli I’m stealing the show from you right now I have to steal the show because the duckboats are coming by the people are going nuts we saw Joe Missoula we saw the big man himself who’s looking healthy on the duckboats and there it is there is the trophy flying high how proud are we for Banner 18 we believe in Boston is right people are in the windows the crowd is fantastic and people are loving it this team has worked so hard to get to this point I know you’ve been hearing that all morning You’ probably been hearing that all week but it really has been and we’re waiting for the next round of duckboats and the confetti is flying I’ve done a lot of rolling rallies I have to say this very well might be my favorite the fans are really into it I don’t think there is anyone in this crowd if they’re not sporting Celtics gear they’re in the green everyone is committed to this team and to celebrate I love watching this and I hope you guys do at home as well all right who are we going to next because I’m waiting for these duckboats to come our way all right we’re going to get a quick word from our sponsor don’t go anywhere wait until you see the next duckboat that’s coming up it’s a big one stay right there at TD Bank we see millions of transactions but it’s the humans behind them that matter most it’s why we’re Leaders with guidance and solutions that put people at the center that’s how every TD employee helps make our bank the Greet you and your dog by your name hope and longer when you need us kind of place because believing people matter most is how we’re making banking unexpectedly [Music] human yeah it’ be great if she could come down too [Applause] um hey guys we are out here at City Hall we’re up here on the city council president’s balcony with a lot of the city staff who have sort of made their way onto this very small balcony space overlooking the parade route which of course goes right by all of the different buildings whether it’s on the federal side whether it’s on the city Side the state side are all sort of in this area and we’re seeing the duckboats coming by you can see the thousands of fans lining the parade route in fact just a minute ago we saw uh the NBA final championship uh trophy going by on one of these duckboats I mentioned this is the balcony of City pre city council president Ruth Z louisan she’s off camera but I’m gonna ask her a few questions as well just tell me what it means to see I guess the balcony packed with everybody watching this great parade it’s just it’s a it’s a really joyous occasion uh it’s just a day when all of us in the city of Boston are just so happy and proud of our Celtics you know we’re we’re a banner City they brought us Banner 18 we have the most banners of any NBA team so I’m just really really proud of this team of Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum Al Horford Bing is everyone and all the work that they did to bring us here so that the city of Boston can be lit up with this Joy um I’m so proud to be from here and I know that everyone who worked for the city is just a really proud moment for all of us uh for people who have been here who have lived here for a week or those who have lived here for five generations it’s a moment of joy that we can all share right Sports can really help to bring people together really bring us all we share the same rally and cry and today that just Joy is on every corner and in every neighborhood and uh the team has been so good about bringing the trophy out to deester to the North End to all of our neighborhoods so just really special you mentioned every single neighborhood do you feel like this team well represents the city of Boston and and all the different pieces of it oh 100% And what’s really great about this team is that you see them so often out in community you see Jaylen out in community you see Al Horford out you see these folks out in community and so I I do feel like they represent Boston they also represent a desire to really do the work of continuing to build a Boston that is diverse and inclusive and we’re addressing issues like closing the racial wealth Gap Jaylen Brown has actually talked a lot about that about using his own power and his wealth and his position to really do the work of uh fighting for communities black and brown communities so I think it’s a really special moment when you have a team that is also not just playing basketball right they’re more than just Ballers they’re Advocates they’re activists they’re community members that’s perfect thank you so much council president of course thank you she invited us up here we’re thankful that she did I can hear shipping up to Boston playing and I bet Oscar margain can hear it loud and clear where he [Applause] is yeah that’s right we’re having a party out here so exciting oh my God the MVP right over there passing right by in front of City Hall that is right we keep hearing the chance hear it hear it right [Music] [Applause] now jayen brown and re p as the Boston Celtics fan myself I am ecstatic and everybody out here is so happy so many Smiles honestly I just even can’t contain myself uh it’s so exciting it’s so such an awesome moment my God and everybody is feeling it everybody’s feeling the confetti out in the air see the MVP we just saw Jason Tatum earlier right now my God it’s just I don’t know what else to say everybody’s got a smile here it’s really a unique opportunity to see Boston so happy and for a very good reason this Championship belongs to the city and a vanan like my myself just cannot have enough of this honestly and we have more and more floats here everybody trying to take a snapshot with their cell phone right now we got T white my favorite player oh yeah oh yeah t white show your teeth show your teeth show your teeth show your tee oh my God yeah all right guys I am geeking out oh cancer being tossed now into the crowd I hope that doesn’t hurt anybody but oh my God some of the best players here from the starting roster just passing right in front of us right now here in City Hall I’m going to send it back to you guys I’m going to toss to Tevin wooden I believe he’s over at the G Tevin how’s it look over there Oscar Oscar are you Oscar I feel like you right now my man are literally in heaven in a sea of green we are here right along Boon and Charles Street and let me tell you the crowd is anxiously awaiting everybody’s excited let’s go Boon let’s go you got people on top of the Starbucks over here hanging out of Windows right now you’ve got people lining the streets of course you can see some of the uh confetti that’s already started to fall early on we’re still waiting for of course the duck Bo parade to make it here which I think we may be less than 20 minutes in right now the 202 for NBA champion of course a lot of folks celebrating with champagne showers like the players are it’s been so far a lovely day today A beautiful day today still folks have stretched all the way down here can you guys see us yeah I love that flag there have been a couple of flags by the way speaking of flag there have been a couple that say believe in Boston and I think that really just sets the tone sets the mood of what today is all about we believe in Boston we believe in the Celtics we believe in everything that the city has to offer to see so many different people different ages different Rel religions different Creeds different backgrounds different shapes different sizes different colors all joined together for one reason to celebrate the 2024 World Champions the NBA champions our Champions the Bots and Celtics and it’s a lovely day too by the way I know that we had a lot of heat hanging out in the forecast today that’s moved on a couple of breezes coming through right now the temperatures starting to fall down into the upper 70s really setting the scene and every once in a while it’s quite interesting to watch you’ll get a police officer or a cruiser that just goes down the street and all of a sudden people will just swarm swarm this area let’s go to JC right now hey guys let’s go to JC right now JC where you at what do you see it I know it’s so much fun right now I am in the heart of it Kevin just saw Payton Pritchard the man played 4 seconds got the greatest shot 49 ft and he is celebrating with a cigar and flashing his ring and well he should we saw Jason Tatum go by and Jaylen Brown and The Crowd Goes Nuts when they see the trophies and this is how Boston does it we have the confetti flying the music is playing and this crowd is here for it I hope at home you’re really getting a sense of this because I really is special to celebrate a championship here this is our 13th rolling rally before this if you can imagine a million million and a half people gathering at City Hall to see their team at least that we spread it out over 2 miles there we go yes I hope you guys are hearing all this I’m not even want to interrupt [Music] it this parade it has reached its peak here at City Hall we’re coming closer to the end man people have their swag they are decked out we did see uh Derek white start to throw cans into the into the crowd now we got brassette and I love it when I see the players themselves taking photos of us of the crowd to remember it we want to remember them they want to remember this moment it’s fantastic [Applause] loving everything about this oh and uh if I’m still on a shout out to my co-anchor Corey Cory’s home on paternity leave and he’s a Dallas fan well Cory this is how you do it sorry my friends all right Michael Holly to you and Priscilla that duck Hey JC than will take it from here I mean you really have to hold your because the crowd here is so loud we just saw Missoula go by really interesting fact here I heard on NBC Sports Boston the other day this season he started with his new coaches he decided to do a coaches Retreat here in the city of Boston they all got dinner in Boston they stayed at a hotel in Boston and you guessed it they went on a duckboat here in Boston because he said he felt like that these coaches should know the history of the city and really be intertwined and get them all on the same page it’s a really shrew move on his part you know Joe Missoula grew up in Rhode Island so he understand Celtic’s history and that’s kind of a Twist of what Doc Rivers did before the 2008 season where he took Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen on a duckboat and told them this is what it’s going to be like when you win a championship here and we saw Pierce going by celebrating like he just won and he was a Finals MVP 16 years ago and that’s the beauty of the Celtics it’s the in institutional know and it’s just generation to generation of Celtics players they’re excited for these guys as if they were out there on the court you saw Missoula another nod to history wearing a Bill Russell t-shirt and signing a basketball for a guy in the audience who’s standing there right now I’m looking at him wearing a Larry Bird Jersey so so many connections so many layers when you root for the Celtics and you know you got to talk about like some of the greats right Al Horford finally winning a championship adding that to the resume you have Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown working together for years finally able to do this together what goes through your mind on a day like today all the hard work paying off yeah like all the hard work paying off Priscilla but you know when Danny a signed Al Horford he told him you could win a championship somewhere else but there’s nothing like winning in Boston and that’s right even though you think about winning a championship there’s no way you can prepare for what we see today what we’re exper in today it doesn’t happen anywhere else I know we’re lucky to be here we want to get a quick check of our sponsors whatever your business needs Vista Print can print it yeah Vista Print like Rachel needed fun packaging so Vista Print designed and printed new stickers tape and thank you cards bye Corley and ducky needed to get their brand out there so they printed new t-shirts bottles and caps and Tasha well she needed a total refresh so Vistaprint made her a new logo and that that that all that because with Vistaprint the print abilities are endless print it all with 25% off for new customers at [Music] welcome back we are watching these duckboats as they roll down here along Boston com on traymon street they’re going to make a right on to Boon and finish the home stretch here who do we have coming up Jason Tatum oh there we go Jason Tatum blowing his trademark kiss to the crowd and you know what’s so great what’s so great Priscilla is that he’s a guy who had to come through the adversity of being here a lot of people two years ago all right we want to go to Eli Rosenberg how was it like for you are [Applause] hey so we are on a duck Bo look at this crowd out here it really just is amazing people for as far as you can see and I want to give you some perspective if we come this way excuse us real quick you have a moment to talk with us on NBC Live what do you think of this so far it it it is amazing you know it’s I think this moments like these that you can feel the energy of a city uh is moments like these where regardless of people’s background or economic status we all Feel Like We Belong To The City of Boston and so I’m excited to be a part of this float with the Celtics to celebrate Boston it’s a it’s an embracing of our city love what you did there Moment of Truth here what were your expectations what do you think I’m overwhelmed like having you know I’ve I’ve been been around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right now we are looking live we just saw Joe Maul and his family riding by on the duck boo what an experience for him how about Al Horford Rock and the cowboy hat with his family I mean they have been with him through and through this whole season you just have to be so happy for a guy like Al Horford absolutely a data four and then as we look at the next duckboat heading on by right now it’s been a mix 23 duckboats riding by definitely more than a million fans this is what it’s like to be in an army of 1 million Celtic fans all unified under this Banner 18 nothing brings a city together like a championship and we’re so used to this by now I know it’s been since 2018 we haven’t seen a parade but Latoya your doorchester strong you’ve seen plenty of these what is this one like there is this is so many people right well let me tell you I was here back in 2008 and you know what it didn’t feel like this this feels different Banner 18 we are so hungry we’re so thirsty for it title town is in full effect again 16 long years they’ve waited they have built up for this you’re looking at Derek white and this is just one of the Cornerstone pieces brought in the last couple of years to get this team a title Derek white lost his tooth he said he would have lost all of them for a championship this man delivered on so many different levels coming from San Antonio in a trade I don’t think he ever expected something like this yet here’s Derek white now on the duckboat in Boston embracing the city and the city embracing him and I love how they pass the trophy from duckboat to duckboat so everybody gets a chance to put their hands on it every player whether they’re the the premier lead star or someone else and they hold it up so high and we as fans love so much this is about showing them love after them giving us an amazing season it is unbelievable Latoya Edwards I’m R Martinez we’re in cley square right on Boon Street it is an unbelievable site so far let’s toss it over to our meteorologist in the morning Tevin Wooten our partner in crime Tevin how’s it looking on your end [Applause] Street and I have not seen a louder crowd in Boston until this very moment there is so much there’s so much joy on people’s faces you’ve got young people crying you’ve got old people crying well seasoned people crying I think one of the most touching moments that I just witnessed was Al Horford’s father on the duckboat with him and you could see the passion you could see the excitement on his face how proud he was um of his son uh we have seen so much support staff come through as well on the second and third and fourth duck boats and I think that’s very important too you know that Celtics is it’s a very large organization the players are one part of that you’ve got support staff managers videographers Communications people personal trainers everybody did their job this season to make sure these Celtics came home Victoria home Victoria been a a brief lull at the moment uh but a couple of folks have still really just the the cheers that people have really erupted in it’s just it’s so remarkable to see uh people are standing up on some of the pillars here uh near the Boston Common there are flags Every Which Way everyone is united in two colors green and white that today brings everybody together for this one purpose and to see it all up front to see it all just just unfold in really the most poetic way for the cel this season has been tremendous we’ve got a couple of more boats that way I want to go to the other side of the common uh with Priscilla and Michael Holly you guys I think they should be to you guys pretty soon if they’re not already there right yes Kevin oh my gosh what a party here the confetti is falling from the skies beers are being thrown I mean it is a shower here as well the heat not affecting anybody today what a great parade it it’s a scene you can tell the players are really enjoying it we’re seeing a side of players that we haven’t seen before you know Jaylen Brown is usually a very serious guy he’s enjoying it he’s leading the child crowd and let’s go chance see Jason Tatum encouraging the crowd to give him more Derek white throwing some liquor into the crowd and receiving some as well just a great atmosphere from a lot of people oh my gosh you know I know we were saying maybe a million people this might be more I think so Celtics fans really coming out all generations and as you said Holly we’ve never seen these players like this before they’re the biggest Smiles we saw Derek white has his toothpick nown biggest smile I’ve seen all day yeah everybody’s got a story you know Joe moula this time last year when they lose in the playoffs there’s some thought that Missoula should be replaced we heard some talk about that we heard some talk last year that Jaylen Brown should be traded after he had eight turnovers against the Miami Heat so it’s a Redemption it’s a Redemption tour and a Redemption ride for a lot of these players and what a way to start the season Joel Missoula taking his staff on duckboats to get used to the history of Boston and then they’re here riding out the season NBA Finals Champs on a duckboat now with the team we see some of our team members here here in duck boats passing by hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys I mean this is unbelievable what we’re witnessing right now is just a sea of green Latoya I could not believe how quickly this filled up and now we’re starting to feel it right here on Boon Street oh the rumble is happening you’re looking live right now as we see the 23 duck boats and the vots proceeding make their way down look at Wick right there he’s kissing his beautiful bride theyve waited a long time Jason Tatum holding that trophy so proudly how about Jason Tatum the the growth that we’ve seen from this young man what a leader into what he’s turned into today he led the team in finals in points rebounds and assists only five players in NBA history have ever done that so Jason Tatum and wasn’t even the MVP in the finals look well because we have a stacked crew we have at least six players who are all who would be the absolute stars on any other team and we’re just like it’s our luxury right so we’re live from Copley Square right now we see Boon Street right now just being showered with confetti and we’re seeing the flags fly high as a Celtic celebrate 2024 and it’s NBA title it it’s it’s hard not to get emotional emotionally excited just happy for the city they have been starving for a Celtics championship for 16 long years and it has been built up you draft Jaylen Brown you draft Jason Tatum you bring Herford back and you see Jaylen brown right there yes his juice Foundation supported the bridge group who basically have won tickets students Bridge students to be on the boat with him these are Community kids who get to now stand beside Jaylen Brown as he moves through the crowd and experience this wonderful rolling rally no and then no question Latoya just such a community leader what he does as a leader on this court he’s in his high 20s and he’s already the leader of this team 27 years old 27 years old and this young man is a Finals MVP you got to give the respect to this man how about the respect to this entire core just a great job that they did all year long from start to finish the favorites dominance and now look at him here comes the crowd and the crowd is getting fired up Latoya we’re looking at Derek white right now and he has the most beautiful smile we’ve ever seen well he got that dental work temporary dental work we’re grateful for all the work that he put on that floor including his teeth that are all over the garden in the paret but now they get to celebrate and it’s so fun to watch these guys they’re embracing it we’re going to take a quick word from our sponsors as we enjoy this rolling rally parade



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  1. what's with the dump truck and duck boat bus? is this Boston thing?
    or they couldn't get double decker open top buses?

  2. 2024: Mavericks vs Celtics, Champions – Celtics
    2025: Nuggets vs Celtics, Champions – Celtics
    2026: Lakers vs Celtics, Champions – Celtics
    2027: Lakers vs Knicks, Champions – Lakers
    2028: Lakers vs 76ers, Champions – Lakers
    2029: Timberwolves vs Celtics, Champions – Celtics
    2030 Mavericks vs Pacers, Champions – Mavericks

  3. 13th championship parade for Boston since the Pats upset the Greatest Show on Turf. Only Manchester, Barcelona and Madrid fans know what that's like. The Pats and Sox are most likely done for a while, but here's hoping the Celtics and/or Bruins can keep this train going.

  4. June 17th 2008 to June 17th 2024. From KG "ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!!!" to JT "WHAT THEY GOING TO SAY NOW!!!". ☘️🏆☝🏽

  5. Wow Boston reporters literally saying “los Angeles lakers 17” is criminal. Minneapolis Lakers have 5 of them

  6. I may not be there but as one of the few Celtics fans in my area who stood by them, I feel this with a lot of prids

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