@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Reporter on the Head Coaching Changes

Detroit Pistons Reporter on the Head Coaching Changes

we’re back welcome back to Armani and Edwards and myself Tom Mao alongside our good friend Terry Foster the legend in the house that was a good hour T it was now let’s make another one let’s do another one let’s go right now to the Detroit Pistons performance center uh now I we I tried to find where the performance center was I have not been there yet and uh Terry and I were trying to figure out uh what street it was on I think it’s on Second Street it’s on second we need to go we need to get you down there just to go to Plum Market right the pum market right down it’s right down by the Fisher Building kind of about a mile yeah kind of sort of all right why don’t we head on out there right now because there’s going to be a press conference in about 20 minutes from now introducing TR and Langdon alongside the owner of the Pistons of course Tom goris we go out to our man Kool-Aid Brandon Kool-Aid Dent joins us out there what’s up Kool-Aid Kool-Aid where you at cuckoo hey hey hey we got you my friend hey Koolaid I heard a rumor yes sir I heard uh trejon langen said what am I gonna have my press conference Tom Gore said fire somebody first and then we we’ll have your press conference hey you know what man look they’re having a press conference in the big area today the media is starting to fall in it’s um it’s starting to get real can’t wait to uh ask Tran as well as Tom gor some of our questions what would you what do you think is gonna be the first question answered out there will it be the Tom goris or it’ll be out to tr and langon I think the first question is going to be to Tom gor just because of all of the information that came about the kind of the dismiss of firing of monan and Troy Weaver being something that came from the ownership group ultimately uh that trean had a say so wi it but ultimately this was a decision made by ownership so I do expect some good question to be directed to ownership uh first are you going to ask him about his sixth hiring of a head coach cuz that’s coming up we hear that they have permission to ask a couple of assistants Sean Sweeney from Dallas and then Minnesota assistant Micah Nory a couple of the names that are out there JB bicker staff’s name was out there heck they they were even talking about JJ reic until he was hired yesterday officially by the LA Lakers what’s your thought on the next coach there Brandon yeah I’m hoping that they can find themselves in position to get one of these assisant coaches that have Championship pedigree like Sam Cel um and like James bgo I know that he’s in talks with Cleveland Cavaliers but s w a championship with the Boston Celtics he’s been doing this thing for a long time since 2009 and so I’m hoping if it’s not one of those guys that they can find themselves in a conversation with someone like Chris Quinn of the Miami Heat and kind of get that culture here as well it’s a culture I’ve long envied some of these newer names that have just kind of popped up over the last couple days I understand them but I don’t think that they’re necessarily the strongest candidates um for what the Pistons need kind of going forward you know bro when they when the L hired JJ reck I said good um let him go let him be somewhere else uh I’m not convinced on him he hasn’t coached before and uh he’s just he’s just this pretty boy on TV and I think that’s why the Pistons wanted him that was for the wrong reasons too [Music] [Music]

Brandon “Detroit Kool-Aid” Dent joins the EE crew to discuss the Detroit Pistons’ decision to fir their head coach. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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