@San Antonio Spurs

Building Around Victor Wembanyama: The San Antonio Spurs NBA Draft Strategy

Building Around Victor Wembanyama: The San Antonio Spurs NBA Draft Strategy

the San Antonio Spurs have their future centerpiece already set in Victor wiim Bama he’s going to be a perennial all-nba player for a years to come barring injury and they find themselves with two top eight picks in the 2024 NBA draft what’s the best way for them to construct a roster that’s going to allow them to compete for the years to come that’s what we’re talking about today stick around we’re talking what the San Antonio Spurs need to do in the NBA draft this coming year [Music] hello and welcome back to green flag Sports we’re continuing our coverage of the 2024 NBA draft and we’re focusing on the San Antonio Spurs today as we mentioned in the open there’s so much potential you know in their future There’s an opportunity for them to build a a a true Contender and in this draft class they’re going to have two picks so they’re going to have the number four pick and the number eight pick and those are what we’re going to primarily Focus this discussion on there are loads of options for them to pursue and we’re going to talk about you know the the key aspect of these two picks being how do they pair with Victor Wim banama because that’s what the Spurs should be cons really concerning themselves with they have their guy and that’s not changing so you have the opportunity to now construct a roster that suits his strengths and sets you up for Success so we’re going to talk about a few players all of which are projected to go around that Mark and we’ll talk about why we like their game and show some video that highlights some of those attributes so stick with us we’re going to start off with talking about a big man that hasn’t been linked to them as much as some of these other prospects so the first player I want to talk about is Matas buellis who is currently on the g-league ignite team he’s a a kind of big combo forward kind of a three kind of a four but can just do a lot of stuff on the basketball court and when I look at what what you know San Antonio is trying to do and what they already have in place with guys like wiim bana and soan it is they have some guys who are big versatile and can can handle the ball can do things and traffic can can really get offense running and that’s where I like Bellis so he is someone who can grab a defensive rebound push the ball in transition has excellent vision and awareness can share the ball in the half court uh you know that is is where he excels now offensively he has some other parts to his game I mean he he has a a three-point shot that was not very efficient last year he has athleticism to finish around the rim but I I like the idea for the Spurs specifically with his playmaking ability to be able to help kind of just push that pace a little bit get wiimin Yama more involved not have a true uh you know guard who’s going to need the ball in his hands all the time in order to make things happen I I like kind of spreading that responsibil ility out amongst some of the other players on the team and I think when you can try out a lineup of soan buellis wanyama that’s just going to add some Dynamic dynamicism to your offense and really really make you exciting for the future so I think that’s something where I would I would seriously consider him at four if I were the Spurs I think that would be a smart move uh but we’ll see how the draft shakes down we’re going to talk about a few more players that that they could either pair with balis or take instead of him are going to help their chances even more next we’re going to talk about the guard position and specifically we’re going to talk Stefan Castle he’s out of Yukon he is a a bigger guard who can absolutely lock things down defensively but also has a pretty pretty developed pick and roll game which will play off of Wim Yama very well now he is he’s probably the most projected player to San Antonio out of the uh out of the various options that are on the board for them so you know I I could see is coming to fruition I think they’ll be very intrigued by his defensive versatility like you’ll see in some of these highlights that we’re going to roll he can move his feet he’s very long uh you know he played well with kingan in college which is you know probably a similar length I mean obviously not as long as wiim Bama but you know he’s used to playing with a rim protector who can kind of cover some of his mistakes as he aggressively navigates pick and roll defense so I I like the pick I think offensively there are some concerns I don’t know that it necessarily fits where you want to go with modern basketball but maybe he gets substantially better that’s kind of hard to say but uh Stefan Castle definitely not a bad pick for San Antonio now next I want to briefly talk about Reed shephard I think it’s becoming increasingly unlikely that he’s going to be available at this slot but if you can compare wiim Bama up with a shooter of Reed Shepard’s capability then that gives you some some crazy Dynamic things to do on offense it’s going to create more spacing for both players I I would love the fit if I didn’t think he was going to go to the rocket so that’s just another one to throw in there uh if he somehow Falls to number four I I think they’re going to have some tough decisions to make as what direction they want to go uh again I think the fit is is amazing I think you know he can can get his defensive liabilities a little more covered with wiim vama than he would with really any other team so would love the pick but I’m not necessarily sure I could actually see this one happening uh in our realistic universe so let’s shift our Focus now to that number eight pick and and what we think they should be doing there there’s a lot of really interesting options and I think the one that they are probably most closely tied to or most often projected to make would be Devin Carter out of Providence now he’s not a huge guard he’s 62 but he can be a defensive Menace I think he had 70 something blocks over over the past two seasons uh and is really Dynamic with the ball ball in his hand so you talk about a guy who can operate in a pick and roll situation like he probably pairs up the best with Lyn minyama in that sense because he’s a good shooter he can attack off of a pick and roll he is really Adept at making that pitchback pass to his big if they can shoot he can also keep his head up and and find guys as they’re cutting through the middle and navigating traffic as he’s doing the same coming off of a high ball screen there’s a lot to like about his game and I think from a from a you know two ends of the Court standpoint he can impact it defensively and I think he’s going to do a good job there and Wim banama as we talked about with Reed Shephard is going to let him be a little bit more aggressive which is going to help him out quite a bit and then offensively he’s going to be able to to work with Wim banama and is probably going to defer to him more than most guards would especially early on like you’re going to have a a real pick and pop or pick and roll lob threat that you can work either way it’s just going to it’s a really good match and I think if he’s there that ultimately will be their selection at number eight but there’s a couple other intriguing possibilities there as well now another individual who’s being projected to be in that seven to 10 range is Cody Williams out of Colorado and he is a big Wing 67 68 uh really had a a super efficient year at Colorado last year can play in a lot of different spots isn’t ball Reliant so he’s not someone where you have to scheme up ways to get the ball in his hands he can just you know make tough shots he can definitely make open shots he’s a very good spot up shooter uh he can cut to the rim operate in space and play within an offense or he can straight up attack the rim when needed and finish either athletically uh with with dunks or through contact or he can find space and kind of be creative with a with a diverse package of finishing moves around the rim so there’s you know from a wing perspective I think he profiles really well like if you know it depends on what they do with that fourth pick so if they get buellis like it probably wouldn’t be Cody Williams at at eight because those guys are very similar and I know I like having a lot of these kind of Swiss Army knives out there at all times but I don’t think you want to you know Log Jam yourself all that much especially with some of the pieces that they already have playing in San Antonio so again I like Cody Williams if he’s there I think he’ll be under consideration but it’s going to depend on on what they’re doing with that fourth pick so that’s going to really do it for our coverage of individual prospects and I want to end this with talking around my thought process and and the combinations that I think are at play uh from that group if I’m the Spurs and I’m drafting and and can kind of create my own path I think I would be very comfortable taking gelis at four and then Devin Carter at 8 because I think that gives you some really interesting lineup combinations that you can play with each other can surround wiim Bama with competent shooting and playmaking uh as well as some decent defense uh on you know on top of all that so there’s a lot of opportunities for them to create a team that is just going to play to win Bama’s strength it’s going to allow him to still handle the ball some that’s definitely going to put him in situations to succeed out of a pick and roll it’s going to take some of the playmaking load off of his shoulders uh while giving it to guys who are still willing passers and able passers I think that’s the most important thing I you know I don’t think a guy like Rob Dillingham for example who’s more of a a ball dominant point guard like that’s not necessarily somebody who I think you’re going to you’re going to want to pair with wiim Bama I don’t think that’s a very good fit um you know I don’t think you’re going to want another true big I think that you know if kingan is around that’s it’s certainly interesting to pair clinging with you know a new age big like wiim Bama but I just think you’re you’re putting too many eggs in that big man basket at that point and San Antonio does have a history with the Twin Towers but I’m not sure that these Twin Towers make a whole lot of sense uh so let me know what you think Spurs fans sound off what are you guys hoping for with the four and the eight do you want to even take those picks are we looking to trade down it is considered a weak draft so there’s you know a lot of of different variables at play and it’s going to be very interesting to see how the next week plays out how this draft goes but I think you know as someone who paid a good amount of attention to the Spurs last year it’s an exciting time to be watching them to to see how they’re going to grow and develop you know what is just a generational Talent not necessarily going to be a generational player but a generational talent for sure crafting a team is super important I’m excited to see how it goes thank you so much for being here and watching I will see you on the next one [Music]

In this video, we dive into the NBA Draft strategy for the San Antonio Spurs, focusing on how they can strategically use their picks (#4 and #8) to build a team around their superstar Victor Wembanyama. Wembanyama, known for his exceptional size and skillset, presents a unique opportunity for the Spurs to shape their future roster.

We analyze potential draft picks and discuss which players could complement Wembanyama’s strengths and elevate the team’s performance. Whether you’re a Spurs fan or an NBA enthusiast, join us for an insightful discussion on the Spurs’ draft prospects and their path to success in the upcoming season. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more NBA draft analysis and basketball content!

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  1. I heard players are purposely tanking there performance to go lower in the draft that way it’s more accessible for the spurs to pick ‘em up during draft night. The Wenbanyama effect is real

  2. Risacher and Topič are the perfect fits around Wemby. Both of them are already playing ball in Europe so they already have pro level experience. Also trading Sochan for a PG like Fred van Vleet would be a good move.

  3. SUBBED. You do a great job brew.
    Keep it up and I’ll keep liking and sharing your content with my bball heads.

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