@Detroit Pistons

Trajan Langdon Makes His Vision Very Clear In Detroit Pistons Introductory Press Conference

Trajan Langdon Makes His Vision Very Clear In Detroit Pistons Introductory Press Conference

I have just gotten home from the Detroit Pistons introductory press conference for trasan Lan there was a lot said in here and a lot to take away for Detroit Pistons fans we’re going to break down all of that and everything I found interesting from this press conference today’s episode of the lock on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host K Hill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first to listen every single day we’re fre of vinar podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a fire star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz lockon NBA and use code all lowercase lockon NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 so like I said in the cold open there was a lot said in this in this press conference there was a lot said by both Tom and Tran that I thought was some insightful stuff I thought a lot of what they said did provide insight and wasn’t just PR speak and wasn’t just you know quarterback talk I thought a lot of it did provide some insight um so I’m GNA go through everything I found interesting um I do want to say I wasn’t able to take any videos from the seat I was at the angle I was getting video was impossible um so I didn’t get any video I did tweet out as many quotes as I possibly could for you guys while I was covering it um but wasn’t able to get any video from the angle I was at um so I’m sorry about that but I think I think the first place I want to go with is the vision that seems like Tran lingan is going with this team this off season hearing what his vision is for this team and hearing what he wants to do this off season I feel like was probably number one um for Pistons fans what they wanted to hear from him and I think he gave a very clear and straightforward vision of what he’s trying to do and what he wants to do with this team and on numerous occasions he spoke about patience he spoke about developing the young core he spoke about getting a new head coach that main quality will be developing the young Corp and spoke about how they don’t need to to skip any steps so for the entirety of that press conference my biggest takeaway from all this is that if we are to take langon for his wordness and this doesn’t mean that he can’t make mov and he can’t you know take advantage of a move that comes his way that likes things may change things obviously always can change but at as of right now in the 21st to me it seems very clear that his vision is to develop the players on this roster and have them you know kind of lead them to where they’re going to go which I think it’s pretty similar to what has been you know I think that’s pretty similar to what the goal has been for the last few years um I guess the hope is that he just accomplish accomplishes that in a different way or accomp accomplishes that at all really because Weaver obviously wasn’t able to at all um so I guess that’s the hope there um there was one quote um that tran had that I really wanted to where is it at I want to make sure I I say it correct um oh he said that Lang D said that if they’re able to help these young players reach their potential they can be pretty special but he also mentioned that you just can’t skip steps and route to doing that um he also went on to say I think he basically confirmed that they will be looking to fill their cap space through trades he basically confirmed that in this presser to me um his quote was um when he was asked about adding to the team through trades his quote was I think it’s one thing we’re looking for with the c space we have is is gathering contracts from other teams and he wanted to mention G gaining assets from those contracts from other teams um and hoping that those players that they do acquire can help Elevate their young players so there was a quote or not a quote there was an article today before this presser from Jake fiser um he said League sources had heard that the Pistons were viewed as a Dumping Ground of bad contracts or large contracts to get off of um this off season um I feel like langen basically conf irm that that is something they’re going to be looking to do this offseason um so all that says to me is that they are going to take this thing slow they want the young guys to develop they want to want these guys to reach their potential they want to give them at least the chance to reach their poent potential this year in a way that maybe Tran feels like they weren’t given the chance to in previous years so that to me is by far the biggest takeaway and I’m not going comment on whether I think that’s the right or wrong way to go about it I just think it’s an interesting way to go about it and I’m very interested to see how they go about doing it because I don’t think and and Tom went on to say not during the live pressor but afterwards he was asked this and he mentioned how they had too much money sitting on the bench this past year that this offseason the people they get the people they pay they want to be able to contribute so basically what this sounds like to me and I made this connection before the Press after reading Jake Fisher’s article but it basically was confirmed during the presser they want to absorb contracts for assets but they don’t want to absorb you know bad contract bad player it seems like they want to try to take on you know maybe a player who is who can contribute but is heavily over overpaid and to take on their contract they want to take on an asset or two right now I don’t have those players in front of me I just got home from the presser the next episode we do will be me going over those type of players players that are overpaid that can help the Pistons but maybe are overpaid and they can get an asset for taking on their contract again I don’t have those players in front of me I haven’t looked through it I just got home um but it seems like that is what they’re going to be trying to do and I would be at this point shocked and again I mean things can change and just like that so I don’t is it nothing is 100% And obviously with every press conference a lot of the things said could be just to appease the fan base or to appease the people there like you never really know how much is real how much is just know just to speak so it’s always always possible that maybe some of this isn’t actually true he isn’t actually how he feels whatever but if we are to take him if we are to take him for the word that we heard at this presser seems like the Pistons are going to take this slow their main priority is to build up their young core their main priority is to develop these guys their main priority is to get some guys in that will help them develop that will help them Reach their next step in their development when and I mean that by the coaching the new head coach and players that they bring in um so I mean I think this is interesting I think this is GNA be I think this changes how some people will be looking at this offseason how they are going to attack this offseason now the draft is less than a week away free agency I believe is 10 days away at this point um I don’t know man I I don’t it seems like right now if I had to take a guess I don’t think they’re going to spend a lot of money in free agency it sounds like they want to use a lot of their cap space And Trades so I I wonder who those guys are that they’re identifying um they did make it clear though on numerous occasions they do want to bring in guys to help the help the young Corp so I don’t think it’s going to be at least I don’t think it’s going to be another Joe Harris situation and like I said Tom came out afterwards and spoke about how they had too much money sitting on the bench they couldn’t help so I think they that’s what they’re going to do I’m just not sure how many unless there’s like a three- team trade where the Pistons are the team that’s receiving the large salary dump that no one wants I I’m you’re gon have to give me some time you guys G have to give me some time to really go through the league and find what players he could be identifying that can’t contribute still but are horrible contracts that would still get you an asset or two and the problem with this I’ll wrap it up here before we move on to the next part that I found really interesting um the tough part about this is that tran is basically saying that he’s going to do what Weaver should have done four years ago I’ve said this numerous times at the beginning of this rebuild the Detroit Pistons s have taken on bad contracts and gone assets because they didn’t they sit now in 2024 with no real assets they don’t have multiple picks to trade they don’t have multiple young guys they can trade without gutting the entire young Corp like they don’t have real assets that fans really want to get rid of like no one wants the fan base doesn’t seem like they want to get rid of Ivy they don’t want to give it of Duren it doesn’t sound like Lon wants to do that as of right now based off this presser but they don’t have picks to tr either they just they don’t have a treasure chest of assets at all and it’s because of how the previous regime went about you know Asset Management so now it seems like Lon kind of feels like he has to kind of recuperate that um and again I had this said to me like a week ago about Tran is that he is a very patient guy if there’s one thing he is very very patient so I think this kind of tracks with that he sounds like he wants to take this thing slow he was asked like for example he was asked does he think Kade can be the best player on the championship team and he basically said kage’s a big time player he has these skills etc etc but we’re so far away from a championship team that we don’t even need to be thinking about that I don’t know yet if Kate’s a championship level or if he can be the best player on a championship team but I hope so but we’re so far away that we’re not even thinking about that we’re not thinking about Championship so he in every which way possible I think he pitched the vision that this is going to be a slow grind and they want to develop and take time and he talked about how the head coach needs to have patience and the the eagerness to see these guys develop so I think they’re going to take this offseason really slow and I don’t think this is going to be as impactful as you know impactful as in like on the 2024 2025 season as some Pistons fans wanted to hear I’m interested to hear from you guys how you guys feel about that you guys think that’s the right route do you guys want to see that do you guys not want to see that let me know comment section down below or over on Twitter at C Hill when we come back Tom and Tran hit on one thing and it it wasn’t the word thread even though they used the word thread probably a thousand times they both echoed the same thing when it came to the word leadership we’ll talk about what they talked about when we come back priz pies America’s number one daily fantasy sports out with over 5 million active members price Pi is the easiest most exciting way to play play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on priz piix is just you against the numbers all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get in on the action with your friends and become part of the priz piix community today with the f is over the Hoops acent doesn’t stop on prize picks women’s basketball is still heating up with stars like Caitlyn Clark 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hit that subscribe button or leave us a fire star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast um so to really just to put a bow on the first segment for real they’re going to take it slow they want to see the young guys lead them they want to put the young guys in a position that will help them develop he mentioned numerous times wanting to have a winning environment in an environment that encouraged development he didn’t feel like the Pistons had that previously he mentioned that he has skills that he believes this team is missing trasan that is I mean it seems like what those skills he’s talking about is the patience and the ability to help develop these players I mean he mentioned Fred Vincent um multiple times saying he hopes that that adding Fred vinsent can help them develop spacing develop their outside shot which he thinks will cut down their turnover rate and thinks will be a big step forward in their development and that’s one of the reasons why he brought in Fred so um we kind of hinted at that on last week’s episode that maybe that meant that he wants to go slow he believes in the young Corp and wants to try to help them with their shot um so it seems like that’s the case um so yeah that that’s the final thoughts I have on on the what their vision is it seemed pretty clear to me I I thought Tran made it very clear what their vision is they want to take this thing slow um and they’re going to develop their young guys and they’re going to try at least to put an environment that enables them to develop um so that’s that’s really it with the whole Vision I think that was made pretty clear by Tran um the other thing that I found really interesting from this presser I don’t know if I should call them shots I don’t know if shots would be the uh right way to say it but um there are some I would say uh references I guess to Troy Weaver and Monty Williams um let’s start with Troy Tom on numerous occasions talked about how he didn’t feel like they had the right leadership in the organization and you have to feel like he’s talking about Troy um in numerous occasions he said or hinted towards the fact he didn’t feel like everyone was on the same page um he felt like at the very beginning of the pressor which I thought was a crazy way to start off but I respect Tom for being open and I I actually thought this was a good uh press conference from Tom um has a little bit of word salad says a lot of stuff um that maybe was a little filler but overall I thought this was a really good press conf for some time and he was very open and answered questions honestly um and he opened up depressor like one of the first things he said was he felt like something that this he felt like he had some leadership in previous years obviously Troy Weaver that was leading in certain places and certain pieces but not leading in totality that wasn’t a leader throughout the organization and he said that he felt like that was one of their biggest issues over the last few years is that they did not have a leader that threaded he used the word threaded like a thousand times that threaded every piece of the organization he felt like they only had a leader for pieces of the organization not someone that could thread all the pieces and he felt like that’s what trasan can bring so I feel like that is an obvious again I don’t want to say shot but I feel like that’s an obvious reference to Troy Weaver like very clearly a reference to tro Weaver um that wasn’t the only mention of of Troy I would say they were quite a few other things that I’m trying I like I don’t I keep wanting to say a shot but it really did sometimes feel like a shot at Troy but I don’t think Tom was doing it maliciously um he just kept talking about how they haven’t had good leadership and he kept trying to tiptoe around basically saying bad leadership and maybe he didn’t mean to say bad leadership but he kept saying someone who just didn’t lead the entire organization so Troy I thought really got some um I I thought I thought Troy really got some Jabs throughout this press conference and when you have I mean look when you struggle like the Pistons have with the last four years I mean that’s gonna happen like I you can’t you can’t you you can’t struggle how the Pistons did and not expect there to be any like criticism or shots of your way um for example if you want an exact quote from Tom he said I’d like to collaborate I think we needed some day-to-day leadership to threat it all together I’m not sure we’ve ever had that here so I don’t know what like Troy wasn’t doing or like what Troy was lacking in the leadership department when it comes to day-to-day relationships with the front office whether that be with the players or the front office or the coaching staff or whatever there obviously was a lack of relationships or a lack of of you know kind of like what we talked about a lack of a vision together oh a one one agreed upon Vision within this front office I mean he hinted at it probably about 30 times throughout this presser so that that was incredibly interesting and then also with Monty I like I said Tom had um Tom had a had a had a scrum after the press conference so after the big time press conference it was a scrum afterwards and I didn’t I got there a little late so I I didn’t get the full answer to the question I didn’t get the full question I should say I got a majority of the answer but he was basically asked why did he fire Monty and what he said was he felt like it wasn’t um he used the word it was too much to repair now I don’t know what he was I don’t think he went in depth about what needed to be repaired but he said he felt like that he said Monty’s a great man but maybe that wasn’t the right fit at the right time and he felt like at this point in the season there was a little too much to to repair heading into next year so I don’t know what you know what Monty needed to repair but I mean I’ve told you guys for weeks that I’m not sure how many fans Monty had and for someone to pay that much money to send you out and no one really cared like no one was upset about it it felt like people wanted it to happen he obviously upset some people he obviously turned some people off and I don’t know what happened but one thing I liked from Tom lot in this presser he was very honest and straightforward and whether you want to take it as shots at Troy weaver or Monte Williams or him just being honest I like that I like that he held it felt like he he paid respect to Troy but also held him accountable for some of the things that he didn’t do and as far as Monty I thought Monty maybe didn’t get uh this is just my takeaway I feel like Monty got more of the from Tom more of the let’s say like when he talks about Troy he he mostly before he said anything about Troy he talk about how Troy helped a lot he he he he he’s G he added a lot to the team that can’t be seen yet I don’t think he did much of that with Monty and it just felt like they were they were obviously they’re okay with it but it it definitely the energy they gave up was they definitely were okay with Monte G like they were it wasn’t the right fit he there were something he need there some stuff he needed to repair and they were cool with just letting him go um along with that though trean um did mention about coaching um and also Tom Tom also said that the main thing he wants in a head coach is someone who can develop their young guys but Tran went on to say that when he’s looking for this next head coach he wants somebody who is going to have the patience to develop the young players who wants to develop the young players and wants to be a part of that that wants to be a part of the development of this team whether that means wins or losses or not like he made sure of that the main thing is just the development and I the one thing with that that I think P some Pistons fans are going to be upset about and look I don’t think it’s any fault of tra like if this is what his vision is and they wanted this to happen then okay but I I’ve already seen I completely understand it some Pistons fans saying this sounds like the exact same thing we heard four years ago when Dwayne Casey and Troy Weaver talked about pouring concrete and starting up the the the the foundation of this franchise four years ago in the beginning of the rebuild it did sound pretty similar to that so I understand why some Pistons fans would say well another tough season incoming why should I even watch like I’ve already had some of you guys reach out to me and say that all I can say is let’s wait to see what they do I don’t think that they’re just going to run it back they are I think Trey said on numerous occasions and after after the big press conference and the scrum that he had he was asked about that and he said that he feels like they do need to add players to take some of the responsibility off of the young players to to uh help them develop and maybe he didn’t say smaller roles but that’s how I read it into uh I read what he was saying as smaller roles that some guys can you know develop in so we’ll see what they do man I just I really liked how straightforward Tom was and I do think that there was very clearly a disconnect with Monty 100% there was a big disconnect there and with Troy he wasn’t doing something right from a from a leadership perspective that’s where Tom seemingly took a lot of his shots at Troy I again I said shots I don’t there weren’t really like shots but you know it is what it is he really talked about that a ton over and over and over again how he didn’t feel like this team was led correctly the front office was led correctly that all the pieces of the team were LED correctly and that’s why he got Tran because he feels like Tran can do that so that was the next interesting thing um that I had from this presser first thing is obviously the vision Tran set out and then the fact of how Open Tom was at talking about why they moved on from Troy Monte like he didn’t give much PR speak I don’t feel like he was very open about it um which I liked again I thought this was a fun not maybe not fun fun was the wrong word but a good press conference um from Tom Gores a good performance so um to wrap it all up I’ll give my final thoughts on the presser um one thing that they mentioned they did talk about the fifth overall pick and potentially one of their plans with it we’ll talk about that when we come back when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn has a vast network of more than a billion professionals which makes it the best place to to hire it gives you access to professionals you 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platform you’re listening to is on is another great way to support the podcast um there was something that um tracon said in regards to the draft and this was something that he was not asked about he said this unprovoked which I think is pretty telling um he was asked about their potential moves this offseason what they want to do this off season um and he went on to say that you know he was talking about the draft how he’s getting pre for the draft and in talking about prepping himself for the draft he said we’re prepping ourselves for whether we pick it five or elsewhere and that like he said it and just kept going I’m just like whoa okay hold on he just basically did did he just basically reveal that they are you know considering moving back or I mean maybe moving up but I I think moving back and no one really put you know pushed back and like followed up with that they they went on to another question but I think that makes some sense for where the Pistons are especially with depending on who falls the Pistons at five I’ve had a few draft guys in the pockets obviously over the last two weeks and all of them have said depending on who falls the five this could be a real valuable pick for the Pistons to trade back like let’s say kinging were to fall the five there’s a lot of teams that want cing it I’ve heard that there’s a lot of teams that want Matas if some of those guys and maybe Reed Sheard Falls of five or whoever there is going to be someone that falls of five that maybe someone behind the Pistons really loves maybe the Pistons can flip that fifth overall pick into a later lottery pick or maybe two first round picks later in the draft maybe one next year and a player who knows but it seems like that’s something that they are definitely going to be considering and one thing I did like from Tran it kind of goes along with the fifth overall pick statement is the moving back the reason why he’d be moving back is acquire more assets I if you guys have been listening to the podcast over the last few years my main criticism of Troy Weaver and his front office was their Asset Management they did terrible with asset management and I constantly talk about how the Pistons have no assets because they were doing a terrible job of acquiring them I think Tran sees that I think it’s very clear that he sees that they do not have assets therefore I think he is viewing this off season more so as an ass set acquiring offseason rather than a win now offseason and to be honest I can’t argue with that like I can’t push back against that I do think it’s going to be interesting to see how how it it lines up with kad’s timeline because all I’ve heard is that kade’s definitely getting that extension that they’re definitely signing him to this Max extension as they should is Kade gonna be on board with something like that because I don’t think I I don’t don’t know how many guys like unless for example unless you can get Zack LaVine from the Bulls unless unless the Bulls are in such a position where they they are literally willing to give up an asset with Zack LaVine just to get off his contract maybe that something like that happens maybe the Warriors want to trade Andrew Wiggins and they’re willing to attach assets to him like that’s the kind of stuff it sounds like they’re going to be wanting them do like that trades like that those are just the first two names that popped to my head though I don’t think Zack Line’s realistic possibility I don’t know how much Wiggins is going to be either um but that him traing that is it seems like very clearly he wants to acquire assets for this team because he sees that his his his treasure chest of assets is empty he doesn’t have any and he does not like that I mean I think he made that very clear he does not like the fact they don’t have any assets and he wants to go get some so I don’t know man I’m I’m just gonna be really interested to see how he goes about doing it because they the Pistons were connected to Malik monk who just resigned by the way with the king so he’s off the table connected to claxon like can they go after though that guy like Claxton or hardenstein or jabias Harris can they go after that guy while also acquiring assets for bad contracts and what bad contracts are they looking at I refuse to believe that they want to attract bad contracts that can’t play like Tom basically confirmed that so what contracts are you looking at and are you you wanting are are you straight up like are you are you subtly tanking this year or are you actually trying to add players that can help them win are you expecting the players that you do bring in on bad contracts will actually help them win some games and you just get good assets with it like is that the plan or are you just straight up like start of a rebuild kind of stuff where you’re just taking on bad really bad contracts only for the assets and not really caring about the player like I’m just that’s why I’m really interested seeing but I thought this this press was really revealing trasan really made it clear what his vision is now it’s just about how is he going to go about doing it and I really want to see how is Cade how does Kade Vibe with that I know Cade wants to win like all these young players want to win but I know Cade wants to win and I know Cade wants his recognition as any number one overall pick does who played as well as he did last year you want your respect you want your recognition and will he be able to get that if they just like subtly tanking again I hope that’s not what they’re doing I hope they’re trying to get assets while also adding good players to improve the win total if they’re able to do that now it’s easier said than done that’s hard to do but if he’s able to do that fantastic great I think that would be perfect that would be amazing if he’s able to do both but again I just want to see how it goes if that’s not what they’re able to do and they do just choose assets over that you are really relying on internal development for a fourth straight year fifth straight year and if it doesn’t happen I I it’s just I’m interest I’m just interested to see how everyone feels about that that that’s it that’s it so and again the vibe I got is that they don’t want to just it doesn’t seem like they want to just Sly tank they want to try to do both they want to and I Tom actually said exactly this he said he they they want to thread that needle they want to thread the needle of acquiring assets while also getting better that’s hard to do that’s that’s easier said than done so let’s see if Tran can do it let’s see if this front office can do it over the weekend we’ll have an episode Monday over the weekend I’m going to go into all the possible contracts they could get any contracts that are actual good players but maybe you could get assets because they’re really overpaid I’m GNA go through all those and see if I can bring any for you guys Monday so stay tuned for that but let’s give trasan a chance um one thing I will say whether I agree or disagree with this route it I’m happy I think Pistons fans should be happy to hear spoke very confidently about his vision and like he is very secure in that Vision he knows what he wants to do and he’s going to do it is just a matter of can he do it correctly so that unified Vision we’ve talked about that having one vision and buying into that it seems like they have that so if anything else it seems like the Pistons are on page on the same page which is why I said yesterday you guys should be happy but I think that would be something that they would have and it seems like that’s what they showed so if anything take that that away that it seems like they are all on the same page now and they want to be on the on on the same vision and they are determined to to to uh make that Vision happen and Tran spoke very confidently about doing it so let’s see how he goes about doing it we got probably about a week week week and a half to see how he goes about doing it so it’s gonna be an interesting few days man it’s gonna be interesting few days that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making locked on pist your first list of every single day fre Ava all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the YouTube channel leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on till next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

Trajan Langdon finally had his introductory press conference with Detroit Pistons owner Tom Gores, and the former Duke basketball player made his vision very clear for this franchise.

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  1. This response is what I've been slowly appreciating more and more. I don't think this team is ready to compete, and I also do think there is anything they can do in FA to make them a play in team. I think you have to re-evaluate the young core, find out who stays, and who goes. Develop a CULTURE first, and compete later.

  2. We have tried to do it in so many ways with different coaches now we are definitely in a position where we have to take it slow not think about championships like Langdon says you have to develop these young guys get them into the groove of winning and playing the right waywould rather do it the right way then continue on going that we have been doing for years. It just didn’t work. I’ve been a piston fan since 1988. I think I can wait a little bit longer.

  3. Troy didn't enforce the details of making sure that the coaching staff stayed in communication with the players, with the medical staff, or with the front office. Troy focused primarily a lot on the basketball side of things but neglected a lot of the balance in regards to the collaborating efforts of the entire operations of the franchise

  4. @locked on pistons . Bro how can we not address starting the presser an hour late? Langdon talked about how they want to keep time in everything they do- even returning phone calls on time. Said this affects every aspect of the organization and sets the standard for success….then why on EARTH did they start an hour late? Terrible look and makes it seem like they’re all talk and they don’t back up what they say. If a player showed up an hour late to a critical tryout for the team and blamed it on traffic, they’d rightly say that’s a poor excuse and they should have found a way to plan for those factors. That would be terribly unprofessional. So why do we accept that from the owner and the new PBO? I’m optimistic about Langdon but this is a HORRIBLE way to start. I can’t get past that asinine misstep. They want fans to buy in to this new regime but they show up late like this

  5. Cade will be just fine growing with rest of the young core, pretty sure he loves his guys and just want to play competent good basketball with logical pieces around him for the first time in his career, Trajan understands that

  6. So it was Gore who fired Monty? I did not hear clearly who fired Monty in the press conference? If Gore fired Monty, then isn’t that contradictory to Gore saying it will be up to the GM to make that decision? And Monty supposedly was working with the staff preparing and was caught off guard by the firing.

  7. 40M Cade is a significantly worse asset than rookie contract Cade. If Trajan's plan to help him is develop a "core" that doesn't fit together they should consider trade him rn. Cause when Cade asks for a trade in a year or 2 they won't get optimal return

  8. There is no other way to go about it man be realistic ! It’s Detroit no one’s gonna come here . Why is the fan base so delusional. Trajan hires Fred Vinson one of the best shooting coaches that shows you there he’s FORREAL. Stop being so impatient and unrealistic

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