@Philadelphia 76ers

How I view Morey’s Situation rn

If anyone’s played Rummikub before(great game highly recommend) you’ll know what I mean, I feel Morey with free agency coming up and how the team or lack of team is rn, he is basically playing end game of a round of Rummikub, where you got like 1,2 tiles left and so close to winning but your tiles don’t fit with anything that’s already set so it’s just a race against time as you try and finesse literally every fucking piece, sometimes you can get it but sometimes you simply can’t no matter how much you maneuver and you gotta wait for someone else to put a piece done so you can but by that time someone else could beat you to win

Faith in Morey is dwindling, need some hope core or at least something, can’t deal with another year of “wasting Embiid’s Prime”

by wacksoon


  1. HowzaBowdat

    I don’t know what this means but it’s provocative and I love it

  2. CosmicCirrocumulus

    these posts make me want to leave the sub every off season. y’all realize that assets don’t just magically appear? and that our prior FO dwindled a fuckton of our treasure trove of assets? oh and that a bunch of other teams can outbid us on like 90% of the proposed trades on here because the prior FO dwindled so many of our assets? and do y’all also realize that just because a trade can be done that it doesn’t mean both parties will automatically agree to it?

    I, by no means, think Morey is the second coming of Hinkie, but the man has done significantly better than most GMs would given similar situations and that’s really not up for debate.

    I’m tired, boss.

  3. BalloonShip

    I agree with all of this except that I never had any faith in Morey. Or at least no special faith beyond basic competence.

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