@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – Malik Monk Is Staying With the Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – Malik Monk Is Staying With the Sacramento Kings

James H with us on Malik monk day before we go into because we’re about to dive in there was something I saw that was interesting that I wanted to run by before the day is over um the la28 people like Los Angeles committee for the Olympics they announced some of the venues right basketball is going to be the in the Intuit Dome okay gymnastics is going to be in crypto Arena okay um swimming is going to be at Sofi okay that’ll be interesting that’s a that’s a there’s a lot that goes into that swimming thing as I learned going to the Aquatic Center yeah it’s really hot it’s they the pool has to stay warm or something the yeah like so the pool stay warm obviously but like it it sends out heat like that that oh the it’s really warm go and that they got a picture of what it’ll look like it that’s gonna look fire the swimming pool like in so far because they got the open roof it’s gonna be fire obviously track and field is the Coliseum anybody want to take a guess where softball’s going to be at softball and Cano Cano anybody want to take a guess uh I’ll go softball probably at maybe the where the Angels play okay where the Angels play James you want to take a guess who where softball and Cano they’re both going to be in the same location oh what I’m going something with the college then yeah yeah I was going to say UCLA or USC Oklahoma City what part of Los is that next to Compton is is that by Watts where is that Los Angeles did not who on stage from the Kendrick Lamar show was from Oklahoma City Los Angeles I’m pretty sure that Oklahoma City is about the furthest thing from watts and the furthest thinging from just Los Angeles did not have canoeing solemn and softball venues that met International competition standards they’re going to be in Oklahoma City huh sucks for them no right damn yeah you get to go to the Olympics but you’re going to Oklahoma City pal like do you even get to go to the like do you have to go to the opening ceremonies and fly to Oklahoma City I think so oh that’s that sucks yeah that’s all bad I’d quit softball forget my Olympic dreams I ain’t going to Oklahoma City Oklahoma City forget it and they couldn’t nobody before Oklahoma City had something similar to that Vegas doesn’t have something well I don’t know maybe not maybe Mark could build something it would be 190 degrees but still wow toasty softball game well you could do it at the new a stadium that’s going to have you know the you know that new state-of-the-art venue that’s going there that the hell they could have came to we’re not talking about the 2050 Olympics oh how hey I I speculated have you you know had a nice little drink to celebrate Malik monk day and your impending vacation no not yet uh off the bar like that’s a good ide I’m looking at a bunch of liquor right now I’m thinking could I make a a real quick Manhattan while we’re on the air here that’s possible I probably could do that what you gotta do do what you gotta do um maybe James could be the bartender at Malik’s James would you like the uh the the bartender duties at our new nightclub Malik’s yes yes I would bartend you and you and Warren yeah oh we got it oh we turn it up I have a uh I have a portable um bartender set like I I literally have like a thing that rolls out and you un snap it and it’s got like all my bartender tools I’m just saying okay I got Bart I got the I don’t know what to do with any of them except the Shaker you got you got the Shaker you got to have the long spoon right I got the long spoon I got the strainer I got that weird I don’t know how to describe it and because I’m not no just forget it sit down everybody everybody sit down we were so close foret it um it’s Malik monk dayve Malik Monk Is back with the Sacramento Kings let’s start with questions I feel like you can answer answer we’ve had our fun all day we’ve talked about this and you know you you you you talked about it all morning on the Insiders but let’s dive into like some nuts and bolts here what are the financial ramifications of this as to what the Kings can do now because it’s fun today draft is coming up on Wednesday we’re gonna we’re gonna hit Janet Jackson mode real quickly with what have you done for me lately and you know start talking about what’s next so what are the financial ramifications uh as it pertains to this offseason with the Malik mon deal yeah so it’s pretty it’s like TBD like that’s how I would describe it so if you’re gonna sign monk U number one you can’t sign him until June uh July 6th anyways so whatever you do in like with trades and and everything else just keep that in mind that there’s a very specific order that you you sign all of these deals in and because Malik is um again what he’s an early bird uh his cap hold is like 12 13 million um because of that you probably will do most of your other transactions before you complete the his his deal in itself um that if if the Kings did nothing else as of right now uh they would jump from a little over 150 million to roughly 168 160 uh 7.5 million let’s just say 168 million um on top of that because they have the 13th pick in the draft and the 13th pick has a $5 million cap hold the Kings technically would be over over the salary cap I mean over the luxury tax uh luxury tax is right at like 171 point something million they would exceed that and they would have to pay some sort of luxury tax um I think the biggest thing about the luxury tax that I’ll I’ll point out is that if you are a luxury tax team you pay in and you don’t get anything back if you’re not a luxury tax Team all these other teams pay in and then you get a big fat check at the end of the year and I can’t remember what the dollar figure was it was either 12 million or it was 19 million bucks for this year that tax teams non-t tax teams are getting from at the other the other group from the Warriors from you know name that team that went well over the cap and has to pay luxury tax uh so it’s not just that you have to pay a little bit it’s that you also don’t get that other money so it’s a a pretty big sizable swing there um but like look first of all salary cap isn’t fully uh calculated until the end of the season so you have all this time to figure it out it would limit what you could do as far as um like if they signed Monk and they haven’t made trades and and they’ve got their first round pick Pi they would still I’m pretty sure have a midlevel exception but if you go above the the first um apron which is at like 78 million you are instantly hard capped going forward so you could not make any other move pretty much the rest of the year outside of like waving some people so it’s it’s a little crazy um but keep in mind the Kings have $27 million in expiring contracts and that’s between um again I call them expiring contracts I don’t want to offend anybody but like realistically Trey lyes has one year 8 million Davon has one year at 6.5 million um Sasha V inov one year at 6.7 million and one year at 5.9 million for Chris dwarte uh so so you still have plenty of room there you also have 35 million or so combined between Kevin herder and Harrison Barnes so you have these other players that that might work where you trade a $6 million for a $4 million player and move down below the salary the the luxury tax or you trade um you trade for a $34 million player but you only send out $28 million so there’s $6 million you drop below the cap so there are ways to actually move around right I I think yeah for sure I think James was was breaking all this down I want to make sure I have them right though like were you kind of talking about the possibility of the signing for Malik monk being official maybe later in the process like they got a deal in principle it’s going to happen but maybe him signing at a different time which allows him by the cap which allows the king excuse me by the cap rules to be able to Will and deal a little bit without Malik Monk’s money on the books or does that matter at all yeah no that’s what I’m talking about exactly old LeBron James thing yeah like LeBron would sign his contract late in free agency after the team made all yeah yeah BEC well I mean it’s a little different because LeBron’s cap hold is always gigantic because of the money that he makes um and I am not ham in the chat uh it’s a little less than 12 million I thought that’s what I was thinking it’s 11 point something um that’s what that’s what uh the non-t taxpaying teams get a check for so the Kings will get a check for that um yeah so Kenny they’ll sign on the same day but it’s literally which what you signed first what you send into the league first like there has to be an order to it and it’s why a couple of years ago like the Kings had to use up all of their salary cap space before they signed ran Holmes to his uh to the biannual exception right or or one of the one of the exceptions I think it was biannual exception he got a twoyear $10 million deal and they had to uh they had to sign all of the other deals that they had that summer to eat up all the cap space and then use the exception after that or maybe they use the the non-t taxpaying but no room exception that to sign him and so there are all of these sort of rules and how you you you finish the transaction at the end trying to remember the Vibes anyone Remember The Vibes around a ran signing the first one no the second one oh oh they’re super high everyone was super excited they well yeah that’s what I thought they thought he was it was gone like they thought he had no chance of signing they thought his agent did him a terrible disservice yeah Pedro Powers was his was his agent at the time and he was telling everybody including Rich that he was going to get him 20 million a year 18 to 20 and then even when he didn’t get that um they tried to add on like well okay so they added on a 15% trade kicker so I got that number Shams got the number um that night that hey he’s signing a 4-year $54 million deal and we knew it was the same situation he was in a he was in a bird situation an early bird situation and the most he could sign for was like a 4-year 47 or 48 million and it’s like okay that number’s High what are we doing here and um basically it turned out that he had like slightly inflated the number uh and because ran got a 15% trade trade kicker and he had done the math as if ran got traded like day one because the way the way trade yeah so and added it to the money great he shed the deal so he blew it up a little bit and it it was bad for us it looked bad on for me or for Shams because we’re like well why did you guys present a bad number and it’s like well because the Kings could have cleared enough cap space the kings were very close to actually having cap space at that time they could have traded like Marvin Bagley and come up with enough cap space to sign him to more money and that’s what like initially we’re like okay well is that what they did um but then we figured out down the road that no he had inflated the number by by adding in the trade kicker which again I assume that Malik is probably going to get the same thing and basically what that is is any year that’s guaranteed so the first three years of Malik’s deal are guaranteed um if he gets traded he gets 15% extra for each of those years that are guaranteed so um it would be 17.4 18 whatever 20.1 I think it’s 18.6 20.1 so it would be roughly 55.6 million or something I think that’s a dollar friger so he could get 15% of that which is a substantial amount of money I don’t you know I think it’s around 780 Mill 7 million uh 7.8 million something something like that so have become relatively common and can easily be waved and discarded yes yeah Harrison Barnes has one the player has to I didn’t know that yeah again it feels like it’s it’s normal I’m not sure Harrison would wi his trade kicker like get that money but I I don’t maybe Bradley Beal did like some of the some of these deals get done with like trade kickers wave so they’re I guess they’re interesting little things to put in there but it it seems like a a maybe a safety type thing for if you get traded to somewhere you don’t want to be necessarily where you can cover my moving expenses all right you guys got to pick this yeah but if you like the place you’re like don’t worry about it man you got me going to Oklahoma City to watch softball and canoeing man give me my yeah good team but so we have this to uh Michael Gallery in the Matthews mattress uh chatty house um Matthews find the location nearest you uh Michael the Malik monk deal is not three years it’s four years there is a player option for the fourth year but it’s still considered a four-year deal if anything happens to him or heaven forbid he’s just not better than a$ 2020 million player he’ll accept that fourth year and and be like it’s a four-year deal that I mean the fact that it’s non it’s a player option that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a three or four-year deal it’s still foure deal let’s walk through the that part a little bit because Kenny and I have been uh of the belief that of the the the different scenarios that we think were out there for Malik we certainly don’t know but the different scenarios that we think were out there for from Malik uh like Orlando uh potentially San Antonio uh Detroit teams who have gotten a lot of conversation here today Sacramento was the one that felt most likely to where hey you can sign a three or foure contract or whatever you know the four-year deal whatever you want right now but your best opportunity to sign another really good contract is probably going to be here in Sacramento if especially if things are building the way that they are he’s got an opt out you know he has or he he has a player option year that fourth year but he can negotiate like he can um sign an extension after the third year correct yes or during the third year I should say during the third year not after but during that third year of the Season he the third year of the contract excuse me he can sign an extension correct well technically okay there’s a couple of things here number one if somehow the Kings had cap space they could do the same thing they did with sabonis where they renegotiated a year and then extended right but that’s that’s not common like that what the Kings did was sabonis is not super common no James sniffed it out like six months in advance and it happened yeah yeah um yeah so I totally um I that’s not going to happen because the Kings would have to drop below the salary cap in order to do that and that’s what the Kings did they were so far below the cap that they were able to cut a chunk of their actual salary cap space stack it on sabonis deal and then renegotiate uh a longer and extend for a longer term and then have his his raises and his and is uh his money based off of that new dollar amount so he went from a 20 22 million I think they added eight point something and then they can do eight% raises off of that dollar figure for an extension as opposed to him getting just like if they they would have had to wait until this offseason to actually extend him because if not his dollar figure at 22 million was way too low for him he wouldn’t have you can only give it I think it’s a 20% raise for a free agent um like don’t quote me on that but it’s something around that um so once they gave him the bump in pay and pushed him up closer to his um his ceiling his max money for his years of service then they gave him the 8% raises on top of that uh so so technically speaking the Kings could do that with monk down the road but it would require require them to drop back below the salary cap which again I I’ll keep saying this there’s no way the Kings aren’t going to be under the salary cap maybe ever again for like the next 10 years um that was one summer where they had money so now once we move forward with monk uh once they get if I’m not mistaken they can get two years in and he basically can opt out of his final year and if there’s one year left on his deal which that would be one year left if you only had the one guaranteed year yeah they could extend him on top of after after his second year but the uh the third year salary would remain the same it’d be the 20.1 million or whatever then the next year it would bump up and bump up and bump up but again it would be based off of a percentage of the money that he can make um of of a raise that he could make so he can make a lot more guaranteed money a lot sooner than I think we originally thought like opt you know opting out of that fourth year yeah before that third year gets underway in two years he can sign a contract extension and this I’m sorry James but I was just both of you guys could help me so just ahead of the king’s third na Championship he can he can sign an extension they’re going for the three pie yeah um but this is almost almost like what we talked about a little bit where you’ve got you’ve got the by signing with the Kings and maybe this was the same for anybody else I don’t know if it’s exclus exclusive to the bird rights or not but by signing in that deal with the Kings you locked in the 78 million like that’s that’s what you’re getting if you if worst case scenario you locked into 78 million but you have potential renegotiating and outs and stuff like that where you can turn that 78 into 130 on this contract you don’t even have to be like like it’s going to be an extension of this contract but because is was that exclusive to the Kings or would he have that same ability if he would ass signed with the magic to renegotiate in you know during year three or something like that no he would have the same ability wherever he went um yeah it’s just the the fact that like the Kings can as long as his contract is over the Kings can circumvent the cap to go to sign him for whatever up to his years of service uh going forward because once he gets done with year one he will have full Larry Bird rights moving forward because that’ll give him his third year with the Kings so again once we get to year four that’s when he uh like he he’ll be able to sign an extension now he might still be uh like stuck like sabonis was with like the the 20% raise or whatever so he might have to wait until the end of year three and then renegotiate as a true- free agent that summer void the final year of his deal and and move forward with a new contract then but again we’re talking about way off in the distance for me this is he don’t do that don’t do that we’re getting LeBron we’re getting uh uh Malik monk here for seven years that’s what we’re working on here we’re getting Malik here for seven years I was thinking about LeBron because that’s what LeBron is facing right now right the the opt in or in and and you can he can opt in and sign an extension or he can opt out and sign it like what’s essentially a new contract that’s what that’s the that scenario we’re talking about with Malik Monk Is What LeBron James is doing right now we just don’t know which one doing yet that reminds me remind me during the break to tell you about what your boy Bill Simmons had to say that was that’s not my boy in any scenario that’s not my boy crazy what he me either Jesse was working you you you that man stand for that that’s your guys that’s your Boston boy that’s you stay listen to that dude his wording for something he said was crazy wow your best friend Bill Simmons came to the party with you man you really did that’s your boy good yeah either way I I think the one other thing I would point out is um that Malik would have had he would have only got 5% raises if he went somewhere else as opposed to 8% raises every year from the Kings um that might not matter if they’re offering like 25 million and then they’re they’re doing 5% off of 25 million as opposed to 8% off of 17 million but still it’s it’s part of signing with your own team your own team you get the option to give them eight% raises as opposed to five they’re facing like there’s big money ahead of them with the contract domas has dearon has an extension that really could happen at any point um Keegan will be coming off of his rookie deal not too far from now and obviously you know Malik’s money’s a a little bit different than than those guys but the the the Kings gotta decide this is this is our group this is the this is the group that we believe this at least the Cor of the group that’s going to take us to a championship Contender that’s what I think I’ll keep circling the word core I think the core is now set we know who the core is the core is Fox it’s it’s monk it’s keeg Murray it’s D sabonis and that doesn’t matter what position monk plays your core for is that and then after that the rest of these players like like I don’t want to say they’re interchangeable but um the rest of these players can be looked at as you know like as pieces to a puzzle and you have to put the right pieces around the four because this is a group who’s under contract long term who you have dedicated and put money into and then I’d also point out that uh Monk’s money at 17.4 million it’s it’s really really close to in line with what uh what Harrison Barnes is making so Harrison made 17 18 and 19 and I I think that that was right around 133% of the salary cap so if you’re getting Malik monk at 13% of the salary cap that’s really not that bad and we all know that the salary cap is going to go up 10% a year moving forward for the next like five or six years right um well while that happens while it’s going up Malik Monk’s contract is only going up eight per. so is his value of his contract is going to like slightly diminish as far as a percentage of the cap over the next three years which is a good thing too absolutely okay we’ll come back sorry James no I someone mentioned ke we have no idea what Keegan’s going to make like but Keegan numbers are yet right we’re a long ways away from knowing what Keegan is going to make as a player whether it’s a like someone mentions a fiveyear 100 or a 4year 80 or a 4year 100 like we have no idea or he could get dearon Fox money where it’s a like what was that fiveyear 163 or whatever and what what essentially dearen got at the time was what was the max it’s a Max for his years of service yeah where he got the rookie extension Max with the with the [Music] um the all NBA Provisions that you know could balloon the contract up and um yeah I mean this this is going to be Malik’s year to or excuse me this is GNA be Keegan’s year to show like that’s that’s GNA be his contract uh but he’s got a little bit more to show we need to see a little bit more from the Kings and that’s what we’re going to talk with James ham our Kings Insider here of the insiders when D KC return on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 so there’s there’s going to be a word in this I didn’t listen to this I I read this this is this is just crazy there’s a word that you’ll you’ll hear and you you’ll notice he goes here’s my case everyone says should do it here’s my case here says this draft suck you got of like a nasly voice the Celtics that actually wasn’t bad go ahead the I don’t know if I want to read this part here’s my case everyone says this draft sucks the Celtics are so deep anyone in this draft isn’t gonna isn’t going to play for them why not take bronny and you basically hold him hostage because all these other teams want him right the Lakers you want him well we took bronnie give us Max Christie how bad do you want him I would say Ronnie the asset at 30 as a trade thing is worth more than anybody they could get here can we call him the the brage oh James don’t feed into this James don’t incourage him don’t don’t feed into this why not take bronnie and you basically hold him hostage see the brage uh yeah is an idiot that is crazy he you know like look we don’t know what these players are going to look like there there’s going to be a couple of players in this draft that are really really good and we just don’t know it yet um I I just don’t know like it’s going to be tough to to figure out like it’s this is a big time gamble draft especially in the top like seven or eight and I keep saying this like people keep putting the Spurs in the money situation like they don’t have any money like they they’ve got like million bucks in cap space because they have cap holds for number four and the number eight pick and those those cap Spa those cap holds are like combined 17 million bucks so that AE up almost all of their cap space they’re at like 117 that puts them at like 134 so they’re 7 million under the cap which is like again they can use their mid-level exception um so that’s they they didn’t really have any cap space but it’s more to my point that like this draft isn’t very good at the top end at least it doesn’t doesn’t look like it’s super good and if we’re not guaranteed that this is going to be like a really high quality top eight I can’t imagine dropping 17 million bucks for the salary which is again like 133% of your salary cap moving forward on two players that you have no idea if they can play basketball at all so it’s tough nah I just want to point out Aldren I see I saw you turn on me earlier don’t do that I saw I saw I saw what you wrote about I saw you I saw you turn on me Aldren I I thought I saw you I saw you see sneak back in the chat as [Laughter] [Music] AJ um Aldren I would answer this with no if I’m the Kings No but what I would do is I would trade Kevin hter for 2015 2025 or 2026 first rounder and uh unlock your your picks again would you trade Kevin herder for the B the hawk stupid pick to just leave us alone to just get away from us just sit here take Kevin herder and leave us alone Ah that’s funny hey right man Z got it looks like Zay got got the KC treatment today all right Zay I don’t know what that mean salute yeah man big up she’ll be making videos the DLo treatment is hey all look three videos have dropped this week and you’ve been the star of all of them well no that’s not true Jess Jess was a monster your video coming out Jesse’s a monster well accidentally said Calis instead of Celsius early so it could be I was so confused and you like yeah they got Calis didn’t for $3 what I didn’t even catch it I was like what do you mean I said it wrong Celsius what’s wrong with Celsius that’s not what you said idiot all right that’s the Alice well I don’t know how that stuff isn’t in a vending machine yet but I’m I’m sure it is somewhere probably is in Vegas hey at Malik’s Mal Maliks we got you covered in Maliks y’all need a little performance enhancing drug that’s all right we take Apple pay malice bluechew whatever y’all need we got you it’s all good oh man Malik is gonna be fired Malik is turning Malik mighte get shut down the first week well that that’d be on par with a lot of clubs of the early 2000s no no problem no problem whatsoever um all right Hammer this is this is the big question we were talking about it with uh Beerman earlier a little bit with your partner Kyle Madson I’ve been talking about it with the chat all day uh Vibes are high just amazing there’s 4,000 people watching this show live right now uh in taking part in the Matthews mattress chatty house head over to Matthews YouTubers hit the thumbs up uh Twitter’s hit the retweet I guess guess I don’t know um yeah retweet for sure what now this is where things get crazy um I I think like look this thing could have been so ugly like I I don’t know how to explain it but if um if Malik monk decided to go elsewhere and you lost like your third or fourth best player and you had no way to really replace that player uh that’s a problem we keep talking about well we could see the Kings going and chasing this guy or this guy that might look like Malik Monk and um that might be able to pick up some of the slack and all that stuff uh Malik monk meant way more than to the Kings than than just that he is the glue he’s the funny guy um he’s the her Raider of Vibes like Malik means he is a leader on this team he means a lot to this team but he’s also phenomenal like what he does is very tough to to sort of replicate and the fact is the Kings would have had like a$ 122.9 million mid-level exception and a like $4 A5 million biannual exception something like that and that’s all they would have had to go out and replace him plus the number 13 pick in the draft plus any trade but now that you have him you’re tiptoeing around the luxury tax but outside of that like you have all of these pieces still in place to go get better players and that’s where I I think Monty McNair uh he knows where he’s at he knows what the situation is he he’s looking at this the same way that we are that this is a moment for them to strike that they they do have a core and that core is all under contract for three or four years and you know even like Keegan Murray they Keegan Murray is basically a king for the next six years as long as they don’t trade him um because he’ll get a rookie scale extension that will keep him in Sacramento um you know uh like dearen Fox that’s the other thing we can just skip over but like it’s going to be a lot easier for dearen Fox to just sign on the dotted line for a long-term extension with his buddy Malik monk here in Sacramento as well and his buddy deonis sabonis and like this group of players I think everyone’s excited about so the question is now how do you build the team around them and you know it starts with the the draft on the 26 6 uh and the 27th but like I could see movement before then um we’re going to see a lot of rumors which we’re already seeing we’re also seeing like a lot of weird aggregation this season which is uh I think it’s kind of been growing over the last few years where you know a guy like Matt Moore says one thing about um a guy like like Zack LaVine and then all of a sudden like Zack LaVine is going to the Kings like that’s like all these people are out there just saying like crazy things um so I think what we’re going to have to see is you know what who becomes available who actually becomes available because we don’t know uh we think we know at this point but I would even say that um like the biggest chip the Kings could probably swing for at this point is Brandon Ingram I don’t know if they can put together package or they can get a third team involved to go get a guy like that but you know he would be really high on my list because of his age you’re going to have to pay him um you know Kyle kosma is going to become another like name that gets regurgitated like always uh you know Kyle kma has been a Sacramento King basically for the last four years it feels like and just never actually puts on a uniform um so I think we’re gonna we’ll get to one of the you know at some point there’s gonna be some sort of Swing for the fence here I I assume if if they can find something um I do not expect them to like kind of slow play this at this point they got a bunch of guys who are between 26 and 28 this is the time to like hit the gas you know who I blame for all of the silliness going on in media right now Stephen I Kendrick and Drake Kendrick and Drake because they they they had this this uh war of words that got everyone’s attention and it’s like oh you know what I’m just gonna do that now Shams and woes do it now Matt Moore and and you know guy in Chicago does it and Jake fiser saying F all of y’all watch what I got I blame Kendrick and Drake it all started with him the world has gone sideways since Cat Williams tried to tried to war us he did tried to tell us it was like January 3D he was like look Shannon it’s it’s time well he was right um the great thing about what Malik did last night and to your point as well James is it really allows the Kings not only to know you know not not only to just get Malik monk back because that’s that’s big in its own right but it allows them before the draft and before free agency to lock in on something if even just the draft like if Malik didn’t let him know what was going on before the draft they’d have to figure out all right well do we you know we want to trade the pick but we also got to protect ourselves where if we lose Malik and maybe we need another guard and we need another shot Creator on the perimeter and all this other stuff and do we really want to pull the trigger on this trade because you know um we we have a potential um potential situation right here that we got to make up for and with him making this decision as early as it did it just allows the Kings to zero in on what specifically they they want to do to get better because they know Malik is going to be a part of that I I just think that can’t be overstated enough the time timing of uh this deal going down and and how it helps the Kings yeah that’s truly the gift that Malik gave to his team right so if Malik wanted to go test free agency and and come back on on the 30th and you know and say okay I’m in that’s a lot of lost time and the fact that he did this now um I I think it might be as big get him coming back because now you know you know what’s happening you know what the the plan is you can start like you can jump to the next step and you can start building out your your three or four trade possibilities and and you know what team you could get involved in this deal or you can really start to focus a and I think like in all honesty I don’t think the Kings have been super hyperfocused on the draft that doesn’t mean they don’t have a like three or four players at number 13 that they’re like okay if if we’re on the clock and and we don’t have something better to do at this spot this is who we’ll select but I think when you when you have a guy like Malik back and you have that whole entire situation just clear and everyone in the building should be like a deep breath and like anxiety level just dropped now it’s like hey we just tied the tied the game in in the ninth but we still got three more batters to go let’s see if we can get that one run to get us the win either way we’re we’re in Extra Innings but let’s see if we can we let’s see if we can play one more run and win this thing and that’s where I think Monty and West should be at this point they should they should be sending uh a gigantic bouquet to to Malik and his his uh agents but they should also just like this is a focal point like now we know this steps forward how do we execute how do we get the player that we want to pair with these guys maybe Jeff will love us now hopefully maybe Jeff hopefully we didn’t work two deals out now wrap his arms around Sacramento in the franchise H like hey stuff is in the past I know that’s a movie reference James I don’t know which one Austin Powers man never seen it how about a hul yeah I’ve never seen it I’ve never seen the part where he’s trying to get out of the hallway in yeah golf cart in the golf cart yeah uh yeah that’s just crazy I don’t I I don’t know I don’t know how they got that golf cart there and how they got it like that’s just crazy James is laughing so hard I feel like I need to see this there’s a few there there’s a few on liners there’s a few things that that happen in that movie yeah anyway I reference it all the time and I just and you can knock down wall or you know you got a fake wall or whatever but I’m like I’ve always how’d they get that there and then how’d they get it out how’d they get it out of the hallway I just always assume that when I say these off-the-cuff like statements all the time that people get because Austin Powers was such a huge movie it was a uh yeah so I mean it was like everyone was watching Austin Powers so um but now that I know that you guys neither one have ever seen it like I’m goingon to rethink all of these things doing all the time trying to make like a three-point turn or something in this hallway this is amazing see so silly you’ve been missing this forever well right before that I bring this up all the time all the time I make I make this reference there is a scene right before that where he’s driving a steamroller going like one mile an hour and a guy is standing in front of him like oh no and but they’re like 10 feet away he’s like get out of the way he’s like oh no man get out of the way and then he runs him over and he’s like oh that was horrible I say that all the I bring that reference up all the time because it’s like how many times are there something that’s super avoidable and someone doesn’t get out of the way they you know the Kings have done that many times where they’re standing in front of him yeah oh my God this is hilarious how have I never seen this movie he just Austin Powers has even even I know a couple of the moments from Austin I I don’t remember the movie but you got some funny moments for sure am I watching this movie this weekend you are how many times have I said I know now that’s when that’s when I started notice when they got Beyonce I think that’s the first time I had a crush on a celebrity how many they had the song I remember the video you gotta work it out Hold Up Beyonce is your first crush I think yeah yeah oh wow oh wow how many Austin Power movies are there oh at least three oh there’s three Beyonce I think was in two oh man like no oh man I mean how many times have I said I’m late and you guys don’t catch that that’s literally that means Jes that’s for Al farisa is late like I I’ll watch I’ll watch she is now with child that’s what that means [Laughter] I’m I I won’t watch Napoleon Dynamite every oh no you tripping oh my goodness that’s the one that’s a that’s a classic it’s not Cinema only F Cinema when you guys like acted out that makes me laugh the one time yours like this is stupid no I haven’t eaten all day Tina eat the food get your own to hey man see those mountains over there bet you could throw the football over those mountains over there Rico what has happened oh my gosh Malik M apparently Bret Huff has been tweeting updates on on the show today and they’re just a series of screenshots of us all laughing it’s a good day in Sacramento it’s a great day we gotta thank Malik monk for this man and it looks like Dave Garcia is working on a Malik’s design I see you da oh let’s go I see you Dave let’s go Maliks I like it I like it I can’t wait to go to Maliks we gotta Scout locations first we got to scout locations all right all right so we’ve got Malik monk signed here for a minimum of seven years we got Malik’s on the way we’ve maxed out Keegan Murray and his upcoming contract and we just got to figure out uh who’s next we got to figure out what the next move is and there’s Zack LaVine stories out there we were talking to our our our guy Kamar earlier who who’s who’s got some pretty good friends around the league and one thing I don’t think we accounted for because you know we’re the basketball Geniuses here in Sacramento we figure everything else out and everyone’s behind us trying to catch up there might be a handful of suitors for Kyle kozma given uh given his talent level in that contract and um that’s when we kind of got stuck on like yeah who actually would be a better you know put together a better presentation for Washington for for Kyle kosma and I guess the one part that we never know James is we always look oh the Kings couldn’t have gotten this deal done they only G this particular team only gave up this particular player but it’s it a lot of stuff has to do with like available cap space and then most everything has to do with what direction the team that’s trading the player is going and that’s one thing I don’t think we can quite put our finger on is exactly where is Washington going with this what do they want in return and can Sacramento even keep up with that yeah I mean I think that that’s where you have to look at the teams that might be intrigued by him look at the top 12 teams the teams that are above Sacramento the have plenty of ways to get up to Kyle kma’s salary it could be you know if they if they want to do a straight swap because they’re worried about luxury tax right so let’s you could get there with like I don’t know Harrison Barnes and uh Davon Mitchell or you could get there with um Kevin herder and Sasha VZ zenov you have like or you could do like three or four of the smaller contracts right so the Kings have ways to get there they could go Sasha VZ inov uh Chris dwarte and Davon Mitchell and that would get you within Striking Distance uh and for for me I think the reason why I bring up all the PE the teams above the kings in the draft is because I think the Kings have the best pick and if I’m Washington and I’m in the situation I’m in this has to be about building through the draft you you’ve got to get more draft picks you’ve got to get and immediate like you’re so far behind the eightball here and you got you know in in Jordan pool which I don’t think uh teams are clamoring for at all um I think that they traded away quite a few of their assets at at the deadline um and now it’s about like adding can they can they get a couple of picks can they uh and that’s where I think the Kings come in I think you can the salary matching is one thing but it’s that number 13 pick that might be able to get you uh Kyle kosma and um yeah you know whether that’s enough I don’t know but I certainly think that there are teams around the league that you know might have like the 18th pick or the 24 pick or or something they could say well this is a good pick too but the kings are just closer their their pick is is better and they even have some serviceable players that can play for you when you’re not a good team for the next couple years and that should be appealing to Washington Washington as well I agree I I took a look at two teams in particular though James that that might might be able to you know put a little bit more on the table than than than the Kings and that’s the Spurs they’ve got two picks in the top 10 so if the Spurs they they didn’t even have to trade both of them but if they want to say hey take the number eight pick and player X for Kyle kosma I mean that seems to be like what the Wizards would be looking for then you got Memphis at nine Memphis may not want another you know young kid they may w a guy like Kyle kosman to get back into the playoff huntt real quick they got the ninth pick so those those are two teams that I look out for in that in that scenario well I I also I haven’t looked at the dollar figures for those teams and and who they have to trade like sure I mean I know uh the spurts have like hilden Johnson like they could they could match salaries with or something uh but I also like you have to make sure that kozma is they uh that kozma is a type of player that that basic those teams want right I don’t know that kozma is the type of player San Antonio is looking for uh maybe maybe he’s the type of player that uh that Memphis is looking for but again they definitely have like a type when it comes to how they draft and everything else so and uh I again I haven’t looked at the salaries but you know it is a lot of money and you’ve got to put out uh a certain amount of dollar to get him back and so who what do they have like what kind of throwaway contracts or what kind of contracts do they have of a player that they would be willing to give up in order to get those players outside of the draft pick right so very true I I don’t like the Kings don’t always have the best deal I can honestly like that’s been the case like multiple times where even at the deadline with uh I I give the Kings a break for the PJ Washington deal and Daniel Gafford deal they didn’t have what those teams got for for those players right they didn’t have that to offer and uh but I think the Kings at this point they do have again they have $27 million in expiring contracts they’ve got another 35 million between uh herder and Barnes like they’ve got pieces that they can move uh a couple of updates to our AI generated oh no how they keep updating our AI generated uh chat summaries uh this one says the Sacramento Kings won against the law Angeles Lakers sounds right and fans are celebrating their Victory they are excited for the team’s future and many players and commentators are receiving praise for their performance this one this one was taken moments [Laughter] ago viewers are discussing what to do about a shortage of popular restaurants in the city some are suggesting new locations for popular restaurants like Maliks it gets better it gets better While others I got it hang on While others are sharing their memories of popular restaurants like king of I got it I got it I got it hang on others are sharing their memories of popular restaurants like of [Music] [Laughter] curls I’m telling you we’re getting AI out of there three games what is what is AI doing what are they doing you know what the worst part about this is is I like I I obviously we we have the entire chat from Twitter yeah YouTube Twitch in front of us so it’s not the same chat that you guys see we see one that incorporates all of the different platforms yeah so I didn’t really know like like how are you guys getting this I go to YouTube and it just it pops up right there in the chat and it’s a summary of what is being discussed and that is what they that is what AI is determined we’re discussing y AI is crazy that’s what seven in a row against the Lakers though yeah sounds about right beat the Lakers again I don’t know who’s crazier AI or Buddha I didn’t see what Buddha said I was like almost broke me no almost nothing I saw you put your head down I was like I’m just gonna focus on James I don’t know what’s going on in the chat I’m just gon to focus on James Buddha came on the show today he called in what Buddha say that’s crazy you gotta put it there I try to all right dedication I guess Buddha we don’t need you to do [Laughter] that guys I don’t I don’t know what happened here Buddha we don’t need you to we don’t need you to turn into bubbles from The Wire like you’re all right bro we’re good this is been the best Malik monk Day Ever this I can’t wait for next June 21st we are C hey Mark in your calendars we are celebrating Malik monk day every year moving forward James is James Frozen did James freeze froze God I don’t think we’re topping this show today this is the greatest show ever this is it it’s 10 out of 10 James is frozen James is going on vacation and he is Frozen with the Home Alone face what all right oh man this is the most fitting end to an episode of DLo and Casey in history guess we’ll try to top this Monday man happy Malik monk day happy Malik monk day we we will see you back here Monday beginning with the Insiders at 10:00 a.m. on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 almost Malik Monk

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  1. Uncle Rico? Ughhh what are you even doing here ? Hey napoleon what are you doing? What’s it look like I’m doing ? I’m working on my skills

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