@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons: Trajan Langdon Introductory Press Conference

Detroit Pistons: Trajan Langdon Introductory Press Conference

I will continue to be having these conversations and expectations and hold these guys accountable um but they are willing to work and I think there’s a lot of talented guys I don’t think they’re just good human beings they good basketball players um and and I think that’s the foundation of of creating of guys to reach their potential and these guys do have potential so uh I’m excited about working with them and then bringing some players in whether it’s through trade and free agency to to kind of bolster the growth and let’s see what the potential of these young men are [Music] you all right business fans so listen before we even get into this video I just want to take the time to acknowledge you guys you guys have been great you’ve been awesome um but today I just want to say thank you for helping me reach 15,000 subscribers uh that’s 15,000 raw subscribers um you know I’m not the person to continuously keep pounding it into you subscribe subscribe subscribe so to do that naturally is big time for me um you know you guys have been been I mean 100% authentic supporters man and I appreciate each and every one of y’all so uh that’s big time for me uh with that said today press conference took place Tran langon um Tom Gore is also in attendance you know pretty pedestrian uh press conference but I did hear some key points that I really really appreciate you guys saw in the opening clip what he thought of the young talent that we do have here um you know definitely acknowledging that we do have some young Talent first and foremost is uh something that’s pleasing to my ears because we do I just want to see these guys putting the right position to be successful but he also harped on that and said Hey listen we’re going to get some guys in here to support our young guys and help them get to the next level um he mentioned floor spacing all these big key points that you’ve heard us discuss over the time and over the months when it comes to this team um several people have echoed that so shout out to everybody for being on the same page when it comes to this team uh with that said you know Tran is obviously you know a very young and smart guy um to have as a president a lot of experience been around some very cleancut organizations especially the Spurs organizations he gave uh credit to Pop um but that structure and what he wanted to see from the team that’s what was most important to me you know what he does behind closed doors obviously is big time but when it comes to the players and what you’re doing with them and what you expect of them he said he was going to hold them accountable um that’s what I really wanted to hear that’s the meat and potato of things for me because at the end of the day it’s about the players players get you know people hired and fired so um you know to hear that they’ve been putting in work they’ve been very responsive they’ve been in contact especially him and Kade cting ham uh the the REM the remarks that he said about Kade obviously something us as fans we’ve grown to hear over the time from several people um you know Young And ahead of his time when it comes to his maturity a great young man um but also recognizing what he needs he did admit the fact that you know hey I mean the Pistons we we met them twice a season you know what I’m saying so he hasn’t really been paying too much attention on what’s been going on in the East because the West has been stacked it’s been a melee over there and that’s totally understandable the honesty was definitely respected there um but he did do his homework um and he’s had a lot of meetings and conversations with Tom Gore’s Tom definitely mentioned that several times um the amount of meetings of how long those meetings last uh with him and you know everybody else in the organization and getting familiar with this team and his roster and and you know putting a landscape out there for the direction that they want to go that’s what you want to hear um and that’s from hard work that’s from being the meetings on time answering the phone you know every little minute detail uh across the board overall you know he mentioned that it’s going to take every single person togetherness there’s no disconnects going on so um you know them highlighting those things make me kind of wonder what was going on previously um obviously me you know several other people including my my guy Deuce man we we’ve talked plenty about some of the disconnects that was going on well togetherness is the thing right now he wants to be that leader um he wants to bring everyone together he wants a total effort from top to bottom in this organization and that’s what you need to be successful I.E Detroit Lions you know what I’m saying uh you see how that organization finally turned it over uh they have to be invested from top to bottom to the very last player on the bench to the tow guy and you have to have that as an organization if you want to be successful everyone needs to be on the same page so a lot of very important things said from Tran um and I’m 100% confident that he’s going to show some some some uh pretty pretty uh significant improvement over these first couple of seasons now he also mentioned that it’s not going to happen fast and quickly I think we all realize that by now he wants to keep the process you heard some familiar words some uh sustainability you know over time I think the game plan is pretty much the same I just think we’re going to be a little bit more connective with a little bit of a Twist of you know uh what he wants to do and some of the personalities he wants to bring in he mentioned some of the big time assistants that he BR in here uh especially obviously the shooting assist um and that’s all super important because you want to see those shooting percentages go up as a team that speaks to the spaces that we spoke of earlier right so uh you know getting the right guys around here getting the right mentality the right faces uh the right veteran leadership on the court all the things that we’ve talked about he pretty much echoed that today and that was huge for me huge big time for me time gors on the other hand had a couple of interesting things to say otherwise it was just you know a lot of praising and everything else um he really really really likes langon um but you know he did speak on behalf of taking accountability and that’s huge for me uh it takes a big man to hold himself accountable accountability is something that I’m not used to hearing about in my community so you know uh for him to take you know the accountability man and you know be open with it that was big time man I got a clip for you guys U got to give credit to Jeff rer from 97.1 a ticket for asking this question behind scenes take a look talked about uh some people think you’re detached from this organization at the podium M could you share like just how passionate you are about this franchise that you own I think some of the fans wonder whether you don’t show up or you know people were chanting sell the team earlier and I’m sure you didn’t take kind of that like what are the emotions that go through you when people question I guess your passion for this no I appreciate the question um you know passion doesn’t always show up at like where you’re at the game and stuff like obviously I’m extremely passionate and it’s about doing the big things for the team when it’s necessary uh my you know meetings over the last month with Tran and also you know a whole Sloop of Executives um you know I’m game time I’m game time when this organization needs me um so I don’t look at I I think it’ll be more understood when we start to win you know I don’t expect anybody to just think I’m great because I say I care like I have to put the results on you know on the table with wins and so on but I mean I’ll just tell you like of course you know I met me probably 50 you know we’ve had probably 50 meetings or so um just on getting the right person so um I’ve learned that you know people will think what they I think and he’s got to show some results and and go from there you know on that I think we’re good thank you appreciate itk you y can see man he um you know was willing to answer the tough questions um you know we had some really really good questions during that press conference if you didn’t get a chance to watch it uh you make sure you you go and do that man uh definitely a shout out to all the beat writers uh you know from I mean from Vince to uh James Edwards to Mari uh you know even had Kool-Aid um there’s so many personalities um in there that I’ve grown to be familiar with over time and they asked some some real some real core questions you know what I’m saying good questions man you know uh Bob Walch was there and um you know from Eric Vincent everybody was there you know I think even kah Hill was there I seen him post on Twitter so I’m probably sure there going to be some good information being put out and pumped out about this press conference um obviously next steps is to go and get a GM um it starts there and then we looking at a head coach next right so this is a process it’s something that we just have to be patient about we have a draft coming you know the off season is you know definitely in full swing right now uh you seeing little news reports coming out here and there um a lot of trade rumors starting to to cook up it’s it’s weiring to think of things right we’re in the th of things so um but at the end of the day leadership leadership is the thing um we want to see that we need that and we need the communication and the transparency between us fans or season ticket holders or or beat writers or media personalities like myself as a Content creators we need the the transparency uh so we can kind of you know take a step back in and chill a little bit when it comes to this team because a lot of emotions has been out there over a long period of time a lot of stressed out people out there so we love our team we’re very passionate about our team and it’s nothing wrong with that whatsoever so um you know pretty good press conference uh some good information some good cookies in there so you know with that said make sure you guys go and rewatch that I also recorded it so I will be re-watching and taking a little bit more not notes here and there some quotes and everything else but with that said um man it’s it’s about to get fun you Pistons fans get ready we’re going to have a lot of good content including myself on this channel um but also you know with the podcast me and Deuce and several other people several other faces are going to start uh showing their face man and we’re going to have a good time uh with that said you guys have a blessed day make sure you smash the like button for your boy and uh I’ll catch you guys very very soon be blessed peace


  1. Congrats King….I've been rocking with you since you had 1000 subs. Always great content….keep it up. Wishing you and your family many blessings.

  2. Congratulations King for the 15K! Hope Trajan Langdon turns this thing around with the right coach and core around Cade Cunningham

  3. Been here since like 2018-19 congrats bro πŸ’― πŸ₯‚ and as far as presser Tom is an idiot he kept forgetting the questions 2 mins later. Also Tom thinks because he grew a business he can grow a basketball team Neva! Bubba Dub Voice πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Congrats on the 15k King! I don't comment much but I been tuning in since 2015 I know I can always count on you to keep it real! Can't forget about those hugs at 4:30 in the morning those were key points too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. Congrats bro. Finding your page years ago made me happy as hell that i encountered somebody that loves the pistons as much as i do. Keep it up bro. We appreciate the content always. πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ’―πŸ’―

  6. Everything King has NEVER been on the Pistons page. King has his own page, his own timetables, sentences players to punishments like being grabbed by the throat and shaken (King probably wants to see players get CHOKESLAMMED WWE Style), hates on every substitution, ALWAYS says the leading scorer DESERVES to leave, and no human is good enough to be his 6th Man.

  7. Everything King: Jerami Grant needs to be traded NOW because when he becomes a Free Agent he could leave and we'd get nothing in return.

    Fan: Why do have to trade Grant now when he doesn't become a Free Agent until next season?

    King: OH… uh… we need to trade Jerami Grant NOW because his value is at its highest.

    Fan: Isn't that like saying he'll never improve again?

    King: OH… uh… We need to trade Jerami Grant NOW because he doesn't fit the timetable…

    So forth and so on… and on…

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