@San Antonio Spurs

The Blitz – 6/20/2204

The Blitz – 6/20/2204

your home for the Cowboys ktfm florville and SAS sportstar dcom San Antonio sports star San Antonio’s Sports Center well believe it or not we are less than a week away from the NBA draft and Spurs rumors have picked up according to reports San Antonio will work out French Prospect Zachary rishe he will also work out reportedly with the Hawks and the Wizards NFL training camp day have been released as we’re under a month away from the start of the NFL Texans will open things up in Houston on July 17th Cowboys open up in Oxnard on the 24th and we will be there sports center is brought to you by buyers barricades the Texas Authority in barricade rental buyers barricades tocom Joe reinagle and the third time in Seven Seasons the San Antonio Spurs are the NBA champion Jason back to big day as champion D2 it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star you know having a Hulk day break up the week hul day little day off on a hump day hum day was kind of nice wasn’t it broke it up I hope you guys missed us out there hi everybody this is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star I’m Joe ryanel Jason men is on vacation but James Pledger is not he is working punching the buttons and living in the glass box of fun we are so happy that you are here on this Thursday baby Friday Friday Eve whatever it is you want to call it doesn’t really matter it’s a great day I always like Thursdays so it’s good to be back good to be back in the saddle and man do we have a lot to talk about um and a lot of stuff that we missed yesterday we kind of recap it was a sad day with Willie Mays past away at the age of 93 um perhaps one of the greatest baseball players of all time I know it’s it’s arguably that but in my opinion he’s got to be right up there without a doubt uh Monty um but somebody please fire me and let me walk away with $65 million will you do that I I I would be very happy I’d say they say You’re Fired I’m going thank you end it over a 100 million when you combine what he’s making from the Sons as well well I’m sure it is you know Mike uh Mike Brown had that same thing remember Mike Brown he was a former Spurs assistant uh coached Cleveland for a while got fired coached the Lakers for a while got fired that dude was just hanging on and getting paid by everybody and now Monty Williams is that way uh as well so happy uh happy for Monty Williams you know I couldn’t happen to a nicer guy and I know he wants to coach and I think he’s a great coach he’s just a great guy first and foremost but the fact that he gets fired after one year and walks away with $65 million somebody please please do that to me ah you put it up on be uh Billboards and TV commercials and all of that kind of stuff yeah we fired that Joe rigle so yeah you did but I got 65 mil in the bank make sure you stress that part cuz when you come on here and say somebody please fire me like that it’s very dangerous you going to make that into a into a clip there I I can see it now pledge has got that right oh my goodness but uh hey happy for Monty he’ll land somewhere if he wants to I don’t know what the stipulation is in the contract if you get another job toes Echo away uh and if it does take a couple years off Monty enjoy life and and have a good time with h with all of that money he’ll be back he’s still a young man so it’s good to go also when we were talking to you on Tuesday uh before we left uh with the day off yesterday the Edmonton Oilers were trailing the Florida Panthers three games to one we told you about Kate the boob girl remember her she’s the girl that flashed everybody in the arena and uh and and and then kind of disappeared for a while she reemerged on Tuesday and guess what happened Edmonton the Oilers won that game game five uh and I don’t think it’s a coincidence I don’t think it is a coincidence if you missed it though this is what Kate the boob girl said on Tuesday Oilers girl actually my name’s Kate but uh here we are so I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say to everybody anybody who knows me knows that I’m at one of my favorite places right now uh come here to do some thinking we’ll call it but I just wanted to say you be the most perfect Godly person in the world you could save kittens from a river if they were drowning someone’s still going to hate you so you know what at the end of the day I got drunk and Whi my out at an Oilers game and they went viral [ __ ] you if you don’t like it Go Oilers no coincidence in my mind there is no coincidence she re reemerges and comes back to life tells everybody just to go jump in a lake basically and the Edmonton Oilers win that game in Florida no less game five so they force a game six which will be tomorrow night uh in Edmonton against the uh the Florida Panthers and so still Edmonton with a long road to go but now that Kate the boobir is back I give them all the chance in the world and that’s about all the hockey you’ll hear from me here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star it takes Kate the boob girl to get a hockey segment on the blitz when Min is gone even when he’s here but uh I I I don’t find that as a coincident so I’m I’m looking at that score and I I didn’t watch the game Tuesday night but you know I saw yeah well I’m sure it was great um but I saw the score pledge and and I’m going you know what you tell me there are no coincidences it happened she reemerges Edmonton wins bada bing bada boom I did see one of the craziest saves in that game I saw that video yep I saw that video too that was pretty incredible so game six of that series will be tomorrow night uh in Edmonton and we can only hope that Kate is in attendance for the Oilers in game six and maybe they can come back and force to game seven we’ll see I don’t really care to be totally honest with you but Kate makes it interesting so uh that’s why we’re talking about it today um there’s a couple of things I want to bring up before we get into the meat of what we’re going to discuss and and I think pledge you’ll probably have a pretty good uh pretty good opinion of this as well oh we got some breaking news coming down right now uh the JJ reic agrees to a four-year deal to become the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers no details yet that uh that we’ve seen or that they flashed up and we’ll keep you posted but I want to see if it’s anywhere near what Dan Hurley was offered with the six-year um sixy year 70 million whatever it was so yeah that was it we we’ll see what uh what reck has done but that just came down wo reporting that JJ reck is the new head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers no surprise there we’ll talk a little bit more about the Lakers coming up in a minute because LeBron James said something um LeBron James yes is that a word you know what I’m talking about kind of dumb and and just he he wants people to talk about him and uh well obviously we we took the hook and we’re going to talk about LeBron that’s coming up later so the breaking news JJ reick he’s the head coach of the Lakers had a little argument with my little brother today my little brother in age only he’s bigger than I am but uh physically but he um every now and then little brothers just say the stupidest things just stupid stuff and today was one of those days Randy my brother and I work out um three four days a week whatever it is um and we were working out this morning and and we’re the golf tournament was on the new The Travelers is on so I said had The Travelers this I I said can you believe that Rory skipped that and I said not only that can you believe that knucklehead what he did after the end of the US Open and he goes what are you talking about I don’t blame him I don’t blame him at all for doing that and if anybody that’s arguing that they’ve never been an an athlete and I said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there little fella I said first of all that’s an idiotic statement completely an idiotic statement I said second of all it is an athletes responsibility to meet not only show good sportsmanship which Roy did not but number two to meet with the media it’s part of your job look and I know people hate it Greg papovich hates meeting with the media there were there were people that did Tim Duncan didn’t like it so much but it’s it’s your obligation it is part of your job as a professional athlete so we got to an argument and I said look Rory mroy or anybody else that’s playing golf or playing basketball or football or baseball or whatever sport you want to say would not make anywhere the money they make now if it was not for the media it’s just a fact the TV contracts are outrageous completely outrageous but we all enjoy watching professional sports and that’s why the TV networks pay the money that they pay so you are obligated as a part of all of that to talk with the media and I have never understood and and now keep in mind I’m coming at this from a media member so maybe I’m a little biased on that side of it but I’ve I’ve never understood why coaches and players I I take that back let let me let me just that came out of my mouth and I want to pull it right back I understand why sometimes they don’t want to because look members of the media can be donkeys just like anybody else right we can all be donkeys we can all ask stupid questions we can all do all of that kind of stuff but it doesn’t matter you are obligated to meet with the media it is part of your job before and after a game it just is part of part of your job so my question to all of you since I’m coming to at this from a media standpoint since pledge is coming at this from a media standpoint I want to know what y’all think what you guys think out there whether you’re watching us on YouTube today we appreciate that please subscribe and like our channel uh you can get me on Twitter at Joe ragle 210 or you can do it the oldfashioned way and give us a call here uh at the radio station 21656 ESPN 656 3776 what is your feeling on athletes dissing the media now we it’s two different conversations when it comes to Roy Roy mroy and what he did last week um you know not showing good sportsmanship by by shaking hands with uh with Bryson D Shambo or you know congratulating him that’s one thing that is in itself is bad but leave that aside for now because I think we all agree that dissing the media dissing the post golf press conference now other athletes have done it certainly um you know they get frustrated they get upset they don’t want to talk to the media but they’re supposed to so I I just want to know somebody that’s not as close to it as I am somebody that is a fan do do you care whether an athlete skips the media or not I do it’s more so not from a media perspective but as a league perspective these sports leagues have grown to what they’ve grown to because of media and everyone kind of putting their best players their out in front of them so that they can get to the public and I know social media’s changed that in a lot of ways but for the league itself not the player for the league whatever League it may be it is a good thing that has helped to grow that sport the therefore those prices those contracts the reason they make the money they do is because of the media obligations that have led to the salaries becoming what they are and see pledge you hit the nail on the head used to be before social media was a thing you know the media was the only way that fans got to hear from players whether it was newspaper television radio whatever the case was it was the only way to do that and now I think that players have their own platform to talk to the fans themselves they think I think that they can just you know skirt their obligations but but let me just tell you as a member of the media for so long and being frustrated by by athletes that you wanted to talk to you had every right to talk to and they just blew you off um it it’s not right and don’t let anybody tell you whether it’s an athlete a coach or anybody else that it’s not a part of their job because it is a part of their job that is an obligation for every member of every professional sports team it is and they have to adhere to it that includes PGA Tour golfers especially guys named Rory mooy when you miss a three-foot putt and on top of that not only is it for them to do an obligatory thing that they have to put forth but at the same time by not doing it from your own platform The Narrative can’t be twisted to however you want to twist it you get honest questions and hopefully an honest reaction from said player from an unbias Source Amen brother and and all of that is true and so that was the argument that got I got into so it got me to thinking number one uh my brother can say things that are um half cocked sometimes s and then sometimes you know he’s just uh it’s that little brother thing U secondly though he’s not a member of the media never has been a member of the media so for him it wasn’t that big of a deal in fact he he was on the side of Roy mroy so I I posed that question if you’re interested in answering it or if if you or I I’d be do you even care does it matter to you anymore that you hear from an athlete in a postgame press conference or in a newspaper article um whether it’s electronic that right after the game or or in a newspaper the next day if anybody still reads the newspaper I’m not sure that that happens anymore but you know what I’m talking about we Mo most of us read it electronically but I I just thought that was curious and it’s it’s really just for me selfishly and and I kind of want to know and because I’d really like for y’all to send a message to I don’t know the the fellas down there in that at the Rock at laanta and uh I don’t know the Dallas Cowboys don’t have to worry about because they do and um but but anybody else I I I really would be curious we’re getting a couple of uh uh on our YouTube channel from Turd Ferguson uh he says I can’t stand listening to dookie Dak talk about getting better and doing better um I didn’t bring up Dak Prescott it wasn’t me it was Turd Ferguson all right it wasn’t me just for the record um and and understand that too A lot of those a lot of those press conferences are just uh a coach speak or player speak or whatever the case may be but um I don’t know it it was a little argument we had this morning and I say argument it was more of a debate than anything but that guys like me guys like Min Rob Thompson AJ Hoffman pledge we really don’t ever stop working if if there’s a debate to be had we’re going to have it regardless of where that is on the golf course on the at the gym uh in HB at a restaurant it really doesn’t make any difference what we do but we pretty much do it all the time which really makes things very fun and very interesting so let me know what you think before the throughout the show I’ll remind you of that little argument as we go on here on the blitz but first when we come back what would be the best fit for Victor Wim banama since since we are now less than a week away from the NBA draft it happens next Wednesday round one round two will be next Thursday uh but really the important day is is uh is round one as far as most of us are concerned what’s his best fit ESPN has some ideas that they think would fit Victor win Bama plus we got the latest ESPN mock draft and I want to do a couple of those today because I want to show you kind of what all of us are up against because from now until next Wednesday you’re going to hear a lot of things a lot of spaghetti against the wall if you will and and a lot of reporters that hear things and they roll with them uh with the caveat that you know it may or may not happen this is one of those weird drafts that people are all over the place and so that’s why I say it that way uh our good friend Don Harris of Channel 4 had a tweet TW today talking about the Atlanta Hawks and what they may or may not do uh and he’s quoting a source that that he’s heard from and Don’s got some sources he does and so um but again he puts that caveat on it that well this could happen it might happen or it may not happen and and we just don’t know at this point in time so we’ll talk a little NBA draft plus wind horsed uh Jonathan joavan he’s gavan has got some comments on what the Hawks might do and Paul George talks wmy as well all of that when we return right here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star San Antonio’s sports star it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson if someone said you’re going to lose a testicle and you want Fair restitution what would be a fair number in your mind well my response is how many do I have because if it’s unreplaceable you had two you now have one and I don’t know if they like put a ball bearing in there or something to to even out the weight for you but ball bearing well yeah I don’t know what they would use exactly like a marble what would they use whater than that but yeah I think there is a prospect one5 million I don’t know that that’s enough I don’t feel like that’s not enough financial restitution no I think it’s five million is the number I think it’s five million sh growing with a beag it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson morning 6: to 10 on 941 San Antonio sports star injuries happen and when they do skip the ER and get to the orthon now Injury Clinic by tsaog Orthopedics and spine Ortho now provides walk-in care for injuries like broken bones dislocation sprins and strains conveniently located in the Corey area with extended hours Monday through Saturday with onsite x-ray casting and bracing Ortho now has everything you need to treat your injury and best of all no urgent care or emergency room copay learn more online at Ander thousand of wi only a Total Wine and More drink responsibly B21 this is the story of the one as head of Maintenance at a Concert Hall he knows the show must always go on that’s why he works behind the scenes ensuring 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afternoon everybody now pled and I have been inside for a little while as we’re preparing for the show so I don’t know is it still raining outside I have no clue if you’re out there because we have no windows here we’re like in a cave inside the radio station so we can’t see to the outdoors um did it rain today well yeah didn’t it not when I not while I’ve been awake that I know of it rained at some point in time pledge I don’t know is it it’s supposed to isn’t it I’ve been here since 10:30 I didn’t see any rain this morning all right well that good I hope it I hope the rain’s over I don’t know how much I don’t know how why because it’s summertime it’s not supposed to rain is it rain in the summertimes it’s hard to do anything in the summer when all the lakes and rivers are empty well that’s a good point too um but I don’t think we’ve had enough I did I played golf yesterday and got sprinkled on a couple of times nothing I mean it was it was fine and I know San Antonio we got a little more rain than I was up in the Hill Country um so maybe it was a little bit different but uh yesterday actually was a pretty good day it was nice and cool and all that kind of stuff so it was good hope you if you had the day off I hope you enjoyed it if you didn’t I’m sorry about that but uh I’m back refreshed ready it’s Thursday it’s kind of nice to come back and it’s already Thursday the only thing I regret pledge is we missed home day hum day so we may have to say that and turn Thursday into Wednesday uh not really during the week but just a throwback every now and then just to uh even though I did you know you know what’s crazy pleasure I did say that yesterday a couple of times just to say it just so I could uh I could get it out hump and it was just it made me feel better did you get out on the course no you know I didn’t um I didn’t say it out there but I did beforehand um I’m disappointed you know maybe that that’s a good uh you make a birdie or a nice shot is [Music] that there’s so many things we could turn that [Laughter] into oh all right we’re getting some stuff uh on our YouTube channel that it is raining off and on um Lloyd D says yes Joe it’s raining I’m door dashing and it’s sprinkling for the most part and uh our good buddy Rudolph Gonzalez Who Wants to Be Me So Bad uh he says that it has rained four times today in live o about five minutes each time so I know he wants to be me and I appreciate that it’s a good compliment Rudolph thank you buddy we appreciate that hey we’re going to be talking a lot about the NBA draft and uh and rightly so uh because we’re getting close to it it is less than a week away and uh of course what is going to happen with Victor win Bama and how are the Spurs going to handle this thing and I find it fascinating and uh I I just want to touch on it here we may have to get into it in the next segment a little bit uh because we’ve got some great sound from from a couple of folks kind of giving us an idea and um but the mock drafts are all over the place I mean they literally are all over the place as to what the Spurs are going to do if you heard Sports Center at the top of the show uh the Spurs have plans to uh to bring in Zachary rishe uh in here tomorrow to work him out and but mock drafts have been all over the place and things and seem to be changing you know Rish aay was one of one of those guys that could have gone number one to Atlanta uh some were projecting him to go number two Al SAR number one and then uh you know you got stuff all over the place and it seems to change by the day so it’s going to be interesting to see what happens when we get to that point in time the thing that I was intrigued by is a guy by the name of Jonathan Jonathan javone is it javone gavone gavone that’s his name right we all been talking about Atlanta and what they want to do are they going to trade the number one pick or are they going to keep it well javone has some thoughts on what he thinks Atlanta might do the question is do they slide back possibly to four the San Antonio SP Spurs own their pick next year it’s unprotected can you get the bo of Both Worlds slide down to four uh maybe get Donovan Kling and or Reza Shay get your pick back and you know really allow yourself to possibly go into this rebuilding process by trading Trey young down the road they have a big decision there to make yeah yeah they do and and we’re going to go over a couple of mock drafts today because I want to just give you an idea of how they all seem to differ a little bit so we’ll start with ESPN and uh ESPN has got their latest draft out today their mock draft and it it it’s pretty much as consistent as I’ve seen uh several of them with the number one pick they’ve got the Hawks taking Rish sheet uh with the number two pick they’ve got the Wizards with Alex SAR Reed Shepard seems to be locked in I mean if there’s any guy that’s been consistent it’s been Reed Shepard at number three to the Houston Rockets and then they’ve got the Spurs taking Stephen Castle or Stefan Castle I’ve heard it mentioned both ways so um I like Castle I like the guy and and look there there’s critiques to everybody but I like castle and and it would I wouldn’t mind that pick at all uh but I think there’s some other teams now that are starting to jump on that bandwagon if you will unless you look at other mock drafts and some mocks have him as low as six and so I really think that everybody is just throwing stuff against the wall because this draft more so than any I can remember in a long time just does not seem to be falling in place it just does not and so I don’t think anybody truly can say with 100% confidence or even 95 or 90% confidence that they know what they’re going to do that any team that you know what they’re going to do we can all guess we can all have educated guesses we can all express our opinions and who we like and what we think we uh that the Spurs and and other teams ought to do but we just don’t know all right I talked a little bit too much there in that particular segment so I wan to I want to get back into the draft if we can we’ve got some good NFL uh stuff to get into as well but I want to deal with the draft and I want your opinion on the draft and what you think are you excited about it can you get um can you see the Spurs using both of those picks would you like to see them trade one or both of uh have them move up move down I I’d really like to know if you’re on YouTube you can comment there uh go there like And subscribe to our page please you can call us at 656 ESPN in 65637 76 you can also reach out to me on Twitter Joe ragle 210 what do you want the Spurs to do in next week’s draft do you have an idea do you think you know what the answer is and if you do I’d like to hear it nobody’s wrong nobody’s off base nobody’s um like my brother a little Mis uh informed because nobody knows there is not anybody out there anybody out there that knows what the heck’s going to happen we’ll talk more draft and some NFL football when we return here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson Friday on the morning huddle we’ll close out what feels like a short week there’s hockey to talk about at least yeah will there be any more to discuss we’ll figure that out and see if we got some football to talk it’s a morning huddle we’ll start at 6 right here on 941 it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson morning 6: to10 on 941 San Antonio sports star when traveling to see the Longhorns in Austin make sure you bring along the guys from 941 San Antonio sports star listen anywhere on the iHeart Radio App hey everybody it’s Rob Thompson here for prize picks it is my game of fun and fantasy and it’s time for the excitement for summer Sports to begin and I say the best way to take summer Sports and have the fun with it is to take it to the next level with prize picks America’s number one 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[Music] the ace superhero ComicCon presented by Thomas J Henry is coming June 20th to the 23rd meet Star Trek’s Chris Pine Spider-Man far from home star Jake Gyllenhaal pirates of the Caribbeans Orlando Bloom Star Wars Diego Luna She-Hulk tatiano masani and the Marvel’s Aman valani plus the Superman Ghostbusters Ernie Hudson and Aros Steven AML and David Ramsey get your event passes now at PMX that’s PMX if you travel as much as the San Antonio sports guys travel while you’re on the road be sure to take us along listen to the 941 San Antonio sports star live stream anywhere on the Odyssey radio [Music] app hi this is Joe ryanel and you’re listening to the home of the Dallas Cowboys 941 San Antonio sport star I don’t know who that guy is man but we got to hire him sounds [Music] great I am Joe ryanel this is the blitz here 941 San Antonio sports star Jason mic on vacation James Pledger is not however he’s back there with the hoodie on today you cold back there pledge I’m always cold back here I guess so man you got the hoodie on today and uh got the chips going delicious what kind of chips are they are those sour cream and onion no it’s those Chester fries but they’re Ranch flavored all right Ranch flavored fries all right pretty cool you know what I what always intrigues me and it never ceases to amaze me is Chick-fil-A I went to Chick-fil-a today earlier and the line was about a mile long took me less than 10 minutes to get through there yep it’s incredible you know you talk about people that know how to do it right Chick-fil-A knows how to do it right right and everybody else ought to send their employees to the Chick-fil-A Institute or whatever the hell that is because they know what they’re doing and uh they do it right hopefully the Spurs will do it right and that’s always the question because again I I hate to throw cold water on hot things and I know there’s some people that are excited about the draft some that aren’t Joshua himin says he has no excitement for the draft uh he says there’s something wrong with this organization we were all excited about a generational Talent last year and got 22 wins and Joshua it’s hard to disagree with you there buddy nobody expected the Spurs to only win 22 games last year I don’t think anybody expected that including Greg papovich uh as a matter of fact but that’s why I think some changes are needed and it’s going to be interesting to see what they do and how those changes come about uh whether the Spurs use both of their draft picks at 4 and eight uh if they trade one or both away to either move up in the draft or get some veteran talent in this uh in this place uh so it’s going to be fun next week to watch all of that play out and see how things go um I told you about the latest mock um from ESPN before we went to the break it had the Spurs taking Stephen Castle uh from Yukon um at number one again a young guy he’s got tons of Promise tons of of uh ability obviously the guy is is a very talented individual but he is Young and uh he is coming to the NBA and I can say that about all the guys that are in the top five top 10 uh with the with the exception of connect maybe he uh the kid out of Tennessee he may be uh uh maybe the most day one ready to start but again we’re just speculating because that’s what we do and and that’s what we need to do but again you just never can tell uh I found it very fascinating though that Brian windhorse who I disagreed with vehemently when he uh basically wanted to throw Luca donic in the garbage can after game three and uh the the escapades of that I still have a lot of respect for the guy and look he uh he followed when he was first starting in the league and now it is Victor wimam and you gota you got to hand it to the guy at least he rides the coattails of the best he did it with LeBron it kind of helped Wendy with his with his career now he’s doing it with Victor wanyama um and it’s going to continue his career but he was talking and he gave us a little bit of insight and I think we’ve heard something similar to this but I want to drive at home because I think in this case Wendy is right yeah so I think Victor wanyama has an expectation that the Spurs are going to improve quickly and like the question they have to weigh obviously this is another French Prospect is paying that kind of price for a player who’s not viewed as a franchise player talking about ree I mean number one pick you’re hoping for a guy like a franchise player like Wen Bama this draft just isn’t as deep paying that kind of price for a player who may not be a franchise player who may at his best be what Jonathan a your third or fourth best player I think weighing that is one of the things that the Spurs have to to judge you know going into this process yeah the Spurs are gonna have to but pledge just do me do me a favor why you just play the first part of that Bight yeah so I think Victor wanyama has an expectation that the Spurs are going to improve quickly boom right there of course he does who would not oh well sure pop Brian RC let’s just you take your time five years doesn’t matter six years I’m gonna be okay of course he wants them to improve quickly and I don’t blame him he was miserable last year I mean let’s face it the guy’s got a great disposition there’s no question about it but how many times there toward the end did he say he did not want to be a part of NBA history in the way that he was going to be on the worst franchise record-wise in the history of the NBA didn’t want that to happen didn’t happen came close they managed to squeak out 22 wins Victor Wim banama is a competitor and he wants to win now this whole yeah let’s just draft some guys and let them work their way in and and they’ll all grow together Go sing Kumbaya somewhere will you because that’s not going to happen and that’s not the way it is in professional sports you got to start the rebuild and you got to be aggressive with it I’m not saying mortgaging the future because I know everybody’s going to tell me but Joe what about 2025 that’s when the good draft is going to be is it sorry I got a little choked up again we don’t know that we got a lot of water under the bridge before that happens um pledge look 2025 I understand because you just don’t know you don’t know what you don’t know that’s kind of Joe’s goto but at the same time Cooper flag and a bunch of prospects that are very very highly considered the same way that Wendy was and that worked out you got to understand that like people are under they actually their job is to be able to project these players and allow them to understand what they could and could not become and the fact that this draft is very under heralded but the next one or two are very highly regarded should tell you a lot about the prospects that are coming down the pipe and not wanting to give up Atlanta’s number one when they hold the number one this year and are possibly looking to rebuild and putting yourself in position to have a bunch of swings next year I get that it’s this year I didn’t I didn’t want Toronto’s pick to convey this year I didn’t because this is this isn’t the draft you want that pick you want in the future because from what we’re told that’s the one that’s going to matter just like we were told the Victor wanyama sweep Stakes are the one you want to be in well that right that one yeah they were right they were right of course but I mean that’s like a duh I mean you had Victor wanyama is there anybody in next year’s draft that is a Victor wanyama no is the answer to that no but there are a lot of really really good prospects that people would love to see in this year’s draft like a Cooper flag like Ace Bailey like there there are uh I believe uh Carlos blers kids coming out next year I can sit here and say well we we just don’t know and we don’t nobody knows we can we could speculate all we want to we really can and and 2025 yeah but Spurs are still going to have plenty of assets nobody’s calling for the Spurs to to trade away everything that they have this year um nobody’s calling for that but I just for for me to wait on something that might happen is just ludicrous to me I mean it really is and and you sit here and wait and say well we’re going to just take it easy and and not do anything because it’s next year’s draft that we want to do do and then what happens when flag is a bust or doesn’t quite live up to the expectations and then what then you’re screwed okay but what happens if you use all those assets to trade up for ret because he’s friends with Victor wanyama I don’t want to do that and he ends up being okay at best I don’t want to do that I don’t want to do that you know me if you’ve listened to the show at any point in time I want the spur to go out and get some guys that are that have already been in this league that have some experience and can can kickart this thing look nobody is calling for the Spurs to win a championship next year that’s not going to happen but I don’t see why there’s any reason why this rebuild and even if the guys you’re talking about are are they’re not going to be day one right out of the gate good they’re not so you wait and just kind of tread water this year and then you you get a great pick next year and then guess what you’re going to have to wait for that guy so you’re looking at a threeyear at least threeyear rebuild at least if that’s the if that’s the road we’re going to go down and I I just don’t think that that is necessary I really don’t think that that’s necessary um again not not looking for them to trade all their assets away this year but they got a bunch and I think they can certainly use some and it I think it can start with this year’s draft look if this year’s draft is is no good get rid of the picks just trade them away the heck with them everybody this this this draft sucks nobody’s in there well then get rid of the picks then why draft anybody why not not turn them away okay but at the same time you look at the landscape of the NBA there’s not a lot of great free agents no and the teams that try to run up the steps have fallen on their face a lot you look at the Phoenix Suns you look at when the Brooklyn Nets traded for Paul Pearson and kg it set up the Celtics for this run that they’re on right now to where they’ve been to Western or Eastern Conference Finals and NBA finals and now have a championship to show for it that’s all because they held on to the picks that they got from Brooklyn that acquired them what they have same goes for Oklahoma City they’re in the position they’re in now because they held on and used a bunch of the picks that they got okay and and and and fair enough but they went out and did what they had to do to get better they needed two pieces to get over that hump and they went out and got him right Drew holiday and porzingis they went out and got those guys they traded for a Derek white so um they veterans out there to be had oh what I’m saying and I think I don’t think we’re that far off pledge to be honest with you no I really don’t use those assets to bring in some assets as the Boston Celtics did to build around the players that you are developing the players that you brought in and you drafted and to get better I just think it takes both nobody can tell me nobody and I’m not going to listen to you if you do you can’t tell me that Drafting and developing the NBA is the way to go it’s not nobody’s doing that Oklahoma City may be the team that that is the closest to that but even then they went out found a prospect who’s turned out to be better than anybody thought don’t you wish Dallas would wish they still had Jaylen Brunson that would have helped against Boston but they didn’t and so I just say you it’s a combination of both it is a combination of both and I just think that that waiting for a so-called great draft is not necessarily the only answer you got a lot of draft picks I’m not saying give Atlanta all their draft picks back don’t but you’ve got a lot of capital to use and I think they need to use it beginning this year that’s what I’d like to see happen to see it happen but at the same time if the price is too expensive I’m not giving them away and overpaying for something because that’s that’s a Fool’s eror dude I’m with you I said the same thing about Trey young I’m not giv Atlanta all their picks back for that guy even though I think he’d be great here I don’t want to do that it’s way too expensive for me in that respect so I think you know when Brian Wright said selective aggression I think he’s really right there between us in terms of yeah we’re going to attempt to do some things that are going to make us better but if the price isn’t right we’re not going to mortgage the future to try and get something now especially when we’re not one piece away you know that’s that’s a different conversation when you’re a Drew holiday or a christop porzingis away from winning a title when you’re you know eight pieces away from that it’s hard to over overextend yourself to get to that level and still have enough to make the moves necessary later when you are that close nobody is advocating or saying that the Spurs are going to be a championship team they’re just a piece or two away this year I’m saying build I’m just saying not all through the draft that’s all I’m saying is is through the draft only is going to take too much time and again let me be the reminder you just heard when Wind Horse wm’s expectations in his mind are a quicker rebuild that’s coming from Wind Horse I have not heard that from Victor wanyama but I’m hearing it from Wendy who does talk to Victor wanyama so I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to that wimy doesn’t want to wait he doesn’t he wants to see some progress and drafting a couple of guys that are going to take some time to get their feet wet at best before they kick into high gear I don’t think is is is the way to go completely I think you got to see some things and again let me be the bearer of bad news just because Victor wanyama is here doesn’t mean he’s going to be here forever it doesn’t we almost lost Tim Duncan if people with short memories remember and it was very close very close to losing Tim Duncan wmy wants to win he wants to win what do we got here kingsby Kingsley on uh on the uh on the phone lines the old fashion way pledge Kingsley what’s going on what do you think what’s going on Joe I think a lot of stuff but I’m gonna get even though you’re old just dirt I’m gonna give you some advice about the old Bull and the young bull you’re like that young bull you want to run down that hill and have your way with all the cows well the old bull says why don’t we take our time walk down the hill and have our way with all the cows not just one cow we need to take our time that’s why we’re 20 years great experience and depth in the San Antonio organization always been great because we took our damn time so don’t just try to have your way with one cow Joe take your time we’ll have our way with all the C Kingsley before you hang up let me ask you a question all right Spurs should have won an NBA championship when was it 95 996 should have should have right and it’s when the Houston Rockets a Keim alijan School David Robinson right right right right so they should have won is so they were pretty good in the mid 90s weren’t they they were they were good not bad they had one bad year if I recall when David Robinson got hurt and Greg papovich fired Bob Hill and took over and they drafted Tim Duncan right right are we on the same page we’re tracking okay good good good I just want to make sure we’re on the same page so Tim Duncan came into a team that was ready made with David Robinson and with a lot of veteran players am I right right you’re correct okay and then they they drafted a couple of guys and Tony Parker and mon jobi that became great players uh with some veteran players around them are we on the same page still oh yeah we’re tracking okay I love you Kingsley but you don’t have to go slow you don’t now now Duncan is is a I wish wimy would have come into a team like that he didn’t they’ve got to build that team now and I think you can start this this year and get that done the Spurs haven’t been a horrible basketball team in a while until obviously number two screwed us and threw a bomb in the middle of everything and and blew this team up they have had a good team for a long time just go back in history a little bit go back Bas and it doesn’t have to suck for the next three four five years to prove to everybody that we don’t have to go fast it just it’s not necessary Greg papovich tried to keep this thing going it didn’t work so now you knock it down and build it back up you got lucky with wimy put some players around him and let’s go all right I feel better thank pledge pledge is the pro I just want to let you know man had a little uh tickle in my throat and pledge held down the fort I appreciate you pledge that was that was awesome you know way you’re saying you’re you’re polluting the ears of the listeners today Kingsley I love you man thanks for the phone call I get where you’re coming from but I just don’t think it’s necessary to go slow I want all the cows every single one of them right now I may be be able to handle all of them right now but you know it’ll take a little time just not that much all right we’re gonna take a break and when we come back Charlie Woods is picking up where his dad left off and LeBron James agent said something that just is it leaves you scratching your head we’ll talk about that in a whole lot more when we come back here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star taking you home with the blitz afternoons 2 to 6 ktfm florville and everywhere at sass sportstar outcom basketball playoffs start this week big fight happening on Saturday night you know the best place 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San Antonio sports star San Antonio’s Sports Center we are less than a week away from the NBA draft and Spurs rumors have picked up according to report San Antonio will work out French Prospect Zachary rishe he will reportedly work out tomorrow also has scheduled uh workouts with the Hawks and the Wizards training camp dates have been released as well we’re under a month away from the start of the NFL Houston begins in Houston on July 17th Cowboys July 24th Joe reinagle that’s the third time in seven the San ANS theba Jason it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star happy Thursday everybody that feels kind of like a Monday in a way or at least a Tuesday something like that but I’m glad it’s Thursday and I’m happy that you are joining us and spending part of your day with us here on 941 San Antonio sports star hope your day is going well you’re staying wet and being careful out there um a lot of rain man I you know I is it officially Summer today is today officially Summer today is officially the first day of summer okay today is officially the first day of summer happy summer uh everybody it doesn’t feel a lot like summer out there though does it it’s um that’s wet kind of cool yesterday was a little bit cooler than uh than a normal June 19th would be here in San Antonio in South Texas so hope you all had a good time with that uh I find it funny pledge you know we were talking about the Spurs Draft last segment and uh Kingsley with a great phone call said uh I wanted all the cows we’re getting a lot of cow jokes now on our YouTube uh page we appreciate that so um and then hail Caesar said can I let me make sure I can read this says Joe’s the type of Dude to blow on his coffee with his pinky pinky out when drinking it yeah and I don’t understand something wrong with that does nobody else drink their coffee with their pinky out or is that just me or I don’t know do you not blowing on your coffee when you’re when it’s hot you know I I do with certain drinks have my pinky out I don’t it’s natural you can’t help it I can’t you can’t so I don’t know I’m not sure there’s anything wrong with that old fashioned hell Caesar I’m I’m good I’ll do that too with just a regular drink I mean it’s just kind of out there I don’t know is that some kind of uh well it’s a hoyy toyy thing to Mr how kind of thing from Gilligan’s Island a little bit yeah all right all right yeah ah boy we got a lot to get into I you know I I was not expecting to get this feisty today but but I have and I love it because it just gets the blood flowing a little bit and I’m excited about uh the five o’clock hour by the way John mlan is going to join us from Houston a lot to talk to John mlan about as there always is because he knows a little bit about everything and then our good friend Antonio Daniels former spur Antonio Daniels now broadcaster for the New Orleans Pelicans and can’t wait to get him on he’s got a camp coming up I know next month but we’re going to talk a little bit of uh the NBA with him especially the Spurs and the draft and how he sees things shaking out and what he would like to see the Spurs do I’m going to put the GM hat on ad and see what he uh what he has to say and what kind of things he would come up with to fit around a guy like Victor wamba but first at this time of day we do a little something called the headline Blitz this is Jason and Joe two guys two opinions never enough time yeah never enough time but uh some good stories in the headline Blitz today one of those revolves around Charlie Woods the son of one Tiger Woods and as Tiger’s career seems to be coming to an end uh Charlie’s is about to pick up and I think we’ll carry on now look I’m not say Charlie’s ever going to be as good as his father but he certainly is pretty good and the news today was that Charlie has qualified for first us Junior Amateur which his father won three times by the way so Charlie’s going to te it up in Oak at Oakland Hills next month that’s in Michigan uh hoping to continue following in his dad’s footsteps if I’m not mistaken Oakland Hills uh has been used as a US Open site uh a PGA Championship site it’s not an easy golf course but it’s a pretty one so Charlie Woods is going to try and start the process of uh following in his father’s foot steps as he’s qualified for his first US Junior Amateur so good luck to Charlie as he continues on that Journey LeBron James I love LeBron James a lot of respect for LeBron ah his agent is claiming now get this the story that we have been told is that LeBron wants to play with Brony that’s what he wants to do and uh you know it’s pretty much what would end his career the cherry on top of a Hall of Fame career for LeBron James would be able to play on the same team as his son bronny LeBron James’s agent by the way LeBron is a free agent or it’s a player option I should say sure if he’s declared that just yet but I I’m sure he will uh if nothing else he gets a new deal um his agent is claiming that he could ditch the Lakers even if the Lakers draft bronny now I’m confused that has got to be a ploy doesn’t it a a a a bargaining chip that yeah even if you guys draft bronny doesn’t mean I’m going to stick around here in La now wouldn’t that be a kick in the in the package well also saying as they just hired his podcast buddy JJ reick to be their head coach that would also be kind of a kick to the tools yeah it sure would if you haven’t heard that J J reic official now signed a four-year deal 8 million per so way below what the Lakers offered Dan Hurley but uh for JJ reck I guess it doesn’t matter and we’ll see how he does but uh that was the breaking news this afternoon that he has been hired as the Lakers head coach but I find that fascinating and it’s it’s pretty typical for LeBron isn’t it I mean it really is the guy I’m gonna take my talents to Miami or I’m going to do this and that look he is he’s a great basketball player don’t get me wrong he’s going to go down as one of the best to ever play the game no question about that a lot of respect it’s just some of the other stuff that is kind of silly and foolish and you know it’s funny how we all uh got after Luca for crying to the officials but LeBron gets away with it see this is nothing more I think than just LeBron posturing and making a ploy at his new contract from the Lakers cuz he’s going to opt out that way he can maximize the amount that he gets but at the same time it is just a negotiating tactic you know and I get where you’re coming from but I don’t think LeBron has to negotiate does what’s he making 50 million this year I think it’s 35 N I think it’s upwards of 50 I really do look that up pledge but I I think it’s 50 plus if I’m not mistaken I mean the guy is is making a a boatload of money so I’m not sure that LeBron needs to negotiate anything I think if if LeBron wants to stay there the Lakers are going to pay him whatever he wants because they basically turned their franchise over to him I mean let’s be honest so I I think that he can he can command whatever he wants when it comes to that and the Lakers so I’m not sure it’s a negotiating tool but um I just find that fascinating and why he would do I just think LeBron likes to be in the media nothing wrong with that and he likes to have his name out there he still wants to be relevant what’s going to be interesting and what I think the difference between LeBron and say a Tiger Woods is Tiger I think is content to kind of be you know right off into the sunset I’m not sure LeBron will be I could be excuse me I could be wrong but I I think that’s that’s that’s kind of how I [Music] feel like Hey Dad weren’t we supposed to play in the same team and now we may not maybe he just wants to kick his son’s butt play against him for a couple of years we’ll have to see how that uh how that plays out it’s 51 it is 51 okay 51 million and it is a player option he has not um declined that offer has he it was 47 this past season so it will be 51 that’s what he’ll decline uh most likely because I think he one more contract whether it’s going to be with the Lakers or somebody else um and I think that will be the end of LeBron however long that contract plays out give LeBron credit and he’s good for us old guys because he’s still playing at a high level there there’s no doubt about it he’s playing at a very high level but even for LeBron I think and maybe we expect too much or maybe I expect too much um he’s not the same guy that he was and he’s just not so I don’t know hey fledge you’re uh you’re you’re trying out to go to the Olympics okay uh you make the team you’re celebrating and then you hurt yourself that’d be a kick in the package wouldn’t it like while I’m celebrating while you’re celebrating yes oh that sounds awful it also sounds like something I do what happened to a French swimmer dislocated his shoulder while celebrating qualifying at the Olympic trials made the team made the French swim team was celebrating and he dislocated his shoulder and he’s out although maybe out maybe not he may be back uh there’s he’s questionable to use a a an American Sports term he’s questionable uh for the Olympics so he’s not quite out yet but um he might be but I thought I thought that was kind of funny you’re celebrating and because we all celebrate when you celebrate you’re like you you don’t think about the consequences at that time I mean you’re celebr you’re I made it all that hard work paid off and then ouch then that happens so uh we’ll we’ll have to check in on the French swimmer to see if indeed he makes it into the uh into the Olympics for the Perry it’s kind of a a tale as old as time is if you will I mean Martin grammatica very famously blow out his knees celebrating a kick right G forat strained his neck celebrating after running into the Zone and banging his head into the wall I mean it’s happened a lot it’s happened and I get it I get it and especially when you’re a guy like this now if you’re an NFL player and you’ve done something you’ve never done before and you want to celebrate that’s great who was it is it’s still Tyreek Hill right that does backflips oh yeah uh and there’s been others that have done backflips which can’t make the coach happy when he sees them do that because they never know what you could do and you turn an ank or whatever the case may be you know pledge I love casinos I love to gamble no Say It Ain’t So I know you’ve never heard that before or seen it but I’ve never freaked out in a casino uh there was a man who flipped out in the casino now this guy um obviously wasn’t doing very well was a dice table as a matter of fact I and the guy jumped up on the dice table and laid down in the middle of it now I’m old enough to remember old school Vegas all right and when I say old school back in the 80s you’d go there and if there was any kind of sign of trouble anything happening that you were taken out of there by about six dudes that were bigger than the Hulk and you were gone and thrown in the old hoow right so but this guy what the hoow you heard that term pledge this guy was just allowed to lay there I think it’s the times we live in now that this guy was just allowed to lay there I guess throw his temper tantrum I’m sure he got thrown in jail I mean my goodness and if you were at this table the chips were scattered all over the place I don’t know who the they’re gonna have to figure out what belongs to who and well he started throwing some too yeah I mean it was just don’t he wasn’t a very big guy now I don’t want to say he was a he was a small person but wasn’t much bigger than a small person um so he he fit in that table very nicely is what I’m trying to say but I’m sure that guy spent a night in jail or so and they may have uh you know when you’re taking him out he might have uh had a punch to the gut or two well back in the day the dealer just would have pulled a cattle prob from under the table well that too like Hulk would have come over there and dragged him out of there probably beaten the hell out of while they were doing it but in a windowless room yeah if you get a chance to see this uh it’s all over the place but there there is video of this said temper tantrum floating around the internets and you can see that it’s really fascinating stuff so uh if you get a chance to see it you should see it it’s worth the view it is all right we heard if you were with us uh sports center training camp locations have been announced dates that is is not necessarily locations but the dates when they’re going to start and all that kind of stuff we’ll run that down for you uh especially for when it concerns the Texans and the Cowboys and Travis Kelce was asked his opinion remember last week we told you about the story that the Chiefs got their Super Bowl rings and there was a misprint underneath the rings that had the Miami Dolphins as the seventh seed and not the sixth seed well Travis Kelce was asked about that on his New Heights podcast and his answer that might surprise you we’ll hear from Travis we’ll talk NFL when we return here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star first though I got to tell you about the big blind you got any plans tonight tonight is a great night to head out to the big blind because they have high hands Thursdays and they do it on Tuesdays as well but tonight is a good night to go out there uh because you can win some extra cash uh when you get out to the big blinds it is just an amazing thing to see um it’s actually High hands escalator let me make sure I get that right begins at 7 o’clock tonight and goes until midnight they do it every Tuesday and Thursday and basically what it is is every hour the high hand of that hour will get paid and it goes up steadily each and every hour you can win uh a lot of money out there at the big blind you can do that as well and look even if you don’t win money you’re going to have a great time they’ve got a great bar out there you can get dinner out there it all served directly to your table there’s TVs all over the place and this place is Swanky let me tell you something it is an upscale environment to say the least you it looks like you’re walking into Vegas as soon as you walk through the door it is a great place it’s from the owners of the rup Pub and the angry elephant so it is locally owned and it’s just a great place to go if you haven’t been there why not if you have you know exactly what I’m talking about look you don’t have to be an expert to go in there and have a good time if you’re just getting started playing poker that’s fine they’ve got a table for you with players just like you you can also play Blackjack they have Blackjack tournaments uh beginning Wednesday nights through the weekend so head on over to the big blind you won’t be sorry I guarantee it you know where it is it’s right down from the rup Pub and the angry elephant right there 281 and Redland Road 941 San 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the economy car Shield is announcing a lowcost month-to-month vehicle protection plan that is now available to the public to save any driver out of pocket expenses on future auto repairs call now to find out how you can pay almost nothing for covered auto repairs Yes you heard that correctly pay almost nothing for covered auto repairs an open phone line has been established for all drivers to call for a free quick quote call 800 4678 42 now drivers who are covered will not have to pay for covered repairs again this protection plan is at an all-time low additionally drivers who activate this vehicle protection today will also receive free roadside assistance free Towing and car rental options at no additional cost call us for your free quick quote today 800 467 842 that’s 800 467 842 what do you have to lose call 800 46784 I again 800 467 842 this is the home of the agies and this is Andrew Monaco you’re locked on 941 San Antonio sports star but somebody please fire [Music] me wait a minute who was that guy but somebody please fire me uhhuh what Bloods left off there was there and give me $65 million you fire me all day for $65 million that’s what happened to Monty Williams yesterday the Detroit Piston fir him after one year but he still had $65 million remaining on his contract so uh Monty sitting pretty today even though he doesn’t have a job don’t feel too bad for Monty one of the good guys in professional sports there’s no doubt about it Monty Williams and if he wants a job I don’t think he’ll have any problem finding a job hey this is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star I’m Joe reinagle Jason MX is on vacation James Pledger is pushing the buttons and running things there in the glass box of fun so and thank you for joining us because we appreciate it very much had a lot of good comments on the YouTube channel today if you haven’t been to the YouTube channel get on over there and check that out there’s a little community over there on YouTube that people they you know they come what I love about at pledge they come on they say hello to each other how’s your how’s your day how are things going and it’s kind of a nice little community in YouTube oh yeah and that’s one of the great aspects of streaming is the online communities the people within the chat that can kind of hold their own conversations with themselves and we’re privy to those conversations sometimes so they can Talk Amongst each other just as easily as they talk with us yeah no doubt about it and they do that and we appreciate it you can join the community head on over there like And subscribe to our YouTube channel we’d appre appreciate that but if you’re not over there if you’re on Twitter you can reach me at Joel ragle 210 or you can do it the oldfashioned way and just give us a call right here 656 ESPN 656 3776 uh you can do that as well and we got some tickets to give away don’t we pledge you do you got a couple of set and I kind of I kind of blew by a little one of them didn’t I yeah we can give them away later all right you want to do it right now we can do one now yeah why don’t we do it now we got uh we got a family four package tickets to see the missions at Wolf Stadium take on the Midland Rock hounds I guess it’s next Tuesday uh June 25th San Antonio Missions uh AARP $2 Tuesday presented by us 941 San Antonio sports star you get $2 tickets $2 domestic beer sausage wraps cheese pizza or sweet tea but if you win the tickets you’re at least going to get in the stadium for I don’t know say caller number seven all all right caller number seven is 656 ESPN 656 3776 you will get a four pack of tickets to go see the missions and the Midland Rockhounds next Tuesday June the 25th good luck to you uh on winning those tickets Bo I tell you what it’s uh it’s interesting that the NFL is right around the corner when the when the calendar turns July we just have a little ways to before the NFL season is underway and I don’t know about y’all I’m thrilled about that thrilled about that um I can’t wait for football season and it all starts with NFL training camps and today the NFL announced dates for all the teams as they get Set uh to to set up training camp the Cowboys will open up training camp in Oxnard they’re back out in Oxnard probably will never leave there I wouldn’t doubt them if they did um if they did never leave that’s what I’m trying to say they open up on July 24th all right so we are going out to Oxnard as we always do we fly out there on the 28th and we will begin our shows in the morning and the afternoon the morning huddle and the blitz will be live from Oxnard all that week uh beginning on the 29th of July so keep that in mind we’ll be out there and of course you know how it works we bring you all the interviews everything you need to know about Dallas Cowboys what they’re doing and how they’re going to do things so and I might even discover another player you just never know so keep that in mind that’s always a perk of listening to us at training camp but again keep that in mind July uh 29th is when we will be live morning huddle that morning then of course the Blitz and we’ll be live all week long in Oxnard at Cowboys training camp Houston Texans meanwhile they get things started a little bit earlier than the Cowboys they will start on July 17th they do that because they’re playing in the Hall of Fame game so um interesting so the Texans get to start training camp a week early and so that’s the reason why but they’ll get things started they don’t leave Houston they will stay there they train at the Houston Methodist training center and I it’s right there by uh by the stadium if I’m not mistaken pledge is giving me a thumbs up as he’s talking on the phone so if you want to go see the the Texans it’s hot out there that’s the only thing I’m going to say and we’re going to talk to John mlan about that he’s always complaining about the heat but the Texans get started a little bit earlier because their preseason kicks off just a little bit earlier um so good for the Texans so basically you’re looking at what three weeks four weeks maybe tops a little less than four weeks before the NFL season starts that is cool and I’m ready for it I am ready for it um the other thing that’s happening and we told you the story last week uh the Kansas City Chiefs got their Super Bowl rings and they were beautiful Rings beautiful rings but um on the underside of the Ring they had engraved all the teams that the Kansas City Chiefs beat to get to the Super Bowl and one of those teams were the Miami Dolphins well as they put the name of the team there they also put what seed they were in the playoffs well they put the number seven next to the Miami Dolphins that was wrong uh because they were really the number six seed well the Kelsey brothers are still doing their podcast the new heights podcast and on that podcast well the older brother the older Kelsey asked Travis what he thought about that mistake one major little goof on the ring Miami is listed as the seven seed because it has you all the games you guys had to win to get there Miami was actually the six seed I guess it just that’s just the way the ring is nobody’s G are you gonna get it fixed I don’t give a sh anybody I like it that it’s that we didn’t give a about what seed Miami was in yeah they were the seventh who cares they could have done no seeds on the side of them I would have been fine that’s my thing yeah I think it makes it more unique like oh yeah and we we made it really detailed and oops we screwed up just makes it more exclusive like uh was something we screwed up with about something that means nothing we said that didn’t we who cares only only one that would care would be the Miami Dolphins what do they care what they’re listed as on the back of the Kansas City chief Super Bowl ring so I don’t think it makes any difference and I love Travis kelce’s honesty there it’s like who cares but I think I don’t know did you guys hear with maybe a little shot just a little bit of a shot at Miami I don’t know I kind of caught that or I’m going to play it that way and I hope it is and when they face each other again maybe somebody will remember that remember when Travis Kelce said we were the seventh seed I don’t know I would have gotten even more Petty with it I would have put ice in the Miami just to remind them how icy cold it was that day that was ridiculous I don’t know how in the world anybody played football in that weather but you know what’s funny about that pledge is that why those guys were cold the technology that they have now they had to be much warmer than the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys in the ice bowl back in the 60s I can’t even imagine I grew up watching the Minnesota Vikings play outdoors and playing in the stuff that they had to play in don’t let anybody tell you that football players aren’t tough at least they certainly were and and and they are because when you see the Chiefs and the Dolphins do what they did and play in that stuff I can’t even imagine that it is just nuts I imagine every hit like the impact just felt like hitting a brick wall D it they had to be miserable it had to be miserable and I don’t know how they did any of it uh what’s not miserable is the fact that we are finally finally going to see how the San Antonio Spurs are going to approach moving forward with their guy Victor wiim banama uh are they going to get aggressive are they going to just go with draft picks and and go slow and just take one cow as at a time as our good friend Kingsley who called us earlier said or do they want all the cows well we’ll ask them we’ll talk about it we got another mock draft to show you as well plus what does wimy want to do Brian windhorse thinks that he he knows we’ll hear about all of that talk about all of that as soon as we return right here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson Friday on the morning huddle we’ll close out what feels like a short week there’s hockey to talk about at least yeah will there be any more to discuss we’ll figure that out and see if we got some football to talk it’s the morning huddle we’ll start at 6 right here on 941 it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson morning 6:00 to1 on 941 San Antonio sports star you know before you fire up the grill this weekend make sure you get into tricount meat markets two great locations because that great meal starts with great meat beef chicken pork theas poppers they’ve got everything you need to up your grilling game with the quality you expect and you can always take advantage of their pick five for 25 Tri County offers a 10% discount for milit and First Responders two great locations on Ralph farroad and on heer or online at TriCounty pizzas here oh great I love some but I’m worried about my stomach issues if you’re worried about having diarrhea gas bloating stomach pain 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of a lifetime enter now at SAS sportstar tocom tomorrow morning at 6 ride to work with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson it’s the morning huddle on 941 San Antonio sports [Music] star ah this is the Blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star I’m Joe ryel Jason M on vacation James Pledger is here doing all of James Pledger things he pushes buttons He makes music he takes me out of context all of those kinds of things he’s good at it you know what the guy can debate then that’s a good thing I like that somebody please fire me see that you see that and Lance if you’re listening I said and give me $64 million so I mean you know 65 but semantics 65 well I’ll take 64 all right I’m I’m I’m A Team friendly guy it’s what I do I’ll I’ll make it Team friendly 6450 how about that not bad if you haven’t heard Monty Williams got fired by the Detroit Pistons yesterday and they had $65 million left on his contract I think he’s still getting paid from what the Suns too jeez that guy Mike Brown was the other guy M what is it about Spurs assistants former Spurs assistants that uh that make money even when they’re unemployed you know Mike Brown was a Spurs assistant remember him another nice guy um and I he’s he’s the head coach of the Sacramento Kings now but at one time he was collecting a check back from the LA Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers because he got fired from both of those places still money left on his contract so he was having a good time uh and collecting a check for well being unemployed now Monty Williams is the same way he’s collecting a check from the Detroit Pistons for being unemployed they fired him uh after one year of service there in Detroit which was uh probably a pretty prophetic uh pathetic year that’s the word I’m looking for um but yeah I mean it was horrible to it’s horrible to be in Detroit anyway and then you’re there with a team that just completely sucks and nowhere to go there was a report today and if you haven’t heard JJ reck is officially the Los Angeles Lakers head coach but there was a report today that the Pistons were going to make a run for JJ reing so I found that interesting obviously that didn’t happen and now he is the head coach officially of the Los Angeles Lakers four years $8 million per uh is what they’re going to pay JJ reck which if you remember is a lot less than what they had offered Dan Hurley from Yukon to try to get him to leave Yukon and come to the Los Angeles Lakers so but they got a guy in place and you kind of needed to get a guy in place pretty quick because you got the draft coming up I mean the draft is coming up uh in less than a week and free agency and free agency that too um that that happens a little bit later in July right July I think something like that Pascal seaka has already agreed to a deal to stay in Indiana that happened yesterday as well that you can do right now you can resign your own guys um so they’re going to do that and um uh he’s going to make a lot of money and stay there in uh in Indiana with the Pacers um the Spurs need some players they need some veteran guys that’s me saying that and I think they do because I think Victor win Bama is ready to roll I I do and I don’t think he wants to be a 22- win team again next year you can’t just roll out your guys again the same guys and add a couple of rookie draft picks to that and hope to be much better than you are uh Devon Vel wimy thought developed a great chemistry toward the end of the season last year the second half after the All-Star break they seem to really get to know each other and get things going on on who’s going to be the best fit for wimy and we could throw out a bunch of names we could throw out a bunch of of uh of you know speculation and and who that is and what guys they should go after it’s really kind of a a tough deal now of course we all know the Spurs are they they’ve got two top 10 draft picks they got the number four and the number eight pick and the mock drafts have simply been all over the place they really have earlier in the show if you were with us uh we went through the Athletics mock draft and they had the Spurs um well it was it was it was pretty chalk they had him taking stepen castle at number four I like that if if that’s the way the Spurs go because I like that guy and I think he would be the not necessarily the point guard of the future but certainly a shooting guard of the future wherever they wherever he fits best in the NBA uh depends so wherever he fits best in the NBA and and which is another question mark about draft picks it may have been a point guard in in college but they’re not suited for that in the NBA yada yada yada we could go on and on and on Brian windhorse has made a living following Superstars covering Superstars uh he really made his bones with LeBron James kind of made him famous now he’s a a big deal on on ESPN is he’s talking about players and now he’s kind of hooked his uh his onto the coattails of Victor wanyama and windhorse was asked really just kind of what wimy wants what what’s wm’s feeling as the Spurs get set to go into the draft and free agency yeah so I think Victor rany has an expectation that the Spurs are going to improve quickly and like the question they have to weigh obviously this is another French Prospect is paying that kind of price for a player who’s not viewed as a franchise player you’re talking about re I mean number one pick you’re hoping for a guy like a franchise player like when inyama this draft just isn’t as deep paying that kind of price for a player who may not be a franchise player who may at his best be what Jonathan a your third or fourth best player I think weighing that is one of the things that the Spurs have to to judge you know going into this process yeah well definitely gonna have to but I if you would pledge just for my entertainment would you just play the first part of that bite again yeah so I think Victor Bama has an expectation that the Spurs are going to improve quickly thank you that’s what I wanted to hear uh Victor wiama has the expectation that the Spurs are going to improve quickly and why wouldn’t he have that expectation of course he has that expectation why would he not have that expectation the guy knows and if if if we learned anything about wimy last year especially coming out of the All-Star break guy this guy knows he can play this guy knows where he is I think at the beginning of the Season it was a feeling out deal you watched wmy in November and December and he looked lost at times he did that’s no disrespect to wimy but he was and I think it’s every rookie I don’t care how good you are and obviously wm’s one of the best to come out generational Prospect all of that stuff but it took him a while to fit in to see where he fit to where to go what where to be on the floor at what time and all of that stuff coming out of the All-Star break he knew it and he knew that he was the best player on the floor nine times out of 10 and he knew it and you know he’s only going to get better and he’s only going to feel better he’s going to be more comfortable so of course he wants to improve quickly he wants the team to improve quickly and I wonder and you have to believe that pop and Brian Wright and and RC Buford are listening to their generational talent and it’s time to start the process nobody’s saying the Spurs should pull out their Treasure Trove of draft picks and money and just throw it into the air and bring in Kevin Durant and uh you know Booker and Beal and try to build a super team nobody’s saying that because there have been some some guys on on YouTube uh I think thinking that that’s what I want it’s not I want to rebuild but I want to move it along I don’t want to draft two guys and then say well you know they need some time and we’re g to go on and we’re just gonna we’re going to tank for another year because really it’s 2025 drafts is the best so we should just tank again get the number one pick again let’s do that I don’t think so I don’t think that’s what we want want to do we got to start the process let’s go keep some reserves but spend some money it’s okay to do that I’m not saying go to Vegas and you know have a couple wild nights and blow it all let’s be safe you know pledge and I do that but let’s be safe one thing that’s been talked about is a deal with the with the Spurs and the Hawks either the Spurs using those picks to move up in the draft to number one or there Trey young has been mentioned possible deal with him something like that well Jonathan Jonathan gavone from ESPN had some thoughts on what the Hawks might be thinking the question is do they slide back possibly to four the San Antonio SP Spurs own their pick next year it’s unprotected can you get the boat of Both Worlds slide down to four uh maybe get Donovan Kling and or Reay get your pick back and you know really allow yourself to possibly go into this rebuilding process by trading Trey young down Ro they have a big decision there to make yeah so I I I can see some wheeling and dealing going on now we talked about the ESPN mock draft that had the Hawks taking Alex SAR um or was it Risha anyway it was one of those two guys the Athletics mock draft has the Hawks taking Donovan kingan out of Kentucky 7’2 this guy’s stock is seeming to rise as we get closer to the draft and I’m wondering why obviously he’s a big guy he’s 20 years old out of Connecticut won a national title uh he’s been coached by what we understand and what we see is a great coach in Danny Hurley but his stock seems to be rising a little bit in this particular draft Spurs fans I think you’d be happy if it went this way kinging to the Hawks at number one Alex SAR to the Washington Wizards at number two Reed Shephard to the Houston Rockets at number three and then Zachary rishes to the Spurs at number four now I’ve talked to a lot of Spurs fans that are hoping that the rishe because he is friendly with Victor wanyama would be the guy and if this particular mock draft played out I think Spurs fans would be happy the only consistent and pledge I I want your thoughts and I’ve seen this in just about every mock draft there is the rocket seem to have zeroed in on Reed Shepard the 20-year-old Guard from Kentucky Shephard and kingan are the two names I’ve heard most connected with Houston and it wouldn’t shock me because Houston needs shooting well and that’s interesting the mock drafts I’ve seen Shepard is kind of plugged in there so um and kingan is is rising in these mock drafts what it tells me is that nobody knows what the hell is going to happen nobody knows what the hell is going to happen come next Wednesday night when the NBA draft Tak takes place I think this is a draft that is all over the place that it could go a hundred different ways if you will uh and I wouldn’t be surp Sur rised between now and next Wednesday if the mock drafts change some more it’s going to be interesting but I think a lot of Spurs fans would be very happy if this particular draft turned out uh the way that they say that this will uh Detroit at number five they have uh and and it’s Mattis balis good job they have him taking them and they’ve got stepen Castle going to the Hornets at number six which is the lowest that I’ve seen him uh in in the mock draft so it’s going to be interesting to see and I don’t think any of us going to know uh and and we may all be scratching our heads and shocked here’s the thing by the time it’s over Wednesday night you look at you know Stefan CLE falling that far what if they do get ret at four all of a sudden you can appease wmy get an athletic long three basically and then get your point guard of the future in Castle by trading up from eight instead of from four to one well I mean that would be ideal and again I’m a big fan of Castle just watching him play at Connecticut the kid can play I there’s no question about it and mainly he can play defense he can yes yes he can play defense the Spurs could use some of that you put a good defensive player alongside or on the floor with wimy and again I think that’s obviously Greg papovich that’s where they’re going to want to look I don’t think there’s any question you I have to believe as Pop was watching the NBA finals and watching how Boston played defense he had to just be smiling because it had to remind him of the teams that he had during the dynasty for the Spurs uh in the 2000s a team that that was team first and played defense and that’s why Boston really reminded me a lot of those teams now I think the Spurs would have kicked Boston’s ass all over the floor name one from an NBA Finals team they would have kicked their butts all over the floor there’s no doubt in my mind however it reminded me the play the style of play that they they used uh was very Spurs likee it it simply was very Spurs likee and I find it fascinating um and and it impressed me especially in game what was it game six five five when they won it the the defense was just smothering it was just absolutely smothering so he had to be smiling at that it’s G to be fun it’s gonna be fun to talk about it as we lead up to the draft next Wednesday night and and and then it’s going to be even more fun as we uh turn off the television sets at the end of that draft round one of Wednesday nights and see you’re GNA man I never saw that coming or it could be that played out exactly like the Athletics said it would or the ESPN said it would or name a mock draft uh so it’s going to be fun to watch and will there be any wheeling and dealing beforehand between now and then that’s going to be something to watch may you could hear about deals being made or talked about even before Wednesday of next week so gonna be a lot of fun as we lead into that obviously it’s not as exciting and clearcut as we were talking about last year because we knew exactly what was going to happen at least for the those first two picks wimy to San Antonio and Scoot Henderson to Portland um but we’ve got a little Intrigue a little drama coming up uh with this year’s draft and I find it fascinating and we’re going to take a break when we come back we got a lot happening Antonio Daniels former spur is going to join us at 5:30 and we’re gonna ask him to put his GM hat on and what would he do when it comes to the Spurs how does he think the Spurs should proceed when when it comes to building a team around Victor Wim banama I can’t wait to find his uh or get his opinion on how they’re going to do that plus a lot of other NBA talk also the General John mlan is going to join us at 5:15 a lot of NFL talk to talk about including of course the Houston Texans and uh what he is thinking at this point in time when we come back when we come this morning with my little brother and I want to know what you guys think how would you handle it what do y’all think and do you care anymore has it changed that much and of course I’m talking about the media and professional sports we’ll talk about that and a lot more when the blitz continues on the other side right here on 941 San Antonio sports star first though I want to tell you about parkur New Vision so happy to talk about Parkers New Vision happen again this morning open up social media and there is another testimonial if you will from a very happy patient of parkst New Vision Dr Park kst and his staff over there are the best in the business and they treat you right they treat you like family look they treated me like family they still do in fact I called from time to time how you doing everything okay everything going all right I and it’s amazing and you get that call and just puts a smile on your face I had lind’s replacement surgery over a year ago and my eyesight is better than it’s been in 30 plus years it is just incredible and look you can join the community of happy patients of Parkers New Vision all you have to do is take that first step and that’s to give them a call 21585 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Antonio tomorrow we are told also reportedly scheduled to work out with the Hawks and the Wizards Sports Center is brought to you by buyers barricades the Texas Authority in barricade rent fires barricades tocom Joe reinagle that’s the third time in Seven Seasons the San Antonio Spurs are the NBA champions jason2 it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star well happy Thursday everybody hope you’re having a great Thursday afternoon if you get off work at 5:00 you you’re almost there hang in there cuz you’re almost there and guess what it’s like New Year’s Eve it’s Friday Eve so you’re almost to Friday so you’ve almost made it through the week you know I would keep you going optimistic thinking here on San Antonio sports star that’s what we’re going to do by the way we’re going to judge meet coming up here in just a moment as well so you still have time uh if you haven’t submitted your picture of the meat that you grilled at some point in time whether it was last weekend or this week uh so join us right because we’re going to do grilling with a blitz coming up submit recipes pictures at SAS sportstar outcom because we do it every week we give you a chance to win a new $50 gift card to Tri County Meat Market the absolute best meat market in the whole wide world love those guys over there those guys are fantastic so you still got time we’re going to do a little early tonight by the way just so you know um we will announce the winter at about 5:00 instead of our normal time of what a little after 5:30 because Antonio Daniels is scheduled to join us at 5:30 today looking forward to that haven’t talked to the former spur in a long time uh and so I can’t wait to hear what he has to say he’s a broadcaster now uh for the New Orleans Pelicans and does a great job with him so looking forward to talking to Antonio coming up here at 5:30 today you know it’s it’s interesting uh we’ve been talking a lot about the NBA draft and and some NFL stuff training camp dates and all that stuff open uh and and what’s good about the draft is uh you know the players will get drafted and then they’ll talk to the commissioner and then guess what they’ll go to a postgame press conference or a post-draft press conference and they’ll talk to the media because everybody wants to talk to them you know after the game uh the other night NBA Finals game five Mavericks got got knocked out um sure they were disappointed sure they were very unhappy but guess what Luca Kyrie Jason kid they all sat there they met with the media they talked with the media and answered all their questions and that’s what you do right I mean that’s what we expect as sports fan I want to hear from the participants well it at last week’s Us open Rory mroy um well he yipped a couple of putts from lack of a better word they were very difficult putts and I’m not saying that I could have made them or you could have made them or pledge could have made them or anybody could have made them but he’s a professional you expect a professional golfer to make them well he was very upset and uh left after that Bryson D Shambo won the tournament and Rory stormed off and said the heck with y’all I’m I’m leaving I’m going home then he sent out a statement saying how he’s going to uh you you know just lay low for a couple of weeks they’ll see you in in Scotland when we get ready for the uh Genesis open over there the Scottish open and then of course the uh the British Open they call it the Open Championship across the pond but we still call it the British championship and that’s what we do so I I’m in the gym this morning I work out with my brother four days a week or so and um we got into a little argument and and I started it and I mean because I thought anybody with you know half a brain would agree with me but he didn’t I said ‘l I said did you see Rory being a donkey and you know not uh not talking to the media and just kind of just kind of stormed off and he goes well yeah I don’t blame him I’d have done the same thing and I’m like you know sometimes your little brother just they’re just still not quite developed no matter how old they get they’re just not quite there yet I’m go well you got to be kidding me I said really he goes yeah I said anybody You’ if you criticize Rory you’ve never been an athlete I’m going whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa pump the brakes there buddy pump the brakes pretty sure I had to shake up by his hands after losses yeah you gotta pump the breakes okay um because look first of all it showed really bad sportsmanship and and you can laugh at that or not I really don’t care but you know he should have stayed there he lost it’s what happened and that happens in golf especially on that Golf Course where the greens are like putting on a piece of glass that’s just the way they are and look golf is hard even for a guy like Roy mroy and I know he’s frustrated because he hasn’t won a major championship in a long time I get that he had that one it was his to win and he let it get away missed a couple of putts and well he let it get away that happens that’s sports that’s the drama of it but after something like that he is scheduled to go to the podium for however long five minutes and talk to the media and I know he didn’t want to answer questions but he was supposed to and so we got into this little debate this morning and I you know I look I’m a member of the media so maybe I’m a little bit shaded a little bit shaded but I know that professional athletes no matter what therein have an obligation to talk to the media the NBA will find a team if a player on a scheduled date does not meet with the media or after a game for example does not meet with the media There are rules that are involved win lose draw missed putt doesn’t matter because the problem is as I see it and as I explained to my younger brother is that without the media without NBC in that case um Rory mroy is not making anywhere close to the amount of money that he’s making Dak Prescott $60 million guess what and D to his credit never Dodges the media and I will give him credit for that but the only reason he’s able to do that is because of fox CBS prime time now Amazon uh and the number of others that are there that put the money in all that money in it’s an obligation to do that so my question to you is and I got to thinking about this afterwards because it really didn’t seem to bother uh my brother at all that he didn’t talk to the media he didn’t care do you care anybody out there do you care if athletes meet with the media after regardless of what’s happened and and how they performed win or lose do you care obviously I do but again I’m on the media side pledge is on the media side I want to know what you think if you’re not on the media side and and by the media side I mean working in media as a sports fan do you care if vikor wanyama talks after game do you want to hear from Victor wanyama after a game or Dak Prescott or CJ stoud or name one is that something that is important to you and I just am curious from my own selfishness because I want to know I want to know as a fan do you and if you’re on YouTube you can chime in there if you’re on Twitter at Joe rigle 210 or if you want to give us a call you can do that 656 ESPN 656 3776 do does it matter to you whether athletes talk after a performance or not it matters to me and in my mind it and it’s not in my mind it’s an obligation that they are supposed to do it it’s an obligation but nobody’s gonna say anything to Roy mroy nobody PGA is not going to say anything to him look he’s been their biggest cheerleader and biggest Advocate over the last couple of years so they’re not going to say anything going to be okay and that’s the way it’s going to be somebody like LeBron James if he didn’t want to talk to the media which I’ve never seen LeBron skip a media session maybe he has and I just don’t recall so I give him respect for that um there there are guys that get it and guys that don’t and that’s why I’ll never understand and again had a long time worked with if you will sort of Greg papovich I love Greg papovich I got a great deal of respect for Greg papovich but I never like the way he treated the media and I I and I get it if somebody asks a stupid question you want to blow them up I’m all for it I am all for it blow them up and it’s a dumb question I’ve been blown up for stupid questions I have and you look back and you deserve it and that’s the way that it goes but it is part of the job whether you think so or not it’s part of the job I want to look on YouTube because we’re getting some comments there Hunter hitch says I don’t care if we’re all going to get uh the stereotypical scripted answer every time I get that uh Rudolph Gonzalez who wants to be me so badly and I don’t blame you Rudolph I really don’t he says I think that’s why you sign for millions of dollars is so that you’re available and you take the scrutiny I agree with you completely uh man M says athletes should talk if obligated PGA should have fined him um so they don’t care and you’re and you’re right they perhaps should have because he is obligated to do that and and it didn’t Tariq says uh I’d rather Dak perform on the field and stop giving us bull crap excuses okay at least he goes to the podium Tariq to do that and then the 10 ner on our YouTube page says they don’t have to make it easy um they don’t they don’t have to make it I’m I’m not sure what you mean and maybe you’re talking about something else but uh I get where you’re coming from and it seems like a lot of you are in agreement some of you don’t want to hear it because it is just the same uh player talk you know athlete talk coach speak whatever the case may be but still when you look at an athlete and whether it’s it’s right wrong or indifferent um it it doesn’t matter uh we got some breaking news [Music] news breaking news from wge here that just came down says the Chicago Bulls are trading two-time all defensive guard Alex Caruso to the Oklahoma City Thunder for guard Josh giddy that’s just coming down right now from WJ again the Bulls trading two time uh what was it Pledge it’s uh Alex Caruso for Josh giddy now remember Josh giddy uh was in a lot of trouble and Oklahoma City there were reports that he was dating an underage female um and and he was clear to that I think or it went under the table whatever happened to it unsubstantiated unsubstantiated um there was some smoke however they just couldn’t find any fire um but there’s a big trait I think we’re going to see this this is the tip of the iceberg tip of the iceberg you’ve got it this trade so one Caruso to Oklahoma City uh and giddy now going to um Chicago there was also this tweet just a few or this post on X just a few minutes ago from Trey young it’s The Hourglass Emoji The Hourglass Emoji so you can take that as you will I guess it’s just a matter of time it’s just a matter of time yeah I kind of read that okay so look that’s the tip of the iceberg I think we’re going to see a lot of these trades a lot of talk of trades a lot of creepy uh Twitter posts from guys like Trey young not that that was creepy but kind of cryptic I guess is the right way to uh say that’s a much better way to phrase that cryptic right not creepy cryptic um so in interesting I want to do this because I did ask for phone calls pledge before we go to a break we’re talking about the media and athletes pro-athletes um being obligated to talk to them so let’s go to the phone lines at 656 3776 656 ESPN Joshua is on the phone line Joshua welcome to the blitz hey guys how you doing man what a beautiful Thursday it is just kind of stopped raining but I do think that athletes need to talk to the media after I understand there’s certain situations where they can’t but at most of them they need to talk and especially be open to more interviews just with I don’t know let’s say your run-of-the-mill great radio station like 94.1 San Antonio sports star let’s get let’s get some players in there we the thing that CJ Stroud has done over this past off season is go out and be more available on media do more interviews and to me it’s endeared him to the Houston Texans fans and made him more of a likable person to just people in Houston and outside of Houston it’s let you get to know him we want to get to know wmy we want to understand hey wmy what did you draw on your face was it a little swimmer or was it a sweat we don’t know yet so that’s our thing we want to know from these guys we want to hear from them I mean that’s what we’ve always wanted in San Antonio is to get to know these guys especially when Anton and now you got good old Antonio Daniels coming in we wanted to know him for a while but now we have to learn about him from New Orleans come on let’s hear about him in San Antonio let’s hear about him when they play for the teams that they’re at and let’s get to know these players as people because at the end of the day they’re run-of-the-mill people just like you and me yes they’re a lot better at basketball but hey they’re great people and let’s get to know them as people and not just as players like that’s the good thing about these interviews and stuff and thanks for everything y’all done Joe you’ve done amazing without Jason Min I know he’s out there in his little uh Dak Prescott Speedo just soaking up the Rays in Washington so keep up the good work pledge great work as always thank you guys thanks Joshua I appreciate the phone call and I couldn’t agree with with Joshua Moore when it comes to that honestly I think that’s always been um something that the Cowboys have done where other franchises have not not they make their players available you get to know them on a personal level instead of just the coach speak and the and forgive my language but this is what we call in the business a gang bang uh when there’s just nothing but media members around uh and and you get to know them and I think fans like that and I think teams benefit from it we don’t get it a lot here but that’s the way they do things and and so be it look we got to take a break when we come back what what the heck are we GNA do I’m ready for Antonio Daniels we can do whatever we want Joe we can do whatever we want let’s talk NFL quarterbacks you want to talk NFL quarterbacks we can do that we’ll also talk about something the NCAA is proposing we’ll see how y’all like that we’ll talk about that in a lot more when we return right here on 941 San Antonio sports star 941 testosterone levels in men can start to decrease as early as 30 years old and long-term health risks can be extremely damaging to your body rocks discount vitamins carries a variety of natural testosterone boosters that can immediately provide you with more energy increase libido increase metabolism and improve your mood rocks discount vitamins natural testosterone boosters can even help you build muscle and lose weight faster with 11 San 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insurance never goes flat learn more about the greatest tool ever then Name Your Price tool at Progressive Casualty Insurance company and Affiliates price and coverage match limited by state law not available in all states it’s the blitz with Jason and Joe on 941 San Antonio’s sports star pledge got the good music going today man well done pledge got it happening little rocking stuff got me tapping my foot and banging my head and all of that good kind of stuff man well done this is the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star I’m Joe ryanel Jason Minx is on vacation James Pledger running things over there and thank you all so much however you’re listening out there for listening with us today and spending part of your Thursday with us whether that’s on YouTube with a lot of people there and uh commenting on Twitter Joe rigle 210 that’s so you can get a hold of me there and you can reaches the oldfashioned way as well 656 ESPN 656 3776 big congratulations and shout out to the Texas A&M Aggies how about those Aggies man going to the NCAA College World Series Finals against Tennessee Tennessee came in as the best team in the uh tournament by all accounts the agies number two so it’s set up exactly how it is supposed to be we’ll visit with a voice of the agies Andrew Monaco tomorrow here on the blitz he’s going to join us at 3:30 uh they will start that best of three series on Saturday out there in Omaha Nebraska so uh way to go agies by the way you can uh you can listen to that game on AM 1250 by the way on Saturday so keep that in mind if you’re driving around you want to listen to the game um happened today with the NCAA and I know you’re saying hey well the NCAA who knows what’s going to happen they have presented a plan to division one conference Commissioners that would expand the men’s and women’s basketball tournaments by four or eight teams along with an option to leave each field at 68 teams so they’ve got a proposal out there it was outlined that they could either there there’s an out line they could go to 72 teams which would be adding four more or 76 teams uh which is a big expansion um I’ll be honest with you I don’t like the way they do the 68 teams because quite frankly you have the the the the first games and y’all May disagree with me and if you do I get it I don’t like the uh you know the the playin style if you will although they do throw us a bunch with the with the uh uh what a seven to 10 battle or a whatever that is how they do it with some better teams but some of these teams are playing for the right to get smashed by Yukon or whatever other number one seeds are so I get it and it it adds excitement I I understand but I mean it’s just like so you add on another I don’t know four six teams eight teams whatever it is how are they going to handle that and where are those teams going to come from I’m all for expanding the tournament because I love the NCAA tournament but I just don’t know if would it would it add Intrigue as far as you’re concerned for me I I’m not sure that it would um it would make it longer right now of course all of this as we’ve been talking a lot about the media today uh the NCAA is right in the middle of an 8-year extension of its TV deal for the NCAA tournament the men’s tournament worth $8.8 billion by the way it runs through 2032 um and uh I’m not sure how adding more teams would change that if or if TV networks are are looking for that uh if there if I I just don’t sometimes I think you can you can kill a good thing you know when you had a field of 64 I thought well you’ve got a great thing I know you added some teams and you you give some other teams hope I suppose but look I just think the feel the NCAA tournament to me is one of the best sporting events there is it is just so much fun so much excitement I love the oneand done scenario because you have a bad day I don’t care who you are you can get beat and I love that it adds a lot of excitement for me to this whole thing and and I don’t know you start screwing this thing up I’ve gotten used to the 68 and how they do it but it really didn’t move the needle as far as I was concerned and I’m not sure how it’s going to move the needle any uh if you add another four or eight teams to the tournament I I really don’t know so um that’s the proposal nothing as to as far as um when this decision is going to be made or or how long they’re going to discuss this because it was presented to the commissioners of the division one schools today they’ll talk it over vote on it either say yay or nay Claymore says 72 teams for March Madness is too much I I have a tendency to agree with you there Claymore I really do uh I I’d be fine if they just went back to 64 to be honest with you I mean why don’t they just let everybody in right and and I think that’s what you’re going to see with the college football playoffs too are we going to expand to a point where it is too much I love 12 I would love to see more because I like football and I Love College football so you know more but how many more I mean how many do you add I think 12 is going to be fun to watch and see how it is I think the four was a joke to begin with a complete joke in my mind four teams big deal same teams all the time this way at least you’re going to get some other flavors if you will in there that you can kind of uh watch and pull for and see how they do but um I don’t know man I think 72 76 teams is just way too much and and if you’re going to leave it at 68 leave it at 68 again i’ I’d go back to 64 that was The Proposal today and that’s uh that that’s where we sit at this point in time so what do you think about that please let me know on YouTube on Twitter uh if you want to call in on the phone lines and and address your however you want to be a part of the show we want you to be a part of the show that’s what we want here at San Antonio sports star because we’re gener pledge and I and we want to hear from you you get to hear our opinions all the time I like to hear your opinions as well especially on this next topic as we move forward quarterback contracts you know I will give my partner Jason Minx all the credit in the world for this because he suggested this I don’t know months ago that maybe quarterbacks in the NFL need a different system or not count against the main salary cap is that the answer well guess what NFL owners now are thinking along those lines would that work and what about an 18 Game season talk about expansion what about an 18 Game season uh in the NFL would you go for that would you like to see it and how about the players would they go for that would they like to see it we’ll discuss when we return right here on San Antonio sports star 941 before we go look all this rain we’re getting can you imagine what The Golf Club of Texas is going to look like after all this rain is going to be plush green just fantastic it’s G to be great you want to make your tea time get out there this weekend I 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friendliest golf course in Texas it’s the morning hudle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson Friday on the morning huddle we’ll close out what feels like a short week there’s hockey to talk about at least yeah will there be any more to discuss we’ll figure that out and see if we got some football to talk it’s a morning huddle we’ll start at 6 right here on 941 it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson morning 6 to10 on 941 San Antonio sports star over the past decade the rub has proven to be the best place to watch games with those three massive 170 in screens and TVs all around all the games all the UFC fight and when you show up at the roof Hub show up hungry the food is fantastic open daily at 11:00 great for lunch great for dinner great for late at night and certainly the best place to watch a game the rub is next to the angry elephant and in the same Plaza as the big blind there at 281 in Redland Road we’ll see you at the RO getting quality employees to fill positions 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problem and it’s time to finally do something about it I’m Dr Jason Garrett from rosty at rosty we fix pain fast no medications no injections rosty treatment is completely natural and non-invasive plus we accept most insurance plans there’s a location near you visit that’s AI r o arosi we fix pain fast Cowboys play here 941 San Antonio sports star Cowboys do play here on 941 San Antonio sports star and they’re going to kick off training camp out in Oxnard on July 27 not July is it 27th 22nd he is it I think we’re out there then so it’s a week before that the 22nd that pledge look at me like at 3 Ed July 24th 24th that was in July what the hell [Laughter] we go out there on the 28th we’ll start our shows about accuracy exactly don’t let facts get in the way of a good story and that’s ridiculous so we we will start our shows live from Oxnard on the tennis courts out there on the 29th so the morning huddle will be out there that morning we’ll be out there that afternoon and we’ll have our shows live there on the tennis courts uh all week long at Oxnard looking forward to that it’s GNA be a lot of fun uh always is and this year maybe more drama more Intrigue more question mark certainly than we’ve had in a long long time so uh you want to keep it right here on 941 San Antonio sports star the Texans by the way kick off their training camp uh early the 17th and so they they get things started a little bit early a week earlier in fact um playing in the Hall of Fame game this year so their pre-season game is a little bit uh is is one of the first it is the first obviously so um appreciate the comments on the NCAA topic we were talking about last if you’re just joining us NCAA has proposed expanding the men’s and women’s basketball tournament uh so now it’s up to the Commissioners but a lot of people talking about that and that doesn’t seem to be um too many big fans of that at least uh from what the small sample size we’re getting on our on our YouTube page well if you’re not a fan of that are you a fan of this according to report um they’re saying the quarterback salary cap is being discussed by some owners amid growing contracts and we’ve been talking about it and look quarterback salaries have been on the increase big time um for some time now but they have really seemed to explode exploded here over the last couple of years or so and the problem is is that it takes up all the salary cap and we we’re talking about my good friend Dak Prescott who’s due for a new contract whether that’s going to be with the Cowboys or somebody else but if you sign Dak to what it is the reports say he wants let’s just we we’ll give it a wide range between 50 and $60 million probably on the 55 to 60 million dollar range uh whoever signs him whether it’s the Cowboys or somebody else um that’s a lot of money and then the Cowboys have two other players that are going to command uh topof the market money CD lamb and Micah Parsons you’ve already signed Trayvon D to a big contract so the point where tough decisions have to be made and we’ve seen that with Tyreek Hill for example leaving the Kansas City Chiefs um Stefan Diggs leaving the Buffalo Bills and and some of that could be due to contracts some could be due to just other things and and you know the team and that player need a fresh start maybe that was the case with Stefon Diggs but he’s going to be playing at least this year in the city of Houston for the Texans but I wonder if this is a good idea and I and I I say that um I would like to see a cap maybe put on that although the the the the union would never go for it they would never go for it but it makes sense doesn’t it because I don’t like the idea of having a separate quarterback salary cap I mean if you put the quarterbacks in one barrel and you know they don’t count against the team salary cap I mean isn’t that pretty much the same as I don’t know the team with the deeper pockets is going to have the better team because you go in your quarterback’s over here you don’t have to count for example uh Dak Prescott $60 million a year contract doesn’t count you got an extra $60 million bucks over here that you can spend on whatever well Jerry Jones has got that ability where other teams may want not want to do that and keep in mind the team still has to pay that quarterback salary but now they’ve just got an extra pot of money that they’re going to have to spend on other players and and do you honestly think if that were to happen that guys like Micah Parsons CD lamb wouldn’t want a bigger piece of the pie then it’s like well heck if you you don’t have to pay the quarterback and doesn’t count against the salary cap guess what instead of say 35 million a year I want 55 million a year and you’re going to have the same problem moving forward there’s got to be there has got to be some sort of a cap to all of these salaries if you’re talking about that and look and again I don’t live in a fantasy land I know I may sound like it but it’s you’re gonna have to do something I mean where does all where does it all end unless you’re talking about the new TV deal s and all the money that’s coming in do we just leave it as it is and let it grow and and make teams figure it out that’s the other answer I don’t like the quarterback only salary cap if you will or the quarterback being on the outside looking into to a team salary cap because I think it’s going to be the same mess that we’re into now I’m curious to hear what you guys have to think whether you’re on on our YouTube channel or if you’re driving around you want to give us a phone call 656 ESPN 656 3776 you can reach me as well on Twitter at Joe ragle 210 let’s go to the phone lines now in fact because David is there wants to talk about the salary capab David welcome to the blitz Hey Joe good afternoon good afternoon this I I think this is a perfect example of the owners not knowing what they’re doing um you there’s always going to be an owner that thinks that he knows better and they will overspend for a player and don’t get me wrong I’m all for players making their money and stuff like that but this all started with momes back in the time when he signed his contract and then here goes Cleveland signing Watson and now salary art quarterback salaries are going through the roof and I don’t know any company that’s fiscally responsible uh by paying three of their employees 30% of their salary uh limit it it doesn’t make any sense to me and that’s like I said I think it’s just F example of of the owners just shooting themselves in the foot but then we pay for it when we go to the games and everything else and maybe that’s why they do it thanks John yeah thanks David appreciate the phone call you know it’s interesting here here’s what I’d like to see and maybe I am living in a fantasy land when I say this why does Daniel Jones deserve the contract that he got why does Trevor Lawrence deserve the contract he got Justin Herbert why does he deserve that why does Dak Prescott now deserve another $60 million a year and you know I I know what my partner would say well because he’s next how about instead of paying these guys because they’re next pay them on performance and then you say hey Justin Herbert your potential is out the roof but you know what you haven’t done anything yet so we’re going to pay you this until you do this and then we’ll pay you that how does that sound does that make too much sense because when you see guys getting contracts just because they’re next and because that’s the way it’s always been done to me is ridiculous look they changed things thanks to Sam Bradford they changed the rookie the way they deal with rookies can’t we change other things as well look I’m all for guys getting money it’s a tough sport I know the lifespan of some of those uh players is short they want to make all the money they can make and I don’t begrudge anybody that at all but how about performance-based salaries how how about that I like the idea of that when you go into a Patrick Mahomes who’s got three Super Bowl rings and he’s been to four I’m paying that guy whatever he wants but a Josh Allen uh a Dak Prescott a Kirk Cousins uh I mean seriously right now and and I get ready to scream and please don’t drive off the road I would pay Brock py more than I would pay Dak Prescott because he’s had more success don’t look at me like that pledge no I’m not man I mean I’m just saying nothing wrong with that what would be wrong with a Performance Based salary instead of just saying well we need a good quarterback and you’re the best we can do so here’s 60 million well here’s the real thing and this is where we always get caught in the woods of things why are we protecting billionaires well look no no seriously because when when you talk about you know we need to have these rules in place to protect the billionaires from themselves nobody’s forcing forcing them to pay anything right they have all the power we always talk about negotiations they have all the power they can you know all right y’all want to hold out fine we can wait and Bill billionaire versus Millionaires and then y’all will come back and we’ll have a season right we always talk about that in negotiations on who has the hand or The Leverage in any negotiations but they seemingly can’t bring themselves to not pay a Daniel Jones because they need a quarterback look that was stupid I agree with you the problem is in every business it doesn’t matter because most business businesses are run by billionaires football’s no different most of them are most big businesses there there’s a billionaire somewhere you got to have rules and the reason the salary cap came about was because team owners like Jerry Jones go out and spend a hell of a lot more than I don’t know the the owner of the the Carolina Panthers can spend I mean so that’s why you do that that’s exactly why you have a salary cap to make the playing field level you got to have some sort of control there or else it’s going to be college football your guys transferring all over the place and and going here because this guy and it’ll be chaos you’ve got to have a system and that’s what makes the NFL the NFL has nothing to do with millionaires against billionaires Jerry Jones could pay Dak presco what that 200 million a year if he wanted to but you can’t because there are rules that we all have to abide by that they have to abide by and and if you don’t it’s chaos and you can’t put the the quarterbacks on the outside looking in because again that’s going to cause chaos it would cause complete chaos so look the answer is and I don’t know if we’ll ever get to that because the NFL there there’s two sides here and look it’s the Union’s job to reil to reel in these NFL owners is it not isn’t that what they’re there for is to say hey our guy deserves this the owner says no I think he deserves this or we don’t want to pay you that or with I mean at some point in time if if you’re worried about billionaires screwing millionaires then the Union’s got to do something about that I mean they absolutely have to do something about that and I just think it’s it’s there’s got to come to a system because we’re going to get to a point where uh with and within a very short period of time where quarterbacks are going to be making $100 million a year and the poor guy that’s safety is going to have to pay for that I don’t know it’s a tricky situation sticky situation and you guys have a lot of thoughts on this so let’s go to the phone lines at 656 ESPN 656 3776 Mario was first in Mario what do you think about this whole quarterback thing Hey Joe so I I think uh way to make parody across all NFL salary is that one player cannot equate to more than 15% of the cap uh that still allows it to grow every year but it’s more manageable and you can still build a team see Mario that makes a lot of sense it really does and I’m with you but I don’t know that the union would allow that and that’s the problem we have I appreciate the phone call Mario thank you for that let’s go back to the phone lines Paul welcome to the Blitz Hey Joe how you doing good man hey I kind I agree with you about a uh incentive Laden contract the only problem that comes up like say say Dak Prescott gets a bonus at 30 touchdown passes the last game of the season he’s at 29 and CD drops a four shoot four short touchdown that has happened you imagine what that’s going to create sure no I you know it could be you know a bonus $5 million bonus if you hit 30 touchdowns and he just cost me $5 million right there because he dropped the ball then yeah I see where you’re coming from I just think look it’s some of these quarterback contracts are ridiculous and it’s because who’s next and I just I will never understand that because you get a guy like Daniel Jones who most likely he’s not GNA be with the New York Giants after this year nope and you paid him a boatload of money and I and and and look and that’s Daniel Jones fault somehow well no it’s not his fault but it it’s who’s next right and they had to pay him because they were trying to make him the guy they were trying to make him the guy kept thinking he was going to be the guy same’s happening with Justin Herbert same’s happening with Trevor Lawrence those guys got paid on potential pure potential that’s what they got paid for Dak Prescott got paid on potential because he was next right 40 million bucks a year that he’s making was for potential they thought he was the guy that was going to lead him he hadn’t done it so do you still pay him on potential after he’s going into his ninth year of his contract or whomever I’m not picking on Dak in this particular respect kind of sounds like it never come on I don’t pick on Dak that poor guy and also on your uh incentive potential what happens you know 30 touchdowns you get you know a $10 million bonus whatever it may be owner don’t want to pay that you’re up by 14 17 21 late in the fourth quarter all of a sudden owner calls down hey pull him out of the game I don’t want him to throw a touchdown and have to pay this bonus out sure I mean you that could happen it could certainly happen but where do we where does this end do we just let it go and see where it see where it ends I mean honestly or do we trust the people that have money that they’ll be able to course correct like they did with the running back Market they’re able to do this themselves they don’t want to not with quarterbacks they’re not that’s a different the NFL evolved into a pass happppppy League yes it has there’s still only 15 that are any good so running backs became Expendable that’s just a fact I don’t know if wide receivers will come become spendable right now you’ve got an overload of wide receivers and because there’s a shortage of running backs if you’re a college kid why would you want to be a running back I wouldn’t there’s no future in it there’s just not and so it’s it’s it’s a tricky situation maybe the incentive based is not but I hate this thing well he’s got to get paid because he’s next that makes no sense what business anywhere hey we’re going to give you a r because well you’re next it that’s fantasy land where we’re living right now it just makes absolutely no sense I would love to continue on with this comments we got a bunch of folks here that want to talk about this but uh we got stuff to do in fact we’re going to be giving away a $50 gift card the tri count Meat Market coming in if if you guys hang on the phone lines I’ll try to get to as many as your calls as I can uh what do you think pledge because I want to continue this topic we have to take a break I’m up against it in fact I am late when we come back we’ll get you phone calls we’ll also tell you what’s on tap we’ll give away a $50 gift card to try one of them John mlan at 5:15 and uh then after that Antonio Daniels former spur Antonio Daniels he will join us at 5:30 stay where you’re at the blitz continues right here on 941 San Antonio sports star you’re locked on the blitz with Jason and Joe afternoon St 6 ktfm florville and everywhere at SAS sportstar outcom you know nobody ever plans on getting arrested but it does happen to a lot of people every day for all kinds of reasons if you get arrested you want to get out of jail fast best way to do that call by good friend Albert and his great staff at AA best bail buns 21225 2121 text bail to 474747 or you can start the bonding process online at my best bail you don’t have to call attorneys or anybody else to get out of jail and you don’t want to be forced into a PR Bond if the jail La offers you a PR Bond make sure you truly understand what all those conditions are before accepting it your best option for stressfree bail bonds is AA best Bail Bonds because nobody beats their price they offer payment plans have a free shuttle service they are discreet and confidential an open 24/7 with offices all over San Antonio and 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available in stores everywhere without a prescription based on a clinical study of subgroups of individuals who are cognitively normal or mildly impaired this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure orist was compensated for their time 941 San Antonio’s Sports Center well the Lakers have made it official and hired JJ reck as their next head coach four years at $8 million per year the draft less than a week away first rumors have picked up a according to reports Zachary ret will be in San Antonio tomorrow to work out for the Spurs and the agies beat Florida they’re going to take on Tennessee for the college world series title beginning Saturday Sports Center is brought to you by buyers barricades the Texas Authority in barricade rental buyers barricades tocom Joe reinagle that’s the third time in Seven Seasons the San Antonio Spurs are the NBA Jason it’s the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star hey what a day you know you never know what kind of topic is going to get people fired up and pledge and I have been debating this the whole commercial the whole break we’ve been in here debating this whole quarterback thing and that’s where we stand right now as we come back to the blitz here on 941 San Antonio sports star I’m Joe ryanel James Pledger in the glass boox of fun Jason Min is on vacation I gotta tell you real quick about Jason Minx he sent us all a picture he posted it I don’t know if his Facebook or Instagram or one of the socials Instagram it was Instagram and he is in uh what Jackson Hole Wyoming beautiful place but Min looked miserable in this picture and I’m going to just say he looked absolutely miserable he he probably’s not he’s probably having a great time and he can tell you all about it when he gets back but this dude’s out on a river in a boat with more clothes on than I’ve seen in a long time he’s got the hood up he’s got he’s got a big old jacket on and uh the life vest around that and he’s just like he he look he looked miserable it’s cold in Jackson Hole Wyoming he sent pictures when he first got there it was snowing in June so poor Min it’s cold there although he did send some pretty good pictures today of the uh what is it the Yellowstone uh Old Faithful Old Faithful going off and all of that kind of stuff but man he looked miserable in that one picture on the river he was cold he looked absolutely miserable all right hey before we went to break we’re talking about this whole quarterback thing and man I tell you what uh when we um first started talking about this I I didn’t know what kind of traction it would get you never know in this business right and so um owners are according to a report in Bleacher Report are talking about how to kind of rain this in the whole quarterback salaries that are just exploding and some are talking about a a a quarterback salary cap and by that they don’t mean just a cap by itself they’re talking about a cap on salaries for quarterback and some of you agree with that some of you don’t my good friend James Pledger does not he thinks the fair market system should work at work it out and work its magic and and in most cases I agree with them I mean they don’t have to do anything they don’t and and that’s the thing and that’s it’s a great point and when you’re talking about a Daniel Jones or a Justin Herbert or a Trevor Lawrence um teams are paying them based on potential and thinking they can’t find anybody else and that’s the problem you look at a guy like Dak Prescott who got his contract $160 million he’s up for another one and there’s been rumors that he’s going to be the highest paid quarterback possibly as high as $60 million um and and the the question is where’s this where’s it going to end and James you made a You made a point that I had to think about you’re talking about well I mean these you’re limiting the potential of these guys to make the money that they can make sure the problem is with that is that it’s only quarterbacks that are getting to that level a guy like Justin Jefferson 35 million bucks highest paid non-quarterback in the NFL absolutely he was not going to make any more money anywhere else if he’ have said screw you Minnesota I’m gonna go out and get 50 million somewhere he could have done that and nobody gonna pay him that he might have gotten 36 37 somewhere else well see that now we’re now we’re splitting hairs we’re splitting hairs and I don’t think that he would have I mean you just don’t know like and you like to say this all the time you don’t know yeah okay take that chance when you got $35 million staring a Year by the way staring you in the face $200 million I think that was guaranteed or something ridiculous like that that’s right okay and you’re gonna say maybe I can get 36 down the road that’s that’s his choice that’s his choice but but he’s capped Michel Parson’s going to be capped CD lamb is going to be capped as to what they can make the only the only position right now that’s not it seems is the quarterback and we’re talking about guys for example and I’ll ask you all this too and I want your opinion on this and we got a limited time for this because we got to get to some other things pretty quick here but um would you pay Daniel Jones $45 million or would you rather pay that to say I know Micah Parsons and that’s where we’re getting into this because quarterbacks are so valuable and other position players aren’t and that’s the thing let’s hit the phone lines before we have to move on uh and give some stuff away and tell you what’s going on this weekend um who do we got here David you’ve been holding the longest it looks like well welcome to the blitz what are your thoughts yeah so first of all uh it’s capitalism man if you have a problem with this and you have a problem with American economy system oh stop it that Mak that makes no sense at all stop it it’s capitalism dude it’s it’s not it it’s the NFL they have a salary cap and capitalism all right well tell that to Mikel Parsons when he wants 50 million dollar and nobody’s gonna pay him that because he’s capped but yet a quarterback can command anything so it’s it’s not a it’s not a fair system if you look at it that way I I agree it’s because it’s not pure capitalism I agree but any I apologize don’t don’t AP don’t ever apologize for a take buddy we’ll debate and fair enough that that wasn’t my take here here’s my thoughts I uh I actually think that a compartmentalized uh quarterback um c cap is a good idea uh but I think that the best way to handle that would be to get uh the union involved let them um let them figure out what metrics some kind of algorithm uh that determines what that cat might be for uh potential quarterback whether it be individual stats whether it be team records put that ball in their court let them determine that I hear you man I David I appreciate the phone call my friend I’m sorry I got to cut you short we’re running late I want to get to Trey real quick Trey welcome to the blitz make it quick my friend thank you guys really quick J Jones bought the Cowboys for $150 million they’re worth now over9 billion 30 of the top 50 franchises in the world belong in the NFL the NFL owners have the money they need to pay these guys no matter what happens quarterbacks put Chiefs in the seat and that’s what these owners want Michael Parsons can show up and not get a sack in two weeks not pressure the quarterback and no one’s gonna say a word they’re gonna blame it on Zack Prescott Zack Prescott and those quarterbacks deserve the money and they just got to pay those man all right Trey good call I appreciate that very much we’ll continue this conversation because I love it and and everybody’s got some great feelings about it but we’re going to do something we normally do later in the show a little bit early it’s what we tell you what’s happening this weekend we call it what’s on tap the blitz want you to know what’s on tap presented by Sam’s Berger Joy what’s on tap brought to you by Sam’s Burger Joint tonight out at Sam’s Burger Joint you get out there Granville pointer is playing out there they got a great lineup all weekend long Friday night Ruben V Saturday night rock and roll over it’s a tribute to kiss and then Sunday you’ve got Los number three dinners and live in local CN drive on Tuesday night at at Sam’s Berger joint other things going on tonight the superhero 2024 ComicCon is taking place at at the Freeman Coliseum Josh Baka and the hot tamale out of Green Hall tonight Aztec Theater has what is that pledge is it dive div div d i i v div V okay that was bad that was bad ACL Live the drive by uh truckers and at the Boeing Center at techpoint you have excision out there it sounds like that would be an interesting show to go see otherwise this weekend Friday night at floor’s country store or a lot of things happening uh Friday night Tyler Halverson is out at flors Country Store Uncle Lucius is at stable Hall you got Louis the singer at the Aztec Theater uh blue Bonet Palace has clay Hollis out there on Friday night in the LOL Comedy Club TJ Miller Saturday night Green Hall cter gr is out of Green Hall that’ll be fun should be a lot of fun Majestic Theater on Saturday night has the music of Led Zeppelin with the San Antonio Phil harmonic wow be kind of cool Alamodome has the shift Warriors of Deliverance Toyota Field on Saturday night safc versus New Mexico me United and at 502 bar you have Kate Angel frostbank Center on Sunday night Melanie Martinez Matt Kirk and the Wayfarers out of Green Hall and uh Freeman Coliseum again the 2024 ComicCon is taking place out there that’s what’s on tap brought to you by Sam’s Berger joint uh check them out great food out there and great entertainment we also do something else Pledge on Thursday grilling with a blit presented by Tri County Meat Market grilling with the blitz a chance for you to win uh 50 bucks of Tri County meat Mark Meat Market this week’s winner is uh boy it looks delicious you got homemade sausage you got a beer caned chicken and it looks like some uh some ribs as well so it was quite the feast uh out there and uh well I got the guy’s name here somewhere anyway we’ll find it too we’ll send it to you you just want a $50 gift certificate to Tri County Meat Market the heer road location we’ll let them know and uh we will get that to you I got to find that real quick don’t I pledge here it is right here it is Mike rone Mike Ramone you are a winner of the $50 gift card to Tri County Meat Market the General John mlan he joins us next here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star you know there’s only one name in Roofing that stands High Above the Rest that’s stev’s Roofing the weather Boy hasn’t been good my wife text me a minute ago says our yard has got a little standing water in it so a lot of rain happening there and and more in the forecast and boy you just hope that we don’t get it horrible where it does a lot of damage to your roof but if it does if it 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truck motorcycle I want you to call me as soon as possible after the Collision my number 210 900400 that’s 210 900400 or go to my website at a lawyer for with a true Vegas field the big blind is the Premier Poker Room in San Antonio featuring an upscale environment catering to players from all abilities from high octane tournaments or Lively cash games the big blind has a game for everyone including Blackjack tournaments from the owners of the rotub And The Angry elephant the big blind is locally owned and operated offering daily cash games to daily weekly and monthly tournaments learn more online at the big the big blind at 281 and Redland Road guys did you know your testosterone level impacts your energy libido sleep weight hair loss mood and even Ed and right now revive Men’s Health San Antonio will check your testosterone for free they’ve helped thousands of men since 2011 feel and perform better they’re so confident they can help you they even guarantee it schedule your free testosterone test exam and consultation today call call 2110 61577 77 that’s 210- 61577 77 or visit reviv ready for the ultimate Outdoor Adventure 941 San Antonio sports star has your chance to win a getaway to tell you ride Colorado your priz package includes airfare and luxurious hotel accommodations for Two Plus thrilling Expeditions like fly fishing kayaking ATV rides and more and it could be all yours enter once per day at SAS sportstar outcom you must be 18 roller to play this is an alpha media companywide contest One winner will be chosen complete rules at SAS sportstar docomo miss out on the adventure of a lifetime enter now at SAS sportstar outcom this is Jim R and you’re listening to 941 San [Music] anio yes you are and happy Thursday everybody I’m Joe rigle Jason MX on vacation James Pledger here pushing the buttons and I’m really happy uh that this guy’s not on vacation John mlan of uh here via the buyer barricade guest line the General John how you doing I’m great Joe how are you well I’m doing great doing great going solo here for uh for a few days while Min is out there freezing his butt off uh in Wyoming oh wow good for him guess what’s he doing fly fishing I don’t think so think Min knows what a fish is other than one that is served to him on a plate at a restaurant well he’s getting a lot better he’s getting a lot cooler weather than we are John mlan with us from and John you have a great article up right now at and it’s all about demo Ryan’s uh his his first offseason compared to the second one going into training camp and you say it’s like night and day or he says that Joe it’s that for any coach who is a firste coach and and I’m not talking about a guy like Mike McCarthy who’d been a coach before but it doesn’t matter how long you’re an assistant coach whether you’re a coordinator what level when you become a head coach for the first time all the things that you have to learn and all the things you have to do and so much of it doesn’t involve what’s on the field imagine as soon as a guy gets hired he’s got to find a place to live his wife does most of that he’s got to interview current coaches he’s got to interview current players then he’s got to try to hire coaches he’s got install systems he’s got to fix up OTAs and offseason program and he’s got to rely on so many people it’s almost overwhelming and the g of the call is deo a year later and how much more comfortable he is and you could say this about any firste coach because he’s got his staff he knows them they know him yeah he didn’t know Nick cerio when cerio I now he knows the scouts they know what kind of player he wants at each position he says now I don’t have all these meetings he said and that that are non football he said now I can focus just on football and getting ready for his second training camp and I kind of fascinated when he laid it all out there about what he had to do last year this one Smith staff he had only two coaches uh offenseive coordinator Bobby SLO safy coaches coach stepen at BK that he had worked with and so they had to know him he had learn them and it’s it’s it’s a great thing of course to be head coach for the first time you know your income goes up by millions but man it is a 247 proposition and you better have a very understanding wife I think coaches wives John and and you know this are probably the most patient people on the planet because once football season starts even before that they’re they’re kind of just by themselves a long time if you look Joe some of those guys the jobs they’ve had you know no they all bounce around but some of them bounce around like every year every other year and I’ve had coaches tell me that they didn’t their certain boxes that the wives put certain things in that she doesn’t need immediately and after the coach has been there a year and it looks like he’ll be the second year then she will unpack those boxes but if he’s got to leave because the stab’s fired or he gets a better job those certain boxes are already packed that’s a great read on Houston go read it John mlan the general from joining us here on the blitz and John I’m I’m curious to get your thoughts because we’ve been having a debate here today Bleacher Report came out with a with an article and I’m sure there’s others that have as well by now but uh owner now concerned about quarterback salaries talking about salary caps per perhaps for quarterbacks are doing something a little bit different first and foremost your thoughts on anything like that well uh they thought at the time there would be no uh salary cap in football and then there was and then there’s a different kind of salary cap in basketball and uh baseball has a spending you know you can spend all you want but you pay severe penalties for doing the few owners don’t care if they’ve got to spend $38 million more a year because they’ve reached a certain certain level but uh it’s they’re they’re it’s like um you put an alcoholic and a in front of a drink and he wants you to keep him from drinking it because he can’t help himself and the owners are asking the players to agree to legislate against themselves why in the world would would they agree to put a cap on just quarterbacks it’ll never happen if they want something like just quit spinning it well the league will sue them for collusion the league has sued them many times for collusion I think they have a case uh that’s uh been filed as it is about cusion and so if the owners don’t want to do it then if Jerry Jones didn’t want to do it okay let Dak Prescott play out his option go somewhere house and Elevate U Cooper rush or uh uh uh my mind’s gone Lance yeah try Lance try Lance and then have people scream about why they got rid of that but the fact is if the owners didn’t have it they wouldn’t spend it if they didn’t want to spend it they wouldn’t spend it well I tell you what it’s just uh it’s outrageous the way quarterback salaries are going but you know we’ll we’ll see that plays out it is Jo yeah the one thing to keep in mind though it’s not how many millions it’s the percentage of the cap that the quarterback takes up I read a thing the other day that Aaron Rogers previous contract with the Packers to up a bigger percentage of their cap than any of the they’re taking up today now the Cowboys I read a great thing about this that Dak Prescott say he’s going to cost them 60 million milon and uh and then uh CD lamb will cost him at least 30 and then M Parsons wants money like uh Nick boso who makes 34 so say he’s 35 three players those numbers that and then the dead money if they were to get rid of them if they if they let kcot go I think it’d be like 40 45 million in dead money charge and you can do that you can take the hit but you got to realize if you’re going to take that hit chances are you’re not bringing in a lot of players so the Cowboys have gotten themselves in that it’s their own fault time since Dak Prescott was eligible for his first extension they could have extended him on a longer contract and got better deals they’ve just not done a good job of his entire salary cap structure and nobody is happier about it than Dak and his agent well that’s true and Dak has all the leverage in the world in this thing I mean no trade clause they can’t tag him uh he he can just sit back and say you know I I want this and if you don’t well somebody will pay me and that’s the thing um you know the Cowboys have talent Cowboys always threat to win the division they should be a Super Bowl Contender even though they stink it up in the playoffs but uh um they put themselves in this situation they got some smart people in there Jerry Jones is not stupid he’s got will mlay in there they’ve got a a good front office problem is they just can’t do it on the they can’t do it on the field in the playoffs and U I think if the Cowboys keep that Prescott they will always be a contender but I don’t think they’ll win it very interesting stuff follow him on Twitter mlan onore NFL John mlan with always great stuff that you have on including the Domo Ryan story that you have up right now John enjoy your Thursday and thanks for joining us today no thank you very much I appreciate it always John mlan the general joining us courtesy of buyers barricades all guests in fact appear via buyers barricades guest line buyers barricades provides traffic control rental and sales for San Antonio and Beyond online at buyers barricades tocom we go from the general to Antonio Daniels former spur will join us next here on the blitz it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson Friday on the morning huddle we’ll close out what feels like a short week there’s hockey to talk about at least yeah will there be any more to discuss we’ll figure that out and see if we got some football to talk it’s a morning huddle we’ll start at 6 right here on 9 41 it’s the morning huddle with AJ Hoffman and Rob Thompson morning 6 to10 on 941 s Antonio 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assign benefits they do not have to assign all in an effort to get more money to the hospital than they would receive if all you used was your health insurance when you call I will give you your options we’ll talk about your case and all of that is free of charge if you or a family member has been injured in a traffic accident whether car commercial truck motorcycle I want you to call me as soon as possible after the Collision my number 210 900400 that’s 210 my website at a lawyer for the a superhero ComiCon presented by Thomas J Henry is coming June 20th to the 23rd meet Star Trek’s Chris Pine Spider-Man far from home star Jake Chenal pirates of the Caribbeans Orlando Bloom Star Wars Diego Luna She-Hulk tatiano masani and the Marvel’s Aman valani plus the Superman Ghostbusters Ernie Hudson and arrows Steven Amel and David Ramsey get your event passes now at PMX that’s PMX Dave Ramsey here the only water softener I recommend is a quality water softener from Contico it really is the 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the games are there you’re a fantasy player play them the right way that’s prize picks halamo today I’m AJ Hoffman from the morning huddle join me and Rob Thompson tomorrow morning at 6 your early morning wakeup call on 941 San Antonio sports [Music] star happy Thursday everybody hope you had a great Thursday afternoon we’re having a great Thursday afternoon right here on the blitz on 941 San Antonio sports star I’m Joe ragel Jason Minx on vacation and James Pledger doing his thing in there and we’ve got a guest on our buyers barricade guest line that uh well is long overdue it’s our good friend Antonio Daniels former spur NBA champion and all around just good guy Antonio how are you my friend I am truly blessed Joe how you doing brother thanks for having me it’s been a long time my friend I’m so happy that you agreed to come on with us because uh you’re the perfect guy to have on at this point time uh in the NBA calendar I should say since the season is over first thing I’ve got to I just want to get your thoughts on on the NBA finals and there’s been a lot of discussion about the Boston Celtics and uh you know are they a great team are they not a great team obviously now they’re NBA championships what uh what were your thoughts just on the finals in general well I I I picked the Boston Celtics in six I think what people lost sight of um because we live in a prisoner of the moment culture as far as Sports is concerned I think what people lost sight of is how dominant Boston was all year long like you think about it they won 64 games in the regular season they were 64 and 18 in the regular season that’s not by accident but what people focused on is all in the first round they played Miami you know what Miami didn’t have Jimmy Butler Miami didn’t have Terry Rosier didn’t they played the Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland Cavaliers didn’t have Jared Allen and Donovan Mitchell got hurt you know then then they Easter Conference Finals they played the Indiana Pacers and theres halber get hurt but the Pacers should have won game one and the Pacers should have won game three so everybody kept poking holes in what the Boston Celtics were doing as opposed to focusing on what they were doing at this particular time Joe before the NBA Finals started they were 12- two they lost one game to the Miami Heat they lost one game to the Cleveland Cavaliers they were 12- two but people were so enamored by Kyrie Irving and Luca and the path that they took and who they had to be that people completely forgot about who the Boston Celtics were and how good they were defensively their defensive versatility all these other things that came along with the Boston Celtics so um I I I expected a little bit of a better NBA Finals but the NBA Finals did not surprise me one bit because we all know this it’s about matchups plain and simple nothing more than matchups and the Boston Celtics were probably the worst opponent that the Dallas Mavericks could have faced in the NBA Finals you know it makes a lot of sense Antonio and and do do you buy in about Luca and the length of the season when you go from start all the way to finish and then naturally to finish the NBA Finals that maybe he was just wore out a little bit or was it just the Celtics doing their thing well I think it’s a little bit of both I don’t think it’s wrong to say that you know when you go back and look at some of the great and you can throw Luca in there with the great you know Michael Jordan when he was trying to get past the Detroit Pistons they said he needed to get stronger you remember when LeBron James played the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA finals and they just completely backed off of him now he had to add a mid-range to his jump shot right jannis Anto the kmo there’s something there always when you’re trying to get over that hump there are things that you need to add and I think the biggest thing that Luca needs to learn from this finals run is he has to get in better shape he has to get in better conditions because now what happens is we we get your offensive responsibility this is why you respect so much what Tim Duncan did why you respect so much what Kobe Bryant did and Michael Jordan did and all those guys did because to be able to do it on both sides of the basketball to have the offensive responsibility but also the defensive matchup like take that match up you have to be in an incredible condition to be able to do this but it’s something that you have to learn and not it’s not something that you know your first time out there so hopefully with this finals run this is something that Luca could take from this maybe the conditioning that I was coming in with was good enough to get to the first round or good enough to get to the second round but it’s not good enough to get that Dallas Maverick’s team over the hump we’re visiting with Antonio Daniels who now is uh well he’s doing he’s on side of the microphone doing broadcasting for Fox Sports New Orleans covering the Pelicans alongside our good friend Joel Meyers love that guy we’ll talk about him in just a minute but ad D you know we got to talk a little San Antonio Spurs because well we’ve got a prospect that that folks say is a generational Prospect and the debate here in San Antonio my friend is how do you build around him and how fast do you go what do you think well I I I tell you what he’s done he expedited the process because when he first came in the thought was okay you know the Spurs can afford to take it slow they can afford to take it slow and year by year now you can’t I I you know there are two things I’ll say about Victor wiama one of them I think a year from now he’ll be the best player in the world and my co-host told me this the other day and and I love the way he put it if you could if you could press Start scroll down to um settings and then take injuries off he realistically has an opportunity to be the best player that’s ever played this game wow and that’s real that is like to to watch Victor whama up close in person to W like you know you can hear the hype and H he’s going to be this and GNA be that but when you see it and he has an edge to him so I don’t have a problem you know I’m not big on hyperbole you know watching a lot of the the sport shows where they hot cakes and they’re all all over the place I have a problem I have no problem whatsoever saying a year from now San Antonio Spurs could easily have the best player in the world in 10 to 15 years from now San Antonio could have the best player that ever touched the basketball I don’t have a a issue or problem saying that one bit wow that’s that’s High Praise Antonio there’s no question about it so it begs the question now because look nobody expected the Spurs to only win 22 games nobody expected playoffs but we certainly thought they would be a better team win loss wise uh what do you do with this guy is do you just go with a draft and build slowly or do you try to bring some veterans around him you know the thing about the San Antonio Spurs they’ve never been the type of organization to go big game hunting that’s never been their style like if you if you go back and you look through their 20 years of sustained success the best free agent that they brought in here was I’m talking about via free agency was Richard Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge those are the best two that I can think of right off hand be a free agency everybody else that they may have traded for but here’s the difference though San Antonio has never been a free agent hot bed but when you have a star like Victor wiama what’ll happen is in today’s NBA when you have young Talent people will line up to play with young Talent he is going to draw people to San Antonio it’s a give it even though it hasn’t happened in the past so because when you have Duncan here and David Robinson here and you draft monor jobi and you draft Tony Parker in years past they’ve done it organically and it’s worked for them it’s been fantastic but now the fact that you have this alien on your hand to do things differently because here’s the thing papovich has coached some great talent you know he’s coached Tim Duncan and he’s coached David Robinson and we talked about mon job and Tony Parker and all those guys you know what he’s never coached someone with the skill set of Victor women namo so it’s unfair for people to think just because pop coached Tim and just because pop coached David that he should have it all figured out figured out with Victor whama because this guy is something different than we’ve ever seen in this league before so pop is learning on the Fly just like everybody else is you know Antonio it’s funny that you say that and I you’re busy during the NBA season I’m not sure how much you were able to follow wimy but looking from this vantage point it it looked like he was lost at times in November and December but when the calendar turned it’s almost like he had the mindset of you know what I I actually belong here I can play with these guys you know for me you know I don’t think it’s when the calendar turned I think it’s when Pop said you know what we’re gonna play you at the center position because then he felt more comfortable when he was at the center position that’s when everything changed so now he’s not out in the perimeter roaming all over like it was I don’t know what it was about removing Zack Collins from the starting lineup and putting with minyama in the starting lineup but this league is about confidence and it’s about Road definition when Pop said look this is what we’re going to do with you we’re gonna put you at the five and we’re g to rock with you at the five everything changed for him once that happens well I tell you what yeah it makes you make a good point and not only that I think when uh when Trey Jones was inserted in as a at the point guard position I think made a big difference too yeah it does because for me like and no disrespect to Jeremy soan but and I understand the thought process that pop had at that time but the point guard position is not a skill set it’s a mindset so when you have a guy who thinks like a point guard right I remember watching the San Antonio Spurs on nights where the New Orleans Pelicans weren’t playing and there were so many times that Wy was open but guys didn’t know how to get him the ball because it’s something that you have to learn but when you have a guy like like Trey Jones who thinks the position right again if not a skill set it’s a mindset so there are certain things that you think and now you’re putting Wendy in positions of success on one hand but then you also have somebody on the other hand that knows how to get him that basketball as well that’s not what Jeremy soan did that’s not who he was like you think about the course of his career going back to Baylor like he wasn’t a a point guard guy you know but when you insert a point guard guy now when’s running and he’s Rim running and these lobs are open and now he’s getting a lot more easy opportunity I think that’s when things started to change for the San Antonio Spurs well if anybody would know the point guard position it’s you Antonio we’re visiting with Antonio Daniels won a championship here in San Antonio in 1999 and you know Antonio I think not only just the point guard position and and Jeremy soan I think it was everybody on this team and and I think the point you made earlier about coaches pop has never coached a guy like this well these players have never played with a guy like this and think it took them a while to get used to him it it did you know it the thing is if you go in that locker room and ask anybody in that locker room how many of you guys have ever played with a seven foot4 guy that can step out and shoot thre that can put the ball on the floor that can run that probably should have won Defensive Player of the Year how many of you guys have played with someone like that you know how many guys will raise their hand none of them none of them because he’s different and when you have something different when you have something special there’s a process of growth for all that are involved there’s a process in growth that’s involved from the coaching side there’s a process of growth that’s involved from the player side I remember people used always say man they don’t know how to get uhh big wiama the ball yes I had to learn this I had to learn where Tim Duncan wanted the ball how he liked the ball I had to learn where David Robertson wanted the ball like that again that’s a point guard stop process but you know the way to learn it is with reps that’s how you learn it you don’t just learn it because someone tells you it’s open you can’t if you don’t see it it’s not there but when you start to play with guys and you start to watch film and on these off days and you start to realize and understand what it is you have on your hands that’s when things start to change San Antonio beat some really really good teams down the stretch they came into New Orleans and beat the New Orleans Pelicans they beat the Denver Nuggets last game of the season in a game that the Denver Nuggets needed they grew throughout the course of this season this is why when you start talking about the Western Conference next year and you start talking about oh the Denver Nuggets and even the Boston Celtics repeating there are some teams that are going to be completely different versions of themselves next year because this year of learning and growth and progress will serve them you know Antonio that’s interesting and and and look I don’t know why it is and and there’s no disrespect to anybody in the East but it just seems like the West has been Domin it for so long um why do you think that is I mean you you your team in New Orleans to Oklahoma City to Minnesota whoever it happens to be why do you think that is I I don’t I wouldn’t say that the West is more dominant honestly I I would say more along the lines of right now we are in a a different uh NBA because in the past the NBA has been about Dynasty from the Lakers to the Celtics to the Spurs to the heat to the Golden State Warriors but you know what Joe we have six different champions in the last six years so now it’s more about parody it’s not about one team just going out and dominating everybody else there’s no real villain team in the NBA like I’m not comfortable now saying that the Boston Celtics will repeat next year I’m not saying that I’m not I’m not comfortable saying now that the Boston Celtics were in the NBA Finals versus the Denver Nuggets that the Boston Celtics would have won because the it’s about matchups so I don’t think it’s as much about the East and West as much as just about parody I will say this though the West is incredibly deep though the West is so deep when you think about all the teams this year and that’s without the San Antonio Spurs that’s without the Houston Rockets that’s without the Portland Trailblazers that’s without the Memphis Grizzlies who’ll get John Morant back you know who’ll get Desmond Bane back who will get all these guys back and all these guys are competing for eight spots all these teams are competing for eight spots so the West is incredibly deep because these teams are young and they’re getting better every season no doubt we’re visiting with Antonio Daniels who uh does the broadcast for the New Orleans Pelicans and uh does a very good job you know I got to tell you Antonio you were always good man when I interviewed you back in the day but boy you uh you’re pretty sharp now you enjoying what you’re doing I love what I do like I mean realistically you know to be the color analy for the New Orleans Pelicans and have a serious XM show every day like to actually get paid to talk about something that I’m passionate about Joe like I couldn’t I couldn’t ask for a better job outside of coaching outside of coaching in IND I like I I literally do love what I’m doing like I’m at every New Orleans Pelicans practice I’m at every shoot around you know um great relationship with the guys and the coaching staff and then when I’m not there I’m talking about NBA basketball B you know for 15 hours a week on sirusxm so I I have I I’m blessed far more than I deserve we know Antonio James Pledger just reminded me that JJ reck was hired with the Lakers today does that uh maybe open the door for an Antonio Daniels you know what I I will I will go where God takes me I will tell you that I I will I will go where God places me he is not he won’t send me somewhere that he hasn’t qualified me to Exel um good for JJ I you know I JJ was in New Orleans when um his first couple years and it’s different I you know for me the coaching hire is not about JJ re it’s more about the the Los Angeles Lakers I don’t understand hiring someone a rookie head coach into a championship a bus situation I don’t and I know what they’re expecting they’re expecting JJ reick to be or wanting JJ reick to be their Pat Riley you know they bought Pratt Riley from the radio Booth way back in the 80s Jerry bus calls him you know come on down and coach and then we know the rest of that story so that’s what they’re expecting JJ Redd to be but the difference was Pat Riley wasn’t coaching in a time of player empowerment so when you have star players that have so much control as much control as they do today I think it’s a completely different NBA environment that JJ reck is stepping into I wish him all the luck in the world I would love to see him succeed well it’s going to be fun to watch that is for sure and something else that’s a lot of fun to watch is your basketball camp and it’s coming up Antonio uh in July you’ve been doing this for a long time man and you’re good at it I know you’re passionate about that yeah 23 years this will be year 23 wow uh for me and you know me and my wife were just talking about this in the car uh everything we do now at this stage in our life is some form of ministry uh and this is just a different form of ministry um I this makes my my summer um you know any any parent out there that has sent their kid to any basketball camp whatsoever I would hold my Camp up to that one any day of the week um you know it just to tell you the specifics of it it’s it’s girls and boys and girls ages six to 17 um every kid gets lunch every kid gets uh a camp t-shirt um I I’m there all day every day it’s not one of those camps that I put my name on it and I come in and I sign autographs or I roll basketballs out and tell them just to have fun I I take this seriously you know I really do take this seriously because I truly believe that the words and the uh morals and values that we instill in those kids while we have them will carry on for once that ball stop bouncing there’s so many parallels Joe between life and basketball and I I know that I don’t have these kids for an entire school year or for the entire summer for the time that I have them to just try and instill something in these young men something in these young women when they step out of that gym at the end of the week they’re completely different than what they were when they got there Antonio tell us uh when it is and and how do folks get registered for it uh the dates of the camp are uh July 22nd through the 24th uh it’s at Cornerstone Christian School off of uh Northwest Military and the easiest way to to register is is at incredible Antonio always a thrill to talk to you my friend Joe I am truly blessed man God bless you man thanks for having me on thank you Antonio we appreciate it Antonio Daniels NBA champion with the San Antonio Spurs in 1999 now well he’s in the broadcast Booth with Joel Meyers for the New Orleans Pelicans and he does a great job and Antonio Daniels joining us via the buyers barricade guest line buyers barricades provides traffic control rental and sales for San Antonio and Beyond online at buyers barric again Daniels family the camp is coming up in July July 22nd through the 24th Antonio is the man it’s great talking to him it’s been too long pledge ad’s fantastic and he was one of those people when he worked here and he and Ari timkin had a show and yeah he was so perfect and everything he did on the air you just knew he was going to be a superstar in the media game no doubt about it and we’ll have to watch that coaching thing said he uh that that’s still his passion is to coach huh interesting uh we’ll see where Antonio goes man oh man that that was great I had a blast you know you do interviews all the time and some are better than others but I I love talking to Antonio Daniels and I appreciate him joining us you got a show today I do full hour full hour for you today today wow what’s going on what are you going to talk about anything I figured probably talk a little bit about the salaries of quarterbacks in the NFL boy the Spurs will do on the draft I’m actually GNA have uh Jeff Garcia locked on Spurs join me at 6 so well that’s good Extra Innings with pledge is coming up thanks for joining us here today ohh we got a lot more for you tomorrow thanks everybody have a great Thursday night extra with pledge is next writing 16 four with the blit

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