@Dallas Mavericks

What the Mavs Need to Add This Summer | Dallas Mavericks Offseason Preview Podcast

What the Mavs Need to Add This Summer | Dallas Mavericks Offseason Preview Podcast

on today’s show the Dallas Mavericks off season is underway what are their biggest priorities I’ll tell you what they are in today’s locked on MAV I’m luk and this is lock down Mavericks Mavericks NBA it’s good and the mck have won the game thank if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you’re locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show make lock on maps your first listen today the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star review on any podcast platform you listen to like the video on YouTube and comment anything below let me know in the comment section what should be the Maverick’s biggest priority in the offseason this episode is brought to you by prize piix the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock NBA use that code allerase locked on NBA for first deposit match up to $100 and joining me the offseason efficient the former postgame Prodigy from the great slightly biased YouTube channel what you got for me slightly biased yeah I mean I’m I’m feeling good offseason Vibes um a lot to take in I’ve been really I was really unplugged I didn’t realize how unplugged I was from offseason stuff during the playoff run until I started to look into it and I’m like oh I have no clue what any team was about like I was looking at Thea Hawks I’m like what are they about to do I literally I literally just talked about them on locked on NBA last night and I was like they’re one of my most interesting teams they have the number one pick and they have this roster where you’re like they could go anywhere any Direction with them Trey and Deonte is are they going to just run that back again but so many different things the Mavs have less things than the Atlant Hogs have to figure out at least but they still have some things so we’ll go through I want to talk about what the Mavericks need to do this offseason what Dallas has let’s do like the whole offseason preview and like overview let’s talk about what Dallas needs let’s talk about some ways they have to acquired players their trade assets and then I’ve got a couple targets not a not a bunch but I’ve got a couple targets that we can kind of dip dip our toe dip dip the toe in into the the water of that um but let’s start here slightly the biggest priorities for the Dallas Mavericks we’ve talked we you and I have kind of talked about on this show they need to acquire another offensive initiator that’s definitely a big a big Target Reggie and I talked about it as one of the less they need to learn from the finals they need one more guy like that um they also need to resign Derrick Jones Jr because you can’t take a step backwards with your roster you finally got the two Wings another lesson that I I we talked about on the episode the other day is that they need to learn that you got to have the two Dirty Work Wings you cannot go into another season without that again like last season 2022 23 they tried to go into the season without that and it just didn’t work uh they even tried with like Grant Williams and it just did it just didn’t work in the same way you got to have the two dirt dir work wings and so if you take a step back by not resigning Derrick Jones Jr and not replacing him at all then you take a step back but between the two of them which is a bigger priority to resign Derrik Jones Jr and not take a step back or to take that step forward and get the offensive initiator definitely the offensive initiator because I think you could figure out ways to replace Derrick Jones Jr and and whatever offensive initiator you’d be getting would be upgrading Derrick Jones Jr’s spot in the lineup you would think at least so you would be upgrading there that’s the thing about like the having your cake and eating it too because I wrote down acquire another offensive initiator maybe could replace Derrick Jones Jr if that player is somebody that can replace him in that way like let’s say they they get like a Brandon Ingram that’s pie in the sky like that’s that’s a name out there is that Pie in the Sky really I mean what’s what do you think is Pie in the Sky uh people I mean like for me Markin or Mel Bridges is pie in the sky but people bring people have brought up Ingram to me a bunch I’m like I I don’t think that would work at all I think that would be a disaster well let’s say let’s say they do he’s a guy that can kind of initiate offense and like also defend probably at a decent enough clip that you’re like okay then then we maybe have replaced Derrick Jon Jr as just as an example that’s not like the the perfect example of who to get but uh but that that type of a guy could so yeah they could try and do they could try and thread the needle and do both um but yeah you also if you add another offensive initiator and then you you at least have Josh green and omx in the wings to like maybe replace at least some of what Derrick Jones Jr did yeah well I think a problem I kept running into whenever I was looking at people to upgrade that three spot to get that third offensive guys like okay if this guy is here to replace Derrick Jones Jor where’s your point of attack defense coming from yes this is in the starting five because derck Jones Jr has been that guy PJ can do it but he’s not as good at Derek as Derrick Jones Jr is Luke and Kyrie obviously aren’t doing it your Center’s obviously not doing it so if you go out and you get like a Brandon Ingram he can’t do that uh if you go out and you get you know Kyle kosma you Circle that wagon again he can’t do that either so that’s when you start to run into issues where you’re addressing one need but then you’re opening up another need and that’s where this becomes very this becomes a very slippery slope and we’ve seen this franchise in years past Tred to address one need while then simultaneously opening up two or three separate needs in the process of doing that so I don’t know it’s interesting um I was telling you before the show but I think they have gonna do this offseason should I just say it now go for it yep I think it’s gonna be a very very boring off season boring I think they might be one boring teams and for the next 25 minutes we will tell you exactly all the things they won’t do well I mean there’s always there’s always the chance that they’ll do something they they’ve they’ve always been a busy team I could be wrong I could be 100% wrong they could get LeBron or Paul George somehow and I I it could be insane but uh I just think for what they have to spend where they’re at the fact that they’re coming off of a finals run and the fact that this front office with Nico Harrison this is now two of the three seasons he’s been here where they’ve made I mean all three years he’s been here they’ve made huge trade deadline moves but now two of the three Seasons he’s been here where they made big trade deadline moves and then had huge second halfs of the Season afterwards they know that they can go into the season with what they have and then make the changes if needed mid-season and be fine like they’ve done it twice so so we talked about the two biggest priorities acquire another offensive initiator resign Derrick Jones Jr maybe you can thread the needle and do and you know improve in both ways improve point of attack defense was my third one that was that was the third one which you kind of already did mention because they do need to be better at that uh if they were if they were better at point of attack defense I think that Clipper series would have been easier I think you had would had more of a chance against the the Celtics probably there’s just a lot of areas I think that would have would have helped a lot I think their fourth priority is stay under the second apron which is sort of like an overarching you know scheme thing so the Mavs have you know what it’s like aund they’re at like 179 or something like that in their uh the amount of cap they have they’re going to be a first apron team you just don’t want to get in that second apron and that’s where like the suns are and other teams where you’re just so restricted at that point you you can’t trade multiple players at once you can’t like add multiple players together you can’t send cash out in a deal there’s just a bunch of different things eventually your draft picks get Frozen and weird things like that so the 186 million you got to stay under that and that’s kind of that’s a huge huge thing that’s a priorities so I think those are the four priorities resign or replace Derrick Jones Jr acquire an offensive initiator improve point of attack defense stay under the second apron if you can get all those things done oh my God you’ve like Nico Harrison should get like GM of the year executive of the year but I think it’s going to be hard to get all those done yeah I mean it’s you’re going to have to sacrifice some way I think uh unless you know Nico knocks out the park I mean I’m sitting there trying to make I did a bleach report stream today where I had to make some mock trades for the Mavericks I’m trying to figure out creative ways to you know three team four team trades it’s so incredibly hard uh and that’s why they get paid the big bucks and we get paid the medium bucks to sit here and talk about it on a podcast no compared to them it is not medium that’s true that’s true but uh we’re minuscule bucks but um hey JJ reck just paav the way for us so soon price of living bucks yeah price of living bucks we’ll take that honestly in this day and age but uh JJ reic did pave the way yep we’ll be there soon but um the pistons pistons give us a call give yeah give us a call why not like if it’s going to be a disaster anyways like it’ be entertaining can we win more than 14 games isn’t that what Monty was Williams won left you know I wonder if it was just like guys just go do whatever you want to NBA players would that get you to like 20 listen we’re already paying a coach can we just pay you like a million yeah yeah you could do that that sounds good the Pistons higher the lowest paid lowest paid coaches in the NBA so those are those are the Mavs offseason biggest priorities to resign or replace Derek Jones Jr improve point of attack defense acquire that other offensive initiator in some way stay under the second apron with attack couple other like smaller things they could extend Jaden Hardy in the offseason they also have Dante exom on a non- guaranteed and then Gafford can also be extended October 1st so there’s a couple other things to look at I don’t think those are top priorities but there’s a couple things to like consider in the offseason coming up let’s talk about what Dallas has where what are they starting with what do they actually have we’ll talk about some of their their needs and ways to acquire players do that all and more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize Pi daily Fantasy Made Easy all you have to do is go to pick more or less than two to six player stat projections so you can pick from WNBA players you can do uh baseball there’s all kinds of stuff it changes probably like by the hour you have to go check it all the time priz and use that promo code locked on NBA you put down 100 bucks into your account they will match it a 100 bucks you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this Summer prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members members get in the daily action with your friends become part of the priz piix community today and now that the finals are over you’ve got WNBA you’ve got MLB you’ve got all kinds of stuff they even have like Call of Duty tournaments and like a bunch of different stuff on there might as well check it out download the app go to loock use that code locked onba for your first deposit match up to $100 lockon [Music] NBA thanks everybody for hanging out with this on lockdown Maps being part the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appreciate each and every one of you for checking out the show we’re all throughout the offseason you noticing this is technically a bonus episode of lockdown Mavs we’re doing over the weekend because uh it don’t stop it don’t stop the draft is just in a couple days which is absolutely wild yeah talking about the map’s biggest priorities in the off season what Dallas has I think it’s important to like start the offseason this is what they have and this is what that they’re going for you’ve got two stars under contract Luca and Kyrie making 84 million combined that’s just under 60% of the cap and so also it made me that that number made me realize when people are saying oh you guys asked there’s too much being asked of Luka and Kyrie you guys are blaming luuka and Kyrie or giving them too much credit for wins and losses in the playoffs like you know what they’re making 60% of the cap guys like yeah there’s a reason why there’s a lot on their plate and a lot being asked to them so they’ve got that they’ve got two stars lined up incredible like how many off Seasons zero one offseason have the Mavs had two zero offseasons have the M since they got Luca have the the maps had two stars like signed up in there that you felt good about and all it’s kind of it’s kind of wild their Center rotation they’ve got that short up don’t need a center for once Andre Drummond’s name got got posted the other day of like hey he may find a new team and I was like when’s the last time Andre Drummond is not gonna be floated to the Dallas Mavericks capella CL don’t need don’t need him no gone this were last offseason man we would be here at all of them be feasting I mean think about the time uh the Mavericks were like talking about trading the first round pick for DeAndre Aon Clint capella I mean we were we were deep in those conversations theend in last offseason but you’ve got a center rotation and honestly you got three centers making $22 million total that’s that’s incredible because you’ve got and that’s 16% of the cap that’s nothing Lively making 3.6 Gafford making 9.5 oh percent percent of the cap 3.6% not Gafford making 99.5% of the cap Dwight po making 2.8% on that kind of a minimum and then if you want to add Maxi Maxi is making 7. 8% that’s 11 million so that gets that gets you to 33 million for your big man Center rotation which is that’s awesome like that starting at a good spot there for once yeah I’ve seen a lot of people who are like yeah we we we should get Dwight pal out of here in the offseason it’s like why he’s making $4 million like he’s a completely fine third string Center and by all accounts everyone loves him on the team and he’s a great locker room guy like why he’s finally in his right spot exactly this is finally where he’s supposed to be at yet so now we want to get him out yeah that would be funny if this is now when we traded him and not when he was making like $1 million and everyone’s like trade him now finally when people aren’t complaining about him at all really with wings you got PJ Washington for two more years feeling good about that one you got Josh Green at 12.6 million then next year 13.6 14.6 like he needs to grow a little bit into that deal I think um it’s not that bad though but it’s fine it’s not that bad you got omx Prosper still on his rookie deal and you got AJ Lawson on a non- guaranteed those are your kind of wings and then you’ve got XM on a non- guaranteed and Hardy and Tim Hardway Jr still so that those that’s the area you got to figure out you got to figure out your wing rotation and your like backup guard situation which one you want to start with first well Wings the most important I think yeah because of the Derrick Jones Jr thing uh look I mean you the way when you just map that out there’s just such a real chance that this is the same roster minus whatever they have to do to open up the cap space to bring back uh Derrick Jones Jr to have them get that mid level which would probably be Tim getting traded into some team’s cap space um and yeah I mean so much well I wouldn’t want to say so much but a lot hinges on omx and Derrick Lively’s progression over the next several months which is the same as last year last year would be like if if Lively takes a step forward then this team could do this and apparently apparently that was they could make the finals that was isn’t that W no chance L Le at summer league right this year I think there’s I mean no chance no no chance too good what if they what if they want him to shoot threes or something yeah well that would be the one thing they send him out there he takes like five threes a game omx for sure will be at Summer League I think omx for sure will be at Summer League I don’t think Hardy will to go yeah sending a guy thirdy year guy kind of weird I’ve told many people I’m only going if the Mavs get bronny well that that was one of the big things in my trade thing that I did was like looking around the league there’s a lot of teams that have four or five picks in this year’s draft which I’m sure those teams do not want to leave the draft with four guys with four rookies not not just like because it’s a weak draft but that’s just like weird to do anyways to have four brand new players on your four rookies on your team so there there’s like a lot of trade-up scenarios for the Mavs that I could see happening like the Jazz have I think 32nd overall pick or something like that and the Mavs next year they have a a Raptor’s second round pick that is pretty spicy I think like if the Raptors are bad again next year supposed to be like a really deep draft and if that’s projected to be a 30 through 38 is pick like that’s that’s pretty strong and if the Mavericks want to move up to draft Brony in an effort to maybe luren LeBron or whatever the case may be I could see that happening we did the episode the other day with I did the episode the other day with Kevin talking about the bronny situation and talking about how the Mavs could do that and all kinds of stuff like that um yeah the Mavs uh after the draft they can trade their so here’s what the Mavs have to trade by the way so here are their assets you’ve got Tim Hardway Jr $16 million expiring I think that becomes an asset um you got Maxi making 11 million for the next two years so that’s that one’s not terrible but it’s a it’s a decent salary that you can move around um Josh Green making making his deal if you put Tim and Josh Green together that’s about $40 million so if you want to go Star hunting and you want to go try and get somebody else that that’s the if you want to get a Brandon Ingram let’s say that that’s what you do is you combine those players and the picks and see what you got uh the Mavs will be able to trade a uh 2025 after the draft so first round pick so they’ve got that first round pick they’ll have a 2031 as well that they could potentially move they have four second round picks available to them too including the 58th pick in 2024 that one’s not that great but still 4 seconds they also have $6.9 million in cash they can send out too so cash considerations they’ve got some they’ve got some of those and they can swap 2026 right or something like that yeah yeah yeah I think they can so they do have they do have some things so like I saw Bill Simmons today Bill Simmons who we love by the way we we trash Bill Simmons a lot Bill Simmons we love I don’t know he’s like I don’t know what the map’s move is I don’t think they they’ve made all their moves that’s not true they still could they still can make some moves they still have some stuff to do but those those are their assets and that’s who they have right now I don’t know how this narrative keeps getting pared that the Mavericks have done all their Allin stuff that’s just not true at all they could do two first round picks and a pick Swap and like a couple pretty interesting young guys that yeah is not enough to get I’ll tell you right now not enough to get Larry marinan because that’s a name that gets brought up all the time nowhere near enough to get him not enough to get Mel Bridges because well let’s get him out of here because that’s a name that gets brought up all the time but that’s that’s probably enough to get kozma again if that’s something you really want that’s that’s probably enough to get Jeremy Grant if that’s somebody you want uh are those guys that I want I don’t know but you know if that’s what the Mavericks are interested in doing it’s it’s possible I mean they could oh my God Zack LaVine are we doing that again hey man they love him in the front office that’s been rumored if Isaac was on here we would take a Victory lap on Zack LaVine because like five years ago we said we don’t I don’t want Zack next to Luka I don’t want that to be the second star and people trashed us so much how how dare you blah and now who wants Zack LaVine I guarantee you if Kyrie Irving were not a Maverick Zack line would be a Maverick right now I I guarantee 100% yeah I promise you if Kyrie didn’t just like the sky didn’t open up and drop Kyrie Irving on the Dallas Mavericks Zack LaVine would be on the team currently coming up let’s talk about a couple ways the Mavericks can can acquire players there’s a couple different ways they can and then let’s talk about a let’s throw some names back and forth let’s talk about couple targets talk about that all that more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs help you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster you hiring you know that hiring is one of the most important things some people say that it is the most important thing for your business because when you 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about the map’s biggest priorities talked about what they things that they want to do we talked about their needs and we’ve talked about what they have right now with assets and in the rotation let’s talk about a couple ways they can acquire players I don’t think they’re gonna sign anybody I think they have they have uh basically they’ll have the tax mid-level exception about $ 5.18 million and that can be up to two years if they stay under the second apron which we talked about earlier that that tax level if they stay under there they’ll have the 5.1a if they can get under the first apron which means they offload Tim Hardway they offload Maxi somehow and get under that for for whatever however they do that some some way then they would have the mid-level exception that’s $12.8 million that’s when you’re actually talking about you can sign somebody also have the B annual exception for $4.6 million and so they could do that if they get under the first apron but right now as it is they’ll have 5.18 to sign somebody and uh they need to resign Derrick Jones Jr so it’s like it’s a very difficult spot to be in I don’t think they’ll they probably won’t even use it because they’ll have to sign drik Jones Jr figure out a way they they actually need to shed some money just to re just to find money to resign him to stay under that second apron so that’s goingon to be a very difficult thing the Mavs have the 58th pick in the draft so they could draft somebody with that uh but I think if they’re going to do anything they’ve got to trade and if they sign and trade somebody so somebody else gets signed and gets traded over the Mavericks that hard caps the Mavericks you don’t want to do that either so they’re not going to sign and trade anybody either so we got to take that option out you tweeted today it’s difficult to like the trade machine is not fun anymore I I know the reason is because you know too much you know too much about this you start going through these things where like oh well they’re not going to do this because of this you’re not they’re not going to do this because of this then all of a sudden takes the fun out of it but that’s the way the Mavs can acquire players it’s basically a trade that is not a s trade yeah and uh well it really kind of boils down to what so we think it’s gonna have to be mid-level for Derrick Jones Jr because I’m not entirely convinced that’s true right now to be honest with you because I don’t think NBA teams are stupid I think NBA teams look at Derrick Jones Jr and say there’s no way there’s a better place for him to be at than there with Luca uh so so I’m just I’m not so sure if you’re a team with cap space like if you’re the Pistons are you like no Derrick Jones Jr is what we need yeah right like I don’t know maybe maybe the Sixers become inter like there’s some actual contending teams with a lot of cap space which makes all this very interesting this offseason but um I guess it all depends there like right if you feel like okay um the the taxpayer mid level right we can we can get Derrick Jones J for that we could do like the Bobby poris thing where we do the one plus one deal with him and he’s making $4 million year one with an option and then he declines it and now we have his bird rights so we can give him you know the the big extension that he wants uh I think that that could be in play I I I really I haven’t looked too deep into it I I in terms of what teams have what which you know midlevel available to them and which players are at on the market but it wouldn’t surprise me if it does not require the full mid-level for Derrick Jones Jr at this point it really wouldn’t and the full mid level is 12.8 million so a year so it would it wouldn’t surprise me either but the MS still have to make some kind of space in order to to keep him which is why all this is difficult we’re like oh they want to add this and do this and do this they just don’t have a lot of options to do it they have more options than the Suns do I did this un lockedown NBA last night you want me to go through what the Suns have yeah suns are second apron team they can only trade one player at a time they’ve got on their roster booger Beal Grayson Allen just resigned he can’t get traded until basically the beginning of the season starts they got Kevin Durant NS little and big body Rody as their wings and nurkic those are the only players they have signed they have the 22nd pick in the draft they have to resign Royce O’Neal Eric Gordon Joshua kogi uh they probably won’t resign Drew Eubanks but those are free agents and they’ve got a Kevin Durant extension to consider coming up and like they don’t they a lot to like that’s a very interesting team who had a disappointing season and has to figure this out at least they’re not in that situation and that’s what this is what I’ve been trying to say because that’s why you want to stay under the second apron and if you are trading for a third guy with a big contract think Jeremy Grant think Wiggins even yeah man you better hope that works because if that doesn’t work that you were in some trouble and those are two guys right there that if it doesn’t work for you you’re stuck with that because no other team whatever team trades for one of those two guys right now is going to be the please let’s hope that we find something here or else we will be stuck with this couple of names like if you’re just going to go for free agents these names are not good they’re not great cuz remember you only have have like 5 million if you do end up going that direction two names that came up that I was like all right who made like 5 million last year who can Tori and Prince and Russell Westbrook those are the only two names I kind of came up with well I’m not gonna lie to you I would take Russ isn’t that Russ is a very interesting name that we’ll probably talk about later in the season but like you need another offensive initiator you need somebody that can eat some eat some Innings and eat some minutes uh you’re not playing him Luca and Kyrie together you’re not going to you’re not going to do that you’re not expecting him to come and solve th those issues but he’s an Innings eater that you know could help you in a couple ways bring some toughness I know we I know we don’t like him after the after that playoff series but he brings some of the stuff that you kind of need for a regular season you know what else I would do one of the first things I think I would do is I would I would call Spencer gwy almost immediately and just be like hey you go that’s I didn’t even think about I didn’t even mention him V minimum let’s that at least gives you somebody you feel somewhat comfortable with dribbling the basketball like and again a guy who won’t need to start for you and might not even be in your rotation at at points in time in this season but if it’s like your 13th guy that’s whenever you start to uh just saw hilarious tweet sorry I need to stop scrolling Twitter that’s whenever you um you that’s what you want to do when your team building you want to have depth and you want to have people who can do things and not be super onedimensional so I would call dinwoody Mario honia you think dwy wants to come back to Mama I think I think if the Mavericks called his phone he’d answer for sure think you remember the whole thing where he’s like well you don’t want to go to mom when you get when you get beat down you want to go to Dad and try a new challenge and I was like okay guess what Daddy beat him up now Mama’s here with her arms wide open mom got that Mom got the promotion mom’s doing great mom just bought a new house Dad dad’s out on the trying to figure dad a banker and uh but Dad Dad just dad is just has a new girlfriend and uh she has a podcast she has a podcast so oh jeez not a podcaster I’m Lo I’m losing the metaphor here couple of trade targets that I I just I just looked through some so I mentioned Brandon Ingram earlier you don’t like that one absolutely not I can’t get that Team USA stuff out of my head because he’d be the third guy here easily like he cannot play off ball I I don’t I don’t want that well that’s thing is you want him to play on ball a little bit but yeah he he had a hard time playing off ball he’s also he’s also one year so 36 million and he’s going to you can you know he wants an extension and wants to get paid a bunch 40 million a year there I mentioned Brandon iner because he may not cost that much and maybe it takes aluca and Kyrie to show him like hey you’ve got to be able to play off the ball and maybe maybe that’s maybe that helps him but um but it may not take that much to get him yeah you mentioned Jeremy Grant he’s making he’s actually making 30 million which I thought was was a lot more um it’s just the five years for Jeremy Grant that was the shocking bit of his contract it’s long so he’s making 27 or 29.7 this upcoming year 32 the year after that 34 the year after that 36 so it’s only four years but the player option on the last year yeah that Cap’s going to keep going up they just got that that new deal is coming in the Cap’s going to keep going up that’s not going to look as bad later but what does he fix for you you know he adds he definitely adds some shooting adds some more size but he doesn’t rebound that well for his size he has been a good defender in the past but has not really necessarily shown that recently so if it’s if it’s Luca Kyrie PJ Jeremy Grant Lively or Gafford then you’re like okay who’s your your issue you mentioned earlier who’s guarding point of attack i’ I’d be very interested in Jeremy Grant because the thing with him that I’ll I’ll throw him some bail for as opposed to a guy like uh Brandon Ingram is obviously Brandon Ingram is a better basketball player than Jeremy Grant is but we’ve seen Grant on the Nuggets a team that was trying to win the highest level be a very very very good role player and he’s been on bad teams now for like the last five or six years of his career and uh the thing that would concern me a little bit there is from everything he says he’s like that’s what he kind of wants to be like he was pretty open about that in Detroit that he wanted to be the guy and he didn’t like I’m not quoting him directly but it didn’t necessarily matter if they winning a lot of games like he just wanted to you know thing kma flying on the same yeah exactly and you know they the Trailblazers traded for him they were trying to win and then Dame left and they were terrible and then they dealt with a bunch of injuries I would be interested in Jeremy Grant because he gives you an on ball Creator who your stars aren’t playing okay he can score 25 points he can do that and you can play off call but then you do have the point of attack problem yeah it have to be one PJ somebody that would fixed the point of attack problem but would maybe give you issues other other places that’s kind of like a sneaky name what about Marcus Smart Memphis oh I hadn’t thought about him I’ve been seeing a lot of trade stuff with him fixes your point of attack he’s kind of a guy that can initiate a little bit now the Celtics always wanted him to initiate more and it never really it never really panned out necessarily but that’s that’s an interesting name he’s making 20 million so it’s right there where if you do like uh if you do um what is it Tim and Tim and omx throw those together maybe throw one more in there throw a Hardy in there if they’re interested and uh and then the picks and then maybe that’s something that if Memphis needs another shooter wants to go with the picks instead retool that’s interesting bring him home hadn’t thought about that bring him home that was an am I am I trash for not wanting to trade omx like I don’t want to be one of those fans but I really don’t want to trade him you’re you’re yourself you’re slightly biased okay well because I’m just like what value does omx actually put in TR right is omx moving the needle for a team like that might change things but if it’s just omx for salary I’m like I don’t like that yeah I’d rather do something else the dog didn’t like that either no what’s up dog um my last name is Bruce Brown he’s just so small I know but you can play him with Luca and Kyrie got of give you a little point of attack kind of gives you a little initiating kind of gives you a little bit here and there like he just fills in holes and uh you kind we kind of hope that Josh Green would grow into that and I don’t know that we’ve seen that the ball handling and like the attacking necessarily but yeah Bruce Brown making 23 million might not cost that much anymore man it was his his past season was very discouraging for me it was and you know it you don’t he was good with Brooklyn and stuff but there the the Nuggets GM when he afterwards he was like yeah I mean Bruce Brown we made Bruce Brown basically and I mean they weren’t hey can the Mavs make him can the Mavs make him too yeah true what about what about what about another name and this is the name that that I didn’t was not interested in at all at the trade deadline but now that things have changed I’m back I’m in on and it to me is maybe the most reasonable most realistic one and the highest ceiling by a lot uh oh Wiggins I have him down too he’s making 26 million and so that’s his cost probably really down um I think you could get stuff for taking on Wiggins probably yeah because he’s got a couple more years left because if you get if I was making trades where it’s like they could get Tim that’s an expiring contract for them that they could maybe flip to somebody if they really wanted to like you could provide them huge salary cap relief which is something that they desperately need yeah and if Wiggins needs another change of scenery and you somehow tap into 2022 Wiggins this team would be disgustingly good yeah they would it would be it would be like the the you’d look at like what the Celtics have or what the it would be I guess it would be closer to what the nuggets have where you’re like oh my gosh they have these two STS plus they have Porter Jr like plus they have Wiggins you know it would be like that um is he’s an interesting name if it’s the Wiggins of 810s of his career then you’re stuck with that contract nobody’s nobody is going to bail you out of that one no which which is what we’re assuming the Warriors right now but yeah if you could get something for him that that’s an interesting name I had him written down too uh let us know in the comment section what should be the Maverick’s biggest priority what kind of names are you interested in go check out slightly bias on YouTube and uh yeah we’ll be back with more stuff all throughout the offseason be breaking it down guys thanks for listening to locked on Mavs peace out not getting marketing guys

The Dallas Mavericks made the NBA Finals but they still have some holes to fill to help Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, Jason Kidd, and the rest of the Mavs.

Nick Angstadt & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased give an overview of the Dallas Mavericks Offseason Priorities, Needs, Roster, Trade Assets, and share some Mavs Trade Targets they could pursue.

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  1. Lets be real, we wont find a SF that can initiate offense and be a poa. Most realistic name is PG which is 34 yo. I dont want him. Period.

    I think what Mavs should do is get a real shooter and defender for SF position who can be a poa defender. My favorite pick is Cam Johnson. He is cheaper than he should be.

    For bench i think a guy like Sexton does a lot. We cant count on Hardy for this, its too major. Someone like Davion Mitchell would be good add too. Mavs can also snag very underutilized Vezenkov from Kings.

    Sending THJ, Maxi, Green, Powell if needed (39M salary) and getting Cam+Sexton(or Davion+Vezenkov) allows Mavs to sign DJJ on MLE.

    They would lock great role players for next 3 years of their championship window.

  2. Get Mikal Bridges for THJ,Hardy/OMax and 2 FRP it sucks to lose one of the young guys but Brigdes would be the 3rd scorer and another elite defender. We could bring DJJ of the Bench which would be great too

  3. To me we’ve got to sign DJJ and get off of THJ’s expiring contract. I think it’s important to keep as much of this team together as we can.

  4. PG13 is intriguing. Would be a solid 3rd scoring option and is a good defender. I'm just worried that when the playoffs come around he'll turn into Playoff P even as the 3rd guy. But then you also have to wonder, how many teams can go 3 deep defensively on Luka, Kai & PG. I mean, PG proved on DJJ that he doesn't need ANY space to hit a 3. So if the Mavs can get PG the looks that DJJ was getting…maybe the Finals would be a different story. But then again, Playoff P seems to always find a way. He'll be a no-show too often or he'll get injured when you really need him.

    Josh Green is absolutely tradeable to me. Time to look at OMax and see if he can be what Josh Green CAN be but probably won't ever become. I still think Josh can become a real good player but OMax can do a lot of what Josh has done.

    I would be hesitant to trade Hardy. Only if you're trying to get a 2nd player or something. Like if Nico were trying to get PG & Powell or whatever. I think Dallas is counting on a 3rd year step & hoping he can be that 3rd offensive playmaker/creator.

    I suppose Exum created some trade value for himself. THJ & Maxi should be traded. Wouldn't give up PJ. Would like to have DJJ back. And everyone else stays. I don't care enough about Powell to care if he stays or is traded.

  5. Just replace THJ and run it back with the same team, healthy Luka and a year of team maturity makes them a whole new team

  6. Mavs held BOS to 107 or less all 5 games, so their defense is fine. So I suggest trading THJ+ Lawson+ draft comp. For Jordan Clarkson. Clarkson could be this Mavs version of Jason Terry off the bench and Mavs would be taking back $4M less which should put them under the luxury tax, allowing them to offer DJJ the full MLE. This is a realistic trade scenario bc they just don’t have enough to get PG, M.Bridges, etc.

  7. A lot of talk about getting that 3rd guy…like PG13. What if that 3rd guy is Lively? I'm not saying Dallas shouldn't go after PG13. If they'd take THJ, Maxi, Green, a 1st and some 2nds or Dwight Powell then I'm all for getting a defender like PG who has some real skills on offense.

    But Lively can easily develop some go-to things out of the short-roll that would elevate his game. Develop his 12 foot jumper, get a 7 foot hook/floater he can rely on, work on his power dribble into a dunk. If he develops those few things to go along with his passing he will be an absolute monster & would be the Mavs 3rd guy.

    And just wait when Lively develops that 3 point shot, some low post moves & to drive the lane. A total package on offense while being a DPOY type of player.

  8. I'll be more interested on how Luka (if at all) will improve his defense than off-season moves DAL will make.

  9. DJJ – 9pts/3reb/1 assist. I don't care how good his defense is, he's an offensive black hole. They were playing 2 on 5 against Boston with PJ underperforming, Jones completely useless, and neither of the centers able to do anything besides lob dunks. Get a SF who has a midrange AND a post game because PJ NEVER will have either. There are good offensive players available who play defense too. You still have Green and Exum or get rid of one of them and keep Jones. Just get him out of the starting lineup.

    If you can talk LeBron into coming to play with Kyrie and Luka (and catch up to Jordan before he retires), that's fine with me. I've never been a fan, but he's a MAN on the court. Even at 40 he's going to give you 25/8/5 and play 70 games if you keep his minutes down. He can play in the post (which nobody else but Luka can do) and is a pretty good 3pt shooter. It's a longshot, but with him on the team Boston wouldn't stand a chance.

  10. I will go for a win now player
    You have Luka, he is that guy who don't need years to build
    If we get PG then at least 2 chips are guaranteed

  11. Yall keep putting Maxi in these trade scenarios, forgetting he might be the last player ever from Würzberg, Germany. He's gonna retire here lol

  12. Can they realistically clear cap for a trade, DJJ, and get Dinwiddie to sign? I think this might be a realistic option. I don't think we'd be able to do both, like Grant, Smart, or Brown deals. Now if they think Jones signing isnt a direction they may go after a bigger deal. But beginning of the season if we clear Hardaway, keep DJJ, and sign Dinwiddie on a bargain. At the deadline reassess at that point.

  13. Im sure we can bring in Simmone Fettuccini for a good deal, 6'7, atheltic, 40% from 3 and for reason he kills us lol

  14. The Mavs need a savvy veteran who can shoot and his name is Norman Powell. If you can get another guy who’s value isn’t so high right now like a Poole and Jeramie Grant would also be a win

  15. Y’all are sleeping on De’Andre Hunter. Hawks want to move him for cap relief (THJ), and his floor is higher than Wiggins. And I think his ceiling is pretty good.

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