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Lakers Trade For Trae Young Picking Up

Lakers Trade For Trae Young Picking Up

what’s going on everyone so the Los Angeles Lakers Landing treun is really starting to pick up steam I believe it’ll be kind of talked about and discussed all the way up until the draft and then if it doesn’t happen at the draft it’ll be kind of carried into the actual free agency and off season um but I still maintain Trey young is probably the most likely uh player that the Lakers can acquire uh he seems like he wants to go to La he doesn’t want to do a rebuild uh the Atlanta Hawks want to kind of go a new Direction with their number one pick that they plan on keeping that they’re not looking to trade it so the idea is that they’re just going to kind of hit the reset button around the whoever they draft at number one as well as you know uh like uh was Jaylen Johnson and you know maybe a couple of their other young guys so it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out but the Los Angeles Lakers hired their new head coach JJ reick so now that they got the coach out of the way they can start focusing on you know the draft as well as free agents see um potential trades you’re already seeing trades starting to go down and all that stuff so I think it’ll be kind of interesting to see how things shape up but one of the things that kind of launched this whole like hey uh I mean look it’s been rumored for like a year now but the thing that kind of gained the traction was as soon as JJ Reit got hired uh Trey Yun uh dropped like an hourglass tweet uh which really kind of was like oh like what does this mean right because it was just the timing and stuff like that obviously it’s very mysterious it’s kind of like okay that could mean a million things I mean LeBron does that stuff like once a week right so and usually it just kind of it’s all this speculation so obviously that could just be spec speculatory but does kind of make sense that you know again Trey wants to go to Big Market he wants to go to Lakers him and Anthony Davis would make a perfect pairing everything the Lakers are kind of trying to do this off season are all kind of predicated on Anthony Davis and the future post LeBron I mean LeBron and um even Rich Paul have both basically said hey don’t make decisions based on LeBron make decisions for Anthony Davis because he’s the guy of the future whatever LeBron ends up doing which I do believe he’s going to stay I do believe he’s going to stick around especially with the JJ hiring I think that signaled it even further but he’s they’re basically like hey right LeBron even if he does stay even if he does resign he’s probably only staying a couple years and then he’s going to go sail off into the sunset so you need to focus and build around Anthony Davis who is your guy who is your franchise Cornerstone I know people don’t want Treyon I see all the comments talk to you guys about it heavily I have my reservations and my concerns about Trey young as well but Trey would do a couple things one it gives you that star locked up ready to go alongside Anthony Davis post LeBron James so now you don’t have to try to you know LeBron leaves in a year or two and it’s like okay maybe they don’t have the money to get another start or maybe it takes a year or two to get a start I mean even when Kobe retired right it took what it was like two years I think before LeBron came right and you have Anthony Davis who at that point he’s going to be at the tail end of probably his career right so you don’t want to mess around and and have a year or two to where Anthony Davis runs through his contract and it’s like okay it’s it it’s over right so you want to kind of if you can get somebody like a Trey who is young enough to even be around longer than Anthony D even when Anthony Davis rides off into the sunset you’d still have a start a build around that you can add that other piece to to kind of carry and go forward with hopefully you can kind of Rise some win some championships in that time period but also this raises the ceiling now again I don’t know if it will work there are some concerns is LeBron LeBron has talked for you know the last six years about how he wants to play off ball how he doesn’t want to dominate the ball anymore he wants to kind of coast and every year he dominates the basketball right he has shown at times and in the past and stuff like that his willingness to kind of let guys run the show but at the end of the day in crunch time when it matters when it counts LeBron’s always had the ball in his hands and I and that’s the question because Trey he’s best with the ball in his hands he’s one of the best Playmakers in the entire league if not the best playmaker currently in the entire league he’s a guy the last three years that’s averaged 25 and 10 right him alongside Anthony Davis make all the sense in the world if LeBron left I would be much more like hey go get Trey right because again Trey and Anthony Davis make so much sense but also the Lakers don’t have that 20 something year old star they just don’t and you look at all the teams in the league you look at all the teams that are having success they all have that young guy that can go and kind of carry the workload right and Trey is a guy that can do that he’s a guy that can be clutch he’s a guy that can go you know ice Trey for a reason right he’s a guy that can make plays and get other guys involved he’s a guy that can run the offense when LeBron goes to the bench the offense can still stay afloat and won’t just completely collapse right he’s a guy that does make some sense obviously the off ball concerns are a thing but he has had years like two years ago he shot like 56 or 60% or something it sounded like a madeup number uh I blanking on the number off top of my head but he basically shot in like the 50 60 percentile in catch and shoot threes can he get back to not even that can he just be you know 45% 50% on catch and shoot three so that way when LeBron has the ball in his hands and Trey is is playing off ball cuz he’s going to have to play off ball at times right even if you do let him dominate the ball for the majority there’s still going to be a lot of times where he plays off ball whether Anthony Davis is going to work and he’s cooking and you want Trey to be a threat out on the perimeter to where he can kind of kick it out or again LeBron James if he’s on the team and he’s kind of doing his thing he has a guy that he can kick it out to so you’re going to need trade to knock down shots I worry about his efficiency as well but you also got to keep in mind Trey would be playing with LeBron James and Anthony Davis that by itself would cause so much ease for Trey Trey would take so much pressure off of both of those guys but he also would take a lot of pressure off himself he has never played with somebody as talented as LeBron and Anthony Davis like even if you remove LeBron from the equation he’s never played with somebody as just impactful on both sides of the basketball somebody that could go get you you know 20 to 30 every given night look at what he’s done to guys like Clint capella right like and and just like the lob threats and stuff like that imagine what he could do with Anthony Davis the sets and actions you could WR the pick and roll with Anthony Davis and Trey young the pick and roll with LeBron and Trey young young I mean the the potential is there right I mean on just on paper it it’s like okay this if this works good luck right obviously it depends on the rest of the roster you know can you get you know can Max Christie take that next step and be a legit 3 andd guy can you keep Jared vanderbelt right now you have say like a treun a Max who has shown he’s a legit 3 and D shooter I mean he’s like 40% on catch and shoot threes uh so he’s basically a 40% three-point shooter again on catch and shoot he’s like 33% or something like that in general but on catch and shoot he’s at the 40% the last two years can he take the next step we know he can play defense right so now you got your point of attack athletic young defensive guy go get bring in Jared vanderbelt right obviously there’s concerns about Jared vanderbelt uh shooting and scoring the basketball but Lakers did a good job of getting him in actions as the screener and as the rle man to kind of open up him offensively if he can just continue to improve and knock down the three ball but more so his defense between Trey LeBron and Anthony Davis you’d have more than enough offense and then if again if Max Christie could shoot 40% on catcher shoot threes you’re good in the offensive side whatever Jared vanderbelt provides is just icing on the cake but you’re going to need the defense around Trey around LeBron right so Anthony Davis Max Christie and Jared vanderbelt I think could potentially provide that or maybe could you convince a Roy oal to come or something like that right can you keep your 17th pick if Trey wants to go to the Lakers the Lakers are kind of the only team that’s willing to go after him right the Lakers could potentially even have some leverage in that in that negotiation in that kind of talk to where maybe they’re giving up their two future tradeable picks as well as like some picks SW maybe they could keep the 17th pick and go get a zacki right like I wouldn’t hate if we ended up say you know we ended up finishing with like our starting five of let’s say you know Trey Max Vando LeBron and 80 say that’s our starting five and then you have like say Chris Paul you know uh like whatever torian Prince uh Maxwell Lewis C uh Christian Wood and like and Zack Edy right you got youth you got athleticism You Got Talent you got got a little bit of everything right so I I don’t I wouldn’t hate something like that maybe you could maybe go take a flyer on like a Kevin Porter Junior so then maybe it’s like Chris Paul Kevin Porter Jr right um you know maybe would Patrick Williams potentially be a guy that’s willing to kind of do a Malik monk thing where he’s like hey like let me go to the Lakers kind of raise my stock a little bit I mean there again there’s options there’s flexibility there’s there’s potential on guys um you know if you have Trey LeBron and Anthony Davis there may be some rooll guys or some bets that are like hey I may be able to go win a championship over there let me go over there obviously it’s going to depend on how JJ reic as the head coach would operate and again it still has to happen I’m not saying it will I’m not saying guarantee you know the chuck guarantee no I don’t think it’s anything like that I just look at the situation who’s most obtainable who’s most likely who which star could potentially kind of push his way to the Lakers and the depth again like I know a lot of people want the depth route and want to go upgrade but you’re seeing guys like Alex cruo already on the move everybody wants the players that the Lakers are targeting which means the price and demand is going to be high which means the Lakers are less and less likely to go and acquire those guys and if you look at the rest of the teams in the league that had big success this year they were all thin they were all you know six seven guys deep if that and those were their their focal guys to me it’s like again if you have Trey LeBron and Anthony Davis you got basically three high-end guys there I do question their fit I do have concern about their fit right but if the fit works right because again I still believe big threes can work we’ve seen them work right but you look at something like Phoenix and a lot of people point to Phoenix right and they go oh well Phoenix and you said Phoenix pH wasn’t going to be yeah because of again the players right usually big threes that work you think of the Miami the Cavs the the Celtics right you think of the big threes throughout the history of the league they usually play different positions they usually have different skill sets they usually provide different looks and different things where Phoenix is basically three guys that are the same player at different scales two guys literally are and play the exact same position and neither are very good at the other like playing point guard or you know big enough to slide over and play the three so it to me like something like that doesn’t work right again I don’t know if Trey and LeBron would work in fit but if it does again they both play different positions they both provide different skill sets they both provide different looks do they have their flaws I know people worry about Tryon and his defense of liabilities I get that but every team and every Star has defense of liabilities right that teams are going to exploit it’s how well do you Max them how well do you capitalize can that person give you more production than than what their ailment is right like that is a big thing and I think Trey could potentially do that again I would have my concerns I would have my reservations I’d have my questions I I’ll be psyched I’ll be pumped I’ll be excited if we land Tryon but I will definitely kind of be like okay is this was this the right move is this something that you know and we’ll we’ll break down the pros and cons if it does happen but I just think that Trey is probably the most likely you’re hearing more and more about just the you know Trey to Lakers that that little cryptic tweet like anything Trey does is going to be linked up to that and he wants out because Atlanta doesn’t want to uh basically kind of try to build a win now team they’re kind of looking at more hey let’s hit the reset button let’s rebuild it’s try Deonte it’s Trey Trey I would prefer deante honestly like I think Deon because you can you’d have more flexibility you could do other moves do other things he wouldn’t cost as much right I if you can get Deonte get Deon I just think that there’s going to be a market of several other teams that are trying to get Deonte as well that could probably just give up more or may be willing to give up more where the Lakers aren’t going to give up Austin re as much as I think that they should if you can get dejonte they’re not going to do it which means they’re going to be kind of you know dealing backwards so I just think Trey’s Market is going to be incredibly thin I don’t think that there’s going to be a ton of teams that are willing to to dump everything to go get him and still have a roster to maintain and compete give up all the assets and is Trey going to want to go to those teams I know he’s still under contract for a couple years but it still matters right teams aren’t going to want to trade for a guy that doesn’t really want to be there and is just going to leave as soon as he can right they want a guy that wants to be there wants stick around Lakers he would want to be here he would want to stick around you wouldn’t have to worry about him leaving or departing so anyway as always this is a discussion I pass a question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts uh do you like the the idea of try young do you not like the idea of trun do you think like yeah I don’t like it but it’s still the most likely scenario do you think like now stay away from Trey however you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers Trade for Trae Young seems to be picking up some steam. Alot of Trae to Lakers Nation is stemming from a Tweet Trae Young posted by Lakers News has had them Linked to Trae for months now.

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  1. If Lakers go this route, they’d be smart to purchase 1 or 2 SRP’s in this draft to get ahead on getting some players on team friendly contracts

    I’d be trying to get a mid 30s pick to draft Bobi Klintman and one in the 40s for A.Bona to give Trae a rim protecting lob threat

  2. With what are they going to get Trae with? Yeah they have a few firsts now but this is pure speculation.

  3. Man I’d gamble on Lavine before I go out and give up draft picks and players for Trae he’s not the answer we goin go from bad to terrible on defense

  4. 💯%✅️ Trae Young is one of the best shooter in NBA right now n Lakers need some like that can handle the ball in ends of 3rd n 4th quarter cause LeBron can't even do that haha

  5. Please this team doesn’t need Trae. We need Murray and 1 or 2 more solid pieces if we can in a 3-4 team trade. Find pieces to fill in needs of this team do not build around Lebron build around AD. Find guys that fit with AD but CAN also play with Lebron for his remaining years.

  6. Criticize DLo for lack of defense but go after Trae Young with worse defense makes absolute no sense. But something the Lakers would do smh

  7. If they could sign DLO for 40M and trade him for Young, then I'd be okay, as they won't deplete depth. ATL could clear a lot of cap space that way.

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