@San Antonio Spurs

Who Should The Spurs Draft At 4? | SSPN Clips

Who Should The Spurs Draft At 4? | SSPN Clips

the key here is 4 and8 seven days away Ethan I’m just going to start this conversation off rip and give it to you and here’s how I think a good way that we could set it up so I’m gonna ask you at four who is just you know if everything goes perfect for the Spurs who’s your number one Preferred Player you know um I know that’s a tough question that’s a tough question and when I say that I don’t necessarily mean like like and I’m just going to say this not to muddy up the convers we get to it but I’m not saying necessar like a reiche there because that’s probably you know not as likely even though there are like some slim chances of it happening but you know if if everything goes the way that the Spurs wanted to I guess you could throw him in there if you really wanted to um but then also if for some reason your favorite player isn’t on the board at four the player that you’re thinking of here you know is taken before the Spurs pick who are just two other names that you would also want at number four if that person wasn’t available um I think the perfect situation for the Spurs would be if somehow racee fell to four I think I think that’s pretty Universal he’s a guy that most people have at one or two in their mock drafts we’ve talked about it at length what he brings to a team super athletic tall lengthy um right off the bat can be a 3 andd specialist and in the playoffs has shown the ability to play at a higher level put the ball on the floor and I think has a higher ceiling than I think you and I maybe had thought a like a month or two ago I don’t I don’t want to speak for you but I I thought maybe especially after speaking with Lou maybe he was a little more limited um but I think what we saw in the playoffs and what everyone’s been talking about from his from his workouts he he’s a guy that has a high ceiling that the Spurs would be lucky to to pick up plus there’s that French Connection if he’s gone which I think he will be at one or two um I think Stefon Castle is the guy that I would like at four um he’s a name in the latest mock drafts that a lot of people have us taking at four Andor eight uh I think personally I’d rather just take him at four if he’s available rather than risk him going at five six or seven because of his defensive upside versatility his his ability to play basically one through three as well as defend one through three um and I saw an article or a video I can’t remember which where you know people are saying the Spurs are kind of resting on their on their Laurels with defense because Victor wanyama is so gifted right but in this person’s eyes I forgive me for not remembering their name because I want to give them credit but in their eyes the Spurs needed to lean into that defensive identity so by surrounding Victor with more Elite defensive players which I think he is I think he’s probably the best point of attack defender in the draft for us to draft him kind of shes up the defensive liability at the point guard position because of Trey Jones sure shooting liability is going to be a question right off the bat but we saw how he was able to shoot in the combine he he performed well there and I think you and I and Lou and a lot of other people in the comments have been saying shooting is something that can be taught um we’ve seen it with kawh Leonard we’ve seen it I know not not a huge jump but Jeremy soan got a lot better from Rookie year to last year um we’ve seen it consistently throughout the league Paul George is another name um so I think if we can get him to Mid 30% shooting from three for a career and I think that’s honestly low uh potential for him then he’s a guy that can answer a lot of needs for the Spurs and be a long-term solution at that point guard spot and help defend big guards like gon Shay gilas guys we’ll see down the line so there you go you got racee you know as kind of the perfect scenario and then maybe probably in all likelihood Stefon Castle would be you know somebody at four that probably that there’s going to be more of a likelihood that he would be available in comparison to recession now I do just want to ask you if there’s one other name that you’d have to mention it for if for some reason like the Rockets are just like screw you San Antonio we’re going to take Stefan at at three right if if Stefan and s or gone I think Reed Shepard’s another name that I would take it for because he’s a guy for sure would be gone five six or seven if we were to let him slip past our fingers and sure he’s not without his deficiencies as you know size and there’s questions about his defense even though he plays really hard-nosed defense kind of reminiscent of Dereck white but he is a 61 frame but he’s very athletic we saw his vertical in the combine and he is an elite shooter and if we’re going to talk about defense being the number one need for the Spurs number two need is by Far and Away shooting um and there are people that think guys like Castle are not worth drafting because they can’t shoot Reed Shepard you don’t have that issue at all um and he’s very efficient scorer from the field in general as well and a guy that I think could also um offer a solution at that point guard spot maybe he doesn’t start right away I don’t know because the Spurs are they love Trey Jones and all that stuff we have the rookie thing but Off the Bench he’d be extremely explosive yeah and and just another thing from what I’ve been reading I want to say that Reed measured at 62 at the combine I could maybe correct myself there but I know for a fact He’s listed at 63 in shoes on the court so he’s a little bit bigger than Rob Dillingham if I’m remembering correctly if you’re looking that up you this says 61.8 so basically okay yeah so that’s where I’m getting that from because and you know how remember how we did the mock draft where gavone was kind of changing up the measurements like that’s that’s basically the same thing as Stefon Castle being listed at 67 when he’s really he’s like 5.8 not in shoes then you add an inch with the shoes anyways you get what I’m saying the point is that I’m coming up with there he is a little bit bigger uh than like a Rob Dillingham per but I do understand the people’s concerns there but also I mean when I look back at his defensive tape I don’t really see too many holes there for me personally um now I understand like people saying that maybe he could get bullied in some matchups in the NBA but that’s for anybody at his size so for sure and there are elite point guards at his size already all stars that struggle on defense so I’m not saying that it’s like for sure going to limit his career but it’s it’s just like when you look at him I think that’s really the only potential negative to be completely honest he has everything else already right and and the thing that makes me feel better about that is the athleticism and the numbers that he showed at the combine that was my biggest criticism of him initially I was up here saying I didn’t think it was going to translate I felt like he wasn’t going to be able to do the things that he did because of the athleticism difference in the NBA but I think what he showed at the combine and also just with further research from myself um that’s who I have as my number one pick at number four that kind of leads into this Ethan and literally the only reason that I have him a little bit above Stefon is just because I feel like there’s less holes to poke in his game and really that just comes down to the shooting um now what I will say with that and I’ve talked to some other people about this and I even said this I believe in the Big Board video that I made if Stefon Castle ends up becoming like a 38% or a 40% three-point shooter then unequivocally in my opinion I can see like his ceiling’s higher than Reeds but if I’m just being completely honest here you know and and thinking about all the different things like okay Reed can basically in my opinion at least other than the size he can provide everything that Stefon does on top of being a sniper so you know the Spurs biggest needs what do you disagree there I think they’re in completely different classes defensively I dis everything everything else I I I just I think that in the NBA his competition is going to be way bigger way more athletic even at his size um I I I don’t know if it’ll correlate as quickly I think that their their difference I mean this is this is going way overboard for for everybody here but like comparing Prime I don’t even want to say this because it’s it’s everyone’s going to make fun of me Prime kawh Leonard versus like Peak Derek white like both really good Defenders yeah I and I and even though I said I disagree with you I get what you’re saying right here I do it’s like one’s a dpoy guy potentially and one guy’s like all defensive second or first team like a few a handful of times in his career that’s fair I just think Reed is also going to be really good at defense that’s just my personal opinion now with that being said there’s just some things that like you said aren’t comparable when one’s 67 and one’s 62 you know what I mean so I do completely like there’s just with with stefon’s frame he’s just automatically gonna have a higher defensive potential especially in the NBA and with the way that the league is going than Reed for sure but I think the shooting thing and on top of him still being you know like you said a potential all-nba Defender that’s why I kind of happened there but again if he gets the jump shot down I don’t really think there there’s a comparison when it comes to their their ceiling and even if he doesn’t ever become that great of a shooter I don’t think that there’s a giant gap between their ceiling which is why my second Preferred Choice at number four is Stefon Castle I really just want either of those guys and to be honest with you if the Spurs are on the board with but or both of those guys are on the board when the Spurs are there and the Spurs pick Stefon Castle I’m not going to be mad at all and I’m going to trust the front office because those guys know more than I do and they know the fit you know of these guys as well and really I think stefon’s more realistic as well Ethan because there’s just been there’s been a ton of smoke that I’ve seen about Reed sheeper with the Rockets um there is some potential trade talk there where if there’s a move made maybe he would still be on the board but I don’t think the Spurs have had Reed Shepard in for a workout but I know they have had uh Stefon Castle in for a workout where actually he went head-to-head with Devin Carter another name that we’ve talked about um and that’s a whole another conversation I want to get into Deon harder but the point I was trying to get at there is that Stefon Castle has had a workout with the Spurs and I don’t know I’m saying this maybe I just completely missed it but I haven’t seen anything that Reed has worked out with the Spurs right I haven’t seen anything either and at four if they are both available I know I put Stefon Castle as my Preferred Choice but I mean the Spurs would have to do their research obviously but I think Reed Shepard has a higher likelihood of going five six or seven than um Stefon Cass does so like if if they think that there is a high likelihood that we can get castle at eight and Reeds available at four I think you got to pick read at four yeah I don’t I don’t think stat Castle would be available at eight though you don’t think so no I think maybe the Hornets would take him that’s where I’ve seen him going the most I don’t see take him I don’t see Detroit I agree there I don’t see Portland because they just have so many guards unless they’re debating on blowing everything up Charlotte yeah it’s got it’s got to be Charlotte but even they have lamelo and he wants to play point guard they do but they have no defense that’s very true and we know he’s very versatile and really lamelo can play the two I mean even though he brings the ball up but at 67 he’s versatile in the lineups right right but this is why we’re just excited for next week Ethan so we can figure it out yes finally but here’s the thing Ethan regardless of our conversation there both of us are very high on both of those guys at number four they’re in the mix and my other name that I’ll mention here I’ll just throw out a little bit of a wild card I was thinking about this obviously if racee is there like that’s that’s a given you know um but just to throw out another name because that probably won’t be the case Donovan kingan if he slips to number four now granted I actually did a mock draft today where he ended up slipping to number eight and that’s where I picked him after I picked Reed Shepard at number four but um that’s just another name that I would throw out there at four that I would not be completely opposed to uh there’s been a lot of smoke that’s been coming out of a lot of like he’s the only other player that the Hawks have worked out other than racee the Hawks actually haven’t worked out alexar I read that today which is that that surprises me but also we kind of have been here in the racee smoke a little bit um but the whole reason I bring up not to interrupt you just finish the thought here the whole reason I bring up Donovan kingan there is the fact that I mean there are some connections of them maybe trading down and picking him but also there has been like a little bit of Whispers and stuff that they may like legitimately take him at number one I’m not saying that the Spurs should do that but the whole reason I bring up Donovan kingan is he’s one of the more sure things in the draft I was talking with a friend about this I feel like his floor is kind of like a Zub box or a walker Kessler and I know at number four that’s not necessarily going to you know get everybody super excited but in this draft there I mean the that being a floor I mean that’s almost like a starting center but I think he could even like his ceiling I was thinking about this today is almost like a prime Drummond like because he’s just a huge dude like boss but he is he’s 72 like almost the I think like 280 pounds something like that um we’ve seen what he’s done at Yukon the past two years for them defensively and we know the Spurs biggest weakness Ethan it’s when you take Victor wanyama off the floor and he would just do so many things like all the all of the issues that we have whenever we take wemi off the floor whenever it comes to defense rebounding interior presences physicality that is exactly what Donovan kingan does um so anyways I’ll stop my rant on Donovan kingan there I understand that’s not the sexiest pick um but that’s another name that I would throw out there uh potentially if if some if some wackiness happens but would not pick him over Reed or Stefon and I think both of those guys will be there right that was that was exactly what I was going to say if it comes down to it if it’s between Reed Castle or kingan or any one of those combinations I would take Reed and Castle first um but I do like everything that you said and it’s all completely valid like he does fix every issue that we had when Victor wasn’t on the court last year and even and even he could play next to Vic at times um if we wanted to play like an ultra big lineup and not let Victor get beat up Down Low by an bead or a yic or an ad if he wanted to just match that up size for size that would work and I’ve heard also that according to Atlanta at least his shooting is a lot better than they expected it to be uh in his private workouts I don’t know how much validity there is to that but that’s the rumor going around um and I also think Alex SAR I I heard this and correct me if you haven’t heard this but I heard that he was actually not he he was refusing to go to Atlanta not that Atlanta wasn’t working him out like he did not want to go out for them um which I found interesting um I did not see sorry I got I thought I got a phone call for a second so I was checking that to see who it was um asked me that question one more time that threw me off a little bit I saw that never mind you’re good I heard what you I’m remembering now alexar and the Wizards and alexar not going to Atlanta I have not heard anything about that but that would probably explain that and also on the Donovan kingan shooting thing um I have also heard that I’m not holding my breath on that I think that’s going to be like a very long-term thing if that ever happens like I don’t think that’s gonna be and the other thing is like what’s the context of these private workouts like is he just shooting open jumpers like you know you know what I mean I think there was one jumper that I saw on his highlights and it was a wide open Catch and shoot three I’m not saying he can’t do that but I that’s not something I’m gonna I’m going to bet on I actually had a I had a conversation with one of my friends today about this and he put it as like I’m not going to hold my breath on that and I I think that’s a good way to put it but something to keep an eye on I’ve been seeing that too that all that being said if he’s available at eight which I I don’t imagine that he would fall to eight but if he is there at eight I don’t have a problem taking him um because like you said he shes up the backup center position I think he could play next to Victor wimpin Yama against some bigger lineups in the west um and and fix a lot of the issues we had with Zack last year yeah I I completely agree with what you just said and you know wemi working out with Jamal Charles oh my God Jamal Charles Jamal Crawford oh my goodness shout out to the Chiefs in Texas um that’s so funny I just said Jamal Charles because I’m like picturing the the the Instagram photo with with Jamal Crawford and then also this is like you remember during all-star weekend when they said they were gonna work together in the interview right yeah so this is that coming to fruition anyways the reason I bring that up I don’t think is going to be a full-time thing I think I’m still sticking to the tape and what we saw this year I do think there will be more potential down the line because the Spurs will be better but um you know maybe if we get kingan there could be some we we could play wemi at the four next to him I’m not going to go down that entire road again but you know I mean if he’s if he’s working on moves from from Jamal that’s a perimeter skill set you know what I’m saying for sure for sure and I think he’ll only get more fluid and um not to say clumsy but you know he he won’t be like a baby gazelle as much anymore as he continues into the rest of his career with his ball handling you know what I’m saying more balance more coordination for sure for sure

Ethan and Jude discuss their top three players that the Spurs could select with the fourth pick in the 2024 NBA Draft! 🏀🎙️

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  1. This is a clip from an earlier video. Spurs will take Risacher at 4 (he's falling) if he's there and Holland at 8 if he's there.

  2. Risacher then Dillingham. Trade up by trading Collins, #4 and #48 for Risacher.
    Trade #8 , Keldon Johnson, Trae Jones and Devonte Graham for Lonzo Ball, Alex Caruso and #11. Use #11 for Dillingham (or Topic or Castle).
    Grab Isiah Hartinstien, Bol Bol, Nic Batum and Drummond in free agency.
    Lonzo Ball and Alex Caruso is an elite backcourt that fit what Pop likes and Wemby needs. Add Vassel and Dillingham, and it is deep , dynamic, versatile, great defensively and passing with good shooting.

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