@Orlando Magic

Chris Mannix on LeBron & Paul George’s Options If They Opt for Free Agency | The Rich Eisen Show

Chris Mannix on LeBron & Paul George’s Options If They Opt for Free Agency | The Rich Eisen Show

let’s talk clippers because Paul George is the biggest domino right and what his decision is going to be what what what are his options do you think here well the two free agent options um are Philadelphia and Orlando um two teams that have had different levels of interest in Paul George over the last few months you saw on ESPN Jo ID basically just asked him will do you want to get hitch you check this box you know what I mean I just love that I love I love everything about Joel embiid he’s he’s one of the best guys to cover uh in the NBA I think Paul George makes a ton of sense in uh in Philadelphia yeah you’re probably going to have to offer him a fouryear Max Level contract to to lure him away uh from the clippers but if I’m the 76ers given my situation where MB the clock’s kind of ticking he’s 30 31 years old he’s often injured you you’re looking at a two or threee window Max for Joel embiid to to be the best player on a championship team Tyrese Maxi is just coming into the prime of his career I wouldn’t hesitate if I was the the Sixers to offer Paul George that type of contract I also wouldn’t hesitate either if I was the Orlando Magic the Orlando Magic have not succeeded in recent years at luring Big Time free agents to Orlando you watch the way the magic played last season especially in the playoffs against Cleveland what are they missing a score they need a wing score you know Paulo banero very good player fron Vagner very good player they need help in the scoring Department Paul George could help them and they’re in one of these these Windows Rich where uh they have money to spend right now but in a couple of years when they got to pay Paulo when they got to pay France when they got to pay jayen Suggs all the guys that are young and inexpensive are about to be older and really expensive for that team so the window for them to sign someone big is right now so if I’m Orlando I’m also looking at Paul George and I’m saying you know what it’s a risk because he’s probably going to be 35 36 years old by the time the contract is out but this is the kind of risk for us that’s taking well what’s his thoughts on staying put though right I think all things being equal he he probably would want to be in LA but it was interesting that when kawh Leonard signed his contract uh extension months ago uh and then the Clippers said they want to bring back Paul George Paul George said a lot of the the same things nothing happened we’re in that window right now Rich where we saw contracts being announced Malik Monk and Sacramento among others we’re in that window where the Clippers could extend Paul George they’re the only ones who can it seems apparent to me and most the teams I talk to Across the NBA that Paul George is going to free agency what happens there is is anyone’s guess but it seems more likely than not right now that Paul George you know come July 1st or what is it end of June 30th is going to be a free agent and then LeBron’s free agency right I mean Rich Paul already said you can you can he’s not taking some sort of minimum discount to become the the fourth horseman in Phoenix you know so um what H how does that play out for him you know my my understanding is that the Lakers are willing to give LeBron whatever contract he wants so whether it’s an extension on top of the current deal or a brand new contract I I think he’s going to be back uh in Los Angeles but by going to free agency and opting out he can get a three-year deal worth little north of $150 million but he can also get a no trade clause with that deal which you know I don’t know if LeBron necessarily needs but there has been some ch about trading LeBron in recent years as the Lakers have kind of deteriorated by getting the no trade clause he can have some power over them in that particular situation so I I I have not heard anything to suggest that LeBron won’t be back with the Lakers in some form or another and do you feel if Paul George Goes to Philadelphia that that that puts them on what footing with the Celtics it just doesn’t it it feels like that that that is the most aggressive maneuver they can make to get as close to Boston as possible I would agree um but how like I’m just wondering if while they’re you know in their duckboats they’re they’re just also just shaking off whatever moves Poss be made you know you saw last year with Denver where the Nuggets won a championship and there was optimism that they could run it back yes but they did have some free agents right they had Bruce Brown that left they had Jeff Green that left and among the reasons Denver came up short this year is because their young players Christian Brown um and and the collection of younger guys that were on that roster just didn’t match that same level of production that Denver got uh from the veterans last season the souths don’t have that problem like everybody’s under contract for next year Sam how’s got a team option they’ll either pick that up or or give him a new deal their top seven top eight will be back with this team next season so they’re not worried about replacing some of the important role players on that team their confidence comes from this group that just went 16 and three and we could laugh and dismiss the whole ah you know they didn’t get to play the full strength bucks so they didn’t play the full strength Knicks they didn’t play the Timberwolves or the Nuggets who cares they went 16 and three that is the best Mark in the postseason of any Celtics team in the 78e history of that franchise that was impressive and the Celtics believe they are well positioned to do it again catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12 to3 Eastern for free

Sports Illustrated’s Chris Mannix and Rich Eisen discuss Paul George’s options in free agency among the Clippers, 76ers and Orlando Magic, and the chances LeBron James leaves the Lakers.

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  1. Paul George And Embiid The Biggest Choker In The NBA.. Yeah Good Luck With That.. No One Else That Has Played With Embid, Left As A Mental Basket… Lebum,, who cares.,

  2. It doesn’t matter what YOU “believe” Rich.

    It’s a FACT that they didn’t play a team at full strength in the East….and if they’d played even the Lakers, they’d have had a terrible team to play against bc they have a bigger team and their elite wing defenders wouldn’t be helpful against AD or LBJ.

    Impressive looking stat, but it’s not nearly as impressive when you look at the FACTS.

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