@Detroit Pistons

Trajan Langdon SAID WHAT About the Detroit Pistons

Trajan Langdon SAID WHAT About the Detroit Pistons

we have Detroit koid our Detroit Pistons beat reporter joining fresh off the conference appreciate taking time man hey what up dog can you guys hear me okay yes sir looking fresh hey now Ro hey look man had to be clean for the press conference today obviously in town uh wanted to make sure I look my best make sure I represent the network you guys and all the hard work we’re trying to put in just trying to make sure I represent Koolaid I I just read a quote there from uh from Tre on lay down today on the trade market my perspective on that was that we’re going to be acquiring contracts along with assets to build our war chest in the future is that your same takeway from that question yeah yeah and you know really looking listening to them about their strategy um I didn’t get a sense that uh you know they have like a sense of urgency to get this thing done right away I get more of the sense that they want to get this thing done the right way uh and that’s kind of what influenced my question to them as well you know obviously it’s going to take some time to bring their Vision to fruition so what do you tell the season ticket holders right now you know what message do you convey to uh to them and uh ultimately it’s uh the message of knowing that they want to get this thing right ultimately is what is spurring a lot of these decisions a fresh start a unified voice and getting this thing right once and for all cool a you say the right way and we’ve heard that a lot in this town we want to build it the right way we’ve only seen it with one team that was actually able to do so and that was the Lions but with this shout out this much cap space Kool-Aid I got to say are they just really going to take on all these bad contracts to take on picks or are they going to go out and get somebody to help this team you know what I I don’t know how much today was trying to keep their strategy close to the vest because obviously certain bits of information can influence what other teams may do uh in front of you in this uh in this NBA draft that’s coming up on Wednesday so I don’t know how much of what they were saying today was actually Hey listen this what we’re going to do because when we tried to Pride them in the media scrums after the press conference you know Tran effectively kind of pushed back on that and um it it would seem that there is a little bit more assessing that going on and I think if they see a path or a window to being able to bring in some players that can help K Cunningham right now someone they can build around right now I think that they’re going to go ahead and take that shot but for right now as it relates to kind of bringing in vets they believe they can pay uh that they can play right now obviously it may be uh some junk that comes in with that that’s also a strategy that they talked about as well so they could use this cap space not necessarily to bring in stars but to bring in players they think can uh best complement the young players kolette I guess I ask after hearing a little bit of the strategy today what is the timeline you put on this team I don’t want to put a playoff stamp on it but a play in or something like that I mean did that change your expectation the timeline of this team team yeah one of my biggest story lines that I wanted to get figured out going into this press conference was just that was there a sense of urgency to get this thing done uh are you riding with the young players or are you looking to turn this roster over and make it a little bit more experienced so are we looking at two to three years or we looking at another kind of restore type timeline which they came in saying it’s going to take three to five years I get the sense that this thing is going to take obviously more than two years based on what they’re saying but I just don’t know if it’s them tempering expectation uh or if it’s them kind of play trying to play koi so that they don’t give away their strategy I do believe they have everything they need to turn this thing around within a couple Seasons I do you got the cap space you got some good young Capital because it’s important to remember Tre and Lon isn’t starting where Troy Weaver started when Troy Weaver came to the organization they had to create the cap space that they have right now they had to go and secure a bunch of young talent that they have right now they had to make sure they can put some pieces on this roster that were tradable and that they didn’t have anything longterm encumbering over the book so treas Lon is walking into a much better situation and some things that I heard from a lot of the other kind of support staff and employees of platinum mey is just how intelligent and how attention uh detail oriented Tran langon is uh and that’s why they’re saying that they view him more as not just president of basket operations but a CEO somebody whose voice is going to be the one that everybody everybody marches to the beat of that drum and so from that standpoint it’s encouraging but it didn’t really give me a clear window into um how soon they’re hoping this thing to get turned around I expect at least three years yikes that is not what piness fans want to hear if it is the right way if it is built the right way I can get behind it no doubt P Lions three years true that yeah we do have to give him time without a doubt Koolaid one question I had for you you just hit on it a little bit what is the power structure of this team I talk about it all the time AR tellum his son it they got mentioned at this press conference they were getting getting thanked they were getting talked about by Tom Kool-Aid who’s calling the shots and does Trey johon Lon actually have the final say of basketball operations or does he have other people in his ear still did you find that out today listen all the answers today and what we’ve seen up uh even before this press conference leading up to today all the reports surrounding Troy Weaver and Monty Williams is that though ownership made the decision to execute it was largely due in part to what traan Lon was saying to them as well about his vision moving forward that they agreed it was better to have a fresh start to move forward uh so yeah today it seemed like a lot of the comments were about um how trean Landon is that voice and I know time uses word specifically that’s going to thread everything and connect all the dots um so from everything we got and from some sources that I have as well that are connected directly to this thing traser Landon is supposed to be the individual reporting directly to Tom gor no more middleman and when you look at the structure beneath them everybody that’s coming in beneath him is like coach GM other Scout and and positional coaches and whatnot that they’re all supposed to follow his voice his vision so right now as it relates what they saying kind of reading between the lines yes we should have kind of one unified Vision voice and kind of single path moving forward rather than multiple Cooks in the kitchen and what’s been reported of multiple factions you guys already know for the most part of this season I’ve been saying like yo there’s something funny going on in that front office you know a lot of people were tuned in they could really start to see it now the structure supposed to be much more single and less Cooks in the kitchen yeah I guess the one I had another question but you made me think of another one the factions from from me the part that I caught him talking about is the people that he offered you know the door was open if they’d like to come in they would like to you know explore employment opportunities elsewhere and it sounded like everybody had kept their job for the most part does that mean these factions are also there for the most part s like there was four factions and I think we count on two of them for sure with Monty and try knowing they weren’t brought in together those remaining factions still there in their front office and can you trust them moving forward to work in collaboration there going to be some voices there going to be some some influences in that front office that were there prior you know what I mean the most consistent voice in our front office right now is you know it’s no secret it’s arum uh and his son as well they’ve been there for some time since you go back to the SBG era so they’ve been kind of the ones most synonymous with everything the Pistons have gone through not the people who are getting fired and uh let go so I understand the concern but from everything that I’m hearing AR is supposed to now be in a position to where he’s focusing more on like the basketball governance the basketball operations the basketball ownership type stuff and uh it’s supposed to be traan Lan’s time to just shine you know obviously the organization wasn’t going to make a decision on Troy weaver or Monty Williams until Tre Landon got the opportunity to really have his voice heard and have his opinion on what the Pistons should do moving forward they weren’t going to make that decision until him that wasn’t something that tro Weaver got the opportunity to do remember they went hired Monty Williams despite him not even being one of the candidates that Troy Weaver uh thought was going to be best suited for this team and then you get here and you got a coach who if you’re being brought in by the owner and your GM is not president of basketball operations well then that coach now realistically is over the GM which shouldn’t happen in a normal front office structure so for me it does look like this thing is going to be probably the most traditional NBA front office the Detroit Pistons have had since I think you got to go back to maybe Joe D’s in his front office I gotta ask you this so obviously sounds like looking to acquire assets and I I I believe I guess I think my assets that’s come in the way of like uh picks and whatnot some they might be keeping this core around they speak on any type of philosophy or any way they want to build around Cade if any commitment to Cade yeah oh they definitely talked about a commitment to Kade they didn’t really go into a large amount of detail about how to build around Kade they continue to offer the support behind the young players on the roster which I expect them to do um even if some of those young players are going to wind up getting traded um you know they talked about a little bit of the philosophy what they want to add to the team but it was really just kind of the same stuff you hear oh we want defense we want players that want to try hard and whatnot uh so we didn’t get a clear look into the strategy that they want to do but in terms of taking on some of these players with high contracts that are going to be probably disgruntled or or coming from disgruntled situations I expect them to do that better than the previous regime tried to do the previous regime they brought in some vets um that were looking for some expanded opportunities as they were getting older and those vets wound up being hobbled and injured could they play could they produce could they perform when they were there in the lineup yeah but it was far and few in between uh you mix that in with a bunch of young players and it’s just not going to fit the bill you know and so now the hope and what we’re hearing is that the types of players are supposed to Target are just going to be all the together different types of players like if you’re talking about a vet maybe and I’m not saying they going to Target a Gary Harris but those players that fit in that mode younger vets who’ve kind of had some experience but you look at them you say oh that person is still just 25 26 27 so looking at those types of players to be able to come in here help to bolster this lineup and uh one thing they did say is this they want players that are going to increase the level of compete not just in practice and on the court but also in the weight room and they want their coach whoever comes in here to make sure they’re doing that too they want everybody competing and practicing and working out at a high level and that’s something that we heard Dan Campbell talk about early on in his days too so this is something that they’re establishing right now and I assume the types of players that they’re going to identify will fit that mode and be a little bit younger than the types of vet that were brought in here uh previously Kool-Aid I gotta ask you I’mma put you on the spot and I’m sorry to do so do you believe the Alaskan assassin is going to be the guy to get the Detroit Pistons back to where they need to be and that’s in the playoffs contending ultimately for a championship you know what I mean it’s a great question that’s a question everybody has I know this is my third regime now covering the Pistons as a credential beat Rider reporter and with the first one I didn’t see it come together I just entered it while it was um going on the second one was Troy Weaver and it was a lot of optimism a lot of Hope looking forward to trying to cover some winning basketball and there are some things that I probably could have done better as a media member that with this regime it’s like you know what I just want to see it being done you there was I don’t want to hear anything I just want to see it get done everything that I did hear it does bring in some aspect of optimism because he said some nual things you can tell a cerebral type guy he’s a thinker he’s an individual that I think he will wreck his brain until he finds the solution type of guy and as they talk about him being this leader this person that can take command when you hear about Troy Weaver being here and not really taking command of the situation like Jade Ivy I don’t care if you think he kater fit the one thing that should have happened is Jay and ivy should have been playing ball even if it was off the bench he should have been getting minutes but if you’re not that leader and your voice doesn’t matter as the GM of the squad then I can understand why there could be a little bit more optimism to be had with a guy like tra and langon who they’re saying no when this guy walks into a room his voice is the voice that everybody listens to so I expect there to be some success how soon um like I said I’m I’m expecting three years you know two to three years I’m hoping that they surpris us and get aggressive this offseason but I can understand coming in as a new regime wanting to take your time soout out thanks Koolaid always appreciate appreciate you guys man as always heavy weights man the biggest interviews the biggest breakdowns the biggest laughs we were heavy weights man I appreciate man make sure you check out hey thank you check out wake up Woodward Mondays through Fridays 8 AM to 10 AM it’s part of my morning every day every day Kool man covers the Pistons so well shout out Koolaid I know it’s been a tough few years hopefully we can get back to relevancy man we know you deserve it these fans deserve it too man they’ve been through a lot shout out koola appreciate everybody does man y’all been in the trenches I started covering Pistons at this network uh with easy with e man like I’m serious for a couple years so definitely man I remember we got to do the interview down in the Players Club and all that stuff down in the in the tunnel so it’s like they’ve been a part of this journey Nick you already know you’ve been a part of the journey I’ve seen you as just a season ticket holder yeah Sports and now you’re there so it’s been a few years man just piss it includes you too as well [Music]

Detroit Pistons beat writer for Woodward Sports, Brandon “Detroit-Kool Aid” Dent joins EZ and Nick Kohloff to discuss their takes from NEW Pistons president of basketball operation Trajan Langdon along with owner Tom Gores Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Engaging with fellow women in this thread feels like being part of a supportive and nurturing community.šŸ”„

  2. If bullshit artist Gores gets TF out of the way and lets Langdon run the show, they might have a shot. If he keeps meddling, theyā€™re going nowhere just like they have since he bought the team.

  3. So another rebuild. If I were Cade, Iā€™d sign that max extension and ask for a trade the next day. Canā€™t blame him if he does. I hope Langdon can turn things around but these are sad days smh

  4. I try to be positive. I really do.

    My gut tells me theyā€™re going to constantly suck with Gores as the owner. Iā€™m not a pessimistic human being man.

    WHO THE F&?ā‚¬ AND WHAT THE F{ā‚¬Ā£ IS AN ALTERNATE GOVERNOR (the guy who kicked off the so called press conference spouting platitudes, cliches and pleasantries like that dude talking to Darth Vader at the beginning of Return of the Jedi)?

    What is that in a basketball franchise structure? Did the Bad Boys & Going to Work Pistons have an ā€œAlternate Governorā€nevermindā€¦.

    Iā€™m officially at apathy.

    The Pistons look and feel like a Tom Gores toy that he has no clue how to assemble on Christmas Day. It feels like a lot of chiefs and Indians in a kitchen with no pots and pans trying to cook a meal.

    This $#Ā”+ wasnā€™t a press conference ā€¦ it looked like a high school college commitment event where they should have had Pistons hats and blue & red Hersheyā€™s kisses on a WWE lunchroom cafeteria table. Smdh.

    Done with the Pistons man.

    Wonā€™t talk about them to you anymore. šŸ¤¬

  5. Need another 4-5 years of a rebuild. Deal Cade, eat some bad deals over the next 2 years and reassess in June/July of 2026.

  6. Kool-Aid is the man. I hate the news i heard but, we'll see i guess… anyone get the feeling our team owner is an adderal addict whos being strung along by Tellum & Son who use him to sign their agency rep players to larger than market value contracts & trades & draft picks? Because thats what i think…

  7. Weā€™re in trouble folks. Iā€™m afraid the Pistons are stuck in a purgatory state.

  8. WHAT A JOKE!!! We can all agree Gores is an ABYSMAL, HORRIFIC OWNER šŸ˜” šŸ˜” šŸ˜” Pain and suffering for next 4 years. Not getting any free agents. Why would anyone watch???????

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