@Utah Jazz

Are The Utah Jazz Trading For Chicago Bulls Star Zach Lavine?

Are The Utah Jazz Trading For Chicago Bulls Star Zach Lavine?

obviously we are going through a change in Chicago again and this will not be the last one the Chicago Bulls are a wreck I think we all know that um you know having covered that team having grown up rooting for that team the Chicago Bulls rarely make good decisions and over the last 48 hours they didn’t make very many good decisions yesterday was not a good day for the Chicago Bulls we’ll talk about the Alex Caruso trade to OKC coming up in a moment but this story with the Utah Jazz and the Chicago Bulls there are reports that the Chicago Bulls are aggressively looking to trade Zack LaVine before the NBA draft they are according to reports talking to the Utah Jazz in the Philadelphia 76ers now everybody around the Sixers has flatly denied that this is a story Zack LaVine according to uh sources inside the 76ers and many reports go and find it um the Philadelphia 76ers have little to no interest in Zack LaVine which makes a lot of sense do the Utah Jazz have interest in Zack LaVine I can tell you according to sources close to the Utah Jazz the Jazz and the Bulls have had conversations about Zack LaVine but there is an important part to this conversation the Bulls and the Jazz have had extensive trade talks for multiple Seasons now starting with goar continuing with Donovan Mitchell now I think continuing conversations around Zack LaVine I do not think this trade happens I want to make that very clear before everybody’s like well Uncle M said was going to happen I do not believe that there is an Avenue or a an end game that sees Zack LaVine and up playing for the Utah Jazz I could see other scenarios is this a buyout Ryan Smith is not a guy right now that uh is spending money he is not a guy that is cutting dudes checks that’s not typically outside of one Russell Westbrook deal before he landed an NHL Franchise that requires a stadium renovation and a complete development of a redistrict which you know he’s going he’s getting a ton of taxpayer money for but he still got to put his own cash into it he does not seem according to NBA sources and Jazz sources I talk to willing to spend a whole bunch of money out of pocket which is why I don’t see this trade happening the other reason I don’t see this trade happening is that the Chicago Bulls have been and continue to be fans of Colin seon and if you look at the the trade scenarios and while I have not run this through trade machines or um you know pivot tables it would strike me as a possibility that John Collins who the JS really would like to move and his salary along with Colin suton to the Chicago Bulls for Zack LaVine and the one player that Danny a and the Jazz have coveted for two years now IO dumu financially that trade works but this is going to be about a lot more than finances if a deal between the Bulls and the has happened and again I’m not convinced it’s going to I would put it at 15% Max there’s going to have to be a hell of a lot of draft Capital involved in this and I’m not talking about pick swaps I’m talking about straight up draft compensation coming to the Utah Jazz if they are going to take an enormous contract on Zack LaVine a guy that let’s not forget has annual knee issues he has knee issues that will never Go away You’re going to have to kick in an enormous amount of draft capital and I am telling you according to my sources that is not going to happen this trade I just think never gets off the ground because there isn’t an appetite from the Chicago Bulls to give up their future when they may well be tearing this down and this is probably the most important point if you are the Chicago Bulls how much do do you value demard D rozan because you traded arguably his best friend on the team in Alex Caruso and again we’re gonna talk about that deal in a minute but you traded Alex Caruso you’re trading Zack LaVine and whatever heat exists between tomar and LaVine you’re still trading your two arguably outside of Tomar your two most important players do you really think dear rosen’s going to have an appetite to resign with the Chicago Bulls if you moov Caruso and LaVine why would he and I think it’s a critical factor it’s another reason I don’t see this trade happening especially not to the Utah Jazz Jake it just seems very far-fetched to me yeah and and and I think the best point that you make there is the willingness to spend money right now for Ryan Smith and the Utah Jazz I I I think that you know when when this story came out everyone was like oh well you know there there there could easily be a three- team situation here and you know we’re right back in the middle of you know NBA Summer trade chaos you know and I think that was kind of the initial reaction but but when I saw this I was like the only way this could even have a a chance of happening is if Philly was interested in getting involved in a three- team situation which they’re not they’re they’re just not interested in LaVine or or that that that trade and so for that reason alone I was like yeah this probably doesn’t happen and I and I think that as far as Demar is concerned for the Bulls that’s exactly right I mean if you’re going to trade his his his best friend on the roster in Alex Caruso and you’re going to trade Zack LaVine uh the Bulls are no longer a a contender in the East you you clearly are going to take a step back to try to to try to build a better roster which is fine so to me as far as the Jazz are concerned I I I just don’t think that the Jazz this this offseason certainly um are are going to be a team that’s looking to bring out a lot of salary or looking to take that step forward that you know organization in their position would be looking to take I I think that Ryan Smith is going to continue to be conservative I think that Ryan Smith is not going to be looking to bring in Star players and it’s no surprise that you know John Collins is the guy they want to move because John Collins has one of the bigger contracts on the on the on the cap right now and by the way I’m I’m still curious what the Utah Jazz are looking at for uh in extension with Lori marinin because honestly like there’s a there’s a trade market for they have offers now they I’m not sitting here saying that they’re going to take those offers but if you’re not going to take the offers and you’re not going to trade them like or you’re not going to extend them I don’t know what what the plan is for Lori and that to me is the biggest issue when we talk about trades involving the Utah Jazz I don’t know what the plan is for Lori marketing I don’t know what the plan is for Walker Kessler I don’t know what the plan is for Colin seon there’s not clear cut like hey this is someone that we’re just 1,00% committed to because this is what we’re trying to do with them right or like this is someone that like konay George if you don’t think keontay George is the number one point guard why are we not hearing about moving him why are we not hearing about hey like we’re we’re looking to add more draft Capital still before the draft and pretty much everybody except Lor’s available why are we not hearing that in the media you notice you’re not seeing that so my point here is that when I saw this yesterday I was like there’s no way that the jazs are gonna add Zack LaVine that doesn’t that that doesn’t work with where they are or or or the timeline that they’re on so I I just don’t think it’s a great uh a great fit overall and I honestly don’t know when the Jazz are GNA start spending money because it’s not GNA be this offseason and I’m not sure it’s next offseason I I am very curious to see that because I think when you look at the situation with the Jazz they don’t have a current Direction with this roster okay so we’re all in on the young guys well then why is Jordan Clarkson still here one of the most perplexing moves and we talked about it at the time guy was talking to yesterday said I still don’t understand why they did not move Jordan Clarkson and what did they do to get him to opt back in to his deal and it is it is really surprising and you you look at you you look at Colin seon you look at John Collins if they trade John Collins and they are efforting John Collins what was the point of doing that deal why did you trade for John Collins it it is it is a head scratcher you’re not building a roster you you traded Rudy goar and Donovan Mitchell for in essence what netted you Colin seon Laura marinan and you you look at Walker Kessler as a great example of this conversation Walker kler was not good last year that was not a developmental year that was not a big another big step forward Walker kler took a step back last year and largely most people believe it’s because John Collins is here and so the question is did you sacrifice Walker Kessler to play John Collins only to turn around and trade John Collins it it just you you gave away a year and I know that Chaz fans don’t want to hear that but you you’ve given away a year we haven’t even tapped into is Will Hardy a viable NBA head coach at the moment because his relationship with Walker Kessler really makes you wonder about that well and and you know I feel like a lot of uh a lot of jazz fans and and the organiz a certainly don’t want to have the will hardy conversation they they don’t want to talk about well you know is will just a placeholder because you can’t have it see and this is a problem for the J you can’t have it both ways like for people who have been covering the NBA you’re not going to get a free pass here so you can’t have it where the messaging is we’re all in on the young guys and will Hardy’s this great upand cominging young head coach and we’re building in the right direction right but then at the same time you do John Collins type deals you keep Jordan Clarkson and then you watch this team and I know for a fact the hardcore jazz fan on this show the you know Brandon Butlers the Greg uh Greg Hawkins like the the main stays on this show and other folks on on Twitter that I interact with during the season we like I don’t know what this team’s doing we don’t play defense we don’t play offense we we don’t really have a scheme we have terrible defense and we’re out of timeout stuff really is not that good and so whether it’s the coaching side of it or the front office side of it the organization has no direction or or movement forward it’s almost as if and and I know this might sound harsh but it’s almost as if we’re just spinning we’re just sort of you’re like just kind of chilling because Ryan wants to do all these things outside of the basketball side whether it’s the hockey team the Olympics like rebrands hard part BYU right and that’s the hard part for me when I look at this organization and I see stories like this come out there was never a chance in how you were trading for Zack LaVine that that was never gonna be makes zero sense you were never doing that like that’s just not that’s not gonna happen if you send John Collins and Colin seon and you end up with Zack LaVine IO dumu and a package of picks are you better that’s that’s the question that I think you have to ask about the Utah Jazz if you make that deal are you a better basketball team and the answer is an unequivocal no you are not and I love IOD dumu as a player he is in an absolute stall in development and you are trading a guy in my opinion in in Zack LaVine that’s without question salary dump you’re dumping a bad contract and you’re also sending you’re also taking a guy in IOD Duma that’s in a stall developmentally on a on a roster you’re putting him into a roster in an organization that is stalled developmentally so you’re taking on a knee injury you’re taking on a project in a young guard in an organization that isn’t growing and developing young players that and and much to Jake’s point about why Danny a would say that about keante George you just said the guy you drafted last year’s not a starting point guard or not a number one point guard like it is surprising to me that you would even be engaged in these conversations because you’re talking about problems you’re taking other people’s problems and you’re doing that the logic would have to be we’re doing that for more draft picks and I would hope that it’s not this year’s draft that it would be at least in next year’s draft Ser which is significantly better that this year’s draft this is the other unspoken amongst Jazz fans this year’s draft is is is is a [ __ ] stock it’s not good yeah it’s it’s not good this year’s draft if we’re truth telling there I don’t believe that there is an MVP caliber player in this year’s draft I don’t see that there is not a VW there is not a in my opinion I don’t see a number one player in this draft I truly do not but let’s say let’s say that there was a number one player in this year’s draft do we really trust the Utah Jazz and this organization to develop them and turn them into a number one player in the NBA because that’s that’s the thing that’s the hard reality of where the Jazz are at right now which is hey cool you can have these goals and you can say yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna bring someone in we’re gonna we’re g to do this deal and eat a huge contract on a guy with a bad knee um because we want to bring in draft Capital so you can do that but ultimately if you can’t turn the package that you get out of the draft into a number one player what are we even doing and my real hesitation right now and my real struggle is I know for a fact that Danny a didn’t just forget how to build an NBA championship roster and this is the part that bothers me because this part suggests that it’s like yeah well you know you’ve got a guy at Danny age and you’ve got a guy you know you’ve got a front office that that I think is definitely capable of building certainly a Western Conference Finals Contender certainly I have no question about that but you don’t have an owner right now who’s willing to fund it and I I really struggle with that concept because the decision making goes all the way back to Bringing Danny a in the same thought process of hey we’re going to bring Danny in but we’re not going to do anything with Danny is the same process of hey we’re going to trade for John Collins but because we traded for John Collins we wasted uh we we we wasted him and we’re just going to trade him there’s no there’s no Walker Kessler is sitting here rotting on the bench because we wanted to bring in a veteran like what is the point what is the that’s my thing so when the Bulls are out here clearly trying to chop down their salary and clearly trying to move on from some of these guys and you the Jazz are sitting here like yeah we have money we have draft Capital we could make a deal happen if we wanted to but even if we made the deal happen that wouldn’t really put us in a better spot at this time because we don’t have money or enough money to complete the roster that’s what you can’t get past and I don’t know where like how long is this cycle of just sort of sitting here that’s what I’m wondering is this like a foure thing a twoyear thing like how long I don’t know you know I don’t I don’t know the answer to it and then and then there is the the inexplicable the the the Chicago Bulls traded Alex Caruso to OKC for Josh giddy Josh giddy essentially was is accused of and in the middle of an investigation of sex with an underaged girl and you traded for him nobody else would you did not only did you trade the Chicago Bulls trade for Josh giddy they sent Alex Caruso to OKC arguably one of the most in demand on ball defenders in the NBA all NBA guy two years all ba defensive guy two years in a row makes Oklahoma City significantly better can do more things is I I I mean was in demand and you traded him for Josh giddy not only that you now crippled yourself in a Zack LaVine deal because if you can get Alex Caruso you’re willing to buy out Zack LaVine I think there would have been half a dozen teams who would have done that and now that all goes out the window and you traded demard de rozen’s best friend on the roster and Alex Caruso this trade beyond the Josh giddy offcourt underage girl thing this trade is one of the worst trades in recent Bulls memory yeah this is a terrible deal it’s it’s an embarrassing deal I I I I don’t know terrible I don’t know who saw this trade and was like yeah this seems like a good idea oh OKC wants to offload Josh Giddy and move on from the just frankly terrible PR for the organization oh yeah we’ll pick him up and and I love the reporting from W yesterday right where wo just talking about how OKC or I’m sorry the bows view giddy as as a guy with unrealized superar potential you you’re serious you you really think that Josh kidy is someone that’s GNA be 25 plus tonight ten assist tonight like if he is you’re gonna be awful like my god dude what like what are you looking at he’s a 30% three-point shooter I think he’s 31 1% for his career from three he’s not a good shooter if he’s averaging 25 points a game you don’t have a star on your roster like did the Bulls for an office look at the East and say okay we’re not better than the Celtics we’re not better than the heat we’re not better than the Bucks we’re not better than Indiana certainly we’re not better than the Knicks um you know we’re we’re definitely better than Charlotte uh you know were like like you see what I mean like you’re you’re you’re looking at an Eastern Conference that certainly has gotten deeper but the East is getable the the East is getable if you’ll just build a solid roster and what really bothers me is like this I saw some people talking about how it was like oh well you know they shipped Caruso out west and they’re not gonna see him and you know it’s fine and it’s like no dude it’s not fine no it’s not freaking fine because now to your point as you’ve said several times this morning you can’t tell me dear’s excited to play with these guys or with without his dudes and I get it you probably weren’t you know NBA Finals good with your current roster but you were playoff good you were you were you know first round you know maybe you know in your best year with this roster second round good and that’s saying something in Chicago like at least then you’re relevant but to have this team go back because because there’s no doubt in my opinion you are going to now take a step back you’re going to trade LaVine and that’s probably going to be a bad deal too cuz again to your point you lost your leverage and now we’re going to step back into Garbo Ben Gordon Kirk Hinrich with nobody to play with teams that’s who we’re gonna step back into and there’s just no reason for it yeah I think Demar D rozan is not going to go back there at all all right let’s get your thoughts in here on giving Friday um let’s go do Jake do we have any submissions yet yes yes we have we have one submission so far who our Floridian Mory Alvarez is in Mor Alvarez makes a $20 donation Monty show kids thank you if the Jazz trade with the bulls I trust they will mess it up in the long run thank you that’s awesome right that’s awesome I mean I don’t even like I know you’re a little tongue and cheek there but I don’t I don’t even think that’s wrong like that’s the problem I don’t think that’s wrong no Mory alare first one in so myy will match your uh Advocates donation with a $20 Amazon gift card there you go congratulations myy albarez wins our first Amazon gift card today again we are uh partnering with The Advocates because they are working with the road home one of the foremost homeless and underprivileged organizations in the country uh to provide school supplies and I mean basic necessities we’re talking about clothing socks underwear backpacks pencils pens paper the basic necessities that underprivileged kids don’t have access to and that we all take for granted and while I know there’s a lot of people struggling you don’t need to make a million-dollar donation five 20 a million whatever you have in the couch cushions hook it up on venmo here it is right here The Advocates on venmo Advocates donations on venmo um Matt riten for $ five says Monty to school kids okay so we’re we are at $25 James Stadium guy Oak Oak State Class of 2004 20 4 gives us $10 it’s declining my venmo again sorry my bank is being dumb please give to the kids so we’re at $35 this morning yeah everybody who makes a donation James and Matt ritzen included we’re going to give away a $100 Amazon gift card this morning to at least one person more albarez was the first one on venmo Mor we matched your donation with a $20 Amazon gift card so make sure you DM Jake all you have to do here it’s pretty easy all you have to do here is get on venmo get on venmo send The Advocates Advocates donations Advocates donations send them a venmo of any denomination 5 20 100 whatever you got send them a a AV venmo mention Monty and the kids in the comment section and you’re entered to win make sure you take a screenshot of it send it to Jake on Instagram SLC Jake SLC Jake on Instagram your enter to win yes yes what are you doing over there talking to myy all right good there you go hook it up let’s get your comments on the Zack LaVine and the the Jazz uh let’s see wow look at you guys this morning go of Gumby says second first Daniel Dixon hello uh Dak tubs second second first okay our favorite Male carrier Aaron Wilson Pew PE huge Texas Tech guy yo uh it’s aw yes it is yes it is um Daka says Greg definitely needs an advocate of emotional damage Greg Hawkins our Guy Greg Hawkins was stuck on a Tarmac in Salt Lake City for three hours yesterday on his way to I believe he said Iowa for a funeral his plane was so delayed his connection through Denver was not possible anymore so you’re going to a funeral you’re stuck on the tarmac for three hours you finally get in the air you get to Iowa you missed your flight or you get to Denver you missed your flight to Iowa and now there’s not another flight that’ll get you there in time for the funeral and he says that the airline won’t compensate him he flew with his mother the airline won’t compensate them uh and that’s because it was a weather delay there was a ground stop in Denver because of weather hope you’re good dude s dude s dude uh stogy wow I finally catch a live show after roughly a year of subscribing we love it hey we love it appreciate you the how’s the water situation dude uh caps lock Friday let’s go I don’t have water appreciate it uh stogy the Jazz are barely relevant at all even back when they had stocked in in Malone well look I I think the natural reaction is to go back to that time and I and I just don’t think it’s necessary I we’re we’re in a different time now and you know if you want to hate on the Jazz that’s fine I I’m not even a jazz fan we cover the Jazz um because we have a following on that we we broke a bunch of news when the goar Donnie trades happened and you know Jake we don’t have sorcery we don’t watch Jazz games you know now that jazz plus is a thing but anyway the point is is that you know ultimately you’re all a lot of jazz fans want to get back to that they want to get back to the Jazz being relevant and being you know even if you’re just a pain in the ass in the west even if you’re the the season Ender for other teams who you know are trying to get in or go deeper in the playoffs that’s you know that’s what Jazz fans want and I just I again I I I don’t know when that’s going to happen and and I feel like we’ve been talking about it for two three years now under Ryan’s ownership hey when are we going to turn this around when are we actually going to invest when are we going to build a playoff team like and I’m telling you guys I would change your expectations because I don’t believe for a second and again it’s my opinion could be wrong but I don’t believe that Ryan Smith is going to invest in this team anytime in the next two to three seasons I think what he’s going to do is he’s going to hold on to his money he’s going to get the hockey team established and we’re going to do a bunch of rebrands and you know we’re going to celebrate all this cool cheesy ass stuff and then maybe at some point the Jazz will start winning again but I would not even be a little bit surprised if the hockey team was was in the playoffs before the jazzar wouldn’t be surprised by that even a little bit Yeah I that would be incredibly disappointing incredibly disappointing uh Main Event uh that JS remind me of the owner from the first Major League movie they don’t want to win I think want is not the word I would use no they’re not willing to do what it takes to win and I say that because I think Ryan Smith doesn’t want to spend his own money to make it happen and if we’ve talked a lot about Ryan on this show Ryan Smith is a billionaire that is asking for a handout and everything Ryan Smith has done as the owner of the Jazz has been disappointing and I and I I don’t think that’s too strong the arena renovation getting the All-Star Game pretty dang good pretty dang good I think one of the bigger issues here is that his player movement has been what I don’t know the right way to say it his player movement has been mid at best right I say that because you did nothing to backfill Donnie and Rudy you didn’t replace their money you saved a bunch of money he’s not willing Ryan Smith to reach into his own pocket and spend to win an NBA championship I think his priority is hey let’s bring a hockey team to Salt Lake City renovate the arena and build a downtown district that will put more money in my pocket my belief is that’s where his priorities lie and until that changes he’s not going to spend on the Jazz and one of the main reasons I don’t see him making a a LaVine deal is it would require them to take on three to five million do in salary and I don’t see that happening I I truly do not and I think he’s willing to make minor deals like you know reigning or opting back into Geor Clarkson reigning Clarkson he’s a fan favorite it’s not it it’s not a major star player add add a $40 million contract to your books that’s not Ryan Smith is not willing to do that in my opinion at this point and I hope I’m wrong I hope I hope tomorrow today yesterday I hope they go and make a deal for a a true differenc making Wing superstar in this league what have they done previously that would tell us that’s going to happen because your your your best indicator of future action is past Behavior he’s shown us no past behavior that he’s willing to add salary frankly to the contrary he is willing to cut salary he has got one of the most team-friendly contracts in lry marinin that I think we’ve ever seen in this league and he’s trying to trade his biggest contract in John Collins let that sink in his biggest contract is John Collins oh we’re bringing the kid hom he’s from Leighton didn’t work out did not work out even though by pretty much everybody’s estimation JN Jon held up his end of the bargain I think John Collins played well yeah it’s not John’s fault that they Atlanta offered him all that money and it did get you out of what did they do that deal was Rudy Gay if I remember right it got you out of Rudy Gay’s deal yeah which was not a Team friendly deal you know and you got more production and a guy that you could play reasonable minutes because you couldn’t play Rudy Gay okay great but now you’re going to turn around and trade your largest contract not for the first time not for the second time but for the third time and I’m I’m just curious when do we get the Lori extension because at some point you are going to have to extend him or obviously make a decision on him and I I think that that you know Ryan has always gone with the angle of hey like let’s make sure the fans have a great experience and merch and like all you you guys know what I’m talking about he’s always kind of stoked that fandom fire yeah and and I have a lot of trouble thinking that jazz fans you know would be would just look past the fact that yeah we didn’t extend Lori we Lor’s gone you’re telling me if Lori leaves this organization one way or the other that jazz fan would be fine with that they’re going to attempt to extend him I don’t don’t think they’re willing to give him a maximum extension well and that’s I think the question attempt to extend him will they make a reasonable attempt because he’s gonna want the max that’s that’s he’s earned the max I agree he’s earned the max so if you’re not willing to give him a Max are you really trying to extend lry marketing like we’ll see come on and every jazz fan yesterday on Twitter lri loves being here okay cool talk to me at Contract time and it is contract time it is contract time and again I think the Jazz could make a a Lori Markin in trade right now I know almost for a fact that they have multiple deals on the table and they haven’t done that and I think I think it’s because Ryan Smith Ryan Smith very much cares what you think about him and I think Ryan Smith is worried about what people will say if you trade Lori marinin and as he should he’s been he’s been great giving Friday on the Monty show uh Jake who we got in herey uh Tu binsky making an $11 an $11 donation Monty for the kids Mike Gundy and Oak State have the 11th most wins in the college football playoff era so he donated $111 I appreciate that I’m a man I appreciate that we are moving the needle now get on venmo Advocates donation you see it right here on the screen advocat donations do it uh they are they are working with the road home to provide uh less fortunate kids um the basic necessities uh for uh school things like supplies clothing underwear socks and I I say it every year that we’ve talked about this imagine that you’re a 10-year-old kid who doesn’t have parents who can afford to buy you nicer clothes who can afford to buy you underwear um imagine going to school without underwear as a fifth grader a seventh grader I let that let that insecurity sink in maybe you’re wearing socks that have holes in them maybe you’re not wearing socks at all maybe you’re not wearing socks and you’re probably not wearing the nicest shoes how much how much heat are you taking for that let’s end that let’s help kids who don’t have another alternative feel better about themselves Let’s help kids Empower themselves to end that cycle of poverty in their life Empower them to be educated Empower them to be confident Empower them to wake up wake up every morning and look forward to the day that’s what we’re doing that’s what this is about uh Advocates donations on Veno in the comment section just put hey Monty for the kids and then whatever message you would like uh and today we will give away at least one $100 Amazon gift card we break a th000 we’re going to we’re g to break the bank we’re going to give away a bunch of Amazon gift cards yeah so let’s see uh Dakota says morning Steve stanic says good morning um dude that abides thanks for the Friday show fellas dude whoa bro bro thank me dude I showed up like you guys should be tipping me personally in the comment section I showed up today I didn’t go to the rollers and get my Taquito I came to do the show this is what I get Scott of greywater watch oh Jesus if Lonzo ball didn’t get injured bro is one of the greatest NBA what is it really is because I think people forget Lonzo ball can was a baller in this and they’re gonna trade him too they’re gonna trade him too I don’t know that he ever plays again he’s been out you guys understand he hasn’t played a game in two years yeah but he got his knee redone and they got that figured out and most people expect him to make a comeback how do you trust the guy at all well no I mean I I I don’t think anybody knows what he’ll be but I I think if he can prove he can stay healthy I think he deserves the opportunity to prove he can stay healthy but if he comes back and he’s the same guy yeah his career is probably over Marvel Strickland uh the Jazz could have traded for both Alex and giddy giddy will be a great player down the road okay based on what is is Josh giddy going to be a great player so he doesn’t shoot the ball well he doesn’t seem to have a real what’s the word a real great feel for the game right he does not he’s not a a natural flow player he very much has to plot and think about what he’s doing does that make that that doesn’t make great players and when you are the center of a criminal investigation is that a guy you really want on your roster somehow I don’t think it is um he’s not 25 points a game good but he’s 67 and he did fine before OKC got good he didn’t do okay next comment Boston Mapes is there not an emotional damage drop it’s shocking bro where’s the emotional damage emot emotional damage why why do we need that drop why would that why is that as a bulls fan I need oh okay you know uh Scott of greywater watch hockey ratings are up apparently Ryan might know what he’s doing I’m not saying that Ryan Smith isn’t a good businessman billt qual tricks got the Jazz totally understand it paper billionaire but does he know what he’s doing in acquiring assets clearly does he know what he’s doing in building an NBA basketball team does he know what he’s doing in marketing anything because any marketing initiatives he’s touched have been a [ __ ] show there’s no other way to spin that agreed the Jazz uniform roll out horrendous no purple uniforms because you didn’t submit them in time and what most people think was forgot horrendous this Utah NHL Salt Lake City Hockey Club the yetis thing horrendous um you’re going to announce the name and then you can’t use it for a year you can’t sell a jersey for a year with the I guess you know horrendous not new name the official name I guess like it’s horrendous there’s too much baggage with it dude it’s too clunky like I I it should have just been like people asked me hey well why don’t why didn’t you like like why is it surprising that they that you know they’re just going with Utah Hockey Club for a year and then they’re going to have you know this whole thing what was surprising to me about it is you did this whole like you did a roll out yes for what was already rolled out like we knew that it was going to be Utah Hockey Club but you like kind of tried to frame it in this way where it was like oh well look at these new jerseys and check out the merch and and what stood out to me so much is that it it is a Utah Jazz hockey jersey it’s the same font it’s the same company doing it it it lacks the soul that the Jazz jerseys frankly lack and and I looked at it and I said hey like I get it I like I actually like the baby blue color scheme but I don’t like the way it feels I I still to this day even with the Jazz jerseys they just did the new purple roll out this like two weeks ago or whatever whenever that happened the my first question was why don’t you have one that says Jazz right like I get it Utah totally get it but why not have one that says Jazz because that’s what the Jazz Jersey has been for decades it’s been the note and it’s and it literally says jazz on the front and and all of them say Utah and I I understand and and I and I love that Ryan is so committed to the Utah brand right like hey like you know we want to push the state forward and we want to sort of Step into the the spotlight if you will I guess you know if you want to put it that way but I do kind of feel like Ryan is a bit toned deaf to hey like you can’t just skip out on the heritage of the organization like but Jake it’s purple mountains like in I I don’t know man I’m not trying to be a hater I just it’s purple mountains Jake yeah I don’t know I I I like that they redid it and it’s purple and it’s black and white I think Jake it’s it’s purple mountains bro I think that’s the proper color scheme listen listen I get it you don’t want to be the Jazz you want to be the Utah basketball team but at least that’s what you’re telling me and I would also remind you what the black uniform isn’t available until February I think it is yeah it’s a while I mean you’re you’re you’re going back to your quot quote unquote and I believe the words they used was your Our Roots this is going back to your roots like this was my first reaction when I saw this specific picture just look at the two purple uniforms the only difference between them is the color of the font that’s well in the mountain design and I think they look remarkably similar there are things like the the layered like if you look at Walker Kessler’s chest 24 the layered mountains the color band but is it’s they look very similar you’re not wrong but it might as well be the same unit they look very similar my point is is one of those should say Jazz one of those should say Jazz and then you transition into the hockey side and it looks exactly the same and I I just I understand on the hockey side why you had to do it where hey like we did this thing kind of quick like we don’t we didn’t have time to roll out like a you know a uh an original kind of brand for our team so we had to do Utah okay I get that on some some level but you’re you’re a professional sporting organization I think the hockey jersey is worse oh it is but but my point is you’re a professional sporting organization and this is the best you could do even on short notice like I I think it’s horrendous I I just think it’s genuinely asking in the comments section am I an [ __ ] for saying hey common Joe guy could have done this like is that too harsh because I feel like that’s the truth I feel like these uniforms right here the average Joe person could have come up with these this isn’t like wow like you guys really came up with some cool stuff groundbreaking like hey this is you know what I mean and that’s where I feel like it’s just like yeah dude Ryan you’re a businessman you know how to make a dollar like you like as you said right like hey you built qual tricks you know how to do the business side of like a p&l sheet but you have no clue how to do marketing initi still does not have a full-time video team in house still does does not have in in my opinion does not have a large enough marketing department contracts his marketing out I I’m just I’m telling you why right like why this is what we’re seeing uh all right your thoughts are welcome um Lee Jensen when Monty does the Tanner voice he’s Marty I don’t I don’t what’s what’s a Tanner voice I don’t know what that is Scott uh I love NBA free agency talk also that McDavid guy plays night dude McNuggets listen to me right now we’re playing for McNuggets tonight if you’re not a hockey fan and you haven’t been following the Stanley Cup tonight’s the game that you need to tune in yeah I agree James says Jake is awesome I thought you guys broke up over text we did uh okay Troy Clauson I saw French toast wrapped sausage on the roller this morning was hard to walk away from it do you understand that your feo matter situation has changed the way people from this show go into convenience stores my f matter situation yeah you ate off of a roll you ate a taquito off of a roller at a convenience store right you ate feal matter dude no I didn’t yeah yeah you did actually you did you did okay you did okay and now Troy can’t walk past what did he say uh French toast wrap sausage without thinking about you yeah WAP sausage is really hard to walk away from bro stay hard okay James the artist that will be known as the yetis no James it’s Yeti the Utah Yeti not yetis the yeti like the cooler uh Scott says great Point Marty he said Monty actually uh the ghost of gumia I’d laugh if there was a typo on the Jersey that read the Utah Yodas that would be amazing uh back to those Bourbon Street roots for the Jazz e exactly come on the ghost of Gumby lazy branding and lazy execution paper billionaire is going to paper billionaire Truth uh I do web and graphic design and I could have done a better Jersey that’s my point dude like the hockey jersey just scream like the amount of canva jokes that were made on X the day that these came out was incredible I I mean people were like oh did you guys make your hockey jersey and canva man like it’s the same it’s just there’s no creativity at all at least it’s not [ __ ] purple if they had been purple I Pro I would have been off the wagon at least they’re not purple and I don’t mind the blue black white color scheme don’t mind it I think the black Jersey is clearly the better alternative here yeah yeah I mean I like I said I don’t mind powder blue I I think as a scheme it’s fine but do not tell me that that’s what the yeti Jersey is going to look like and it will be Yeti do not tell me that that’s what that Yeti Jersey is going to look like yeah you know Kindergarten kid did that could be uh the ghost of gumia I did better work in kid picks back in the day yes calford for Purple Mountain majesties I mean the J this is a step up I’m not even I’m not even saying I hate these all I’m saying is I just think you should have one that says Jazz that’s it that’s my only feedback I think you improved I think this is you know Reinventing the wheel here this is better than white yellow and black Ryan okay it’s definitely better I don’t want to go and get those ugly I actually didn’t hate did it the the black okay I I can’t say out loud okay let me get the picture do it do it we we need to do it the black uniform and I didn’t even hate the yellow uni Marty Marty Marty look here Marty don’t you lie to us now boy Marty don’t you don’t you turn coat on us now uh if you look at these uniforms this is the current uniform from this past season the white one smells like somebody’s joog like that’s not a un that’s a practice uniform the black Jersey great the the purple you forgot that you wanted a purple uniform the yellow one is as an alternate it’s not bad the problem is you left those black orange red things that were amazing yeah the gradient was amazing these this is this is is this a step up yes but is it really a step up when you’re stepping up from this that’s what like you need help you need you got to get I just don’t understand why you don’t have an inhouse team why do you not have a team inside your building every day that their sole mission is to make you money through merch like yeah totally agree Matt riten they went cheap on the hockey uniform clearly uh James we should all push for Utah Yodas for the hockey team it’s G to be Yeti uh Chad Carter hey Margie I made those jerseys in Ms paint caps lock Friday why are you yelling but I had no water for my paint so Dakota tub’s a member for 10 months oh let me pull it out for you Daka okay there we go nice job dude remember everyone Jake and I are registered at the QT roller at 311 Southwest Boulevard KCMO where you know where the Chiefs and uh Royals used to play uh 64108 um 64108 okay Jake will be there Saturday afternoon I won’t be there uh Steve stanic we have a store that’s dirty when you walk in I I went once walked in then out okay okay the Utah Yodas with Tanner plumber is the sideline mascot don’t you know who I am Jeremy sever hello Ryan Smith should pay a marketing team as well as pay for BYU recruits yes he should in-house full-time or if you hire an agency it’s got to be dynamic you know uh Daniel Dixon could be worse they could be Pride colors Pride colors would be a step up let’s not that’d be a step up yeah uh the ghost of Gumby homie was too cheap to pay for Ms paint homie saved coin by designing those jerseys in [ __ ] what is [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t know either all right uh hour number one comes to a close with Jeremy sevir the new Jazz Jersey looks weirdly similar to the Sacramento Kings jersey does it really that the purple I and jazz fan can I just ask does everything have to be purple apparently does everything have to be purple these they’re not bad they’re just they’re not great yeah I I don’t know what to tell you like they’re not I’m not like damn dude like you guys smash this I’m just more like yeah okay we checked a box you know it it is all I can say is there’s Rory looking at the new Jazz uniforms you know hey Rory look at these uniforms oh hey uh Rory did you see the new hockey uniforms in in in Utah for that Utah Hockey Club okay uh you know come on that’s a little funny right exactly yes uh [ __ ] gnu image manipulator open source software okay that’s above my pay grade bro Big Blue Horses I miss Larry Miller everybody misses lhm uh you knew he was all in on the Jazz you never questioned his commitment to Utah and basketball no you didn’t

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