@Utah Jazz

HOUR 1: Utah Jazz need to stay away from Zach Edey | NHL Utah preseason schedule | Kendrick Lamar…

HOUR 1: Utah Jazz need to stay away from Zach Edey | NHL Utah preseason schedule | Kendrick Lamar…

the noon hour is here check it out and you’re locked on to Utah’s highest rated most listened to sports radio station it’s my station it’s my station this is H ssen and Scotty G on 975 the KSL Sports Z [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey let’s get it h and Scotty 975 the KSL Sports Zone hope you are all well let’s go folks let’s do it hands how you doing buddy well I’m trying to talk myself into being excited about the NBA draft like I’m I’m doing everything I can to convince myself but this is the most apathy I’ve had towards an NBA draft maybe in 18 years why is that well I don’t know the the first two picks are looking to be French players that I don’t know a ton about that don’t have the hype and Intrigue of this potential insane rookie year you know we’ve seen a few of those drafted Zion was probably one of the biggest oh so you’re looking at it as a whole not just with the Jazz oh yeah as a okay gotcha okay as a whole I I think as far as the Jazz are concerned I just think it’s full mystery best player available it’s full mystery and I could see them packaging and trying to move up I could see them selling them all I could see them moving out yeah I could see them dropping down and grabbing three at the bottom end of the first and doing crazy things because the one thing that I didn’t expect them to do last year they did which was draft three and keep three and develop three and play three all through the entire regular season yep and so I’m just looking at this draft period and I’m thinking well as a whole well this is just a whole bunch of of nothing you’re telling me the top two picks are they’re French you’re telling me that the European league has come in and now they’re owning first two picks and they are starting to take over the league and it’s I’m look at American players like okay where we at how we doing we ready to kick this thing up a notch and then I look at the guys that are available and the needs of the Utah Jazz and available at 10 and I I know we gone back and forth on Zach Yi he he’s still very intriguing to me I think he’ll be gone before 10 no he won’t you think he’d be there oh yeah he’ll be available at 10 well I I mean he might be there in in the 20s you think he fall that far and by the way you shut your mouth Zack Ed does not should not be a member of the Utah Jazz at 10 if the Jazz roll on this LD if the Jazz pick Zach a 10 I don’t know what I’ll do I can’t I don’t know what I’ll say I don’t know what to say here let’s think about this let’s roll yeah Lakers Laker Nation let’s roll uh well then okay so what if Donovan kingan is there I’ll take him way before 10 I take the uh the old the old shooter from Tennessee at 10 give me a lot of people a 10 do not give me Zach Ed a 10 hands that is a waste of a pick if the Jazz take Zach a 10 that’s a waste why do you what is it because he’s not an NBA player he he does like he’s 74 he’s slow he can rebound but he’s slow he has no offensive game at the NBA level he’ll get demolished in the league he’s not a starter like he’s not going to give you what you need a 10 well he’s he’s a he’s he’s a Claud he’s a slow claw moving up and down the court so classic college player and oh yeah great college player Elite college player but no he will get demolished at the NBA level and if the Jazz take him at 10 that is a horrific mistake 7 foot4 200 what was he 240 oh no he’s 2 270 280 oh is he that big yeah those guys don’t come around very often I mean they’re they’re well yeah I mean he’s a freaking nature there’s no doubt about it but again you’re going to see two possessions running up and down the court while he’s trying to get down the court well you said because you called that game I mean you covered him you watched him broke down his game you know this guy Better Than I Do by a country mile and you said he’s built like a a brick house he is built like a brick house yeah he’s massive yep so and he move and he moves like a brick house so he doesn’t have any post ability but he does have some rebound ability oh he rebound the hell out of the ball how is he passing decent passer and he’ll be decent in the pick and roll game again is there a SP at all no yeah yeah look H I’m saying like at 20 20 sure 25 sure 29 yes 32 absolutely yes or that second pick of 29 28 hell no look I’m not opposed to the Jazz drafting Zak Zaki somewhere in the draft I am very much opposed to them taking him at 10 um I’ve seen him projected anywhere from 10 to 15 yeah that’s kind of where I’ve seen him if he goes if he goes at 10 that is a trash pick oh man Lloyd what if this happens what are we gonna do for our guy over here that’s GNA be a rough day I’ll own it man that is going to be a fun show like what what what are the Jazz trying to do you’re trying to get more more athletic you’re trying to get faster you’re trying to provide shooting there’s there’s a lot of things you need to check mark trying to do what the NBA is doing right right and you just if you drive Zack Eed you get a poor poor poor poor man’s Poor Man’s uh Rudy goar wow I didn’t realize you were that down on him like I knew you weren’t big on I just no I’m talking about that down on him 10 as as an NBA yeah as a top NBA Prospect yeah I know he will not be a starter in this league ever I mean if there’s a bunch of injuries and he’s forced in a lineup sure but so what town do you like do you like d connect yeah I’ll take connect I like him a lot because that he provides what the Jazz needs shooting um if we’re talking about shooting Ron Holland’s up there yeah look you name a bunch of people I’ll take him above Ed are are the Jazz looking for big are they looking for a clinging type I I think at this point at 10 you take the best player available you take the best player available uh I don’t think you draft for need at 10 was it you that I saw tweet out uh identification on Tatum and brown at number three yeah was that you that tweeted that out the AE hit on three at back toback years yeah yeah see it makes me wonder Philly drafted one and the Lakers drafted two both years and both and not good yeah not great it makes me wonder if Danny a has a design cuz I I do think that in this draft he does have the gears to get to probably four or five three four yeah absolutely he’s got the gears to do it I don’t know three might be a bit of a reach a bit of a reach but I think five absolutely I think he could yep maybe four so it makes me wonder if somebody’s hanging around and and that’s the Jazz have continued to be the most tight lipped organization in the NBA it’s so hard to get any information out from Scott Laden to Kevin o’ Conor to Dennis Lindsay to Danny a it’s tight they will never tip their hand but I would love to know what their sights are and what player it is and if they feel like there is a Tatum m brown in this whole thing but these two French players going number one and number two potentially U lot of G g-league players the g-league ignite uh I did watch a little bit of film on ra Ron Holland I liked him I’m just kind of trying to gear up I like I said I’m trying to convince myself that I’m excited for this draft there’s just not a player that catches me and makes me think oh what I will tell you of anything that has any level of intrigue now it’s like okay is Ed an NBA Talent like is Ed a productive NBA Talent you say he’s not I look at him at 74275 and I think well still what what could he be maybe he’s not but what could he be that’s such a big body I have a big body well good that’s going to do me no you don’t anymore but you would not be a good post player right now I just I I mean he won the he won the DNA Lottery there’s no doubt about it yeah but you need skill athleticism you need a lot to be in the NBA okay if this is 1997 hands yes Edie might be your number one overall pick in 93 he might be your number one overall pick in 2024 the way the game’s being played uhuh so if he was coming out when arves sabonis was coming out sure when when Michael Ola candy was the number one overall pick sure you know what those those are guys that I mean that was a day and age where they everything ran through your post you had a guy with a good back to the basket game the clear space but you got a guy here that is just I mean how how mobile old boy was Patrick Ying very mobile he could move oh he wasn’t 74 oh no Patrick Ying would would destroy Zack was he 71 seven uh he was he was a he was a seven-footer I’m just trying to think of builds like zachi yeah but but but Patrick Ying could he was a gazelle getting up and down the court yeah like that dude could motor you know Elijah one big guy had a motor like these are dudes that could run up and down the court beautiful back to the basket games looked fluid with what they did um yeah to to use Patrick ying and Zach Edy in the same sentence makes me want to die a little inside vat deox he’s he’s he’s a v was V was way more athletic than Zach eedi like keep him coming like this dude I think you will shocked by how unathletic he is just how Bas unathletic he is yeah now you’re going to watch some College film and you’re going to be like oh wow he can do this and this and this yeah he’s doing it up against a bunch of just kids kids yeah and you know like like I even saw great oore get around him a few times like like there were he’s he is a li he will be a huge liability defensively in the NBA because of his inability to be able to move laterally side to side his ability to uh he’ll get caught up in pick and rolls uh he will get he will get beat up pretty good and if I’m wrong and the Jazz pick him at 10 and he ends up being a perennial Allstar fine I’ll I’ll take it and I’ll eat my words I’m more than happy to do it have you seen any of this 7 foot4 French player this Alex SAR have you watched a little bit not not a lot just because there’s no way the Jazz are in the contention so I haven’t spent much time looking at him cuz I that’s from what I’m understanding he is now the number two projection to Washington and 7 foot4 he’s got a 74 wingspan extremely long I have not watched I’ve not seen any of him I gotta I gotta turn on some French film apparently and get ready for draft night the American the American player taking back seats yes uh that sounds like that bothers you a little bit I it’s it’s something I never expected because we sit here and we say well our best players are football and and basketball we don’t have time for soccer yeah and it’s like all right now these soccer playing countries are now churning out high level NBA players exactly exactly it’s like all right well there goes that argument can’t can’t blame it on that anymore yeah but and I the reason by the way the reason I say that is because I’m just looking at MVP voting MVP grabs you know your top threes over the last couple years have been European players or european born I I still and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon either doesn’t no because LCA dones is not g to slow down Nicole yogish isn’t GNA slow down those guys still have years and I do think that the Russell Westbrook MVP triple double season maybe put a damper on guys like LCA donic maybe grabbing it just off of off of number grabs but he’s still just an impressive human being yeah oh 100% I I I don’t know I’ve told you a couple times I would still look I’m not I’m not against the European players but you’ve heard me I want the Jazz to draft European players because I think that they’re less interested in where they’re at who they’re playing for what city they live in I think that they’re more interested in scheme development and becoming great and frankly I think they’ve already been developed better than United States players yeah I do I agree that I agree like they’re I think that’s Advanced the the eies these guys go to as opposed to the aaou Circuit that the American kids grow up on where it’s just a Chuck it uh kind of League or you just get yours like I think these guys are coached up way better in Europe than than we are in the United States there is a Czech player that’s kind of uh he’s he’s from Serbia and he is kind of in that somewhere between 8 and 15 this Nica topic the the kid that tours ACL uh see that’s the guy I think you should keep an eye on okay I I was reading a little bit about him this morning and was at least interested uh extremely aggressive very quick very choppy great pass good Vision like all those things that we’re seeing from these European players that are advancing these teams watch for Nico atopic because maybe he’s that guy but I’ve seen him as low as like 18 and 20 in some BO well and that’s the thing the ACL just is a is a huge problem there but I mean you know I mean you know look you know the world of injuries if it’s the ACL you can come back from that you can full full sometimes better yeah if you if if you’re building your body out while you’re recovering a lot of times you come back with better core strength it takes a minute to get the full Mobility back where you’re moving laterally as well but it actually forces players to focus on a total body control yeah and so yeah they can come back a little bit more once it’s fully healed a little better yeah and and I’m not opposed I know David Lock’s a big fan of this too I’m not opposed to the whole red shirt year for for a rookie player in the NBA to be able to just sit back travel with the team practice with the team learn the league get healthy be part of the nutrition and and development plan and then take it all in and then be ready to go your second year in the league and I think that’s kind of the path that uh well that certainly is going to be the path that he’s on uh but I don’t think that’s a bad route for him to go and and also I was reading on it and and you could correct me if I’m wrong but I believe it was just a partial tear oh really I thought it was a full tear okay if if it I could I could be wrong on that too I when I was reading about him I thought it was a partial tear but I I’ll go back and look at it okay which I actually that’s one area I’m not real familiar with I if partial is that much less um of a deterant or that much less of an as compared to a full tear but um cuz I I I actually don’t know that I don’t know if that if a partial tear is as bad as a full tear I don’t know but I thought I remember reading it that it was partial uh but uh look when it comes to the Jazz everything’s on the table at this point trade up trade out sell I think there’s everything is on the table um trade for players Talent acquisition uh I was talking to somebody close to the organization the other day and they were like we have no idea we have no idea what Danny’s got up his sleeve everything’s available and the poker face and frankly I don’t know if Danny really knows what he’s going to do up until trade or up until that day what I think is he’s probably got 10 things he knows he’s going to do and he’s just going to wait to see which of the 10 plays and and one thing that I think they do a very good job of and everybody does attempt it but I think Danny does it probably better than most is that you go through your scenarios okay let’s run through this what if this happens doot we do this what if this happens and you lay out and you gain you know you you plan for you know every possible strategy every possible outcome and when it happens you know exactly what you’re going to do it’s like you know you as a player when you game plan if this if they show this we do this if they show this we’re ready for this if they do this then we do this and the Jazz have game planned the heck out of next week’s draft okay from that standpoint I’m that’s why I said with the Utah Jazz when I when you ask me oh you’re talking about as a whole as a whole I’m very unenthused with Utah Jazz I use the word mystery yes because I just think anything could happen this could end up turning out to be the most exciting time for the Utah Jazz in a in a draft it could be if they’ve put something together some type of big trade some type of Blockbuster and they want to shift into gear and make this the year that they try to make the move which would Shock Me with what we’ve got in the west right now not that you can wait and I I had to put it this way for somebody I was talking to a buddy and he was like I because he heard us talking about the timing of things where the West is who’s in the west how good they are who you got to avoid who you’re going to butt up against if you do unload the treasure chest and I’m I’m staying with this and you might feel completely different about this and we could get into probably a more lengthy conversation on this I feel like to a certain extent I feel like the NBA is like a husband and wife that have not had a kid and they’re sitting there looking at each other like should we do this well I don’t think we’re ready what do you mean don’t think we’re ready well I we need to get more money we need to get the house and we need to get ourselves ready to have a kid and there comes a point where you’re like no you just you just do it you got to have the kid yeah you got to have the kid and then we’ll figure some things out and that’s kind of how I feel about the Utah Jazz with the draft like I get it the West is nasty it’s got some built out teams it’s going to be really tough to compete against and maybe you can try to wait something out but you know what you wait it out you waited out LeBron James you weighed out the Golden State Warriors you you you’ve waited out dynasties the next Dynasty would be Denver it’s not going to be Dallas and it’s not going to be Minnesota and and we’ve seen that Denver has some weaknesses there’s I I don’t know how much you sit around and wait and say yeah well we got to buy our time let’s build more resources have the baby and we’ll figure it out from there love it I love that hands and Scotty this is 975 ekl Sports Zone three two one it’s the 10th Annual top 60 and 60 get your college football fixed every day at 1:30 as the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 season by listing off the top 60 players in the state of Utah as voted on by the local media and you the fans you’ll also hear from the coaches as they talk about the players that will impact their season the most it’s the top 60 and 60 weekdays at 1:30 presented by five star painting on your home of the best college football coverage in Utah 975 the KSL Sports Z that’s right on 97 fo the KSL Sports Z [Music] hands with Scotty 975 the KSL Sports Zone and make sure to experience three thrilling days at one of Utah’s most spectacular car shows it’s the Cash Valley Cruise in July 4th through the 6th at the cash County Fairgrounds in Logan Utah for more information visit cvca cruin those are two different words Cru we good Lloyd you got that yeah we’re good we’re good all you good I’m great man all right uh NBA draft coming up next week NHL draft coming up next week uh and by the way hands we have it the first game ever for the Utah Hockey Club September 22nd at home against St Louis preseason hockey the first ever game I know I can’t I was I was looking at that release this morning and I still can’t quite believe it now there’s some interesting things happening you saw the avalanch coming for preseason but they’re coming to the Maverick Center so there’s a couple of interesting schedules notes in this preseason release I will tell you that we’ve had a couple of NHL guests on and we’ve asked them about NHL preseason and they have told us it’s less important than even the NBA preseason they said it’s kind of a throwaway but that’s what we’ve had here in the state you know when we had Frozen Fury it was the Kings it was preseason it was awesome it was exciting I went to a bunch of I had a blast so I know what’s coming and I know it’s about to start and I I’m excited even about that but it’s pretty cool that you’re going to get the Colorado Avalanche at the end of that preseason schedule right there at the Maverick Center yep probably the first NHL logo to play on Ice andet I I don’t remember the Maverick Center hosting anything NHL uh not that I know of um but I have watched many Grizzlies games in that Arena me too many many but you know the honest thing about this is it’s just you look you’re right next year at this time when we see the preseason schedule it’ll be a big yawner and we won’t even really mention it it’s just the historic nature of this it’s awesome I know I saw it and you know you just read through the names and you you get really excited for what you’re going to see LA Kings are going to be the first here in in terms of that preseason schedule so it’s something that we’re all kind of used to do with the Frozen Fury but being a part of it having the having the the soccer or sorry having the hockey club logo across the jersey and having it be our own here in the state I know it’s GNA be go see that see that sweater with that Utah logo on there oh man it’s so and I’m not necessarily Jersey guy but I’m gonna get me one of those sweaters yeah I’ll do the Utah one I will for sure CU I do think 10 15 years down the road no now we need our uh faith in humanity restored on that thing well I don’t want to you know the good thing is I think we’re getting our faith in humanity restored with with one sweater in particular yeah yeah so it would be nice to have multiple sweaters youah Hockey Club sweater do you like the colors I do like the colors that blue and black yeah I wonder if that’ll be part of the full logo coming up next year when the new uh when the whole team name is announced I wonder if the the colors remain the same I could see Ryan Smith pulling a 180 oh I oh I can too absolutely we asked him specifically was that last week we had him on for a nice chunk of time we asked him specifically if he’s trying to coordinate his ownership areas a little bit with color and design yeah do you remember what he said uh cuz I asked him about RSL and like no you know the the clar and Cal and that’s you need I think I think he acknowledged that there’s there’s some upside to that but I don’t think that’s a huge point of emphasis if I remember right I would like it I just I want to see it be its own yeah stand on its own yeah I want to see some unique color I have you know I’m down on AI you know I don’t like it no it’s taking over the world yeah it’s skynet’s going to come live and we’re all going to come slaves it is removing Humanity’s creativity yes because the human mind now it was the human mind that built AI so we got to give it credit there but the human mind and its creativity is what’s given us some of the most amazing designs in world history but now we’re relying on AI to spit out and generate all these and I I got to admit I’ve seen a couple that I really like that’s why I fell in love with the mammoth thing there was there was one AI generated Mammoth sweater I was like geez that thing is really tight I like it and I’m not talking about because I’m overweight tight tight I’m talking about that kind of toght that’s the kind of TI I’m talking about hey uh I sent out a tweet earlier today um do you know what’s going on with this whole Drake Kendra Kendrick Lamar thing I was just talking to Conor about a bit sounds like it’s gotten really out of personal well and I sent out a tweet I said hey can somebody explain this to me like I’m a 46 old did you get any Returns on it oh a lot a lot of people are helping break this thing down to and I was just making a joke I don’t care I don’t really want to know well what are the top two things that you don’t want to be called uh lazy and um a pedophile minor racist and pedophile yeah those are the two it’s like they it’ll end your in your end your world that’s true those are the two that’ll end your career and if you put a gun to my head and you said can’t pick one I’m going to say pedophile yeah I I don’t want to be that you don’t want to be accused of that you don’t want anything remotely close to that next to your name and it it sounds like um uh not Perkins Lamar Kendrick Lamar it sounds like he I don’t think Kendrick Perkins can issue a diss track diss track like uh Kendrick Lamar sure he wants to uh Perkins goes at people though yeah can’t stand that guy but um it sounds like he didn’t just write the song and sing it once Conor was telling me that he really went hard at him in a concert over the weekend with a lot of Hollywood types in attendance so you know so Connor do you feel like most people are pro pro uh Kendrick everybody’s team is that because they’re scared of Kendrick because of what he’ll do what he can do or is it because Drake is a pedophile well yeah Kendrick is the Boogeyman that’s what I’m that’s he’s GNA come get you you gotta be careful with that dude he coming to get you well hopefully that helps square away some of the some of the behind the scenes going on I see all this stuff on Twitter and it was blowing up last night and I’m thinking should I be caring about this because you and I are always like you know right we want to have a certain amount of Pop Culture into the show and we want to be up to speed with what’s going on and then I’m looking at this I’m like I don’t care I don’t want I don’t I don’t really want to know anymore about this well I I feel like I’ve completely lost touch completely lost touch because I was doing all the show prep this morning I sit in my little office and read through stories and pull up things that interest me and all of a sudden I hear Adele blasting like full volume from the back side of the house and I’m like what is going on with a Dell like who even listens to a Dell anymore so I walked back there and it’s rock blasting a dell and I said Son turn that off what are we what are we doing and he said uh Dad she is not fire uh what’s there there’s a word that the kids use gas gas that’s that’s it Conor so she is full gas so no more lit no more fire it’s gas gas and I was like uh Adele went out with like the 2010s I thought but no I think she’s still hanging in there very much now she’s dating uh Rich Paul like LeBron’s buddy that runs the agency oh right oh my gosh yeah I’m lost man she dropped a bunch of lbs and now she’s like now she’s dating the one of the most powerful men in all of sports uh just staying on the pop culture side of things how about Justin Timberlake man he got himself in a a l of trouble I guess his system was loaded with illegals tell you what man not okay man and somebody asked sir are you going to address this he’s like no I got a world tour I’ve got I what are we talking about addressing an addiction I got to go make some money how about you worry about yourself how does that sound yeah we kind of are worried about us and our our community yeah with you driving around all with enough with enough uh narcotics in you to kill a horse you want to know the best detail of of any of this that I read Because I did read through this Justin Timber Lake thing you never know what to believe but one of my favorite details of this the cop that pulled him over and was issuing the arrest was so young he had no idea who Justin Timberlake was no idea wow Timberlake handed him the ID and he’s looking at it he’s like oh what have you had to drink what’s in your system why are you acting and and Justin probably look at him like hey man I’m bringing sexy back wink wink win yeah yeah yeah and this kid is like what that’s a horrible thing to say like that’s uncomfortable and awkward he didn’t really say that I’m just saying there’s probably some really awkward conversations but the kid did not know who he was was do you think that drove just that’s probably worse than for him oh yeah for sure he’s like hey man let’s let’s move on you know I’m I’m JT man he’s like wait a minute what are you famous yeah do you know who Kendrick Lamar is because that’s who I care about you’re not Kendrick Lamar you’re getting a ticket for DUI you wait till Kendrick Lamar hears about this you’re in a lot of trouble mister all right 12 46 hands and Scotty what you may missed next 975 the KSL Sports Zone this is this is DJ and PK Canon Catchings projected first round pick in 2025 is committed to BYU freaking Kevin young he don’t need anybody’s help four fraking stars and then 25 draft the lottery is going to be all BYU Catchings told ESPN quote my family and I met with Coach Young and the coaching staff last week and we immediately clicked I knew right away this was the best for me that freaking Bram young this is the place young who doesn’t hate Catchings this guy’s Catchings everything in sight it’s a great day to be a cougar this is amazing it really is so set aside all the hyperbole now you’re finally being serious I was serious the whole time it’s called serious fun you should try it I went to you see Santa Barbara I did oh you did I did please tell us H maybe not catch DJ and PK mornings from 6:00 to 10 presented by Murdoch Hyundai Utah’s number one Hyundai dealer for 16 years in a row a 975 the KSL Sports Zone looking for the latest on the Jazz Utes cougars and Aggies yeah we’ve got you cover this is H Olsen and Scotty G on 975 ESP Sports Z [Music] H olon Scott Gerard 975 the KSL Sports Zone happy Thursday everybody hope you all had a good day yesterday hopefully you were lucky enough to have the day off enjoy a little time with family yeah yeah it’s uh it was an amazing day for for us for sure it was beautiful beautiful weather little bit cooler yep and just a gorgeous time went up to Park City and had a blast up there it was like 65 up in Park City oh really yeah just stunning well it’s funny bring up Park City because the NCAA selection committee is going to have some summer meetings coming up I believe here in a couple of weeks in Park City um where they’ll talk about a lot of things one of the things being discussed right now by the NCAA and what you may have missed uh the NCAA officials have presented division one conference Commissioners with at least two different models that would expand the NCAA tournament field to 72 or 76 teams now it stands at 68 if pass that tournament expansion would not take effect not this season but the season after the 2526 season remember back in 2011 it jumped from 65 to 68 back in 01 when the Mountain West formed they had to jump it from 64 to 65 but again everybody’s looking at all this extra money it’s just like can we just leave it alone like I mean no they can’t just they and and they they may end up saturating it they may up into hurting it but this is this is what I would do if if I’m the NCAA committee at this point this is what I’d do because this getting absurd because now everybody could make a case for being in there not everybody but there’s a lot of teams that can make a case that they’re one of the best yeah 76 teams in the country how about this man how about we build out what is that 340 teams uhis yeah how about we just build out a 340 Team Bracket eliminate regular seasons and just make it a season tournament cuz really that’s all anybody’s paying attention to anyway screw it screw it’s dumb now I know it won’t be the elimination and you’re out but okay bump them out and you play a different schedule you you bump down into a bracket and you play through this bracket and you bump further down in a bracket play out that bracket and let’s just figure it out through bracket play who who the absolute best kind of feels like that’s that’s what everybody just cares about anyway so why not Well everybody’s well I know BYU’s kicked up interest and it’s going to be an interesting regular season it’s just like what how how how far do we got to go yeah how many teams have have to be involved with this tournament before we start kind of shaking our head like okay we dialed this in I I have always felt like the the current expansion to 68 I’ve always felt like you know even the way they put in the final four and they’ve got the the the the playing games it’s fine yeah oh it’s perfectly fine but they want to build a new site they want to build out more games potential extra revenue and whatever let’s be honest Greg sanki wants it from the SEC so that’s what he’ll get because the Dude wields a powerful Sword and the SEC wants it they’re tired of all these little little guys getting in and uh taking bids away from his teams and so he’s like all right well then we’re going to need four or five more teams in for us for us for the SEC not that we’re a basketball Powerhouse conference frankly if there’s a team that needs to be being and moaning about things it’d be the big 12 they’re the best basketball conference yeah they seem to have more teams that are excluded that probably have built the you know I I don’t want to get caught into just the the norm of conversation because you know it’s so popular just to say that the Big 12 isn’t an incredible conference but I watched it pretty close last year oh yeah it was and it was a really good conference and there were teams that were involved in that tournament where you’re like nah that I could make a really heavy argument that a 500 team that didn’t get in probably should have been in from that conference so maybe the 74 or 76 I mean maybe that does allow for those those teams that otherwise wouldn’t be excluded but it’s a money grab it’s total money grab I just and it’s going to happen oh yeah yeah no it’s it’s going to happen I just like to your point though it’s like maybe not as Extreme as your point but if we’re going to expand this thing then take it to 128 or whatever like if if if instead of this like little death by paper cuts nonsense that we keep doing every 10 years yeah oh let’s add three teams oh let’s add four teams you know what fine let’s just add a whole another round to the whole thing and just go a third of the team playing college basketball makes makes the NCAA tournament yep if you really want to make the money then fine just blow the doors off the whole thing and let’s put a together an entirely new round yeah and let’s build a losers bracket where we can sell the Los double double elimination we fill the CIT with the NCAA tournament losers bracket you you fall out of this tournament the first two rounds we we feed you into this tournament and I actually don’t hate that I I like that idea yeah I mean i’ the NIT is the best teams eliminated from that first round that’s what I was thinking yeah I was like We’ll build out a losers bracket that’s a hell of a hell of an idea there that plays out well I nobody ever hires me for ideas give this man a job man nobody got ideas I’m an idea man what is it you say you do around here I’m an idea guy I deal with ideas well I do think it would be interesting and and I do think it would sell more money than building a a bracket of a bunch of no buies that don’t deserve to even have a postseason yeah but they’ll figure out a way to make their money 76 teams yeah hands of Scotty 975 the ekl Sports Zone

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1 Comment

  1. Worst take I have ever heard, Zach Edey is going to be superstar and he can hit pull ups, 3 point shots, and he literally KILLS EVERYONE IN THE PAINT!!!!! POST UP CITY AND PICK&ROLL CITY

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