@Dallas Mavericks

[Sidery] The Mavericks are shopping Tim Hardaway Jr. in hopes of finding a rotational upgrade.

[Sidery] The Mavericks are shopping Tim Hardaway Jr. in hopes of finding a rotational upgrade.

by K1ngCrimsn


  1. mill_about_smartly


  2. I mean everybody and their momma saw this coming ever since he drove of a cliff.

  3. Putrid_Ad_2256

    He wasn’t phased out of the rotation enough, IMO.

    I’m actually curious to see what team would want him. It doesn’t appear that he’s gotten over his injury. If you look at what DFS and Reggie Bullock did after they were traded, now imagine both of those with a bad leg and unable to play defense. That’s what I suspect will happen to THJ.

  4. Dirks_Knee

    Too late. They should’ve moved him at the TDL. EDIT: If Nico somehow moved THJ for Beef Stew and then ships Kleber for a starting SF better than DJJ, he’s the G.O.A.T. Mavs GM hands down.

  5. TheChosenOne311

    My dream scenario is Anfernee Simmons and Thybulle from the Blazers. Simmons a much better fit with Luka and Ky than Grant would be. Obvious question would be if the Blazers are willing to move him

    Timmy, Green, Hardy, our 25 and 31 firsts


    Simmons, Thybulle

    That deal would actually move the needle for us IMO.

  6. ITakeLargeDabs

    The goal here is for Nico to flex his GM muscle and milk this trade for as much as possible. Really need to use his “record breaking finals performance” as much as possible, feel free to be as liberal as you want on this one Nico

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