@Denver Nuggets

More Trades That Help the Denver Nuggets Win a Title in 2024-25

More Trades That Help the Denver Nuggets Win a Title in 2024-25

good afternoon and welcome everybody to the Twan game with Chris and Scott live on Bleacher Report app hopefully you guys are having a fantastic Thursday we are here chatting with you guys my name is Chris this is Scott and we are also host for Action lab Sports we are live over on Twitch and all of our platforms actionlab uh every Wednesday Thursday and Sunday nights at 9:30 Eastern so if you’re ever looking for sports content to hang out uh chat anything football basketball you name it come over hang out with us on those nights and we would love to have you but today we are getting into nuggets 20124 offseason trade ideas we just had the conclusion of the NBA season congratulations to the Boston Celtics or not um and we but we’re looking forward we’re looking forward because here in Denver Scotty the nuggets are on the we need to figure out what we’re doing this off season and given the circumstances we don’t have a lot of flexibility given we’re on the FR Fringe of this second apron the dreaded second apron we’re going to talk about that but that’s what we’re getting into yeah I mean as you said it Chris congrats to the Boston Celtics sort of whatever no great season for them they earned it best team in the NBA this year but we coming Chris now let’s turn the page nuggets now we got the draft next week we got free agency here coming up we’re going to go over some trade ideas that I’m sure everyone’s going to love um but this team you know yeah as you talked about doesn’t have a lot of flexibility so we’re going to try and get a little creative and have some you know decent names not not just you know run-of-the-mill role player guys that maybe we can make a splash on if we if the Nuggets feeling Cline to um they could also choose to just run it back Chris uh and that wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they just kind of try and get kcp under contract and and run it back next year with the guys they have yeah we talked about this last time we did some trade ideas the fact that you know the Nuggets don’t need to do anything crazy they’re they were on the cusp of winning that series with the Minnesota Timberwolves and you know we’ve been there done that you know they they have a really really good team their contenders moving forward so we don’t need to go crazy with things but we’re going to for this because we have some trade ideas that we think could even push them above where they were in the last couple Seasons uh now the second apron there are four teams that are in this projected to be in this second apron and that’s the Celtics the nuggets the Timberwolves and the Suns the threshold is 189.5 million and there’s some restrictions that come with this so let’s get this out of the way first teams in this second apron can only resign own free agents sign draft picks sign players to minimum contracts and take uh when it comes to trades um equal or less salary coming back that doesn’t have any aggregated player uh player contracts involved so um that’s another aspect of how you know we’re going to be approaching taking a look at some of the teams that are going to be in these trade deals and trying to figure out the puzzle that is this whole NBA it’s a whole new world out there in the NBA with these new collective bargaining stuff with the second apron and first apron um I like it from a competitive balance but as a nuggets fan right now it’s not great Chris it’s not great to be in that potential area and some of that does Ma you know with kcp we are likely looking if we bring kcp back and sign him to something uh we’re probably going to be in that second apron as nuggets uh if we don’t then there’s some flexibility where we can stay under that apron uh but there’s big loss Chris potentially if you stay in that apron for three like after one year for two of the next four years your draft pick that following year moves all the way back to the end of the first round automatically automatically so you can’t just hang out in the second apron for you know five straight years and be like it’s okay doesn’t matter you don’t have a a mid-level exception that you can offer free agents and free agency and as you said you can’t it’s not like you can combine two guys salary on your team and trade him for one guy on another team who makes more it has to be even with one for one so there’s a lot of reasons uh that we’ll get into to why the Nuggets might want to stay away from uh being in that second apron which means moving on from kcp which listen I don’t love that I like kcp as a player but uh if if that makes sense and there’s there’s avenues that we’ll talk about that maybe make sense where we stay under the second apron move on from cas CP and we’re still very much a contending team in 2025 nick uh in we have some some Chatters coming in so Nick in the chat says we need a solid backup for joic don’t need him playing the whole game and I mean we don’t have that in our trades today however I do think it’s something that can be addressed in the draft because there are some decent draft picks that can come in for cheap from the I mean there’s there’s a couple targets that were maybe get into on another stream coming up that we’ll talk about knowing that the draft is coming up this coming week so um nice cheap options that can be pretty solid for uh you know that there there’s also trade options but we just don’t have any centers in our trade options today yeah but I’ll include a little sprinkle of a guy will sign in free agency on one of these trades um in my plan for that trade yeah the Nuggets need a backup center they need I think better shooting off the bench and they need a ball handler Off the Bench uh a backup point guard that’s more reliable than Reggie Jackson no disrespect but he just he wasn’t good enough last year everyone just missed Bruce Brown everyone wants Bruce Brown back that’s not going to happen with what he’s making at 20 million um but uh yeah we need to add to the depth and hopefully Mike Malone realizes Michael Malone hopefully he didn’t see that I’m scared now he doesn’t like to be called Mike um hopefully he’s and he’s said an interview after the fact you know looking back at the season he he played the starters too many minutes during the regular season yeah and so yeah let’s get into some of these trades now now most likely a lot of these trades are going to be Pie in the Sky I think the nuggets are going to lean towards running it back so we got to keep that in mind but these are some fun trade ideas that I think could potentially be interesting to think about and who knows if they pull the trigger it’s like wow these can be some interesting ones so let’s go into our first trade Scotty and um you know the Nuggets they have some draft picks they can you know uh mix in as well so the first trade that we are going to take a look at involves Michael Porter Jr uh and Michael Porter Jr a 2025 second round pick a 2026 second round pick to the Brooklyn nets for Mel Bridges and Mel Bridges I think would be and th this would be a home run in my opinion for the Denver Nuggets in the sense that you have somebody coming into Denver that has slotted into that same role but more defensive minded still has the ability to shoot still can space the floor and and has that feel and I think could Thrive around a guy like joic who’s a playmaker and can maximize everything uh mich’s you know D 10th overall in 2018 and he can shine as a role player in this Denver Nuggets offense meanwhile if you take a look at the other side of this trade Scotty uh you know the Brooklyn Nets end up getting some boost in offense maybe a higher ceiling boost with you know what they have going on cam Thomas Dorian finy Smith Nick Clacks and a lot of defensive minded guys a lot of defensive players on that it’s a weird team by the way like they have so many it’s like it’s wingal they have like eight their whole roster is like 65 66 Wings they’re The Island of Misfit Wings power forwards and centers like they just have so many options now I will say I have some just small Zeke trades for dayon Sharp or Noah Clowney kind of in the background that could potentially work so they have a lot of options they have a lot of depth in those areas but they need offense so you know the Nuggets end up getting a guy that can help be a very good role player def defensive minded and still help offensively Brooklyn Nets get a guy that can Elevate their offensive abilities so that would be my first option um for a trade there yeah I mean Chris keep in mind we’re nuggets fans guys so we might lean in favor of the Nuggets I I feel like this is a if if this if if Brooklyn this do it in a second and I like mpj I’m on the I’m on the boat that we don’t we don’t need to move mpj I don’t want to move mpj now if we can move npj for male bridges in a couple seconds count sign me up like yeah absolutely um now it might take a little more than that it might be like mpj yeah Christian Browner pton Watson and like a first Chris to get Mel Bridges because not only is Mel Bridges a hell of a player Chris he’s making like 13 million less than 12 million less than mpj next year so so affordable we’re saving money in that scenario um but I love Mel Bri game uh I think you know Phoenix in hindsight regrets probably moving I they had to do what they had to do to get Kevin Durant obviously that hasn’t necessarily worked out for him um but yeah male Bridges as another ball handler guard Wing that can hit the three um would be would be fantastic and one of the few guys I would be okay with if are GNA boom on from mpj we got to get a stud in return we can’t just get like two lesser players and try and fill the void that mpj is because I I probably am higher on mpj than you a little bit Chris um as a nuggets fan but like yeah he had a bad Series against Minnesota but the guy is a lethal shooter he’s 610 he needs to add a little bit more to his game offensively with driving and getting in the lane um but he was he was great in our first round against the Lakers dude dude was fantastic You could argue outside of joic he was our second best player in that series he was our second best player in that series yeah yeah Michael Porter Jr I mean he has the higher ceiling offensively between the two players let’s let’s you know put it like it is I mean he’s right now he’s 25 years old you know we get we talk about players getting in their the superstars getting in that Prime of like 25 through 28 29 is kind of like that Prime and he’s kind of getting to that point where he’s learning a ton and he’s getting better I just I I we need the consistency and I think that’s what we lacked from an offensive standpoint from series to series in this last um playoff run and so the fact that he disappears and you can’t necessarily rely on him you need him to do other things and he was wasn’t able to do those things from a defensive standpoint when you have to pull him off the court and in late scenarios defensively because he can’t he’s not an ideal option in a like a last second shot situation I feel like there’s still for a a player making the money that he’s making he needs to get better there so you know with male Bridges I think that there’s a really good option to fix a couple of those if you’re able to somehow convince the uh Brooklyn Nets to make that trade so um I mean the Nets again they need to make something happen because they’re just they have a weird weird roster um this would be the only 610 guy on the roster I feel like like I don’t even know if they have they don’t have point guards or centers it’s just everything in between yes yes um so uh a lot of lot of great uh options in the chat a lot of lot of people chatting in and lot of people thrown out some old friend alerts Monte Morris which I like Monty Morris uh uh and he wasn’t heavily involved with Minnesota and I saw Mason plumbley which if we have to get that point I I’m not a huge Mason plumly guy but he’d be a more serviceable backup than we had you know in the last or last year at least so if that’s what soon we have to settle for a vet minimum and bring back pluming fine um we also have Lor Markin would be a backup for joic well good good segue good segue I I appreciate that um you’re not going to be disappointed because I have on our next trade option Lori marinan in the deal so in this deal and and by the way so um in order to make this next deal happen we would need to move on or not bring back kcp in order for us to aggregate a couple contracts to get to this point so kcp would be on the way out we would need to fill in that role at some level um but we have some people young players on our bench IE Christian Brown and some other guys that can come in and and kind of fix some of that but let’s keep that in mind for this trade coming up in this next proposed trade we have Michael Porter Jr again because he seems to have the most value of everybody when it comes to the upside of his skill set offensively um so Michael Porter Jr Zeke Naji who hasn’t been as big of a uh impact that we would have liked him to be here in Denver and two second round picks in 2024 and one in 2026 to the Utah Jazz for Lori marinan and Lori marinan is going to be one of those guys where he can do a lot of nice things when it comes to his skill sets as well Lori marinan he is a finisher he’s a spacer I mean he averaged 23 points almost 40% from three-point uh range at 8.2 rebounds and he’s able to continuously be like that size that you need next to uh joic that’s going to be able to kind of be a little bit more on the defensive side kind of in that paint uh Rim protection side of things but also have the upside on the offensive side so I think that that could be an very very interesting option especially with uh his skill set and fitting into this so then you would be looking at an uh uh roster for the Denver Nuggets starting lineup of Jamal Murray Markin in could slide into I mean slot into that small forward potentially so you have a bigger lineup yeah probably playing the three I mean but was 10 so it’s not yeah so it fits Aaron Gordon uh and Nicole yic the size we talk a lot about size when it comes to some of these teams and it’s like man like in the playoffs that would be massive um but that would be an option uh again Michael Porter Jr would need to be that upside for the Utah Jazz to make that work and Utah on the other hand if you’re taking a look at the roster coming in for them um the Utah Jazz would be I mean they have Colin seon they would have Michael Porter Jr John Collins uh ke George a nice young kid but they’re still kind of rebuilding so they need to kind of put together you know something to build around and Michael Porter Jr kind of gives that option to them and then they can start fitting in pieces accordingly right so uh they finished 31 and 51 uh in the four in the division Northwest division fourth overall in the division so um they need to make something happen and then this could be a this could be an option for both that could fit yeah JQ in the chat has a good question are you trading npj for one year of Lori because he is on an expiring it’s actually wildly Team friendly I think he’s making like 18 million next year um no I think if you’re the nuggets and if you do let kcp move on and you move on from mpj’s deal you have plenty of room then to whether you want to do it right away after the trade or wait till after the season um you have room to to fit Lori marinan into your your budget with those two players off the budget and Zeke Nagi off the budget so obviously you don’t want to trade mpj for a one-year rental um you can’t have that so that would have to mean Lori Markin in’s in the long-term plans I think Lori Markin is a really really nice player um I think he’s similar to mpj in a lot of aspects but he’s a little more well-rounded a little more established been a league longer and has more Nuance to his game as far as getting in the paint just a shot maker where you know mpj mpj like 80% of his shots are based off of you know a catch and shoot basically right or an assist in some fashion um so if we can get Markin in I think that along with that you know starting five and move on from mpj and um zagi and you know some picks I’m I’m all here for it I’m all here for it he’s uh he’s a phenomenal player I think he’s been better in Utah than people even expected Fringe All-Star type guy that you know obviously joic has never played with an All-Star Chris or at least not one on the same time at the same time on the roster so uh that maybe maybe that would be a first who knows but uh this deal would be great for Denver does Utah pull that trigger I I think marinin is going to be a hot commodity so there’s going to be a competitive trade market for him um and then also Utah could decide to send him to a long-term deal because they they need you know dude out there and and think they’re closer than than you think so uh I’d love Lori in uh in Denver I know a lot of people think like OKC’s a natural fit so we’ll see what happens but lorian Denver is another guy I would be I like this one even more than male Bridges because I think he slots in and fits in better than Mel Bridges does so uh I would love this trade as a nuggets fan yeah and and honestly there’s a lot I mean we’re talking about players that are going to be ask like Bridges Marin it they’re going to be coveted I think and you have you you mentioned OKC I think he would be perfect in OKC that’s exactly what OKC needs and that’s what I’ve been kind of vouching for them a little bit on like I I would hate for them to get him but I would love to see what he can do there next to a chat homr because they have no no size outside of chat it’s kind of a small team and they need something like him they got beat on the boards last year or last this past playoffs with Dallas so yeah um so yeah I think that that would be but selfishly I I would rather him be in a trade coming this way uh more so than than OKC because then that means OKC is gonna be wildly good uh for a long time so um mpj Gillespie and a first-rounder for Luca you know there’s a lot of who says there was a lot of Luca trade talk uh after the series and like Twitter and I’m like Chris recently recently jic took a picture with bonovich and now everyone’s like well we got a trade for bonovich because he’s friends with Joker I’m like I don’t I don’t think that’s how it works I’m not not that I would be totally opposed but who we moving for uh and that dude’s a defensive liability so hard pass for me but hard pass yeah I think we’d be taking maybe a step back uh potentially uh no now we have now we have trade mpj in a second to Atlanta for bonovich and capella uh yeah outside of like you know I I like bonovich is a fit offensively he is he’s a bigger liability than mpj is defensively I like I don’t even think it’s particularly close capella is a nice that’d be a great backup big uh to spell jic so well I don’t hate that move at all um but you’re not getting better defensively that’s for sure well in that rate at that rate you keep mpj and you draft a big and you just you know go into the season with what you got I mean I think cuz obviously if you’re if you’re going to take a step backwards defensively with a bud donovich then it’s like okay well how um how does that really help us because that’s what we kind of need in those scenarios we don’t need liabilities late in playoff games we have to figure out who are we going to slot in here and it just you’re in the same position and you’re almost got worse offensively because you trust mpj offensively more than probably bonovich in the grand scheme of thing so it yeah it it probably doesn’t work uh drron Holmes by the way uh shout out in the chat uh he’s one of my dream scenarios he’s climbing draft boards and it probably isn’t likely I fear he’s not going to be there at this point but there is a lot of lot of heat out there that the nuggets are have already promised him if he’s there he’ll take they’ll take him um Darren Holmes out a uh Dayton right what am I doing right Dayton yep Dayton and he he he’s climbing probably a top 15 um bring back bub bub can’t even stay on his own teams right now he can’t he can’t St he can’t play on any team that that he get goes to um all right let’s get to the last trade here and it involves the Chicago Bulls Scotty do you want to run through this one yeah uh this one’s probably a little less splashy but maybe more realistic than the other two um I could see this happening uh and you’re like oh Zack LaVine because he’s been rumored on the move this does not involve Z Zack LaVine but this is this involves like nugget fans a dude they’ve won it on this roster I feel like for years now they are always like oh if we could just have this guy so nuggets are shipping off in this trade they’re keeping they’re keeping mpj I do want to say this does mean kcp is not resigning with the team so kcp moves on um in this scenario we send Zeke Nagi um oh my gosh I actually forgot what was uh Zeke naagi pton Watson P oh pton Watson which people are gonna be furious about Zeke Nazi na nii Payton Watson and a second rounder to Chicago for Alex Caruso listen Alex Caruso would be a phenomenal fit in Denver and it doesn’t stop there if we do this deal that gets us under the second apron and along with signing Alex Caruso I think I think we you know make a move for backup big like you could now you have the mid-level exception available to you because you’re under that second apron you could offer 5 million a year to Andre Drummond as a as your not you know backup big that can spell um he could do the job there you add Alex Caruso um who’s a defensive stalwart solid offensive player into the mix um you know coming off the bench a more reliable guy and then you could still make moves like you know moving Julian Str or somebody to get a shooter you know um Off the Bench uh I think we do need more shot making Off the Bench not a lot of shooting coming off the bench for us this does push Christian Brown into the starting lineup I know everyone’s like if Christian Brown could just make threes I think he has it in him more so than I do pton Watson and that’s why I move on from pton Watson I love pton Watson’s game but I don’t know pton Watson’s shot scares me I don’t know if that that form never will be consistent to me it looks a little little sketch Christian Brown I’m a Kansas fan I saw it in person like the dude has it in him I think he just you know hasn’t got the minutes yet where he can get comfortable and loose on the court um but if he gets in the gym and he’s a gym rat uh and just works on his shot all off season he can replace KP in my opinion then you have Alex Caruso uh and Andre Drummond coming off the bench that instantly makes our depth I think better for winning right now I love pton Watson’s upside but these are guys that are to win right here right now yeah and then the Chicago Bulls end up getting you know a solid upside with um you know some of the young Talent that’s coming through in this deal as well right so you know with that being said I think it it it fits um you know they’ll be able to I mean pton Watson can can offer some uh he’s got one of the higher upsides of the young rookies or the young players I should say because he’s his second year uh coming in and he’s his athleticism his defense he’s electric when he uh you know really attacking the rim and doing some nice things like there so I think fitting in with Chicago could could be nice um but really what you’re getting for the Denver Nuggets is just a guy who’s just on ball defense is going to be suffocating he’s very very good he’s got a good feel for the game he shoots well from three uh just around 40% and he just I mean he’s he’s been on a championship team uh in the past so he knows what it’s like and to fit into a championship caliber team like the Denver Nuggets right now would be a veteran presence that I think would be absolutely needed for this team to you know consistently have that mindset he knows what it takes to win a title um but I love Alex Caruso there’s gonna be a bidding war for him as well all the all three guys that we’ve looked at are kind of gonna be really coveted Chicago has a lot of guys on the Block and I think I think Chicago was trying to get two first rounders for Caruso at the deadline last year now he is he is on the the last term year of his deal it’s a very friendly deal I think he’s making about 9 million this year Chris yeah so it’s very Team friendly to sign you know bring him in um so it’ll probably be a little less than two first and I think you know pton Watson and you know getting off the zek Nagi contract and throwing in like a second hopefully that would entice him enough but there’s going to be competition there so I just think Alex Caruso and Andre Drummond would be really really nice pieces reliable pieces off this bench um that that would be nice um but who knows Chris I mean I still think the most likely thing is like them running it back everything hinges on kcp and of course he has up until the 29th of June Chris to either accept or decline hopefully he’s let the Nuggets know what he’s going to do I think he’s going to decline that player option I think everyone does that’s 15 million because I think he can make upwards of 20 million on the market um so he likely will but that doesn’t happen till the 29th which is of course two days after the you know or yeah two days after the draft ends um so that doesn’t do the Nuggets any favors in that in that sense but this team this team’s close Chris they very well could just choose to run it back yeah try and get a couple cheap contracts on there make a pick at 28 that adds some depth whether that’s a you know they could use a guard a wing and and a big um so it might just be who they value there but um it’s going to be a a fun offseason and listen Chris there were a lot of people that came out in the finals and were like man I kind of wish the nuggets made it and these aren’t nuggets fans these are people being like I think that this series this NBA Finals could have been an epic competitive series because I think the Nuggets match up way better against Boston than than any other team in the NBA probably can yeah I I me I honestly think if the Nuggets win that series with Minnesota they win the title uh even especially what we saw from the shooting woses in a couple of those early games with Boston I mean the Nuggets would have been in a lot more of a competitive series than than what we saw from from Dallas unfortunately um H Darren How likely do you feel each of your trade scenarios are scale one to 10 all of them are going to be probably pretty low they’re all below five they’re all below five we’re not in the we’re not in the office you know to know what they’re thinking I would say of those three I think maybe the last one’s maybe the most Caruso is probably like a four maybe I think m is probably the least likely of is probably like a one or a two um I would say marinan is probably a two and then yeah a four for for but all of them are mostly unlikely in the grand scheme of things only because the Nuggets just are so restricted based off of where they’re at and what the contracts look like like we mentioned there’s four teams that are in that second apron so when you’re looking at the Celtics the nuggets the Wolves and the Suns it they’re they’re all very limited in how they could improve their rosters and you know that’s and that’s the whole thing that you know we’re going to be looking at moving forward is how the the parody of NBA teams are built and how you’re building from the ground up and you know balancing rosters with young Talent that’s cheap versus top end Talent where you’re not having three max contracts on a on a team anymore and it’s not going to be it’s not going to be as um as feasible to do and build teams that way so it’s all a puzzle you gotta trust that these some of these young guys um we need STW to be way more consistent next year uh you know pick it to contribute in some fashion obviously Christian Brown and pyton Watson if they can take the next steps that would be huge for this roster because we just need to be even with the with the reserves in Chris just play level B basetball with the backups in so that we can get the aror rest because as we talked about at least analytically the starting five for the Nuggets last year plus minus wise was the best in all the NBA when those five starters were on the court that was the best five in all the NBA so they have pieces so maybe you try and run it back but then you’re relying on one Michael Malone to play those pieces when maybe he doesn’t want to so they can grow a little bit and maybe that means you know some additional losses in the regular season but honestly who cares this is a nuggets team that’s won a title they can go on the road I mean they were down 20 to Minnesota went and won two straight in Minnesota so they can win on the road uh if they’re not a high seed for the playoffs so we got to get these guys involved we gotta get Christian Brown’s confidence up we gotta get Peyton Watson’s confidence up we got to you know get Julian STR on the court where he starts hitting more shots um and getting him defensively and seeing where it goes but we have no backup bit Chris so yeah earlier in the chat if if we have to settle on Mason plumbley we have to have a backup pick yeah to give yic some some rest yeah absolutely whether you whether you address that in the draft or whether you address that you know in a free agent situation I mean there’s been some free agent names in the center position that have popped up a little um Daniel Ty has popped up you could sign him for potentially a cheap option um I mean there’s there’s there’s there’s a couple different ways we can go to navigate that so um do we need to make a trade for like a backup center it’s not the only option we have some different ways that we can approach it so um that being said that’s going to take us in for uh actually one more here I want to get to one more how realistic a trade for Jose Alvarado and how good of a fit is he if they could trade for him uh I haven’t heard his name mentioned a lot with the Nuggets um obviously he’d be a nice nice backup point guard that can spell Murray um I liked you know his game a little bit with with the New Orleans this past season um but how realistic I don’t know how I don’t I don’t know how much New Orleans wants to move on from him I mean he’s only in his second year he’s a cheap asset I don’t see New Orleans interested in moving him New Orleans is ready to move on from Brandon Ingram it sounds like they’re shopping him to anyone and everyone but Jose Alvarado a cheap you know second your player they’re going to they’re going to probably hold on to so I don’t think that’s very likely yeah um but guys thank you for popping in hanging out um Clarkson and oen oen is another name actually by the way I love oen I just think we’re gonna have a hard time getting him as as a Gonzaga guy I would love olenic because you know um actually you crazy enough I have connections to you know uh I have some connections with Gonzaga that connect me to oin so we could just come over and have a you know have a fun time out here in in Denver uh meet up for a little little beer or something I don’t know who knows um but guys thank you so much for being here for this 2024 offseason trade idea live on Bleacher Report uh we are going to be having more content hitting you we have the NBA draft coming uh a lot of that stuff is going to be on our other channel actionlab sports and then also action lab on Twitch we are live on Twitch every Wednesday Thursdays we do some baseball talk and Sundays we’re doing this Sunday we are doing a lot of NBA draft analysis who’s going to be the players that you want to keep an eye on how are the you know players at the top of the draft going to you know fluctuate before and after Rising stocks dropping stocks so make sure action lab on Twitch you go check us out uh we are live every Wednesday Thursday and Sunday nights at 9:30 Eastern so go give us a follow and then keep it tuned here to Bleacher Report app uh for all of our clips and everything else that we have going on but until next time for the Twan game with Chris and Scott thank you for being here and we will see you guys next time love you appreciate you all enjoy the off scen let’s go nuggies go nuggets let’s get it

Chris and Scott discuss hypothetical trades that the Nuggets could think about to improve their 2024-25 roster.

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  1. You guys have no idea what you're talking about… if we can get Bogdanovic and Capela for MPJ and second round pick we should have preseason parade in Denver.
    Plus Daron Holmes is stiff/ not fluid undersized big and it's not an upgrade over Zeke whatsoever.. terrible takes

  2. If you're trading MPJ, then I only like Lauri Markkanen in return because you get to keep the size and length that Denver strives on. Lauri already has the offense going, you'd only need to boost up his defense a little more. I don't like trading MPJ for Mikal Bridges in any way. Mikal is 6'6, 209 pounds. That's not what Denver needs regardless of how good his offense is. So, it's either Lauri or just run it back because that's actually how good MPJ is. Definitely should go after Vanderbilt though and involve Nnaji in that trade.

  3. Nobody wants MPJ he is ridiculously overpaid….no defense and zero hustle…we are stuck with him….he already owes Jokic one ring.

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