@Detroit Pistons

2024 NBA Draft Prospects The Detroit Pistons Could Draft With The 5th Pick

2024 NBA Draft Prospects The Detroit Pistons Could Draft With The 5th Pick

so one of my questions I wanted to ask you it’s let’s say the Pistons keep the fifth pick hypothetically sure who are some prospects at five that fans should expect the Pistons to Target with that fifth overall pick so here’s the frustrating thing right we’ve spent 50 minutes talking about a number two option A guy that really gets buckets and all of these things and I mentioned Ron Holland earlier he’s probably the only one and there’s real downside with Ron Holland people will throw out hamdu Dio as a floor for Ron Holland and they’re not wrong they they are not wrong I think Ron Holland is a real high upside swing for the fences type guy but there’s a chance it doesn’t hit and I don’t know that his workouts have been great so I still think Reay is the guy that you hope somehow Falls to five and people don’t like that and I get it because he is he’s going to fall right into what we just talked about in terms of being a role player he is a three and D role player but he’s 69 610 I think he can really shoot it I think he can really defend I think that makes a lot of sense on this roster and then you go fill this the role we’re talking about as a bucket getter with the $65 million in free agency and all of that so he’s a guy I don’t think he’s gonna be there though for what it’s worth so I did a recent thing over on my substack where I asked people to give me their top five Pistons Big Board without alexar and Zachary Reet and you know who ended up won by a landslide was the first guy in your graphic right there Reed Shepard I was shocked I was shocked I did not I knew he’d be high I didn’t think he would win it going away you know like if you would have done that a month ago I guarantee you it would have been a different outcome but I probably Matas you think it would have been Matas I think so I I think when I I talk to a lot of Pistons fans it’s like Matas or bus right now yeah um I think there are some there’s like people in the Cody Williams Hive there’s people in the Delta connect kinging um even TJ song I mean there’s a lot of prospects that could be there at five and it scares the crap out of me it so the next three just to where kingan connect and Matas buellis so Shephard and the the pitch with Reed Shepard right is Ultimate floor spacer can take some secondary ball handling I think he’s better off the ball defensively even though he does get a little bit ball watchy at times I think he might strouble at the point of attack a little bit which I would rather have someone that does that a little better next to Cade but it is what it is there so I was surprised uh kingan was actually first in the of the Pistons fans I ask he was first so for those that don’t know what I’m referencing here I broke it down into Pistons fans NBA draft Scouts and then General content creators and the he won the Pistons fan vote this was shocking to me that he was first with pistons fans and I don’t know if that just means people are a little bit lower on Jaylen Duran or what it was but I was really surprised by that one I’m pulling mine up because I know I did not have kinging on my top five yeah no not I had Holland Reed sheeper Dalton connect Modis balis and I went spicy and I put uh khil Weare okay yeah yeah yeah khil we’s he’s a really interesting his his archetype fits the the modern NBA if if all of those things hit connect was really interesting because he got only two first place votes but the second least no votes so out of 40 ballots I collected Shepard had the most where he wasn’t in the top five at all Dalton connect was actually second it’s just connect got a ton of third and fourth place votes and not very many first and second which to me meant Pistons fans like the idea of Dalton connect just not at number five yeah I I think it kind of depends how the draft order goes yes like uh we did a a mock draft I think bleach report put out their mock draft and they had Modis at four and they had Cody they had Cody Williams at five okay saying that like the Spurs and the Pistons are uh real threats to draft him is a top four to five I guess that was like what their Intel told them which I like the idea of Cody Williams I just question the the shooting volume that’s my biggest concern because when you’re only shooting maybe an ATT 10th and a half and you’re shooting 41% like what does it look like when you’re shooting maybe five six times a game versus like one and a half times a game one and a half attempts to game he was 1.7 that’s borderline non-shooter territory right no matter what percentage you’re shooting it at teams are going to go okay shoot it seven times tonight and let’s see how it goes now the shot doesn’t look broke by any means and so hopefully he can increase the the thing with Cody is he has real touch around the rim like he he probably has the best touch of the guys in at the top 10 or or whatever maybe in the entire class and if he fills out his body if I could talk to somebody that said no his frame the way he’ll fill out his body he’s just skinny right now I would feel a lot better about him there was a aggressive mentality that kind of I didn’t love with him uh me and Sam’s most recent mock we actually executed a trade which moved the Pistons back to eight San Antonio traded up I thought it was a good trade for Detroit I had Spurs people reach out to me and thought that there was they didn’t like what San Antonio gave up to move up there but what it did was it was a future protected first round pick top seven so maybe if it maybe it needed to be top 10 or top 12 protected or something like that but it gave Detroit a future first to recoup some of that with that pick that’s in New York traded back to eight and still got Dalton connect at number eight I mean yeah if if you can get assets and still get a guy that can come in right away like a Connect which I I think to me I think K is the most NBA ready guy that is talked in the NBA draft lottery I think right now he could average 10 to 12 points in the NBA it’s just how good he is offensively and I think the thing with connect is a lot of people talk about him just as a floor spacer which I think he will do there’s a chance he’s a like overall bucket getter like there’s a chance dton connect may go average 20 points a game in his career now of course there’s a chance he doesn’t but this is a guy in the SEC who was the entire offense some games and would just go crazy and so I think there there’s a chance he’s a real big-time scorer from two levels maybe even three levels because he’s more athletic than than what you would guess but I think the floor is he’s at least a really good floor spacer the question is on the defensive end right he he doesn’t answer a lot of these defensive questions but what I continue to say is most of these guys aren’t going to solve all of the issues so we’ve talked about a few things throughout this just this episode right they need a second bucket getter they need floor spacing and they need defense that guy is not in this draft he is he is nowhere to be found in this draft you might get lucky to get two of those things I think you would with Rees a guy that spaces the floor and plays defense a lot of them it may just be one and that’s again why you have to play out the rest of the offseason to answer some of the other questions yeah I when I look at connect and I know this is like way off topic I I see a lot of Tyler hero okay I’ve seen that comp as well like when I watch him he reminds me a lot of Tyler herro and you can go watch like some of Tyler Heroes like high school stuff like that kid was just so athletic like he’s dropping like 30 points a game in high school like that’s the same type of vibe I get with connect and I know some people look at the age which I I’ve never been a proponent of don’t draft him because he’s 22 23 if he can play he can play I I really don’t care my thing with the age is it just has to be a part of the evaluation it doesn’t mean you don’t draft kid you just have to have the context of hey this 23y old has had literally five more years to develop his body how many how many days is that 1,00 days or something like that they’ve had that many days that many workouts that many training sessions to get better at the game of basketball that matters he’s had that many more days than Zachary ree to work on his jump shot to fill out his body all of those things it has to taken into account now one thing with connect is his path to this is vastly different than a lot of guys in terms of going Jo low-level division one before Tennessee so I don’t even compare him I always use Kevin mcculler whenever I do this Kevin mcculler has six years of highlevel division one basketball training nutrition strength training coaching all of those things connect doesn’t even have that so I do think compared to other 23 year olds in this draft or any draft I do give him a little bit more space for potential growth because of that but again you can’t compare his body of work and and and truly just his body to other guys because there’s five years of development compared to a lot of the guys we’re talking about I I know this is such a I can go a lot of different ways with this topic but I I do want to kind of circle back to Modis because I I think he’s a a player that a lot of Pistons talk about they talk about it not so much as basketball you know presence more of like agent stuff I’m not gonna get into that yeah um but me he’s not even my favorite G ignite Prospect Tyler Smith is yeah um I question the shooting I know he shot 40% from three in high school but that’s high school um I covered like a lot of my job was covering g-league games so I got to see a lot of Ron Holland I got to see a lot of Modis balis my biggest thing with him is I don’t know if that three-point shot will translate at the next level in the NBA yeah I’m with you I have no idea he’s been one of my hardest evaluations because of that if he could shoot if I really believed in the jumper he would be one of my favorite prospects because I think he’s a forward so I think he’s a four he’ll have to fill out his body and his physicality as we we’ve talked about a lot of these guys do I think he weak side Rim protects I think he can play as a low man I think he’s better defensively in general than what people would think initially I think as a fourman he is a plus passer and dribbler not a great but he’s a plus and I’m talking about I I I continue to mention him as a fourman and not a wing not a three so thank the the Jeremy Grant type of role not not comparing the players I’m just saying that type of role like a fourman that may moonlights as a three sometimes but he’s got to be able to shoot it and I’m with you I don’t know that he does I just I have real questions yeah I mean getting to cover like a lot of G League games so I I got to watch like probably a bulk of 90% of theug games okay and I’m like yeah like he’s a he’s a nice Prospect I see him more as a point forward at the next level okay I I think you know he could play the power forward I think his passing is very underrated I think he’s a good passer but the shot is where I’m like I don’t know shot I think he shot like 27 maybe 25% from three in the I think I think his his percentage for all the questions around Ron Holland shooting I believe that mtas actually shoot so monage shot 26% on 3.4 and Ron Holland shot no he it didn’t end up less 24% on 3.3 but I mean people really questioned Ron Holland shooting and it was only a couple percentage points less than Matas I look at Ron Holland’s like jump shot I think it it’s more to work with than a Matas I think Ron Holland’s jumper looks like it could be something that develops someday yeah yeah like I I’m I’m a little bit higher on a Ron Holland than I would be a Matas just for the fact that like I I have so many questions it’s not just the jump shot it’s the frame too this a real it’s a really skinny kid like can he had wait at the next level you never really know uh but I mean you see skinny guys like Chad hram and Kevin Durant just own own people but he never really know but CH Chad has to be an outlier because his practical strength compared to what it just looks like the difference between those two things is insane it’s in it’s insane yeah I mean if he bulked up to like 250 he would just be unguardable it’s it’s insane [Music] oh [Music]

This week On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Bryce Simon
the topic of discussion was who could the Detroit Pistons select with the 5th overall pick.

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  1. i have a feeling Langdon is going make a big splash especially if castle or clingan is on board..they will trade down for more picks or vet and use sum cap space

  2. looking with the right eyes… Knecht used his young age 18-23 to work his tails off… to get better and polish overall his game…

    taking a younger prospect, 18-20 years old, what is the confirmation that this young fella will work enough to improve his game, with nba money/access to woman, to get to the point that will be same of knecht's game?

    and another thing… knecht usage on offense would be way less… so he will have energy to play defense… he has the athletic tools to be at least average…

  3. This draft is similar to most & will depend on what teams in front of Detroit does or if any teams move up. Is Langdon going for fit/immediate contributor or BPA 🤷🏾‍♂️

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