@Atlanta Hawks

Lakers Trade For Clint Capela?

Lakers Trade For Clint Capela?

what’s going on everyone so a lot of centers are becoming available and potentially on the trade market and one Center in particular that I want to talk about in this video is clink capella so the Atlanta Hawks are looking to move off of clink capella that they want to trade clink capella probably because they’re going to draft like a Klean or a sar right so probably going to take their big man um of now of the future so you know they very well might do well to trade uh Clint capella up I don’t think Clint is going to have a huge Market in particular because of his contract right like he’s making 20 million a year I just he’s not worth that now he’s not making 20 million a year over the next like five years which is good right he’s expiring so like you could bring him on if it works out you give him a new contract or you know go and uh just kind of let him go whatever it’s not a big deal and kind of clear salary off your books if you wanted to but Clint Capell he’s still young enough to have a couple years in this league he kind of solves a lot of what the Lakers need right have him good size somebody that can Bane down low doesn’t really stretch the floor but he’s one of the better if not arguably the best offensive rebounders in the league so all the second chance points and opportunities that you’d give uh the the Lakers he’s just a good rebounder period a guy that can go get you a bucket right like he’s he’s basically a walking triple double right he’s a guy that can give you that block some shots play some defense right him slaughtered alongside Anthony Davis you know good luck scoring inside right cuz he still is a guy that can block shots and rebound and do all the things that the Lakers need I really do like the idea of Clint capella it just makes things difficult because of his contract right like his contract it’s like are you really trading like ruy Jaylen hood chaffino and you know like a first or something for him right like probably not but I don’t hate the idea of bring and Clint capella if he’s an add-on right so if he’s an addition then I’m for it so like if you could trade for say Deon Murray and get Clint capella as like you know a a side piece you an additional piece then I don’t really hate the idea right it solves basically two of your biggest needs athleticism playmaking scoring and just versatility out at the out on the perimeter and at the guard position and then gives you a legit you know Center that can rebound block shots defend slot alongside Anthony Davis back up Anthony Davis however you want to approach it like I said he be a a good expiring contract that you could then resign right so you know say it works out you could resign them next year for maybe four years 10 million right and save yourself you know 10 million on the back end right so it could make sense you maybe sh said shed shed some salary long term um as well as you know kind of give you that that Center that could play alongside as you kind of continue to grow and develop guys right so like you know even if you were tow draft say a Zack EDI or a wear or something like that right like you he there I although Zack Eed I think is a guy that could help immediately like Zack is a guy I think could help right out the gate but or is he the guy that you’re starting right out the gate right like you could go Clint capella and Anthony Davis my my concern is LeBron right like is LeBron willing to play anything other than the four right the reason like a lot of people want Anthony Davis to slide to the four which is his natural position but it’s not really because of Anthony Davis it’s LeBron right LeBron is the is the guy that’s the four at this stage of his career he likes playing the four because he gets to kind of just coast and hang back takes a lot of pressure on him off of him on the defense side of things where if he’s playing the three he’s got to chase around perimeter guys you know these young quicker twitchier athletic type wings like it’s just it’s a lot to wear and tear down on his body but JJ reick wants to kind of imple ment specific offensive and defensive structure right he wants LeBron to play off ball more right could JJ if anyone could convince LeBron to play off ball more and maybe slide back over to the three or on defense play the four right but on offense you’re playing the three and they kind of just work out some like hybrid maybe Anthony Davis is the guy that’s standing out in the perimeter or they’re running some you know hybrid type defense or something like there’s options there right and I think JJ reck’s a guy that’s smart enough to kind of figure that I think he’s one of the few people that could get LeBron to make that adjustment so to me if you could convince LeBron to make that adjustment I like the idea of Clint capella at the five like if you could do something where it’s like you know uh say Deon Murray Austin Reeves LeBron James Anthony Davis and Clint capella as your starting five it’s a pretty good starting five to me like you got good size you got rebounding you got shot blocking you got versatility right if Austin Reeves Esley could kind of be closer to the defense he was in the playoffs he was terrible during the regular season he was actually pretty good in the postseason right can he at least be serviceable can Deonte Murray kind of get back to and maybe not even full but like some version of that all defensive Deon Murray if you could do something like that and then now you have your you know your front Court who are two seven-footers that can block shots you know LeBron’s kind of playing out on the perimeter and you got jonte Murray and uh Austin Reeves kind of chasing guys around like that could go a long way I actually kind of like that I think it’s got a nice balance of size and versatility um hopefully Austin re kind of get back to shooting 40% again that would go a long way so now the question though in the starting lineup would be things like shooting right Deonte Murray can shoot but he’s not like a great Elite shooter he’s good enough but he’s not like this Elite shooter so it’s like you know you’re really counting on LeBron shooting 40% again and then reev shooting 40% because Clint capella is giving you nothing from three-point range Anthony Davis is probably not giving you much from three-point range Deonte Murray like I said is you know about League average a little better than League average right so my my question my concern would be the three-point shooting and the lack of offense right from from the parameter but you know you you kind of trade things and you kind of tweak and make adjustments right again if LeBron can shoot 40% again or close let’s say 38 % LeBron can stay around 38% and Austin Reeves get back to 40% then I think you’re fine right because between LeBron and and Reeves you got tons of shooting then Deonte Murray gives you some shooting Anthony Davis he can knock out or you know can you know to not super consistent but he’s at least you have to challenge it right like he can knock it down on occasion right so you know I don’t mind something like that it also just depends on the offensive schemes that that JJ reick wants to run does he want to run some some kind of five out system or is he okay with you know a Clint capella kind of clogging the paint a little bit right cuz again Clint capella is not really going to give you any floor spacing know if he’s willing if Clint capella is kind of willing to take a backup role and play a backup role well then you know in that in that case then I I think it’s fine right because you go Anthony Davis LeBron James and then whomever else out on the perimeter and then you know say Deonte Murray Austin Reeves and I don’t know Jared Vanderbilt or something right like you maybe go something like that and then kind of play the offense that you want and then Off the Bench kind of bring in Clint capella then at that point right you know um you’re probably trading your 17th pick cuz any Center you you you know you going to take them and have them basically be the third big Off the Bench for the next few years and then that’s the case like what what’s the point of calling Caston it’s the point of Christian Wood although I prefer Christian Wood at the Ford if the Lakers end up trading ruy I think he’d be even more of valuable at the four but it’s just it’s you know it’s something that the Lakers going to have to weigh again I Clint Capell would be towards the bottom of my list right Clint capella would be more towards like you know I I would rather get a more versatile center right I I I almost kind of lean towards like yeah you might as well just get Zack Ed at that point right because and and kind of hope that maybe he can knock down the three ball with some level of efficiency but he’s a big body that I’m sure is going to help you rebound and stuff like that and he’s going to be a rookie that’s coming in that’s going to be more than happy to to just be on an NBA court let alone necessarily having to start like I think he’d be fine coming off the bench right so there’s like a couple things that you’d have to weigh there um but like if the like if we got a news tomorrow that the Lakers traded for Clint capella and Deonte Murray then cool to me that’s a home run now if they’re trading just for Clint capella then no I I think you I I I at that point I’d rather you go get an Andre Drummond or Valen Junes right like because again it’s just like you’re trading pieces that you could use to trade for other things to go get a guy that you probably get you know a a lesser version of but at a vet minimum in Andre Drummond right he still gives you the same level of rebounding if not arguably better and you know he gives you the same type of like lob threat office he’s not the shot blocker and Defender that Clint capella is but he’s also 20 times cheaper or I guess 10 times cheaper right like so now like again you got to kind of weigh these things so clink capella again isn’t my favorite option but again if he’s kind of like a oh we got Deon and Clint capella then fine sign me up I’m totally on board for that but um anyway as always this is a discussion I pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts like the idea of bringing in a Clint capella you think like yeah go get him if he’s an add-on would you be fine with the Lakers you know potentially trading for him just straight up like just Clint capella or you kind of like me where it’s like if you’re getting him in addition to Deonte right like then sure right kind of kill two birds with one stone you know cuz yeah like another point in that that is like if you could do that like yes you could go no it’s fine and then maybe go look elsewhere but what happens if elsewhere doesn’t work out right like so to me it’s kind of like do you just like if you could get both Clint capella and dejonte do you just do it just to have your Center locked up so you don’t have to worry about it and then that way you can kind of explore other options or you know draft picks or you know develop some of your young guys or whatever or do you take the risk and go no it’s fine let’s just take Dante and then go and hope you know you can sign a Valen chunez or know maybe you keep you know maybe you Draft Zack Ed or you know various things right like it’s it’s definitely a question worth asking but anyway K how feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the next one thank you

Lakers need a center and the Atlanta Hawks have made center Clint Capela available. Lakers Trade for Dejounte Murray could be a real possibility and adding a center to the deal would be welcomed Lakers News.

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  1. Capela talked about him for a while … Moves AD to the 4 🙂 again though don't trade Reaves 🙂 … Edit: Can Bron become a spot up shooter – JJ already talked bout him playing off ball?

  2. Not interested. Washed up you realize Atlanta was way shitter than us right. Getting a bunch of their players isn’t going to help us. We need winners!

  3. As a Hawks fan I don’t want anything from the lakers for Capela and you definitely have nothing for Murray especially if you think you’re keeping Reeves. “Yeah sure we’ll give you 2 starts for a bunch of crap” yeah ok 😂. Just delusional, if it was reversed you would not be happy with that either, when there reports of Ingram being available and the pels are in the market for a big and PG why on earth would we want the lakers deal?

  4. What do you think of a 3 way trade with Knicks and Nets for Mitch Robinson. Lakers could send DLo to Nets and we could probably get a pick from Knicks with Nets 20 mil trade exception going to Knicks

  5. This is the 35th video you have made mentioning Clint Capela in a trade to lakers, in the last 5 months. Overall you have made 186 videos mentioning Clint Capela trade to LA in the history of your channel. You should be reported to the NIL for abuse.

  6. Capela contract isn’t worth it. Unless they want to get Murray & Capela all in one. But I would rather us go all in on Walker Kessler or Mitchell Robinson.

  7. Go for Kessler. You’ll have your young center and ready to contribute right away. Next center for the next 8-10 years. He’s starting to develop a 3 point shot and he’s already an elite rim protector.

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