@Miami Heat

JJJ vs Jovic

Assuming these guys actually do reach All Star status, I personally got my money on JJJ, but I could see it going either way. What do y’all think?

by TheTrashman133


  1. johnnymatrix

    I see Jovic as having more upside. He is already the ideal 4 next to Bam. Can create his own shot of given the opportunity. If Jaquez could should better, he might top him, but will have to see how he grows over the next two years.

    If we had to trade one, I would be trading Jaquez

  2. FlyLikeATachyon

    That is tough to answer at this point. Really good question though. My gut tells me Jaime. Jovic has a higher ceiling but Jaime has a higher floor.

  3. mainev3nt

    JJJ is the better player atm but Jovic has more potential

  4. Longjumping-Sort3741

    Realistically, I do not think either of these dudes sniff an all-star game.
    Jovic to me, tops out as a 4th or 5th option on a contender, JJJ is a 6th man on a contender or 1st or 2nd option as a tank commander.
    I like both, I think Jovic has more upside, but I would not hesitate to trade either for an upgrade to the roster.

  5. EntertainmentWarm774

    Herro hasn’t even come close to making an All Star team yet and he averages 21/5/5 so I highly doubt that either of these two will ever sniff an All Star team during their entire careers in the NBA.

  6. Justice502

    Neither of these guys are all stars, but I pick JJJ.
    He seems like a player that would get a lot of fan support and hype if he steps up.

  7. rice-guardian

    Too early to tell. Niko has a ceiling close to that. But realistically i see him being a long serviceable player considering how young he is and the skillset he possesses. JJJ while older has shown flashes of making that hump.

  8. MusterBait

    JJJ has higher ceiling than Jovic, but Jovic has a higher floor. So I will go with JJJ

  9. I could see Jaquez being the first one just off of play style. He is more flashy with his dunking, spin moves, etc. The fact that he looks like a protagonist from a pirates of the caribbean movie doesn’t hurt. He is the type to get the casual votes.

    I think Jovic has more potential for multiple all-star appearances. Jovic is already the better passer and shooter. He needs to work on his post game and develop a mid-range shot. I just hope the Heat give him the opportunity to expand his game.

    I’m high on both of them, but I think Jovic ends up being the better player out of the 2.

  10. Soulsheart

    JJJ has higher star factor but I don’t see his offensive game taking a huge leap where he becomes jimmy butler. Maybe if he turns into Gordon Hayward he’ll get an all star appearance. Niko seems like a glue guy but I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a lauri Markannen type of jump he’s still only 21. But the chances either them are all stars is prob under 50%

  11. Rangotango92

    Dawg, let’s be real here. Neither of them are gonna be allstars

  12. CosmoJones07

    Jovic. I love Jaime but I don’t think his ceiling is All-Star. MAYBE fringe All-Star that gets snubbed in the extremely large pool of All-Star level talent in the NBA these days, at best. Jovic definitely has the higher ceiling, but whether he reaches that ceiling, and when, is another question.

  13. Western-Carpet266

    Neither. Come on guys, this is pretty damn unlikely and we don’t need them to be all stars but Niko does have that level of potential imo

  14. OffTheSchneid

    So pleased this isn’t about which one we’d prefer to trade. Very hard to choose bc they have very different strengths. I’ll go with Jovic bc he feels like he’s only just getting used to his size and we’ve already watched how good he can be at the international level. JJJ def has better facial hair though.

  15. No-Annual2948

    None of them are all stars. At best they are complimentary pieces. We need another star to pair with Bam for the future.

  16. Dame2Miami

    Jaime has star potential now and that gets you all-star votes. Most people can’t even type Niko’s name without it autocorrected to Jokić… though Niko has sneaky euro game that gets buckets without being flashy, and he’s a better shooter. I just see JJJ being able to utilize higher minutes more efficiently because his game is so much more polished.

  17. readndrun

    If both get starter minutes I’d give the edge to Jovic. But Jaime only getting better too.

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