@Memphis Grizzlies

The ideal offseason, Rockets rumors, and draft targets

The ideal offseason, Rockets rumors, and draft targets

[Applause] Mor with a running start elevat Point D oh my goodness TI game in overtime Gasol will turn his he is gone is on top s remain Conley now a three counting a 15o lead for Memphis and Blake Griffin gets into it on the floor with Randol hard to tell if there are any punches being thrown under there but Griffin took acceptance Adams going long Mor H it he hit it he hit it jat Insanity you got to be kidding welcome to grits and grinds a Memphis Grizzlies podcast my name is Keith Parish I’m joined on today’s episode by demichel Cole to Michael welcome to the show how are you doing I’m doing great ke uh good happy to be here you know it’s been it’s been a while since I’ve been on here but uh that’s my mistake I I honestly first of all I don’t have guests that frequently and right right and then I’m like I don’t want to bother people that’s my main thing and then I was like I’d been thinking I wanted to have you back on and then I was like checking our messages I was like did we go the whole year like the whole season so hey I was giving you your space okay well you know and I appreciate it you got a lot on your and oh man right now I mean towards the end of the season my play kind of you know it wasn’t as full but it’s yeah the Grizzlies lost again can I copy paste anything from the previous loss not that you would ever um right no also I had to get you on because like I mean I knew I wanted to have you on before the draft and um like so that’s one thing but then another on a recent episode I did the top YouTube comment on there yeah said we have to get a Keith and demichel crossover episode and I hadn’t even thought I was like first of all it’s it’s been so long but you got to give the people what they want you gota give the people what they want yeah yeah um to Michael you’re of course the beat writer for the Commercial Appeal um I have an assignment for you here’s something as someone with you know boots on the ground in Memphis um as a beat writer I need you to get the first public quote from Marcus Smart about the Celtics winning the title can you do it I might can pull that off okay I mean those those Boston guys might got a you know he got some good relationships established with some of those guys out there but uh but uh he I I know most recently he’s been in Texas so okay yeah he’s so he’s not actually around but I still I mean it’s got to be a lot of I think it’s got to be painful for Marcus and a lot of conflicting emotions because you are happy for your friends and you know it reminds me of what is this Demar D rozan like he he had he had a lot to say remember when you nothing like he was hurt when he got traded for Kawhi Leonard yeah yeah so it’s it’s it’s kind of like that situation again almost so and and honestly maybe the comparison is very apt because I think obviously swapping out Demar D rozan for Kawhi Leonard that was a big reason why they got over the hump also a Memphis Grizzlies trade of adding a Mark Gasol helped out um but then of course like I don’t know you know if did the Celtics have to trade out Marcus Smart for Drew holiday a lot of people think so I mean maybe just porzingis enough you know porzingis could have been enough with Mar my that was my highte it was I was looking at and I was like man if you like as as talented as they just kind of like overkilled it a little bit like yeah we want to be better the way the way the playoffs went it felt like an Overkill yeah it was like we don’t want to just be better than everybody we want to dominate everybody Markus Smart Plus porzingis okay yeah we’re better than everybody no we gotta dominate you know everybody so yeah I think they they still accomplish the same thing but it looks a little bit different when Drews uh instead of Marcus I mean I’m I’m a huge Drew believer and so maybe maybe they could have done it with Marcus I went back and checked my old Twitter which is a dumb thing to do was very conceited but I definitely pitched a uh when Drew holiday got moved um to to the Trailblazers I was out there with like hey guys uh tus plus Dylan Brooks plus two first rounders let’s get Drew holiday um but then of course we we got Marcus Smart and then U uh the Celtics Scot Drew holiday it is what it is dichael it is what it is anyways uh so last summer of course I was dreaming about you know wild trades that never happened um this summer we are in a similar situation I think we’re all Grizzlies fans and content creators are thinking um you know this is these are the options in the draft and then these are a bunch of trade options even some maybe free agent some modest free agent options what right now for you um when you put more of your fan hat on what what’s your ideal situation what’s your ideal summer for the Grizzlies by subtraction is where I want to start oh tell me everything who are we getting rid of that’s that’s I I didn’t think we were starting here this is great okay we got we that’s that’s the key to this whole thing because you got to remember right now with Luke Canard yeah still under contract you have 14 roster spots filled up and I I like to say 15 because you got a first round pick that’s a guaranteed contract so that’s a guaranteed roster spot so you’re full like you you pretty much don’t have a lot of flexibility to go out and say oh we want that guy we want that guy we want that guy what if a guy reaches out and says I’m interested in the Grizzlies you can’t be you can’t be interested back so um the first thing you need to address is how do we a move off of certain assets uh that might not be quote unquote assets to our team but possibly could be you know of interest to another franchise and to me you have to package it in a way so the ideal offseason I think there are a couple players on the roster right now you look at the rotation and what it could look like um I mean look people aren’t going to like to hear this but but it is what it is like like to hear it no no part this is a Taylor Jenkins thing this is GG he should be in but right now it’s not a certainty that GG Jackson will be in a rotation for get starting it’s not even certain that he will be in the rotation because of the fact that Off the Bench you’re talking about uh you know Luke Canard Brandon Clark Vince Williams I think those are for certains Santi aama GG Jackson that’s a conversation you know uh that’s going to be had probably a little bit more as we get into the offseason but Santi has more playing experience at this point uh I think GG is definitely I mean you know he’s gonna be the better player easily but uh but you got two two players probably lobbying for one spot there everyone else is free game in my mind not not Derrick Rose because of the you know veteran uh as what would we do without that veteran leadership what demichel what what would this team have done last season without the steadying locker room presence of Derrick Rose it made a big difference on the court but u i I tell you what uh it’s it’s the point that he’s on a minimum deal so even if you were to tra it doesn’t do anything for you uh so uh I think you keep him around but then everyone else should be free game you know you should should entertain the idea of of what teams like the idea of Jake laravia going into his third season after he showed a little bit in March in you know April whatever the case may be Z Williams I think that’s the most obvious one that comes to mind uh you know John Contra is another one where we knew that there was interest at the trade deadline specifically Boston you know was a team that I was hearing that that had some real interest you know in John KH Char I was thinking more of him uh to Boston than Xavier tuman you know at that time but but yeah so I think that’s where we got to start you you look at the rotation right now it’s hard to see uh John conart Z Williams members of it Jake ly is the younger of the three uh John Contra has the longest contract of the three so Z Williams kind of feels like you know he he’s not the youngest of the group and he has one technically one year you know left on his deal uh I think that’s your first option but who wants IR Williams that’s that’s so so when you talk about the IDE offseason yeah here here here’s here’s here’s what I get into and then I I’ll kind of like Sim through the off season real fast okay um basically I think you have to start with the idea of one at nine uh that may be the easiest route to to go in terms of a trading Z Williams uh in my opinion the easiest route uh when I say the easiest route I mean the easiest route to keep your team uh in a position to be very successful uh out out with that trade uh I think you could trade down not far uh you convince a team you know 12 13 16 in that range and say hey take on this player we’ll we’ll swap draft spots with you and um you can work out something that way and you could still with this draft class you look at it from that 10 to 15 range there isn’t a big Talent yet so you you probably still get you know a decent player um if you if you want a big the the KH Wares uh the Zack edes the ye Mei uh Theon Holmes those guys will be in that range uh so you you’ll have your pick at at least probably a couple of them to choose from so I think that’s a good starting point but to to sum up the offseason J from a from an arch type standpoint think you need to add at least one highlevel shooter possibly two uh they don’t have to be super main rotation guys doesn’t have to be someone who’s going to be a starter uh because I think there are a couple guys who are in line for three-point jumps I think Santi Alama has not shot particularly well from three-point range his first you know a couple years like playing more minutes with the Grizzlies but if you see him shoot the ball in practice and you see the shots he take you know a lot of times I look at the shots guys takes and I see those shots it’s like okay if he’s that confident that he’s taking that shot eventually you know things are going to work in his favor you know maybe not the the J the Jr Smiths and the Dylan Brooks of the world that analysis I don’t know if it’s right or wrong to Michel but I watch I watch the Grizzlies a lot of times and I’m thinking who gave you that confidence like like like like son why are you that confident Jin is the Ultimate Green remember you gave Stephen Adams the green light before uh Stephen Adams left so I mean if Stephen Adams had the green light then that should tell you you know what some of these guys have but U with all that being said I think you add one to two Shooters you know whether like I like a Tyler Smith you know in in the draft you know okay yeah yeah if you trade down and you you say oh you know Don Holmes is off the board Tyler Smith those two guys stand out to me as solid bigs shoot khwar you know shot the ball well you uh decently in college too so um you add you know shooting I know D KET is a guy I’ve talked about a lot um as well so you shooting and you double up on bigs I think you you double up however you do it whether it’s if you draft High you still go get a free agent free agent veteran uh to add you double up on bigs you go get a shooter and everything else is marginal to Me Maybe you go get a defensive Wing I’ve talked about the idea of the Grizzlies kind of you know sneaking their way in some of these potential three team deals we know that the Rockets you know they they’re star hunting right now Grizz Rockets have a good relationship sneak your way into there sneak out let’s get off you you don’t really need them anymore let’s let’s go get you know one of those sneaky Wing Defenders like that and and you work your way into you know back door on your way into a deal like if it’s the Pelicans and Brandon Ingram deal somewhere okay Naji margel let’s work him into like a you know sign and trade type of situation or whatever the case may be so uh that’s kind of where I am at it I think uh everything else at this point pretty marginal just get certain because the stars are in place like now you’re just it’s all about complimenting the best players on the team yeah a couple of those names you said like jante T he might end up being a free agent depending on what the Rockets do with his with his contract um you hit a lot of stuff um uh one thing I want to uh address I thought we made a really good point like we a lot of times just assume guys making progress and then earning these roles in the rotation and a great example of that is Gigi Jackson we’re like oh yeah he’ll he’ll be a main guy in the rotation and in the scenario where the Grizzlies do elect to keep Luke Canard if that happens then you look at the roster and you’re like well these guys are going to play and then it’s going to be like Vince Williams Jr Alama Gigi laravia all those guys are fighting for like the ninth spot in the rotation and so that that could be a question um one thing with the roster though like if we we’re assuming you to watching Obi it’s always it’s been reported he took a you know a role um on a team in Japan so like with with him leaving then if you don’t pick up Luke canard’s option you would have 13 guys including the draft pick so you would have two roster spots in that situation um and in that way I mean one thing I don’t talk about much but like they could definitely add two guys to the main roster from this draft like maybe if they draft at 39 maybe they move up to 31 or 32 or 29 another thing yeah and then you and then you end up with two roster guys although that honestly demichel that goes to My Darkest Timeline I asked you what your best timeline was my darkest time line which I think is is so much in play that grizly fans won’t even admit it My Darkest Timeline is they declin Luke canard’s option oh they sign a minimum big or a minimum anybody and then they add two guys from this draft to the main roster and guess what we dodged the luxury tax high five everybody no luxury tax here’s your team you’re excited about Gigi right we got johnar Desmond Bane Gigi Jackson and jiren Jackson Jr and we didn’t pay the luxury tax so like that’s my dark timeline and I think it’s a very uncomfortably it’s it’s a likely one I look at this team not using the mle the last two seasons when they were great and not improving the team through free agency so like I’m worried about that um is that too too spicy no no no no look because one thing that I see I I Envision in that case scenario is you being one of the main people who’s G to find that clip of Zack kimman saying should we have what did he say did he say quadruple or triple I think he said Tri down you so we have tripled down on Youth and you and you’d probably be playing it like in your intro or something can I can I I mean I think I don’t know how much they care but they know like at the very least uh grits and grind’s guy he’s gonna criticize us but um speaking of tripling down on youth this makes me kind of angry I don’t know I’m gonna here I’m gonna make the listeners angry again um there was a trade in the NBA uh on Thursday we’re recording this on Friday June 21st uh five days the NBA draft uh the Thunder ripped off the Chicago Bulls uh for Alex Caruso um also you talked about trading like maybe like the Bulls don’t seem that bright could we give them Z Williams would you just take Z Williams we’ll take the 11th pick like like hey well you want to tra you know like uh we’ll let you move up two spots if you take zy Williams I’m like oh yeah they can sell that but um anyways um here’s what I don’t like uh the Thunder got better I don’t like that um but also I think Grizzlies fans we’ve been kind of indignant when we see that the Thunder success and we were like we were there that was us two years ago and I think that’s a fair comparison like that’s the super young team you know they were the one seed because of like the final day of the year we were the two seed um but here’s where I get I get kind of angry like that Thunder team did not take our path they did not triple down on youth they wouldn’t got a better player they already traded for 29y old defensive three and guy so I’m like just imagine if we traded for a good player after our 56 win season as opposed to it was there the opportun opportun were there um they yeah they went went to the draft if the gz keep the ninth pick or that trade up oh actually let’s let’s hit the Rockets thing because you mentioned this this Rockets trade there is some smoke although I don’t know how much of it is true uh Kelly EO of the athletic basically said that um first of all he repeated the thing about the Grizzles being interested in Donovan kinging and then said the Rockets um have fondness towards Marcus Smart because Kelly um covers most closely the rockets for the athletic um I don’t see exactly how that trade would even work because that would be a situation where they’d have to they’d have to give us jant Tate I guess um they can’t even they can’t even trade us Stephen Adams back that’s not legal um can they trade us how how much like uh if we wait to Mid July they can give us Dylan Brooks back I think is it 12 months have passed um but again that would never happen um so I like to make it even possible they’d have to pick up I believe Jack lale’s contract they’d have to pick up like maybe they can send this Jeff Green all of these things are and you mentioned the roster spots anyways we’re not taking back all these guys I mean you could and then you could cut them we could eat salary that way but like I don’t think there’s much there but do you think there’s any smoke um or any accuracy to this also I will ask you furthermore what have you heard about the grizz’s willingness to even trade Marcus Smart because that is something that a lot of people talk about I mention it constantly like do you have any concept of even that’s something they would be willing to entertain yeah so I I’ll start here uh you you’re gonna and this is probably as long as Zack kimman is here and the Grizzlies are in this window this is pretty much uh the situation the Grizzlies uh operate from what I like to call like a controlled aggressiveness and what what that means is you’re going to hear oh the Grizzlies are rumored to want to move up the Grizzlies are are are talking to this team they’re talking to that team they’re going to be in all the conversations I say just take it as hey they’re doing their due diligence you know people people hear those things and they and they run with it because you know that’s what what we tend to do but uh it’s it’s basically to me it’s just doing your homework that’s what they’re doing uh they of course they want to entertain the idea of moving up to number three because they know that uh one of the bigs they want is probably not going to be there at 9 it doesn’t mean they are going up there and say hey whatever you want uh you just let us know and we’re willing to do it no they’re they’re just trying to hey let’s fill it out let’s what what do you want in this deal it it’s kind of a fill out process um not they’re not even just talking to the Rockets you they’re talking to other teams you know as well so uh it’s kind of a controlled aggressiveness they’re just trying to fill it out what what what will it take or what will they need and that’s going to be the thing pretty much throughout the offseason of from how the Grizzlies operate so you’re going to hear those conversations on the so there there is legitimacy to the idea that the Grizzlies you know are interested in trading up and whatnot but I wouldn’t take it as like you know they’re aggressively like seeking out number three by any means necessary or anything because the Rockets you know I talked to kello actually about this and he was saying that you the Rockets you know they they ain’t taking pennies back you know for this number three pick and if that’s the case you know the Grizzlies aren’t in a position to give up what I think the Rockets would like uh at number three so I mean my my the only way you know you talked about is could it happen more so with the Marcus Smart idea because I don’t see that happen I’ll get to Marcus Smart in a second but like the only way I could see the Grizzlies even getting in the number three case scenario is if a three- team trade uh it it have to to be a situation where it’s three teams involved uh potentially because the Rockets are star hunting you know that’s been reported out there and it makes sense just look at the roster they got four or five young guys to build around they got these other vets so they don’t the number three prick really doesn’t move the Rockets into the top 10 of the West like like they want to be but moving to the Marcus Smart thing uh I I don’t get the sense that the Grizzlies are trying to trade him um you know I the only thing that I’ll say on that regard is that the fact that when Marcus SM came here the idea was this is something that Grizzlies need they don’t have that lock down perimeter Defender who can take the a option the number one option on the opposing team whether it’s a point guard shooting guard or small for Marcus SM gave them that guy after Dylan Brooks left but as we saw last season certain guys kind of you know developed you know you you you you found the fact that oh Vince Williams yeah he he’s guarding Luca he’s guarding Kevin Durant and they’re all giving him praise so he can be that type of guy you know GG Jackson as we saw as the season went on he’s not ready yet but I mean they they put him in those situations because they believe he can be that type of Defender you know once he gets a little bit stronger maybe his age 21 22 season somewhere around there he can be that type of Defender so with all that being said it leads you more to believe that when Marcus Smart first got here he was a need couldn’t do it without him now he’s a want he’s a strong want like he’s that one that you really want you don’t want to let him go at all but you see the pathway if he’s not here okay you got a Vince Williams can guard you know um you know the the top guys and what not but that’s not something the Grizzlies are ready to do in my opinion I have not heard um outside of you know uh the chitchat on the socials I haven’t heard anything on a legitimate front that uh the Grizzlies are interested in moving Marcus already yeah um it makes sense and it’s like if you believed them what they said last summer when they acquired them which I always take those post trade press conferences like a grain of salt like of course you’re going to say this is the one guy we never ever dream him since yeah we never dreamed he’d be available we had a whiteboard we created three years ago we said if we got have any player and it was Marcus Smart um so you know like if they do what like just see what they have like that’s the whole thing we never got to see what they had last year it was obviously it was underwhelming when johar wasn’t there the Marcus Smart Desmond Bay and jiren Jackson Jr it didn’t work I mean offensively it was bad defensively it was pretty good but like it never worked so maybe patience is the way to go and they want to see what they have and and they wouldn’t you know include Marcus Smart for a deal um let’s take a break and then we’ll come back I want to ask you more about who specifically you might hope the Grizzly’s Target on draft night Underdog fantasy is a unique way to play fantasy sports for cash you can do daily fantasy tournaments you can play best ball you can do hes or lowers I’ve been using Underdog fantasy for over a year I use it mainly for the NBA and NFL but they have every single Sport and now if you sign up for Underdog fantasy using my promo code F BBF Underdog will match your opening deposit up to $250 again that’s promo code F BBF as in Fast Break breakfast so if you want to give Underdog fantasy a try use that promo code or click the link in this episode’s [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] description all right so demichel if the Grizzlies don’t trade Marcus Smart to move up drastically um or whatever let’s say they stay around roughly around 9 maybe they move up to 7 or but who are you hoping in this draft class the G’s come home with it’s primarily two two options here and and shooting in the big you know we we we we’ve talked a lot about the the need for the bigs right Zack kman even came out and said it so he kind of you know ushered this whole conversation about you know the need for big but one thing he didn’t say uh was the shooting part and he didn’t say it this time but I can shooting is if if big is one shooting is one B they know at this point you need they need more shot makers because I’m here to tell anybody out there no matter what big in the entire NBA except the you know the the two or three Alphas at Center um outside of those guys they can go get Prime Dwight Howard they’re still gonna have the same problems they can also get 33y old Dwight Howard or however old he is they could and bu and no matter how dominant forceful rebound Rim Runner big you go get the same problems are going to present themselves from the standpoint you get to the playoffs teams pack the paint uh and you’re saying Desmond Bay please make eight threes if you don’t we don’t know what’s going to happen and you’re scoring 85 points and uh that’s problem is going to continue unless you address the need for Shooters the Grizzlies know that they need Shooters this is not something that they’re blind to in fact the last two offseasons this has been a strong one K Anderson they loved him as a player the only reason K Anderson wasn’t brought back was because Santio D shooting profile not because Santio dama was a better player they wanted to space the floor and the idea was we need better complimentary players around our court guys so Santi and KY I use that example because that’s that’s a solid example in that case where Kyle is playing you know good playoff minutes you know for a team that probably feel like they should have won the West whereas Santi Alama you know was not standing out you know towards the end of the season when he was on the floor with a bunch of guys on 10day contracts but at the same time from a complimentary standpoint that’s what the Grizzlies wanted around their guys so um I think you know the most important thing here is uh you’re gonna Target Donovan cling you know that’s that’s that’s option onea uh outside of him I think you know re Shepard he’s an interesting one to Target because if the Rockets don’t get him at three it’ll be interesting to see you know what happens there even though I still I don’t think he makes it to nine by by any chance but again another another name the Monitor and then D kette that’s the one I I recently you know mocked to the Grizzlies and whatnot uh and you know he’s even become sort of a riser on boards as of late uh there’s a chance he could go as high as six you know uh to a team like Charlotte so those three guys stand out as your those are your eight options uh if if none of them are available then you got to you got to do a little bit more homework uh to me uh you take a couple swings things you know uh like Stefan Castle stands out on the next if we’re talking at nine you know Stefan Castle gives you that perimeter Defender another perimeter Defender that you’re going to need and some depending on who you talk to you I’ve talked to some people that think his shooting his shooting will eventually you know uh project well into the league he’s probably going to be one of those guys who starts off you know shooting 32 33% and eventually becomes a 37 you know percent three-point shooter you just gota just got to wait it out and I don’t know if that’s the position that chriis is want to be in but he is a talented player and other than that when you options a lot of guys make a lot of sense to me you know I mentioned Tyler Smith you know Kalo wear is one that you know I’ve been on the Forefront about for a while now in terms of a rim running big uh he can block shots can can uh shoot the basketball and things like that uh he was the number two ranked big in his class Derek lley was number one because he played two years in college he was number two so if you get some Derek Lively type impact you know from him that’s that’s a that’s a win so those are the prospects that stand out to me as far as the first round targets uh and uh I mean I’m and you mentioned it earlier too and and because we haven’t talked about it a lot but they pick at 39 39 usually isn’t like a two-way player uh 39 is still very much in that someone you sign but ends up getting a guaranteed contract type of ran there are some good players like if you if they just put their heads down say we’re want a big no matter what in the first round and you know we want Ed or we want you know khil we ye Mei or one of those guys I’m fine with it if at 39 you could get your hands on like a bayor shyan you know who was arguably one of the top shooters uh in the draft as well yeah there’s a lot of I’m starting to think that with that second round pick that I again I think you’re gonna be able to I think you’re going to be able just maybe with just cash be able to move up a few spots I think there’s a lot of teams they’re going to have too many picks um the Jazz have a lot of picks to move I think the Pacers maybe at the second round but anyways I think you’re gonna be able to move up I think I’m starting to think that second draft pick if if kept could be the big because I just feel like the way the draft is breaking you’re maybe not going to want to use that ninth pick um but also one thing I think names that I think I haven’t mentioned that I think need to be mentioned more in the Grizzlies sphere in a trade-up scenario it’s not clinging for me it’s it’s it’s like you said it maybe shepher but also Alex SAR so because like we’re seeing the stuff that oh maybe the Hawks are going to go ree or kinging and if that happens and then like say they take kingan maybe kingan is the secret number one overall pick then if the Wizards say yeah we’ll take Rees Shay then if SAR is there at three that’s the o yeah that is more of a prototypical big for the modern NBA maybe where kingan is not I think that’s the aggressive let’s go get it um so like that’s something I keep thinking about fine with jiren at the five if if if if you put I mean s and jiren that’s that’s modern basketball you’re gonna need to put you’re gonna need to have Vince grab probably 10 to 12 rebounds a game playing at the three spot but still he want he’s willing to do it he’s willing we’ve seen it um so like that’s something that I’m I’m thinking about um also a couple of maybe other like trade up opportunities and we we can wrap up with this some of the some of the rumors that are out there um the Pistons of course they have they fired Monty Williams they uh Trent langon today on Friday June 21st is doing his like welcome press conference or whatever but like the Pistons there’s been this rumor I don’t know how verifiable it is that like they’re gonna make a run at at Nick Claxton and that’s weird because again they have Jaylen dur they have Isaiah Stewart guys who can play the five so like that’s another team where it’s like oh if you’re going for Claxton what do you want for the fifth pick or what do you want from either like Duren or or again I’m more with modest trades my dream my dream off seon let’s be real is uh is them picking up the Luke option and trading him for any big like any big that makes about 10 to 15 million do if we could pull that off I don’t like I feel like it’s it’s honestly very unlikely but like I’d be happy with that like an Isaiah Stewart would fit that would you take a window Carter of course um like I try I honestly I was asking some of my patreon supporters in our slack Channel I’m like name me a big making 10 to 15 million where I wouldn’t be okay with the Grizzlies trading just Luke Canard Straight Up Again Luke Canard provides that valuable shooting you talk so much about but when I look at like if we’re keeping Marcus Smart when I look at the depth chart I’m thinking not a lot of space I’m I’m like we need someone who’s way better than Santi Alama to play five you know and so I was like name a guy Marvin baggley okay fine you know like like honestly any big I was I was like that’s the challenge name me someone making T I think like Jared Vanderbilt I was like eh he’s like he’s like he would be useful for the Grizzlies but he can’t shoot he’s undersized I know he would gobble up all those rebounds that no one else was grabbing but still I was like I was like name me a guy um the problem being I don’t think I don’t think other teams are taking a one-year expiring contract Luke Canard I just don’t I don’t think it matters that much to him um are there any other like rumors out there that you think we should go over or any other even Fallout like I feel like one of the bad things for the Grizzlies right now like the Thunder got better with Alice Caruso um also apparently Paul George maybe not going to go to the Sixers flat out if Paul George stays in Los Angeles that’s in my mind that’s bad for Memphis um The Warriors might be keeping Klay Thompson like maybe you think that’s uh not addition by subtraction but like I I wanted people to go to the east I wanted I wanted players to go to the East and now it’s all like oh oh and Jimmy Butler according to Howard Beck likely to get traded like I don’t want Jimmy Butler coming to the West so like is there anything else in the shakeup of the whole league that you’re that you’re thinking of right now as far is how it affects the Grizzlies uh I mean I think in the next couple weeks what what tends to happen in the NBA and sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad it’s teams overreact teams overreact and and they make sometimes what look like Panic moves you know and sometimes they work out sometimes they don’t one that I think that probably worked out was Boston was like look man we cannot get over the hump let’s trade our former Defensive Player of the Year and you’re like huh but you know at the time they didn’t think they were going to get Drew holiday you know back uh but it worked out so um you know I’m looking at the the teams that are on that second tier in the west what they’re going to do uh you know uh I want to see you know uh like Phoenix that first year was was terrible for them but uh you know I’m not I’m not one of those like I try to be a logical basketball mind I’m not one of those Phoenix is doomed because who knows like we some people were saying the timber rales were doomed you know that first oh man Rudy gobear and C it doesn’t work they’re doomed for the future and next thing you know they’re in the Western Conference Finals so and people were saying Kyrie and Luca you know when they they got Kyrie at the deadline and then was like oh they can’t even make the play in they’re they’re doomed and then they make the finals so uh that’s one team that comes to mind I want to see what the Pelicans are going to do they finally have wrapped it up in their heads that this Brandon Ingram Zion thing is is an imperfect parent now how do you adjust accordingly but yeah I want to see what that second level of Western Conference te do but more on the Grizzlies font uh from the draft standpoint Dev Carter he’s he’s become yeah he’s become a riser and no team knows him better so uh yeah well I mean once the Grizzlies draft Devin Carter then you can do my Marcus Smart for Andrew Wiggins trade your roster roster makes a lot more sense no you mentioned those secondary guys in the west a team a a team I should have mentioned was the Kings who again just breaking news they kept Malik monk that’s bad for the Grizzlies like we I think the general NBA World thought the the magic were going to do some kind of massive either like a two-year balloon massive overpay or at the very at least like a fouryear hundred million deal the Kings retaining Malik monk a guy who made tremendous strides last season that is huge for them and like like grizz’s fans can be mad or whatever at ESPN that were 19th in their offseason Power Rankings but like you look at the Kings I think was you say we’re right there with the Kings and like the Kings just kept a guy and that’s bad I think it’s bad for the Griz so yeah I don’t know I’m kind of down on it um last thing who who’s your who’s your most under under the radar free agent guy let’s say let’s say we either sign Luke to a smaller contract or Luke Canard moves on and they they can use some of their mid-level exception is there any guy out there maybe even non-big category is there a shooter is there anybody else here like man if that guy signed for eight million on the Grizz I’d be I’d be ecstatic not 8 million uh not not that quite but I I mean I I go under the I’m going down into like the basements like in in Kansas you know like tornado season or something like uh go Pat everyone talks about Goa I’m not trying to I’m not trying to put uh yeah you know that’s too easy I am I it’s too easy everyone wants goo pazzi for the minimum I think it’s gonna cost more but no give me somebody else because I’ll be real go the Goa to the Grizzlies thing it’s all I hear non-stop I’ve been talking about it I know you’ve been talking about it give me a you you didn’t go didn’t go any any Tor tornado what is that shelter like I give me the give me a bomb shelter deeper cut give me a Fallout underneath the uh the Earth’s surface h under the radar um tell you what if if you’re if if you park with Luke Canard yeah and you go get that that big let’s let’s say let’s say those things are going to happen because they are but anyways keep going Eric gouron yeah yeah a lot of lot of three-point shots spacing guy um his defensive numbers I mean he’s like a a nomally with the defensive stuff because like Stout he’s a he’s like a linebacker yeah yeah his his numbers don’t look great but when you see him he slides his feet really well like you say he’s Stout he guards bigger guys uh at 636 but but the main thing is you want shooting additions and and here’s the difference between Luke Canard and Eric Gordon here’s why the at the time you know the Clippers made that trade and got Eric Gordon uh and shipped out Luke Canard is because of the fact he’s a playoff shot maker too I mean he know he had some he had some bad games with the Rockets during those years but it’s because he takes a lot of like you know wild wildly deep three-pointers but the thing with Luke Canard is he struggles with physicality something he said himself uh and and you know basically just saying he has to be more physical against certain defenses and things like that and when they play The More Physical defense in the NBA look at his numbers watch the last few games when they played Clippers watch the playoff series against the Lakers Luke Canard struggles to get free struggles to get shots and even though he was a Plus on the floor during that Lakers series it wasn’t because he was making four or five three borners it was just because you know the spacing uh ad that he haded but I think Eric Gord under the radar not going to cost a lot just had a really solid season you know with the Suns uh and that that’s another I mean bench scores Grizzlies need uh he’s a guy who can you know you can put the ball in his hands a little bit uh and you know Desmond at one point was kind of getting some coms to him you know like the earlier yeah yeah the earlier Eric Gordon so uh I think that’ll be a that’ll be a fun under the radar one we haven’t really heard much about I did see uh the other day that the suns are are unlikely to to to bring him back so uh yeah that’s that’s one I wanted to I like that a lot we could get like maybe the the promotions Department could work out like a Desmond Bane Eric Gordon arm wrestling competition I feel like that would be I mean I mean Baines is aesthetically the bigger stronger arms but I want to see if that’s real strength against like an old man Eric Gordon who’s old man grown man took down a couple beers and yeah that’s the that’s the Showdown I want to see um anyways dichael thanks so much for coming on I’ll have to get you back on much sooner um next time you guys of course I’m sure you’re listening to lockon Grizzlies I’m sure you’re checking out dichael stuff at the commercial Peele so do that and uh to Michael I’ll am I going to see you in Vegas you going to be there uh I hope so I’m on it so yeah awesome man well we’ll see you there and I look forward to you coming on again sometime all right take care Keith [Music]

Damichael Cole from The Commercial Appeal joins Keith to discuss his ideal offseason, the #Grizzlies’ willingness to include Marcus Smart in trades, his top draft prospects, and more.

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  1. Sigh, Keith, you are right. I'm worried the Grizz's priority will be getting under the tax over adding good players.
    Also, Presti is going for it unlike Kleiman 2 years ago when he was playing pitty-pat and being arrogant. No contender in the past 30 years had taken the path to quadruple down on youth.

  2. Just any big won't do. It was a nightmare seeing Anthony Davis destroying the Grizzlies when Bismack Biyombo was on the team. Xavier Tillman didn't do much to help matters either. They might even get away with just any big in the regular season a few times but come playoff time they will surely be in trouble!

  3. Keith parish is the biggest wet blanket for Grizzlies hype. The dude is just…why even be a fan?!? He’s so negative and down on everything Grizzlies that I wonder why he even does what he does?

    Even his mock trades always end up like this: “ok, Marcus smart, Luke kennard and two future first round for Al horford. To his credit, he didn’t say that, but they all end up like that.

    Man, just fake some optimism a little. The team is in great position.

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