@Sacramento Kings

Josh Giddey and Alex Caruso Trade, Malik Monk signs with Kings | Game Theory Podcast w/ Sam Vecenie

Josh Giddey and Alex Caruso Trade, Malik Monk signs with Kings | Game Theory Podcast w/ Sam Vecenie

hello and welcome to Game Theory I’m Heros samini before we get to Andrew SLE though we’re g to talk about Josh giddy Alex Caruso Malik monk maybe a little bit bit of Pascal seak some offseason kind of Vibes but first let’s hit the music [Music] they do have a timeout decide not to use a down than than what is this going to [Applause] be are you kidding me hello and welcome to the game three podcast I’m your but if you watch the tap what you will see completely orchestrated this game Andrew schle is in the building what’s going on buddy oh man Sam a little bit of everything thing right Thunder are involved in trades we got the draft coming up next week it’s the uh this is this is the time of year if you’re into transactions it’s it’s been it’s been a whirlwind a couple days so let’s just kind of start with this yesterday Josh giddy was traded from the Oklahoma City Thunder to the Chicago Bulls for Alex Caruso straight up that is a stunner of a move move not for the reasons that I think people will think about but more for just the actual return on the deal for Alex Caruso so let let’s start here are you surprised that the Oklahoma City Thunder organization moved Josh giddy this offseason because I’m telling you that I was not surprised like shap or form surprised I was also not surprised I we we had spoken and then I had kind of knocked on some doors uh that were close to Josh Giddy and that was the word that like this thing was moving in the direction of a trade and it was a mutual parting of ways I would say and in somewhat reluctant Mutual parting of ways I don’t I don’t think necessarily this is the way that everybody wanted this to work out like in the in the long term I think they both wish that it would have worked but it became just blatantly obvious especially in that MAV series that this is not a partnership that was going to work and so they made the decision to to move on um which was unsurprising to me I had heard that it was something that they wanted to get done quickly I kind of had a little little bit of doubts that it would happen quickly just because trades usually don’t come together that fast I thought maybe at the draft at the earliest and then maybe it could even linger into the summer but yeah obviously the bulls making Alex Caruso available changed things pretty rapidly so I was surprised it happened when it did I was not surprised at all like you said part of why I felt is strongly about like talking about Josh giddy know as if he like wasn’t really on the Oklahoma City Thunder roster as I was whenever you know I would talk about him on this show for the last month is because I kind of had a feeling and uh I kind of was told that it was going that way all from Sam prey in the release regarding the trade when we drafted Josh in 2021 he was an essential aspect of our vision for the next iteration of the Thunder since then our team has evolved rapidly and dynamically in ways we could would never have anticipated therefore as we began our internal discussions this offseason it was determined that bringing Josh Off the Bench next season was our best option to maximize as many talents and deploy our team more efficiently over 48 minutes as we laid out to Josh how he could lean into his strengths and ultimately optimize our current roster and talent it was hard for him to Envision in conversations turned to him inquiring about potential opportunities elsewhere um look so like to be clear the th like definitely still like Josh giddy like this is not a deal where it’s nothing to do with like what happened with him off the court this season in regard to any allegations it has nothing to do with anything you know regarding uh you know any any of that yeah this simply has to do with the fact that they wanted Josh giddy in a certain role and also that they have to pay Josh giddy long term if they want him to stay Josh giddy is going to get a contract that is very expensive this offseason we’ll talk about that momentarily when we go and do the Chicago Bulls thing in a minute but what I will say is this when I talk to people around the league about Alex Caruso’s value I tended to get this offseason something in the vein of a non-lottery first round pick and like a second round picker two if we were determining it in draft Capital terms that is like kind of you know I said Josh giddy was worth a pick in the 20s and a second round pick I don’t think that the value proposition is like wildly off there in terms of what actually happened and what Josh giddy returned I just think it’s such an incredible perfect fit at the end of the day that this is a home run for Oklahoma City undeniably to end up getting Alex Caruso slotting him directly into that Josh giddy like Lane right there and just having a better player that isn’t as required to be on the ball ruso can play both on and off the ball he can really shoot it but I think if this team did lose Josh giddy they were probably short one ball Handler or initiator mhm so getting somebody that could replace that either via the draft or in the giddy trade was really important to Oklahoma City doing this allinone player and oh by the way getting an all defense guy on top of it it’s exactly what the Oklahoma City Thunder needed to do yeah and and it’s I think it gets a little bit lost like Josh giddy is a good player he just wasn’t he was such a bad fit for the current Thunder roster like he did all the things that th they that they didn’t need like they didn’t need a ball handler they really didn’t need somebody to initiate the offense they didn’t need any of that what they needed was spot up shooting defense rebounding and like a connector like that’s what they needed him to be is like this high level connector but whenever you can’t shoot and the defense can sag off of you and when defenses are looking to hide to Center and it’s funny because people will think like oh the center guarding giddy is only about giddy no it’s actually it’s about Chad too it’s like they they can’t put their slower centers on chat and so they there’s a place to hi get now if this if the lineup does include Alex Caruso you can’t really hide your Center on Caruso because like not only can you shoot it like he can attack close out he’s he’s athletic there’s there’s a lot of really good things about Caruso and so it really just changes the equation for the Thunder quite a bit it’s like both those guys I would say if they had a I don’t know what I don’t play 2K anymore because I’m an old dad but if I played 2K I would assume that like these two guys have about the same rating on 2K but it’s just like the sliders are in such different places and the Thunder needed a guy that had the sliders the way that Caruso were and not the way that Josh’s was and and we’ll see how it works in Chicago I I know for a fact that Josh is really happy about the fit and excited to be in Chicago I just hope that he gets like his fair shake to run the show because like that’s the kind of player that he is is a player that you should he should have the ball he should be a guy that’s averaging near a triple double uh and I think that he could go do that in Chicago if if given the correct you know kind of roster and just like the leeway to develop yeah like at the end of the day Oklahoma City ended up with two really great on ball players in Jaylen Williams and Shay gildas Alexander just point blank and those two needed the ball more than anybody else but they also needed somebody who could play off the ball Josh is worse than those those two players and that’s just undeniable yeah but he is not capable of playing off the ball because of the shooting at this point and the shooting has gotten better like he deserves credit for having improved there but if you’re Josh Giddy and you are entering a contract extension summer there’s no way Oklahoma City could extend him you really should want to move right and I think that for Oklahoma City this is a home run and we’ll talk about like what it means for them at the end but for Chicago I don’t hate this bet as much as everybody else does I think that the real issue with Caruso is the sunk cost of not accepting what was on the board like I know that multiple teams offered multiple first round picks for him I I know like I’ve I’ve talked to the teams they offered so much for Caruso at some point will got Le uh over in Chicago reported that you know the Bulls were offered a pick that turned into a top 10 selection uh at the deadline this year that’s the problem with the bulls process the Bulls process issues are not in my opinion taking giddy now their process issues and I I don’t love taking giddy now and we’ll talk about that in a second but like their process issues were not taking the deals that were on the table at the deadline over the last two years previously and that is where they have fundamentally just misjudged and misconstrued this roster I mean yeah I mean they haven’t made a trade in three years and they have players that people want and they and they are left without a direction like the the worst place to be in the NBA is in the middle and they have placed themselves firmly in the middle for a long long time and I’ve been okay with that and they have like and they’ve also continued to punt on young guys that Blossom somewhere else in favor of players that they think are win now but and so this is a this is a bit of a deviation from that so at least at least it’s not another move toward the middle but to me it’s going to require like a I think if you were to rebuild around whoever they take in the draft this year giddy Kobe white even even extend Patrick Williams fine I IO to sumu they have some interesting young players but if like they decide to to keep D rozan and and Vu and these guys there those guys are just good enough to pull you to the middle which is exactly where you don’t want to be and so I do Wonder though taking away Caruso is going to make their defense substantially worse and so like even if they did bring everybody back they they may still be a lottery team next year and you just never know what’s going to happen so they may be tanking even though they don’t intend to anyways but um it’s still they still feel a little bit rudderless in some ways um where they they don’t feel fully committed to one thing or another and some of that is like they’re still um they’re still making money you know and that’s yeah you have an owner that’s making money it’s like what what do we need to change I don’t know like there’s if there’s not the desire for the championship there and the desire is just to fill his pocketbook uh that puts you in just kind of a weird spot as a franchise yeah so where I where I’m at with the bulls is they have to rebuild now this team is not a playoff team even if Demar comes back I think just point blank yeah so this team needs to rebuild I would hope that dear looks elsewhere maybe they can facilitate a sign and trade something like that that would be nice but they need to move on they need to rebuild I consider Josh giddy to be a high risk asset more than like a high variance asset more than like a this is a bad move for them I can see a world where if you put him on the ball and allow him to like make plays and create and pass and playmake I can see a world where his offense ends up exceeding the defensive issues that are at play here because he’s not a very good Defender I can see a war where his shooting improves and makes it so that you know down the road he might be able to play play on the ball or off the ball a little bit but there is also a world where this just ends poorly right in that he ends up being good enough to be a ball handler on a bad team but not quite good enough to be a ball handler on a good team and then you’re like kind of stuck in the middle the problem is by making this move the Thunder don’t or the Bulls I’m sorry the Bulls don’t have time to figure that out no because by trading Alex Caruso for him you now like in the restricted free agency trap where you were gonna have to extend him for big money or you’re G to lose Caruso for nothing after you just had all of these crazy offers for him that you turned down so I’m kind of expecting giddy to sign an extension this off season at this point yeah they’re in the spot that Sam pry avoids like the plague every time with these players either it’s a player like Jaylen Williams or Chad or sgaa where it’s like yeah of course we’re signing the extension but if it’s like an iffy player he’s basically the only restricted free agent that Thunder have ever had is in his caner and they traded for him knowing that they were going to have to pay him on the other side of it and now Chicago’s doing this you know that there’s the talk about him replacing Lonzo yeah good P like there are similarities between the two of them one of them is like Lonzo is a much better spot up shooter and a much better Defender than Josh is Josh is a little bit bigger Josh is maybe a a slightly better rebounder is the court Vision stuff is hard to say who’s who’s better I think maybe giddy’s a little bit better maybe maybe like the the live dribble passing is a little bit better from giddy um but he really needs to be optimized by the players around him like you you need to have shooting you need to have the floor spaced because he he can get downhill but if there’s if it’s a crowd he’s not going to finish he’s really struggled to finish he shoots a ton of floaters he loves to shoot floaters he doesn’t always get all the way to the rim he has struggled to get to the free throw line that was something that he that I talked to him about at the beginning of last season and the thing that he felt like he improved the most at was getting to the free throw line uh well he didn’t really do that this year either and some of that was he wasn’t on ball enough to really be able to uh you know get a rhythm with any of that but I do think he’s an extremely talented player that needs developed and this is why I kind of wish that he ended up in a place like Utah um which I think there’s like a system there that he could have like really thrived in and he would have had a little bit more developmental time there whereas with Chicago it just feels like it feels like they’re always in win now mode and so I just I worry about that for him specifically yeah I do too but look he’s going to be very rich doing it cuz he’s going to make so much money doing it seriously yeah they’re they’re going to have to give him an extension worth like 25 million a year yeah yeah yeah and that’s like guys guys that do what he has done so far through his career yeah that have averaged like 147 and six or whatever through three years at 21 years old they don’t ask for 12 million 14 million 18 million a year no they ask for 25 to 30 a year at the end of the day he’s leaving the Thunder because he’s because he is not a role player because he does not see himself as a role player he did not want to come off the bench he did not want to play a bit role for the team yeah you’re right like those guys it’s it’s the role players that take that kind of money it’s the lud dorts it’s the even Caruso I don’t know what Caruso he’ll make he’ll make more than that but like Caruso’s you know he’s a role player giddy is a lead ball handler he sees himself as a guy who is going to run the show and has and has done it and has done it successfully he was 168 and6 the year prior in his second year and and he played really well in the second half of the season with a in it with a fit that was just not very good and so I agree you know you can point to that for him and say like listen he figured out a way to be successful in a situation that was not built for him and so think about a situation where the this it is built for him like what what could he do like he could if he averaged 168 and6 again or 188 and6 like he could he could be well live up to the 25 million you know he could exceed that yeah yeah no like I I yeah there there’s yeah like it’s man I think there’s a world where he ends up being fine on that number it’s just an incredibly risky number yeah like it’s an incredibly risky number to do like there’s a chance that Well here here’s what I would say I know that at that number he would have negative trade value to start that deal yeah but it’s possible that by the you know midpoint of it it looks fine right he’s 21 years old he’s very young he’s very talented it could work he’s very big but like the only role he can play is is like the lead right he can’t play as a secondary and the level to which you have to be good to be a lead ball handler in the NBA today is so high like those guys are so freaking good especially if you’re on a winning team so I yeah like I I it’s not a deal I would have made if I was the Bulls just point blank um I wouldn’t want to take the risk and potentially limit my flexibility but uh I think it’s as good of a fit for Josh giddy as you’re gonna find outside of maybe Utah in maybe Washington given that Will Dawkins had drafted him you know played a big role in drafting him previously and Will Dawkins is now the general manager of the Washington Wizards but man I mean it’s it’s it’s if he’s going to figure it out I think he’ll figure it out in Washington next to Kobe white and if Vu is still there and everything like this is a good testing ground for him to be able to do it it’s just like I don’t know if he’ll ever get there to where he’s worth that money either yeah the biggest red flag for me would be would be if they just resigned D rozan because like d rozan couldn’t be a worse fit with Josh I I’m kind of assuming that they’re gonna move on I’m kind of assuming at this point that they’re gonna move on LaVine they’re gonna move on D rozan and kind of go from there it seems like that’s the direction that they want to go yeah I would I would applaud that and I think that and it also takes the pressure off the situation too where it’s like hey these guys can explore the studio space a little bit which I think is what they all need yeah I agree okay uh that’s all I’ve got on giddy on K so I will say like I’ll be interested to see what they do with their cap space because like one iteration of how they could extend him in six months is you roll over like $10 million of cap space into the season you negoti renegotiate and extend him up and then you have the number go down a little bit on the renegotiation number I think that’s plausible in this case I will be interested to see uh if they’re able to do that in total I would say like a number for a Caruso extension to me is probably I don’t know uh 4 years 85 in new money something like that four years 85 I heard 474 is what I heard but the the max number I think is 479 or so like right in that ballpark but like if you renegotiate and extend it you can kind of like move the numbers up a little bit and change some things um but the thing with Caruso that I think carry cap space into yeah you’d have to carry cap space to do that and the other thing with Caruso is I think he would get a lot of money on the market I think he might get more than that on the market but kuso is like a very injury-prone player and is in his 30s now like it’s gonna be interesting to see if he is going to be able to do that they have some different ways that they can make a Caruso extension work though speaking of contract extensions the Sacramento Kings resigned Malik monk to the 4year 7879 million deal that they were capable of resigning him to this is this is a fantastic deal for the Sacramento Kings I am kind of staggered that Malik monk decided to take this deal because I thought that he would get more on the open market from someone like Detroit or Orlando when you saw this deal what was your immediate reaction honestly I’m just happy for Kings fans because like they this franchise found stability which they have hadn’t had for a decade and a half and I think that does Malik monk make them like some Contender or something no but like the thing about the Kings is like they just needs can we just be a normal team for several years where we just make play we’re just pretty good like is that okay can we just light the beam more than half the time that we play games can we be normal good yeah can we just be normal because it had been so bad for so long and like this is and the thing about Malik is like Malik’s only 25 like he’s young and I think that no he turned he just turned he turned 26 this year sorry he just finished his year 25 season turned 26 he still has like a lot of really good years ahead of him and had a tremendous year for the Kings shot the ball well has become a better facilitator you know this is a the kind of guy that I think you move forward and like he’s a vocal leader in that locker room as well I think like this is this is wonderful for the Kings like this this to me just it’s just screams like New Era for the Kings and they still have ways that they can get better via trade over the summer and I think that they’ll probably take advantage of some of that and so this is like step one though because there were there were teams I mean Detroit was like a real thing and they could offer him a lot like they could have given him a ton of money but I think situation for him you know he’s bounced around the league you know to since he’s gotten into the NBA and there is something to be said for stability you know for for NBA players and when you find a place that that feels like home for you and you’re making tens of millions of dollars I mean I I don’t blame him at all for it and I feel honestly I just feel like happy for the Kings yeah even if Malik monk doesn’t get better this is a bargain contract is kind of my opinion like even if he doesn’t showcase any real Improvement moving forward this deal is a home run because he is worth more than this on the market in my opinion so this is kind of similar to like the kozma deal last year where they’re able to kind of you know move him whenever if they want to it’s just gives them flexibility like the big thing for them speaking of that word flexibility is that it just gives them an immense amount more flexibility this offseason now because if they lost Malik monk they needed to find a replacement for Le Malik monk yeah either via the draft or via trade they don’t really have a lot of option in free free agency because of how over the cap they are so it would have been difficult to find that replacement now because you have Malik monk in hand you can go use the 13th pick on a Tristan D Silva or a uh Salon if he falls there or somebody like that a wing if you want to you can take a flyer on Ron Holland like you can do something along those lines the other thing that you can do is you can look to move this pick now for a veteran like a bigger 6 fo8 you know 6’6 to 6′ n Wing forward that mixes well with Keegan Murray hopefully can play on both ends can be like a you know good three and D or a good like shot Creator kind of guy in the secondary level really you probably want to go more three and D but I think that they just have so many different options now that they can explore and if they had lost Malik that optionality would have ceased to exist yeah and replacing 15 points per game Off the Bench is is not easily done especially especially efficiently because like he was efficient from almost everywhere like he was a he’s a fine three-point shooter but almost everywhere else on the floor like the guy was really efficient for a small guard and so like replacing that production is is going to be next to Impossible or it’s going to be outrageously expensive where you’re having to expend assets or you’re having to spend a lot of money or you’re having to you know I maybe you trade future assets to trade up in the draft for a guy that think that could eventually be as good as Malik monk um in this draft it’s it’s a gamble like it’s a gamble on on a lot of these guys that be that good and so just to have that in hand and that’s the thing is like just keeping your guys and not having to expend assets to do so is just like the lifeblood of an NBA team like that’s how teams can stay together they stay alive they continue to grow it’s when you start to lose those guys for nothing that things just start to really unravel because they’re already pretty expensive and whenever guys leave for nothing those salary slots you can’t just say okay let’s just insert somebody in that salary slot like no that’s not how it works you can’t get better and so I think that this is just it’s a real vote of confidence to the franchise in Sacramento for sure and I and I hope that they can get more stuff done this summer I think that you know Kings fans are are great and they deserve to have a really good and fun team in their city and you know Malik definitely helps them do that yeah and the last thing I want to say about Malik monk too and we’ll move on here quickly um he’s improved drastically as a passer since he’s gotten to Sacramento you know 15 points is a big piece of it but he’s been like a real secondary playmaker yeah for them like he’s averaging five assists per game for them now if dearon Fox is out like you can give him the ball and feel like okay this isn’t a disaster we have somebody who can like really make plays for us it’s a it’s a huge huge thing for them to maintain Malik Monk and be able to move forward with him it’s also just fine to have like a it’s hard to find athletes like him he’s a real athlete like a serious real playmaker the last thing that we need to talk about this will just be brief is Pascal sakam you know was the first player to sign the contract extension this year uh that was kind of expect I guess whenever he was acquired by the Indiana Pacers that was what all the reporting was going to be the big thing worth noting here is it was four years not five years four years 189 the Pacers held steady to that four-year number look I love it for the Pacers to end up keeping Pascal SE yakum after they make the Eastern Conference Finals do it for four years instead of five whenever he’s going to be a little bit older this this is a home run for the Pacers across the board it’s a massive massive massive vote of confidence for this organization and again now they have all the flexibility in the world to go out and try and get a third star if they would like to do so or they can just build this thing organically over the next couple of years because all of their guys are locked in now for a couple of years yeah and something that’s a little bit underrated about the Pacers is that they’ve got like a lot of good young guys and so they can decide yeah hey we’re going to we can take those guys you could I mean if you package Ben Maan and jar Walker and whatever cap filler you needed like you could go get somebody real with that or maybe you’re a believer in those two and you develop them and they kind of Step In I’m really interested to see what happens with Obi toppen this summer too because like he was pretty important to what they did this year like a really nice big Off the Bench that could start in a pinch if they needed him to uh and could fill a big role for them if they needed him to but like what do you pay him do they think jarus Walker is ready to contribute next year I think like that’s a huge question he was awesome in the g-league this year like put up tremendous stats clearly ready to play in the NBA uh so I’m I’m very curious to see where that goes but I think it’s a I think some people watch the Pacers and it’s a little bit of a misnomer of what we saw in the playoffs because like they didn’t have Ben mathine on the court like that’s a that’s a guy they just selected really high in the lottery that has some upward mobility and so you had him you have jarus Walker like those two like that could be like some of the foundation of the Pacers moving forward so I love the Stak deal for them he was awesome for them down so good he was amazing uh and I like the way this team fits and again there’s no shame in just being a good NBA team but this I I think especially in the Eastern Conference like they’ve got some upward Mobility that’s a a little bit sneaky and so I’m I’m really interested to see how they use their young guys moving forward and and perhaps perhaps to go get somebody else because they they truly could like they’ve got a lot of win now guys and they could trade a couple other young guys and really go all in but if I’m then I I slow play it I let this this thing cook a little bit and I I think that they’re going to be a force in the East for a while I think that’s true um I don’t really have a ton to add to that like this is just a home run for them across the board they needed to get it done they got it done it seemed like it was going to get done from the moment he got there and you know we’ll see where they’re able to go from here uh last thing that we have to do we have to answer a quick little Super Chat question shout out to Frederico El padrino uh to either of you gentlemen see a sign in trade with the Hornet Clippers where it’s Paul George from Miles Bridges Hornets drafting Devin Carter at six uh because Castle projected uh two Spurs so the way that so this can’t work because the Clippers can’t take aign and trade back for Paul George because they will be over the second apron at that point so there’s just no no way to go about it um the Devin Carter thing for the Hornets is I just haven’t gotten his name for the Hornets the N the names I’ve gotten are more Reed Shepard Stefan castle and Dalton connect um we’ll see what they do on draft night obviously uh they could end up trying to move up that’s obviously been rumored and I’ve kind of been told that they’re you know kind of looking at a few different things but uh yeah that’s kind of where we’re at at this point is you know we’ll see what the Hornets are able to do here and I would expect it’ll be one of those three players unless they like you know end up sliding down or if Dalton connects some how goes five and Castle 4 and Reed three like in some crazy you know ation uh I I would anticipate though that that it’s probably one of those three guys for the Hornets at the end of the day um Andrew I got you out of here in 34 minutes I feel pretty good this is just a short one uh tell the people where they can find your work tell the people what’s going on go listen to down to dunk if you’re into the Thunder go listen to the athletic and ba show um over this weekend I’m doing a draft bananza podcast on down to dunk where I’m having a bunch of different people come on including sasini um to talk about the who the Thunder should take in the draft you know what’s going on there it’s it’s going to be a really really fun show uh so I suggest that everybody check out the Bonanza it’s got I’ve got tape Frasier and Jake Kyan man and Kristen Peak and a bunch of people Tyler MF Nathan Rubble caloon those are the people that are on it so it’s very fun go check it out it’s like two hours of draft content for you if you’re if you’re into that um so yeah appreciate it Sam you just reminded me that I have to get Kyle man on this show again at some point very soon I just have to do it yeah great the best the best human um go to the athletic because good news folks the draft guide is out yes the draft guide is here it is out you’re able to read all 130 pages I think it’s like 130 pages 13,000 words of content you know there’s crazy crazy crazy breakdowns biographies everything you need that you will get from a prospect perspective it will be in that I have a fun podcast coming tomorrow morning as well uh on my end it’ll be tomorrow evening uh you know time your time in the United States if you live there I will kind of let that sit and we’ll get it up whenever we get the like feed up it’s G to be nice uh then on Sunday so this is the first of three straight days of podcasting yeah Bryce and I will be podcasting I don’t know what we will be doing yet it could be a predictive mock it could be something that we wait and kind of hold off on so we will see but I can guarantee you that on Wednesday we are going live for the draft does it feel weird to you that the draft is Wednesday yes yeah it feels uncomfortable I need it to be Thursday but here we are the draft is supposed to be on a Thursday I don’t like it on a Wednesday yeah that’s uh but keep it locked here go to the athletic keep me employed over there subscribe do everything you can to support the draft guide it’s a really really fun Endeavor that uh I hate writing every year and then I feel great after it comes out so go uh go support that thing but that’s it until next time we’ll talk soon bye

Oklahoma City Thunder and Chicago Bulls swapped Josh Giddey and Alex Caruso. What does this mean for each team? Also more offseason updates ahead of the NBA Draft.

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Sam Vecenie, a Senior NBA Writer at The Athletic, talks all about basketball. From the NBA, to the NBA Draft, to college hoops and even some high school, Vecenie has you covered in this show.

0:00 Intro
1:15 Josh Giddey for Alex Caruso Trade
3:25 Why this deal makes sense for both OKC and Josh Giddey
9:30 Why the Chicago bet on Giddey is high-variance and not one I would have made
20:00 Quick thoughts on a potential Caruso extension eventually
21:56 Sacramento Kings re-sign Malik Monk! Home run for Sacramento!
28:45 Indiana Pacers re-sign Pascal Siakam! Home run for Indiana!
32:15 Quick Hornets Question and outro


  1. OK going to be good now all they need is a big to help Chet with minutes – Giddey will have a good season he does a lot I think if he can get his 3 point numbers up it will go down as a very good trade for Bulls

  2. Something to note on the Presti comments. Since they were looking to move Giddey to the bench that means that they were going to introduce someone new into the starting lineup. It could be Joe or Caruso but I think it is more likely that the Thunder look to make at least one more move

  3. Giddey and Coby white is a really nice backcourt to build around. They will tank and trade Lavine Derozan and sit lonzo or trade him. They are banking on Cooper Flagg or Ace Bailey for next years draft. Maybe the big freshman kid also from Duke. Next years class is special so the Bulls need to be smart and rebuild. Coby can score and shoot, Giddey will be great with him

  4. I mean 25 million is Cam Johnson money, Josh is often healthy sounds like a sneaky trade by the Bulls minus the PR hit 🫡

  5. Caruso will bring grit especially playoffs…giddy neededa change of scenery….but for Chicago fans it will be fun to watch colby n josh play together, imo they'll grow into exceptional backcourt

  6. The first Bulls trade since the 2021 offseason and they couldn't even get a pick from the stockpile that OKC has accumulated.

  7. Good trade for both teams, don’t think bulls got robbed.
    I think giddy is a little underrated and Caruso a little overrated.

  8. Sure Giddey is a terrible shooter who can't get to the line and is only a theoretical defender while likely a massive creep BUT if you view it through the lens of defending draft night positions you can still pretend he will ever be an average starter. On that note when will the next "Cade is ready to take the leap and reach league average TS%" video coming, or will that just come up naturally when the Pistons hire their coach

  9. I just remember the Josh Giddey play in game last year, 31 points 10 assists and 9 rebounds!! So skilled AT 20 YEARS OLD! However, Shai is an MVP candidate so the offense runs through him, which hurts Giddey. He didn’t fit, 6:50 says it best.

    I love the idea of the Bulls thinking they can actualize this young lead guard. OKC just officially became Finals contenders

  10. Giddey won’t be extended on some big contract until he proves more. No way the Bulls just hand him 25-30 mil a year or whatever he literally just got benched in playoffs and had a bad season and wasn’t even good the year before and off court distraction plus all the advanced stats say he’s never been good. Flashes isn’t enough to hand a guy a big bag of money and if the Bulls do before he proves anything I’m officially no longer a fan of the team

  11. So you go from a 21-year-old kid who has out of the world potential to a 30-year-old one play away from season ending injury at any time who has to get extended That's a win

  12. I think the resigning of Monk (along with the extensions for Fox and Sabonis during the last couple of seasons) has cleansed the stain that was the Sacramento Kings Front Office under Vlade Divac. Just feels like there is a vibe and a "style of play" that other basketball players will gravitate towards.

  13. As a Bulls fan I'm not mad about the trade, would of been nice if there was a pick attached but after years of wanting change, at least there's some change coming and I'm hoping we're bad this upcoming season so then we keep our top 10 protected pick from the Spurs.

  14. malik monk wants to play with fox they’ve been good friends since kentucky days i didn’t think he was ever gonna leave

  15. I can’t believe the Bulls couldn’t even get 1 first round pick or at least a few seconds added in. I like Giddey as a player and fit but it’s still infuriating after knowing what was in the table.

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