@Miami Heat

Who Should the Miami Heat Target in NBA Draft? | Florida Panthers on Verge of COLLAPSE (BMH Ep. 175)

Who Should the Miami Heat Target in NBA Draft? | Florida Panthers on Verge of COLLAPSE (BMH Ep. 175)

what’s good y’all welcome back to believe in M he brought you by the believe Network always I’m your host Anthony dinardo coming to you with another long form podcast I’ll probably try to start doing these once a week or so but I’ll see how much time I have anyways that’s about all the energy that I have for this episode I’m not going to lie to you cuz I’m recording this about 10 minutes after the Florida Panthers lose game six and they are now a they have now officially blown their three nothing lead over the Edmonton Oilers in the Stanley Cup Final but the good news is we have one more chance to not make epic history and be the first team to blow a 3 nothing lead in The Stand Cup finals since 1942 so yes if you are wondering teams have blown three nothing leads in hockey before it’s actually happened four times as recently in 2014 so not too long ago even though that is 10 years ago now geez but it it it has only happened once in the actual Championship which was basically in another life lifetime 1942 than were B things were different back then so the good news for the Panthers they got game seven on Sunday to not have the most epic collapse ever and the only thing that I can say while I’ve been watching this run and really this collapse over the last week or so is the only thing I’ve been able to say to keep myself saying is thank God this is not the Miami Heat cuz if this was the Miami Heat I would be going mental let’s bring it back to last year where the heat were obviously up three themselves not in the championship but in the Conference Finals and that series was also pushed to a game seven now it’s kind of hard to compare one series with the other because the Panthers have kind of got I I don’t want to say they’ve gotten blown out the last three games because there was some empty neet goals today to make it look a lot worse than it was and in game two or in game five the the second to last game ago they were kind of getting blown out but then they made it close and then the game four they did get blown out so it’s a little bit different whereas the Miami Heats I believe they were up 3 0 and I don’t think that game four or five was that close if I remember correctly but that game six was an absolute Heartbreaker which was of course the Derek white buzzer beater and I’ll kind of relive uh that experience real quick I don’t know why but I’ll tell y’all the story because it was quite possibly the worst nights of my life which you know you know uh being able to say that a stupid little sporting event is the worst night of my life I’ve had a pretty good life and I I do acknowledge that but that doesn’t discount the fact fact that I was miserable I was distraught that night I really was I was actually in New Mexico V with my girlfriend visiting her family we got like a giant Airbnb there was you know like a dozen of us in there or so so there was a lot of people in there uh I there’s and there’s other people there that watch basketball enjoy basketball as well I was the only Heat fan though so of course I’m watching the game Everyone’s Watching with me and the whole game they’re looking at me cuz they know how big a game it is if the Heat win we go to the finals and everyone is staring at me and Jimmy had had a chance uh to take the lead he took the lead at the free throw line if you remember Al Horford fou him and he was able to write his wrongs of the year before you know missing that three-pointer on Al Horford and I started getting emotional Man Jimmy went to the free throw line knocked all three down and I I was like wow they really did it like Jimmy Butler is that dude he’s a magical special person and just just being able to write his wrongs is truly incredible and I can’t believe that after all of that like the the whole Ser the season that we went through with the playing tournament and everything I can’t believe they’re going to be right back in the NBA finals and then Marcus SM puts up a three won’t go rebound Derek white puts it in and I say oh no don’t tell me he got that off in time and the second I saw the very first replay I knew instantly that Derek white got that shot off and my face went from you know littered with tears of joy to just straight stone cold all the excitement an emotion that had overwhelmed me instantly flew out of my body and I was just left with nothingness in a room full of a dozen people who are all staring at me either trying to console me or make fun of me or laugh or you know they they don’t understand them circumstances completely it was it was a horrifying experience uh now luckily we had a giant Airbnb in the mountains and uh no better place to ponder than in the mountains am I right so so I sat out there on the balcony and just for a couple hours just looked out into the the stars and just questioned why I even care about basketball so much uh and it was a dark time as you can see but we actually flew home the morning of game seven and flying home I was watching ESPN on the plane maybe ESPN 2 and all these other networks FS1 and they’re all talking about oh Miami’s going to blow this they don’t have it in them and right when I started hearing all that doubt that is when I got my guts back and I knew that every single time this momy Heat team was doubted that’s when they would come to play their best so going into that game seven I had the utmost confidence in that he spank that ass now for the Florida Panthers H as I’m not truly a giant hockey guy you know I keep up during the regular season and and I really only started tuning into the postseason you know last year when they went on their Stanley Cup Final Run and this year the same thing so I’m not the biggest hockey guy I’m not super tuned in but I don’t know how to feel going into game seven this looks like a completely different Panthers team since game three now they’ve had periods here and there over the last few games where they look dominant they just have a lot of it looks like an easy attempts on goals they just can’t quite punch it in and they have a lot of sloppy turnovers that have led to goals by Edmonton so it seems like it should be easy to clean a couple of those things up and walk away with a Stanley Cup Championship in Sunrise at home in front of your crowd of Amir Bank Arena seems like they should be able to do that but it also seems like they should have been able to do that today or last game and it hasn’t happened yet they got a lot of guys that need to step up play better than they have been I know barov scored today but I still think he can do more obviously kachuck has been quiet other than his goal last game Conor REI where the hell have you been I don’t quite blame uh boski because I feel like half the Edmonton goals are off fast breaks off a dumb turn and that’s not Bob’s fault but uh I want to win this one just because uh even though I’m not a huge hockey fan I know I usually talk Heat basketball winning I I support all the local teams that extends to the Marlins and I I am a diard Miami Dolphins fan and I do watch all the Hurricanes football games too uh so I’m tuned into the football and basketball side of things on the baseball and hockey and even in Miami I I do watch a little bit of them but I just sort of keep up mostly but winning a championship is not something you could take for granted uh it’s quite frankly something that may never happen again in my lifetime and I don’t think that’s an exaggeration uh I mean look at the Dolphins they haven’t won in what 40 years now at least the Miami heat has been over a decade for now them too the Florida Panthers it’s been never so you you can never assume that you’re going to see these things again uh and I just want to be able to to enjoy this and uh not not and I and I don’t want to take this for granted this opportunity that the Panthers have just because again even though I’m not the biggest hockey guy I have been way way tuned in over the course course the last few months uh and I just you want to win this one you really do especially as a guy myself who’s such a Miami you know South Florida sports fan but we’ll see what happens Monday I was hoping this podcast would be a celebration it is not we push it to Monday but now let’s get to the bulk of the episode which I want to talk about is with the my with the uh NBA draft coming up next week it is on Wednesday June 26 I think it’s Wednesday cuz I believe the draft is two days uh so the day one yes is on Wednesday with the second round being on Thursday June 22nd so I kind of want to talk about what type of player I think the heat should draft of course I’ve posted a ton of draft videos over the last couple weeks we’ve talked about maybe maybe close to 10 players already everyone from Zach Ed to Eve Missy and Jared McCain Isaiah CER basically everyone right and I will have my official top five out probably sometime this week coming up maybe Monday I’m thinking I already did a top five a couple weeks ago but certainly my opinion has changed since then especially since there’s really not like a a certain candidate you know in this draft is not you know the tiers aren’t super defined or nothing uh so that’s why I kind of want to talk about who the he should Target now I will say this I am a big proponent of always taking the best player available I don’t care what the circumstances are I don’t care if you’re a championship team I I don’t care about none of that always take the best player available especially if you’re a bad team though I I guess if you’re a good team that’s trying to fight for a championship maybe if you were to Boston Celtics okay that I do get a little bit more you may need some cheaper contracts to fill out the roster but especially if you’re a bad team always take the best player available now I’m not saying the he are a bad team or anything but that’s just a philosophy in in general that I tend to agree with I mean look at the heat back in 2003 a lot of people think they shouldn’t have taken dwade Pat Riley included The Story Goes he wanted to take Chris Cayman because they needed a big they are already had Eddie Jones why the hell would they take Dwayne Wade and obviously drafting Dwayne Wade changed the entire course of this franchise and we’d likely have zero championships if this franchise never drafted him and they got all of that because they took the best player available so if if not for the very least maybe you draft a superstar like dwade I know that is you know a outlier sort of a once in a-lifetime thing but if not that well then it is maybe the best bargaining chip for a trade let’s say the hear to get a guy like Rob Dillingham or a guy like I don’t know maybe a bigger name like Zach eedy does he have a lot more trade value I don’t know at the very least it can’t hurt especially when you’re trying to get a whale and you know that this draft pick is one that would obviously be included in any trade so maybe not Zak is not the best example maybe you take one of these other guys who are really young with more potential maybe like a Ron Holland is a better example something like that that is another reason I always believe getting the best available but also it’s because drafting for fits I think is kind of stupid because I know right now a lot of Heat fans want to go for a center they don’t want to go for a guard because we have Tyler herro and Terry Rosier but there’s too many moving variables what happens if a trade we do a month or two from now includes Tyler herro Andor Terry Rosier Andor Duncan Robinson or one of these other big contracts we have which is really just our guards for the most part right outside of bam the B well now you’re losing those pieces and now all all of a sudden your fit wasn’t a guard but now your your needs does include a guard and you could have taken one in the draft so I just think there’s absolutely too many variables there when you’re talking about trying to trade for fit especially when you’re the Miami Heat and you’re looking to have an active off season and if anything if you do draft a Devin Carter or Jared McCain jacobe Waller maybe now that makes Terry Rosier Expendable or Tyler Hero guys that you might have been more hesitant to trade at first now maybe you are more willing to so always always take the best player available just because I think it’s so beneficial from so many different aspects there now if we are talking about fit and what I think the heat need most coming out of this draft well certainly last year their biggest problems were size and scoring now if you’re looking to address one of those two in the draft it’s kind of difficult because I’d say they’re two Polar Opposites most of the bigs in this draft tend to be more defensive than offensive and obviously most of the Guard cards tend to be offensive than defensive so I kind of broke this down into two sections on really the best bigs and then the best guards just because for the most part you’re talking you know fixing the size or fixing the offense I don’t think it’s really possible to fix both with that first round pick now with the bigs there’s how many names did I list here I listed I listed Seven names here I believe and I did it in order of guys that I want the least to the guy that I want the most and some guys are more fours than fives but you know what I mean this is kind of your your front Court guys power forward Center in the draft the guy that I want the least is Zack Edy not not very unpopular opinion cuz it’s pretty much you know he’s a very polarizing player you either hate him or you love him I don’t love him he’s a bit older he’s very slow and because of that I don’t think he’ll work well in this heat system just because they like to switch a lot on defense and obviously you have spacing concerns there as well since Jimmy and Bam AR really three-point Shooters and I I just don’t love the fit now that being said if the heat took him I would be immediately excited because that tells me that the Miami he believ they can develop Zach EDI and if they think they could develop that 74 300 lb Behemoth then I have no choice than to be excited because he obviously has a lot of the tangible tools like size you know he does have experience I I do prefer a bit of the older Prospect we’ll get into that later but I just don’t think he’d very he’d fit very well in h this heat system at least uh Kyle filipowski is the next guy he’s the like 611 center from duke can shoot the three ball pretty well uh okay rebounder but just defensively he’s not great and if I get a big in the draft I wanted to be a guy that can play defense just because we got bigs that could shoot you know we got Nicole yic we got bam who has a nice mid-range game uh I don’t I don’t really see a great for filipowski here I’m looking for a guy that could maybe guard up you know the other team centers when bam switched out onto the perimeter and now you know your paint was always open last year guys were always getting rebounded I don’t think filipowski fixes a lot of that just because he’s a little more prier perimeter oriented so I’m not a huge fan of him Tyler Smith kind of the same deal he’s more of a a power forward definitely better shooter than Philip palski that’s certainly what he does but he’s just too raw a prospect for my liking and if we’re trying to just draft the stretch four I don’t I don’t see an immediate role for him on this team just because we do have niic khil wear is an interesting one because he might be the most talented of the bunch he’s a true seven-footer dominant shot blocker shot like 43% from three last year on like two and a half attempts a game so some volume there but not a lot but he’s just Ultra athletic like a pick and roll monster like I said great defensively can block shots can move his feet you can switch him around he definitely has the size but there was a lot of rumors that his motor isn’t great kind of a low energy player doesn’t seem like a heat culture guy and truthfully I tend to stay away from those guys because I am under the belief that I like getting the guy with maybe a little less talent but as the work ethic because then I think you can turn that player into a really really great player and that’s what the heat seem to do the next guy I do love a lot it’s eve Missy and to tell you about him he’s C he’s basically a clink capella mold to a super athletic great rebounder great shot blocker he is also a pick and roll monster that’s pretty much where the offensive game ends but I don’t care like I said I want a big that can play defense so when bam is out of the paint that he don’t get screwed on the inside and Eve Missy I think can play interior defense right now in the NBA super strong super physical you need a body like that when you go against these yices and embs I am a big fan of his the second to last guy I got in this category is Tristan da Silva who is basically also a stretch four but he’s just he’s a little bit more ready to play now than like Tyler Smith he is 23 years old out of Colorado basically 69 and he is a sniper an absolute sniper can shoot on the ball off the ball great movement shooter coming off the screens flying out sitting in the corner could do everything and he’s also fast enough to be a pretty switchable Defender he’s not a great shot blocker but he is a guy that could kind of hold his own one-on-one and I just think he is a superior all-around player right now compared to the rest of the guys I mentioned previously even though he is basically that stretch four type so I don’t think he would start on the heat just because you got Nico yic but I do think he would have a defined role Off the Bench and sort of like a Kevin Love role uh and maybe allow Kevin Love to not play as much as we need him to as the roster currently stands so he can sort of get some rest and stuff too but Tristan is a guy that is ready to play now now my favorite big in the entire draft is donon Holmes II just dropped a video covering him a few days ago and he’s a guy that is 610 super athletic well not I would to say super athletic but has good athleticism to him great shop blocker though and he could also stretch the floor his form is beautiful shot a decent three-point percentage in college on a few attempts per game and he also is a little bit older I believe he spent three years at Dayton so he can contribute right now as well and I just feel like he’s the best of both worlds as a defensive oriented Center that could also score and stretch the floor and he is just my overall favorite Prospect and I heard he hustles hard no matter what he doesn’t put his head down he doesn’t let his offense defect his defense he has active hands 100% of the time really seems like a heat culture guy and that is why he is my favorite big in the draft now I do want to move on to guards a little bit where here I also have four five five six seven I have eight guys in this category the first of which I I didn’t necessarily rank them in the order of who I want ver the most first the least because it changes a lot now I know who I do want the most I’ll save that to the last pick but the first guy I want to talk about is Ron Holland who is a very raw Prospect coming from the G League of night he’s about 68 gets to the rim at will has a lot of great defensive potential because of his 68 frame but the three-point shooting is atrocious just a shot like 26% just too raw of a prospect for my liking even though he does have a ton of potential same as really said about nicoa toic another guy I dropped a video about recently he’s basically a 66 Gand dragic with no jump shot now his handle is amazing his his his finishing ability is is so crafty can finish in a variety of ways he’s so tough at getting into the paint and finishing but his shooting is just not good and he’s also of the younger prospects so again potential through the roof but just too raw for my liking right now a guy that I just posted a video about yesterday was Rob Dillingham from Kentucky a guy who is an elite shooter and not just spot up he is one of these shiftiest most change of Pac players I’ve seen in a long time has a crazy pullup jumper game from the mid-range and from three and he is just an overall bucket that is what he does he is a lethal scorer and I do think he has some ability to pass the ball but there’s been some questions about whether he’d play point guard in the league I don’t think so I do think he’d be more of a two which is concerning because he has a very small frame at 61 and all the defensive liabilities that come with that but his best comparison is Lou Williams and as a Heat team that needs scoring I kind of do like Rob Dillingham he probably has the most Talent out of this bunch of guards cuz he was even projected as high as number two couple months ago but I do think once he went in the combine got his off 61 measurements weighs like 164 lbs I do think he dropped a little bit in the the mocks because of that but he is still Uber Uber talented the next guy I want to talk about is Tyler Kik a guy that I think it was the ringer had the heat taking in their most me recent mock draft and he is basically your stereotypical white point guard meaning he could do two things very well he could shoot and he could pass the ball and at 23 years old he is also a prospect that I like a lot not to mention that he came from Marquette and he have some some history with taking guys from Marquette like D Wade and now I guess Jimmy Butler and shout out to Jay Crowder too but anyways Tyler K is a guy that can play right now I do think the heat still need a true point guard a true facilitator because Terry Roser is okay at it Tyler Hero has shown improvements but they are still more scorers at the end of the day so I do think Tyler Cola could could definitely play a role as a facilitator maybe he could start at points when guys are hurt H or he could just run the bench unit and I do like him a lot in that regard I also got jacobe Walter who is also kind of a bucket but he was very inefficient at Baylor and I just think uh he’s still too raw a prospect don’t got too much else to say about him but he is a guy I do want to look into more personally I also have Jared McCain who is also another sniper shot over 40% in college at Duke most of his his attempts coming from three takes a lot of transition threes can get his shot off excellent score and I do think he can be a facilitator at the next level he is a little bit bigger than Rob Dillingham so I think that’s good and I don’t I don’t think he’s a better player than Rob Dillingham but I do think fitwise he is a little bit better on the Miami Heat he also is 20 years old so he’s a little bit older not too much but I do like Jared McCain as well I also want to talk about Devin Carter seems to be a favorite of a lot of Heat fans he’s a guy that was ranked mid first round now he’s gone as high as seven in some mocks he’s a bit of an older Prospect Anthony Carter’s son current assistant coach in the Miami Heat Elite defensive player a guy that will Hound you on defense fight through screens he is only 63 but average nine boards a game so he’s Elite at that too there’s some questions with the jumper but in his senior or I think yes his senior season in college at Colorado he his he shot almost 40% from three so we don’t know if it’s fluky or not but he obviously did show the potential there and lastly my favorite Prospect Isaiah CER everything that I going to say about Isaiah CER makes me sound hypocritical because he is a he is shorter and he has question shooting you know there shooting concerns there those are all things I don’t like but I just I got a good feeling about Isaiah Co man because even though he’s only about 63 he is he has broad shoulders he’s strong and he’s physical super muscular and he can get to the rim at will knows how to use his body very crafty at finishing his layups and it’s his size that I think will make him a very very great defender on the defensive end I think he will be big enough to guard a lot of twos maybe some threes and the jump shot wasn’t perfect only about 34% from three in college but it’s not terrible and I do think his form was good enough that shows me some promise going into his shooting future so he is my favorite guard Prospect in the draft maybe my favorite Prospect in the draft I just love the rim pressure that he provides and he’s also a decent facilitator on top of all of that stuff so those are kind of my favorite prospects from kind of the two categories there bigs and Gars now should the heat draft more of a project or should they get a guy who’s ready well I’ve been saying it most of this time I prefer the guys that are more older cuz in theory they’re ready to play now I I kind of culminated that list here I I count counted older as guys who are 21 years old or older and that list is Zack Edy Tristan the Sila Tyler KCK Don Holmes the second and Devin Carter now I don’t think all those guys are ready to play right now specifically Zack Edy I would argue the rest of these guys Pro probably are ready to play now uh but just on a Heat team that is trying to win a championship I don’t want a project you know there’s time there’s a time and a place for a project maybe they do it in the second round but I just honestly I want the that can sort of contribute now just like jameh hakz right that’s part of the reason I love the jameh hakz pick and sure enough he came in and was pretty much as great as any of us could have expected cuz yeah we love Nico yovic now but when he was drafted he really didn’t see the floor for like a year and a half two years and now I think he’ll be a pretty decent player but when you only got a couple years left to Jimmy Butler’s Prime I’m trying to win right now I want to get the retin now player although again if they’re looking to make some trades maybe the higher trade asset is the guy that has more potential who knows cuz I think jameh hakz has a lot of potential now and that’s because he was ready to come into the league and show what he can do immediately and he has some high trade value because of that now do the heat even keep their first or second round pick I don’t know I mean one reason I think they should keep the pick is because it’s a cheap contract and you already have a ton of money tied up into Jimmy and Bam and Terry and Tyler and Duncan Robinson and you need some good value contracts to help fill out the roster that’s how you get some depth but on the other hand they could still get a good value player in the undrafted territory like they always do like Duncan Robinson and gay Vincent and Max dreu even though Max dreu you know was in the league a little bit prior but he was still undrafted same as Kendrick nun you know what I mean there is these guys in the undrafted territory so maybe the he’ even trade out of their first round pick to go into the second round get two second round picks maybe they trade them both to get undrafted guys or maybe they tra him both and Donovan Mitchell’s on on the Miami Heat in the week who knows now I don’t think that would happen cuz he’s not eligible to no actually he is eligible to sign his extension I read that guy uh some guys like him and Bam are eligible to sign prior to July 6 and he is one of them so the fact that he hasn’t signed yet is good news for the Mii heat now Jimmy Butler he’s not actually eligible to July 6 or July 7th to technically sign so there’s still some hold up on them but we’ll see what happens but that’s pretty much all I got to say regarding the draft let me know what y’all value down below do you want to go big do you want to go small do you like projects or do you like win now players let me know your favorite prospects down below and I will be having some more draft coverage going forward now outside of the Miami Heats there’s a couple other interesting things going on around the league you had your first trade that was exciting Alex Kusa was sent to the Oklahoma City Thunder in exchange for Josh gitty and nothing else I kept refreshing Twitter to see what kind of picks the Thunder would attach cuz I know they got a thousand of them they don’t even have the roster spots to fill out all those picks but no the Chicago Bulls being the terrible franchise that they are get no picks with it now I’ll be honest though I don’t think it’s as bad a trade as a lot of people think because I personally still do think Josh kid is a very good player I just don’t think he was in a great role for him in OKC because he needs to be ball dominant can’t shoot well enough to be off ball and obviously in OKC Shay is getting a ton of the Reps there but basically from and obviously for OKC great trade Caruso is a Hooper and that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about as how this impacts the heat cuz I do think the Bulls were a potential trade partner for the Heat and obviously a lot of Heat fans including myself would have loved Alex Caruso because he fits perfect here I would have liked to get Trey young pair him with a defensive guard Caruso would have been perfect I also don’t hate nicoa vich especially since he’s looked at as a negative asset I feel like we could have taken him on from the bulls with Alice Caruso so there’s options there that I think that heat could have used to at least change their roster to not run it back and now that Caruso is out of the picture I do think that eliminates a lot of those things because I don’t really see an Avenue for the Heat and Bulls to make a deal without Caruso why would the Bulls want tahiro now they just got Josh giddy they already got Kobe white you know as Zack LaVine they the Bulls will trade him but you haven’t really heard the Heat’s name in there thank God because I don’t want him anyways so I just I I don’t think that there’s really an Avenue there so that does change things a little bit because I do think kuso was a legitimate guy that the he could have targeted obviously cuz he didn’t really go for that much but that’s not going to happen I also want to talk about JJ reck who officially got hired by the Los Angeles Lakers now I don’t really like it truthfully for a couple reasons one I don’t like the idea of former players getting head coaching jobs immediately when they have no experience JJ reick was coaching his son’s AA team now he’s the head coach of the damn Lakers I don’t think that’s fair to a lot of assistant coaches like Chris Quinn on the heat for example who have been busting their ass for years and are certainly more than qualified to get a head coaching job but JJ gets it just because of his name I also think it’s a really weird dynamic because he has a podcast with LeBron which might end which also sucks because it was a good podcast but if you’re a player on that team particularly a young player how you going to look at that and say oh uh my our best player has a podcast with our coach they’re talking about us on the podcast they best friends LeBron and him are the same age I don’t know it just seems like a weird dynamic maybe I’m overthinking it just doesn’t make a ton of sense and also on top of all of that from a Heat fan perspective I kind of wanted LeBron and it didn’t sound like he was really leaving over these last couple months I was hoping maybe if he could draft bronny it’d be a nice bargaining chip to get LeBron over here cuz I still do think LeBron is a top five player in this game and I would have loved him to return turn to South Beach and I started getting a little hopeful when the Lakers said they were going to hire reic then hire hire Hurley then Hurley said no then they don’t know about reic and I was thinking maybe if that whole situation could collapse LeBron would ask out and want to leave and go elsewhere but they just hired his boy JJ which that the report came out LeBron had nothing to do with the JJ S uh hiring which is just stupid like why are they why do they want us to why are they even think that we would believe LeBron had no saying that that’s just stupid but anyways they obviously got his boy so LeBron is not leaving and that’s that the last thing I wanted to talk about was Paul George it does seem like there’s a lots of conflicting rumors on what he’s going to do at first Philly was all in and now Philly doesn’t want him they prefer Zach LaVine they prefer Jimmy Butler at first the Clippers don’t want to resign Paul George now they believe he’s going to stay that’s why I think all NBA offseason reporting is stupid because it’s all narrative based agendas and conflicting rumors I just wanted to ask y’all from a Heat fan perspective do you want to get in there on Paul George is that someone that interests you it does not interest me because I think he’s a habitual playoff choker and I don’t want the man anywhere near my team now in theory it makes sense a great two-way player that could score you know and play defense and switch but just not a fan of Paul George I’m going to leave it at that though because I do plan on having a full Paul George video out at some point within the next week or two maybe we’ll see how much draft coverage uh we really got to talk about but but I just wanted to let y’all know your thoughts Down Below on Paul George now that’s all I got to say for this video if you stay to the end of this video I know you a real one and if you want to prove to me that you’re a real one go ahead and comment down below let’s say uh just say uh Panthers in seven baby that way I know you uh you stay to end I’ll give your heart a comment and it means a lot to me all the support genuinely does make sure to like the video and subscribe cuz I’m on my grind to hit 5K Subs by the start of next season check out the audio podcast just search believe in Miami Heats that’s b l e a v and if you’re on the audio side come over to the YouTube search Anthony Nardo and do all those good things I was just talk about but I’m going see you next time peace [Music] out my own I don’t need no dead way had a kill them off yeah I need a head space you know this homegrown [ __ ] don’t offend me h

Discussing Miami Heat news, Florida Panthers going to Game 7 in Stanley Cup Finals, Alex Caruso trade, JJ Redick is Lakers next coach, and Paul George Free agency. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news. #miamiheat #nba #miamiheatnews #jimmybutler #tylerherro #bamadebayo #bostonceltics #dallasmavericks #nbafinals

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The Basement: @TheBasementSportsNetwork

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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Florida Panthers going to Game 7
1:08 What it felt like to Almost Blow 3-0 Lead Last Season
5:15 Impact of Florida Panthers Championship
7:46 Which type of player should Heat target in NBA Draft?
12:18 Best Bigs in NBA Draft
17:55 Best Guard in NBA Draft
23:44 Project vs Ready Now Player?
26:43 Alex Caruso to OKC Thunder Trade
28:40 Lakers Hire JJ Redick as Head Coach
30:32 Paul George to Miami Heat?
31:30 Closing Thoughts


  1. Heat draft Zach Edey, Tristan da Silva, or trade down and get a future pick and DaRon Holmes. 2nd round Justin Edwards, ZYON Pullin, Keshad Johnson, or Antonio Reeves.Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Lauri Markkanen, sign and trade for Caleb or Highsmith, Herro, and/or future 1st picks. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. I can see Zach and Jimmy be like Shaq and Wade. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you trade Jimmy it has to be 5 first round draft pick and 2 young players. If you go for Lauri, you give herro, 2 future first round pick, and sign and trade Highsmith

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN, Keshad Johnson Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

  2. even if we get an "older" pick wont change shit. We have to rebuild NOW before bam is too old. 2 years rebuilding would be by far the best decision. I want a pick with upside, all those "ready to play" player suck most of the time.

  3. 1st round center Zach Edey or Devin Carter and 2nd round tall SG or SF who can score and bring size. Heat don't take the best available

  4. Heat must take the BIG. They have proven the ability to find wing guard types undrafted and turn them into something.

  5. Ware has all the tools. Who cares if he is “Heat culture.” Kyrie Irving was not a Heat culture guy but I guess Tyler Herro is.


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