@Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia 76ers interest in Paul George has “waned” – PHILLIES GET CHALLENGED

Philadelphia 76ers interest in Paul George has “waned” – PHILLIES GET CHALLENGED

[Music] [Music] welcome to the show everybody my name is Mark faretta this is the fary show presented by my bookie just amazing to have you along for the ride in all actuality uh first off live audience uh Miss goozie uh so I get off the golf course yesterday uh for the uh Michael Baran and Friends uh golf outing and um I uh I have a severe allergy attack that L that like went into this morning it was like one of those things I woke up with and those are the worst those are terrible when if you’re an allergy sufferer oh boy um so I kicked it as fast as I could and I got on the show here so I appreciate your patience um secondly um let’s celebrate something usually and this is golf outing season all right whenever it’s golf outing season it’s usually when I come on the show and I’m bright red I would like to celebrate the idea that although I might be a little out of focus there we go no uh I am not I don’t I don’t no red I I feel like I did okay with the sun sunscreen all right I actually I kicked it up to 50 SPS 50 uh usually I’m an eight I’ll do the eight and then that’s it but 50 was what I grabbed before I left the house I knew it was going to be a scorcher yesterday um how I played doesn’t really matter we had fun that’s that’s that’s all that that really matters so some friends Michael Barkin and friends as a matter of fact it it was really good um while I’m out there I see the story about sham Shania putting it out there with Paul George in the 76ers their interest waning in Paul George I have a terrible I’m gonna I’m going to acknowledge it as an awful take uh actually the take I think is fine what is awful is the 76ers and why why I’m like yeah okay oh Paul George doesn’t want to play here or the Sixers don’t want Paul George here okay all right okay fine that’s that’s kind of where I’m at when it comes to this entire free agency thing and that’s why to spoil a little bit of it right out of the gate I am in a spot right now with the 76ers where I’m like I don’t yeah I just build people that I know can play when Tyrese Maxi and especially Joel and beat her down in the court like build around that as much as I would love to say you could get a solidified amazing starting five or a big three or or whatever the case may be as much as I would love to see that I no to me just get the guys that are more under the radar don’t have the big splashy off season and I know that’s a terrible thing to say right now when you talk about the um the Boston Celtics and the fact that they added it a uh a winning player in Drew holiday and they needed that third player with Drew holiday obviously adding him to the F there with Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum and being able to get porzingis I know he had injury issues but being able to get players like that and I’m not saying that Drew Holiday by any means is a glue guy um but he is the upper echelon of winner All-Star player uh and a champion already he’s I said it many times would have been a perfect fit here in Philadelphia as well obviously that didn’t work out so well but uh I look at the Sixers team and I say just find the guys that’ll be the under the radar guy that that guys that will help put you over the top because what it really comes down to is Joel embiid and we’ll get to that in a second Also earlier in the week we didn’t talk about it uh but Brian Snicker put out a Braves manager Brian Snicker put out a a challenge if you will to the Philadelphia 76 or excuse to the Philadelphia Phillies uh being that they are in first place they have been in first place since May 4th and the Braves have only been watching their uh depths expand in terms of how far into second place they are behind the Philadelphia Phillies now look anyone who’s grown up watching the Phillies anyone who’s grown up watching the NL East and uh the Braves doing what they do almost every single year one thing I just find it absolutely possible to do is just completely count out the Braves look if if I’m Banning which I am the Phillies are winning the division it’s I think the division I this is going to CCT what I just said but it’s it’s locked up however put it like this I wouldn’t be surprised if the Braves all of a sudden just won every game they ever played and then they take the division however uh this is the Phillies division so let me just say that again this is the Phillies Division I don’t see the Braves coming back all right we could say that but I did not expect Brian Snicker in June to talk about how The Season’s not over they’re not eyeing the Wild Card they’re going for the division now you could say what’s he gonna say but listen to the way he delivers this line to the media this week this was on Tuesday this week I’m not planning on doing a wild card series you’re not uhuh we’re planning on win in the East there you go there you go now if that’s if that’s our guy now in all honesty if that was Rob to not that I’ve really heard Rob Thompson that boldly say something along those lines He he’ll say something along the lines of this he’ll say something like if the Phil are really struggling they whatever like um the year they went to the World Series if you remember going into September they had they had hit a little bit of a lull and he said no well we’re go this seems going to the playoffs like he said he playoff just said it like that they’re back on track get to the playoffs so but you know in September you can expect some things to be said with your chest all right in June it’s like it might be a feel out situation like he know we got see we got got things some things got to fall in place guys got to start doing what we expect from them and know what they’re signed to do and stuff like that little not timid but not as bold or Brazen so Bri sticker comes out with that uh on Tuesday of this week talking about how this Brave team is going to go out there and they’re going to win the NL East well the Philadelphia Phillies are obviously having a historic season that we’ve all been able to enjoy uh a lot here in Philadelphia I want Brian Snicker I want the the Atlanta Braves talking as much as humanly possible before the Phillies go and face them I I want that motivation bulletin board material is a real thing I don’t understand how any sports fan can deny it how anybody can pooo it how anyone can say it doesn’t matter the the thing throughout whether even it’s a football season where you’re only playing 17 games or it’s a 162 game baseball season and I’ll even say this especially in 162 Bas game baseball season when a team is playing that many games and a team like the Phillies for instance is ahead right now by seven games in the NL any excuse for that team to pull Focus even if it’s a division rival even if it’s a team that in second place albe it by seven games in second place even if it’s something like that I want the Phillies having a bullseye on the back of the Atlanta Braves I want the Phillies going into that series that’s coming up in a couple weeks I want the Phillies to go into that series thinking this is the series that they got a make a statement now that did not work out well at all in Baltimore when you were going up against one of the other best teams baseball and you couldn’t win two out of three you couldn’t win that series you had chances and then you blew it uh which was terrible but when it comes to this particular Series against the Braves we all know that there’s a lot more history involved there there’s not some World Series from 1983 that we’re referencing no this is things that happened last year things that happened this year and things that have happened over the course of you know decades and decades and Decades of watching these teams go at it so for me I look at that series and I want as much bulle and board material as possible I don’t want the Phillies looking ahead of the uh the the the Diamond Back series I don’t want them looking ahead of any other series that they got here in front of them before they take on the Braves but for me just hearing something like that from Brian Snicker makes me go okay keep this interesting please and thank you keep this interesting right now the Braves seven games behind the Phillies Braves are only 10 it’s crazy to think 10 games above 500 seven games behind the Phillies uh now the Braves by the way are going into a very difficult series here against the uh they just swept the Tigers they’re going into a three-game series against the New York Yankees now uh and they are going to be um in New York for that so they got a they actually have a seven game Road Trip on their hands starting tonight three in New York at Yankee Stadium three in St Louis against the Cardinals and then they got one in Chicago I think that’s a makeup game uh one in Chicago uh at 410 this Thursday or ex me next Thursday uh yeah next Thursday so they got a rough stretch here do the Braves especially going up against the Yankees team who also by the way is coming off a really rough series there against the Baltimore Orioles uh so it doesn’t get easier here for the Atlanta Braves and then in the first week of July July 5th 6th and 7th that’s when they take on the Phillies before the All-Star break two series before the All-Star break they’ll they’ll square off against Philadelphia philes that’s the next time they play them um so that’s what we’re looking at right now uh in baseball and this Philadelphia Phillies team also Mason Miller of the Oakland A’s there was a report yesterday had regarding the term blown away we’re uh more than a month away from the uh trade deadline um now is the time blown away is going to get used it this this is I mean you can follow the bouncing ball it happens every year every single year it becomes a name that is just hot to trot man it’s the hottest name and the market and when you talk about a closer talking about bringing somebody in like a Mason Miller’s U uh Talent level obviously contract being a young player all that and blown away we’re not considering making a move unless we are blown away and last night put it out there that the A’s are not going to be moving Mason Miller unless they are quote blown away so what does that mean for the Phillies what does that mean for everybody else well that means get ready to part with some top prospects that’s what that means um the last time the Phillies uh parted with one of their top prospects for a relief pitcher uh I believe that was the um uh uh Brown for Robertson David Robertson for the Cubs yeah that didn’t work out for for Philly unfortunately but that’s that’s where it was Ben Brown it was Ben Brown is now pitching at the major league level uh for the Cubs uh that’s something that the Phillies got to be a little bit wary of obviously uh I can’t remember a time where the Phillies really open the bank or open the farm system for a closer but that’s one instance of at least getting a relief pitch in recent memory that it didn’t work out for the Phillies um this time around I’m looking at this Phillies Bullpen and if you’re Dave debrowski and you’re more than a month away from the trade deadline and it’s getting closer and closer of course there’s two things I think you want to see less of um you want to see less of Gregory stto uh I think you want to see a solidified closer okay uh when to talk when you talk about if you’re going to have less of stto I think that means you want to be able to move guys that you have in your Bullpen that aren’t necessarily legitimate closers uh have them come in be able to have them in uh earlier in the ball game especially in the playoffs and then make sure you’re going to a guy in the ninth in and you feel can slam the door Mason Miller is certainly the guy that jumps to mind when you think about that the other thing is Les Nick less Nick castios hey look got what I H three games he’s coming off a series where he get seven hits in three games that’s great I very much have my doubt that Nick castios is all of a sudden going to put in a month that is going to make you go oh here’s a 300 hitter oh here’s a 350 on base percentage oh seven home runs oh look at this like in the 30 game span I don’t see it happening I I feel like pitchers have cracked the code of Nick castios and they’ve really done it ever since the end of last year or excuse me ever since the second half of last year year Philly’s had a a great first couple runs there in the playoffs and then everything went to hell in the last three games there against the Arizona Diamond Backs and Nick casianos was a part of that so for me uh it is pretty hard what was it 0 for 26 his last 26 something like that last year I think what they were doing last year the Nick casanis are doing again which is you could get them you can fool them easily on low and outside pitches and you know he’s going to try to jump on every first pitch you throw his way so it’s similar to K schwarber almost although I got a lot more confidence in Kyle schwarber laying off pitches that are far away actually at times I wish he would flail away at those pitches that are low and low and just a bit outside a little too close to take sometimes but Nick casanas just doesn’t make that adjustment he can do all the batting practice he wants and if that builds his confidence and again I love the idea of the work ethic uh if I’m Nick castanos maybe I change things up not necessarily less is more but maybe if I don’t do the batting practice and just concentrate on my mental approach then I’ll be a little bit better off now maybe not less but a different not less work but different work because whatever it is it where hey look I hope he Pro proves me wrong and has that 30 game stretch where he looks like an All-Star and looks like he could carry this team and all that St I really would love to see that happen not gonna happen no no by the way I didn’t even acknowledge this yesterday but uh they gave Trey Turner the day off did you you see who was batting second because it wasn’t Nick castios despite Rob Thompson saying well no he’s had good at bats in the two spot he’s terrible in the two spot two spot I don’t need you to impress me with good at bats all right I’m not going to be a president two spot I need production all right you can go down to bat sixth in this order and have good at bats you bat second in this lineup your production Bryson stop was batting second um so if you’re d rowski approaching the trade deadline I think you’re looking at your Bullpen less Gregory stto uh also the ability to be uh to move Jose Alvarado up Jeff Hoffman up move those guys up in the uh the bullpen there and have a legitimate closer and then also les Nick cados I don’t think they’re going to do that they’re gonna have to be forced to do that which means Nick casan has to continue to not hit and also moving $40 million over the next two years that could be tough Phillies could certainly pay some of that money it most likely will if they move Nick casanas but I don’t I don’t uh I don’t see that happening unfortunately so I think the biggest move that the Phillies are going to make that is also plausible is going to be for the bullpen and I know that has a lot of PE people excited even after words um even if the words uh Blown Away are being used now before I go on to our next topic here um I want to tell you guys so uh my uh my parents Joe and eler they’re uh Joey and L they’re uh they’re downsizing they’re going to be moving okay which is which is about time like they still live in a big house that we my brother and I grew up in and f a huge yard that my dad still maintains and all that stuff and I’m like Dad please stop working outside like today’s a day I don’t know if your dad’s are like this but today’s a day where my dad I like I’ll call him like Hey Dad how you doing he be like Oh I’m just uh pulling up trees in the backyard I’m like you’re what I’m pulling up trees and I G to put in a fence it’s hot out today yeah Dad get inside what what what are you doing you know like my dad just never stops working actually what’s really funny um is that a member of I don’t want to say who but a member of the media that I’ve known for a long time is um moved into my parents neighborhood actually after I moved out this guy moved in and he goes Mark every time I go by your house your dad’s out there mowing awn like is he crazy and I’m like yeah he’s nuts but anyway parents are downsizing so ellar my my lovely mother brought over this box now this box is not a box of personal items necessarily of mine from like my old room or anything however um she told me it’s books I don’t know I didn’t open it yet I just thought it’d be funny to go through it live on the show with you guys so we’re gon to get we’re going to do the Sixers time topic I’m going to talk about Paul George I’m going to talk about why I am uh in the pit of despair when it comes to the 76ers and then we’re going to go through this box I don’t know the books that are inside they could be my old grade school books that could be college books uh which it would be about time that I open them anyway uh or I don’t know it could just be books that my mom just wants to see if I get rid of so we’ll go through that let the suspense build see yesterday uh I’m playing in the Michael banon Friends golf outing and here’s what went down sham Shania puts this story out there in the middle of the day people the middle of the day well the middle of golf outing at least Phil w76 with interest in pursuing Paul George has significantly waned significantly waned in recent days franchise is expected to be aggressive elsewhere with its salary cap flexibility uh and draft Capital leading into next week’s NBA draft that’s where we are right now with the 76ers uh I saw this I know a lot of people are disappointed but then actually was like going through the comments and a lot of people that seem to be Sixers fans are in a very similar mindset and head space that I am in right now and that is uh it’s this it’s not necessarily whether you like or don’t like Paul George what it comes down to is really your confidence level in Joel embiid um so when these names get thrown out there even if it’s back in the day with James Harden um even with that it’s like it doesn’t matter unless you unless you get the version of Joel embiid that is an MVP level player so I’m kind of in this not I’m kind of I am in this head space and I know you guys heard me talking about this the other day when it came to Drew holiday and just the the depression that was beset upon me uh when it came to what Drew holiday could have bring could have brought to the table here the historical relevance of Drew holiday winning his second Championship as it pertains to the 76 series and all that uh but this is something different this is everything about Joel embiid and he’s your guy he’s your number one guy he’s your star he’s your MVP okay let’s get all that all out of the way unless I can have confidence that he is a gonna be available B gonna be anything close to 100% And this past year God love him he fought through the injuries and he went out there he played as best as he could he played in the series he did not take a series off he took a fourth quarter off uh he did not take a game off he went out there and played he powered through it good for him we don’t hear the word toughness surrounding Joel embiid this series you could certainly throw toughness at Joel embiid saying that he try to tough it out through this injury to even play that’s great but uh it’s not just about being healthy it’s not just about being able to tough out a performance uh it’s about being good enough and playing at a high enough level to get your team out of the first round of the playoffs then the the absolute impossible the second round the playoffs and then the unthinkable oh my goodness the Eastern Conference Finals and then just the damn near impossible winning a championship whoever the Sixers get this off season whether it’s Paul George or Lebron James it’s all going to come down to how Joel embiid performs in the playoffs this is what we have been trained to think and feel as 76ers fans so it whoever they add it doesn’t matter if you don’t get Joel embid playing in April May June it doesn’t matter even look even if it’s an injury that happens during the regular season that uh is one that is not it’s one that he can recover from and it’s one that there’s not going to be a lot of wear and tear whatever injury that is I don’t know something uh you go out there and you come back and you can get right back to the level of play after you know the ramp up period of 10 games whatever you need to get yourself into game shape again you know if you could if you could even have a similar season last year where it’s not as threatening like with a miniscus injury and you can come back and play at a high level fine but all this offseason BS isn’t gonna matter unless Joel embiid shows up at the end of the season and in the playoffs it’s not going to matter and I I hate as someone who just enjoys the sport of basketball I hate watching a an NBA season I hate watching a Sixers season going all right 82 games they’ve won 50 didn’t happen last year but they win 50 games whatever let’s say this year you have a healthy Joel em be for the majority of the Season Tyrese Max takes another step forward you get some good glue guys whatever you have another good season it’s the same as last year where you’re watching the regular season going all right it doesn’t really matter to in the playoffs anyway that’s when the real season starts in this past year what do we get six games five games five games five games of the the postseason five five games that sort of mattered cool we’re all having fun we’re all having a boat load of fun uh I I wish it wasn’t the case but I I feel like it’s just the same story every single uh year um yeah the six games the six six games against the Knicks so yeah that’s great that’s great we’re all feeling wonderful uh I would love to be excited and and want to have more fun with the NBA offseason but uh doesn’t appear to be for us long road to Hill next week NBA draft let’s go uh let me tell you right now about the great people in mybookie mybookie wonderful to have you along for the ride when it comes to my bookie you can bet on the world of baseball you bet on the world of basketball you can bet on the world of just about anything when you talk about mybookie want to bet on the fills you can do so mybookie download the app create an account use promo code fars you get up to $1,000 redeemable cash bonus at mybookie how about the game Time app download the game time app to your phone create an account use promo code farsy get $20 off your first purchase Tonight Cole Hamel night at CBP you want to go to that game download the game time app to your phone create an account 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allergies there we go all right let’s get to this these are books from my mom as uh Joe and Elder are downsizing I haven’t opened this she just told me they were books see what we got going on nice hello to WB Mason WB Mason still sponsoring the Phils by the way all right all right immediately I don’t know if you guys live near your parents or what the deal is but uh if you ever go to your parents there are certain books that just stick out as books that have just been there forever all right so I’m already flashing back here okay all right this book Essentials of wine has been a guide okay Essentials of wine a guide to the basics this book has just been like in my parents cabinet in the kitchen I think this is the first time it’s been touched by human hands in 30 years it’s got to be all right oh hi California that’s nice o Italy ooh from the foothills of the Alps in the north of the sizzling hot Sicily in southern Italy Italy has a wide range of climates okay that means good wine I guess all right uh oh here we go George Foreman’s knock out the fat this is this book came out before Michael Scott stepped his oh there’s a insert oh want to take to colleges okay thank you mother I won’t be needing that that’s before Michael got stepped on the George Foreman grill uh wait not one but two books on how to microwave meals from the 80s all right let’s see I think my mom knew I wanted this what year is this uh 1986 anybody want this I’ll mail it to your house basic microwaving this is good basic microwaving oh what are you doing to that chicken basic microwaving this book looks older that that last book was 1986 basic microwave microwave cooking Library basic microwave uh 1978 what the hell man this book’s older than me uh oh okay let’s see microwave this is all like these are all stuff like nobody eats today don’t eat that all right uh right let’s see wait no don’t tell me a third book no magic flavor rep okay lipin they made recipe books oh here we go fresh Taste of Italy by Michelle skill that looks nicer little squiding pasta that looks nice that’s what I can actually use all right let’s see we got another Italian cookbook which is hilarious Betty Crocker on the grill I don’t know about that bets crockpot cooking desperation entertaining how to make a marvelous meal in a matter of minutes these are all cookbooks remember was trying to tell me something she does like my cookie another Italian cookbook oh classic Italian a taste my polish mother with a taste of the East uh my mother’s never made a a any type of Chinese meal any type of Japanese meal Korean nothing of the sort it’s never happened oh and then okay this is I remember this I think my mom this might be the only thing my mom ordered offline offline did I say offline I mean from an infomercial um 10,000 10 10,000 And1 hints and tips for the home removing stains covering walls cleaning health and safety storage moving um cooking planting uh how to have your wife have less opinions wait hold on how old is this book I’m kidding I made that part off okay hold on what’s something that could be helpful to people I want to help you guys out you know this is a help helpful show how was what the all right let’s just setting up a home office oh this actually good for some people no that’s too long oh my God the computer in here is one that you play Oregon Trail on well this actually I never I’ve seen this book a million times I never opened it a lotting work time no thanks actually that could help me maybe start the show on time keeping records keep careful records for both business person um business per purposes and professional reference whether you store records on paper or buy electronic means organize the information clearly and neatly and in such a way that you can easily refer to it somebody wrote a book about this oh make sure you cut up your credit cards when you’re done with them when they expire and put a a little hole punch in your driver’s license that’s the stuff you get here um oh I’m not kidding you I am not kidding you I can’t be certain but I think they’re poking this kid with a broom I think they’re poking this kid with a broom somebody’s electrocuted poke him with the broom electrical injuries this is what this is the advice this is how I was raised kids probably when I was born my mom bought this book I was like how do you raise kids what do you do with these um you poke them with a I wouldn’t lie to you that guy Boop is poking this kid with a broom what book should I keep out of that the microwave books the George Foreman book I feel like I should keep the George Foreman book and framan having in the backdrop somewhere of the show um all right so I think I’ll keep the Italian books just because you know that and uh 10,000 And1 hints see kids before we had the internet we just people just had to write books of 10,000 one things that you might need one day you know the stuff that you Google how to set up a home office how to poke a kid with a broom or on what under what what are the circumstances in which it’s okay to poke a kid with a broom apparently electrocuted all right back to the show uh let’s see how you guys are doing checking on the chat check here see you guys a wonderful feel you uh ibh good morning Sean K good morning April April good morning Jean gpie hello Jason a what’s going on uh Jason uh thank the Lord I never wanted Paul George he’s a loser has a loser mentality his whole career I’m not a big I I told you guys this a while ago like I’d rather get a more under the radar guy like this week’s been a little interesting with this story now with Paul George and then earlier in the week Brian Windor so sham puts out there about Paul George George um uh uh Paul George and then Brian windhorse puts it out there about oan and Obi saying that he’s underwhelmed not thrilled not thrilled with the Nicks offer for him right now most people still think he’s GNA go back to New York but as of right now he’s not thrilled with the what the Knicks are offering and the Sixers have all this money them the magic they have all all this money to just be thrown around um and I wasn’t too crazy on Paul George either Paul George is one of those situations that I would have to talk myself into and probably would maybe this is it maybe this is the guy and then really what it comes down to is it doesn’t matter if you if Joe Ellen be’s not healthy Paul George and Tyre Maxi aren’t doing anything for you in terms of like getting you to the next round of the playoffs and at most Maxi and Paul George are getting you to maybe the second round of the playoffs maybe if Tyreek if uh Joel embiid’s not healthy if Joel embiid’s not 100% if Joel embiid’s not playing at an MVP level for God’s sakes no miles Bridges only Bridges I’ll take is McCall thank you I’m back or I’m with you there sh playoff P himself right Daz what’s going on Dad we got to help our dads man uh yep my pops is almost 80 and still works outside middle uh in midday as well I tell my dad man I tell him pop just you need help with something just let me know first off don’t need help with anything because I don’t want you doing it like I was really proud my dad literally had two trees pulled out of his backyard um uh a couple weeks ago and I was over the house picking up some stuff you know like you know real bangers like that like those books and uh I was like hey what happened to the trees in the back and my dad goes oh I had them pulled up I go oh you had them pulled up he goes yeah I go okay well I’m glad you had had them pulled up and I literally didn’t walk in the backyard and see you with like a shovel and a saw taking down those trees um but uh yeah I was like I was like think out I don’t want you doing that uh Charles dead yep God bless Papa faretta Papa Joe man he uh the guy’s been working since he’s like four years old yeah I want him to take it easy in his grandfatherly age by the way my son Leo loves him like my mom’s running the kids a lot my dad’s still working still working all stuff he’s a realer now um but uh my son loves him like pops is who he goes to it’s hilarious my mom’s just like hm well look at that April what’s going on this is a th% my dad uh he had a he had a triple bypass last year and was back to work in no time an old Marine I like how you said that because you didn’t say former Marine you said old Marine once a marine always a marine uh trying to keep him from doing too much as impossible my grandmother lived to be 96 years old and she would I would always say you know m m take a break and she would say she would say you can’t take a break if you stop moving you die I’m like God Dam all right geez you could just said no Phillies have reportedly scouted white socks reliever I haven’t seen that um uh I want to put Sean you’re always on top of it I wouldn’t be shocked uh let’s see here there it is a ah Michael Copic Copic uh Bruce LaVine 760 the score putting it out there saying that’s what’s what uho former first round pick drafted by the Red Sox in 2014 he’s 28 years old 6 foot three having himself not the greatest of years but then again white sock suck uh 30 Innings pitched 44 strikeouts ER of 475 he’s been in 30 games this year 30 games seven home runs seven home runs in what did I say 31 30 and a third Innings all right all right I’ll keep interest there uh thank you Sean Daz I don’t see Paul George putting us over the edge to win a championship neither do I it all come the only person regardless of who the Sixers get that’s G to decide whether or not the Sixers are over the edge or not is Joel embiid and it’s because of this that like if the Sixers traded Joel embiid this offseason which is not happening I’d be like okay all right now it’s Tyrese Maxi’s team build around Tyrese Maxi let’s see what let’s see what you can get around Tyrese Maxi and go from there uh Sean glesby I don’t want to go outside to pick up a food order Sean K debrowski has often targeted High Velocity relievers during his time leading in the front office Co fast ball has average of 98 to 98 to 98.7 miles per hour this year that’s good I mean SoDo can pop the M you know um Alvarado obviously Hoffman kirking Dominguez one of the things that it’s like one of those things that I’ve said this before about the nickel Corner position when Devon MX was on the show and it’s one of those things that you know but you don’t realize like you you know it to be true but it just hasn’t dawned on I don’t know if I’m explaining that right but ion MX just talking about how like the nickel Corner position has become like just a legit position it used to just be like oh well he’ll just play nickel whatever we’re rarely going to be needing it anyway but now the NFL is so incredibly pass happy as it’s become over the last 20 years that that’s what you know you always have a nickel corner and it’s like a starting quarterback for you well I didn’t realize this until Chase Utley had said it but when Chase Utley came back with the Dodgers and had a press conference people were asking him about you know how the game has changed in his career and he said it and I’m like that’s so true I just never really don’t know he’s like and when he was coming into the league they would have one guy maybe two the the opposing the opposition would have one guy maybe two guys in the bullpen that could throw 97 98 99 miles per hour one maybe one or two and now it’s like if you want to be a big league reliever you got to throw 98 miles per hour it’s absolutely insane uh and it’s one of those things that he said that I was like oh yeah that’s so true that’s the that is a huge difference between you know what 200 2004 2003 and 2015 huge difference uh Phillies may feel like pitching coach Caleb Cam and other staff can get the most out of copic’s fastball pration here Copic okay um copic’s fastball cutter slider repertoire would you pull this trade farsy I’d have to see more of them um I’ll pay a little bit more attention than a name now but look if you’re gonna be one thing I don’t see them doing is making a trade for a guy they think is GNA need work like I think that’s an offseason thing they do if they if they trade for a guy they think’s going to need work uh injury issue 2019 opted out during covid-19 in the 20 in the shorten 2020 season in his last let’s see erra there 354 543 last year gross uh 475 this year look at his game logs from this year just to make sure it’s not like one blow up inning whatever all right so it looks like he’s allowed to run in the 31 and a third Innings that he’s pitched two three four five six seven eight nine 10 10 all right he’s said two appearances where he Sur Ed three earn runs he’s had two appearances where he allowed two earn runs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even seven I’m sorry six appearances where you allowed an earn run just one throughout his 30 games this season now let’s see if we can compare him real quick to our boy Gregory Soto and punch that up right quick because now you have peaked my interest Sean krain Gregory stto this year 443 erra 28 games holy shnikies just looking at the numbers as far as earn runs the and getting away from ear R iage because obviously that could be a blowup Gregory stto uh has had a better year uh five earn runs in the Colorado series two earn runs against Miami back on the 10th of May and then four other starts where he allowed one earn run cool maybe in the off season maybe in the offseason Jason a embiid is fine if he’s healthy not healthy we are are a lottery team yeah Jason it’s kind of how it feels being a Sixers fan unfortunately some Lakers fan uh bought 40 Billboards to try to recruit playoff P that’s hilarious CZ good morning Daz says good morning uh anyone see that triple crown or triple Corbin Carroll hit sorry anyone see that triple Corbin Carroll hit that dude can flat out fly I mean I have seen him hit triples he can fly it’s Bonkers absolutely insane uh April that Cole Hamill’s bobblehead looks nothing like a in all honesty if you make bobbleheads and your bobblehead looks anything like the person that it’s supposed to be do you is are you have you failed as a bobblehead maker because it’s very rare that you ever see a bobblehead that looks I could very rarely look at a bobblehead and go oh that’s if I look at ni Cole Hamill’s bobblehead I’m like honestly I thought it looked like I thought it was Alec B when I first looked at the Cole haml bobblehead I went oh is that oh that’s Cole hamills it’s like that court reporter or that Court artist sketch artist that Drew Tom Brady looking like a zombie from Walking Dead Corbin is a small guy but yeah he flies he does fly April far fary family time capsule dad’s next book uh alcoholics for [Laughter] dummies actually uh not to take it to a serious note but uh I rarely ever saw my parents drink still to this day my dad doesn’t drink now I’m on medication yeah Dad I know 10 people with your same medication they’re all chug and wine um but yeah Cey sweet oh Dad you need it you need those books I got you CZ Classics dad’s laugh out loud dad’s hilarious uh CZ that might be worse on what the George Foreman book Sean gpie books on how to microwave let’s let’s pull one of those up I feel like there’s got to be something in here uh oh this is the revised Edition this is a revised Edition so the first edition they didn’t revise it was like cook everything with aluminum foil just put aluminum foil all over everything put in the microwave no uh oh weers and sausages this book is graphic good Lord all right wieners and sausages weener and frankfurters vary inside wieners and frankfurters vary in size time in the chart times in the chart are available uh for medium wieners 10 to 12 10 to 12 minutes per pound that can’t be right that’s look at the chart wieners and buns high power 30 seconds to a minute uh two wieners and buns uh that’s uh 45 seconds to a minute and a half okay uh four wieners in buns good Lord uh don’t they tell you to not put hot dogs in the microwave anyway don’t they explode now I’m curious uh one minute 45 seconds to 3 minutes that’s a wide range did the person writing this ever use a microwave or maybe since this is a microwave from what did I say 1976 uh 1978 first off what the hold on I grew up my parents told me we were poor we weren’t uh my parents told me we were poor and they had a microwave in 1978 seems high futin seems high futin you know what I’m saying by the way my parents did a great job convincing my brother and I we were poor despite not at all being poor great job Joe and owner they did they did they did my one cousin was like what are you what were you stupid or something I’m like yes I was still am actually uh oh you cover him with uh you got to wrap him with the paper towel okay that that remains true you still wrap him with the paper towel all right I want to help you did not do these chickens in the microwave you ain’t fooling me with grapes this book is um oh Sunday chicken bake bake in the microwave uh Sunday chicken bake this easy dressed up chicken dinner is microwaved at 50% medium because sour cream curdle at high temperatures skinning the chicken eliminates excess fat four servings hot cooked rice two boneless whole chicken breasts 8 to 10 ounces one can condensed cream of mushroom soup okay hold on I’ve actually had this meal many times my mom yeah the corner is a little worn my mom definitely consulted this two tablespoons snipped fresh parsley yeah definitely ellar was that was one of her Staples hold on the one meal that I really craved from my mom no it was definitely made on the stove was stuffed peppers my mom the stuffed peppers she made oh my God one of my favorite things on this planet okay look they’re actually putting aluminum foil on the chicken I’m sorry this is a turkey the frosting turkey Parts aluminum foil fresh seafood fish filet scallops of groten eggs oh I’d actually do this with the eggs doesn’t look terrible oh an omelet looks delicious oh hold on a second if you did not have that timer in your kitchen oh you weren’t living life man as a child cheese soups vegetables vegetables in the microwave what are you crazy uh oh the the the microwaving the corn thing that’s a big deal now baked potatoes for all the people that need to know the potato is an ideal microwave uh vegetable I did not know that the potato is an ideal microwave vegetable it’s high moisture high moisture content attracts microwave energy and the natural light covering holds in Steam all how about that uh the uh potatoes uniform density helps it cook evenly all right one potato 3 to six and a half minutes two potatoes 5 to 10 minutes four potatoes 10 to 16 minutes there you go they have it wrapped in aluminum foil what the hell is going on here oh dinner breads all right that’s enough how about uh King James Bible First copy like the actual first copy that they printed ever Sean kill I’m guessing the the books are going to be from the 70s and 90s uh Nostalgia at its finest fary really does take you back I think your mom doesn’t like someone’s cooking sh lesby they belong in a museum you can’t let the Nazis get these Indiana Oh Daz I have a Polish Grandma you had the perogies big time in your house didn’t you I did oh my God yeah like that was my child my childhood my father being Italian my mother being polish perogi and raviolis perogi ravioli that was and my parents you know when you’re were a kid when I was a kid I didn’t like you know the red sauce the gravy and all that stuff you know the marinara and all that so uh it was often butter like on everything and my parents would not tell tell me I had to bite into the perogi or the ravioli to know what was what and that’s how they got me to try things and it worked because now I just love that there is oh my for me like right up there with like any Italian cuisine I make right up there like you if you put a perogi uh a fried perogi now I’m not talking about like in like you know bread the perogi itself but I’m like pan fried with butter kabas onions oh that is for me oh that is right back that is a right back to my childhood type of dinner April you could read us a tip of the day it was more it wasn’t like just like like 10,000 in one little bullet points you know what I mean it was like really they really to have a book that thick they really went into it oh Sean that’s a great question my favorite meal with my mom my favorite meal was the stuffed peppers that she would do they were delicious the perogi were obviously fantastic my dad when he really started cooking like like his mom would cook when he was a kid when he really started started cooking um and like my dad lost his mom when he was 15 which is insane and um he was the youngest of four boys and all of a sudden out of nowhere like these meals that my dad would tell me about he started cooking when I was like 12 he started cooking like the brol and the meatballs and all that stuff and the the Sunday gravy and all that and I just remember like oh my god dad where has this been this is fantastic this is what my mother would do every Sunday you know it was just beautiful so that my dad making that was awesome my mom making the stuffed peppers those are the two meals that and perogi obviously those are the meals that just transformed me back to my childhood D my grandma would make every perogi you could think of she even made blueberry perogi that’s fascinating ibh I used to get beat by a broom well then obviously they read 10,000 one ways to help your household DZ would love to Mar Rosen same category as Paul George 34 would like to see us get younger and faster compete with the Celtics I’d love that too I I just don’t think I mean I do love dear rosen’s game we talk about something from the 90s his game is from the 90s uh all that mid-range Jazz Jason my parents either made me write sentences or tell me to get a switch from the backyard I never got that I never got to go cut your switch I never got that that was scary man I knew that from The Jackson 5 movie Joe Jackson telling Michael hey go outside cut your switch bring me a switch Mommy what’s that mean she’s like just be glad you don’t know D Co throws some serious heat all right get Crockett out there crotchet D all right Ultra Cowboy 0607 drafts filled to 76ers uh selected with number one pick Ben Simmons and Markel F2 the Celtic draft to Jaylen Brown and Jaylen T Jason Tatum at three wow yeah yeah it’s been terrible I mean you can make an argument for like the greatest organizational failure is the proc you could certainly make an argument for that it could not have gone worse I mean okay you got Jo L embiid wonderful Ty Rees Maxi is not part of the process he was 20th overall pick 21st um but as far as the Simmons the fults McCall Bridges all that not making it out of the second round of the playoffs being in the second round of the playoffs the year before the process started you went to a game seven that year you get a guy like Jimmy Butler and you let him go and you keep Tobias Harris here’s something that uh I broke my my buddy’s brain with uh because he’s a you know big process fan and he loves Sam hanky and all stuff and I supported the process I’m not saying I didn’t I I just like let’s give this three years and see how we do I told my friend I was like do you realize that Sam hanky would have traded Joel embiid by now Sam hanky probably would have traded Joel embiid before this past season think about that let that ruminate would have gotten value would have gotten a great deal and they would have if Sam hany would have drafted Tyrese Maxi they would have drafted I mean this is all obviously a huge hypothetical but one thing that I am pretty sure about is that hanky would have traded Joel embiid by now if thinky would have gotten that nine-year deal he wanted uh would love to see L uh Luis Robert out here from the white socks package deal baby due to the Dodgers injuries and Braves injuries Philly will win the NL pennant I agree I think so 10 plus years begging for an elite closer this is ridiculous at this point says Daz uh it’s pretty funny you guys even kept the book hell yeah this has changed my cooking game there you go this might be my new favorite segment Mark reads cookbooks thank you April glad you enjoyed it as much as I did Charles said this is this is the content I signed up for uh be more careful I’m late to the show the sports news really that slow well you know let me read you one more recipe no kidding uh June 21st is dead City that’s pretty much true Brandon Ingram Sean yeah that’s a name that’s gonna be out there um bit of a Down year for Brandon Ingram uh with the Pelicans that was the second pick in the Ben Simmons year I would like to see Brandon Ingram uh play for the Sixers I don’t think it’s going to be a wild cost like that of a Paul George obviously uh so yeah I would love I’d love to see it happen some people want MB to gone yeah yeah and Jason you’re not one of those there you go thanks everybody in the chat you guys are great as per usual dad’s over under on birds 365 talking about serani press conference today Herz serani press conference yesterday hey look there’s a lot of there’s a lot of stuff in there we’ve dissected that 10 times over thanks everyone in the chat you guys are great as per usual hey tonight I will be on lock on Sports Philadelphia’s postcast for your Philadelphia Phillies I’ll be doing the postcast of that game with the Phillies and Diamondbacks uh starting off their three-game Series tonight as we have mentioned Cole haml night at Citizens Bank Park as the Phillies go for their 50th win of the season uh Jordan Montgomery will get the start against Taiwan Walker Montgomery 5 and four in the season with a c ra of six Taiwan Walker 3 and2 with an RA of three 533 thanks for watching thanks for listening my name is Mark farz have a great rest of your day everybody make sure you like And subscribe to the fary Show YouTube channel make sure you like And subscribe to uh the J media YouTube channel make sure you like And subscribe to the locked on Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel be back with you guys tonight after the Phillies and back with you guys again on Monday and uh just one more announcement Saturday so tomorrow I will not be doing the postcast after the Phil game Connor Thomas will handle that responsibility I have a wedding I have to be at my baby cousin she all grown up all right see you guys later bye [Music]

Philadelphia 76ers interest in Paul George has “waned” – PHILLIES GET CHALLENGED

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