@Milwaukee Bucks

REALISTIC Bucks trades for this offseason

REALISTIC Bucks trades for this offseason

so with yesterday’s report that Doc Rivers wants to make changes to the Bucks roster around Giannis and Dame I’ve spent this morning going through ESPN’s trade machine and trying to find some trades that make some type of sense and are somewhat realistic now I’m not putting Chris Middleton in any of these trades because I don’t think that makes any sense for the bucks he’s been their best player in the last two postseasons we know what he did in the finals run was run was he was historic so I’m putting trades with Brooke and Bobby but I honestly if I’m the Bucks GM I will preface by saying I’m more focused on free agency because I don’t know if you’re getting anything great back for Brooke or Bobby because I thought last year was the offseason to move off Brook I think without buen hoer he’s been a little bit more exposed and I don’t know that his value is very high at this point in his career but let’s get started with uh the first trade proposal I have that would make sense and that is just straight up uh Bobby poris for Davon Mitchell here but I like this one for the bucks because I think you could get trade um picks back and I think that this one would truly make sense for the other team as well I see a lot of people throwing out mock trades for the bucks that would be great for the bucks but make no sense for the other team for the Kings they’re a team that are trying to win now they’ve been on that since they trade away H Burton and I’m sure they would like to even double down because you know you can’t make that hbert and trade see how much better he’s getting and then now not be even making the playoffs so I could see them making a move to win now and that would be getting another big without sabonis out there they really have not a reliable option at the big man position and Bobby poris kind of fits what they do offensively focused could get you extra rebounding which has been a weakness for them he’s not going to give you much defensively but they’re solely focused on offense over there and so Bobby poris would make sense and I like it for the bucks because an underrated um trade or guy that they lost last off season was Javon Carter I think that they could have held on defensively a little bit better if they had only lost Drew holiday because Javon Carter was really great for the bucks that year before but losing him was big and I think you could get basically replacement of that production in like 15 to 20 minutes a game and Davon Mitchell him next to Dame will make you undersized but he can play a little bit bigger than his size and I think it would be important to get picks back which I think you could I think you get could get a couple second round picks in this deal and you could say the Bucks don’t need picks but they could be they could do like what the Mavericks did this past year where at the trade deadline if you have more picks you could then use that to go get an undervalued asset like a Daniel Gafford so I’d be looking to get picks I think you could get like a pick or two out of this deal and I think Davon Mitchell could help the Bucks Bobby poris to me doesn’t really give much of what the Bucks need at this point when they’re healthy they have plenty of offense they need to get more versatile and athletic and better defensively so I think this would help with that I like this trade a lot actually for the bucks if they could get picks as well I don’t know if I love it straight up but if I could get like two second round picks I do like it a lot all right actually I’ll leave that one for later we will go with this potential trade next and this is is this one is not my favorite this is actually one of my least favorite that I made but I’m going to skim through it just because I like the idea of Bruce Brown on the bucks but for the Raptors it doesn’t really make any sense the only reason I threw this one in there is because most of the Raptors Mo moves for the last few years don’t make sense they seem to be going rebuilding but they’re not all the way rebuilding so I could see them saying uh let’s get rid of Bruce Brown we have no use for him and maybe we could use another big over here in Bobby poris maybe we like Bo champ a lot I would like this for the Bucs a lot Koko has a little bit of potential to be something with the um the Bucks and Bruce Brown I think gives what the Bucks need maybe a secondary playmaker a little bit but solid defense and just Championship pedigree so I like this one but I don’t really see it as super realistic I don’t love it but it’s just something to think about it was um it was kind of tough to make that trade work as well for Bruce Brown so let me know what y’all think not my favorite though just throwing it out there different possibilities there’s some other trades that I wanted to make work like Wiggins or like Gary pay to the bucks but on the trade machine I found it very difficult to do that um here is another one we have right here and that is uh getting Jeremy Grant and kamaro from the Blazers for Brook Lopez and Pat conon I do like this one quite a bit I think Jeremy Grant as a fourth option would be great for the bucks and you could say why would the Blazers do this they would be getting Brook Lopez who’s so super old they already have DeAndre a in that’s true but maybe you could make this a three team deal the idea of um them trading Jeremy Grant away though makes some types of sense because he’s on a 5-year deal they might see H he we might want to make be more flexible two years from now to be able to get a different type of player we might not want to have him locked up for five years Brook Lopez on the two-year deal allows us more flexibility and for the bucks having him as your fourth option for the next five years I prefer that than um holding down Brooke for just two years and then trying to find whatever you can in free agency I think Jeremy Grant gives you solid defense he’s versatile he’s switchable um and I think you I’m going to make a video on guys you can free agents free agency but I think you could get a more um versatile defensive Center um from Brook Lopez and get a guy like a Daniel Gafford that is athletic enough to where he can hold his own and if you need to switch and he can also protect the rim and rebound so I like this deal Kamar actually showed a little bit for the Blazers he’s a little bit feisty get rid of Pat Honan I like this deal a lot slightly unrealistic but I could see something similar to this happening and I think that would be very good for the bucks to move on from Brooke at this age and move towards a guy like a Jeremy Grant um second to the last one I have right here is um for the Spurs this is another one that’s maybe not the most realistic but I could see it if the Spurs are really trying to go into win now mode and papovich was actually pretty hesitant to try and play wanyama as a true Center and so having like a stretch big next to him that allows the floor to still be spaced but could also you know help out physically on the defensive end not make it make it so he doesn’t have to bang with the big centers as much I think and maybe Roma round a little bit more defensively I think that could make sense and it similar to the Blazers maybe wanting to not be tied down to a big 5-year deal they might feel the same way about Kellan Johnson it kind of seemed last year that he really wasn’t seen as like their core guy or really one of their core guys his production kind of was tailing off throughout the year um as opposed to previous years and I and like I’ve said for the Bucs these are the type of players that I would like to bring back again as a fourth option he could give the Bucks 15 be solid defensively and what the Bucks really need is guys that are not going to be exposed defensively the problem is has been for the BS they’ve had the you know great three but then it’s a guy that either is a great shooter but can’t defend like a Grayson Allen in the postseason or can’t like put the ball on the floor or you’ll have a guy that’s like a great defender but is a liability offensively like in years past like a Wesley Matthews and so this gives you guys that um are solid defensively switchable not going to get exposed and are just solid as a fourth option where Brook Lopez at this age um especially out of Boer system can get exposed more and more getting involved in pick and roll situations and this one is like an out there one that I just kind of wanted to throw out there I want I feel like the Hawks would be an interesting team to trade with um and this would kind of make the Bugs deeper get make it so that you could go like seven eight deep with kind of guys you could trust DeAndre Hunter on that deal I’m not crazy about so this is like kind of just thrown out there for discussion and debate and um there need to be picks involved I think the books I’d want like um a second round pick from the Hawks and I think the Grizzlies would probably give like a first round to the Hawks or something like that um but for the Grizzlies you know they lost Stephen Adams bring in Brook Lopez they’re trying to win I think that would make sense for them for the Hawks they would definitely need a pick back or else it would make sense so like maybe a Grizz the Grizzlies throw like a first to the Hawks um but they would also want to move off DeAndre Hunter so I don’t know um I think for them it would be in part doing that and for the bucks Ana kongu is like kind of the perfect type of big that you would want so I think that would be great for them I don’t love DeAndre Hunter’s contract um lcard he’s the type of guy that’ll get exposed defensively but he is at least an elite an elite shooter that can be a guy that you don’t necessarily start but in some matchups could be huge some of them you throw them out of the rotation um zy Williams you know he’ll be great defensively if he could just knock down the open threes so this is just one to think about really the one that I like the most is the first one the most simple one Bobby Port is for um um what’s his name from the Kings uh why am I blinking on his name now stinking um Davon Mitchell even though I’m not the biggest Davon Mitchell guy I if I’m John hor I’m making trades with the thought of let’s get picks back and then come trade deadline there might be a guy that’s value drops because he’s on a bad team that just wants to dump him so I’m looking to make trades that can get me picks in right now if I’m going to make a trade but really the focus has to be getting the right guys in free agency and hopefully getting picks and trades so this is why I like that one anyone where I could get rid of a Bobby poris and get a pick back that’s really what I’d be trying to do that would be my focus if I’m John Horst but let me know what y’all think am I crazy for wanting to get rid of Bobby poris drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Giving potential trade targets for the Milwaukee Bucks after Doc Rivers comments of looking to change around Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard.


  1. Bobby for Davion Mitchell is a really dumb trade. Bobby is way more valuable than Davion. And this trade leaves us with only Giannis and Brook as our bigs. I would rather sign Beverly back before I make this trade. Pat C and AJ Green together are more on the level of acquiring Davion

  2. Now I do love the Brook and Pat C for Grant and Camara trade. I would even be happy if we just came out with Grant alone. This trade is beautiful 🤩

  3. I don't like the multi team trade. I'm not a fan of Hunter. He is very inconsistent. And if Memphis gets Brook I want Smart and if we deal with Atlanta I love to use Middleton for Murray

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