@Los Angeles Lakers

If you want to learn about How JJ thinks…

Listen to (or watch) Episode 3 of his podcast with LeBron specifically with an ear towards how he explains the game and his thoughts about it.

It feels like he understands the game better just from this conversation than I think I noticed from the previous guy all season.

by thelennybeast


  1. LudwigNasche

    We have to see him in action.

    It is good he knows plays and schemes and has an open mind to stay up to date with the development of the game, but to be a good head coach he has to learn how to put the most cohesive lineups on the floor, he has to prepare for games and prepare his team, he has to be able to adjust on the fly and have quick responses to the other coach countermoves, he has to manage ego, he has to manage the rest of the veterans and the development of young players and he has to be able to communicate in every possible level, including making sure low IQ players understand exactly what they have to do on the floor.

    I was against hiring JJ because there is just too much a good head coach has to do and nobody has a clue if he can do it.

    I wish for the best, folks have him in high regard as someone that understand the game, let’s see if he can put it all together to become a good head coach. I hope he can.

  2. ImprovementSilly2895

    Knowledge of the game and management of people are two completely different skill sets.

  3. odinlubumeta

    My god do fans think coaches are dumb. There isn’t an nba coach that doesn’t do this. I doubt there is even an assistant that doesn’t break down the game like this. You guys are to used to talking heads.

    I don’t know what JJ will be, but this does nothing to convince me he is a next level basketball mind.

  4. Aphantomassassin

    Only downfall to Ham was his in game adjustments and that’s all it comes down to trying to win a chip. When I seen the story of Hams old storage being auctioned off and it having playbooks and what not for all teams in the league it clearly shows he must have been doing his homework.

  5. Spirituallly

    I was binge watching all of these last night lol

  6. guyfromthepicture

    What conversations have you had with ham to compare to?

  7. thunderHAARP

    My big gripe with Darvin was his lax mentality during the mid season stretch. “It’s not a sprint it’s a marathon” mentality works in the East, not in the stacked ass west you dummy. Excited to see Max and Austin develop some more. I want to see AD touch the ball EVERY SINGLE POSSESSION. 

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