@Toronto Raptors

[Slater] They’ve been actively searching for paths to larger-scale upgrades, using CP3’s non-guaranteed $30 million contract as a flexible tool. There’s been talk with him about possibly pushing that guarantee date back from June 28 into July, if necessary, per league sources.

[Slater] They’ve been actively searching for paths to larger-scale upgrades, using CP3’s non-guaranteed $30 million contract as a flexible tool. There’s been talk with him about possibly pushing that guarantee date back from June 28 into July, if necessary, per league sources.

by CazOnReddit


  1. I don’t think this makes us good trade partners. If they just wanted to duck the apron, sure, but i doubt Bruce Brown is the upgrade they are looking for.

    They need a big swing that makes them a playoff team again.

  2. The_Living_L

    feel like they would want to help CP3 get to a spot where he can win, also they have no incentive to give us any assets to take on his contract as its an expiring, only deal I see maybe being possible with Warriors is for Wiggins if they want to get off his contract

  3. AdamLakewood87

    Much like the Hardaway rumors, it doesn’t make sense for the Raps – doesn’t move the needle for the Warriors but if I’m the Raptors and I’m trying to win or make the playoffs, I would do it – but you don’t get much more value – I think Brown has more value than CP3.

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