@Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota Timberwolves Draft Profiles: Johnny Furphy and Tyler Kolek

Minnesota Timberwolves Draft Profiles: Johnny Furphy and Tyler Kolek

hello and welcome into another episode of Locked on wolves today on the show we’re breaking down two more potential draft options for the Tim rolles we’re g to talk about Johnny Fury of Kansas we’re also going to talk about Tyler Kik of Marquette it’s all coming on the show Welcome in you are lock on wolves you are locked on Timberwolves your daily Minnesota Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast nwor your team every day hello and welcome to the lockdown wolves podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of lock on wolves today’s episode is brought to you by priz picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon NBA and use the code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 happy Friday everybody happy weekend and uh this is our second day of player profiles of potential draft picks for the Wolves uh specifically at the number 27 spot at least today a couple of guys who may or may not even be on the board at 27 and almost certainly won’t be there at 37 next week we’ll do a couple of players we’ll do a couple quick quicker hitters quick yeah more more yeah quicker hitters we’ll call it that uh with the number 37 pick like guys who may or may not be on the board it becomes the deeper you go into the draft it becomes more of a crap shoot not I mean overall yes but also just in terms of who’s on the board so today I want to focus on a couple of guys that really have a shot at being there at 27 and maybe would even be mild surprises if they’re there but players that we have seen mock to the Tim rules in various places uh so we’ll go through those players here today it’ll be Tyler KCK of Marquette and Johnny Fury of um of Kansas so we’ll jump into that here in just a moment first a big thank you for making lock on wolves your first listen every single day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find Lock done wolves can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockone wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s two e’s cken all right let’s go ahead and Jump Right In I I want to get to Johnny Fury so Johnny Fury is a one anddone player at Kansas he’s Australian he played one year at KU he didn’t even start to begin the season in terms of where he’s getting mocked let’s start there the ringer has him at number 24 in their latest mock draft update which is now three or four days old uh they’ve got him at number 24 of course wolves pick at 27 Yahoo and their last one has him at 26 so the pick before the Wolves uh ESPN just released a new mock draft here recently and for some reason my uh I wonder they didn’t even have him in the first round that doesn’t make sense there he is 18 say it was weird he wasn’t showing up uh ESPN actually has at 18 so he’s one of the players that seems to be rising and also he was invited into the green room um so like in ESPN’s latest report is is Fury’s getting interest as high as nine um so at this stage it’s seeming less likely he’s even available uh for the Wolves at 27 but again like there was a mock out there I just saw the other day that had the wolves getting him there um let’s see and SP nation has him at 26 too so of the MOX we that I just looked at here there’s two at 26 one at 24 uh one at uh let’s see two at 26 one at 24 um oh and then uh CBS has him to the Wolves at 27 and then ESPN’s latest one has him all the way up at 18 talks about him getting invited to the Green Room Memphis at 9ine may even have interest so his range is anywhere from 9 to 27 so it’d be a mild surprise if he’s there at 27 but I want to talk about him because you never know he might be and he’s still getting mocked to the wolves and he provides some things that the Wolves would be looking for which is size multi-positional versatility and uh and shooting so let’s talk about Johnny Fury as a prospect as I mentioned off the top he only played one year at Kansas after coming over from Australia did not start uh for Kansas until January he only started 19 of 33 games so if you look at his game log uh I mean early on he had a couple of zero point games he had a onepoint game for a little while he was barely playing like you go back to beginning of December he was playing less than 10 minutes a game for you know he had a couple games single digit minutes then all of a sudden he starts he he adds he gets added to the starting lineup in mid January and he drops a 23 and 11 on Cincinnati makes four threes or excuse me three threes in that game um has a string where he gets double figures in sixth straight actually gets uh uh 15 plus in four of those games and then for the rest of the year was just a really impactful player especially outside the ark um now we could look at this a couple different ways we could talk about his shooting hitting a slump at the end of the season because he had a stretch of six games where combined to only make four threes or we could talk about maybe he was just really hot in January when he had five out of six games where he had at least three threes in in it and overall I think he had seven games in the month of January with three three-pointers made or from January 15 to February 15 in the course of a month um that’s just how shooting works though right overall for the season he shot 35.2% from three so it’s not an overwhelmingly exciting number he was really good catch and shoot but then it leads into some of his weaknesses which are he only made one unassisted three All Season he was only shooting the ball uh off off the catch and not uh off the dribble at all um he’s 6 foot eight so he’s a wing his wing span is only 68 think he measured technically at like 67 and a half and 68 wingspan who doesn’t have a negative wingspan but he’s got a square wingspan he he’s not overwhelmingly long for how big he is and he’s got really good athleticism and good size overall for a wing um one of my concerns though is the wingspan if it was a couple inches greater then that athleticism plays even more and being 68 with a 68 wingspan basically Is Not Unusual at the NBA level it it might have been impactful at Kansas it was impactful at Kansas it’s be less impactful at the NBA level even with the good athleticism um on the plus side like I said really good catch and shoot 35% from three and I think it’s projectable I think that that’s only going to get better he only played one year in college he appears to have really good touch overall even though he barely scored inside the three-point line I think there’s a lot to like there in terms of what he can bring to the table offensively down the road um he he only attempted about four threes a little less than four threes per game he did as I said he didn’t shoot a lot of twos only two and a half per game 64% on twos that’s because it almost all came in transition um and really really good at transition and that’s a positive thing for an NBA team there’s a reason why he’s been talked about really high in the draft and and I want to start there I want to start with all the pluses then I’ll get it to my hesitations with Johnny Fury as a prospect he’s great in transition he was 91st percentile in college in terms of in terms of scoring in transition points per possession in transition he knows exactly what to do and he’s athletic and he’s big so he knows spacing and the fast break which it should be the same at every level it’s amazing how many NBA teams mess this up the Wolves included at times the Wolves spacing the Open Floor especially the first half of the season was brutal last season uh part of that is knowing your personnel Etc but like the first time you play a three man you do a three man weave in like a fifth grade fourth grade basketball whatever or a basketball camp the first time you do a three-man weave like that that’s a thing that you should be able to do moving forward in your life is understand Spacey to the fast break there’s a lot of NBA guys that just don’t and and it’s just you know I’m going to run to the rim or I’m going to run to the corner nowadays there so many guys running to the corner it should be even easier Fury can do both though he’s a really good three-point shooter as we’ve talked about already really good catch and shoot but he’s also very athletic and has good feel for the spacing in the open floor and knows the right angle to take to get a bucket in transition uh and that’s one of the things that’s attractive to NBA teams is there a ton of well I’ll get it upside actually next segment so that’s a positive really good in transition he knows exactly what to do uh really good catch and shoot was overall only a little over 35% again we could take the hot streak in January February we could take the cold streak in March early in the season he didn’t play enough to get a good sample but the shot looks good it looks repeatable he looks comfortable uh again all off the C off the catch not off the dribble but both in the half court and in the open floor he understands spacing he knows how how to get get himself open and where to go to get himself open and the athleticism really plays in transition in the half court he’s a little bit limited which we’ll get to I say a little bit he’s a lot limited and we’ll get to that in a minute but he’s a really good cutter too and that goes back to the understanding of spacing and also timing uh in the open floor that’s the case in the half court too and he has really good feel for like hey now I can I could cut Baseline I could get myself a dunk um you know now I can slip this screen and get to the rim and and catch uh or I’m going to cut through the paint and and you know respot up relocate into the opposite corner and get myself open that’s all really important and NBA teams no doubt are drooling over the idea of adding somebody a rookie a young rookie at that somebody who’s what 20 uh I believe he’s not even 20 at this at the at this moment but he’s um right around 20 yeah he’s not yet 20 he turns 20 in the in the winter sometime um they’re drilling at the prospect of adding somebody who’s not even 20 years old that understands where to be and when both in the open floor and in the half court and have athleticism and size and shooting touch I mean those that’s the quintessential role player when you consider all those different factors there’s a couple of things that I worry about with Fury uh and and I’ll kind of sum this all up like I’d be fine with the Wolves taking him at 27 he’s not g to be my favorite player at 27 even if he’s the one that’s most consistently mocked higher and could even be picked in the mid- lottery uh I’ll talk about some of my concerns with his weaknesses uh here next and then we’ll talk about Tyler KCK after that today’s episode of lock out wolves is brought To Us by our friends at prize piic prize pick is America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members prize picks is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it’s just you against the numbers all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and watch your winnings roll in get in on The Daily with your friends and become part of the prize pick Community today you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you could turn 10 bucks into ,000 with the Finals over the Hoops action doesn’t stop on prize picks though women’s basketball is still heating up with stars like Caitlyn Clark and Angel Reese looking to make names for themselves alongside greats like Brian Stewart and Asia Wilson you could win up to a 100 times your cash watching them ball out prize picks available in more than 30 States across the 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247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day all right so let’s talk a a couple minutes here on Fury’s weeknesses then we’ll transition into Tyler kak and Marquette uh talked about the strikes for Fury right good size very good athleticism solid catch and shoot awesome understanding of timing spacing in the open floor and in the half court good cutter Etc knows what to do both with the ball in his hands and without the ball in his hands in the open floor and without the ball in his hands in the half court but where he has he has not shown anything is with the ball in his hands in the half court his one area he doesn’t score off the dribble I mentioned this earlier he only had one unassisted three all season for Kansas this year he doesn’t get to the rim despite the fact he’s very athletic he doesn’t look comfortable with the ball in his hands and part of that could be um you know understanding timeing in space seed without the ball in his hands is one thing but with the ball in his hands it adds a whole other layer anybody that’s played basketball knows this now you’re thinking about and and I get he’s a D1 basketball player he’s not playing pick a ball at the Y but like having the ball in your hands adds a whole other element to it he just doesn’t look comfortable doing it he’s very robotic with the ball in his hands uh he he doesn’t use his athleticism it’s not like he has a First Step at all to get past anybody and get to the rim that could be something that develops but there just doesn’t seem to be an obvious feel or Comfort comfortability uh putting the ball on the bask putting the basketball on the floor in the half court um so that’s my primary concern is how limited he is offensively um now you might be saying well did you just describe a three and D guy there’s plenty of low usage guys and and couldn’t the Wolves use a low usage guy that could knock down threes well yeah problem is is he’s not an outstanding Defender either he’s fine because he’s relatively long again not super long he’s basically got a square wingspan he’s a shade under 68 with a 68 wingspan um and I He’s listed at 69 some places I think he measured without shoes at 67 and a half so we’ll call him 68 with a 68 wingspan uh he’s long enough and he’s smart enough again he understands timeing in Spacey without the ball in his hands he does the same thing defensively like if you watch what he did at Kansas he generally knew where to be and when he was pretty good stepping up as the low man he good with verticality um but on the ball he looked really slow-footed and kind of mechanical again for being a really good athlete maybe the best way to describe him defensively at this stage would be deliberate and it’s not always the worst thing because he’s processing and he knows what to do but it’s like there’s a disconnect between what he can do ath atically and what his brain’s telling him to do I’m not saying that like he’s simply not making the connection it’s like it’s taking a half second longer to process or it it’s strange because with the ball in his hands to the open floor he’s so fluid and he looks like such a good athlete and so comfortable you know getting to the basket and dunking on guys and and popping out to the three and knocking down threes over guy like so comfortable but with the ball in his hands to the half court or on the ball defensively there’s just no consistency um I think mechanical and deliberate are my two favorite words slow footage maybe a little bit harsh because he’s a good athlete but he just he there were a couple games this year where he got targeted frequently at Kansas because teams knew they could put him in actions and you know he’d be a half a half step or a half second behind um so that concerns me a little bit and he could immediately be the Wolves can’t afford to have a 68 guy who’s a weak link defensively if they’re GNA have a weak link it’s going to be a point guard it’s GNA be Mike Conley it’s going to be uh you know Jordan mlin somebody who is going to get targeted because of their size which we’ll get to in a second is is one of the reasons I wonder if they’ll even look at a point guard in this draft at least at 27 uh but they can’t have a three or four that’s out there like a fury who’s probably more of a three unless you’re playing him in a small ball lineup and we’ll talk about rebounding briefly too I just don’t see him as someone the Wolves would be comfortable with defensively again good Team Defender and and it goes back a little bit like we talked about Baylor shyman yesterday and on on Thursday show and I have some of the same concerns there but I think he I think he’s just more solid defensively the upside maybe isn’t as great with shyan because he’s not as athletic as Fury uh but and he’s also not as big but I also think he’s more like I don’t know I maybe it’s because I think Fury should be better defensively and I guess that speaks that leads into the whole point of NBA coaching and development is you can make him a better Defender and so that’s why teams really like him is he does all of the above well all the stuff that you can’t it’s I don’t want to say you can’t teach it but it’s harder to teach and it’s if it’s more instinctual that’s better you know spacing in the open floor cutting in the half court all the stuff off the ball activity level athleticism good size like those are things that are harder to teach you could teach someone defensive technique if they’ve already got the athleticism I I’m just not sure if that switch is there if he can get down in a stance and truly be a lock down Defender the Wolves may be intrigued by that upside though because if they could teach it to him like de Alexander Walker has always been a good Defender he took it to another level you know year plus you could say the same thing about ant who’s progressively gotten better because they’ve worked with him on like hey here’s what you have to but again he also Fury generally knows where to be and when so it’s really more of a getting into a stance defensively being consistent being solid with your footwork in your hands uh there’s there’s a lot to like there the last thing I’ll say on Fury is he’s a good rebounder uh again good athlete not a great wingspan but he’s active on the glass as well and the athleticism helps there the rebound rates are all solid given how little he played and how much he was on the perimeter um little he played early in the season really his uh total rebound rate was just a shade under 12% 16% on the defensive glass the 7% on the offensive glass surprised me because again he was pretty much exclusively on the perimeter except for in transition so you like the athletic a uh the um level of athleticism he provides and the level of activity he he provides as well so there’s a lot to like here for Fury he’s not my top pick at 27 and I would also be mildly surprised if he’s there 27 I certainly wouldn’t trade up for him but if fur’s there at 27 and the Wolves take him he’s a a pretty plug-in play at least as far as 19 year olds go NBA player which is another reason why I don’t you know they’re not probably psyched about a project but the other thing is you roll into this year and you say okay we’re gonna we’re gonna like for our ninth guy in the regular season we’re not going to ask this guy to play in the playoffs most likely it’s between a a fury and a leard Miller and a Josh minet we’re gonna give these guys all a chance in preseason and you know one of them is going to the cream will rise to the top I mean one of these guys will prove that they deserve 10 minutes a game as a Defender and a three-point shooter and a whatever else activity guy and they all have similar skill sets in that regard now Leonard Miller obviously has way more ball skills with the ball in his hand but there also could be other questions with leard Miller Josh minet’s much more limited as a shooter but uh the activity level the rebounding the defense is there Fury is probably somewhere in between in a lot of areas between those guys so I see Fury as an option at 27 not my favorite pick at get 27 because I have concerns about that connection defensively and like if you’re going to only shoot threes on offense and Duncan transition you got to play some defense and I’m not sure he’s ready yet to do that especially for a team that went to the Conference Finals and won 56 games last year so I like Fury I don’t love Fury um we’ll talk more about him next week when I do my final big board for the Wolves at 27 and 37 let’s transition to Tyler kak I’ll give you the quick uh you know deal with who he is as a player and then we’ll get into some of the pros and cons kok was a four-year player who spent uh one year at George Mason the the second Co year the the 2021 season then transferred to Marquette spent three years there was a three-year starter at Marquette and the production increased dramatically even though he started 32 games as a sophomore um he only averaged seven points and six assists a game and then last year as a as a senior he averaged 15 and almost eight assists and he shot 39% from three 40% from three the year before so he’s a guy who’s dramatically improved his three-point shot is probably the biggest difference he’s a little bit undersized and uh when I say a little bit he’s only a little bigger than Jordan mcclaflin uh Tyler kok is 61 with a 63 wingspan which is maybe my primary concern with him I want to get into the actual pros and cons of what he could do and why he could be an option for the Wolves where he’s been mocked and various mock drafts we’ll do all that here next today’s episode of lock out wolves is brought To Us by our friends at LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to 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conditions apply all right let’s uh talk Tyler Kik again he’s a point guard 61 63 wingspan for comparison sake Jordan mcgoffin is measured at the combine at 511 and a half 6 foot4 wingspan so couple inches taller than JM but a shorter wingspan than JM we’ll get back to that here in a minute overall kic is he’s also a quick Riser and I guess I’ll also give some context similar to uh similar to uh Fury who he just talked about there’s a chance col it goes much earlier now ESP Nation did not have him in the first round of their last mock draft they they had him as a potential for the Suns at 22 and actually since they did that mock a lot of people are talking about kak to the Suns at 22 CBS had him to the Suns at 22 um ringer had him all the way up at 15 to Miami uh Yahoo also had him at 22 to the Suns as did ESPN so that is seeming likely and he’s getting some workouts for teams in the mid to late teens in the draft um but again like chance he slides because of the size thing and he’s a point guard who you know the wolves are everybody’s obsessed with the Wolves being obsessed with drafting a point guard and I gave my take on Wednesday and a little bit on Thursday as to why I’m I’m not sure I would exactly go there like I don’t I don’t think the wolves are going to desperately and I I’ll close here in just a minute after we talk about kak more specifically I don’t think the wolves are going to like fall over themselves trying to get a point guard in this draft so the deal with kic he’s a really good shooter 69% effective field goal percentage on catch and shoot which is I think it was U 96th percentile if I’m not mistaken in college in terms of catch and shoot on threes 39% from three he was 40% last year now his first year at Marquette he was bad from three was 28% but over his last two years he was really good combined he was shooting nearly four threes per 3.6 threes per game over the last two years 39.3% from three and again catch and shoot was awesome now he doesn’t shoot well off the dribble and that will matter in in pick and role in the NBA now that obviously that could progress if he’s that good catch and shoot he’s got really good touch in the paint um and and I mean he can shoot free throws like there’s no question that that’s a Mark that improved he was 85% for the line this year 82% for his college career so I think he will improve off the off the dribble three-point shooting which is only going to matter when teams go under the screen against him now he’s got a really quick first step and he’s good getting to the rim so if teams go under screens I mean that’s what they’ll do because they’ll try and give themselves more space to defend and and force him to shoot off the dribble which is to me going to be the biggest issue for him immediately um in college he was 69th percentile as a pick and roll ball handler and that was because he had such a quick first step and teams would try and play over the screen because they knew he was a good shooter and I don’t know if it’s just you know I didn’t watch enough of his games to know if teams just didn’t realize he couldn’t shoot as well off the dribble or just were so concerned about it or thought he wasn’t quick enough to have a good first step he does have a really quick first step and if teams go over the screen against him I think he’ll get to the rim plenty and he’ll make some floaters he’s crafty in the paint he’s not an overwhelming athlete by any means and as we said he’s small he’s 61 with a 63 Wings spin so getting the shot off in the paint in the NBA I think he’ll be able to because he does have such good touch and he is Crafty with the ball in his hands but the limited athleticism limited size and I think teams will go under screens against him I’m not sure he’ll get to the rim that often which is one of my concerns again really good toucher on the rim and he has awesome feel in the pick and roll which to me is the most attractive thing about him if you watch him back at Marquette both in pick and roll and and um just in the half court in general pocket passes hitting Cutters knowing when to to to to bounce a pass versus when to you know bullet a pass in there on the fly like just really really really smart really good touch on his passes the most impressive thing bar none for Tyler KCK is his ability to pass the basketball in every situation um a well-rounded offensive player really the the biggest issue is shooting off the dribble and then size I think Tyler kak could step in in the NBA from day one and be a solid backup point guard I think he’s versatile um and you know he he plays with passion teammates seem to like him um all of those kind of intangible things he seems to have the the off the dribble shooting and the side is going to be an issue and I should say defensively I think he’s good defensively but again it’s it’s size like I think Jordan mcin is a good Defender too but when he’s on the floor he’s who defense opposing offense’s Target because of his lack of size and relative lack of athleticism so I that’s my other concern with him it’s it’s cany shoot off the dribble and if teams are going under screens he’s gonna have to and and then combined with that he doesn’t have the sizeer athleticism to consistently get his shot off it’s a lot like Jordan mcclaflin and defensively well he’s good he’s undersized and that brings me full circle to the Jordan mcgoffin point I don’t know what he brings to the table that’s that much better than Jordan mcgoffin is there more upside there yeah probably is he a better shooter probably catch and shoot Jordan mcgoffin was actually just as good of a shooter in college Jordan mcin was 40% plus his last three years at USC was 42% 40% 40% at USC and he’s actually got a a bigger wing span he’s a little shorter he’s got a bigger Wings span he averaged 13 points a game Tyler kok averaged 13 points a game 13 plus points per game what he uh I guess he was 15 his last year but he was 12 you know 13 the year before so over his last two seasons about 14 points per game so mclin’s College numbers are right in line with Tyler kak and mlin has really good feel he’s a really good passer good pocket passer he’s good in pick and roll he’s tenacious defensively I just don’t know what Tyler kit gives you that Jordan mcgoffin doesn’t other than potential upside because a little I mean he’s younger but like I how old is Jordan mlin now I don’t know he’s a fouryear college player he’s probably what 28 uh and and Tyler kook’s gonna be 202 23 but that doesn’t really matter I mean Tyler coock as a first- round pick is going to be more expensive than Jordan mcin and a vet minimum I I just don’t know what somebody with the limited upside of kic because of his size limited athleticism um unless he just becomes a savant at getting a shot off which he’s very good at it he’s going to be targeted defensively he’ll be limited in the half court he’s a nice player and if somehow some way he were there at 37 fine take him he’s your backup point guard you like the juice he gives you offensively probably fine but at 27 with the guaranteed first round contract I just don’t know like I’d rather have Monte Morris at a at a mid-level exception or Jordan mcgoffin on a vet minimum then Tyler KCK is a first Dr pick I just don’t know what he gets you um which is pretty funny like I mean if he goes in the lottery I’m not convinced he’s going to be a better player at any point than Jordan mcclaflin who’s just a really good backup point guard mcclaflin is um the size is always going to be a limitation I mean how many in today’s NBA and certainly for the Wolves but and I’m not trying to Discount Kik because I think he could be a really good NBA backup point guard the Wolves already have one I just don’t know what what the upside is there and like how many guys of his size are rotation guys in the NBA I mean that’s why Monte morrris didn’t play in the playoffs very much it’s why Jordan mcin didn’t play in the playoffs very much because the wolves are obsessed with getting as much size as they could on the floor uh and I just the shoot if the shooting off the dribble improves like if he becomes a 38% off the dribble guy too fine maybe he ends up being a starter in this league that’s certainly possible I just don’t see it as the most likely outcome for Tyler KCK um I think he’ll be a good player in the NBA and I think a team will get a good guy I don’t know that he’ll even be there at 27 I wouldn’t take him if he is um unless like all the other guys we talked about aren’t there so all that to say I like Tyler kok I don’t think he’s a realistic option for the the Wolves at 27 uh but he’s certainly an name to watch it’ll be intriguing to see if he goes indeed to Phoenix at 22 uh which by the way I like that fit like that makes some sense with Phoenix to be they need a guy who who initiates stuff they need a guy who runs stuff well and can be you know tenacious defensively they’ve got such a big team already you could that make that work I think he fits there um The Wolves already have a Tyler kic if they bring back Jordan mcclaflin I that’s that’s what I see all right Monday we’ll do a couple more players Tuesday we’ll probably do more than two and I’ll hit some guys quick that could be options at 37 and then Wednesday I’ll do my big board leading into the draft we also the basketball party next Wednesday we talk draft lots of draft talk in the coming days a big thank you for making locked wolves your first listen every single day of course this show is free and available everywhere including YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms you can find this show wherever you like to listen to podcast you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on Roku and Amazon firetv and you can follow on X at lockone wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s Two e cken of course the lockon Wolves podcast is part of the lockon podcast Network remember the lockdown network is your local experts on all the biggest stories once again I’m Ben Beacon this is the lockdown wolves podcast and we’ll catch you next time

The Minnesota Timberwolves need shooting and playmaking. If Johnny Furphy or Tyler Kolek are on the board at No. 27, should the Wolves take one of them? Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) breaks down why one of these players makes sense as a possible plug-and-play rotation player for the Wolves and the other isn’t a worthy option for using the Wolves’ first-round selection.

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  1. I was thinking, the last “really bad” draft was 2013. Yet Rudy and Giannis came out of that.

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