@Boston Celtics

*EXCLUSIVE* Celtics Plan NEW Multi-Billion $ Arena?

*EXCLUSIVE* Celtics Plan NEW Multi-Billion $ Arena?

well ladies and gentlemen I have received some highlevel Intel out of Massachusetts that suggests the Boston Celtics the newly championed Boston Celtics could be getting a brand new Arena and leaving the TD Garden within the next five years in the arena the new Arena that is would be connected to a casino and a hotel just like all the new NBA AR Arenas are rumored to be having they’re all going to be Ed it’s all you know the surrounding area aspect to where you can go to a casino and then walk directly into the game this is being rumored and it does make sense when you look at the TD Garden yes it did get a renovation back in 2018 but right now we’re in 2024 this thing was built in 1995 there is not one special thing about it the timeline adds up that the Boston Celtics might be the next team to look for a new Arena we’ve got multiple teams going around this is really the first rumors you’re hearing about the Celtics potentially getting a new Arena from people in and around Massachusetts I’ve been DMD multiple times by different people saying there’s a lot going on behind the scenes with the Celtics and a brand new Arena They just won a championship and they’re ready to really get going on potentially a multi-billion dollar Mega project and it’s understandable we remember originally the TD Garden had the checkerboard seats which quite honestly I really liked they switched to the very generic what is that like black or like dark gray seats whatever it is recently about five or six years ago they changed them all out but when it comes to planning for a new Arena we know it’s a four or five year period anyways that it takes in terms of when you start planning to when the new Arena actually opens because you’re talking about two and a half years in terms of construction you’re talking about at least a year maybe more in terms of planning I’m hearing that this Arena probably will be fully privately funded as well which makes sense considering where we’re where we’re at with the current climate of these stadiums and Arenas costing a billion two billion three billion dollars and the public having zero appetite to pay for them it does seem like this will be privately funded at least that is the early rumors and the early Intel and we’re going to see a huge NBA arena boom I would say probably within the next five or six years there are so many teams the Dallas Mavericks want to do the exact same thing they want to move to a different area they want a casino and a hotel connected to their Arena Las Vegas when they get an expansion team they’re reportedly building a five billion maybe 10 billion doll NBA campus that’ll be fully privately funded with a surrounding Casino I don’t know if it’s going to be connected but it’s going to be right next to it you already do have Oklahoma City I don’t think they’re building anything attached to their Arena but Oklahoma City also getting a new Arena you’ve got the 76er place at Market East the project with the 76ers possibly having a highrise Residential Building attached to their Arena so this is all very big stuff and and I’m hearing that the that the Boston Celtics this is news probably the first time you’re hearing this and I’m coming out and saying it just because I’ve got several connections within the circles here and within Massachusetts they’re telling me listen this is happening they’re going to be building within the next four or five years and it makes sense there’s nothing special about the TD Garden yes I realize they got a renovation back in 2017 2018 but again it takes four or five years for a new Arena even to get built because the process takes a while so you’re talking about a renovation in 2018 by the time they open a new Arena it’ll probably be 2030 2031 so that renovation would have lasted over 10 years and this is one of the older Arenas in the NBA the Celtics who are worth a ton of money who have a very rich ownership group this all adds up that the Boston Celtics could be potentially the next NBA team we also know about the San Antonio Spurs situation that’s another team that I expect to really get going on a new arena in downtown San Antonio they don’t like where their current one is located it’s very obsolete it’s surrounded by a sea of parking people complain about it all the time in my comments they say the location is very shady there’s a lot of crime so the Spurs are going to be moving and the Celtics will very likely be moving as well so that is what I’ve received I would imagine when it comes to these situations normally the arena like the newer Arenas that are getting built in a city like Boston I would say it’s going to be about 1.5 billion maybe 1.2 or 1.3 but it just depends on where they’re being built I will say and I’m not kind of jumping around with this video but another team that I think is probably going to get a new arena is Portland the Trailblazers Portland’s kind of a weird City because they’ve been rumored for like a potential MLB team I know there’s a lot of people that want NFL football I know there’s a lot of people that want the NFL to expand to Port but they really have a bad NBA arena the Mota Center so I think they could also be another team that would get a new Arena but when it comes to the cost we know the Intuit Dome is $2 billion that’s because it’s in Englewood it’s in California the cost of building is crazy I I do think in Boston it’s going to be pretty crazy as well but it shouldn’t be $2 billion to build an arena it just depends if they include the casino and attached area because it’s not just going to be a casino it’s not just going to be a hotel they’re going to put other buildings surrounding it anytime you get a new Arena or you know a stadium there’s already kind of a thought that the surrounding area in like five or six acres you know surrounding the entire stadium is also going to be used for basically support in terms of putting in restaurants those are very wanted spaces considering the foot traffic when there’s games it is understandable it’s like a win-win situation for everyone now there’s an argument that possibly those type of things are hurting the over overall City but in general for an arena or for a stadium it does make sense to have that Community aspect to it and basically everything being plan now has that so the Celtics one of the most famous franchises in history very likely I would say getting a brand new Arena and you should be hearing about that within probably the next few months maybe with the next year the stuff that’s going to start leaking out about the Celtics wanting a new Arena you also have the Boston Bruins I would imagine they would move with the Celtics obviously it makes sense why would they stay at the TD Garden I’m not saying the TD Garden is this decrepit place I mean certainly there are worse Arenas than it but it’s kind of this thing where you look at the TD Garden there’s just nothing it was built in 95 it’s older I mean just for example you look at some of the other Arenas built in the early 90s like the Target Center they’re talking about replacing that as well with the Timberwolves I mean there’s a lot of stuff going on with these new Arenas that they’re going to need a it’s kind of like the NFL to where we’re starting to see all these stadiums age poorly and they’re deciding between a renovation or a new stadium that’s why we’re seeing a huge boom with NFL stadiums there’s going to be five or six NFL stadiums built by 2032 that’s been reported it’s come out and so with these NBA arenas it might even be more because there’s so many situations add the Celtics to the list the Timberwolves the Spurs the Mavericks the expansion Las Vegas team Seattle obviously the expansion team there will be playing in climate pleasure Arena which technically was completely rebuilt for a billion dollars in and of itself for the Seattle Kraken but when an NBA team goes there possibly in 2025 with the NBA expansion that we expect that will be a very nice Arena that they’ll be going into so there’s a lot of things going on right now and I do think the next step when it comes to the Celtics will be they’re obviously not going to get a renovation now also I will say you can see the renderings for the exterior uh renovation that they did right along the arena like the the entrance way which does look very nice but that was back in 2017 2018 when you’re planning for a new Arena it takes four or five years so even that renovation if you want to say there’s no way they would build a new Arena right after that renovation it’s not right after that renovation by the time the new Arena opens it’s already 12 or 13 years after the renovation so it’s not like they got zero shelf life off of the renovation they did get you know at least a decade off of building that and renovating it so it does make sense you look at TD Garden I would expect the Boston Celtics to be planning for a new Arena within the next year maybe two now I did search for articles and a lot of this stuff hasn’t come out yet it’s going to I’m sure but there was an article back in 2022 pondering the idea I think it was a Boston based website they were like well should the Celtics get a new Arena so that was back in 2022 there’s already been early dialogue about it now that we’re here in 2024 it makes total sense for them especially after coming off that Championship if it’s going to be privately funded the way we’re going at this point the fact that it’s an older arena in in and of itself opening in 95 also very Bland two deck approach nothing special about it I’m not saying that oh they definitely need a new Arena but this is what we’re seeing from these highlevel franchises where they don’t want to be stuck behind they want to have one of the state-of-the yard Arenas look at Steve bulmer out in Los Angeles saying listen this is ridiculous I could stay at Arena but I’m a multi-billionaire I want to flex my muscles we’re going to build the most expensive arena in NBA history and it becomes like this bidding match between billionaires and they want to build the best arena and that’s what I think is going to be happening to the Boston Celtics within the next few years it’ll all come out that they’re getting a brand new Arena and we’ll see what it ends up looking like they could certainly do some really cool things especially with the color scheme the green and white for the Celtics but this could be the next big thing on top of that we’ve already got OKC getting a new Arena the 76ers the list goes on and on and on and this is just another one that we could potentially add to it I would say it’s a multi-billion dollar project if you’re talking about including the surrounding area it’s probably I don’t know three or four I mean honestly probably more than that if they want to build a casino and a hotel attached to the arena which is what all of them are doing it’s going to be a lot of money the arena itself I would say is like 1.4 1.5 to build right now in 2024 in Boston maybe I’m underestimating the cost of building in Boston maybe it is going to be $2 billion but I would say like 1.4 1.5 billion if you look at like the OKC Arena costing around 950 million obviously it’s going to be a lot cheaper to build in OKC than it is in Boston but I don’t think Boston is going to you know cost more than a place like California so either way guys that is going to do it for this video make sure you follow me on X link to that’s always in the description

Discussing the Boston Celtics new arena


  1. False. Bostonian here. TD garden just had a major facelift and they would be out of their minds to move anywhere else.

  2. Not gonna happen. There is no way and no where to put it. Too much commerce surrounding the arena. They would have to find room on the T line and that just won’t happen. I would like to know where you heard that from because being a lifelong masshole I know that to even talk about massive projects takes forever and witching 5 years? No way. No way. Nope. Also – I don’t believe we can build another casino here legally but that would need to be fact checked. That casino bill allowed for 3 to be built so unless they put the arena near the Wynn place there is no way possible.

  3. Why does it take 8 minutes to repeat so and so team needs a new arena with a casino and hotel or so and so NFL team needs a new stadium with a translucent roof or so and so MLB team needs a stadium with an attached ballpark village and drinking rails?

    So every team needs a new stadium now with a village, translucent roof, casino and hotel. Got it!

  4. He Doesn’t know that we will pay for the new stadium just like he wants the bears to build the dome stadium right away we are not paying for it

  5. Lifelong Celtics fan and long time season ticket holder here. I grew up going to the old Boston Garden and went to the first game at the Fleetcenter (now TD Garden).

    You are right and wrong about this news. The Garden (in all its iterations) have always been owned by the Bruins. The Celtics have always used the building rent free, but the arena employees, food service, pro shop, etc are run by (and collect the profits) by Delaware North, which is the Bruins ownership corp. This is why there are no Celtics statues around the building (they are around the city) and up until recently the seats were always black and gold (for the Bruins colors). The Celtics dont even have their own pro shop, just the bruins pro shop that sells Celtics merch. The current Celtics ownership, led by Wyc Grousbeck, bought the team in the 00's and originally wanted to build a separate building for the team. He's said so in interviews before, but it didnt work out. Most recently he mentioned wanting to bring a WNBA team to boston, but could not since they do not own the building. With how much the team is worth compared to when he bought it, add on the recent success, and the WNBA hopes.. I bet the Celtics leave the TD Garden for thier own building.. While the TD Garden remains for the Bruins and for concerts/events.

    So I bet the Bruins and TD Garden are going no where, but the Celtics are missing out on alot of revenue and opportunity by not having thier own building.

  6. Cmon bro there's no place to put a new arena anywhere in the city or metro area. Boston is a tiny city and it's crazy expensive. There's just no room for it.

  7. Does this guy realize that the TD Garden is actually owned by the Boston Bruins owner? The Celtics are just tenants to the Bruins owner Jeremy Jacobs. The only way the Celtics get a new Arena is if the Bruins get one. It wouldn't make any sense to have 2 separate indoor pro sports arenas in Boston.

  8. Keep hating Jerk. They aren't going to be leaving the TD garden ANY Time soon They just renovated the entire area, and its a great location for a game. Connected right by public transit. They wont be giving the ease of getting fans into the arena….up…the new TD Renovations just created a whole new neighborhood in the West End……they aren't going anywhere.

  9. Even though the current arena is not a dump it doesn't compare to the old Boston garden I am so glad the Celtics ownership is paying for it bravo


  11. Not sure if u knew this but celtics just signed another 15y lease wit the company thats owns td garden, who also owns the bruins acouple years ago. So unless they buy out that lease they aren't going anywhere. Sorry to let u down. Would have been nice though. So just a rumor thats all

  12. From MA, The original garden was the fenway park of arenas. Nothi g would suprise me. So the celtics going to Everette? Or to fort Point? Old feuit and meat market?

  13. My inside sources are telling me that if the Celtics don't get a new arena by 2025 or 2026, then they would be relocating to Dublin, Ireland with Conor McGregor taking a majority ownership stake of the team, as the NBA seeks expansion globally.

  14. TD is in a perfect spot! If you have ever been there then you know there is NOT a bad seat in the house! Place gets loud too!

  15. All of these buildings are cookie cutter sterile arenas. They are all the same other than the façade and seat colors.

  16. Nah, I don't think it will happen, I think the State and the City would rather have the Garden right where it is because of the easy public transit access. I could see them build a new stadium eventually where it is and temporarily play in Worcester, Providence, or Mohegan Sun (they already have a basketball arena with the Sun).

  17. The Gahden is awesome and has a great vibe and location. But if a casino will help with construction so it could be attached to it they will do it. Here on Massachusetts are always the last ones to upgrade holding on to old stadiums. It will be great and have many more options for entertainment it's all about the money. More money for the team. The Bruins will be involved as well.

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