@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs FINAL DRAFT Rumors & Rankings! San Antonio Spurs News

Spurs FINAL DRAFT Rumors & Rankings! San Antonio Spurs News

finally finally the NBA draft is this week giant what is up San Antonio’s fur fans welcome to TSR Sports hope you’re having a great weekend came across this article from Spurs talk this morning I was like man I got to jump into this because this is the final draft board whole lot of stuff from sources this that and the other I was like I want to share it with you guys CU first talk is one of my favorite content creators not sponsored anyway just letting you know also pounding the and more importantly you guys love your feedback on these videos let’s get into the article the 2024 draft takes place on Wednesday and figuring out who the San Antonio Spurs are targeting is more unclear than ever yeah the Spurs held a workout with Stefon castle and Devin Carter sources who witnessed the workout say Carter was highly impressive and that his athleticism was off the charts however the same sources refused to comment on how Castle performed during the workout and I got to say Carter is definitely a guy that’s moved up my draft board we did a video on him on the Channel I didn’t know a lot about him a few weeks ago I know about him now dude he’s athletic as all can be outside of Carter the other player first sources are ring about is jacobe Walter time out okay so I’m not overly familiar to Kobe Walter either so I did look him up he’ll be 21 the season starts he’s 6’5 with a 610 wingspan projects to be a 3 andd shooting guard the last I checked the cells our starter brandom’s a backup if we if they were to draft J Kobe Walter is it byby Malachi I’m not ready to give up on brandom yet he’s only going into year three still very young but that would certainly raise an eyebrow if they drafted him he is projected to be a late lottery pick so I don’t see them drafting him interesting that he’s brought up in this article multiple sources say the Bor product shot extremely well in his first workout we’ve also heard positive words about the workouts of Cody Williams and Rob Dillingham the Spurs held the workout with Reed Shepard but I found it impossible to get a source to comment on how it went Spurs sources are also M about everything involving Zachary race in interesting dton connect okay tjan Saloon had a workout with the Spurs and then all of his future workouts where other teams were cancelled his representative says Salon suffered an ankle injury during his workout with the Spurs that’s probably the truth but you never know during smoke screen season yes we have been dealing with a lot of smoke screens the last few weeks this is why I’ve labeled this as kind of a final review I don’t plan on doing any more videos about the draft the next couple days unless something huge happens but I hope to not just do any more prelim coverage anymore because we’ve we we’ve gone over this indefinitely and I wanted this to be like just kind of in and want this to be a final WP if you will one highly connected Spurs Source raved about donalan Cleon calling him an elite Prospect who the team would feel comfortable drafting even without working him out smok screen I don’t know but let’s get into the final draft board from Spurs talk and I will of course tell you where I agree disagree blah Zachary rash I still think Rashi is the top player on the Spurs Big Board his athletic combine testing was shakan Port but he will probably be a good three-point shooter and a 6′ 10 and choose Defender who can thrive on the perimeter yes I agree he’s probably going to be the guy that’s first Target at number four if available Alex SAR SAR dropping to four is extremely unlikely I agree but if it happens he thinks a Spurs pick him over any player but rash I’m gonna go Timeout on this one I would take SAR rash here’s why well first of all you can see the Jersey behind me I’m a huge David romens is my favorite player my favorite athlete of all time and some of you might not realize the Twin Towers only lasted six years that’s it David and Timmy only played together for six years and one of those Seasons with a strike sort in season so we can maybe say five and a half years anyway Robinson was good to Great those first four years for the last two years he was clearly past his prime we never as Spurs fans got to see a prime it’s a 25-year-old David Robinson in a prime 24y old Tim Duncan can you imagine the Havoc they would have wrecked on the NBA offensively and defensively and the chance to CF crime SAR and a prime webing together as the Eiffel Towers maybe it’s the wrong move but sign me up I want to see it and I know some of you say hey TSR two bigs don’t work in today’s NBA let’s not forget Wy is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in today’s NBA so s would be my guy at four if he’s available number three here on the board Stefan Castle he’d be a great fit defensively and he also brings passing driving strength and basketball IQ something we could use to the table if Castle can learn to shoot he’s going to be a really valuable player and that’s the player a lot of you think that we may draft at four SAR probably imagine sar’s going to be off the board with sashing maybe off the board is this the guy we take with the number four pick let’s move down the board Reed Shepard his shooting potential puts him in a class of his own his passing and playmaking history suggests that he could eventually become a point guard defensively he rate his rates of steals and blocks paint Shephard as a player who be a pushover on that end it’s player of you some really don’t want some of you do we’ll see what happens Cody Williams he’s the type of High character with like an upside player the Spurs have historically targeted in drafts okay talked about Salon a little earlier the most notable combine measurement of them all this year was salon’s enormous 9 foot2 standing reach a man has to jump like a foot and he’s dunking dang that’s ridiculous and in his rate of improvement his three-point shooting and his effort level and the scouts believe that Saloon floor isn’t as low as others perceive or Le Scout let’s also not the French Connection with him and wemy could we see a draft with Castle taken at four and Salon drafted at eight see that be totally okay with it my test buis I’m strugging to find evidence that the Spurs are even looking at buellis okay we mentioned a little earlier Deon Carter Carter is a monster Defender a talented rebounder and rapidly improving three-point shooter who would be ready to come in and play an NBA game tomorrow so this would be the other side of the draft I’d be happy with if we were able to get race at four if he’s available or somehow s and Castle’s probably I can’t see Castle being there at eight Carter’s won me over everything I’m reading says reading says you know I know he’s only like what 62 63 but he also has a giant wingspan of like 68 or 69 so he’s he has the length to defend yeah sign me up for Carter at eight totally cool with that D connect another win now Prospect who should be able to put points on the board at a high level haven’t really read anything connecting the Spurs to him so probably not look who slid oh my gosh Robert Dillingham they now have him 10th on the Spurs Draft board I think when LJ first did this draft board he was in the top three now he’s he’s down a bit Dillingham slide continues after watching the Boston Celtics hunt down and punish bad Defenders on their way to a championship it’d be difficult to justify taking Dilly in the top 10 he’s not only undersized his fundamentals are lacking that said his offensive ceiling is so high that the Spurs could pick him simply due to how well he’d fit next to Wy and I I i’ be fine with Dilly at 8 if we get if SAS at four and Dill’s picked at eight okay I’m not going to sit there and you know I’m not going to be upset about it be like okay I’m going to trust the Spurs know what they’re doing and this is the guy they felt was right at number eight to unlock maximum lmy whatever that May being scary on the court Kling On’s at 11 drafting King to backup wh doesn’t sound like the best use of a lottery pick no I I just don’t see kingon and Wy working on the court together could be wrong Ron Holland finding a scout who believes to be picked in the top 10 is becoming more and more difficult talking about players that have slid down the board by the way Nia topic down to 13 the Spurs picking Topic at eights is still within the realm of possibil yes it is now I don’t know how it feel about a player sitting he’s probably going to miss next season so if we’re drafting the point guard of the future and he doesn’t play I have concerns with the injury but then I look at like something like Chad hram missed a year and obviously running fine cooking in that Thunder offense now if they pick Topic at eight above let’s say Carter or Dilly I think it’s a player I don’t I think I’d be mixed I’d be torn just like his ACL o too soon sorry man it popped in my head sometimes bad humor toobe Walter talked about earlier he could actually enter discussion at number eight that’d be a tough sell then again Joshua Primo oh back to back kicks in the jubi my apologies hope all series hope he gets better I I I wish him the best of luck and if he comes to us I hope he has an incredible All-Star career I don’t see his taking Walter and then we start getting to some names that I’m not over familiar with or have never heard at all I think I’ve seen Fury somewhere just because it’s a great name I’m going down this board for reason look who has dropped down here ker has tumbled out of the lottery remember when he was at once considered the or one of the top point guard prospects in this draft I I forgot about him I I don’t think he is a lottery pick anymore is he I think there’s one more player I want to talk about on here all the way down here cuz some of you have talked about this firsts drafting him Zack eenie eie was the best player in college basketball but the fit with was he the best player he was but would he fit with us no LJ says it would be really clunky and I think it probably would too a couple seven foot five players on the court at the same time wouldn’t really work the memes would be fun though I would not want the Spurs to take Ed at for or at eight if he’s somehow available if he’s available in the second round and we pick him at 35 as a backup center over Zack sorry Zack but I think the general consensus on this channel is where we’re most of us are ready to move on from Zack Collins definitely as a starter and as a backup we Eed as a backup sure no way I see him being there at the 35th pick but I Can Dream can I right perfect perfect draft for the Spurs pick number four Alexander SAR pick number eight Stefan castle and then in the second round pick 35 we get Zack 80 it could happen right no probably not so that’s all I got for fans I I just want to kind of do want to do this video because I also thought this was interesting this draft board has changed exponentially since his first one I thought it’s very interesting to see which players have moved up kind of sa kind of stayed in the same spot and who have just plummeted all the way down the boards the draft is Wednesday night will be live myself Miss TSR Sports making her Channel debut on camera uh earphone users aware I’ve adjusted the sound I I’ve lowered the gain on the computer so the value might be a little lower but I I’m hoping there’s less clipping static whatever issues we were having before I have tested it we can scream without totally blowing out the mic and if Castle or or any Yukon guy gets drafted by the Spurs I know she’s going to go nuts that being said she might also drop a swear in there so just be ready for that if one of her guys goes to a franchise that’s been bad the last decade let’s say like the Hornets or the Pistons so that’s all I got uh actually do want to give you guys an update I’ve been talking about the end of videos so those you you know like okay he’s not talking about the Spurs anymore anything with the channel I’m out you know like comment subscribe you know all that good stuff um I’m going to get a second opinion on my injury I’m talking to you guys about thinking it’s a torn rotator cuff or maybe a torn labor and that’s what the doctor told me but this is the doctor in an urgent care no disrespect to the doctors at urgent cares I don’t think Her diagnosis is right you might not be able to see it on the camera my arm is black and blue right here when I had the injury I felt the injury right here when I make a muscle there’s not much there on the bottom half I think I tore my tricep or partially Tor my tricep I’m going to get a second opinion I’ll keep you guys posted at the end of these videos so that way you know the people that just want the basketball content first can check out when I go to this content or or updates or whatever but that’s where I’m at but I I those you still watching first of all thank you but those of you that been saying get well TSR best wishes speed recover or shared your own experiences a lot of you talked about you know not not being to swing from bars anymore which is when I hurt myself because of previous issues you know I’m reading all your comments and I just thank you for the get Wells it means a lot to me and I’m so excited so so excited Wednesday night to not only share the NBA draft with you but also the person who might spend the rest of my life with Will Make Her debut on the channel and that that just means so much to me that I can I you know that we’re going to have that night together so that’s all I got hope you’re having a great weekend thank you and as always for watching go Spurs go [Music] game to

The draft is this week!

#spurs #sanantoniospurs #nbadraft

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  1. Both Sarr and Risacher won't be available at 4, so if Spurs keep the 4th pick, Spurs have to take either Sarr or Risacher if still available. Good news is that they won't have to decide between the 2 since they won't both be available.

  2. This draft is turning out to by more dynamic than expected for me for the spurs and because of that I don’t call it weak… I call it exciting!

  3. Little question in French 🙏🙏 : Les Spurs ont le #4 et #8 donc potentiellement 2 joueurs que vous intégrez à votre roster final ? un choix 4 ou 8 ne peut pas aller en Gleague c'est impensable? Donc avoir autant de jeunes joueurs à développer et à intégrer n'est il pas trop? Il serait donc plus judicieux pour les SPURS d'échanger les #4 et #8 pour le #1 ou #2? Avoir un joueur à intégrer dans l'effectif est pour moi beaucoup plus simple et moins risqué .

  4. Please no stupid moves and keep our picks/assets.
    Stephon Castle/Devin Carter + Cody Williams/Tidjane Salaun and we good.

  5. For the 4 pick, my order is Sarr, Castle, Sheppard, Risacher. I think there are a lot of smokescreens, possibly around willingness to move up, and particularly around Castle…I think they want him, but want to keep other GMs guessing. Don't think they want Houston taking their choice at 3, since Houston has many options. With the 8 spot, I'm game for whatever the front office thinks…Salaun, Topic, even Clingan, who I love (as a UConn alum) but question the fit.

  6. Almost over, hang in there. At this point I think it'll be Castle at 4, and Tidjane or Knecht at 8. Dalton reminds me of a guy the Spurs drafted a few years ago but didn't work out. Shooters are hard to predict and often takes them a few teams before they figure it out, but Knecht… I think could be worth the 8 pick but I would prefer Tidjane. I am just ready for something to happen and to welcome at least two new Spurs

  7. Your girlfriend's happiness is all that matters in this draft. Spurs need to pick the two UCONN guys, OR ELSE !

  8. On the flip side maybe the reason why the spurs are mum on castle ,they dont want any teams snooping around him ,make no mistake we will have castle at 4 , at 8 i hope its knecht /salun/clingan /carter the reason carter is on the last because of wesley , wesley improved alot and if has regular improvement in shooting and playmaking ,he is better than carter

  9. David Robinson was my favourite player too. He missed his first 2 years in the Navy and missed his last 2 years with a bad back and still had one of the best careers in history.
    I think he was second to Jordan in his prime. Maybe 3rd to Olajuwon and MJ for a 5 year period.

  10. I think we getting tidjane and castle is my final thought. For tidjane not to workout for other teams letting me know he will be pick 8 for sure

  11. Point guard and a shooter – as long as the Spurs draft players that fit those needs, I’d be good with it.

  12. If Spurs trade up I rather they select Sarr than Rischacher. Spurs can get Pacome Diet if available in second round.

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