@Detroit Pistons

Reacting To Tom Gores Detroit Pistons Press Conference Comments About Wanting A Fresh Start

Reacting To Tom Gores Detroit Pistons Press Conference Comments About Wanting A Fresh Start

I did want to ask you was a Tom Gore’s question I I think Omari had asked it about comments about wanting to start fresh I wanted to know kind of like your initial reaction to him saying like hey like I I thought for trun to you know be here and start brand new um what was kind of like your reaction to him saying like I wanted to have just a fresh slate I guess so it’s interesting because I have been now through a whole year of press conferences um Monty was my first ever like big press conference I did I think the first real Pistons press conference I did was um Casey’s exit interview um which shout out to him one of the nicest people I’ve ever talked to uh I talked to him for like probably like 30 minutes after the press conference such a nice guy um but the tone Tom gors had at the Monty introduction last year and the overall I I I I got to find a better word than Vibes but like the overall Vibes of the situation between Monty and the introduction of Tran were like night and day um and then even just kind of assessing like being a little away from the situation seeing Tom gors in general because I’ve been following the Pistons my whole life right and for most of my life Tom gors has owned the Pistons which I guess dates me a little bit um but but it was interesting because it was really candid and he started he started the um the speech by you know noting that his daughter was like you got to start writing things out and um you got to start writing things out and and planning what you say and you could tell that like he’s someone who I know has his faults right as a NBO NBA owner where he kind of gets criticized for not being there or not knowing basketball or whatever and like he he addressed all of those things specifically and I feel like in the past he was a little more defensive when it came to just his overall perception around the league and around like this fan base you can tell that he cares a lot and I think before he wanted to prove himself as a great basketball mind and a great basketball owner but I think he’s at a point now where he’s like okay well I’m kind of where I’m at the team is where it’s at let’s reassess how we go about things and he used the word CEO a lot when he was describing Tran and I think that’s really important because even when you look at someone like Stan Van Gundy who had the same title uh he was hired back in like what 2014 14 yeah yeah 2014 that title of CEO wasn’t really placed on Van Gundy even though he technically did have more power as both head coach and president of Bas operations it was interesting to know that like he admitted yes there’s been too many voices yes like I have interjected myself too much yes we’ve made mistakes but now I’m falling on Tran he doesn’t just and he he said this a lot he’s not a basketball guy he’s not just a basketball guy which obviously I know the fans just want to hear about basketball but I think when it comes to decision- making having someone who you view as a CEO on just a business level makes a whole lot of difference in how you plan out things and how you go about things and I don’t want I don’t mean to drag on too long but I I I I know you’re a rest you’re a little bit of a wrestling guy I know a lot of the guys at at back when we were at Woodward or big wrestling guys um and I can’t help but kind of be reminded of and this is kind of maybe a weird analogy but I can’t help be reminded of like when Vince McMahon kind of lost the Reigns and Triple H came over um in WWE for those who are not inclined wrestling is fake right but um a lot of what goes into wrestling is planning and you have to plan things in order to have a satisfying story and a satisfying conclusion which leads to um bigger ratings etc etc etc etc Vince McMahon was a guy who kind of just wanted to go for the big pop he wanted a big rating he wanted a big you know surprise he would do things just for the sake of doing things and I think that kind of describes Tom Gore’s philosophy before and trasan to me seems like a slowburn type of guy and for people that can go one of two ways like some people are like I would say most people are in for the long term right like they want they want something they invest in to pay off at the end and that seems like what Tran’s mentality is even in the way he speaks you can tell he’s very calculated in every single thing he says and it it seems very clear to me that he has a vision for this team and right now we’re at like Ground Zero we are at laying the foundation and I know people are tired of hearing that phrase but it seems like he truly has a foundation in mind and that he knows where that foundation’s going to go so that’s kind of the the the uh approach Triple H had taken when he took over WWE and you know you look at like their ratings and their business numbers since he took over and they’re exploding right and right now it might not seem like the approach people want to take but I think longterm this this this this shows a big change in philosophy so you’re basically saying Tran is gonna turn to NXT into a WWE yes yeah exactly yeah that’s a great you’re wrestling there do you know what that is I mean I went to Wrestlemania 23 I mean some of those uh moves fall breaking ladders in half look pretty real like I’m just gonna say that I mean yes yeah I mean if you I wrestling takes a lot of physical if you ever watched you’ll see the commercial they go this stuff hurts you know like this this this hurts and you know like you you know there’s a lot of real athleticism and injury involved in the profession I I I love that you turned it into a WWE um analogy because I feel like Pistons Twitter are hardcore wrestling fans like I will see a I’ll see Rock memes I’ll see Undertaker memes like I I think the Pistons Community are hardcore wrestling fans and I love that uh because like like Corey Woods who I’m really good friends with biggest wrestling guy you’ll ever meet man he loves wrestling um my my initial reaction was Tom gor’s kind of reflected of like what he’s done since he’s bought the team since he’s purchased the team and to your point Vince McMahon always went for the pop went for the Big Nate I mean he he went for Van Gundy um he went for Casey went for Monty and basically said it hasn’t really got me anywhere so why not take a chance on a guy that is younger still has an impressive resume but I believe he can build this to where their success and we can keep stacking years to where we could look back five years from now and kind of laugh at this at the end of the day yeah it’s it’s it’s like it’s one of those things like in the moment it seems like it could be concerning I guess if you’re a Pistons fan because all you’ve seen in the last I don’t know five years is tanking and acquiring bad players or bad contracts you know all this other stuff and I understand completely why that would be a concern and I’m I’m hesitant to say oh trust you know Tran and look the same way that you heard trust in Troy right um but I I truly do think he seems very calculated and I think calculated is a great way to run a business [Music] oh [Music]

This week On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Zariq from Bullyball the two reacted to Detroit Pistons owner Tom Gores comments about wanting a fresh start with Trajan Langdon taking over a new era in Pistons basketball.

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