@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks vs Celtics Game 5: Kyrie, Luka must overcome road woes for Dallas in NBA Finals Game 5

Mavericks vs Celtics Game 5: Kyrie, Luka must overcome road woes for Dallas in NBA Finals Game 5

[Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hello friends welcome to pod Maverick after dark I’m Kirk Henderson joined by Josh B we are coming to you pretty somber Dallas Mavericks just lost game five of the NBA finals and lost the series one 6 to 88 Josh how you doing I’m doing okay um I know we like to joke but you know obviously didn’t want the well didn’t want the series to end this way obviously I know it’s tough I know Mavs fans going through it hopefully we’ll be able to as we talk through the game since you know season’s over and we kind of talk more about the season at large I hope they takeway as we get to the end of the week because it’s kind of crazy that it feels weird that today’s Monday I don’t know why it feels like it shouldn’t be Monday it should be Friday or like I don’t I cannot believe that like now we’ve got the whole season the whole week to go as we deal with the Fallout of the season ending but I hope is by the time we get to Friday I hope most Mass fans understand you know I’m sure a lot of them understand right now that just how special this season was but I also don’t want to deny any you know I think the big thing with us lately has been we don’t want to deny fans their feelings because fans are allowed to fan and you’re allowed be mad frustrated that right wax you know but there’s you know I had I I saw some dumb [ __ ] Thunder fan who was a Russell like a Russell Westbrook Stan account in the year 2024 like trying to make fun of Mavericks and it’s like your team got [ __ ] slapped by these Mavericks are you [ __ ] kidding me like I’m not I’m not in any mood for any of this stuff I’m just not I I I had a great time this season like this season has been absolutely insane personally professionally the series of things that have happened both in my real life and then between Josh and I bouncing around with this it it’s you know if you would have told us when the Mavericks were 26 and 23 that the Mavericks were going to win or gonna gonna make it all the way to the NBA finals I don’t like I would have told you you were crazy you would have told me they were crazy if we told you they’d finish that season with 50 wins like they came out of the All-Star break guys and they lost a lot of games and we’re like What did they make these trades for like they were getting because people forget this because this is just the way the season goes like Josh and I were were coming in here and talking about how teams were sitting on Luca and basically daring him to score 50 as he you know does his you know slowly working into moves plan the matter are losing and then all of a sudden a weird thing happened where this where teams just stopped doing that and the Mavericks uh defense really tightened up they they removed Josh Green from the starting lineup they played Derrick Jones Jr and starting lineup instead and and that seemed to unlock something within the Mavericks and they went on a run and it was a great run and you know you’re watching the series and I think we’ll talk about you know we’ll talk about the series as a whole or maybe the playoffs as a whole the season as a whole kind of as a series review but you know um free agency starts soon the draft is soon the maver only have the 58th pick like you know the the gam like the the The Gauntlet of of content is still upon us and and you know I don’t want to overreact anyone thing tonight you know the the Josh tried to tell everybody in the playoff um preview essentially saying hey the Celtics are an all-time great team the Mavericks might be able to do some stuff but the Mavericks path to Victory is very is is much more narrow than the Celtics and I think that’s how that played out I mean tonight if you were to really boil it down to to two things as to why the Mavericks Lost first of all the Celtic shot lights out from three that had not happened yet it just hadn’t happened yet they did not shoot lights out from three no they did when the game was on the line they were well like while the game was in play like we’re talking the first two and a half quarters the they were 12 of 21 and half man oh okay okay there we go like the game that’s where you know I understand what you’re talking about is like no no you’re right there there was a lot of garbage time there was a lot of garbage time in this one started shooting stupid [ __ ] and the second thing that happened and you know I’m I’m the Maverick’s two best players were really not good when it mattered like you look at the stat lines right now and you could make the case okay you know Luca finished with let’s just see here Luca finished with 28 points and 12 of 25 shooting guys he was like four of 13 at one point like he was not very good he was not very good and he it’s okay to say that out loud Kyrie Irving really really really not good again in Boston um he was two of 10 at one point with one made three you know it starts from there you just have to say it starts with the Maverick’s two best players being really bad and if you can’t admit that to yourself then you’re too much of a fan of one particular player that I I’m sorry like I don’t want to CR like and if that’s how you fan I’m not going to argue with you tonight I’m just really not like our comments is um our comment section is brutal right now with people who are fans of one player more than the other like I’m a little different than Josh like I still bleed [ __ ] blue like I the Mavericks are the team that I root for I’m not going to sit here and and and act like one thing was more important than the other if you’re a fan of one player over the team then my brain wants to call you a name that I’m not going to because I don’t want to tell people how to feel tonight but just understand that’s how what I’m leaning towards then you go through the rest of it and the rest of the Mavericks were also bad like this was the Josh Green game like what PL like oh my God at one point the Maverick starters were two of 21 from three and those threes weren’t made by Kyrie or Luca they were uh uh maybe one was by Irving and one was by Derrick Jones Jr I mean PJ Washington PJ Washington had one of the most devastatingly awful performances I could have possibly imagined every time he touched the ball bad things happened every time he definitely earned every bit of his game low minus 26 that’s for sure that was a rough game he had he had as many points as turnovers um when a role player has four points and four turnovers you’re not your team’s not well had two points and four turnovers like he didn’t score that second bucket until the game was already 28 points deep or whatnot yeah as as someone who maybe is the I don’t know if you would call me the president of the PJ Washington fan club I I take some responsibility since I was the one who started this mess uh not mess but started this movement last summer when I decided to write about it and then everyone started to be like oh this guy seems like he’s pretty good and then like you know ever just led to this moment and and I’ve been def you know I defended him during the Oklahoma City series you know our friend of the show Matt Moore who was like you know he just you know this was just ridiculous shot variants and I was like well no he’s actually like pretty good and maybe he’s not this good but like I believe because I’ve been a believer in his talent I’m still am but these last two games you know even in game four he was he was not great um no he wasn’t very good all series like I and and he had a horrible horrible series just there if there are moment like there’s a bunch of lynchpin moments involved in the series where not the right word hinge points that’s a better point where PJ was involved like he got [ __ ] in the first half by an awful travel call that was not a travel like there’s simply no way you call that a travel any way shape or form that NBA referee was really really bad but the rest of his game unraveled following that point that’s okay to say that out loud it just is you then you go through the rest of them Gafford pretty ineffective um Derrick Jones Jr stop challenging Chris Taps porzingis just just no longer do that the price for him ought to ought to go down significantly after that series then you go through everybody else and it’s it’s you know things get tight like again Lively didn’t have a particularly effective game um Maxi kba his minutes were devastating like he he just really bad you know yeah and the Celtics make you look really bad great way I I think that’s that’s probably the best and then you know the funny part I like the guy we got a super comment that I’ll just address right now shout out to uh to seven Harry lime who says this is just to say thank you for doing a great job with this podcast all year also I’m sorry Josh Green played well prayers sent and really Josh Green was the like Josh Green was the best Mavericks player he really was five eight from the floor two rebounds he scored 14 points he made it look good like congrat like shout out shout out to him just really yeah it was just you know we were coming out of game four because like you said yeah you look you know really it’s green Green’s numbers were really the only thing that really pop out to you is having a great game if you watch the game live so like you know it was it was a tough watch from that end that perspective and I think coming out of game four I think we were wondering okay so was this something that was sustainable or was this just the Celtics totally took their foot off the gas for one game up three 0 because this is a team that does take their foot off you know they they as great as they are they usually have one game where they kind of are like okay we don’t really you know we’re not as interested in winning this game and then they kind of kick your butt for the other four or five games in the series and you know that was game four and we were wondering you know hey maybe more exm minutes maybe more Josh Green minutes green did play well that exom didn’t really play much at all he had nine minutes and didn’t do too much and I think it was pretty clear the Mavericks kind of emptied the tank last home game potentially the season sent the fans home Happy Luke in particular was a Madman in game four in terms of like his effort level on defense and what he was doing getting the rim and he just looked he looked like he had nothing left left in the tank like he just and this isn’t like I’m not even trying to criticize I’m just saying like what haen like just what happened like it just looked like he had whatever he had left whether it’s injuries or fatigue um or just the enormous workload catching up to him because his usage in the finals has been considerably up compared to the other three rounds sure just looked like he didn’t have it and you know he he didn’t get to the rim his three-point shot has been gone for like five games now because it looks like he has zero legs because again every time you look at his right knee it’s bleeding underneath his sleeve like yeah it’s pretty obvious he just did not have the legs to to get into his threes um he went two uh I mean he only made three threes in the final three games he attempted and I can’t even you know 15 24 so three of 24 from three my quick math to end the series like he it just and it didn’t look like he had it like you know the shot just looked off like it wasn’t like he was [ __ ] out some good looks like he was just missing shot those any jumpers uh you know just didn’t look right um and defensively like he was you know he had some moments one-on-one uh where he was really dialed and moving his feet but off ball was really difficult and you could kind of tell like he was just like okay look I you know if I’ve only got this much you know percentage of of energy left I can’t you know I can’t play 45 minutes of balls out defense and also be the person initiating and again this is the response to a lot of people is going to be Luca needs to get in better shape and my rebuttal to that isn’t necessarily that you’re wrong like of course he should continue to get as good a physical shape as he can but to what end because I don’t think there is a physical shape he can achieve I think that’s right I don’t think there’s a physical shape the human body can achieve you you’ve been making that argument for several days now when you’re asking a guy to have a 38 usage like I don’t think he can also be a Top Flight Defender like even LeBron like the only other person is LeBron and it’s pretty clear LeBron is one of one in terms of physical stature in the NBA there yeah there’s no one like that like you look at Tatum and brown and people are like well they’re two-way players and it’s like yeah they they don’t use the ball nearly as much as Luca does and because they’ve got a like one of the best one through six lineups in the league like there’s got to be a point where the Mavericks it’s it’s kind of twofold it’s does Luka want to play differently like will he give up the ball even more and I think we saw some of the answers to that during the regular season where it l like he gave it up more they that he pushed out ahead a little bit more and then two you build a roster that just lets him do that and they got close this season that’s why they’re in the finals but you know they just go against the team that had the fourth best net rating all time and it just you know just looks a little worse yeah well I also think it’s worth like acknowledging the fact that the Mavericks like they went back to a very isoe heavy ball specifically because of how the Celtics defended right you know there like istok Franco showed one of those screenshots where it’s like oh here here are the Mavericks uh it was a it was a joke to to the extent of there was a lot of talk about how the how the Celtics were essentially guarding Isa like Luca and ISO which I mean when you load up four guys on one side of the floor and you don’t particularly care about who’s on the opposite side while also being a like very effective just just helping off these plays like they didn’t care about any of the Maverick’s role players they didn’t care and you know that’s one of these things I think that to a certain extent we had been wondering when that was going to happen I mean we’ve talked about this for a long time the Mavericks are an awful shooting team but they traded shooting for athleticism and the athleticism is what got them here like I I I’m trying not to overreact to one particular series because the Celtics are a very very good well constructed team designed to break opponents game plans you know specifically this Maverick’s game plan sure and and I I’m just I’m not you know I mentioned this last series but it’s like if you think the Wolves would have done better against this Celtics team on offense then you don’t know what you’re talking about I think maybe you could make the argument that that the Thunder might have had just because of how they space too theoretically the Thunder but we saw and I think Denver as well playoff experience but not the wolves like not the Wolves whatsoever Denver and probably Oklahoma City but it’s just it’s it’s different it’s it’s how teams play like as the series went on Luca had less and less space to to play with and because you know Kyrie was so bad on the road it effectively didn’t matter like they didn’t care that Kyrie scored 35 points I mean game three for Luca as we’ve already discussed was a disaster if they’re if if the Mavericks have certain sort of inflection points that they’re sitting on it’s the tail end of game two in Boston it’s then the entirety of game three where Luca was out of control those those are the ones that were pretty brutal but that’s just what basketball is I mean I’m sure the Thunder have particular you know uh um they look at elements of of things that happened with PJ Washington’s hot shooting or with uh you know l l l dork playing poor in a particular series I mean again like I just can’t stress enough how much I don’t give a [ __ ] about the Timberwolves um I know that the you know oh they will they won these close games they won the close games that’s very that’s the point that matters like but the the the Thunder I think was a little different of a series but we’re we’re here now and we’re watching what what the Celtics did and they shut the Mavericks down in very very specific ways and I think I find myself a little bit frustrated from a conceptual standpoint in I feel like Jason kid never really countered with anything like they never changed their lineups they tried slight variations of rotations but then if you were to ask me what do I think Jason kid should have done I don’t have a good one outside of more lively minutes yeah I don’t know a lot of people are pretty mad about the lineups and that’s difficult like the only thing I could have thought of is maybe yeah like maybe you start Lively over Gafford but I think that the way that the the postseason run had gone it just never really presented itself and especially like they won the way they won game four like I don’t think make a lineup change coming you know if they would have changed a lineup it probably should have happened after game two but even then like I don’t know if starting Lively over Gafford changes anything considerably about the way this series went so that’s nitpicky and then other than that like the bench was a dis like he the the lineups were weird because he just kept trying different bench guys guys because no one really gave him consistent minutes and that was a factor starting from game one against the Clippers like the Maverick starting five and then Lively were really the six players they relied on and and from the seven to 10 spots like I mean it was it was a roulette wheel especially when Maxi kba gets hurt comes back and it clearly isn’t as effective like clearly looks like a different player since before that shoulder injury compared to when he came back from it because he was actually having a pretty good series I felt against the Clippers at least defensively again maybe that’s just matchup because the Clippers bigs aren’t aren’t really dangerous sure uh compared to you know what the Celtics have or what even what the Thunder would have thrown out or or the wolves like if Maxi was was fully healthy for that Series so you know I yeah he played he you know the people get mad at the Tim Hardaway Jr minutes but but he tried all these you know no there were too many Tim Hardway minutes buddy like like too many over two games it’s like when I understand the game was already Out Of Reach but they were isoing Timmy Timmy and Luka Timmy and Luca over and over and over again and it’s like what are we doing I know but then you watch you know PJ and Derrick Jones Jr are combined one for nine from three it’s just like okay like what do you like what do you do like and I’m not disagreeing with you I’m not trying to say Tim should have played a lot or played better I just I think lineup and rotation wise I think he was he was stuck between a rock and a hard place if you want to go after coaching and tactics um you know the thing that I was very puzzled by was throughout this series The Mavericks really showed little to none offensive counters in the way they were playing um you saw bits and pieces like when they posted up Gafford a few times against Jason Tatum when the Celtics would put a wing on Gafford to try to get them out of that I thought that was pretty good but they weren’t really consistent with going to that um which I guess also makes sense because like you don’t want to divert your whole offense into posting up Daniel Gafford like that might be playing into what the Celtics which like when the second half started and they did do like it just happened to be not like an ISO but Gafford getting all the way to the rim and just short arming a layup over Tatum and it’s like okay what are you gonna do yeah and the thing that I was kind of befuddled by was they just didn’t show any type of off ball creativity hold on sorry I had to sneeze right in midpoint um but like we saw some things at the end of the regular season we saw some things in the Thunder series and the wolv series especially with Kyrie Irving off the ball and that did not happen in this series like Kyrie’s off ball movement was like nowhere to be found his catch and shoot three attempts like I mean I think he took I can count on one hand I think how many catch and shoot three attempts he took in this series almost all of his threes were pull up transition pull up but the shots that he missed were shots that he’s been making like in the first half he got it was kind of a flare screen action up at the top it was at the top of the screens the left side of the floor and he’s shooting over Chris DS porzingis who Moved like a mummy um really honestly the porzingis menet were a gift to the Mavericks um and Kyrie just missed the three I mean the kind of Threes that had gone down for him the last play like the entire playoffs run did not go down for him on the road he has some demons he’s got to sort out sorry I I I’ve really appreciated the Kyrie experience this year it’s been much better than I ever could have thought but three straight horrendous game you know yeah yeah I think he only had really one one or two great game two good games in this Ser you know he was pretty good in game four yeah yeah both the two home games so he was really bad in in the road games and the thing is you’re right like yeah he was missing shots that he was making in the in the the first three rounds but also he just wasn’t getting the easy shots that he got in the first three rounds and he was just standing in the corner a lot and I don’t know if that was by Design or or what but like I pointed out like I’ve I’ve shown some action where the Mavericks kind of do like some double screen like double screens for Luca with Kyrie setting one of the screens popping out to the wing and like doing some stuff off ball like we saw what he did to Anthony Edwards when Anthony Edwards tried to guard him in the west finals like running him through the through the through the the washing machine or however you want to call it that’s probably a bad analogy sorry I got my phrases wrong but like just constantly moving around without the ball and that was such a big factor in why they were so successful season offensively was Luca giving up some of his control on the offense so that they could let do this Kyrie off ball stuff and that’s why it’s worked so well and like when people get like saw the trade happen last year when Kyrie was here like oh it’s not gonna work it’s like Kyrie’s got a lot of experience being a really good off ball player and it just didn’t happen this series and like they just they kept going to the one-on-one stuff and when I was at uh I was at game three and I asked them after the game they felt like that you know again this is talking to the media after the game I don’t know how truthful they’re being but they said like no we’re actually like this is what we want to do we want to do one-on-one so that we force them out of it because we score so well in this one-on-one coverage but they don’t but they and they didn’t you know and it was just like you got to try like they just offensively they looked the same from games one to games five with the only difference being some a couple possessions here or there uh you know posting up Gafford they did a better job in I think game three and game four of going after like Al Horford and Xavier Tillman but like it just wasn’t enough and they needed to get a little bit more created off off the ball which was a shame because I thought they showed some of that before the regular season all right guys I want to take a quick break thank you so much for hanging out with us I know it’s not fun to um lose I mean there’s really no other way around that but this has been long season a weird season Josh and I you know we we got we got like fired but the podcast Network we worked for effectively slowly started dissolving um in large part to give Andrea Gala a podcast because reasons I mean you know it’s it is what it is we were free agents for a while towards the end of one of the worst Mavericks seasons in some time uh we started the YouTube channel right as the Mavericks for self-combusting it was basically April of um 2023 and in the last 14 months we’ve grown our channel from zero people to like 3,200 um we don’t know what we’re doing you know we we we regularly do this podcast um you know we got peers and friends in the in the space like Nick angad over locked on Mavs but you know Nick does it for his job now it’s a full-time thing that’s how hard Nick has worked and it turned into a longtime thing and you know I I am occasionally just sort of amazed um my friend Spike esin who runs um the rights to Ricky Sanchez podcast and is also on on radio up in Philadelphia he told me once he’s like you know I told him that we had 25,000 people to listen to this podcast in a given month which is true 25,000 individual people have downloaded this podcast in a lot of cases multiple times and he said think about that he’s like 25,000 people that’s more people than sit in the American Airlines Center he’s right and so sometimes I I get a little salty that we’re not more but then I realize what we are and that’s largely because of the the people who come in here uh who listen on audio streams and who just continue to support us and in some cases hate listen love those people too uh we’re really grateful for your support this year we’re going to continue doing it Josh and I will probably not uh podcast with the frequency but we will be here um free agency starts soon you know I’m probably I’m I wasn’t gonna host uh a group therapy but I think I’m gonna tonight just because it feels like there’s a little bit of angst that friends want to get out so if you’re listening to this show and it’s your first time or your hundredth time just know that Josh and I are grateful for you if you consider subscribing to the show whether it’s on YouTube or whether it is on your podcast platform we’ very much appreciate it I’m going to take a quick break and we’re going to insert some audio ads and then I’m going to come back and we’re going to talk about some of the super comments that we have and then we’ll close out the show and I will head on over to group therapy so Josh and I will be right back all right thank you so much for listening to Those ads so we got a few com super comments I want to get to shout out to my man Henry constant super chatter giv us tips here and there throughout the season he says run it back love that positive attitude even after losing in the finals then my friend JM 3245 said on Friday I committed to $100 when the Mavs win game seven came up short but he’s little here’s little something for a season of great pods thanks to you both and to all the other guests over the month the last few months our guy Cowboy says mffl I’m unsure if the Mavericks know who’s the third and fourth scoring and ball handling options are going into the preseason next year but still super proud of the guys David McDaniel says Mavs are a whole are a whole is greater than the sum of the parts team when connected they’re a different beast when we aren’t we look like a much worse team Luca fan 77 says thank you so much uh just wanted to say thank you guys for everything this year what a run we will be back need some spacing and a third Creator Omar says thank you guys for content this season hope you guys continue to grow our man will says last kirkle jerk of the Season till next year will we keep going throughout the off season my man Glenn King who I’m hopefully gonna hang out with in Vegas when I go out there next month says I need to be talked off the ledge other than Josh Green I didn’t see anyone out there giving 150% then holy [ __ ] Steph long with an absolutely Preposterous uh Super Chat thank you so so much Stephen not the result I hoped for but if you told me at the beginning of the Season we would have finished second I wouldn’t have snapped it up thanks for a year of great analysis and entertainment Stephen that’s an incredible comment oh my God we got another one Sebastian Vera says profound thanks to you guys truly inspired by your dedication and passion that enhan joy and wins and help process losses let’s celebrate the team that brought us so much unexpected Joy this season and with so much to look forward to Cheers then another incredible comment Bobby Chapman says say great season boys honestly this team way outperformed expectations hopefully Luca rests up and gears up for a ruthlessness MVP type season love you boys I’ll be on video next year then we have Claudius with a uh $10 super sticker thank you Claudius LOL what 31 man you guys have left a lot of comments I wasn’t paying attention super long L season long lurker best Mavs pod with the best Mavs takes thanks again for a great year clotman 8 4 says thank you both for an a great year longtime commenter Joe Biden says here’s $14 thank you so much guys that was an incredible uh run of super comments um like $400 to $500 worth if I can count correctly like Jesus Christ um don’t know what to do with that other than be eternally grateful for the people who help support this show Josh is there is there are there more things are there more things um I don’t know now I don’t know I feel it feels weird to go back and talk about the individual game but like 15 offensive rebounds for the Celtics by the way I just sure we didn’t really talk about that in the first half that was killer but yeah I just keep thinking about like when they were 26 and 23 and your wife scheduled your 40th birthday party because at that point of the Season it was like well they’re gonna they’re gonna be done right they’re not GNA still be playing games and like it’s kind of crazy like you had you and your wife had a baby in this this season like that happened like it is weird to think that we are still in that like that feel like it already feels like that happened two years ago um like it’s just it’s just crazy how long the season like it’s June 17th and like we really started picking up in Earnest what like you know end of September beginning of October when we’re gearing up right before opening night like it’s just the NBA season is so long it’s real long I mean the playoffs are two solid months it’s crazy I just should gives me more appreciation for you know like these guys that are in the final you know like LeBron’s run where he was in the finals every year like I you know those steroids must be awesome like I I don’t know how he does it like just it’s just ridiculous like like I’m tired I don’t even playing like it’s just it’s just crazy well I mean I’ve got like I have a real like it’s ridiculous and Henry talked to me about this he sent me some texts I need to be taking magnesium but like I’m honestly so tired I’ve had an eye twitch for about a month I’m so tired I’m so tired and I I I you know we don’t do this for work like it’s not our work it’s our it’s like our fashion play and like we get to the end I’ve got a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow morning like for no don’t don’t write about this there’s nothing to write about like write about in the coming days I mean I’m going to be throwing up offseason plan stuff I mean free like draft is next week we got one pick I don’t really care um the bronny pick yeah and then there’s we’ll probably do a lot of like player reviews we’ll talk about free agency but you know I’m not even I’m not even like my bearings don’t exist I know I think the main thing is yeah is just hope hope fans don’t kill each other tonight because it really was a pretty ridiculous season I’m just going to keep going back to that when they were 26 and 23 like I’ll just be like it’s just such an insane run to go from that to the finals and it’s not even like you know from that moment they’ve basically been winning like almost every game like it’s not like they kind of crept in the playoffs and then just got hot like they went from 26 and 23 to 50 and 32 and then they go through then they win you know they get all the way to the W the NBA Finals like they’ve they when was l i mean what they just lost four out of five games this team hasn’t lost four out of five games since what that stretch right coming out of the All-Star break right when they lost five of six yeah so they just we haven’t watched this team lose this many games in this short amount of period of time since March 5th yeah so it’s just kind of shock you know it’s just kind of wild to just see that progression of where the team is and yeah I mean they’re I mean 12 months ago we were thinking this team is not dead and buried but the organization has to do some heavy lifting and they’re gonna have to be like I think the big thing is like we were saying they need to be patient because they’re not going to be able to rebuild this thing in in a year or two and then what do they do they they rebuild this thing in a year or two they go from 11th place to the NBA finals so I don’t know what do we know uh but apparent know just makes me more curious to see what they’re doing this summer and we’ll have plenty plenty of thoughts on that yeah yeah I don’t know what those thoughts will be I mean I I one of the things I kind of grew like and this is a me thing like I I think that that when I when you run like a a run when you uh that’s not the right way I mean to phrase this at all when you attempt to run a show and be part of a community that really encourages like fan participation you run into people that just have a wildly different worldview than you and you you talked earlier in the show about not telling people how to fan like I’ve kind I’ve just grown weary and I don’t know what to do because like I I would love to continue to engage with people like this but it’s like there were a lot of folks over the course of the year that just didn’t have any interest in any sort of Maverick related criticism what soever and that’s not how I consume Sports and so as we kind of head long into this after just almost reaching the Pinnacle I think it’s worthwhile to parse both what worked and what didn’t because if you don’t build or learn you know or at least be frank about what didn’t work then I don’t really see how the team grows from that you know what I mean no I know I I think I do it sounds like you feel like you’re kind of wrestling with this I understand that this season was incredible but also I’m you know there’s going to be people that tell me everything’s fine and they don’t you know there’s always room for improvement like they if this is the Mountaintop for a Luca donic Le team I I I have mixed feelings on that you know what I mean right I understand it’s it’s tough because you don’t want to come off you know you don’t want to come off as like you’re trying to to belittle the accomplishment of what the season AB not but also you understand that like hey the goal of this is to win you play to win the games right like so they have room to improve like they’re not a perfect team where they would have won the title this year you know they and if the Celtics are going to be back and Denver and Minnesota and Oklahoma City is looming like as you know they’re already a great team with young players and and all these other teams that can trade and make a lot of Trades because they got a lot of trade assets like the Memphis Grizzlies who kind of were a team on the rise that fell off because everything went wrong like they’re not really going away like they’re going to be back next season I would I would assume and they’ve got a lot of wiggle room to play with with their picks and and capital like you know the I you know you think back to the Dirk years when they made it in no6 like you’re gonna you’re gonna come right back and you know you never know I gotta say something there’s this guy who’s in the comments all the time his name is fan123 shout out for showing up every time any year without a championship is a failure in the Luca era if this is how you approach Sports then every moment you spend watching is a waste of time one team wins every year one [ __ ] team it’s so hard to win a championship I watch Dirk struggle through every possible level of adversity every single one and you’re going to tell me that that [ __ ] was a waste of time because Dirk didn’t win every year [ __ ] out of here grow up stop being a baby this [ __ ] is hard you’re gonna tell Luca that this was a waste of his year get out of here my God some of you are so stupid with this stuff it’s supposed to be fun and you can’t have any fun because all you do is talk about how everything’s a failure God damn [ __ ] wears me out you think the Celtics would give up the last six years of their struggle for this one moment I guarantee you they wouldn’t it’s about the journey they’re also not here without that like that’s what leads them to this moment you don’t like what did Dirk remember what the what Dirk talks about after the failures of six and7 and how much that shaped him and and how he finished his career my time your time as a fan is not wasted on this it Dirk’s or Luca’s time is not wasted oh my God one of my one of my college fraternity Brothers is in the chat and he just called me amp which was my nickname which was stood for Anger Management problem I cannot imagine how you got that nickname with your friends that is can’t imagine this is truly a mystery I just I don’t know it’s just like to imply all of this is a waste of time means you’re an idiot also means you’re wasting your time watch it yeah which is like if that’s how you feel I don’t you know do what you want to do but if that’s how we thought about it like I would not be staying up every night till 2 am writing stories and and US recording podcasts like it’s just crazy yeah we’ll see uh I yeah I don’t I don’t know what else to say you now my wife is in the chat Jesus Christ you woke the baby he’s on the other side of the house oh thank God okay look she says time for a new shirt donich Lively 2028 probably that’s actually don’t you have a shirt like that kind of no but the shirt I have on now is gone hard away oh that did not no but dude I’ve had this thing since 2020 that is still that it is still a thing is kind of incredible that’s kind of funny that was back when Hardway was making a lot of the so that made more sense okay I’m so I know I don’t know how to follow that up you you just you I didn’t scare fan 123 out of here he cares too much I know him I know that isn’t what he meant I know he’s frustrated with the front office and years of things that didn’t go their way that’s what he actually was intending to say I’m almost 100% positive and to a certain degree Josh and I live there because we did this in 2020 where like the Mavericks [ __ ] up that free agency and we just spent like two hours being like what is happening and then they rectified that stuff and that’s why they were finals like you know we’ll see we’ll see what happens jm1 3245 says awesome shirt didn’t age well but awesome anyways I would argue it age well because I would never when the Mavericks traded for Tim Hardway I was like he’s the he’s the tax the Mavericks are going to get off him as soon as possible and he’s been with the team the whole time they extended him that is crazy has he been a Maverick longer than he’s been anything else I would guess so like he was traded like he was on Atlanta twice I think or at least New York twice like he’s like he’s impressi weird he the Dallas Mavericks are his longest 10year team now he was four years with the Knicks two years with Atlanta and now he’s finished up his fifth full season in Dallas Paul Armstrong gave us the super comment right along these lines this is my Super Bowl this is God Allahu willing the last time I ever have to see thj iner Jersy Zen was cracking me up I needed it I needed it wait so you think didn’t he have another year left on his deal oh yeah he’s absolutely a Maverick like him and Josh like Josh Green I was like who’s tra like do you want to give up a pick to trade him who’s trading for him right now well you know we’re going to get into this stuff soon I don’t want to talk about all the offseason stuff so all right um I’m going to host the next live show we’ll figure out what our what our upcoming streams are going to be here’s how you act like guys like I think there’s a setting on YouTube where if you want to join a live stream like you can get notified every single time so it I don’t know how do you actually do it but there’s something within the page settings where whenever we go live there’s your ability to get noticed I try to publicize this stuff we’ll try to do it on a regular schedule I bet what we’ll do with at least player recap caps and kind of season review type stuff we’ll do like twice a week um free agency will happen you know I’m going to go to Vegas for summer league I’m trying to bully Ben zadel to go as well I don’t think we’ll really have anything to write about with regards to Summer League other than omx like playing a gajillion minutes and Derek Lively shooting five threes a game do you think he’ll even play I don’t know maybe that’s the that that’s the best part that’s that’s like the speculation is everybody’s favorite part so we’ll we’ll figure that stuff out soon all right guys uh hang around here for um group therapy this has been Kirk Henderson and Josh Bo thank you so much for an amazing season thank you so much for hanging out please be willing to stay along as we continue our journey throughout the offseason because there’s actually a surprising amount to talk about there really really is we have a lot of stuff yeah look when LeBron when LeBron gets signed here in July we’re gonna have a lot we’re gonna have a lot of stuff God do you know how I’m pre- tired thinking about a Lebron James Kyrie Irving Luca donic like team like the like we also and just I’m just putting this out into the void I’m putting together a Google form at some point we’re going to ask for more contributors to Mavs Money Ball So if you at all have like your comments I have Josh can attest to this I bring on people from from all walks of life all opinions we do not have a Maverick’s point of view on our site other than we want your earnest take on things so when that if you if you were in the comments and you say yeah I can do it better than these two jokers maybe you can no we’re we’re okay with that y all right guys thanks so much uh we have one more Super comment shout out to VTA delmare when people talk about the other superstars I say I won’t be impressed until they can prove they can win with dear Jr poor Timmy taking shots on the way out we’ll hang around here for a Mavs uh group therapy thank you so much everybody have a great rest of your week and so far as you can bye guys [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello Mavs fans thank you for joining me once again for a season ending sad episode of group therapy the only way we were going to end with a Mavs party is with the Mavs championship and they were unable to do so they lost in game five of the NBA Finals 106 to 88 for those of you listening on an audio stream if you missed the recap show Josh Bo and I rambled for about 40 minutes I yelled at some people towards the tail end of the show a good time was had by all if you’re listen looking to join this show live we already got seven people hanging out in the comments we got two Glenns my favorite Glenns on planet Earth we got my friend Sam showing his face we got sudar Shan from India rain from Australia or I’m pretty sure it’s Australia not New Zealand don’t want to [ __ ] that up um we’ll be on you know until people don’t want to talk anymore because this is going to be the last time we do this kind of show though I will say in the off season we will have various opportunities for live shows where you guys can come talk with us I see a lot of my friends we’re just going to go in order starting out first from India sudar Shan hey Co good morning good morning what’s going on man sorry you had to witness a loss to start your day it’s okay I knew there was I knew it was coming after game four and I saw Zach Zaba was the official I knew that was coming the moment I saw that in any little little Zach zarbo that’s interesting go with it I mean it it just felt like we were happy to not get swept the Evil series so I I am with that yes that’s true I think everyone was just exhausted but I mean it was a fun season no one expected us to be in the finals uh we rebuilt the team on the fight it’s things are enjoyable again and I might be the only person only Mass fan in the world who says this please know LeBron James on this team next season okay I do not I mean we just we just went we we have enough drama as it is with all the national media just constantly [ __ ] on all our players all the time I don’t think we need the LeBron drama on top of all of that fair enough but I mean yeah it was it was great I I can’t wait to see what this team actually becomes with a solid training camp off season um uh I think Nico Harrison will cement his place as executive of the year if he actually trades Tim Hardway Jr that’s that’s been kind of like the the uh the the Silver Lining on top of this entire uh playoff run I’m like this is going to be the last time that we ever see this man in a uh in a Maverick jersey so it’s so hard man because I get why everybody wants him gone because he’s just not it and because frankly kid can’t help himself but he he helped keep the team afloat at some really bad times no and and that’s great but then the point is that when you’re 32 I uh and you’re in your 10th or 11th season I would expect a little majority in his game the fact that he still is situ situationally unaware the to the extent that he is that’s what pisses everyone off um that’s that’s the main thing but I mean the other great thing about this finals run is it’s finally helped me get my routine in order like I’m notoriously not a morning person but I mean I’m always up at 6:00 a.m. for a Maps game so I just need to pretend like there’s a Maps game for the rest of my life and I will be up on time so that’s it’s awesome that’s really funny yeah in fact during the the 2011 finals run um was just after IID graduated from college and uh I had taken a year off and my mom was kind of a gast at the fact that I would wake up at 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. for to watch the Mavs but then the rest of the days I’d be up at like 12 like it was like she’s like I I I don’t understand how crazy you are and then I was showing her the entire Mavs or just general uh uh basketball or even European football fan base and I’m like there are other lunatics like me I’m not alone in the universe yeah that’s amazing yeah but uh yeah I mean one I mean shout out to you and Josh for actually doing this the whole season I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be for you guys man you know it’s going to sound kind of weird actually it’s not anybody that knows me knows like I spent 2011 my wife and I had been married for a couple years we didn’t really have a lot of friends where we lived we lived in this tiny apartment and I watched the Mavericks championship kind of with her and me and our dog like I had nobody to celebrate with I remember the Maverick won the title and I took my dog for a walk I had nobody to talk about this stuff with and so like I get that and and yeah because I’m sure you do actually with with your situation it’s like you like when you find a basketball fan it’s probably like hey I mean forget the basketball fan a Mavericks fan here in India I mean everyone over here even if they are fans they are ler fans or uh now they’re Warriors fans because I mean they’re bandwagoning um and I’m sure at some point there will be about a few Celtics fans around but I mean yeah to I’ve been a Maps fan since 2000 so it’s been nearly 25 years of this so I mean yeah in some sense it’s it’s it’s it’s been it’s been a weird situation I’m I’m going to post something in the private chat that you can see but it’s another it’s another India based Mavericks fan he’s a sports writer but if you don’t follow him you should his name is his name is isan um yeah okay good isan I don’t want to [ __ ] yeah yeah he’s he’s yeah I do see his stuff occasionally good so yeah man I’m really glad you’ve joined I’m really glad you’re hanging out and I look forward to talking to you more all right yeah and uh um I mean this might be a little uh weird or anything like that but I’m probably going to be in Dallas in November so we should catch up beer or something like that I I trust me I hang out with with all the weirdos my my my single favorite thing I did get kicked out of one mat group chat for some old bad tweets once that was fun but I’ve since gone to other Mavs Hangouts um all right thank you so much sud we’ll talk soon okay take care man all right talk soon uh we just had somebody try to join when the studio was full we have a packed room I’m kind of surprised by this so you know if you’re if you’re in line stay in line all right so I see I I recognize everybody else in the chat and I don’t there’s somebody with a absolutely incredible stage name of of Bangladesh Timmy and I just I have to bump Bangladesh timy to the front of the line because I’m just assuming it’s Bangladesh Tim Hardway here to defend himself hello what’s going on man you know it’s your B Henry oh my God Henry son of a [ __ ] Henry’s always teasing me with these new with these new names Henry what do you got for us what’s going on man before we get started what do you give what are you grading uh Jason K’s performance uh I guess you can start with the finals or or the season but obviously just for the playoffs what are you giving it what are you giving it gr season a solid a playoffs a solid B+ I I want to be mad at him for some of the things he did in the finals but I also don’t know what his other options were I mean the Celtics do like the the the vice when when Kyrie and Luca started the series so tight this the vice just slowly squeezed them my thing is is I once and again I I made a post about this but I the guy was trolling and laughing at me but I think we should obviously switch to more of a European offense uh as far as the head coach again I’d still probably put Bo and hoser ID do you’re going to steal away okay obviously for the big best fans and it’s [ __ ] impossible but if we can get paran’s coach would be amazing but again slim to zero chance of that happening um Real Madrid’s coach I don’t know eigor where’s eigor right now where’s eigor coko is he still in uh where’s he at oh no sorry taking a big drink you’re all good so I I’d say either Mike boot nozer or eigor as the head coach and some people are gonna laugh at it but I’d have Dan Tony as an offensive coordinator um but we have to you know how old that man is I I know I know you know how old papovich is but looking at Indiana play Boston they gave them a hell of a more of a scare than we did even though it was a sweep just with their constant flow constant motion constant dhos con like we need to I was arguing with the Warriors fans if you look at the Warriors in 2022 and then if you look at the way Indiana played them uh last round that constant motion constant movement not allowing them to get set up like Curry wasn’t doing a lot of iso a lot of screen handoffs relocation easy threes like we needed more of that more move we have to Deb that ISO [ __ ] this year Deb it I don’t want to see that [ __ ] again so I think we do need to change up on the coaching staff if kid wants to stay fine but we have to get some European coaches in here and completely revamp and overhaul the offense um I do want to see more Omas because he’s our best point of attack Defender which absolutely killed us this season so I would like to see more of a motion offense um obviously I’m a Kyrie fan club and he plays like dog [ __ ] I don’t know what demons he has but Jordan Jordan had the bad boy Pistons in in in the for a little bit Braun had San Antonio in in the Celtics for a little bit Boston’s your Boogeyman for Kyrie so until he overcomes that it doesn’t matter if we get back here again next year if we just run into the Celtics again and until he overcomes those demons like I don’t know what do you think he’s got you know K’s talked a lot I i’ I’ve appreciated how candid he’s been this offseason this finals this whole season about a lot of stuff Kyrie’s grown on me in ways that I couldn’t have ever predicted but I I also think that there was within the final stuff I almost think he crossed the Rubicon into too much honesty there was a lot of like these guys are in my head it was like he was trying to overcome it with honesty and that wasn’t the path for me um I appreciate how much everybody likes him do you see all the hugs you gave everybody at the end I mean I think Tatum is probably the only one that wanted to strangle him at some point from what I’ve read and heard over the years but everybody else seems to kind of it’s a different time in their lives it was years ago but Kyrie’s talked a lot about how he’s aging and you know as he’s aging he’s understanding what he can do mentally versus what he can’t do physically and is is starting to recognize that I I you know Kyrie’s range of outcomes is so interesting to me it’s like he could play another eight years at a high level or he could retire in two and I I just don’t know what to expect from him I hope he’s happy I I do think the M like the Celtics basically showed all right you know ball handling is good but the Mavericks needed a third one like every time PJ dribbled the ball tonight it was like a it’s like watching the eight-year-olds I coach can’t seriously I don’t know why the [ __ ] he keeps bringing that ball up I mean did I mean I guess you had Jordan P but who else really did Golden State had and they did just fine in 2022 granted this wasn’t the same Boston team but yeah I don’t really think they had another third ball handers so how did they see success and how did Indiana see success when we did it we were clearly more Talent the pace the pace was a big element I mean the PA like the pace really was and some of that lies lies at both Luca and and Kyrie’s feet I think to degree that they just have less ground to cover you know it’s it’s a different with with the Pacers you’re having a guard you know 60 feet of basketball it’s just a different world man thank you so much for hanging out I’m Gonna Fly Through People because I am fading like I’m just toast and they’re all like 14 people waiting to talk I appreciate yall season man I hope we talk soon okay yes sir see you man all right coming up next next then is my man rain rain man what’s going on oh it’s you know all things considering I’ll take the end of the season 99 times out of 100 with that one time being the time they do win a championship sure that’s I mean that’s where we’re at the to anyone who look it’s it’s all right to feel down and feel sad about not winning the championship they were if you want to say they were close they they may to the finals but if you think about it from this perspective this team is pretty young if you think about it construction they’ve only been together what couple of months there’s a bunch of genuinely young players on the roster with plenty of room to improve Imagine Next season if Lively hits 33% of his of Threes And maybe he takes two or three a game that would be that would be awesome if Derek Jones if we can keep him that is and there’s an interesting Ro change I’m hearing about where they could basically sign the Mavs could basically sign him now from what I understand or which player uh from what I understand teams can now negotiate with their own free agents before cap the Mavericks are like in a quiet level of Capell so that I I don’t think they can do anything with Lively right now no uh yeah but I’m just saying if they could keep him if he and or PJ could in improve their above to break three not D dramastically just not drastically sorry just even a little bit true just even a little bit if they just hit each hit one more or hit any threes a game basically in this SE in these finals that would have changed a lot um I also see we have some tradable contract we have some young players that have some Talent hey Josh Green just played really well in the last game of the NBA Finals that’s going to stick in some GM’s heads Tommy can shoot but he’s an expiring contract and so maybe Nico can find another diamond in the rough to actually take a chance on and maybe he makes that extra swing maybe somebody can find someone who can shoot and defend and fuse Timmy and someone else together basically there’s there’s a lot of ways to potentially go up from here if we think about it that way and maybe necessarily they don’t reach the NBA finals next season but the team itself is also in a better spot so I’m choosing to look forward and see that the future is bright like it I I think that’s I think it’s a fair take man i’ appreciated you joining and hanging out all right thanks cook we’ll um catch you later talk soon all right coming up first of my two regular callers we have we have a Glenn based power ranking I’m gonna have to establish because we have two Glenn’s that I very much enjoy Glenn what’s going on man what’s up Kirk I am just like I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through the rest of the work week slowly with a lot of caffeine probably I I my caffeine intake would worry my doctor so what you got going on what are you thinking so I’m I’m I’m going to stick with what rain’s saying and it’s not just because I’m a super Mavs fan I said this at the beginning of the playoffs for us to make it this far is I know Boston had a historical season but I can’t imagine or think of a team that’s been put together on the fly with bubble gum and duct tape um and to try to back out of the mistakes of Seth Curry and Grant Williams and make it all the way to the big old NBA finals and and I mean put our name on the map I I think next year and the year after and the year after I think all of our major role players are signed for at least a minimum of three years and most of them are 25 and younger never never has happened in my Mavs fan life I feel like like Dirk and Jason Terry maybe and then they just kept making trades and doing stuff but like guys that I would kind of consider core competency players like yeah there’s a lot lot of them it’s great and I know you know we’ve been the legend of omx is kind of grown but man I’ve been I’ve watched some of his g-league highlights and some of the things that I that I know that he can do he may step into this rotation next year as a 12 to 13 Point 12 to 13 minute guy doing you know I I believe he can get to the point of next year already doing probably what Darren Jones Jr is doing now I’m I’m Cur he’s a big person that’s one thing that like really doesn’t get long he’s long he’s only 67 but he’s got great big shoulders he turns 22 uh March 3 so it’s like like I normally am the kind of guy that I’m like simmer simmer down on the young player guy if you are really in to to omx lean in he he in essence will be our first round draft pick for this year because that’s what I like that take and I I know in the G they specifically wanted to work on having him bring the ball down the court almost Allah which is funny the dude said he didn’t want LeBron James the style that they’re actually trying to use him offensively is to actually bring the ball down the court and come downhill he’s been super effective in that his three-point shot is amazing I I don’t want to spend the time talking about omx I just want to say what we have going forward with our contracts that are under control with our um assets that are tradable you know want to get rid of J if you want to get rid of exm or Timmy Timmy Timmy uh but we have PE we have we have options we have so many options going forward and I think we have I think we have the right people at at the helm Nico for certain kid for anyone that says we should get rid of kid and I heard the the guy earlier it’s never gonna happen especially now and he’s have to do something right to get us here I mean he can’t fart and fall over himself to get to the final so I am officially going to get off kits back and i’ overreact over all of the next bonee decisions he will make in the offseason and uh over the next year and uh just believe we have a good nucleus and we’ll be we’ll be back in the thick of things in the next few years so I’m excited man I appreciate your comments appreciate you hanging out with us and joining regularly hopefully you’ll be hanging us hanging out with us a little bit in the off season I’ll be you there man all right talk soon man coming up next Jose the man of the myth of Legend what going on dude so I I want to talk a little bit about the game because I was extremely frustrated you know just watching the first quarter the first quarter I feel like we did like good enough until like the last two minutes oh so bad man they just hanging around hanging around hanging around and then turnovers and mistakes y and the momentum just it was just a complete Avalanche from there uh everything just got sucked out like uh granted our offense was still like in the mud but there was still some like sign of life you know it it felt like we had something to to build on and after that it was just nothing but like uh three like the Celtics uh commentator or I mean not commentator but the PA guy all you could hear him it was like [ __ ] that made me want to mute the TV but I was just like highly invested into the game at that point where I was just like I’m going ride this out I mean I did turn the game off by like the six minute Mark in the fourth because I was like I’m not sticking around to watch the celebration you want to know something like like you’ll laugh my wife my wife kept that [ __ ] on throughout the ter throughout the ceremony I’m here getting ready she keeps the whole thing on she’s watching it and I feel like like like one of those bum ass wide receivers after after they lose to Patrick Mahomes is are standing there on the sideline like I’m gonna [ __ ] do something about the MAV like I need to take this [ __ ] in and internalize the loss man uh call me a sore loser all you want but I I had turned that [ __ ] I immediately actually just turned it on to to your broadcast like I I was anticipating like your show to start cuz I was like like if anything this is the only thing I’m going to watch before I go to sleep tonight but uh you know just to talk about the team uh I got some Flack for like my comments about Luca on Twitter it’s like it never ceases to amaze me I I could like specifically put like hey you know this tweet is not about blaming LCA for the entirety of the series this tweet is just acknowledging like his flaws and that’s committing on defense uh you know keeping his conditioning up like uh you know you’re at the 106 107 game Mark of the Season by now like you know all the the wearing terror is bragging is dragging you down like of course the injuries don’t help but if Luca is saying after the game like hey you know the the injuries be damned I’m good enough to go like hey I’m going to take Luca’s word on it like yeah we probably don’t want Luca you know putting so much strain on and on himself to commit on defense but the thing is if he’s good enough to go he’s good enough to go I mean look at KP he was playing with um you know the the tore muscle on his ankle and he still come uh played what 16 minutes tonight like it it’s just little things like that like I’m I’m just like like I’m not going to blame everything on on Lucas’s injuries but I do want some level of consistency when it comes to Luca’s commitment to defense and then also like I can’t justify Kyrie’s play in this series at all like Kyrie was a big disappointment I mean in game three he he finally showed up and then game four I mean we didn’t play enough like where where it was like oh this is going to be like the Kyrie Breakout game Beyond game three it was just like we ran them off the court and we sent them to game five and like uh we we need a starting caliber uh small forward like maybe PJ switches into small forward and maybe we just get a upgraded power forward I don’t know how that happens but hey uh with Nico I think I I have a lot of optimism going on and building in in the offseason it’s just like we have Dwight on the bench we have marke on the bench we have thj we have um you know AJ who I don’t know how he fits but you know we we have something there but we we also just have some players that hey we we might just need to move on from and you know see what we can get see how we could continue to build like I I me personally I want to be cautious on like hey we’ll be back here next year like I do love the fact that we have a young core going into next season but the thing is like next season you’re never guaranteed to be here I mean look at Denver Denver was um facing Minnesota and Minnesota beat them in seven right uh the year before that the Celtics were primed to be back in the finals they lost to the Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals the Mavericks went to the finals in 2006 and 20 7 was one of the best teams in the league and got beat in the first round so you’re you’re never guaranteed to be here but I I am very optimistic in in just like how we could build and what the future looks like uh give me a healthy Luca give me a committed Luca give me a Luca that’s not whining uh give me a Kyrie that knows how to win in Boston and give me a starting caliber small forward power forward or wherever you want to um whatever position you think needs to be filled more and and let’s see if we could be back here next year or a year from now but that’s it I appreciate you man yeah I appreciate you for hosting the show talk soon have a good one yes sir all right we got my man Sam oh hey I clicked the wrong button Glenn what are you what you doing you’re eating you’re eating some mixed nuts in the middle of the night what’s going on dark chocolate papitas but first I want to say that even though we are number two in the Glenn Power Rankings we’re number one in the hearts and minds of your listeners so look he clicked in before you there is no official Glenn power ranking yet I’ll determine one during the offseason no no that guy should be ahead of me in the power rankings he knows a lot more about basketball than me so I’m totally cool with that so before I uh say what I want to say I want to say that I love this Mavericks team there my favorite Mavericks team I got to fix that favorite Mavericks team in the history of the Mavericks well since the chairman of the boards you know I adored the chairman of the board’s team in 1988 I appreciate all the effort that this team put in I loved this season it was so fun to watch and it was very fun to watch uh to do the after shows and and the contributions that you and Josh made I very much appreciate thanks buddy so I’m happy with the Mavericks getting this far um and then I got to say this is I need you to talk me off the ledge here because when you when I agree to change my avatar for a team that’s an implied agreement that they’re going to give 150% and they did not man the juice was awful tonight I I I just got to say that out loud man they came out did there was a great clip from the D one of the WFAA guys the local ABC affiliate that had like had them in pregame and like the practice and the energy just looked incredible and they came out just looking like what’s a what’s a politician it’s a the dead cat bounce like they just were like nothing they had nothing was awful on one play I thought they look like Joe Biden freezing up and I’m not a Democrat or Republican no no but I know what you’re talking about just a little bit of like the like what the [ __ ] like there’s a lot of that it was not great there was a yeah there was a rebound where I was like Luca you froze up like a deer in the headlights what are you doing yeah I saw Josh Green 150% out there the rest of the guys I it looked like they just didn’t treat it like a a final game of the finals they’re tired I guess I mean I don’t know what the excuse is for this well to me we’re so far into this show I don’t think anybody will really care to me what happened is they came out and they got out physical early and there were probably three plays in a row I thought Luca got fouled bringing the ball up the court or driving MH the rest didn’t call it yeah and Dallas did not adapt to the physicality and then so they’re making it they’re they’re hovering they’re hovering they’re hanging all of a sudden it’s like 156 then all of a sudden it’s it’s 288 that’s what killed them for me the the Celtics heave that first big hay maker in the first quarter and Dallas never bounced back that’s that’s what I saw but did you see what I saw was 5050 balls all going to Boston uh I mean Drew Drew holiday was just like he was everywhere man and and the long rebounds really do kind of feel like 50-50 balls but there were times where it’s just like I mean there was one play Maxi was up at the top of the screen box now Al Horford and the [ __ ] doesn’t even try to go for the ball because he’s just so busy like like shoving his forearms into to Al Horford’s chest and Luca’s like get the ball and because it was Maxi’s rebound it really was like it wasn’t and and just the Celtics just beat the Mavericks in the margins and one of the things I remember hearing about the 2022 Warriors Celtics finals was that the Warriors beat the Celtics in the margins and the Mavericks were not prepared for that this entire series and and that you know maybe elements of game three definitely game four um you you would have hoped they did something different and but they just didn’t yeah I thought they were going to come out tonight just diving for every loose ball and just yeah they didn’t just throwing just saying hey I don’t care if I never play again I want to get this rebound whatever it takes I just didn’t see it so yeah you know more about basketball than me I just actually I was hoping you would tell me I was wrong but gu no because you watch it and you’re just like yeah you know the again it’s not a comparable thing but like I’ve been been in the last several weeks like like talking to eight-year-old seven-year-old little boys that I coach and it’s like only thing you tell them is like the only thing with in your control is your ability to play hard shots aren’t always going to fall you everything right shot isn’t gonna fall you might be able to play great defense and somebody’s gonna score over you but if you play hard you have to trust the process that everything else will work out in the end and one of the things that was very true to me tonight was the Mavericks as a team did not play hard enough they did not so yeah that’s the way I feel all right well thank you again for everything you’ve done this season and hey you get out here let’s go see some uh some Summer League games that’s right see something optimistic I excited about I thought jelly Walker was the best thing about our summer league team so much like summer league is such a wild time it’s like it’s like the worst music festival imaginable with NBA players yes can’t recommend it enough Glenn thanks so much man we’ll talk soon yeah thank Kirk all right now we’re going to Sam since I can press buttons correctly Sam what’s going on man what’s up Kirk how you doing man good your your your handsome face matches your bar tone voice I appreciate it I figured you know last game of the year Mao pop my face on camera real quick so what you thinking so first after that buzzer here I don’t know why I watched the end I was kind of like that of my frustration I’m like man this sucks but after a couple minutes I tell you you know what the Mavericks need this like Luca Luca especially needs this because obviously you know we had dk6 happened it wasn’t 2006 was worse in my opinion because we were up to we blew that but just the fact the way that we came out the way that he came out and I wouldn’t say he was necessarily bad this series I mean he had good accounting numbers but just everything else was just not great just with Luke and of course I’m not gonna blame Luke because think I’m gonna blame Luke I’m not blaming him here but just everything else that goes around it he had to have his like you said his Celtics moment when Celtics got to the finals and they were up 2-1 and then they let it go in game four and then they got beat now now he has his moment and now he’s either he’s gonna learn from it he’s gonna come back and just have be a man on a mission or you know he’s content and he’s gonna be happy and he’s gonna go play for svenia in the Olympics and then you know put more turn his body I don’t know what he’s so I don’t want to talk about the game no more that’s we got beat Boston was better it wasun to for a couple hours you know Ms and 7 I was I was part of it too I gota wait a week to switch my profile picture back no [ __ ] man like I I was bullied into it by all I don’t care it’s fine but it is like someone’s gonna need to remind me because I’ll forget yeah I haven’t taken my picture in like years at this point so I was like whatever but um I pretty much agree with what everybody else has been saying about like just the team Outlook as a whole I like PJ you know it’s gonna be nice to have him full full offseason see what he can do and develop obviously I think D’s going to be the starter next year you know baring something you got gaffa coming off the bench so our sent rotation fine um LC and Kyrie you know Luca Kyrie’s obviously you know not on the right side of 30 but he’s still gonna be solid you know you figure LCA just being 25 he’s gonna get better and um I’m really interested to see what niico does in the offseason because I feel like we got that mix and I feel like just watching Boston the way they played um because I mean this whole postseason they didn’t really go deep in their bench they were like five six deep or six seven deep and that was it and that really helped them because they had top top in talent but you look at somebody like a team like Denver this year when they didn’t have a Bruce Brown and they didn’t have a Jeff Green coming off their bench and that really hurt him especially against Minnesota because I think they were better than Minnesota but Minnesota was built to beat Denver but I mean it’s it’s a series like like so much about the playoffs that gets overlooked is like it’s it’s a series of matchups I mean I’ve long held this is like this is get me murdered I think if the Mavericks in 2011 had to play the Memphis Grizzlies of 2011 they would have lost that’s for for us that year the the this like the Grizzlies beat the [ __ ] out of the Mavericks now I I I could be wrong there but it’s just that’s just one of those things proud vet saying kozmo was right friend of the program proud vet comes in here a lot I implore you to shut the [ __ ] up okay yeah I mean if kman was right I mean he said that they’re not on a championship timeline and we got to the championship meanwhile he can have fun having 15 wins in Washington but that’s the getting getting to getting to draft a French guard in as with the first overall pick who has I I kid you not like the worst athletic rating since Adam Morrison yeah whatever now I will say this it would have been score like K on the team I will say that but you know again whatever I have faith in Nico I do think they do need a third score they need who dribble like like give me a third dribbler exactly I mean Dante xum I mean I don’t mind keeping him coming off the bench next year um I don’t know what they do about Tim but he’s expiring contract and whatever you know he comes or he goes I’m not cool whatever I just like I I feel like we’ve been they finally doing what we’ve been wanting them to do for four years they’re young they got they got get players that’s what Miami’s done you just get players and make it work and some of the players they develop really well some some of them may not hell you know next year maybe AJ Lawson has a big Ro who knows you know you never know say he’s gonna become like a 20o per game score but you never know uh omx we’ll see what he does in summer league because everything works out right I will be in Vegas next month for some league so hey you’re okay you need to send me a DM I would do that all right birthday birthday week I will plan to be there so I might check out a couple of Summer League Gams but man it’s it’s great $50 or whatever the ticket is whatever the face value ticket it’s like you can leave and come back you can do whatever you want I I I make a Summer League pitch to every basketball fan every year it’s so much fun I mean I wish I would have went last year when Victor was there but you know whatever you know yeah Sam I have I have faith in this team and like to said this sky’s the limit like everybody saiding you’re not guaranteed to be back so I’m gonna enjoy it I’m gonna be mad for a night and then be like oh well it is what it is Boston was better so yeah we’ll just see what happens and hopefully you know we can develop and come back next year talk soon buddy have a good one man all right brandom’s coming up next and we got Sean and Brian we’re g to close it out what’s going on oh shoot I clicked Sean first Sean you there I’m so bad at this brandom this is why I shouldn’t run my own show Sean what’s up hey how’s it going Kirk welcome welcome what you thinking oh I would love to know your thoughts on luuka because uh I I talked to you last week my first time calling last week after taking my son at the game and game three and I’m just trying to figure out what to make of this because I think Luca in the first half it was close we were right there we’re just kind of rocking with them eight n 10 points and he’s just jacking through he’s left and right he’s he was at one point for his last 15 going back to the previous game he’s still jacking threes and I I’m telling my son we’re we’re in an Irish bar in Chicago around summer vacation we’re in Irish bar and everyone’s really nice to us and uh you know they’re just you know good sports but I’m telling my son like this guy’s mentally weak like Luca again we would not be here without Luca and Kyrie is mentally weak in terms of the Boston curse thing he’s got but Luca is the key to this whole thing and I’m just watching him play the first half it’s like I said last week to you Kirk the guy he goes out has a horrible game like game three just shits the bed acts like a petulent child then comes back on Friday plays balls out doesn’t complain doesn’t do anything he just plays the game mature composure everything and then the next game he’s back to his old self and I would he he didn’t do any complain complain the r that much but man he like what worked what worked Friday Kirk he going to he was going to the hoop they cannot stop him going to the ho they did a much better job jacking up threes they did a much better job sitting a second guy at him though that’s Luka and there they had KP on him and he was still trying to like try to go for a quote unquote kill shot on KP there there was a three he took at the top at from the top of the screens basically like the the left wing that I didn’t like that one but I I felt the Celtics did a pretty good job of Walling off him taking like a 4f foot floer and instead forcing him into a bit of like a turnaround like shot and he just he wasn’t he wasn’t he didn’t make enough and then it sort of devolved because nobody else was making anything either except for Josh Green Josh Green yeah that’s so I’ve got two so those have been two points one was the game was lost at the end of the first quarter when Luca literally was just playing dumbass basketball doing either three points or right inside three-point line jumpers and then turning the ball over to go on that 90 to help Boston go on that 90 run to end the first and then PJ Washington I mean we’ve talked about it every every mad fan that’s actually watching the games they know this guy cannot dribble worth [ __ ] and why why kids stuck with him so long while Josh Green is literally lighting their asses up and providing energy and Spark playing good defense yeah he’s he’s shorter than Tatum Tatum will score of them every time but at least Josh is giving you something on the other end while PJ is giving you nothing I I I I just I’m not an anti-ca fan I’m not but like at the end of the day you you want to be the hero you want to be the you want to be the all NBA player you want to be have all the accolades you got to be a true leader and today I just saw more of the immature Luka just jacking up dumbass [ __ ] and taking the easy way out versus trying to go to the paint and do what works so well Friday and get this team another win because I guarantee you this comes back to Dallas everyone knew that’s why all mass Twitter was trending number one in the country if we get back to Dallas for a game six mads in seven for sure everyone knew it and Luka knew the assignment and he he [ __ ] did what luuka [ __ ] does he’s just I really [ __ ] games I don’t think [ __ ] the bed I think he wasn’t good and to me a Luca true [ __ ] the G the bed game is a completely different kind of meltdown you know like it was really frustrating watching Jason Tatum finally make his drives after like what was it three straight games of just like throwing up [ __ ] and so it’s like there there’s all these little margin thoughts and like if you’re very frustrated with Luca I do understand it because he was not good enough and and that’s that’s sort of that’s sort of where I will leave it so I I just don’t I I honestly just you you would think after 2022 that last is not making the plan he would he would learn his last lesson and I told you last week after game three and all the money I spent how frustrated M MAV vanland was it’s like I told you I want this team to get swept and Friday night was awesome I I’m happy for the team but I just think this this guy this kid he needs to eat humble ass pie because he just thinks he can do he can just [ __ ] all over the place have horrible game be a pet a little child act like he’s above the game he’s not above the game he’s got to play the game no matter who you are Jordan or anyone below that you this game is simple and he doesn’t not seem to understand that he just seems to think I will turn it on when I want to and the game’s not like that no one can just turn it on and just win a game by themselves it’s never happened a game after game in the finals he just can’t I love this guy but man he’s he just can’t keep acting like this well I think there are elements of like do getting you know maybe less this game and more this series where it’s do the need to get down 03 do does Luca need to foul out that’s the stuff would be down 03 if not for yeah so I I that sort of stuff that stuff sort of lands with me a little more than the other stuff but I you know we’ll see what he does um it’s tough because he’s buying large answered the Bell you know what I mean I mean I I do and I don’t because honestly we got we got to hold the guy accountable game three should have been a win everyone knows it then today like where was the same fire the same but I’m telling you the Celtics I’m telling you like quite literally just from watching the game the Celtics guarded him a hell of a lot better like he was seeing a second guy earlier in the first half sure but you know Luca 3es are kind of part of the game if two of them go down do you feel differently yeah you know like the one that killed me was the air ball from like 35 ft the one that killed me was in the mid mid mid till late third quarter we cut it down to 17 we were getting some stops we cut it down from 26 million down to 17 and then we get a great turnover of Steel I think and then he just jacks up a stupid three and I’m in this Celtic at this Irish pub and er want just oh there’s nothing worse than being in public when your favorite player or like your team’s best player is dying on the vine I hate that oh yeah and I yell not another effing three Luca and everyone just started laughing and everyone’s like your son is right there I’m like don’t judge me as a parent right now I’m not that I feel I do just like Jesus I you likea stopped shooting through a little bit then he jacked that one up and that was the game I mean to me that was the game we we had we had stopped I think three times during the third quarter we cut it down in 17 and we lived off going to the cup and all of a sudden he just decides again going to take another stupid ass weak ass step back three he was over I think I texted my buddies I it was dating back to game the last game he went 0 for eight and I think he was over for six in that game at that point I mean k that’s over for 14 at some point you know what works you’re you’re like eight for 12 inside the three-point line just take it take a jump shot inside the three-point line and Tak another stupid three it frustrates me and why a kid is keeping PJ in the game and running place for PJ the guy I mean everyone knows it like since we came to this team we can watch this guy he can’t dribble [ __ ] he’s a six foot eight he’s gonna he’s gonna go to he’s gonna to God God sham God camp this summer oh yeah I mean I that’s what I told my son like I was I was cursing PJ left and right I just said look watch this guy with a full season with a winning team he’s going to be really good so I I have a lot of promise for him but I’m like this this is not the game to run the offense through P here and there like he he can’t do it and after three four straight turnovers K was like okay let me just put in Josh green and what does Josh Green do as soon he gets another chance it’ss another three it’sit another three all sudden he’s far for five like my God kid like what are you doing what’s Luca what’s kid doing like seriously this game’s not that hard it’s not that hard Sean I’m sorry you had to go to game that that you know what but these are real bonding experience expences with your kid your good dad Thanks so much for hanging out with us you got anything else H next year that’s what I told my son next year Le it’s not the Cowboys the Mavs have a better shot than win that’s true man than the Cowboys do all right we’ll talk soon be good all right buddy take care all right coming up next brandom and then I’m gonna skip ahead of Jason Gallagher who’s staying up very late for us Sean or uh Brandon what’s up man Kirk that’s the new model next year I need a shirt hey what basketball season starts in four months yeah every every Year’s next year with the mass but Kirk I mean if you go back to the 2011 season and fast forward all the way to you know when they picked up Luca the Mavs roster was a wreck think about it it was there a bunch of old guys rotating starting guards and they couldn’t really get Talent everybody they were signing were either there off of the trade and they were sitting out the rest of their contracts free agents or you know kind of like Maxi or draft picks you know Doran and and Smith Jr fast forward to the Luca regime and you know things are starting to jail and not not only that but you fast forward to the to the Nico regime where there’s actually you know purpose there’s people being positioned as opposed to people just being put their based off Talent so I mean no longer are the Mavs trying to hit the Home Run think about this after the Mavs W in 2011 they had a bunch of big names but they were all old and to me I feel like that’s what Cuban wanted he wanted a bunch of names that stood out and a bunch of people that could you know probably drop in a crowd well they they had made so many future leveraging plays you know they brought in sha Marin as part of this crazy ass four team in 2008 they brought in Jason kid using like Keith Van Horn’s retired dead body um they they like circum you know like the Pia sto yakovich joined the Mavericks and I think they closed a loophole that off like after that off season after Paia uh like there was a lot of things that came together to work for that team but then then of course Cuban didn’t run it back but this is a young team I think if you are bullish on them I think there’s reasons to be bullish I think if you think that this team needs to continue to be built upon I think the Mavericks would agree with you and they do need to be built upon and I feel like they should run it back because they need to they need to Identity I don’t think they really know what to do with PJ they ran the three and D offense so long think about Wes yeah Smith and uh bulock they they’ve ran that same play with those people over and over again it’s repetitive you know what to get they’re going to stick him in the corner and have him shoot threes they need to know what else he can do they need need to know what Xmen could do they need to know what you know what these role players can do sure and I would say that the the thing that they really need to focus on is finding a third ball handler and also you know kind of kind of finding a third that backup big if they’re going to stick Lively right there because they continue to play Gafford and Lively as a center being that they getting foul trouble a lot they you know I wouldn’t I would I would recommend you know maybe having a stretch for somebody like that but they have talent but they don’t really have identity they went off they went out there this season to me they won based on chemistry and will you know well I think I think they they they mold an identity based off a defense and then I think the Celtics essentially said [ __ ] your defense we’re going to bomb from three and the Celtics were a lot more talented and a lot more physical to me than Dallas and that kind of left opportuni about this when the Bulls went got Robin they they filled that Gap and I feel like Dallas needs to find some way to definitely fill that that third ball handler Gap because that’s a lot of that’s a lot that they’re asking out of out of Kyrie and Luca you know to to put in so much energy you know just pushing the ball in having to find a way to score then also you know not really having a a I don’t know that that third score is going to be really important because to me and I could be wrong I feel like their option was PJ as the third scorer and I wouldn’t feel confident going into a full season him being my third option yep I’d agree with that thanks so much for hanging out man what else you got for us anything that’s it Kirk man I hope you enjoy yourself at Summer League well I mean we’ll talk soon Josh and I probably be coming back as soon as a little later in the week doing some series like like season reviews and you know I’ll figure out how many times I can do these live shows last summer I did a whole bunch during the summer like on Fridays but I got a boss this year I’m pretty sure follows me on YouTube so I don’t know if I can do that yeah good all right man we’ll talk soon thanks K all right coming up next I’m gonna let him jump the line I hope Krishna and Brian forgive me but Jason Jason Galer Mavs fan content creator producer of some of your favorite podcasts U Jason what’s going on man what’s up buddy I know you never see me when you come to town I know doing this now you sound like my mom honestly she said what’s up man how you doing dude first off um man I hope people give you your flowers for doing this it’s been it’s it’s so much fun as a this is it’s a lot better than like being on the Twitter like I’m looking at it everybody’s just [ __ ] screaming at each other and just like you’re not if you don’t like screaming you’re not gonna like what I have to say first what I have to say first is this look fans can absorb things however they want that’s right man if your takeaway that from this whole season is that you’re just like frustrated with Luca I I don’t know man I don’t know you gotta like stop watching First Take You gotta turn it off because the Mavericks uh were not down 03 because of Luca Don okay they’re in the NBA Finals because of Luca donic in large part and other teammates as well Jason kid included Nico Harrison it takes a lot of people but LCA donic is the main reason why they’re there luk donic didn’t play that dissimilar to how he’s been playing in games one one and two he had a bad game three great game four looked completely gassed in game five I don’t know what to say can I ask you a question yeah do you think do you think game three is a turning point H to for him to change yeah because Windor windhorse went on the the the the hoop Collective podcast and you know windhorse was the one who lit him on fire and a lot of M long talk Brian and I had a long talk so but Windor said that that him and other people were like this everything we’ve been told is that he’s been like this since he was like 13 years old yeah I don’t so it’s like he’s 25 like I don’t I don’t know I don’t know but I I genuinely think that um getting to know sort of like the players perspectives and all this is like how do you tell a player to stop being what has made them who they are competitive and whatnot now obviously I’m with you that certain things can get better there’s literally no doubt about it I’m completely with you so like like the reason I bring this up game three quarter one Josh bz there in the arena I made Josh go to a Finals game he said he’s never seen anything like when Luca fell to the ground after a non call that wasn’t a foul where he sat there and argued with the referee and gave up a Howard three and the crowd is imploring him to shut the [ __ ] up his teammates are imploring him to shut the [ __ ] up and he just won’t do it and so like that sort of stuff like there’s just right but but what I would say to you is and Josh is this well there’s two things one this a similar thing happened in I want to say game four of the Oklahoma City series he played one of his worst games and two and there was a bit of an intervention and he came out in game five and dominated all I would say is this I I just kind of can’t believe that in a playoff run like this that that is what people are talking about because G bad games will happen to literally every single player and this is Luca’s version of a bad game when he lets his emotions get over take over himself if You’ seen inside out too it’s literally the plot um but what I’m saying is like I just I just they they were down 02 he was the only player who showed up on either end in games one and too the idea that no Kirk who I I get it no who so when a guy has no help on offense and defense in games one and two yeah you don’t think that like permeates in other ways like I look I’m not I want him to improve I just can’t believe you people are looking at this season as a whole oh no not the whole if you’re you’re micro analyzing X Y and Z and I’m like dude you know what Luca needs to do be Luca come back be Luca hopefully mature hopefully work on the defense this summer I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the Drew holiday workout videos where he oh my God it’s like watching a shark eat fish yeah let’s let let’s let um let’s let um you know Luca work on that but I I just the the amount of joyous moments we’ve had as Mavs fans and to point to game three or to point to this or that I’m just sort of like I don’t know man I think the Mavs were down 03 because Kyrie Irving can’t play in Boston I think the M down 03 because the role players don’t like to play in Boston I think the Mavs are down 03 because Boston was clearly better oh yeah yeah probably overwhelmed a guy and you know it’s just it’s just like I when you’re down 03 it offers a lot of time and perspective to to brace yourself for a loss and I kind of was like watching and I wasn’t like that terribly upset it was just sort of like hell of a season there’s no [ __ ] way there’s no way anyone looks at that roster uh whether you’re an expert anyone and saying that team is going far and the fact that they did it and they built this team in less than 14 months that is literally unheard of it’s literally unheard of yes I mean I I will say what the post roster like the post trade line roster building told me is that every single one of my and Josh Bose’s criticisms from 2020 to 2023 was unbelievable valid and everybody that yelled and screamed at me is wrong and yeah I mean because but it is valid all I’m saying is that the the unheard of this is yeah the fact that it was stitched together so quickly I mean this team hasn’t had a training camp no that’s that’s unbelievable no there’s a lot of stuff to be optimistic about the fact that we we now know that okay Jaden Hardy really got thrown into the [ __ ] fire in the play and like you know we we know who we got now and it is I I’m EXA I’m excited I’m very much looking forward to the Josh Green Jaden Hardy Wars of the off season that’s gonna be a good where where people are like that Jaden Hardy and I’m like yeah all right well um you know I I I just I am I’m extremely happy about this season um in the way that it oh me too wasn’t wasn’t thrilling but Boston was was that team they were who we thought they were and they played like it and it made you know any loss like that really shows your holes and it’s like shows your holes what do you think what do you think of that one yeah it’s pretty good line right I do sorry just I occasionally see a comment in the chat where it’s like somebody just going off off The Rocker and it’s like just having such a firm take etc etc tired you seem worn out oh my God man are you kidding me like my my the baby needs ear tubes he has been he has had six he has had six ear infections in seven months so I just like I keep going through it and it’s like my wife and I are like and real quick you know I called I called Jason offline about an opportunity I got a couple weeks ago and I’m just like why do I keep doing this it’s like you reach that point at this at this point in the season like every couple of weeks but we got so much you know thank God W Adrien W Janowski and his his uh because there’s a lot of stuff you can talk about like with free agency like starting today and I’m really kind of glad that actually hasn’t taken over I was very worried about that the off seon starts soon the Mavericks on yeah the Mavericks have the 58th pick in the draft they also once they get out from underneath this christs porzingis obligation I think they free up some things so you know there’s there’s people in the chat of like watch comments like ah the time is now it’s like okay yeah the time is now but like I’m also a remember ing like what was it four months ago no four not four months ago like 12 months ago it’s like oh my God the Mavericks drafted a rookie Center are they stupid yeah and like that rookie Center has turned out to be like he’s the second best player in this draft like literally I mean literally it’s it’s it’s uh it’s weird how the NBA like right it’s sort of like modernized in a way that like runs can really happen like you could be down 20 and it’s like not safe that’s how it feels with this roster building stuff now it’s like you could just Zip Zip Zip and now you got a contender on your hands and it’s pretty it’s pretty remarkable uh I do hope that I do hope that that that all of the team works on the things they need to work on because they also need to hire a free throw shooting coach for my own edification one that was probably the worst part of the night that that that [ __ ] hurts all right I want to show you something I’m a good I’m a good free throw shooter by the way can can you this can you see this yeah so that my wife got me a Christmas ornament and and are you number 35 back in the day way back in the day and then and then she’s got uh 41 is is is my baby Grant and then she’s got uh 77 is Parker so oh that’s that’s a that’s that was a great Father’s Day gift it’s a it’s a Christmas ornament anyways yeah um you know what so the the last thing I want to say is that this was really the year because I’ve been working in media for a very long time and uh I’m gonna be super super honest and vulnerable here Kirk stop reading the comments um I’m just kidding but in all seriousness this was this was this was the first year where I kind of let go of just being like a media member you know when you’re trying to make it and you’re like I’ve got to be objective I’ve got to do this back when I was a writer obviously I had to present myself that way and then as you’re constantly trying to prove yourself it’s like it’s like I’ve got to appear this way online or whatever this was like the first year where I just really really let go I know I wrote huca but like really let go and I don’t care this is what I am and if people who work with me don’t like it it is what it is um and between doing these like live streams you doing this some of the Mavs fans I’ve met online and you know post game and all that other stuff bars where you don’t invite me granted some of the people there might want to fight me that’s part of point being Kirk is that uh it’s been really fun it has been really fun being a Mavs fan this year and uh this team and this community has been really fun and I hope you guys all stay positive because because we were better than uh every other NBA team this year except for one and don’t let any Denver fans tell you otherwise because if they were better they would be there if the end of story bye that’s right man that’s exactly right thanks so much for hanging out man we’ll talk soon all right cheers thanks for what you cheers so there’s a quick I’m going to bring on Christian and then Brian there’s a good question in the chat that I want to address um Brian feather says did you really [ __ ] on the Lively pick I don’t know if I it’s worth going back and listening to that those series of PODS but I do remember being like what we drafted a center [ __ ] because Rie big men are not good historic like they’re just not good like that’s a history thing it’s hard it’s hard to be good anyway all right Krishna what’s going on Kirk how are you little little little uh I’m gonna suffer rest of the week what’s going on I’m doing good um it’s so crazy like I don’t know it’s it’s weird because obviously 22 was probably the last time a season didn’t even come close to going this long and it didn’t even close to this right it would have been over three weeks ago right where Minnesota’s ended yeah like that felt like nothing against Minnesota you know I do some sure but it does feel like it was a long time ago yeah and and and then we felt so good in some ways and obviously that that’s its own cup of whatever it’s its own mess and I think you know everyone I I forget like people always say it right like at the end of every season of every sport um you know there’s always 31 teams that hate themselves because they don’t win uh you know maybe some more than others because of you know how early it ends or how late it ends and so you know that’s just always how it’s going to be and it sucks and I don’t think it’s wrong for fans to feel one way or another I think you know for me personally like I just I can’t bring myself to like be that mad at this anymore because when you go through Seasons that are complete slogs like actually genuinely horrible and you know I try to follow as many teams as I can I follow so many different sports and you follow some situations that are genuinely just terrible like not just losing but like like if you follow European soccer like there are teams that just lose their team like they just don’t exist anymore and like that’s kind of unimaginable in some ways in American Sports but I recently that happened like um in the n the Phoenix Coyotes they just disappeared they got relocated right and you know it was a disaster of an organization and that was less of an indictment on the fans and and more of you know ownership and and and you know that just happens out of nowhere and and I’m not saying this to say oh everyone needs to be thankful no not at all I think that would be presumptuous of me to like even think like that but it’s just that this is frustrating and I’m as frustrated as anyone because you know you get this far you you want to win I don’t think any fan gets here and says like oh you know I’m I’m happy to be here like that’s BS man no one feels like that uh it’s just it’s like a mixture of all kinds of feelings you know kind of like yeah Seattle exactly how could I forget the sonics right but I guess I just use Phoenix because that was the first thing that came to mind for me but or OKC beforehand right well I guess OKC Seattle what am I saying but all that to say you know for as frustrated as I am with players who you know were good in some series and good not I felt like every single player had something that they did this season it’s easy to forget that and you know I I get it you know there’s a lot of talk of like trade this guy you know trade that guy and I get it that’s just normal you know it’s the offseason you move on but I think in some ways this season just made me like really reflective of how crazy this has been in in in a way uh what do I want them to do oh this they were talking to each other in the chat I’m so sorry I got so lost like you I read something in the chat and see I can’t look at it I I generally don’t but it just I thought someone said my name and I was dumb but um no like I think it was frustrating right you don’t ever want to lose a game like this I’m sure Timberwolves fans and like Phoenix fans from 22 I’m sure they felt like this if not worse in some ways but I don’t know like I don’t necessarily know what how and where this team goes but I think there are so many exciting things that are like crazy to even just think about like you know you mentioned the draft I think about even on draft night like how many people even think about cam Whitmore like cam Whitmore was dropping and so many people I remember on Twitter that night were like oh my God the Mavericks are not going to pick cam Whitmore it’s going to be a a disaster of a draft and you know I was pretty high on Dereck Lively and part of that was just I had some kind of irrational confidence that I thought I don’t know there’s like something there’s no there was nothing supporting that realistically I just like it was something stupid in my brain like I don’t know I feel good and it’s I’m not even a glow it’s just like I I don’t know I’m just happy for this guy and it sucks it sucks for everyone it’s just kind of that feeling and I don’t I forget who was talking about it but it also sucks because like you know in some ways having this run was good because I’m sure for someone like him to like go through what he’s gone through this season I’m sure it kind of kept his mind off it I hope you know he sure he’s got that kind of support that it’s not like a not not not feeling like it weighs too much on him and hopefully you know the team sports him but also all the fans right like I think it’s it’s just weird it’s just weird it’s just frustrating but I do have excitement you know I I don’t necessarily have expectations in terms of like we need to be right back here we need to be winning the finals because it hasn’t happened like the what is it now six teams six years in a row since what 2018 oh yeah that’s right not even forget teams winning the finals twice in a row no team has made the finals two years in a row since 2018 so not saying it can’t happen of course I’m just saying it’s going to be really difficult but you know My Hope and you know and you you and Jason were talking about it I’m kind of in between you guys both right I do think in some ways Luca is this successful and because he has such a my way or the highway attitude and just kind of frustrating but I also agree with you that like yeah he does need to like learn right but I think I’ve got maybe also an irrational confidence that he’s such a psycho and such a maniac that like he took losing 20 in 22 pretty hardly and he took yeah pretty badly he took losing last year pretty awfully and I don’t think you know we always like there’s always this the dumb narratives and the med like I’ll be honest National media narratives I could give to craps about in all honesty because they don’t matter because they don’t care enough they’re never going to cover enough like you Nick angstead you know all the the Brad towns and all the you know local coverage you know even like slightly all these people who you know you guys watch the games every single day and you cover the team so closely is obviously going to be a level of detail attention that National media is just never going to get because you know it’s like it’s like the student who the entire semester studies versus the guy who like spends one week covering covering the covering the te like covering the material right before the exam sure there’s a huge difference in it maybe you kind of understand what it is but you don’t and so you all I all I really want to say ultimately is there’s still excitement you know I’m excited I am excited too I’m also like my eyes just hurt you’re not doing anything wrong like I feel like ass don’t worry I I feel like ass too I I hate losing anyway like you follow I follow so many sports I just get used to it all the time like I’ve got another team that’s probably gonna go to a final and probably get wallet because that’s their history and uh you know the Rangers are kind of bum ass is now um it just happens and then I think it’s weird I don’t have anything analytical to say because this is just not like for me at least that kind of moment and I think it’s okay for everyone to feel how they feel and hopefully we all just get excited again the for the draft and whatever that holds in the summer league and then [ __ ] I don’t want draft are you [ __ ] kidding me if I have to care about the 58th pick in the the draft and I’ve lost I’ve lost the thread Christian I got somehow I have four more people to get through you’re the best man wor take care Kirk talk soon all right coming up next boots on the ground correspondent Brian Roby what’s going on man hey hey how are you I am sucking right now I am I am dying out on I’m withering on the vine what’s going on yeah yeah I feel like I’m super tired too but I don’t know man I’m just like all the people I feel like Jason said it best all the people who are dooming about like a single game performance in any of this honestly I don’t think there’s any one thing like a super negative to really take out of this this final Series going forward other than Kyrie not being able to get his game off at all in Boston was super troubling but like aside from that we’ve had a hell of a playoff run I I’ve been on record saying once we beat the Clippers we won a playoff series everything after that was gravy and we beat 350 plus win teams we beat two of the top three uh seeds in the west the only reason we didn’t beat third one is because Denver lost to the nug uh Denver lost to the uh Timberwolves so they couldn’t get the playoffs um now we did everything we needed to do to establish ourselves as one of the best not the best team like in the west like going in the next year uh we’ve established ourselves as one of the best teams in the league LC has established himself as like firmly contempt in for best in the world and like up there in that top tier like when he’s really on uh he learned some hard lessons that he need to in his final series with seeing just how consistently even when Tatum who again clearly not as good a player as him uh even when he wasn’t able to get his shots to fall even when he wasn’t able to really get his game off and like his shot selection was failing him at times he still found other ways to really be impactful like whether it be full defense whether it be to making simple read passing through offense um he found other ways to really just like affect winning and impact winning and I’m I’m really tough on like the team as a whole for the first two games because Luca was out there with no help but game two was wable game three was wable I honestly I feel like I don’t feel as bad as a lot of other match fans just because after if once they couldn’t win that game too where Boston was shooting that poorly I just kind of like dissociated I was like yeah this this we’re going to lose this so it’s just a matter of how many games right yeah so I I wasn’t hit too hard by like the loss tonight I also I did the bit I was watching Game of Thrones the entire game because I was like all right let me it worked game four so why not try it again so I’ll rewatch The Game back later but the effort the effort will Vex you a lot a lot of folks walk away when you’re looking at elements of the effort things came apart at the wrong times um there were lapses in this game I mean there was one Drew holiday 3 where Maxi kba is like doubling down on KP with Luca behind him and you’ll see it and you’re like Maxi what the [ __ ] are you doing and it was like and again not the pile on Maxi but it’s just it’s like when Maxi is bad he’s awful and then it’s just like you can’t help but wonder where would the Mavericks be without the Josh Green threes and and so it’s just there the Celtics were better the Mavericks made way too many mistakes and here we are yeah and it’s why I am still so excited about like the team going forward I I am a person who like gets pretty excited for the draft and I’ve completely forgotten that we had the 58th pick I don’t think we’re going to do necessarily anything with that we might use that and Tim’s contract something like that to move up uh but I am excited for Nico to try and trade up and get into like the 40s the 30s grab a player in the second round that could help like the back end our rotation or be like a developmental piece because there are some guys they’re going to be like some wings that can score some wings that can shoot uh that’ll really be able to help out the back end of our rotation where we really need help with scoring punch off I think they’ll get rid of it and they’ll try to sign you know they’ll try to sign more back in guys that that just off of like like Redemption Arc kind of guys yeah they’re gonna have to they’re definitely gonna have to hit free agency too to shore up the rotation but I do think that Nico being as good as he is at the draft and us actually having a pick no matter how low it is I I do think they’re going to end up drafting someone on draft day it’s a matter of when and who but I’m gonna trust them to look into that and I’m excited to start just like going through more draft profile stuff like I’ve already been doing it for a week now but start going through more you know just I I mean it wasn’t even like a you know the Mavs are out so let me just focus on this I just genuinely like to do it sure but no it is fun draft season is fun yeah it’s so much that I yeah it it was fun just to have some good old some pure hopium right yeah so yeah so I was huffing that for like a week or so that’s going to be fun I’m looking forward to digging into all that then fre agency starts midnight now so they’re already if they haven’t already hammered out that deal with Derrick Jones Jr I mean I think they got I think they have to move on from Tim before they can do I like like legally under the cap I don’t think they can do anything so oh yeah I’m pretty sure they’ve already talked to DK about a deal though yeah I think there was something on ESPN today that was like some like the the market for derck Jones Jr was two years 22 million a season like there was some wild [ __ ] on ESPN today so I don’t know what’s going to happen there but I don’t want to talk about that right now I’m too tired yeah yeah I we’ll say that for another time Tim gone though Maxi might be gone too it there may be a Jeremy Grant Maxi and Tim Maxi and Tim can go work on the low post yeah hey Maxi thank you for your service brother you were awesome in this playoff uh run before you got hurt uh we love you hope you appreciate the money you’re gone tell what grant grant Williams is in the Celtics locker room celebrating well yeah he was gon do that with whichever team you you come on you knew he was gonna do that with what whichever team won tonight though when when he showed up to the game you knew okay he’s going in whatever locker room wins which I mean that it’s kind of fair both teams traded them and then went to the finals they traded them they they should make they come on all right I can’t do this Brian we’ll talk soon man all right man peace all right coming up next is John John welcome to the show man thanks for waiting hey Kirk welcome welcome what’s going on so uh saw the game this morning because uh this is Hong Kong time and uh you know the game reminds me of one of Carlos’s favorite phrases disposition the m just didn’t come come out with um with the best of this positions because they were just out hustled especially on the offensive rebounds but you know overall this season has uh delivered a lot of good memories I mean if you look at the past decade or so the mass made the finals three times in what 18 years yes and not a lot of Western Conference teams can can say that I mean yeah San Antonio Golden State and then the Lakers so I mean they won five series over the past three years and that’s just uh great for the fan base yep I’m I mean obviously I’m a big fan of it right I mean today was uh was there was just a Nar ability about about this game because you know the Celtics are going to come out and try and try and close close the maps out which they did but yes in in the bigger picture the maps are are doing well I’m very pleased with where the team is otherwise I wouldn’t be here talking about them in the middle of the night sure sure I can imagine it’s uh what one o’clock over there yeah almost one I’m just I’m real TI it’s these this is all caught up with me in a hurry I I I apparently also need to train better in the off season in order to to be able to withstand a 100 season 100 Game season right you know K I’ve been following this uh this show viewers since I believe the KP trade about two and a half years ago hey so making my debut on your show is uh is a lot of excitement I’m really glad you you waited this long to hang out with us this is I know it’s not easy just sitting there in the middle you know on the Queue I try to get to everybody I’m really grateful you joined it’s all right I bet you didn’t know you have fans in in China or Hong Kong right you know we’ve so so you are you are the first Hong Kong based fan we’ve had um fans from Brazil from Italy from obviously Slovenia a couple of France and Germany we had on Australia New Zealand and India earlier in the show so I am always is just delighted nothing makes me happier because I I said earlier in the show when the Mavs won the title in 2011 I kind of celebrated by myself because I wasn’t living in Texas and I didn’t know anybody that really liked basketball so this is just a great joy to me to be able to celebrate with other fans or commiserate like tonight right when the maps won in 2011 I was in high school and I believe I skipped a day of classes just to catch game games one to amazing that’s that’s pretty good I didn’t have to do that but um I mean what a season who who would have envisaged making making it not me man not me at all I’m too much of a grump to be positive on the team but I did have a great time this year I’ll tell you that much for sure I mean we we don’t know when the next time they’re going to be in the finals I mean the West is going to be packed and even just within the division right the Grizzlies are are coming back the Pelicans with Zion so you know we can’t we can’t take it for granted so just you know it’s been a good journey this season and we should we should cherish the memories for sure that’s the right attitude John thanks so much for hanging out hope you come back all right see you next season Kirk all right well and just remember guys we do do a fair amount of offseason pods though they’re probably not near as exciting as any of the game to game stuff Tyler what’s up man yo what’s up man um I was at the AAC watch party tonight and let me tell you yeah turn into a uh a soul snatching pretty quick there yeah so but you know had to get out of the get out of the apartment and go watch so uh I got nothing negative to say though first and foremost appreciate you and Josh and everybody who you have on doing these after the game uh it’s always good to uh get to listen whether it’s you know live or replay or next day while I’m sitting in the office so uh really appreciate you guys for doing that it’s it’s great content for all of us and we uh we really appreciate it and then you know with the Mavs like it’s it’s not the uh it’s not the fall that kills you it’s the sudden change of Direction and that’s what that’s what tonight felt like so for all of it to come crashing down at once is obviously tough but so so much good stuff came out of this year with Luca and Kyrie developing and then there’s Derek Lely who went from potentially a g-league guy to someone who is now universally viewed as you know the third or fourth most impactful or best Maverick let alone this season but moving forward so um I’m so excited for for what the future might hold and for them to get to this stage it was unexpected and I think that’s what made it so sweet is that you could have told us in February that we’d be in the NBA Finals and’ be like no freaking way so the fact that they got there uh just incredible and it’s h it’s a good time to be a mass fan so I’ll go to uh for all his falls and all which have all been of course widely documented uh I’ll go to battle with Luca seven days out of the week 365 out of the year that dude that dude’s a Kill and I have no doubt that he’ll come back better next year and I cannot wait to see it yep all right Tyler thanks for joining appreciate you dude all right appreciate you as well Bishop in the comments says you know I kind of hope that Luca skips the Olympics to lock in with a dietician and a conditioning coach this off season I think your best bet is to hope that Luca and the Slovenian team doesn’t Advance out of the qualifying round like he is a bajillion percent playing like that’s you know there’s no everybody that hopes for this sort of stuff needs to understand that he values his International experience more than he values an NBA title he has said so repeatedly um that said Luca might be the second tallest player on the Slovenian national team which doesn’t bode well for their Olympic chances all right coming up next Dunning Krueger Jr fantastic joining name what’s going on my friend hey how are you C mate I am great thank you for joining thank you long time listener first time caller all of that sort of thing um I’ve been uh been fan of the MAV since sort of 20045 uh after 2011 spent a lot of time consuming a lot of content from M’s Money Ball so uh and then the podcast in more recent years through those dark times uh in between the Dirk and uh Luca sort of ears so I just wanted to foremost first and foremost say a big thank you to you and Josh uh many many hours spent uh listening uh like I said there were some pretty dark times and uh hey you know uh all you I think you were always probably a bit harsher on Cuban than I was I sort of believed but I think you were right on that one um since he sort of seems to have had a bit less maybe involvement I think that sale has been in the wings for probably a bit longer than we realized so uh I think he probably has been a little more hands off uh and and giving uh Nico some time so uh I think you were right on Cuban um but yeah look I’ve probably cried a few tears after the games went down 3-0 um yeah I still hoped but I thought I sort of thought this might be the end of what’s been a magical run uh I just wanted to say a big thanks to you and Josh uh to all the Mavs fans uh who have listen to give their takes uh some I agreed with many I didn’t but hey I listened to them all uh so wonderful podcast I know you and probably most of us feel a bit shitty today but um the future is bright even if we can’t see it right now through all of the green Haze that’s hanging over us all um but yeah we got we’ve got some good internal growth uh and I think we’ve got a front office that’s functional um and you know after all those years where that wasn’t the case um yeah I’ve got some I’ve got some hope I think Nico can tweak what what needs to be tweaked I feel we overachieved this year personally I’d love to see Tim Hardway Jr and two firsts that become available after the Knicks last Nick’s uh pick conveys I’d love to see if we could twist Atlanta’s arm and get bdan bogdanovich uh that’ be a pretty handy little addition but hey whatever happens I’m very grateful to you and the Mavs community and just wanted to say thanks really appreciate that man hope you come on uh in later shows all right I will do brother take it easy my man get some rest we’ll see there is no rest for the wicked okay team um I’m sure Josh and I will be back later this week I don’t know what day um I want to start kind of our our series recap shows I don’t really know how much we’re going to do about free agency or off season I just don’t know I don’t really like like Josh and I have always been [ __ ] at the speculatory side of things um so we’ll see all right great show great season appreciate everybody yall are the best we’ll talk soon go Mavs

Kirk and Josh connect to discuss Game 5 of the #NBAFinals where the #DallasMavericks hope to force a Game 6 with a win. #Lukadoncic looked locked in and #KyrieIrving found something at home. But the #BostonCeltics are primed to go off and want to win the Finals at home. This should be a great game.

The game should end around 10:00 pm CST, so we expect to go live by 10:15 pm, but it may be earlier or later. Click the bell to get notified when we go live!

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  1. Mavs better not do something stupid like trying to get Bron and his vaccine injured son. We donā€™t need a ā€œsuper teamā€ we need the finishing touches like Derrick White / Jrue Holiday type players. They also need to reevaluate what theyā€™re doing with some players that are non contributors as well like Kleiber, THJ and possibly Exum. The future is bright with a 3rd scoring option and a bit better shooters but definitely not Bron, heā€™s a team cancer and his politics wouldnā€™t fut well in Dallas anyways.

  2. Luka needs to lose weight for multiple reasons. It will help him play better defense and also have more energy in the 4th quarter. It'll allow him to play more dynamically on offense (he can actually participate in fast breaks in ways other than just the look ahead pass). But most importantly, getting weight off his knees will help him be more healthy and make his career last longer. All of those things are important even if they don't necessarily affect the Mavs ultimate record too much more than what Luka brings to the table now.

  3. Mavs need to trade THJ, Maxi, let morris go and add 3 more under 25 playersā€¦ Josh Green is about to take off, the guy is only 23ā€¦
    Kidd unwillingness to bench timmy and start Lively cost us in the finals.

  4. Totally agree. Luka has massive usage and yeah needs to be in better shape (or so it appears). I keep thinking he could sacrifice a little bit of the ā€œstrongest legs in the nbaā€ for a touch of ā€˜gazelleā€™ training however that could be achieved. But 100% canā€™t play with massive usage all season and expect to be totally fit at finals time. They need a third play maker (could be exum) and a shooter. Looked like they didnā€™t have much left to be honest. The wings need to practice shooting this summer I think, lively also. Yeah agree with the point above that lukas knees will last longer season and career wise with a little weight off and less usage. But great season and great season Mavs (Celtics were great also). Holiday time!

  5. The problem I have with comments like Jose made is comparing 16 min of KP with the gauntlet of 40+ min of Luka hard carrying the load of the Mavericks injured over the entire playoffs. The two are not at all comparable.

    Everyone talking about our young team improving going forward fail to recognize that this entire playoffs, Luka played below what he would do if he was fit.

    This playoff run basically taught him everything he needs to learn about what it takes to get there and what he lacks as a player and leader, so if he doesn't change a thing going forward, then I'd be worried, but apart from game 3, which was Luka at his absolute worst, I thought he did everything we could have expected of him and more. He ran out of juice and his injuries caught up to him. I don't know if there's a player bar Lebron, who could play as well as he did, with the injuries he had.

  6. I almost never post, but I always watch your breakdowns after every game, so you're a big part of thousands of Mavs fans across the globe. Thanks for your coverage and I hope we can all celebrate an NBA Championship, in the near future.

  7. Great season and thanks you josh and Kirk for all youā€™ve done this season! Go mavs! We will be back

  8. You know what, actually that Kyrie has been doing bad in Boston, makes me somehow like him a bit more – next to the brilliant basketball we got to see from him this season – it might just show that he is actually is in remorse about some of the stuff he did in the past. Which shows self reflection. He might be on a good course for the future and become a real part of a championship team next year.

  9. The national discourse will be frustrating, stuff like ā€œdid his finals performance tarnish his image?ā€ – Luka was the only one showing up the first 2 games in Boston, and then had a good game 4ā€¦but that stupid game 3 foul out situation and then this final game 5 where he just had nothing more to give (injuries, being attacked on D, hammered when on offense) are going to be the narrative. In reality, he was the only effective player for 3.5 out of 5 games against one of the best teams (by measurements) in the history of the NBA. Tons of stuff to build on in the years to come.

  10. Great job all year..!! Appreciate yall for having this platform..from Spotify live to this, yall are killing it. No other fan base has this, and I loved being apart of the ridešŸŽ‰

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