@Oklahoma City Thunder

Ripple Effects From OKC Thunder Alex Caruso Trade and Impacting the 2024 NBA Draft

Ripple Effects From OKC Thunder Alex Caruso Trade and Impacting the 2024 NBA Draft

on today’s lockdown Thunder podcast what are the Ripple effects for this roster and the draft after the Thunder trade for Alex Caruso you are locked on Thunder your daily Oklahoma City Thunder podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day let’s get it going on the lockdown Thunder podcast on the lock on podcast Network your team every day I am your host me member and inside the Thunder beat writer Ryland Styles follow me on Twitter Ryland Styles follow the show on Twitter L thunderpod on today’s show we’re talking about the Ripple effects from the Alex Caruso trade how does this impact the NBA draft what will you look for now uh after this move and how good does this make the Thunder we’re joined by a very special guest daily Thunder beat writer radio extraordinaire DJ everything under the sun Sharpshooter especially Brandon RAR how are you doing today uh I am great that you know all the things that you introduce me as I think Sharpshooter is my favorite like forget about like all the like the job stuff if you call me a sharpshooter I’m good you are the actual uh best player on the beat despite what Daniel Bell will say uh we’ll take the floor spacing in the modern era of basketball anytime over a uh post up Dirk fade Merchant that can’t play defense so Brandon the thunder made a trade and that’s what we have to dive into first shockingly on Thursday they do the rare one for one swap putting uh Josh kiddy in Chicago the windy city and bringing Alex Caruso to Oklahoma City back where it all started Brandon what was your just initial reaction to seeing that notification from w i mean surprise was the first reaction um you know because the NBA Finals just happened and we’re kind of conditioned to wait until the NBA draft to expect those woge bombs and to expect you know trades to go down and all those things so I was surprised um I thought about telling you what I was doing because it actually connect next I’ll tell you Ryland actually I will I’ll just share this with you I haven’t shared this with anybody else not even my wife knows this I’m only gonna share this because you know I do have a connection with Josh giddy with the whole dig you poop question right right so that happened before the Thunder avor drafted him like a week before I’m not kidding you I was literally changing my same kid’s poop diaper when I got the W notification and so I had to hurriedly finish up and get back to the uh get get to my phone and and shoot out some tweets but that’s literally what I was doing I my son so your kid was shooting stuff out you were shooting stuff out there was just a lot going on it comes full circle that’s what it felt like that’s that’s what it felt like uh I don’t know if you need to censor this episode of lock on Thunder anything like that so apologize for making this like you know PG-13 but no I uh I was surprised but my initial reaction for the Thunder is that this is a great trade like seriously you know I do believe that Josh giddy is still a good player I think that this was a win-win trade because the Bulls get a 21y old with a lot of potential a lot of upside I think we all realize that Josh has a lot of skills they just don’t fit well with what the Thunder had the Thunder need the ball to be in Shay’s hands and to be in Jay Dub’s hands as much as possible and Josh giddy needs the ball in his hands to excel you flip that a good player for a player who is one of the best defenders in the entire league in Alex Caruso and he’s a guy that shot 41% from three on five attempts per game I think it’s an instant upgrade and a Difference Maker for the Thunder it is gonna be just fascinating to see how it all goes down now the one for one part uh was shocking uh I just thought that there were there was rarely going to be one for one trades in in the new era of the NBA I think that this move gives the Thunder the best defense in the NBA would you agree with that like this is the best defense yeah I mean it’s it’s either the Thunder the Celtics or the Wolves but it’s it’s a conversation now it’s one of the three I think it’ll be the Thunder because you’re adding Caruso to a team that was already a top five defense so yeah I think the Thunder especially depending on what they do you know for the rest of the off seon but potentially yes I do agree this can be the best defense in the entire league and then excluding Boston I think that what this really does is it it sets up so you take the top three players like you’re GNA need a good core to do anything in this league like you’re going to need the nucleus of a guy like Shay who’s a top five guy in the league and then you have two rising stars and in chat and jdub who they’re clearly on that trajectory of being Allstar plus player whatever you can get past that All-Star level from either one of those guys or from both of them if it just works out exceptionally well uh when you’re trying to build around that this trade makes this Core group The complimentary pieces the the Best Supporting Cast in the NBA in the Western Conference like Boston is Boston like who is supporting Their Stars better than OKC right now yeah that’s the thing this makes a deep Thunder team even deeper and you know you bring up Boston and I was kind of going down there are a lot of similarities obviously Boston champions for a reason they have the top end Talent with Tatum and brown and porzingis but they also had that depth if you go by kind of player by player it’s a little interesting to see the similarities with Boston because you can compare SGA and Tatum both of them MVP candidates you can compare Jaylen Brown and jdub like the second score who can score you know really at an elite level but also provide defense and and provide some other playmaking you got the the stretch bigs that can protect the paint and Chad and porzingis then you add a guy like Caruso who I think we saw this take on Twitter a lot and I agree with it it’s kind of like a Derek white type trade going out and getting a Caruso he can kind of be your Derek white type player you got like there are already comparisons between Dort and Drew holiday so I mean like when you kind of go down it gets kind of interesting to see like yeah I I see that the Thunder had the top in talent but they also had the dep now they just need their Al Horford I guess yeah they need their Al Horford I I think that you know the Derek white thing was all over Twitter yesterday like Michael Martin Derek Parker Joel earns even called me and I just I cannot stand what never drw calls you know it’s going to be just a a lathering rant for 20 minutes oh my gosh that guy but you know everyone’s making that same comparison and I think that you know this trade signifies okay the Thunder are in like they’re they’re at the they’re at the table you’ve you’ve ushered out the gotta be patient Gotta Wait and See gotta develop gotta see how good these guys can be and you’ve welcomed now in it it from this point forward through the through the course career like from for as long as Chad j and Chay are in Oklahoma City from this point forward your goal is to win a championship and like that’s the expectation level on this team with this trade and yet while that’s the case you’ll still see Shay chat and J get a lot better and they’re going to continue to develop but in general the team’s expectation and what’s what’s casted upon them and predicted upon them will be that of Championship contenders and so this trade I think signified the the flipping of that switch absolutely absolutely because you know I think that everybody this past season and even the season before it’s like oh when are the Thunder going to cash in their chips when are they going to go all in like all these kind of like statements about the Thunder and questioning what they’re going to do with all these assets what’s crazy is this is a trade that helps them win now absolutely puts them in title contention I do think that Alex cruso is a differen maker like that because like you said Shay Chad and jdub are only going to get better internal development case and Wallace is going to get better like they’re so young they’re going to get better um so it raises the ceiling it raises the floor I I just think that this trade is absolutely a deal where you go out and get a Difference Maker but you didn’t really have to use that many assets you Ed Josh giddy obviously and he was an asset he was the guy that was linked you know whenever you see trade machine mock trades and all that stuff Josh giddy was always included but to go out and get Alex Caruso and to make your your rotation stronger both defensively and from a shooting standpoint and make the fit that much better and you didn’t have to give up a single pick not a first round pick not a second round pick like the Thunder still have all these assets they improved they’re GNA improved internally and they still have all those picks and they have all this cap space they they have a core that’s good enough with a heavy of draft picks and top five in the league cap space uh that you can play around with and get and get creative with uh you know up until these extensions kick in so with that being said how aggressive do you expect the Thunder will be this summer and has this trade changed anything about the draft we’ll talk about that coming up but first want to say right now about good friends over at FanDuel check out FanDuel today because FanDuel you can get new customers right now you new customers can get $200 in bonus Bets with the winning of any $5 bet that’s 200 bucks uh if you if you win your $5 bet on anything for Major League Baseball they also have the WNBA you can still bet on the NBA even though the finals are over they still have some fantastic options in America’s number one sports book uh with the future bets so the Thunder have top five Championship odds to take home the award they’ve actually moved up uh a little bit from from where they last uh sitting right now presently at exactly 5 they also have Shay as the top three an MVP and could they draft bronnie James FanDuel gives the Thunder odds to do that so you can check it out today at lockon we’re back on the lockdown Thunder podcast on the lockdown podcast Network your teams every day Brandon I know you’re cranking stuff out for daily Thunder I’m sure you’ve been ringing off the hook getting on radio interview after radio interview which at least someone is on the the airwaves there Brandon whenever you look at this trade and you’re a draft guy just like myself we had a draft pod on the Dream Team podcast earlier this week does this trade mess with the draft strategy at all for the Thunder we’re going to get into that coming up but right now just as a quick aside we mentioned how this trade flips to switch and like it it makes some them look more like contenders how aggressive do you think the Thunder will be whether it is in Wednesday’s draft or it is in fre agency or it is on the trade market uh like do you think that the Thunder have made their big move or is another big move coming or is it going to be kind of a an in between move or no move no that’s a good question I think that’s what most Thunder fans are wondering right now I expect you know maybe a move I would say an in between move I was going to say maybe a move kind of comparable to this one but I do think this is a big move um so maybe not quite this big that’s how highly I think of Caruso and you know Josh giddy has kind of been a staple of this Thunder team and the rebuild he was that first pick in the rebuild so I do think that this maybe the biggest move but I do think that there are say medium-sized moves to come I don’t expect like a a KD move a Paul George move anything like that like some huge Blockbuster but I do think that the Thunder will go out whether to get a starting for like whether or not Caruso is going to start and he just takes giddy’s place like that’s a whole another conversation and and it’s a good debate I could see that going either way so maybe they go out and get a starting four and Caruso comes off the bench uh I do think absolutely they’ll get a backup five you know I think we all know that the Thunder won all the chat minutes it’s when Chad sat against the Mavs um you know for all the talk about needing to Mo Chet to the four that’s not going to happen happen he’s going to be the starting five but I do think that they need a paint protector at the five so I think that we’ll see a move like that um and then maybe a starting four also I think they have one or two moves left in them we’ll say medium aggression Ryland I like that I I I I think that they’ll be like they’ll be aggressive in the sense of like they’ll explore every option uh but what will materialize I would agree that like they’re going to they’re going to use this this cap space and and draft capital and these four open roster spots they’re going to use them uh to the best of their ability I really believe that whenever the dust settles August one after the after the off season is is wrapped up for the most part traditionally in the NBA uh when the death settles you’ll think that this team is dramatically improved from the night that the season ended in Dallas uh so like that’s going to be a really good thing for Oklahoma City whether be a perfect roster you can never create a perfect roster uh but speaking of the Caruso starting debate I’ve been having that debate since the trade went down I think that they’re just going to put Caruso um in the St lineup in place of giddy even as I just said that they’re going to steal both through their roster and improve it and fill their holes and their front Court rotation I I just I would agree that they’re not going to make a move like Durant or George I’d be pretty shocked if they did that it’d be a welcomed shock but I’d be pretty shocked if they did that uh so without doing that I don’t really see who you go get that you start over Caruso especially as Sam is already highlighting how despite his lack of height he can really guard up in size so I think they might just start that lineup of U of Shay Caruso Dort dub and Chad where do you fall like if you had to just place place a dollar wager I I’ll buy you a Starbucks if you’re right and or and I’m wrong or whatever on this on this bet oh if I get a Starbucks that’s way better than a dollar um I would like if I were to put my percentages I would only put it like 5 5% positive as opposed to 45% going the other way but I would guess Caruso comes off the bench and they get a a starting four whether that’s you know free agency or trade I don’t think it’ll be in the draft I think whoever they draft at 12 I’d be shocked if it’s a guy that starts at the four it just doesn’t make much sense who they could be possibly be drafting on this team at this point I just don’t see it but that said I think that you hit a key note that that s prey hit on he said that Alex kuso defends bigger Wings in an extraordinary way so that does kind of clue Us in that maybe hey maybe you know if they can see him defending guys like Kevin Durant and Paul George if the Thunder aren’t GNA go out and get those guys uh maybe you can put Alex Caruso on those guys and guard him and whe they get somebody else I think that’s an upgrade if you just s s Alex Cruz so for Josh giddy yes there’s a downgrade in size which I think it every Thunder fan wants to see more size uh the rebounding takes a little bit of hit but what you get defensively and what you get shooting I think makes it the starting lineup that much better so I could see it 45% sure but I will disagree and try to get my Starbucks and say that they get a starting four somewhere else yeah and and I don’t I don’t think that either either answer at this moment is wrong because you can totally see the value of bringing Cru Off the Bench and as the Thunder also pointed out with Mark consistently like the starters don’t really matter that much like you could still close with kuso and d and like go all in on defense if that’s what you need but coming off the bench you can tap into more of that playmaking that he offers uh they want to do that with case and some as well so like like you know you can still see where he’d be valuable either direction I just think I just happen to think that they’re going to start him but we’ll see how things go you mentioned next week’s draft uh it’s been overshadowed a little bit now that the that the Caruso trade went down but uh whenever you look at the draft does anything change for you after this trade because I think that like two weeks ago if we did our draft pod we would have been talking about Devon Carter and Jered McCain and like some of these guys that I really really really like and I could see it and not to have a cop out like I could see it going either way where like the Thunder just continue to lean into this draft is independent of what our team is is looking like like like the whole goal of the draft is to draft the best player and then figure it out later whether that is just him becoming a trade chip or it is him becoming a really good fit with the roster or the fact that like yeah you have Cas Dort and Caruso but if you have dein Carter like that’s just even more defense and shooting that you can never have enough of and it gives you even more of a pability to trade one of those other guys in a massive deal should you want to do that later on I could also see hey now it’s the perfect time to go get someone else like in a different mold than one of those cards really like so where do you fall on if this shakes up the Thunders draft strategy at all yeah I do think that Jared McCain Devin Carter specifically those were the two guys I was looking at when it comes to guards um maybe bub Carrington uh would be in consideration now I do think it changes the draft in some sort of ways like I would be surprised now now again if if s presty in the front office has McCain or or Carrington or Devin Carter at the top of the board and they feel like they’re the best Guy They’ll probably just draft him that said when you’re gonna be playing SGA Dort Caruso Cas Wallace Isaiah Joe I mean that’s a lot of guards that are like 65 and under 66 and under you would think that you know with with the options they’ll have whether it’s Don Holmes Calle wear I don’t know if we want to get into these names yet uh if that’s a spoiler uh guys like that um Ron Holland even some of those guys you would think that you know size would kind of Leap Frog guards in the pecking order now of of priorities that said one Dark Horse when it comes to guards I could still see being really high on the priority list would be nicoa topic just because his value could be so high to get him at 12 when he was like a top three to five guy and you could just red shirt him for a year and not worry about it and then you got him you know for the future he’s a guy that I could see still being you know someone that the Thunder take despite him being a guard yeah that that will be an interesting name and so coming up we’re gonna see if you can run it back and predict the pick perfectly as you did last year and talk about our favorite draft names in this class but before we do Brandon G to tell you about our good friends over at eBay Motors they are fantastic they’re great they understand that passion Drive patience that’s the formula for winning a championship it’s also the formula for keeping your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 Million Parts to choose from your number one rer die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for at eBay’s guaranteed fit it’s 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completely closes off as you mentioned like if Ron Holland slips to 12 yeah he’s got a g in his position column if Ron Holland’s at 12 you better go get him he’s the number one player on a lot of people’s board including myself Derek Parker it’s like a lot of us really like Ron Holland I I if he’s there at 12 I don’t care that his position says g f c b for basketball player I don’t care what it said you go get Ron Holland uh so I could see that happening you mentioned like the pure value of a guy like topich that that would be very interesting as well but barring any of those guys like truly slipping to 12 I think that you’re in that Holmes thein Salon uh you know type of category and uh you know Clare’s interesting Zach Ed will be a fan favorite for most people uh but right now before the draft take your swing who’s it going to be it is tough this year and I’ve been a fan of Don Holmes for a long time uh Derek Parker like a few months ago asked me who’s my guy in this draft and I said it was Don Holmes I’m getting a little a little weary because like Javon and woo and and werman like they just released like their new big boards and they got Don Holmes in the second round which I just do not understand whatsoever at all uh so my my heart says donon Holmes but my head says Ron Holland I think he’s going to slip I think he’s gonna slip um you know for a while I I was saying Cody Williams but but all the latest Intel says that he’s GNA go top 10 um you know unless the thunder make a move up I don’t think that gonna happen um also I picked donon Holmes on one other podcast so this way I kind of like divy up my Shar so I can be right in one of them last year it was case and Wallace everywhere you know anytime I was asked if was case Wallace I’m less sure this year so I’ll split it and I’ll say Don hommes half the time and unlocked on Thunder I’m going with Ron Holland well let me tell you I know you’re a very busy guy so this is an offer that’s on the table for you I don’t know if it can work with your schedule but because I’m a huge Ron Holland fan number one on my board because this would then be two years in a row and because this draft specifically Al is impossible to predict because we don’t even have consensus at the very top like the tippity top of the shrap does not have consensus so it’s impossible to get down to 12 if you’re right in the Thunder select Ron Holland Saturday for the intro presser I’m gonna bring you a Starbucks and then afterward I’m GNA take you out to a to a steakhouse dinner after the the pressure so you get two for one on Saturday as payback because I would be overjoyed if Ron Holland is playing basketball and we’re getting to cover them I will 100% take you up on Starbucks and steak dinner absolutely I am now completely invested in all Ron Holland stock going to the Thunder um yeah I mean one because I think that would be a home run pick for the Thunder two now actually the one is for the steak honestly two it would be a home run pick for the Thunder my PRI priority is is the steak now honestly that’s that’s a very good priority to have I I I would just love the fit for Ron Holland where are you at on Cody Williams a very uh interesting Prospect I think like people do him a little bit of a disservice by just like casting him off as like oh well the only reason that Thunder would like him is because he’s J’s brother like no he’s actually a really talented Prospect who yeah like some you can look at certain stats in certain film where he doesn’t look that good but he was also battling injuries all year long I would really like that pick for the Thunder I think that whenever you you know look at the projections and you look at big boards and you look at mock drafts and everything else it almost seems likely crazy enough that like one of Holland or Cody Williams is going to fall to the Thunders range whether that’s 10 I I would consider the Thunders range like getting back up to 10 like they did last year to 12 somewhere in there I think that one of them will fall to that range like where are you at on Cody Williams so I am actually I’ve the last uh couple days I’ve been deep diving into Cody Williams I’ve always liked him for the Thunder obviously The Vibes with JB would be great but Cody Williams was a top three projected guy for a long time for a reason I mean he’s a 68 player who plays good defense high IQ High work ethic like all the the character values that the Thunder you know highly rate Cody obviously has all those but he still has a lot of potential obviously was a small sample size but he shot over 40% from three um he finished at The Rim really really well he’s versatile and so I’ve been diving into his stats and his pre-injury and po injury stats are like night and day like his he just tried to play through that injury when he came back that ankle injury and it Ted his stats if you looked at the pre-injury stats which I’m about to actually tweet this out because because I went through it all and and looked at it all Cody’s numbers are really really good he’s really efficient um you know some people say he’s not aggressive but you know he had a couple of other NBA type players like Tristan the Silva is on his team like they they’ve got other guys on this team that are going to be in the NBA and when he came back yeah he wasn’t aggressive but he was playing through injury I really really like Cody and honestly I was very tempted to say Cody Williams I just don’t think that he’s gonna fall to 12 now I do think that they could trade up to get him maybe like you saw case Wallace if he’s there at nine or 10 absolutely I think they could trade up for Cody I would love to see it uh but good for Cody and for the Williams family I think that he’s gonna go higher like he was projected High then everybody saying he was slipp into the late Lottery now he’s projected you know top 10 again so hopefully for Cody that happens hopefully for the Thunder he falls to 12 hopefully we’ll see I mean yeah you’re exactly right there are two other big men that we have to talk about though or else the comment section will be on fire probably already are because we haven’t talked about yet uh number one Zach e like where do you fall on the most polarizing Prospect in this draft I get it with Zach eedi I think that Zach is going to be a really nice bench piece for some team I think that he’s gonna be a great paint protector I think that he’ll be able to score at The Rim and I think that his combine did show that you know maybe we were kind of underrating him that he’s a little bit more athletic and a little bit quicker than we thought but for the thunder in particular I don’t see it because they want to play five out I don’t think they want change that philosophy even with a backup five because they’re going to stagger their guys Shay’s gonna play with those backup fives JB’s gonna play with those backup fives even if it’s just 12 to 16 minutes a game they also want their fives to be able to switch on the perimeter and defend and even if he’s a little bit quicker more athletic than we thought I don’t think Zack Ed is that guy I think that he’s be an nice player just not for the Thunder I would totally agree with that I think that he can be productive in the NBA I would very much be shocked if if it was with Oklahoma City uh Kowski of Duke do you have any thoughts uh on him I think that uh you I think that at one point in the cycle he was very much mocked to the Thunder now his stock has seemingly cooled off from that 12 range yeah I mean I get it a little bit more with flip because he is in theory a dribble pass shoot big but he’s just kind of decent in all of those things like he’s not a true shooter he’s not like a true creator as a big and he’s not a true Defender uh he’s not a true like he’s he’s pretty good at all those things so I could see it like if if it happened I wouldn’t be shocked I would get it but I don’t think that’s exactly what the Thunder are looking for I don’t think that there’s any of those you know qualities where he’s going to be like a lead at any of those things again I think he’d be a nice bench big uh but I don’t see it happening with OKC at 12 and you know me you know that uh one Devon Carter would be a name that I love obviously this crua trade changes it a bit I also love tan schan and I think that it’s another Prospect who Thunder fans are unfairly evaluating of like they just blanketly look at him and say well that’s just Usman Jang he is very far away from Usman Jang of like this guy is the ultimate competitor ultimate aggressive guy ultim motor he mixes it up on both ends of the floor he’s going to be on Monday’s all juice team for this year’s NBA draft so that’s very exciting um I’m I’m in how much are you in on uh on tan I’m about 75% in I would completely get it if the Thunder take him and he makes sense I mean he’s a huge Wing I get the oo comparisons he is you know like a little bit more raw but like you said the the big difference between him and oo is his motor he has got an incredible motor he wants to dunk it on everybody like you know the one thing about o is you want him to be more aggressive um but like the physical tools are there he probably wouldn’t play this season but anybody that they take in 12 may not play it play much this season and that’s kind of the benefit of having a win now Contender and having all that cap space you can go out and get like a backup big that’s going to play this season you don’t have to have a guy now if like Don Holmes was picked I could see him playing right away like he’s ready um but with like tjon salon I can see him kind of playing in the G League maybe playing some spare minutes like we saw with ooze but but I like him and I would I get it with him I really do yeah I I think that the argument for taking him would be you would be able to invest in him in the blue and you know when you’re barring that Holland slide barring that you know I’d even say Cody Williams you know slide and and and figuring out how to get him like barring those guys the odds of the number 12 overall pick having a high degree of impact on an already 57 win team who just added Alex cruso and still has room to add actual NBA players like the the odds of having to lean on that pick this year is very slim so you can you can you know take this swing and H have this great potential down the road whenever I think that everyone would would pretty well after you just move on from just toin of the the draft you’d rather see the Thunder upgrade their roster with um you know NBA Talent even something to the like of like Jaylen Smith or Doran finny Smith one of those two guys then you know fully casting it all on the 12th overall pick so I know that like people will shudder over a projected Prospect uh but I think that one he’s closer to inba ready than us was at that point in the draft which is fine and two uh you know you wouldn’t you wouldn’t want that anyway you would not want to just say okay the only moves that the thunder made this year were kuso and and the 12th overall pick in a bad draft like in a perceived bad draft so I’m not out on a project by any means I’m hoping that Saturday me and you spend a lot of time together at the at the intro pressor uh at the steakhouse everywhere in between uh Brandon let them know where they can find all your stuff and if you have any more draft takes you want to get off your chest you have the floor okay uh final draft takes um my guys donon Holmes Cody Williams Ron Holland and topic I just I just I I would not be shocked to see topic if he’s there at 12 like the value with him and you could just red shirt him kind of like you did with Chad hongren so I’m just gonna kind of put a pin in topic if he’s there that’s all I’m saying um so you can find me daily you can find me on the franchise in Oklahoma City radio and KF radio in Oklahoma City as well and we’re can I find you on Twitter oh yeah you can find me Brandon RAR that’s Brandon R AHB a r good call Ryland there you go Brandon thanks so much for joining us hopefully again and the the only payback you have to give on Saturday is another podcast should this work out on H on the ronand situation but thank you again Brandon until next time as we’re gonna do a Cody Williams player profile be good and be good to one another

The Oklahoma City Thunder traded Josh Giddey for Alex Caruso, Brandon Rahbar joins Rylan Stiles for all the latest on that move, the ripple effects it could have on the OKC Thunder 2024 NBA Draft strategy, who will the Thunder select at No. 12? Who are the least likely picks? Who screams Thunder? Who could fall? Zach Edey, Ron Holland, Cody Williams, DaRon Holmes II, Tidjane Salaun, and more discussed! Is the Thunder starting five currently on their roster?

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#AlexCaruso #OKCThunder #NBADraft


  1. It looks like with the comments the Thunder had a replacement in line for Josh Giddey in the starting lineup. Wether it is the draft, free agency, trade, or someone thats already on the roster.

  2. Do you think he's going to start, or possibly move Wiggins, Joe, or Cason up? I know he's been starting, but he's also a capable playmaker and decent ball handler. Could be a 6th man candidate and lead a 2nd unit into being great defensively. Obviously still being a part of the closing/clutch time unit.

  3. Celtics fan here…Great trade, OKC is better than Denver now…Need a 5/Horford type…go use your draft stash to get Markkanen

  4. I think okc should go for at least one of these players:

    Patrick Williams
    Santi Aldama
    Isaiah hartenstein
    Walker Kessler
    Lauri Markkenen

  5. Plz move Chet to 4 and go get a starting 5 let AC come off the bench with CW .. nobody would be able to hold Chet at 4 and he can be a help ball defender with his blocks instead of letting him sit in the paint alone getting tired 🤌🏾Plz get a 5 to help Chet and we're definitely going to the finals 🙄

  6. Unless we get some size n rebounding somewhere we will never make it out the west unless we shoot lights out all postseason with Denver Minnesota Dallas all have big front courts that out rebound us severely as constructed right now where just to small right now i believe and im praying Presti address it this off-season instead of going through the yr and getting knocked out by a bigger team again to force them to adjust im hopeful it doesn't come to that again n waste another yr of our window because literally we are a decent Big away from being actually able to finally get that championship we should already of had Thunder ⛈️ Up

  7. I'm sorry, but Giddey was all that and a bag of chips as a primary ball handler he would still be in OKC. It probably won't get exposed in the Olympics, but it will next season. I will be surprised if he is still the Bulls primary at the All-star break. Presti offered him the role he is best suited for but he didn't want it. IMO, this trade has been in the works for a few weeks at least.
    As to this draft, Saloun is the only player you mentioned that the Thunder has worked out. They also worked out Tyler Smith. Presti is looking for size.

  8. If the Thunder arent taking Da'Ron or another 'Big'; then they s/b targeting Topic if he slips past 8. We could questionably get the best player in the Draft. Who better to show Topic how to make the most out of a RedShirt Rookie yr than Chet?

  9. Draft another Big at the 5 to come off the bench and trade for a starting big man then it’s all easy street from there

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