@Toronto Raptors



you in last place the Pirates what the hell imagine oh is that Kobe Alis in yeah I’m here all right we’re here we’re live uh I’m back back you should have beat the Pirates you [ __ ] after [ __ ] pirat oh that was the C suckut up I I don’t care I don’t care we’re better than the Pirates [ __ ] the Pirates that’s not saying much though let me look at you lost to the Met by 11 I totally forgot I totally forgot to bring this out today oh my God can we can we kick Coman off already what thing one hey can you uh where’s the elf leg hey hey look at his hat look at his hat a Cubs hat you got a shred hat you got a Cubs hat go you got a Broncos Jersey What the fu you I don’t have a bron [ __ ] shred I just have a Broncos Von Miller shirt I don’t have no and uh Kobe’s doing his green shirt guy impression I need a Broncos jersey I need a Broncos jersey and C green shirt guy I need another Jaz Jersey too rapt shirt no it’s just a red shirt I mean hat sorry yes let me look at it feels good to have Bonnie back you know been a little bit too long long time no see goodbye was fishing how was it though did you enjoy it it was good it was hot I had to put in the docks I caught crayfish what was the biggest fish you caught the pike I told you I’m like Weight Wise what oh said what stuff yeah yeah all right so when I caught caught the bass I send them I I’ll put that in the Vlog I have to download folded and I will be bringing the flag out tomorrow because we’re getting another W yeah fold it because it’s going to be your last the Mets are ass they’re only good versus Lefty p Coleman you’re four we’re still better than the Red Sox the freaking white socks oh my is that Von Miller shirt we’re better than the Mets you’re not better than the Mets yeah we are let me look at the standings shall we yeah at the standings you’re tied with the Mets there’s no better you’re TI true the Pirates are half a game ahead of you I’m playing the still I give sh me and B have the competition not to finish in last place I don’t care we’re still better than the Pirates we own them we own I’m g go to the Cardinals on World Series parade you know we need the race to beat the Pirates though what the hell gold Smith’s gonna win World Series MVP yeah lose to the Pirates bondy he’s an astro yeah they do need a first baseman I’m getting wrestling which the catch I’m I’m getting a white six Shir white they just came what the [ __ ] hear fireworks outside bro you remember last night with uh whisper yeah that was funny what whisper do dude okay so one night he fell on like a pipe almost broke his leg he found a spiders cried like a little baby then he ran down the street so because he St saw fireworks all right I have a question for you moisty yeah how the fre did you get my number I didn’t give it up no I didn’t give it to you I didn’t no I didn’t do it either how’d you get it did you look at like Yellow Pages okay okay CU you gave it me like three months ago no I didn’t you gave your number in DM remember like un follow bondie no no you gave it to me actually no Coleman gave it to me actually oh so Coleman just Coleman just like Joe bid you’re Joe Biden then yeah guys yeah I like your impressions they’re all good take what’s up I was just texting him oh my God they [ __ ] lit up your Ace yesterday what your Ace got lit up yesterday my a yeah the Cubs what do you mean my a oh my God you’re ace pitcher Oh I thought you said ace I’m like I ain’t no Ace man yeah didn’t give like 10 runs like oh my God yeah because that’s only do good versus lefties okay and Mysterio had and fantasy4 come back and there’s fantasy T dude it’s good see him Bonnie in The Orange Room the Bron room long we need do another episode this the Bron podcast is toast if we don’t do one to we got I guess we gotta do one do it one week before freas what one week pre-season pron wow that’s not for like two months doing preseason Recaps Y what are you guys talk about until then yeah pick up we can’t come we can’t come back there’s no free agents there there’s no free agents there’s no like yeah we’re only I don’t know the channel is just en sham not it’s dead till freaking July the only thing we’re going to like unless there’s like a big injury that’s it even that it’s not even worth it going there was a big injury if Tim Patrick gets hurt it’s like another Tuesday come on did get a big injury line out our linebacker out for the season fun fact Jinx lives five minutes away from my house Aransas used to live five minutes away from your house no no jinxy lives five minutes from my house they just hide away everyone lives close to everyone yeah 40 4473 M Road he lives on what what this guy’s gonna Su you yeah I see him dude I’m gonna help him I’ll be his loyer it’s okay no Jeremy’s the lawyer yeah where’s your vape pen yeah where is it D what no your vit pen there was something in your hand earlier watching game play um Coleman oh this imagine imagine I would never you’re blowing Santino Sano whoa hey I got I got the one with the Cobra he doesn’t have any Cobra on it sadly Monday I’ll show my figures my God who does fireworks like what’s what’s what holiday is this nothing not mine oh uh no it’s not Jun wait oh that’s not my holiday fake is that the 23rd is that me what is that a mock draft yeah it’s just it’s tatron who does that have the Nuggets taken at 27 I think oh my God holy crap uh Holmes he’s like a center yeah J who the hell is Jaylen Tyson who is that damn we picked him with 29 oh where’s Z no the Raptors would pick Zach e you [ __ ] they love where’s where’s Bonnie falling in the draft I undrafted go to like whatever 10 undrafted signing by the Jazz dude if you get Bron you’re gonna get LeBron oh my I would have won LeBron I’m S no but that’s not guaranteed anymore Lakers are getting Bonnie come on but maybe they’re just saying that so [ __ ] teams well do you think BR well LeBron will play with Bryce wait who did the Jazz got at 10 on that one no he won’t play with Bryce because he’ll be re who say the Jazz get at 10 oh guard Kentucky we don’t need a [ __ ] guard why don’t you have K George bro we have Keon George conon Jordan clarson Chris Dunn and TG why are these freaking rumors saying that Alexander star go supposed to be the number one guy why is you’re acting like that you’re no no no you don’t know [ __ ] all these rumors are B rumors why is why is Deon C going 05 all right we’re done talking about this you guys are not going to trade for a guard hey I’m trying to learn basketball unless they get rid of a guard too but not wow well I didn’t know that Allison thank you for letting me know your wisdom there’s not a holiday Allison what uh Friday no Saturday all right let me look up what fireworks I never even heard there should be fireworks for the 22nd of June yeah for real it’s the [ __ ] fourth a until like four it’s like a week what holiday is today Kobe what day is July 4th on I think it’s a Wednesday or Thursday like like like what number oh freak it might be wait wait like what day is it on I said Wednesday or Thursday I think no it supp be a joke when you say what day is for to lineup liketh pby it’s it’s National kissing day oh oh co you want talk about you were saying last night what if me and bondie meet up yeah g I asked if you’re gonna kiss well yeah he he that dude I’m like no we’re go fishing oh my God it’s a joke guy yeah wow I’m looking out these holidays I mean you know what Don said yesterday he said I’m going to call my crush and then guess what right after he calls me no only false allegations I feel like right nowan he accused you of being gay in DMs I have proof of him being gay in DMS same with you oh my this a gay say N word this is a gay off bro I you literally just you literally just sent me a voice thingy of you say that word like 20 minutes ago same yeah the yeah probably not even 20 minutes what’s your favorite Skittle so pal going to the Cavs that doesn’t make sense at all because they have they have Allen unless they’re going to trade Allen all right all right watch this watch this my cousin used to play colic basketball until he got injured don’t care snapped his ankle my second cousin played hockey C hockey don’t D AC like Coleman you know but he never got yeah I think hean T is ACL playing rec ball no is that what a [ __ ] Tri look at this number one try hard right here number one look at the Minecraft torch in his room was it cave with the Minecraft torch I did one ad drop one ad drop you tore your HL playing Mormon ball it wasn’t what what oh bondie pman stream frisbee like he’s down bad to his channel [ __ ] I might go fishing tomorrow morning he loves yes so we fixed the boat and and I didn’t even know a [ __ ] sport damn Ultimate Frisbee yeah we played in gym I G [ __ ] take a nap all right 9 minutes ago 9 minutes ago this this is moisty right here okay okay no really go go go Alison you’re saying the most obvious stuff like yeah Ash Raider needs to call you out all right ready ready ready why the freak is it not zoom in [ __ ] Chromebook make it louder or may you can share it on you can share it streamyard maybe oh yourself [ __ ] whoa W that’s not me I got hacked I got hacked I got hacked that’s not me I got hacked I got hacked me that’s not me that’s not me how you’re logged you’re logged into your mom’s Facebook account this is it you okay bu I know yesterday like what the [ __ ] is this don’t don’t don’t don’t question that he still has your dad’s last name wow wow everything’s worked out let’s go see look it is you buddy what do you mean hacking clearly you clear it’s not me yeah I I never say that oh my God that your Li DET DET trimmin that was lie is guilty he’s sentenced to one year in prison another one another one bro from yester prob yes [ __ ] oh this car is crazy hey what not this one what not this one he’s Mormon oh there’s one all right I got to send you guys something I I filmed what’s going about this what what about this one Coleman what about what about what about check the DMS what about this one about this one oh my God these crackers oh Kobe look what I sent you it was for you what if Bonnie’s I wish I had a picture evidence I wish I had evidence of uh Dom pulling down his shorts in the bathroom I what I did not do that stop lying those photos but photos go away on Instagram you know so I can’t he’s smiling what the [ __ ] prove it then Pro I did not I prove on you know what you know what you know what you know what he hey hey hey hey hey hey hey this how much I I I put it on God look oh my don’t swear wow I put it on the holy Christ oh my God you’re GNA have a heart attack now you [ __ ] oh bad things are gonna happen to you man God bro he touched me yesterday saying I’m going to the bathroom yeah yeah cuz he’s like hey where you going like I’m going to the bathroom that’s why what the [ __ ] no who talks about going to the bathroom what the hey where you going like I’m going to the bathroom no I never said where am I going look wow is is like Chris Hansen Chris Hans bring out receipts like wow all right Coleman I’m gonna send you a video and you better show it there we go all right just show it oh my God guys this is most legendary this this like the six member of the white family guys so this is the sixth member what video did you send me I didn’t send you it because Dom’s showing it that’s a six of the white family uncle howdy what was it All Me and B shot logs are just fishing AO oh fresh cut austino yeah looking clean I I just shared your stream on Discord thank you you didn’t do it because I’m [ __ ] Discord gives me a headache sometimes you know yeah dud last night was di in you’re on they let you back in no and him me and him arguing a little bit they got long yeah we okay we were kind we were butting heads a little bit at first then we started getting more friendly and more we we got along at the end you got along at the first I’m like this is awkward me and whis were just sitting there like what the [ __ ] is happening see what happens when I’m not here everyone gets along yo you know why because I listen to Bondi he’s like give Kobe his time give him me his time I gave you a time yo why did you this why you send me this I guess guess where you’re from no bro look at you be saiding me though you said you went there though so you guys are just gonna be exping each other that’s where you’re from buddy because you Lally says I went there is that a dickly jersey in the background Dicker Dicky what Dicky Jersey in his background yes what position you play there’s a pitcher he was on the Mets too RA Dicky yeah I remember him too bad that jayer and shambles yes come to cell but you’re more welcome to come to the parade in St Louis you know yeah oh my god oh by the way he sent me this and he moved he moved Goldie is gonna win World Series MVP with the Astros bondy we’re not keeping them Bonnie was that a fight no scratching something moisty tells me about your farts what the [ __ ] Dominic first guess who Moved first no Bonnie was like Hey listen to this and he just let most hey Bonnie hey Bonnie I question for you how many uh broken shairs and couches do you have in your room at least how do you 260 if I knew it no you call me a Jew That’s crazy dude there’s a broken couch and Bonnie’s room that he broke Bonnie coming up like short on you yeah my birthday’s coming no that shirt was like short oh yeah yeah yeah it almost show your stomach a little hey Bon don’t on the hoop behind you and mo told me you s like a essay of like all his teams losing an essay remember I spent send the butt fumble you know all the [ __ ] yeah I never SE Bonnie type so much in his life no he don’t type it he’s I didn’t type I didn’t type see Kobe knows me he he copies and paste everyone What bond struggles to the freaking type and read and spell forray the Discord didn’t he what huh you INF infiltrated the Discord me no AR did you allow did he allow him the Discord or not he’s he’s considering it he has to see how I uh am it’s pending yeah you you better take your [ __ ] meds I’m not on meds yeah I me I would be on meds hey what up Preacher Man JK about what what up up oh me and him got into all over M&M’s no because Bianca be lost and he got so mad who lost Bianca oh good oh yeah I watched I actually CH all right when I was watching live I changed the match because I thought she was going to win I was laughing then I watched the replay Chelsea won I was dancing but [ __ ] uh what’s his name Carmela Hayes one like again those are two uh I knew Carmel was gonna win the first one but I thought Bianca was gonna be Bianca Hogan in the second one he got mad I said Bianca Hogan he got mad Tiffany better win I don’t care J cargo cannot get pin she she she’s not get Pinn did you see who the D got rid of kayb left yeah oh yeah she she left yeah Caleb Braxton I saw that today onra one too were you surprised you’re [ __ ] I hope you start I thought I hope you start drinking man yeah he was saying aw’s better he was saying that [ __ ] Bianca Belair they released her she’s gonna be what she’s going to be um I don’t even know I’m trying to make up a name for aw because Bianca B wrestling I told her I told them [ __ ] a has no good women like what you saying it’s all elderly wrestling besides Mercedes what does she who she fight fing and she not the same I’m sorry she not the same as she is no she’s not that good in the mic either I was a fan of her but she was way better than WWE look at Coleman sitting there wow Coleman’s looking at more DMS he got that hat off Fanatics right yes sir I got my dad’s call me business call I got this hat from Lids delard I put it on it it fits good and I didn’t even have to adjust Holdman mckenny we got a ginger we got I told we’re going to go to his house and watch a Bronco game oh yeah we know his address we can fly we’re watch to Super Bowl in 20 whatever I said in Discord like 204 yeah and then um we can go live do a live Bronco Brothers in person everyone loses it’s bad booking but if they win it’s h He’s a hypocrite people you like is bad I talk to I talk to Mr austino today yeah he did late yeah he is late five years late you want late H stop what you that what I didn’t fart I’m I didn’t what was that then what was that then fireworks this is bad touching my yeah with my bed no his bed makes a weird noise there how how do your dad not hear that I how do you laugh so hard hear that his dad almost caught him once oh one time one time seven times seven times yeah preach man’s like Triple H socks I’m WWE like bro what oh wow about oh shut the [ __ ] up bondie come on you oh the blankets are wet are wet SmackDown and Raw were good this week oh yeah those were good shows they were good shows they were good I don’t get we had Uncle howdy we had uh Joe carries I love and then we had Jacob F two show up G Gus like who who yeah you didn’t know who Jacob was sadly casual but his amazing Bonnie with the fresh cut yes you look younger now holy [ __ ] I’m taking all I’m taking control hey diet blonde and wear T you be solo he’s [ __ ] solo bro we got Sami Zayn we got the green shirt guy green shirt guy are you in Florida yeah I know the guy that’s why I said earlier green shirt guy hey but we got s over here oh no sorry sorry Coleman no I’m ques no you’re Sami Zayn what happened he said Sami Zayn and I got a m that’s sure oh yeah I [ __ ] Sammy Hogan yeah let’s go Braun breaker Braun breaker should beat him in two minutes should beat him in Toronto beat him in two minutes yeah it might be a fatal fourway sadly though but do you think they uncle had a title shot or or like not going to book him for title shots no he’s goingon to be spooky to someone he killed Chad Gable and raw basically you know he killed G Gable Chad Gable but he’s cleared already after a week he’s clear C Punk’s gonna be clear do you see a Chad post on his Instagram yeah the Jason thing yeah he should have posted Michael Myers the guy never dies but guess what preachment said he he did he abuses Otis you know according to somebody they [ __ ] suck Michael they’re terrible bab bab just kidding six game 500 if I wasn’t fishing I’d be shooting myself but you know fish what happened to two out of three against Red Sox like I don’t know the Red Sox are still sucks still I I think he likes the Red Sox he’s wear a red shirt it’s Puma p hey what’s that what’s that stuff on your shirt pick it up again what’s that white stuff yeah I don’t know me in the grocery store yeah yeah yeah see gross when do you go about to work there’s either three options call I text my BOS why why you want me to go work so quick I got to text my boss no cuz like you’re saying you’re going to quit your job in September for like football season I’m just joking but maybe you going to take off for a 51 season oh my God no Broncos salt no Broncos slam sugar Sal what you talking about he probably come on bond shirt I don’t see it if you step foot in that Stadium it’s l don’t worry line what stadium the the buck stum yeah we got a B with this guy right here we got [ __ ] bed with Dominic I’m G dump [ __ ] what is it soda we all here all right if we win I’m dumping soda on his [ __ ] head it’s soda hey at the game at the game if I’m with B the game he has a p it on my head if I if I want to P it on his head oh [ __ ] no it yet you have to jump into the lake behind it seven seven people watching a bunch of lurkers I’ll do another ice water B I’m done me and bnie doing me and Bonnie doing the stone cold salute if I see him for yeah I’ll do I’ll do uh ice water bet but times to like last you know oh you see my Prime collection I’ll do I’ll do six buckets this time in what sh he’s wrestling in a triple threat hly I think Santos is gonna win that match yep Santos is gonna win this match it’s gonna be the storyline oh no each other you know yeah and then they’re gonna forget fact I’m so confident in my Broncos I’ll make a during the BET video if we lose I will say they suck and the and the box for the best team but not oh my God hey hey you know what just make the video ready no you need to make the video already because we’re winning hey out of all the free Broncos of all fre who win in that game I don’t live bu of Broncos that game even go even if Bonnie go no if Bonnie goes he’s like 0 and three or something no no didn’t you finally go to a game that they won it that was freaking baseball that was baseball it was like years without winning you know oh we’re winning look like my full arms are matter of fact we’re beating the jet no I’m joking we’re not being the Jets what we can be the Jets uh maybe harder than the Jets the only way we beat the Jets is if hack it I can’t trust Aaron Rogers bro like you can’t TR a conspiracy theorist likes RF being the Panthers at home Bonnie oh yeah by the way when you the Buccaneers game if you say pop you get kicked out the game the Panthers are a by well I’m not I’m gonna get kicked out I guess the Panthers are a by we I’m gonna go on the I’m gonna go on the ship on the buccaneer see Bonnie over there with a beer in his hand and he’s like yeah Bron you’re going to be pushed off and you have a cast the boxing match he said him he said oh you take that look at those chicken legs I finally got oh I’m golfing on Monday against my dad you’re golfing so you’re not gonna be home until Tuesday then that’s an afternoon don’t see a snake Bond like the video I sent remember that I saw a turtle I saw a turtle swimming I saw ducks and geese and I saw a crane so you saw yourself swimming I’m not a turtle how is Tracy he’s good the old Fisher still going like yeah he’s still going we got that tag team actually what are we doing I have a video of him catching a small mouth I can’t wait Brandon Rogers said want the what the [ __ ] to this wow where’d you put that at no I use him as bait no like where did he say what the [ __ ] at that that post let me find it on Instagram what you never seen a crawfish before don’t have crawfish in Minnesota they say on YouTube or Instagram Instagram remember when freaking Bonnie said we lose the Chargers just because of SOI stadium so yeah what happened to that I think oh I’m so mad about that I think the Panthers take is even worse Justin Herbert got hurt that game did you know that especially in Denver we don’t lose come on yeah the P we own the Panthers we own them besides the hack at year which don’t count you know every [ __ ] day I went swimming it was hot got the hack every day I went swimming every day that’s your coach moisty what that’s your coach oh bondie you know what you missed the most legendary moment on stream Monday night what I miss the they called me the rizzler like that I don’t believe he’s lying D I don’t know what he’s talking about I was on FaceTime with her no like according to him he went to the girl’s house which I don’t think it’s true like yeah yeah you got to show more proof yeah than he didn’t show proof like I can’t believe him like yeah fake stats the girl the girl like was talking to him and she called me a 40y old bondie you should call me 40 you’re not 40 call me 40 yeah that that was pretty [ __ ] up I’m like damn I’m old than air amir’s again there 40 I’m like how I like 40 is the [ __ ] go t or what damn yes sir 40 do I got gray hair damn damn no that’s crazy world heavyweight championship Dominic never I wouldn’t book that if if she called you 40 I could just shave my head and she’ probably call me like 70 you’re a transitional Champion you’re a transitional Champion you’re like Damien priest those that for me man [ __ ] all R [ __ ] let me get my belt oh God whisper glazed the [ __ ] out of them I got my tag team belt let me get my belt those are like the old [ __ ] smack this is Jack it’s kind of like a oh look at look at his chair oh my God what chair he broke a chair again my belt my belt I’m on my bed I’m not even on the chair w yeah how was cutting grass today um oh yes master master what the [ __ ] I I didn’t Mo I just did weed the freaking touch that grass Coleman touch the grass I told you yeah I touched too much grass mat is obsess with fantasy G me a headache I I got us InterContinental on Mid card us I got the Spinner Belt I’ll show my I’ll show the rest of my stuff on Monday D will be camo came acknowledge me we want Roman we I think I have the same chair as him yeah break I won’t break a spending chair we want Vince vce we want Vinnie and dog call we want a tie end yes we do but we didn’t get in the draft so doesn’t want TI he just wants defensive ends that’s it we got hey who you’re only smoking mirrors this is the way better than the one right now currently yes it is Brun Breer needs to bring that back and I got the US one you know the best yeah I I I have the exact same one yeah I’m I’m Legit mid card I’m mid card City yeah that’s right you know why cuz I am your world heavyweight champion I’m the face you’re the heel you’re the heel until Bonnie comes down here to beat me for the title I will be and forever be your Undisputed w champion of the world where’s the yeah where is the Jazz Championship hat what where’s the UT Jazz NBA champions hat like I want to know where is it I’ll grab it out in like five years five years five years yeah hey V we we come down here the I got do a Power the Canadian Destroyer that’s the fakest move I’ve ever seen I hate the Canadian Destroyer but they they do it on the independent scene you love the [ __ ] the independ you said where’s the Jazz uh Blues you said where’s the Jazz champions championship hat yo where’s where’s the Race Championship hat huh yeah where is the race I know it said that hey no race Lander yeah I know I like what hey what is the Bon Championship hat what what do you mean what do you mean BL BL you got three buddy you got three show us show us your hats I don’t got it but I got the conference Championship one 92 Championship hat at my mom’s I have both Buck look look it’s your oh yeah you used to have a smaller head my God my head don’t fit on it this head grew yeah you used to have a smaller head Bronco hat it’s so dirty I guess it got B wishes he had this Hatachi yeah I’ll I had a question for you guys which one’s better that’s your point which one’s better or one that one that one or this one black and white the old one it looks way better be cinal are back you know world I got Mickey hats hey we beat the Raiders and the Sheep so you’re welcome you smoking mirrors a c brother’s coming back soon yes sir with with packing oranges yeah with packing oranges packing nose I’m quitting my job doing this full time because they’re not making you work Sundays no just be like hey I need off every Sunday and occasionally a Thursday and a Monday yeah we play Mond Night Football yeah and Thursday dud why do the Buccaneers have six Prime Time games you have six that’s too much there’s gonna be some flexing we no no no no wait we oh hang wait Flex Flex Flex Flex Flex B we got like two or three right yeah I got zero I think we got two hey wait I’ll tell you right now is isn’t it the Browns and the uh the Saints Brown Saints back one mask up four we have four the Jets have six and awoke the Buccaneers have four Prime Times okay that’s not I knew they weren’t gonna have six and the Jets have six okay because Aaron Rogers is back and their newor look they used to make you wear these [ __ ] [ __ ] yes terrible yeah Kobe’s going into the can’t breathe [ __ ] no you can’t I still see people with them yes who [ __ ] you’re if you’re sick stay at home when the Broncos brother comes back you’re G to hear this [ __ ] let’s see this chair let’s see this room Bonnie there’s my green screen I I haven’t used it in a while hey bondie you have a green shirt I know let’s see what let’s see if anything appears on your shirt what the hell how do you do it I think it’s on the app only [ __ ] yeah when hey when the Broncos about to reunite damn it come on play the visit man thing good snap good hold kick perfect and the Broncos Joe Buck Legend you know yes PS5 on top yeah Among Us downstairs oh Bonnie according Dominic you play so much ml the show I I do sorry I’m Sor I’m sorry I play after work at night 364 hours okay 13 days okay I don’t always play the game I use I do franchise mode barely playing any games The Rock good y ready for theate blaz two ready that was just me and you ready for some where’s the get ready for some glaze oh God all right all right okay Duncan what F the M West this is the only Championship hat I have yeah get that copyright out of here that guy’s in Hollywood he’s Hollywood [Music] and with the first overall pick the Broncos select venzo Bondi yes the first pick Long Snapper ashaa left tack in the 2025 NFL draft the Denver Broncos select future Hall Kobe alberon go future bus of the the NFL colan mck M Hunter hunteran mcken what position with the ninth pick’s a slot 2020 right wait with the ninth pick in the 2069 NHL draft the Utah freaking whatever their names are going to be select your mother what the can’t skate they like me watch I wish I could 269 be old as [ __ ] yeah true my mom be like almost 100 with the what the fre oh yeah with the 10th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Utah Jazz Select I don’t know what the [ __ ] [ __ ] the dude from conate what jonovan CL in my dreams I wish with the 28th pick we’ll be streaming the draft with the 28th pick in the 2024 draft you D select Zack Ed the bests I may have to watch illegally so there’ll be no Twitter spoilers Ice Mountain best water you know breaking news there’ll be zero Twitter spoilers uh how is Ice Mountain the better best water huh no I haven’t I never tried it but how’s it better than [ __ ] water so I guess how it better than Fiji though Fiji Water is overpriced it’s overpriced overrated [ __ ] it wow yeah Bondi no [ __ ] spoilers no Christopher Hughes on no no no Christopher Hughes what up Jordan [ __ ] your team your quarterback’s terrible last time I’ll set up the stream today I’ll get the Su on Coleman Channel we’re not he can do it but we’re not doing it on the channel who’s we W you’re taking sh that’s come on best I don’t know anything about basketball that’s why you’re not gonna be on there I know I didn’t want to be I’m going to be fishing actually going outside in November of this year America selects Donald J Trump yay yeah I said the Celtics are going to win too but I don’t want him to win it’s the way he is I like that headband Coleman thank you POV do you wear that when you toss around the Frisbee with the boys hey POV vzo walks into R James Stadium you should wear a white one yeah I’m going to give you the spear is B I’m gon use a spike I’ve been tossed around the Frisbee with the boys forever shut up yes kby because my T you know I said he can you can break Dominic’s ribs yeah I can I’m stronger than bondie what really what hey what’s your deadlift hey what’s your deadlift I don’t know Bonnie G to get up and work out you know like three inch tall than you and Bon guess how tall Mysterio is does matter how tall is he 5’4 that’s short no way yeah remember last night he said it little spe Gonzalez damn and Alex is only 56 damn all right now I don’t feel that short I don’t feel that short anymore especially when I met Blue Jays today I didn’t feel that short that guy was short you just like ran up to said give me a picture right now no imagine imagine three imagine the Bronco Brothers go against the uh freaking Mysterio Alex air and uh Mo basketball point guard yeah we would Coleman you’re you’re gonna be on air you’re about the same height we would be them in basketball and football not Air’s not get us might get us in baseball they might get us in baseball but Bon’s Ace he’s ace pitcher I’ll throw my knuckle ball but I can’t you can’t throw a knuckle ball yes I can okay WWE news yeah that’s that’s what’s gonna happen I’m gonna be our Bullpen arm because I can’t hit hey breaking news oh what ra 2025 move of the Netflix will become a 2hour show no ads for premium users no PG so pg14 so more content I hope so not on Monday night what is what Smackdown is becoming a freour show see this is why I don’t think okay maybe they can reduce it to two hours but I don’t see it moving off Monday dude that’s like they’re not GNA move off Monday up up up show this little what’s up up up up up up what sord that’s speculation dude come on speculation I wow it has to be reported by legit Obie fi sucks oh that’s PR man’s boy that’s a Discord name he’s just he’s just a more jacked [ __ ] what’s his name Apollo crw he has a stupid accent he’s from America but don’t let preacher hear that racist you demean black men that’s what he says black women women you hate you hate women oh yeah wow oh he from Nigeria never mind but still yeah you doesn’t have an action like that anymore play football let go Alon hopefully they lose the series to get swept back to back Series yeah get the trade going get the and you got that you going to lose the Red Sox again the next series probably man I’m so pumped bdi’s coming back but but the Cardinal can lose one game and they can be one game out of it so I don’t know this [ __ ] wild card’s killing me no two wild card only come on the three the third one sucks like third walk especially in the end out it’s bad they make they full team oh we can compete no you can’t only two teams are out of the race it’s pathetic how how many games do a Jay’s has a wild card six you might as just pack it in like if you keep got pack it in you’re be you’re gonna have a triple A team time bro it’s not even M season he guys talk about wild card suck who’s in last place [ __ ] I don’t care higher pick it’s kind of mid off honestly lost to the Pirates like come on who’s who’s gonna be in last place at the end of the season Rays watch NOP vzo no Red Sox I see it they’re okay team right now they actually clear are four and a half games out the blue J are six games out the Chicago White Socks are 21 games out the Red Sox are only half game back in the wildart but oh my God they got the broom out against you yeah wow the a plus eight right now the Wild Card Standings back you got swept in your own building bondy how do you feel like not good oh they’re smiling I’m looking at the standings right now wait wait this NL nl’s pissed me off the Giants are three games back hopefully we sco their ass tomorrow but knowing us [ __ ] [ __ ] the Cubs leag batting average they’re playing batting average long sport tomorrow it’s gray versus web it’s gonna be good dude A J has 28 home RS Jesus the Jay’s off is bad it’s terrible today David Schneider and um ikf it’s ikf hit two home runs ago I like some new an Anaheim Ducks yeah they’re getting rid of that stupid Bill logo and the the Kings have the Kings have their new logo unfortunately Bond D bur ble bomb’s better I fear but Bly bombs boom boom the first future um blue J here I wouldn’t mind it guys were clowning him all all last year this year well he went he didn’t get much playing time actually good where’s Tommy Edmond and me and Whisper did that trade in fantasy next day two home runs hit 62 home runs Donan theck where the heck is air by the way he’s Hollywood like wow okay he’s Hollywood he ain’t fishing damn well the Cardinals have a minus 33 run differential in their in the playoffs how many home runs we have total just say no I’m just saying that run differential is I’m getting on the Discord I’m telling that [ __ ] to join that [ __ ] how long for for like three hours razor minus 64 oh the carisk um so Bonnie don’t like streaming that long you told me no that’s wrong that’s false you said I like doing it but I don’t like streaming for two hours after wrestling streaming that’s a preference who’s all streaming the NBA draft I don’t get mad when we stream three hours you streaming the NBA draft most we do lately two like yeah two two and a half are you guys I’m streaming the NBA draft we’re a [ __ ] suit look presentable well guess what I’m already streaming it so oh you competing well I’ll call you I’m gonna call you during your show don’t worry you and preach are supposed to compete remember and he quit oh yeah he quit he didn’t want to do the NFL drafts yeah call me during my show I will I enjoy watching nft myself might be using my phone as a camera so don’t actually Midwest ruins the draft don’t let him on ever again yeah I’m not lying call me on Discord and I’ll answer on my freaking phone or Chromebook I me well he’ll just come to your house and come you know yeah I’ll go to your house since we have the address you know yeah iide your address I’m gonna look at the mountains man it’s G be nice I’ll just delete the my live stream but my but my thumbnail so sick you can stream I don’t care I’m still gonna call you no one’s GNA join it though I will Bondi will win we’ll get all everybody on his no I won’t Bond will take take over my yeah yeah wow this is this is a tough spot to be at like guilt tripping I’ll stream for hours he’s guilt tripping everybody oh my God maybe I don’t do it maybe I let maybe I let little old Coleman maybe I’m gonna be like I’ll let little old Coleman get this one and then the day of I’ll [ __ ] make my stream wow so Coleman’s are you gonna do Coleman stream or what sh no I’m do it I don’t care no guil trip then okay you know no no I’ll just make a video when the Raptor to make the pick so Kenny wins wins and why would they have a second round like the day after it’s the next day what the [ __ ] did ESPN want like more the like part of the deal nobody even like watch second no one watches the second round I like James yeah oh I still see little receding a little bit Castle the guy draft and then we got bronnie James and then we got the Tik tocker dude see look in the middle right here it’s like a little thin you I see a little bald spot though I’ll be deleting my stream because I’ll be got floating head my is his green screen’s fake he’s [ __ ] maybe I’ll stream the I want you to do a green screen on that shirt I can’t that’s what I’ll stream the NHL draft how you do it oh my God no don’t stream the NHL draft Yeah you fall as asleep dude you’ll fall asleep I’ll probably be at work I probably will fall asleep especially since I don’t know [ __ ] about hockey taking control yeah I’ll just join your stream [ __ ] my stream really no I feel bad just do it no no no no no you have more subs so I don’t get views what do you mean you don’t get views you think I get views I get views you get views sometimes when it’s like [ __ ] up scar like the allstar [Music] [Laughter] celebrity that’s still by highest stream I think yeah my highest is Raiders and cowboys people are talking on Discord but don’t come here oh cuz I don’t have the link they could just ask they don’t ask L what the [ __ ] I’m gonna send Shane Graham the link yeah talking about freaking the Cardinals on there like we can talk we can talk about celebrity game see this what I mean Hollywood just bad Hollywood I just sent I sent in the link you see to link at like five o’clock I’m like holy [ __ ] and and I said I said backstage blink like there in 10 minutes if I don’t see a little Shane Graham the the guy that someone want smash according to somebody in the bottom right you know actually allar celebrity game doesn’t have my most VI oh who what was it Lakers versus Nuggets w r for the Nuggets that series wow yeah [ __ ] the Lakers but then he was the biggest [ __ ] Timber wol fan I ever seen oh here we go here he comes sugar Shane’s here B ban fan club imagine calling me holly Hey look it’s freaking bur Bly bombs oh my God bombs bro both had one two RS gonna go in a slum no no no so how many hours are we doing this three hours streaming what the [ __ ] yeah vinzo’s back venzo sent me a link a link on Instagram well you could just join the chat and just ask for it you know like normal person I didn’t even know you were live wow Hollywood I’m the rock whisper call me Hollywood at 6 in the morning like what the [ __ ] but you were acting like Dwayne Johnson no I I was trying to sleep and you keep texting me like I’ll be back you sent me a video fortnite yeah I have Bianca B I’m like what the [ __ ] Bianca Bianca Hogan y she has a belt too boo Hollywood the the raw the woman’s raw tag belt not the tag but the woman’s raw belt the one that Liv has yeah the Women’s World Heavyweight wh remember I told you I’m like b g hit like two or three tomorrow and then he did it that’s weird black magic I hope he doesn’t keep going let’s be the Giants Bly Sony gray pitches tomorrow gra vers web IES I hope web get sh team the cardal is more important fantasy Brandon Donovan home run tomorrow Donovan and what he keep what if they both keep hitting home R hom new Bar’s gonna hit a home run if that’s a he’s hurt oh BL him and Ed are both bro Edmond’s G Edmond has even played a game yet actually got hurt today I think he he do for a ball Hur R Walker’s coming at back then there’s this girl on my Snapchat named Samantha burlson good night burlson W last name bur say are you related to Alex Pearl whisper don’t you hate the ghosting by you know woman you know yeah it’s bad yeah Bond bondie got streaks streak streaks bondie don’t delete your draft stream because I already did I didn’t start it Coleman what are you doing well Coleman just glazing me yo you got a haircut yeah you just have more subs so how was the fish how was fish be watching was good no Wi-Fi oh man come on man no Discord no fantasy talk people will be in the chat watch me they don’t comment you miss SmackDown and Raw no I didn’t miss that you watched it I’ll find a jazz tie I have one somewhere Jazz tie I’m wearing a full suit I don’t care let’s go when when’s the Utah State glazing coming back already did you gota wait till August oh my God missed it yeah this guy was wearing a I’m not ready for that again yeah where’s your next video like come onald Trump a cardinal video if if we sweep if we sweep the Giants I’ll make a video we haven’t in a while honestly I think the only Jazz tie I have is like the old the old colors so it’s kind of an L tie but Burly bombs let’s go I’ll probably go I’ll make a streamyard what the neon colors no I wish I had like a maybe I’ll wear a purple H I don’t have a purple tie yeah dress like the Undertaker but whisper I fear burson’s a little better but you know where’s my freaking Jaz tie crap I don’t have a jazz tie don’t right now yes bro last year I hated burlon now he’s so good Amir I did too freak DFA imagine we did that’ be my God air want walk DFA that’s never going to happen I don’t have a jazz but at least I got this one they can’t D to trade before they DFA I’m like I mean [ __ ] Jay’s tra like he sucks you got at least I got at least I got Broncos Bron and and guys no glaz why are you wearing a cub set they stink what do you mean exactly he’s flexing about beating the Mets like bro what oh my god when did I ever Flex about beating the you you talking so much [ __ ] to in Discord like bro he was talking so much when the Cubs beat the Cardinals one game where the we’re back all right we are back wh we’re four in one against the Cubs like bro we hav haven’t scored that many runs like in forever so we are back cuz you guys suck we are bra until proven otherwise is David Ross is David they spent all that money on Craig Council what has Craig Council done nothing coach Craig all right and are the Cardinals going anywhere no so in a wild card but we’re in the wild card so yeah you’re still not doing [ __ ] in the playoffs we’ll be the Cubs will miss the playoffs like you’ll to the freaking Red Sox or some [ __ ] red so freaking kick whoan Coleman hitting the cart man I don’t smoke yeah he’ be in the cart I don’t you smoke I don’t maybe maybe it’s that dumb Cub’s brain knowledge yeah y losing the first round at least we’ll make the playoffs okay like your poverty franchise three three rings you got Dusty Rings you got you got like 114 year old ring two of them don’t even count I don’t care what like from 1920s that’s like the farming era Howes nobody was allowed to is it because freaking is it because the Mickey freaking uh Micky Maxwell BET’s team yeah you got lucky the cat the [ __ ] Indians choked [ __ ] and Bondi um looks like the Florida might choke so that’ll be the biggest choke in like a Bon’s gonna be probably no it’s three to three oh my God yo I have Christ McKenzie starting he’s gonna go lights out against let’s go get the broom there’s Coleman in a suit all right there you go we’re you know we’re two games we’re we’re seven point wait no we’re I’m trying to find more suits we’re one point like 1.5 games behind the Reds for last plays where the hell are the suit we’re last no we’re in second but like look at the NL Central there’s Colby yeah it’s like one point one game between all of us except congratulations you’re first place in a Mickey division yeah bro you’re a raay fan they suck the same wins as you and and wi fourth place no you don’t the same amount yes have more loses last place talking no rings 1998 yeah no rings no rings shut the [ __ ] up about 1998 that’s the worst year in MLB history oh my what are you talking about we have P rings two rings yeah you’re bandwagon team has the team you bandwagon to has two rings I’m not a bandwagon meds fan yeah you are definitely that’s older than you definitely race fan first said he loves the Mets he’s a Mets fan someone keep call out of here here probably does want to show up so were you the Mets are going to trade Alonzo keep yeah not it’s just gonna be me and [ __ ] [Music] Coleman no the thumbnail I’m making for the I said I’ll be there what the hell probably gotta go Hollywood the Bronco Brothers but what is it for the draft NBA draft wow the Suns has a 28th pick I think or something or the 2 I’m only that’s my Cameo whis like just they’re just going to pick a guy to WIP the ranch come that’ll be my that’ll be my cameos the son’s picking I did whisper we need a fifth starter now like oh we’re gonna get one Matt is out for [ __ ] week still that bastard kuchi I don’t want that get I know you need a lefty here you know my rule dude this car this car girl wow just say his name aw Dynamite ratings will disappear nxd get more views again NXT had 52,000 and NXT had seven wow NX TNA Joe Hendry is a mega star oh yeah I saw I saw that he get so many views and likes I believe in what’s upal what’s up London and Paris and Tokyo hopefully we you guys tomorrow Cal hopefully I Believe In You hour yeah an hour and a half unless starts popping so one so 21 minutes yeah I’ll be here yeah IID stay for another 20 I’m leaving wow thirsty dude Bonnie’s been outside for the past week he probably wants a full rest finally I’ve been sleeping on the couch you get at rest wow Mo’s been like on every stream live reaction yeah I know I’m back air and moisty were going at it on the smackdown I wasn’t he was see what happens Alo that’s why here dude dude he was bring up the pass like so much it was so awkward me and Whisper like we didn’t know what to say dude why was a man bringing up the P though he of you and I too I’m kidding wow whisper you just want you have a lot ofis I’m gonna say in theis you called Preacher Man a what a heel remember outside like the Blue Jays have the least amount of home run I said bro trying to act heel yeah everybody everybody cop copy and paste my comment that I’m about to put in amir’s Discord okay all right right but pre preach man copied me today I went outside touch grass and he did the same thing he copies just wait just wait you touch grass yeah I posted a video on Discord yeah what I said Coleman touch grass [ __ ] yeah Coleman on my my post finally the only Bronco brother that told me look at the look at the did you see it I’m not playing Adams because Adams is uh a playing where’s your message I’m about to send it chill grass yeah you see that I just seen it I posted it was at four and preach man copied me dud you see that like 10 minutes after he [ __ ] copied this man Coleman is off drugs everybody copy and paste it everybody copy and paste it every I believe in Jo Henry I’m a copy Coleman copy Coleman [Music] indeed yeah Deb I believe in Kobe alberon I believe in Vinnie we want Vinnie take me with you is nephew Coleman was like I mean not Coleman Paul Heyman how I get Coleman and Paul Heyman mixed up anymore wow exactly you’re not Jewish PA is like take me with you like Dominic calls me a Jew like every day or not yeah I don’t know why you’re probably eat bacon no I hate bacon then you’re not oh my God bondie sent me a like pork chops no what the hell you eat pork yeah pig pig yeah I guess I just don’t like bacon yeah I don’t like bacon either unless it’s on like a burger or pizza or some [ __ ] pork pork is bacon exactly you said you like pork I don’t pork is not you said pork chops no I’m asking I’m asking Coleman if he likes it oh me and Whisper Sports G to a fight before like someone’s in that’s what you say when you come back me and Miss gone to fight today someone’s in a Twitter uh space who lyric what do you think lyric yeah last night WWE times aw space Oh my God he’s doing a space right now by himself no someone else someone Nam Alex from briti oh God F preacher woman it’s time to infiltrate preacher woman what up X Factor sorry oh you’re in Costa Rica nice nice I’ve never heard whisper conom preaching actually crazy you can just leave is that a new one oh that’s been there preacher woman what what is a Mir talking about what happen he said why is there a raw stream what what’s he talking about not a raw stream oh did I schedule it for today let me check you did it today I guess’s like working or something no I put on the 24th I know why yeah I put for the 24th I don’t know what he’s smoking oh wait no I did never mind oh my God B DP I can fix it it’s it’s policy it’s a REO is it live right now no okay it says live in 12 minutes raw 12 minutes Quick Fix Daniel Barry said hey everyone happy Saturday live in two hours little c nation dog Daniel Barry sports highlights hey how are you c nation dog Amir said what the [ __ ] wait dog seen it yeah what do he say live in two hours L I hate streamyard sometimes yeah got look come on man [ __ ] streamyard wow who left whisper whisper yeah I seen the trade on Cowboy Kus still going the Thunder that good yeah gidy up that was a good trade for Thunder back to the Thunder W yeah they have enough guards I don’t care and the Bulls need the Bulls need to get younger so by the way sorry Cowboy about your Maverick they had a good season I got kicked off yesterday yeah it happened yesterday too it kep wow why she’s top TI glazing it’s wow w wow the glaz is crazy he wants that glaze you I guess whoa 420 glaze it I mean it is pride so 420 glaz them no he said sub to me too oh my God what’s upo everyone Samy Hogan Samy Hogan sub to people make videos you know he’s a top tier video Don’t sub to whisper or or or moisty they don’t make videos wow I’m making a video uh Monday morning it’s releasing um tomorrow the Cardinal video there will be a whisper streamyard tomorrow really what’s up everyone how you guys doing today in the chat if the Cardinal win I’ll do a stream what time sup Cowboy sup Al after probably after the game over all right bet I’ll join I’ll text you on Snapchat and say you know what link you know what I’m GNA say oh my God this guy’s a [ __ ] Mark who Dominic he has one two three four five six different flavors that means he’s not coming back BRB the BRB it’s a new buy how about just say bye is this the new wrestling cast no this is just a hangout Wish sports a cool guy you know my return my D I was I was literally co-host for like the first like myself on Monday it was funny W because air went I couldn’t find him he didn’t like he was disappeared went Hollywood and then 20 minutes in they asked for the link I said okay why not Dwayne Johnson they said Link Link Link okay I said whatever link no you you said just DM me it oh yeah and we were talking about the Wyatt family oh yeah the Wyatt six 666 Eric Ron’s the OG member you know yeah Eric Ron’s there Nikki cross D Lumis looks way different holy [ __ ] Lumis what up beardo first time what’s up bro how you doing today he’s Mr optimistic Cardinal fan what’s up well the optimism is paying off you know keep isn’t he whisper like no no I’m not doing that no sick is it something bad no is bad it’s really bad is it bad it’s really bad it is is it a sin is it a sin it is a sin yeah almost almost almost it’s not a sin but it’s a sin to my intelligence so no look what I send you K Air’s too negative well he wants the team to to be really good so car’s have to be going to winning streak to prove oh my I seen that oh oh [ __ ] almost said it [Music] yeah can you hear me yeah yeah yeah yeah I think my mic’s out that guy should win esar yeah that’s not a good idea because she don’t like the girl don’t even talk Santos Escobar but who’s he gonna pin Logan Paul or ear Knight it’s gonna be a roll up on La night probably because you can’t have the US champion Los no you can’t no look what I look what I sent to you me yeah Coleman look what I sent to you Burly bombs wait is com here yeah Cy this guy in the Cardinal’s been hitting so he’s MMA M Air’s too negative yeah air he does get Negative like like I I told him like when it’s summertime that’s baseball’s the only thing on like it was the only thing on you should want be good I can’t wait till the 30th when’s your birthday I want my birthday is the 29th this month July Alon I don’t think so Allison Allison you got bedtime she said ell night’s gonna win I don’t see it oh actually something that’s productive oh no I don’t think so he’s gonna be to us TI or not M the bank yep l I was happy with all the winners yesterday actually yeah I like andr winning finally he actually won a match my God I hope Tiffy wins but it’s Tiffy time she Haven been TV in like a month I don’t care give me Chelsea Green or Tiffy time one of them hey Coleman’s back oh guess what guess what um L and Mysterio were saying what what happened they said they said Piper niid is better than Chelsea green no I’m like what Chelsea Green you look at her interview she she has one of the best facial expressions of every woman she does her character really well and guess what their excuse was Piper never got a title shot it’s cuz Scotland it’s fake like they just don’t oh my God they G me a headache’s not real like [ __ ] think like wet blanket [ __ ] think the GM booked the show no hate to be a wet blanket it needs to be sad though like scrpt yeah today was fun [ __ ] raining all day well Amir said you gota be fired that well what Amir sh is hating he’s a hater kind of yeah let been doing he’s typing on Discord but he don’t come to the stream that’s Beach wow D Wayne Johnson at the beach at 11 o’clock the [ __ ] the beach go fishing I want to go fishing it’s fun yes me and Pops yeah yeah get the worms you use do you use worms or use uh we used to we used to go like get worms at this like gas station before I use lures I call them lur we we’ve done like we’ve dug worms up before what that Twitter girl what the Oilers no car yeah oh yeah I love hering she’s sending DMS to followers I’m guessing wow Whisperers profile pick is me wearing a Cuts hat wow I’m confirmed your mother wow Co wow well honestly it’s been good if Bonnie been back been a long five days yeah could be in there he had fun though he’s I’ve been tired of him I’m saying I need to go fishing I can’t wait he finally done it caught a fish seven seven seven times seven times and you want the sign offs I’m waiting for Colby I’m waiting for it to go 130 I see you around the B are you showing the Madden trailer oh my God Madden doesn’t look looks all right it’s mid Madden there a new kickoff rule yeah your mother sound like a yes sir cuz I am yes sir no you have a stoner voice isn’t the new man like new scoreboard I think right yeah it’s G to be it’s be like it’s going to look like ESPN I’m whoop your ass I can’t wait look like Monday no you’re not well what undefeated men you suck my Wi-Fi I always I play the bank the most get better for the outlaw I’m I’m good man you know I like bri breaker but how did he fumble this like come on how did he fumble this she probably fumbled cheting she’s [ __ ] CM Punk like come on they did it one time come on AJ allowed it is that your conspiracy theory yeah every time you guys say every time you guys say fubble it just reminds me of Melvin Gordon yeah M Gordon fumbled every bag and dude Rox and perezz too punk yeah yeah he did Perez B he he wants to coach uh do you think when is coming back you think he’s there carel the girl the girl oh Carmela uh probably soon gra what about Alexa [Music] Alexa she has to be involved with the Wyatts but maybe not off the bat maybe she I mean her and Nikki cross used to be together so but she’s really enjoying motherhood though so I I can see it being like another year maybe well she has to pay the bills I think she had a kid like what this year November I think so yeah it’s been it’s almost a year kind of so la night will win I don’t see it I don’t see all right sign off yeah I see you wait moisty wants his stream end that’s what he did last night too you don’t make the rules buddy yeah hey B scratch my let me yeah let me scratch my uh my bug b let me scratch my bug bites first my God what bug bites you bug bites yeah [ __ ] he actually goes outside people what’s outside [ __ ] mosquito I [ __ ] hate them the fir first day I was there it wasn’t bad cuz there was dragon flies flying around eating them shut the [ __ ] up whisper [ __ ] all rise [ __ ] you got rise for the outlaw yeah rise all right anyways let’s start off um thanks for having me on I had little Cameo and uh go Cardinals [ __ ] the Cardinal go Sons go chiefs no three k came up K came up blues will win a Stanley Cup next year podcast coming soon podcast The Blues Brothers we need do cardal brothers that’s that’s a hey I might I might stream I might stream tomorrow after the Cardinal game let’s go first streamed in like four years first but yeah I’ll see you guys see you guys around the bin subscribe to whisper Sports yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] the Chiefs [ __ ] the Cardinals Cubs gonna be the M tomorrow [ __ ] the Mets whoa uh yeah and uh the J are going to draft somebody good hopefully and uh we’re going to win a ring before the the Phoenix bums he Jaz here’s a rusher what’s that rusher 50 teams oh I’m on uh thanks for having me on you know good stream Bonnie’s finally back yes F some fish proud of him uh same thanks for having back on thanks for having me on and I’ll see you guys all on the next one uh [ __ ] the leaves and the Broncos are being The Bu what happened last series against the uh lightning okay exactly ble bombs um W trade Graham both guys hit home runs today like that was crazy quit puking um rusher um but yeah um go Broncos hopefully have good season Blues you know we damn near missed we almost wi the playoffs but you know Mickey rules but Cardinals we’re b b get ready that’s not happening the are [ __ ] dumb the playing a dump you are a dump [ __ ] tropican field the [ __ ] hole I’m a Mets fan what do you mean oh my God no you’re aace you’re a race fan first you ban Ling shut up the Mets are not even any better I hope you knows and question what you got what you guys record all right shut up out I look like yeah SOLO I don’t know why Coleman’s talking Rings he only has got anyways yeah the Blue Jays are dog window uh shut up everyone Blue Jays are dog [ __ ] happy I CAU I’m sorry but Cubs won two two rings in the Negro era wow the no negro era but Bonnie’s favorite era I wasn’t alive yeah he’s not denying it whatever um but yeah Jay suck and he s off trade everyone they’re calling up younger players every day which is good but they need and John Schnider those guys uh yeah caught some fish touched some grass umw fish is I guess uh saw my exgirlfriend and uh she was shocked funny yeah I saw her today and I saw that was cool and uh that’s all I gotta say guys peace suck raise on top

hello my name is Vincenzo Agostino Bondi AKA
Bondi Sports Network on this channel will be talkin Sports
mainly the four professional leagues NHL, NFL ,MLB ,NBA my favourite teams to the route for are the Denver Broncos Toronto Maple Leafs Toronto Raptors Toronto Blue Jays I also do live play by plays predictions and all that stuff so check on by talk some trash and have some fun eh 🇮🇹🇨🇦

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