@Boston Celtics

Historically DOMINANT Season Ends w/ Boston Celtics Championship w/ Dan Greenberg | Celtics Beat

Historically DOMINANT Season Ends w/ Boston Celtics Championship w/ Dan Greenberg | Celtics Beat

Celtics beat is powered by prize piic the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network today is Thursday June 20th and this is Celtics beat on the clns media Network the leading online provider of audio video coverage of the world champion Boston Celtics I’m Adam Koffman episode 577 features bar stool Sports Dan Greenberg and I’m champ Evan Valente Today’s Show is powered by prize pick and Game Time prize pick is the official daily fantasy partner of Cs media download the app use the promo code clns for first deposit match up to $100 and download the game time app create an account use the code clns for $20 off your first purchase oh gosh I I don’t even where where does does one I I feel I need to like Channel Jason Tatum we did it we did it oh man they did it they did it honestly we were just along for the ride welcome in this is Celtics speed Adam Kaufman EV Valente we are always here with you and pleased to have with us at least when it comes to social media perhaps the biggest Celtic span on the planet Dan Greenberg bar stool greeny get him on Twitter at stool greeny and this uh this is just this is special because yes I’ve got my nightly Radio Show in Boston but it’s a betting Focus show so we we certainly talked a lot about the championship but in much more of a betting sense Kenny Anderson the former Celtic came on right after Boston one and chatted with Kenny for a while and and I can tell you he still bleeds green uh deep so uh so that was a really good time this show though is is another animal entirely this is a very special show because this is the you know no matter how many Celtics podcasts there are out there and no matter how many Celtics podcasts there are at clns this is Flagship Celtics podcast of the clns media Network this is where it all began and we are privileged to be here with you because you know I I can go back to when I started doing Celtics at 7 on The Sports Hub yeah Brad Stevens was hired and the Nets trade was made and it was Chris humph and Keith Bogan and Gerald Wallace and you know whoever else like that that group to where we are now obviously and there is just so much connectivity from those days and how it all began to finally after many years of waiting and chasing and National negativity and discourse and question marks surrounding the core of this group they’ve reached the top of the mountain the culmination the Boston Celtics for the 18th time are world champions the most titles in NBA history and part of the reason that I say this show is so special is because for what it is and what we do here for me for Evan and for Dan who has done his fair share of interviews throughout the playoff run this is really the the first sigh and and decompression of all of all that has happened and all that has been said and where we are going where we are at and just basking in the glow of the moment fellas a lot of the time when we do these shows I will have my notes my talking points my I want to make sure we get to X Y and Z before the end of the show I I have done none of that deliberately this is a show that is for the fans by the fans because we all are at our core fans of this team incred ibly excited about what they have accomplished and I just wonder and Dan will start with you obviously whether people and I know Celtics fans this applies to them but outside of Celtics Nation I wonder if people even still recognize and fully credit the fact that we were just witness for the last X number of months to an alltime team not the alltime team not even the greatest team in Celtics history but an alltime time team yeah and I mean I think before we dive in right I imagine this is a family show we should warn the audience here we’re about to go from six to midnight like real quick like like this is I can’t believe you’re gonna go from 6 to midnight I’ve been at midnight for yeah well for lack of a better I mean this is I called my doctor like five times already he says seriously yeah my raging poring is5 hours deep right now I’m not I’m sitting for a reason you know for the duration of this show um it’s just comp’s not even on a table right now yeah it’s just one of those things where you know I feel like we us three have chatted almost at every step of this journey through each of the erors right so to be here and for it to be real and not just a figment of my imagination that I would spend every night praying for for the last you know 10 plus years since that big three trade is it’s just surreal is the word you want to use but it almost doesn’t do it justice you mentioned we just saw one of the greatest teams like we’re not talking Celtics history we’re talking in the existence of the National Basketball Association so to just take a step back and say in our formative years where we’re cognizant and able to process what’s happening we have just witnessed one of the greatest seasons and greatest collections of talent in the history of the NBA is like it’s 2K it’s like it’s like we had life on easy mode and we cheated our way to it through you know playing the computer and it’s just I’m like like a loss of words it’s never going to set in for me I’ve already pissed off my dad having 1986 combos that he doesn’t want to have but you have to and the fact that those are real and have substance behind them is like I don’t know what I envisioned but this is better better than even my wildest dreams that’s the only way I can phrase it you know what’s really funny is i’ I’ve gotten a lot of texts from friends who are not in the least Celtics fans that are very critical of of this team and the path and like you said easy mode and you know not having to deal with a healthy Halbert and a healthy Mitchell you miss Jimmy Butler you didn’t have to go against joic or even Anthony Edwards that type of thing all the stuff that obviously National people have said these people are feeding off of and get it you know people want to be critical of of Boston they’re tired of Boston winning even though and this blew my mind this is actually the second albe it the last title game in longest drought right yeah this is the second longest drought in Boston Sports history you know second longest Championship drought since all four of the you know breu and Celtics Patriots Red Sox have been in existence which is and it’s the drought has been what six years so that’s just Insanity to me but putting that aside people are tired of Boston and I get it but one of the conversations because you I wasn’t even going to go there but you brought up the whole 86 versus now thing I think it’s so I I like I I’m kind of like your dad I guess I won’t even really stand for that conversation not because of a like you know a how do you not respect 86 I just think it’s impossible across Sports to compare erors at a certain point because the players change the you know health and fitness and training rate regimens and and obviously the rules of the sports themselves everything evolves like you could make the case this like might be blasphemy for some people out there you could make the case that like this Celtics team would have kicked the crap out of Bill Russell’s teams just because again like look at the look at the shape these guys are in they’re bigger they’re stronger they’re more athletic than you know the average guy Now versus the average guy then so that’s why the whole like comparing eras thing I just I don’t think you can compare this team fairly reasonably I don’t think you can compare this team to any team in NBA history before the year like 2000 I think at that point in time it like like you you want to compare him to like dominant LeBron teams dominant Warriors teams like go ahead you know you you could talk about that I I don’t think you could compare it though to like one of the Jordan Bulls championship teams because it’s just it’s a it’s a a different game now I don’t think you can do whenever whenever I think of like comparing eras like like you said right obviously the rules of change I look at it as the 1986 team is the ultimate you know embodiment of Celtics basketball plus dominance plus Hall of Fame Talent this if you just go by those three criteria in terms of buying into the idea of the Celtics what it means to win as a Celtic play as a Celtic the dominance statistically they had in relation to the rest of the league and then you know I mean they sealed the deal and I just I don’t know I like I’ve waited my entire life to have a 1986 conversation and I’m I’m gonna have it even if it’s stupid I don’t think you can do it quite yet I think you got to wait for future results to happen before you start bringing an 86 I think the fact that you have so many Hall of Famers like Bill Walton’s coming off the bench uh is like a real just monkey mentioned this whole thing you know it was so great the other day with the Nick Wright quote of like if he wants to be Larry Bird he’s kind of on his way but if he wants to be the best player in the world he’s not quite there yet for Jason Tatum right which I thought was an interesting way to frame that I’m like the best player in the world guarantees you absolutely nothing in terms of anything like nickol leic sat at home in the second round like as soon as that was over he was gone and he’s the best player in the world and he won is he only won once and I’m pretty sure he’s been the best player in the world for like five years straight Okay so so it doesn’t guarantee you anything the point being like Tatum is on his way to being the next great Celtic he’s kind of like already there yeah I mean he’s he just he’s there but like again to put him on the bird like he’s right now at the kg Paul Pierce spot with the one title and the all success he’s had and just with the success then you factor his 26 he’s obviously going to shatter that those ceilings and move up a level and when you’re moving up a level in the Celtics history books you’re starting to get to the cream of the crop of NBA history right and Larry Bird I’ll put him over kg I won’t put them over I was just gonna say I have him I have yet he’s he’s elevated above both uh t uh Pearson Garett for me just because the all NBAs the sustained success and I mean we all live through the dark ages of Paul I mean it’s not like he was dominant and the team was dominant from day one you get that second title we’re having conversations 90% of this fan base is not ready to have right I want to save the like the the the Tatum and brown vers Pierce kg like I want to save that for a second I do want to get back to the 86 thing you can’t quite have that discussion yet because you need sustained titles y to be compared to any Larry Bird era Celtic team I think if Boston and again we’re getting a little ahead of our you know skis here if there’s a sustained run of Excellence that results in finals appearances and titles but but here’s at that point you could start to have is you can’t have this conversation right now I think this is here what’s wrong with that here’s what’s wrong with that I think what what Greenie is talking about is we’re like we’re not comparing eras obviously that era dorfs this era he’s just talking about singular Seasons compared this is the 86 team yeah but you didn’t like it when 80 like now that we’ve had so much more data after 86 it it it enlightens how amazing that 86 team was right it’s one of the best teams if not the best team in the history of basketball I don’t think we can have a convers that type of conversation about this team until we have a little more data under our belt because you got to remember this is the first year of this core right the Jaylen Jason Derek Drew KP Al obviously we have more to go here I’m willing I can’t wait to see what happens next but I I won’t tolerate a one for one comparison just look at it like this though Point differential this is the fifth or sixth best point differential team ever beats 1986 they won 10 straight playoff games I’m not sure did the 86 team win 10 straight and then seven on the road I can’t I mean off top of my head I can’t remember but I don’t think they had reached those uh those marks this is a season in which we saw the 2024 Celtics have the most 50o wins 40 Point wins 30o wins like there’s just I I don’t know if if the argument is okay who if they play five on five who wins that’s not my argument my argument is you have not witnessed a more dominant eight-month stretch of Boston Celtics basketball than what you just lived through from October to June they did it on the road they did it at home they did it against the best teams they did it against the worst teams they did it close they did it by blowout they did it through threes they did it through post play like everything that you loved about the 86 team you saw in the 2024 team at a more insane production level that’s my stance is if you are looking at how the history of all these teams unfolded right none of this would have mattered had they not sealed the deal and won the title once you win the title you’re stamped and you get invited into those conversations if you want to start talking okay greatest Celtics of all time I’m with you you don’t just need two you need more than two to enter that club what they’ve now done with this title this was the Jersey retirement stamp right that’s it Tatum and Jaylen you’re it you are it does not matter what you do for the rest of your Celtics career you are now stamped the same way Paul Pearce and Garnett were stamped with one title we we had Grandy on with us last week and he said that in and obviously this was right before the title but they were up three 0 we knew it was coming in his mind not only those two which I completely agree with he thinks this this puts Al Horford up in the rafters so he has the Al he has the the Kevin Garnett debate right six or so type years didn’t win a DPI won the title his coming to Boston it wasn’t exactly the same Monumental League changing move like the kg trade but we’re all around the same age we had never seen a big-time free agent come to the Celtics in our lifetime Al Horford Al Horford was that guy so his impact on culture and impact on winning is of the same ilk as what Garnett you know Garnett established the only difference is he wasn’t an MVP he didn’t win DP I you know that first year I can see the case I don’t hold it against him that he left and and ruined the Sixers I actually think that helps his J like that’s like a that that boosts it so it’s an interesting debate I can you know people didn’t think Garnett should be up there but because of the drought that it ended well I mean [ __ ] we’re pretty close to a long ass drought that Al horrid just helped end so he might be you know if if it’s like a he’s not a first ballot like maybe he doesn’t go in the same you know the first go around as everybody else but it wouldn’t shock me if Wick just says screw it we’re we’re gonna invent triple digit number jerseys and just get everybody up there that’s where it’s going because like you ask and this is we’re not going to have this conversation this is a summertime conversation we’re not there yet but this is but like we could do whole shows around this but we’ve EV we’ve had guests who have come up like Randy made the case that if you put Horford up there which he believes you should you should also put Ray Allen up there Harry wurn has come on this show and said that Marcus SM belongs up there you know like there are you know we’re we are truly running out of numbers because I agree with you at the very least Tatum and brown will be up there one day because they won that title hopefully multiples but they won that title and that you know that that is going to stamp it but I I mentioned Grandy and you know man can call a game we know it but maybe my favorite thing about gry is the stats that he digs up that he will oh the Grandy bombs yeah the Grandy bombs and I’m sure so like we all I’m guessing like you guys could probably recite whatever yours is across sports like we all have that favorite stat right that favorite stat that like my favorite stat in sports history period is that Wayne Gretzky has more career assists or or yeah more career assists than any other player in NHL history has points points right yeah so if you just got rid of Gretzky’s goals dude still has more points than anybody else in history that is my favorite stat Grandy and I’m sure you guys saw this unearth my favorite stat about this year’s Celtics that just absolutely blows my mind every time I think about it and it is that this team had more 30o leads this season 10 point deficits that’s insane that is freaking nuts you want to talk about dominance of a team over the that’s not like just in the playoffs that is over the course of the entire year that is Bonkers that is that is just undeniable any argument you have about whatever soft or unproven or competition like this is a longevity stat that that extends what1 games as they went uh you know 80 and and 2 81 80 and 21 yeah like my God what a stat that is greedy yeah and that’s sort of what my point is is we have to get in the mindset and understand in process that we witnessed something that almost nobody has ever seen before and pick a franchise they haven’t had a season like this and that’s just like regardless of era regardless of you know who the competition was when you’re that dominant from preseason to game five of the NBA Finals it’s like it’s the ultimate mic drop there’s no hole there’s no weakness there’s no yah but and the fact that all of us for the rest of time are Teflon as a result of this title is like I just don’t know how to process it like coming from an era where I used to pray that David Wesley was the difference and valal bico was gonna be the one that got us over the hump to be in the gutter that that was of the Rick patino era to now be having a legitimate Earnest conversation that we have just witnessed one of the greatest seasons in NBA history and it happened with the Boston Celtics it’s just hearing those words come out of my mouth I mean I’m going to have to turn my camera off for five seconds and take care of something it’s just it’s just unbelievable that’s all I can say it’s just unbelievable prize pick is America’s number one daily fantasy app with over 5 million active members it is the easiest and most exced way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it’s just you against the numbers get in on The Daily action with your friends become part of the prize picks Community today all you do is pick more or less on two to six players their sta projections and watch the winnings roll in you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you could turn $10 into ,000 priz pick is available in more than 30 States across the country including California Texas and Georgia now here’s something 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a fight uh Indiana might have been the hardest team they played in the playoffs like no joke that was one of the best offenses I’ve ever seen in my life you know Jimmy Butler on Miami wouldn’t have mattered I wouldn’t have been eager to see what the Nuggets series would have looked like that’s the only one though but like legitimately the only team and again I love I love this like oh like like oh if well if so and so had so and so I’m like look let me just tell you again this particular panel of people watched every game they K the [ __ ] out of everybody out of everybody except for Denver and I still think if you put those team teams against each other that Boston probably would have found a way but it would have been really tight it would have been really close it would have been the series everybody was looking for but Boston winning the season after just demolishing everybody it was almost let me cofin let me this by you this feel like a Patriots post like a vintage Patriots postseason run to you because for me I never sweated a second until I got to the finals then after the first two games it was really like do they even need christs porzingis to win the finals like that’s that’s the conversation I was having in my head I’m like do they really actually need him out there or or is he just like the just the cherry on top of this dominant Sunday yeah I mean it felt like it’s this is not a a good comp at all you would need a a a less important player but it it reminds you of some of those playoff runs where it was you know like grank got hurt and it was like do they need grank or can they cons can they still win in spite of you know Rob gronowski not playing and and it just yeah I mean the we we’ve said it a number of times over the course of the year that un for better or worse I guess in the bigger picture better but worse in that now you know you’re going to have what we once called in in Red Sox Nation pink hats you’re going to have the people that that sort of come along and this is what happened over the course of the 20 years of dominance for the Patriots it’s the you know who cares about the regular season they’re going to win their 12 games I don’t even to watch you know wake me wake me when we get to the postseason but but then eventually like after the first three titles it wasn’t even that it was wake me when we get to the AFC title game you know they’re going to have their actual buy and then their buy you know pseudo buy against the crap seam so the the double buy to the AFC title game and you know in some years depending on the the path some people said literally you know let just when we get to the Super Bowl we can start to pay attention to this thing and that’s what it was for a lot of I don’t know about Celtics fans like real Celtics fans I think real Celtics fans truly understood where they had come from and enjoyed the journey and maybe not to the level of greeny where you’re sweating every second of every actual regular season I’m already nervous about summer league in a month I mean what are we talking about you know but but some people out there certainly the Casual Boston sports fan you know was like all right well they’re you know one of if not the best team in the NBA they’re going to be in the playoffs they’re going to have home court they’re going to win the first round or two so you know right back in the this the they’re they’re always in the final four now you know six out of eight or whatever they’re going to be in the Eastern Conference Finals so wake me when when they get there and let’s see how they blow it this time and they didn’t they they did it and they did it easily I mean you know there like there were some people that were saying and and I was not one of them by the way there were some people saying at at the conclusion of beating the Pacers that was your NBA Finals because the Mavericks are going to be even easier and maybe I just gave Luca and and Kyrie to a certain extent but mostly Luca and that depth by the way because I like Lively and gaffard and Washington and those guys I looked at that team and I saw what they did to OKC and what they did to Minnesota and I was like look I mean Celtics are obviously favored and they really should win you know it’s a failure if they don’t but I think Dallas is going to be a tough out I think they’re GNA take a couple of games and yeah I know it went five but that was an easy series for Boston that was a generally light series for Boston that that you know the players would never say it you know publicly internally maybe they didn’t break a sweat I mean that was that was not a hard lift and the fact that that team did this and we get to celebrate it obviously and think about what is still to come with a core that is going nowhere as I’ve talked about like Tatum’s going to get his brown got his porzingis got his contract holiday got his White’s under contract but is going to get his extension anyway you know Pritchard isar signed the the human special teams NBA player and the uh you know and like even Hower Howser’s a question mark we’ll see you know we’ll see if he gets his contract and I hope he does obviously and Horford Wick has already come out and said Horford’s coming back for an 18th year so everyone’s coming back and so like I I was listening to Max the other night doing TV and the question was something to the degree like something along the lines of what stands in their way next year and Max Max’s response which is I think what we would all answer hell you know if this team is healthy then yeah I mean I I still think your heads and shoulders Above the Rest of the NBA other there parody is great right now and there are some teams like even the Thunder going out and getting Caruso and getting giddy out of there huge move like there are teams that are up and coming for sure I’m not saying Boston’s going to walk to Banner 19 but they’re going to enter the season as they already are which is prohibitive favorites and they should be yeah I think what this playoffs in both conferences really hammered home is once you get to this time of year everything is about matchups it doesn’t matter how good you were during the regular season it doesn’t matter how good you were in your previous series if you can’t solve the matchup problem you’re cooked right like Minnesota takes down Denver immediately everyone is saying oh this is it Anthony Edwards has arrived this is the team that’s going to win the title they got worked by the Mavs right because they had a matchup problem the Celtics have this really competitive Series against the Pacers right we knew how good the Pacers were because we played them like 10 freaking times during the year so you go from having to stop that offense to the which provided matchup problems for you right yeah you swept them but it’s not this was not an easy like this five game finals win was an easier sample of games than the sweep was in the Conference Finals so then you get to the Mavs and you’re thinking okay it’s a lot harder to guard a motion offense for 48 minutes where everyone’s running around and they have four guys who can attack off the dribble compared to just standing around and watching Luca and Kyrie dribble so heading into that finals matchup you’re thinking okay offensively you’re going to be able to limit the Mavs pretty easily given how good the Celtics defense is the question was I think what was it going to happen when you had to face a real defense because the Pacers isn’t a real defense that’s that you know the Celtics were putting up 120 they had their five worst offensive games of the season in the finals and were up by 20 and three or four of them because the Mavs couldn’t solve the matchup problem so you go from one end taking down this supposed Minnesota Timberwolves super team who just took down the defending champs and yet they couldn’t they couldn’t handle you even in your five worst offensive games of the season because they couldn’t solve your matchup problem so when I think of future playoff runs health is going to be important but matchups are going to be important because I think we all would agree that even if we think the Celtics beat the ma or the Timberwolves and the Nuggets they present way more matchup problems for what you’re good at than the Mavs did and the Mavs like that’s what made it so enjoyable to hear how much the narrative was that they had these two best players and the Celtics had never seen anything like this Dallas Mavericks team I mean like what are you talking about like all they are are an ISO offensive team that’s going up against a defensive team that does not have a Mike Conley does not have a go bear that you can pick on in space I just think whether it was willful ignor or trying to wish it into existence people weren’t willing to just use their eyes and understand that playoff basketball comes down to matchups and presenting problems that the other team cannot solve due to their roster construction it didn’t matter what Jason kid tried schematically he did not have the horses to match the problems with or without porzingis especially with porzingis but even without him it didn’t matter because the the fact of that how Brad built this roster to not have a weakness and to have inflection points at every position so you don’t know where it’s coming you might think it’s GNA be a Tatum and and jayen drive it’s actually a Derek white pick and roll you know like there’s just no way to know they’re like the team they’re like the many face God team where like they’re just gonna get you from every angle and until you can prove you can solve that four out of seven they’re not going to lose a play series even Tillman gave you big minutes right like even if they weren’t great they were good enough right they weren’t beautiful minutes but they were good enough and I think that speaks to it speaks to Joe it speaks to the the competitive nature of this team and it speaks to Brad Stevens brain he found the right mix of guys with the right skill set and the right mentality to where it did not matter what was in their path they could adjust and figure out a way to to win for out of seven I think we at this point we’ve gone I don’t know you want to call it 40 minutes whatever I think we have to have at least a conversation like separately about Jaylen and about Jason because again as you said they have their numbers are going up in the rafs now like it doesn’t matter what happens they’re going up no question and I think I’d rather start with brown just because he’s he got all the the shine the the the Eastern Conference Finals MVP and the finals MVP and what that is is a culmination of all the hard work that guy put in the gym every single offseason to get better and I make this joke like kind of all the time on Twitter I don’t think people understand what I’m saying this if you cannot see the work specifically that Jaylen put in with Tracy McGrady over the past couple offseasons need to open your eyes a little bit more the jayen that we saw this postseason was one of the most patient players I’ve seen uh in a while he finally combined the athleticism with seeing the floor and being patient and now you just have this like unbelievable Unstoppable Wing that plays two ways now and it’s so crazy to look at and I I I asked this on Barrett’s podcast like I think maybe during the Indiana series you know who feels worse the Lakers because they don’t they no longer have the same amount of titles which I don’t count anyway they never did but that’s okay uh the Nets who who gave the Celtics uh both Jaylen and Jason and also had Kyrie and KD and that is already gone and passed it totally over with um or is it the Philadelphia 76ers who have to watch Al Jaylen and Jason all players either they had or could have had don’t forget Drew Drew holiday as well like raise a banner right so that being said when you look at what I again greeny you know this because you have a great memory of this all I heard about was how the Ben Simmons brandom engram draft is a two-player draft and the guy at three wasn’t gonna amount to anything right meanwhile drafted later and Jaylen Brown drafted later both have titles as number two guys or number one guys on a championship team so I know we want to do some Tatum stuff in a second but the the Journey of jayen Brown it needs to be celebrated like like I know people don’t want to make the Kawai comparison because Kawai is a a different level type of player but sometimes like you got to believe in your development of guys you have to believe in your scouting like this guy I know it doesn’t didn’t happen in college he had awful spacing uh two big guys that weren’t worth anything terrible guard play at Cal he just needs more space and more guidance and from the guy that we saw and again the video of him at the Warriors finals talking to Iguodala look on the phone like manifesting that to what he is now like that needs to be celebrated and what we need to do a better job of is evaluating talent differently because Jaylen if you go back to high school was given Ben Simmons the business in tournaments right you go back they played a tournament together jaylen’s team which I don’t remember remember because I know uh Simmons played for Mont ver right Mont ver yeah yeah and then I think Jaylen was on Henrietta or something something in Georgia yeah couldn’t tell you but that jaylen’s team beat Ben Simmons’s team but nobody cared about that when it came to college even though Ben Simmons didn’t am anything in college either so my point being in the two-player draft the two guys that went after those two guys that both won championships and were either the best player or second best player on the championship team and for Jaylen Brown to come from where he was to where he is now is you a amazing accomplish it’s one of those things where if you close your eyes and someone were to ask you to picture your ideal version of both players I think what we just witnessed is that we just saw the perfect development scenario whatever Peak like this is it we everything we wanted from both of those guys from development leadership mindset production skill set this is it and they’re 26 and 27 so it’s like you got it at the early stages of their NBA prime years and I think that’s what’s so exciting right like the fact that we now get to watch the rest of their Celtic careers for however long it lasts and we don’t have to play the what if game with them I just have a feeling and maybe it’s hopeful maybe it’s green Kool-Aid but I just have this feeling that like now comes like now comes the goods is like you thought they were good now we wait till you see what it looks like now that they’re stamped for the rest of their life and they no long the question is now how many are they going to get as opposed to are they ever good enough to do it together so just having that off your back I just I cannot wait to see what the next three to five years look like now that they can play pressure-free basketball game time is the authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch and I have to tell you this is pretty cool to watch you can start track it is you start tracking tickets you know maybe three days ahead of time then two it’s the opposite of the stock market you know when you look at the stock market you want your stock to go up and when you look at game time you look at the app you maybe these tickets will go down and I’ll get a good deal well you will get a good deal there’s no doubt about that so it’s really easy just download the game time app okay now to me right now the Red Sox are the ticket you want because they’re fun also Patriots preseason coming up I’ve had a peek at some of those 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a blemish on their resume or something like that I’m just saying like I I hope they feel the pressure at the start of next season and they’re not just playing with house money or whatever because I I think that there are honestly internally like to a man I I think there are like I I’m not saying Tatum is in any way shape or form upset you know or mad that Jaylen Brown got Finals MVP or east Finals MVP or any of that conversation that some people want to have but I think it’s probably motivating for him like all right you got yours NE like next one’s my turn you know what I mean so there’s there’s an element of that for him I think that it’s going to be potentially a a long I a long summer you know and I mean it’s going to be short summer it’s a quick turnaround obviously but a long summer in the sense that these guys what would make me nervous about next year thinking ahead is that they don’t really get a break some of them like Tatum you know is more or less you know’s he’s goingon to party his way right to the Olympics and then all of a sudden it’s the Olympics and he’s there holiday’s there maybe white winds up there maybe Brown winds up there I mean who knows what the final roster ends up shaking out as and uh you know as soon as that’s over it’s like boom like training camp and and here we go again and so you know you don’t know how that catches up with you physically mentally emotionally whatever and in any way shape or form but sort of going back to everything that EV was talking about one thing that that I I think anyway I didn’t hear you say it one thing I think he left out and greeny didn’t mention and I think it’s just really important to the to the Jaylen Brown narrative is this is someone who and he has talked about it at length each and every offseason he goes back and and you know finds a deficiency within his game whether it’s the left hand or you know working on free throw shooting or you know mid-range game or whatever it may be and he goes and he works on it and inevitably comes back the following year and it’s another tool in the chest right it’s it’s something that he has improved upon I don’t think anyone necessarily expected like a bad year from him or whatever but it wasn’t probably talked about enough that he went out and he got at the time the richest contract in NBA history and still came back a better player there was no I got mine fat and happy mentality he got it remain motivated maybe more motivated quite frankly because he still had enough people behind him saying you can’t do it or you can’t do it in Boston or you can’t do it with Tatum or if anyone has to go it’s you all of this stuff and goes and obviously accomplishes what he does which is become albeit in the very short window it’s been possible the first player in NBA history to win both East finals and NBA Finals MVP and I’m honestly I’m I’m just curious to know what it is that that motivates him next year may maybe it’s the fact that despite everything he accomplished this year you know he wasn’t all defensive first team I was going say he talked about getting snub for defense yeah yeah or that he wasn’t you know one of the top 15 he wasn’t in all NBA player this year so who knows maybe like maybe he’ll still find a way after all this to come back next year pissed about something I hope he does I hope they all do in their own way because that to kind of Full Circle it with something Evan was talking about before with the Patriots that was what made that team in particular Tom Brady great as long as he was he just always even if it was created in his own mind had that thing that chip on his shoulder that drove him that you know kept this thing alive and uh I’m I’m fascinated to see how this team sort of manifests that yeah and com tell me if I’m crazy but I almost think how it shook out between those two in terms of the the you know the Bill Russell trophy the Larry Bird trophy to me it was the perfect scenario right you had Jaylen Brown who like you mentioned got this huge deal had the season of his life earned his validation with both of those MVPs then at the same time everything everybody has ever said about Jason Tatum is in a game like this game five title you’re on your home floor title is there for the taking he had the best game of his life and the way that he closed that game in the fourth quarter was like he had his moment of proving and showing the world I am who I say I am like what you think I am I am and that was like his own Finals MVP moment of like when you’re in that position the best franchise player closes the door Steph Curry closed the door Giannis closed the door with a 50 Burger Tatum is one of five players ever to have 30 points and 10 assists in a closeout game to secure a title so the fact that Brown gets the national recognition the the MVPs the pictures all that stuff awesome for him him for us who care about you know the Celtics side of it you now never have to worry about J if Jason Tatum was good enough to be a number one to win you a title he on his home floor broke through that door with authority and I think that is almost more important for him than had he won the finals MVP like yes people will you know hold that on his laundry lists of accolades and rankings and all that stuff but if you just watched that game this was his like [ __ ] you game I’m G to win this title and and end this drought for my fans for my franchise and to solid myself as you know one of one of them ones right like the same way we think of yic or any of these guys that are in that air of okay titles on the line what are you gonna go do about it Jason Tatum just told the world that he’s going to go win the title and I think you could see that in his motion during the game both from his approach to his just his demeanor to how he defended to how he was selfless he played a perfect game and for it to come with a title at the end of it is just like I said you close your eyes and you dream of a perfect scenario I think we saw that in game five yeah I mean the thing with Tatum is it’s gonna get lost in the history books here um I will not forget this because I will be one of the guys that tries to remind people of this and again Jaylen Brown deservedly won the finals MVP and I’m so thrilled for Jaylen um again the validity like to be able to be you know everybody gave him so much crap for that contract it’s like guess what I just won Easter Conference Finals and finals MVP and I just won the trophy so like here the double bars like I don’t care what Tatum just did in this finals matchup to play center on defense and Po got on offense that is like we haven’t seen that magic I again you yeah you got to go back to 80 the 80 season to find someone that’s done that and like I can’t say enough about the player that Tatum has become this and I Koffman you remember me just pounding the table from point Tatum for the past two years of like this team is gonna realize how good it is when Tatum can control an offense like that now it looked a little different than what I expected totally however um the just the stuff that he does and and you really and that’s why like we’re going to miss JJ reck because he points the stuff out as he’s now the new head coach the LA Lakers won’t won’t last long he’ll be back podcasting I’m gonna miss that part I’m telling you I’m so good but the little stuff that he was doing you miss it and and like the defensive stuff taking away the lob threats again playing defense on centers to to deter lob threats and being able to switch and move and do all these things meanwhile come down the other end he’s commanding all the attention of the entire team if you look at the I used to there’s um at the name of the website right now I will tweet it out later but there’s a great website that shows you the the map of the the movement of the ball on offense and I was asking people very simple questions I would take the end of one game and I’d show you what the Dallas map of their offensive flow looked like and I would take a picture of the the Celtics offensive flow when it looked like I would just ask people which team’s hard to guard you think the Celtics has so much Synergy around it from everybody and in obviously you look at the Dallas map it’s Luca right in the middle and there’s a bunch of stuff outside of that the beauty of what Tatum was doing was getting everybody involved whether the primary guy or he gets it and somebody else makes the play because Tatum’s attention now drags everybody over here and now you have a guy coming over this way like the stuff that him and Drew were doing the stuff that him and Jaylen were doing like there’s just so many passes to Al Horford and Derek white that you just think are easy passes but because Tatum’s gravity pulls guys over here those guys can leak out over here like his command of the floor was exactly what I wanted I wanted that command but how we went and did it was even more special than I could even dream of so we gave jayen a little bit of his flowers he got Tatum has evolved into this such a malleable Superstar which I think is getting lost in the shuffle in this whole thing I mean at one point I think it was game two Dan Divine Yahoo sports had the stat that Tatum had more drives in that game than like did basically Shay G Alexander is average and he was the number one the league at it I think it was 19 right didn’t he have like 19 drives 27 I think 19 in game one and then like 27 in game two so basically he turned new player and he that’s what I mean right like we always said God if Tatum would only just be aggressive and drive to the rim like what just like 27 drives that’s an that’s like what people average for uh Team averages for like a season T’s average during the regular season was nine damn to go from nine to like 27 is bananas and so that’s my point when and this gets this gets lost in the shuffle of like where is Tatum rank in the hierarchy of the NBA look at what just did and tell me how many guys could do that like I’ll tell you I’ll tell you last two years no last year you know Nicole yic had an all-time historic playoff run greatest best in the world what did he do let the Nugget let the whole team points rebounds assists won a title guess who just did that to become one of six players or five players ever to do that his name is Jason Tatum so if when yic does it it means he’s an all-time great player best in the world best in the league blah blah blah well we just saw a player who was on a better team a historic team just do the same thing as this Godlike figure and now I’m being told he’s not one of the you know 10 best players in the NBA it’s just now that they’ve won we can sit back and just laugh at all that stuff but you’re right like it gets lost in the shuffle because he didn’t win the finals MVP he literally LED you know against the caves it was leading everything in a series win since LeBron now that they’ve won the title it’s like you know Duncan bird yage you know it’s these Legends of the game and Jason Tatum just did that at 26 years old let’s not act like that’s normal if it was normal everyone would do it and in reality Nobody Does it so you know to me that says he’s probably pretty good all right we got a few more minutes and before we wrap you know talked about all these different people on the court on that team that are going to be back next year how about 35-year-old Joe Missoula head coach of this team who is also going to be back you know when he when he’s not busy walking around the North End holding Larry O’Brien Trophy and letting fans touch it this guy I’m sure you guys I don’t know about those listening or watching uh but I’m sure you guys have been paying attention to it the very least the clips that have been floating around social media of the many interviews Joe has been doing on the national circuit since winning you know whether it was Zack Low’s podcast or chatting with pardon my Take You Know bar stool obviously in your family there greeny uh among others this guy not that we didn’t know or haven’t joked about it routinely over the course of his year especially uh psychopath I mean the but I and I I say it lovingly I mean Joe like I please come on this show we love you uh we have been Defenders of the Joe Missoula wall for a very long long time so don’t worry about that here your family but the I mean some of the stuff that he has been talking about since this Championship just in the last couple of days whether it was like low was asking him yeah if you were to rob a bank how would you do it and Joe giving this like really straight-faced thought out answer as to how he would do it and his role and how he would put a team together and the like breaking this thing down in depth like nothing other than you know obviously inspiration from his favorite movie The Town he’s talking about how he watched The Departed right before game five and all the different things in that movie that he considered inspiration he was talking about how and no one knew this I guess until after the game how he he tore his ACL uh during the year and and and still managed to coach on it it was after some like regular season game against the Atlanta the backtack Atlanta and and they lost and he was pissed and he went out and you know the Jiu-Jitsu stuff like beat the crap out of his body and managed to tear his ACL and Joe being Joe and the spiritual person he is you know one of the greatest things to ever happen to me for all of these reasons XY andz about how I started to think about things and take care of my body and it puts me in a better head space or watching scenes from The Dark Knight with Tatum right ahead of the clinching G like this dude’s a lunatic like certif and I am and I am glad that he is ours greeny you know what what of all the validation that is a result of this title The Joe Missoula validation I think is my favorite just because you know we’ve been searching for a long time for the right captain of this ship and I know he’s from Rhode Island but like it’s fitting that a masshole was the key to winning The elusive Banner like he is the living embodiment of that meme you see on Twitter where it’s like I called my landlord and told him to raise my rent because I believe in my grinder you know whatever that is like that’s Joe moula like the fact that he is just so psychotic but in all the best ways and that everything is so calc like you see him running off all these plays postgame he’s like Rainman like his he’s just not a normal human but he’s our psycho and and I think it helps that he understands what it means to be a Celtic he understands what it means to win in this franchise he understands what the city and the fan base is like because he lived it right like he’s not being a weird pervert in the office because he knows what it takes to win an NBA title you know I don’t think we can say eay didn’t get it it’s just having him not only back up his year one success and be even better but now that Joe is stamped and his philosophy is stamp stamped is like it’s the cherry on top because what can you say now you don’t like when he calls timeouts who gives a [ __ ] you don’t you think he maybe a little weird after the game you know with three minutes left in in game five and they’re up by 20 some odd points he’s that may he but you think he’s like you think he’s a Hardo because he’s challenging jump shots after a timeout damn right he is and he’s a championship part of but but here’s the thing like you mentioned you mentioned the ballot and see here’s the thing because there are a lot of people out there that still are not on the Joe moula train doesn’t matter but it doesn’t matter but at least it’s it’s harder now because there are certainly ways that the Celtics could have won this title like nothing would be different they could have won this title and you still if you were a Joe Missoula critic could have looked at it and said you know h i mean they won in spite of them how much like it’s it’s like LeBron winning with you know whoever like David blat you know what I mean like it’s like they is is he that good a coach that goes out the window and I think even for for the like surliest of Joe Missoula critics it goes out the window because undeniably he coached his ass off in the NBA Finals he was the best coach on the floor he was the best coach on the floor in every round yeah every round spola bicker staff Carlile and what is that and kid I’ll coached them all the god SPO the god couldn’t have like yeah he didn’t have the talent I don’t give a [ __ ] still he’s supposed to be a Wonder kid couldn’t figure out Missoula Missoula got one adjustment after game two worked him and I think that’s that’s what makes this title so Teflon is the players are Teflon Joe is Teflon Brad is Teflon you’re Teflon I’m Teflon it’s just there’s nothing you can say and I think that is a problem for people whose job it is to try to play Devil’s Advocate and troll like all you do now like they’ve moved from oh the Celtics are chokers they’ll never get it done now they’re just oh they’re corny they’re cringy you’re it you’re done it’s it the the discussion is over and it just becomes the only sort of discussion point will be if they’re in this situation again and they fail but as long as they continue to succeed Ed you just have to take it on the chin if you’re one of these Joe haters or Tatum hater whatever this isn’t your time you had your time this is our time now and I don’t think they’re lighting up anytime soon yeah I just for the The Joe Missoula detractors um I believe it’s a guy named Ben Taylor on Twitter puts out these videos of like coaching decisions and adjustments I would love all of you to watch the game three adjustments that the Celtics made to kill the the Mavs defense of switch um and how they did it in basically 10 minutes and then absolutely wiped out the crazy like it’s it to to see it to see someone point it out because it’s it’s it’s hard sometimes to see adjustments in a game because it’s first off we’re all caught up in it a little bit differently it’s like I’m not looking for coaching adjustments I’m just trying to see if the ball goes in the hoop and if they’re playing like that’s really really about it to was the one where they had like the quick swing right and like the well so like what they would do is they would have like Gafford or Lively cheat on the weak side where the ball was and then when they went to go drive they would there would be another guy there so what Boston did was like run a couple of actions in different places and then once they figured out how to manipulate the Mavs defense and they just toyed with him the whole rest of the game and did a bunch of like window washing stuff to get exactly what they like I’m there’s a video I again I’ve tweeted it out maybe I’ll tweet it out again the video of that it’s 10 minutes long and if you watch that video you’ll be like it’s Joe and the staff being able to look at that recognize it adjust for it have guys on the team that can quickly pick that up and then just absolutely kill him the rest of the game and it would there there’s that and then there’s also the guard in the dunker spot adjustment to start everything so it’s like even from the jump his game plan was was Nails you don’t win seven straight games on the road without being prepared to me that’s coaching so I don’t know I’m just I’m so happy for him because of all the [ __ ] he would take for no apparent reason like despite the success they’re treating the guy like he’s 10 games under 500 made no sense so now that he can flip the double bird and say kiss my Larry O’Brien is is very rewarding for me personally just to think about where they were like they’re down three nothing against Miami and if he doesn’t win game four like maybe he doesn’t come back to NBA champions like it’s crazy life comes at you fast everybody I’m I’m just looking through too and I I don’t have the I’m just trying to count it on the fly so I’ll I’ll ballpark it for you I know I’m within range but another like Ju Just great stat and I think it bookends this this conversation well with with Missoula and the defense and the adjustments like EV was talking about the Dallas Mavericks were held below 100 this great offense held below 100 points this year prior to the NBA finals regular season and playoffs I want to say in totality think it was like six or seven times something like that maybe like maybe 10 something like that maybe maybe it was eight or nine whatever it was the whole you know 90 plus games going into the NBA finals and then in five games the Celtics held them below 100 points four times 26 and0 on the year that’s not that’s not just talent I mean Talent has to get it done but if you don’t see the role of coaching in that I can’t help you that’s the bottom line so all right look this is the first of many what I suspect will be somewhat celebratory shows between now and the start of next year because I I feel like we’re not doing our job if if we’re not if we’re we’re going to spend all those Seasons they come up short you know dissecting why and how to change it and what moves need to be made well when they actually get the whole freaking thing done we need to give them their flowers in a different way each and every yeah nothing brings me more joy than just saying oh they won move on already no no you should not have let me win this title at this time that was a mistake I if if not for the fact that greeny is already doing it I would be out there like i’ I’d be a copycat so I’m not going to bother but if if if not for the fact that he’s already doing it you would see me at least once every other day tweeting just at random you know like congratulations again to the world champion Boston Celtics oh I’m doing it every single morning until they’re no longer the defending champ I got 363 more to go or whatever the number is I’m that psychotic that that’s easy that’s nothing so so that will be coming to your feed every single day from now until they are no longer NBA champions it’s as predictable as that Twitter account that uh the uh the you know ladies and gentlemen the weekend yeah that’s me only it’s about the Celtics being NBA champions I don’t know if and it’s every morning but you’re ju you’re just as goodlooking as James Bond so don’t worry about that Hey listen tomorrow morning guys uh you know at least as we record this tomorrow morning maybe for some of you listening it’s already happened the parade and uh psyched you know I I haven’t been to a a parade here in in you know a duckboat parade in Boston uh as as a fan in a long time I’ve worked a bunch of them but I haven’t been as a fan in a long time and I’m I’m eager to take the kids and they’re super pumped and it’s this is you know I I look forward to being among the million people or whatever it is that are there on this Friday morning and I hope many of you out there watching or listening are part of the fun as well because uh you’ve earned it you deserve it celebrate this team uh when Al Horford gets off his shift slinging chicken tenders he’s going to be on a duck po so it’s it’s just it’s G it’s going to be amazing want to thank all of you out there listening it’s been an incredible ride we are not going anywhere though uh it is it’s on to band ban 19 now that’s so weird to say I’m not used to saying Banner 19 that just feels weird yeah well it put it in the vernacular buddy because hopefully we’ll be talking about 20 pretty soon as well for Valente for Dan Greenberg I am Adam Kaufman we will talk to you again real soon here on Celtics spe

Dan Greenberg covers the Celtics for Barstool Sports. Greenie joins the program to discuss Banner 18, the development of Tatum and Brown, and Joe Mazzulla’s emergence as a great head coach. Twitter: @StoolGreenie

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