@Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Mavericks PERFECT Offseason Plan

Dallas Mavericks PERFECT Offseason Plan

[Music] welcome into Mavericks today it’s Harrison Graham and Jeffrey cooperstein with you and after the season has come and gone after a great run to the finals we’re looking ahead to the 2425 season and that starts with the off season you got the draft around the corner NBA free agency as well trades all that available for all 30 NBA teams and Coupe on today’s show we’re going to go through the Mavericks perfect off seon if they were able to pull this off we’d all be very very happy yeah here’s a little cheat sheet from ESPN’s Bobby marks shout out to him for putting this together the Mavs obviously have the 58th pick in the 2024 NBA draft uh their free agents include Derrick Jones Jr and Mark Keith Morris their committed salary is 175 million that includes cap holds and everything like that uh they’re just 3 million below that first luxury tax apron as well and there you have the outline of the roster with the starting five in role players so uh the Mavs are in a pretty good position obviously coming off a western conference uh championship in an NBA Finals birth uh so the Mavs have I mean they have work to do to try to become this perfect team and win the NBA title but uh there there’s definitely a good spot to start yeah I mean I think they’ve got some flexibility they’ve got some contracts they could try to flip potentially as well and I think that’s a good place to start Tim Hardway Jr on an expiring deal I think it’s 16 million in change yeah I mean look we said it a lot last off seon that I I I think if a trade they even sort of like popped up they would have traded him I’m not saying it’s going to be easier to trade him especially the second half of his season the way that unfolded and how he played in the playoffs but expiring deals are typically easier to move on from I think you got to find a way to move the his contract I’m not going to trade a 2025 first to do it but 58 yes for for the right situation I probably would um I mean you you you could dump Hardway and 58 for just to free up money to sign Derrick Jones we’re going to talk about so I I I just think I think he wants to move on I think the Mavs want to move on I you know if the Mavs are back in the playoffs next year I don’t Envision him playing a major role so I think it’s time to uh find uh an exit strategy here yeah Tim’s been with the Mavs for since 2019 so it’s been basically five almost 5 and a half years now uh since he’s been a part of the Mavs he was in the KP trade originally I think it’s just time to go man I think it’s run its course uh this season I don’t think he really wanted to be here coming into this season but the Mavs couldn’t really find a deal to put him in and he played well early I don’t know what happened he played really well early uh I mean he ended up finishing the 2023 2024 season shooting 35.3 3% from three-point range averaging 14 1 12 points point so his counting numbers look good but basically from February 1st on he was a complete non-factor he could not make a shot to save his life and I think the Mavs got frustrated with him and I think he’s frustrated with his own situation I think a change of scenery benefits both parties yeah maybe this is time he finally uh heads to South Beach who knows but uh if Tim Hardway Senor has anything to say about it that’s where he will be has Tim Hardway played his last game in Dallas type why for yes in for no while this was more 5050 last off season I’d say it’s 9010 right now uh with that 10% being literally just no one wants him at all even if that’s the case I could see a scenario where the MAV stretch wave him yeah they would take on five and a half million a year for the next three years which not super ideal but I mean that gets you then at that point you would be what about 12 million below the apron so maybe you consider that that pretty much frees up a full midlevel spot to go get DK Jones so that might be your backup plan if you can’t find a destination for him you just stretch wave them so A’s done in Dallas some good moments second best player in a series where they lost in seven to the Clippers in 2021 he was terrific that year but um you know it’s time to move on and uh I do think that the Mavs will another guy that the Mavs need to consider whether is going to be on the roster or not this next season is Maxi kba he’s a pretty polarizing figure as well Harrison kba’s been around with the maps he’s the second longest 10y MAV uh behind Dwight pal he’s been here since 2016 and it I I think Maxi can has still has some value to this team it just depends on what his role is going to be going forward yeah I think he’s got what two years left on his deal two years at 11 million two for 22 so certainly I I would say a tradable contract I mean this was a player early in the playoffs against the Clippers Coupe that played a pretty big role I mean he was defending his ass off shot 10 of 18 from 10 of 18 from three small sample size but he’s kind of one of those flamethrower guys when he gets in the zone he really can kind of get get hot shooting the basketball um two things though one he is wildly inconsistent as a shooter like throughout the course of a season he’s super up and down and two he’s got legitimate injury concerns at this point he’s suffered a lot of different types of injuries um you know if you get 60 out of 82 out of him you’re pretty happy that’s not crazy appealing for other teams so I kind of I kind of think he ends up staying and he’s like I don’t know a 10 to 15 minute per game guy like I I think I agree with you you know last game six five was frustrating where it’s like he he can’t he’s not defending well he’s not shooting well I still think when healthy he has a role but it has to be a pretty defined role like Jason kid getting obsessed with playing him extended minutes that’s got to end I I think if he plays 10 to 15 minutes that would be a pretty decent role for him it’ll help keep him healthy healthier hopefully and it’ll give him uh give his minutes more impact when he’s on the court I I do think there’s a role for him here but also at the at the end of the day like you said two years uh 22 million left 11 years 11 per year uh it’s a very tradable contract as well so if you find a deal that needs Maxi CBA to completion I don’t think the MS really hesitate in doing so and that’s kind of why he we have him in the make a decision category cuz like if you want to keep him and have a small rle for him that’s cool if if you want to trade them in part of a a different type of deal to get a different type of player maybe to get a pick earlier in the second round of the draft or something like that like I’d be okay with that as well so it it’ll be interesting to see what happens if I had to guess on Maxi I’d say he is on the team next year but it’s definitely not a done deal by any means yeah he’s kind of where Tim was last year where it’s like you could see it going either way like he could be here he could be gone um if he’s back it’s probably his last year here I would think they they they try to move him entering that last year the deal but uh we’ll see what happens here number three resigned Derrik Jones Jr and I think points one and two could directly tie here if you dump hard away that frees up money if you trade CA that could free up money um you know didn’t have a great finals although he did play his best game of the finals in that in that closeout game five loss um but for this guy provided a lot man he he defended two through fours pretty damn well uh he he’s your most athletic player in the open court which this team Coupe shifted dramatically in the Luca era where they look to run a lot more and I think his athleticism in the open court was a real positive in that regard he was a little streaky as a shooter but was good enough as a three-point shooter that teams had to respect him out there for the most part I would like darrk Jones to be back I mean is it one of those situations where he played above his head this year and you regret this contract a couple years from now possibly but I I think he showed a lot this year where I I would prefer to bring him back yeah I think it’s absolutely fair to say he was the best bargain signing in the NBA this year on a veteran minimum I mean he was starting giving you heavy minutes on a team that made the NBA Finals so I really do believe that he was one of the better if not the best signing for its value in the NBA and he is going to get paid he will have suitors in NBA free agency whether that’s the Mavs that remains to be seen but I did want to pull this excerpt over here from Mavs Moneyball shout out to my guys over there they had a they had a pretty good write up on how could possibly pay Derrick Jones they said the Mavs are 3.5 million below the first tax apron with only 13 players let’s assume they need room to sign a 15th we need to leave enough room for a second-year minimum meaning the draft pick or whatever that’s projected to be around 2 million accounting for that salary the Mavs have 1.4 million in apron room hypothetically if you could trade thj and a second into someone else’s cap you would create enough room to offer Jones the entire midlevel exception and Harrison I think that’s what he’s going to end up getting yeah I and again you know if your backup plan was uh to stretch wave Tim that would free up about 11 this year so you add 11 to the one point whatever that’s 12 and change that’s you’re basically at the mid level I mean maybe it’s half a million less than 12.8 or whatever but I think that would be close enough where Jones would stay here and this is what your mid level looks like he he’s made it clear wants to stay here and look that’s a pretty penny man that’s it’s very possible that two years into that deal you’re like man he has not lived up to this but it’s also like it’s not like you have a ton of other options now we’re going to explore some free agents I’m sure in the coming days and weeks uh uh weeks plural is probably Rich week uh leading up to free agency but like I’d be hard pressed considering what you already know he’s given you that you’re going to find a more impactful player especially defensively out there with his athletic profile you might find someone who’s a better shooter you might find someone who defends one position better but are you going to find someone who can defend one through fours at a pretty decent clip score in the open court and just provide a high level Above the Rim athletic profile I doubt it I’m actually I I just did this on the Fly because if you recall in last year the Mavericks signed matis thel to an offer sheet I just went up three for 33 three for 33 that’s so 11 million year I just went and pulled up his stats so he averaged five and a half points this year 40% from the field 34.5% from three Jones was notably better and he’s longer and more athletic than th so you got a better value there uh now you’re going to have to pay for it though here if you want to keep him I think but I think this is kind of what the th deal is right it’s just it’s a fouryear deal with the inflation of the mid level going up a little bit so I you know it’s it’s it’s Hefty is but that’s kind of what these kind of players cost that the only scary thing Coupe again like if he played exactly the same as he did this year for the next four years it’s a good contract the scary thing is before this season he’s never really been what he was this year consistently so that’s the scare that’s the concern is like can he keep this level play up um moving forward I’m not even asking him to improve like can he just be the same guy exactly if you’re confident the answer is yes I’m signing that deal pretty easily yeah I agree and I think the Mavs are leaning that way as well now I it is not a simple negotiation I mean the Mavs would need to create room somehow we outlined a couple of the Avenues uh in which they can do that but it it’s not as black and white as let’s resign them today and get it over with I mean no they have to make some moves and plan for it to happen so I I if I had to guess right now again on this I think he would be back here but it’s not going to be for Jeep man it’s it’s definitely not I would say 70% he’s back like I’m pretty confident but there are definitely scenarios where he’s not teams can overpay um if you’re having trouble moving Hardway he may just choose to sign elsewhere like he’s it’s not a guarantee but I I would definitely like to see him back and uh I think he’s you know probably probably learned a lot from this playoff run where he was pretty good and then hit some adversity in the finals so and he’s still young too he’s what 26 I mean it’s not like this is a 10year journey man at age 30 finding something like if you sign him to a three foure deal he’s still very much in his athletic Prime so um I would I would definitely uh do that if I was the MAV best for sign P for p would you resign Derrick Jones Jr let us know down in the comments and once again we just appreciate all of you guys for joining us throughout the postseason we had so much fun here on the channel uh we’d love to do it again next year let’s let’s go get to the 2025 NBA Finals the road starts right now uh so be sure to hit that subscribe button we’ll keep you guys up to date with all the latest Mavericks news and rumors throughout the 2024 offseason Harrison we got one more don’t we we do we got one more we got one more little teaser the perfect offseason not done yet but yeah thank you guys so much please subscribe if you haven’t as we will continue to keep you guys informed okay it has a question mark I want to preface okay it has a question mark on it LeBron James and here’s the reason it has a question mark because there are multiple ways you could do this you could have him opt in and trade or you could have them opt out and take less money and resign there are multiple ways and there are multiple questions you have to ask yourself if you’re going to sign LeBron James if he were to opt in and trade what’s his opt in like 40 million 51.4 million I mean what does that even look like exactly I mean you’re you’re talking about Hardway in kleba that’s 27 million green green gets you to 40 I mean is it Washington or Gafford Dwight pal that’s four I just if my here here’s what I’ll say if Dwight I if LeBron James wants to be a MAV he’s going to have to opt out I is $51 million player option like sure would a lot of teams pay that absolutely but like it I would just how bad do you want to play with Kyrie and Luca yep and if you don’t which I wouldn’t blame if he doesn’t want to that bad I you know I just think this is too tricky I I I think ideally he would opt out and you sign him for 30 to $40 million I don’t know if he’ll do that I don’t either I don’t know if Rich Paul would let him do that he doesn’t have much of an incentive to do that but 51 million like are you dumping Gafford Andor Washington I’m not I it sounds crazy but like I don’t think I am either like you finally have this Center like here’s one thing I will say you’ve got Luca Kyrie Gafford and Washington all with two years left on their deals I don’t want to split that quartet up right now especially while Lively grows like there’s no need to mess that up you have your you’ve been begging for for Quality Center play now you’ve got two pretty good ones like I’m not entering next season without Lively and Gafford on this team I I just think that would be a mistake I I I do think it’s important to note this it if he leaves LA and decides he doesn’t he no longer wants to be a Laker the Mavs are very much in the conversation no question if he Ops out that’s a different deal I’m just saying if he opts in and it’s a trade to match 51 million I just I don’t see an Avenue where that happens but like and like we said on our video earlier this week if LeBron wants to be a Maverick you do it man I mean I know that he comes with all of the circus and all of the pump and Circumstance and whatever God forbid Brian windhorse would probably have to buy a house in Dallas and come here for the season which we don’t want that but look man I think he’d make this team significantly better and if you ask yourself who are you taking LeBron or Derrick Jones Jr I think the answer is pretty easy maybe some of you disagree but I I’m taking LeBron any it’s it’s absolutely LeBron you guys let us know LBJ for LeBron DJJ for Derek Jones uh it’s definitely LeBron if he stops out which I expect him to all bets are off now um depending on when you’re watching this JJ reck may already have the Lakers job and that might make maybe that makes this all a moot point but uh how funny would it be if Reit got that job and then LeBron left I mean that would be that would be incredible yeah that would be something we’ll see what happens here in the offseason but interesting times ahead for the Mavericks draft coming up in about a week or so in free agency not too far after so we’ll have you guys up to date with all the latest Maps happenings and we’ll see you guys soon on the channel peace [Music]

The Dallas Mavericks 2024 offseason is underway after reaching the 2024 NBA Finals for the third time in franchise history. How can the Mavericks get back to the NBA mountaintop and reach the 2025 NBA Finals? On today’s show we go over the Mavericks perfect offseason plan that Mavs gm Nico Harrison and Jason Kidd need to execute in order for Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving to repeat as Western Conference champions. Mavs rumors on LeBron James, plus re-signing Derrick Jones Jr, in 2024 NBA Free Agency are at the top of the list, including what the Mavs should do with the 58th overall pick in the 2024 NBA Draft. Jeffrey Cooperstein and Harrison Graham break down the Mavericks’ perfect offseason on today’s show!

We’ve got you covered throughout the 2024 NBA Finals:

Mavs Moneyball on the Mavericks’ cap situation:
“The Mavericks are $3,497,198 below the 1st Tax Apron with only 13 players on the roster. Let’s assume they will need room to sign a 15th player. We’d need to leave enough room for a 2nd-year minimum. That is projected to be around $2,093,637. Accounting for that salary, the Mavericks have only $1,403,561 in apron room. Hypothetically, if you could trade THJ ($16,193,183) and a 2nd into someone else’s cap space, you would create enough room to offer Jones Jr the entire non-taxpayer MLE.”

Hit up Harry on Twitter if you want to talk ball:

Check out more Mavericks today on YouTube:
– Mavs Draft Rumors On Bronny James & Emmanuel Miller + Sign Mario Hezonja In 2024 NBA Free Agency? –
– Mavericks Rumors: Luka Doncic Playing For Slovenia? Early Mavs Free Agent Targets + DJJ Negotiations –
– Dallas Mavericks Draft Targets At Pick No. 58 Ft. Bronny James & Emanuel Miller | NBA Draft Rumors:

If you’re an NBA fan then follow @chatsports on social media for all of the latest NBA news and rumors:


Mavericks’ perfect offseason plan:
Trade Tim Hardaway Jr.
Make a decision on Maxi Kleber
Re-sign Derrick Jones Jr.
LeBron James trade?

You know ball? Prove it in the comments section!
– Has THJ played his last game in Dallas? Y for Yes or N for No
– Would you re-sign Derrick Jones Jr? S for Sign or P for Pass

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  1. Hardy needs to have a bigger roll this season. He can do it all and if he can improve this offseason he can be our best bench guy.

  2. If lebron wants to go back one more time in the finals or be a champion again before he retires, he must take a paycut and join the mavs. lakers have no chance to go deep.

  3. They could have traded him when he was hot. He like most of the casual fans all screamed 'YOu can't trade your 3rd leading scorer".
    That was how you could tell Newbs. Cause every single year he plays great and then goes south to hades.
    But they could have traded him and probably for a protected 1st (they might have had to send a 2nd back) and got a expiring and then they would have a 1st and money to sign DJJ. Nico wasn't cooking on what was one of the most obvious mistakes in mavs history. His Brunson mishandling was up around the top.

  4. Basically it's Detroit or Bust on teams with so much cap space that they can take a bum and a couple 2nds and just let him sit on the bench for 17 million. They should already know if Detroit is open to this. If they aren't then do a three way call with mavs HQ, Djj and his agent and see if they stretch wave Timmy today, will he sign for the 11 mil. have to do it for 2 probably 3 years in order to get him not wait for free agency. And get the deal done today(if they are allowed too)
    Again they could have traded THJ last year when he was hot and got a protected 1st(and again at worst, they have to send back a 2nd) and a expiring contract that would then allow them to sign DJJ now and have 3 firsts coming up to sign a Stud starting at SF.
    DJJ's best possible is the SF(Back up role). Who can play some 4 and be insurance and start if needed.

    Nico wasn't in the kitchen the day Timmy was on this club the minute the TDL passed.

  5. I like Maxi, when he's healthy he can really add to this team. but I'm either sending him out with a 2nd or Timmy(with Timmys contract definitly being part of a bigger trade on down the road) Sign Saric who should be totally healed and did well for stretches in GS last year(started some games) for the vet min and resign DJJ.
    The 3rd option is Greens salary, which Green will be able to be a energetic role player (still with upside) for years to come. So use Timmy or Maxi and a 2nd to get to Detroit and create space to sign DJJ and use the others salary(might have to be at the TDL) to get a legit starting finals SF in here.

    DJJ is a back up(spot starter) if Kyrie and PJ are kicking it, then he's fine as a Starter. But this team isn't quite good enough and it's the starting 3, with then the starting 4 being the two spots you can seriously upgrade. I think PJ is fine as the 4th scorer. but not the 3rd.DJJ isn't going to get you 10 points a game and isn't much of a threat on that side of the ball. So unless you upgrading the 4, it's got to be the 3(Unless a Kyrie Trade is on the table)

  6. Here is how you trade for LaBron James:
    Labron James to Dallas for $51.4 million 
    Total: $51.4 million
    THJ to Lakers for $16.3 million
    DJJ (after signing new contract) to Lakers for $12.6 million
    Dante Exum to Lakers for $ 3.0 million
    Maxi Kleber to Lakers for $11.0 million
    Josh Green to Lakers for $ 4.8 million
    Dwight Powell to Lakers for $. 4.0 million
    Total: $51.7 million
    Lakers receiver Dallas 2025 First Round Pick
    Lakers receiver Dallas 2031 First Round Pick

    Dallas trades 58th pick plus two future second rounders to Boston for 30th pick to acquire Bonny James

    One week later, Dallas signs Miles Bridges of Charlotte for Mid Level Exception

  7. LaBron would win another championship with the Mavs while playing with his son. The Lakers have zero chance of making the NBA Finals because of their roster so they need to face reality and begin a long overdue rebuild. Both teams would ultimately win from my proposed trade.

  8. If LeBron comes to the Mavs im done. any championship will be null and void. Not really into supporting guys who partied with P. Diddy. Lebron had his family vaccinated then his son has a heart attack. poor kid worthless father

  9. He did not hold up keeping wings out of the paint in the Finals. I like a swap for DFS. He is more of a clutch player.

  10. Comparing DJJ to thybulle is insane thybulle is a defensive player that’s it DJj has a way better overall game than him

  11. "S" for sign Derrick Jones Jr. He's scrappy, high flying and a great defender. Luka needs a lot of defenders on his team with his lack of defense. We need more from our bench play. Quality veterans to come in and give our starters a breather without worrying about losing a lead.

  12. THJ ✌️to answer your question what happened to him? His dad got to his head q
    DJJ 📝
    Maxi & Powell trade
    Hardy & Green ??
    James 😰🫣💀

  13. Take Lebron n bronny trade maxi n Derrick jones jr markeif morris Jaden hardy Brandon Williams keep pj Washington gafford

  14. How are we not talking about what happens to teams that sign James. Outside of Miami he blows through coaches. Younger players are traded for vets at the end of their careers because they are who he wants to play with. It’s a media circus nightmare for the team. I mean why are we asking to put our team through that.

  15. THJ, Maxi, J.Green are being paid 11+million per year each.

    Exum and Hardy have desirable contracts for their production and youth.

    Those 5 are for sure tradable.
    And resign DJJ pls

  16. Lebron always trying to insert himself in every situation thats getting more attention then him. If he comes to Dallas that would be a huge mistake by Nico

  17. You can't give up two defensive players (DJJ and PJ) just to pay LeBron. We finally found the formula to build around Luka, and that means strong defenders at the 3-5. If LeBron wants to come here for half his salary, the door is open, but we're not cleaning house for another scorer who doesn't defend with all the extra baggage that he brings.

  18. Y'all clearly have no ball knowledge whatsoever, and it's so frustrating watching you come up with degenerate ideas after degenerate ideas, mikal bridges should be dallas' main target, but y'all want them to get a 40 year old who can't play defense, or off ball at all, and is on a huge contract, y'all are really pathetic

  19. Sign LeBron for what?? He's 40 years old. And will be retiring in a couple years. To lose Lively and Gafford would be asinine. You guys are smoking

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