@San Antonio Spurs

How Victor Wembanyama Is Training To LEVEL UP His Game

How Victor Wembanyama Is Training To LEVEL UP His Game

Celtics may be the now but wimy is definitely the future of Adam Silvers NBA and as wimy gets set to represent his country in the Paris Olympics next month he’s back in the gym putting in work so Jamal Crawford posted this photo of him and wimy in the lab recently getting some work in that’s uh oh uh oh uh oh you know what time it is Big you know okay you know what time it is yeah s great blue yeah what do youall think about wimy working out with your Crawford you know what time it is man b b b b about to just extend the game we we F to see something we probably never seen before we already seen it we we ain’t SE we ain’t seen this type of handle though so let me ask you this he’s 75 mhm why he need that um I’m extending my game is is to help my game get your ass on the Block getting better that extends your game get your big ass on handle the handle left big ass down there man yeah get your big ass down wait what it say get your big ass down there man yeah go work with Tim Duncan how about that he’s he already working with Tim Daily more more probably is we probably just don’t see it yeah CU Tim like it’s they shopping that Old Navy they doing everything they need to do now Wy got more swag than that extra wi I mean I’m not I’m not mad at it you know um you know just getting help from someone who who is a specialist at something is always you know um it always helps right but just at the end of the day you got to know what you’re lacking as a player in in proving that right um before you get to to the danc yeah yeah yeah you know before you get to danc you know um it’s it’s a long list I know like some of the what’s so funny is I know some of the just watching and studying Jamal’s game I I can see like certain things he would do for him and it be more of misdirection type of you know like between the legs like I’m about to go this way rap it back this way right come with the crossover come fake it go back this way so it it’d be a lot of misdirection on pick and rolls and screen type of plays you play with him right no uh no oh he he wasn’t on the U no I just he’s seven five but it’s his it’s his style right who he going by huh whoever want it whoever right there small on him you got to play small on him you have to play Rudy Gober sh the [ __ ] out of Rudy Gober year four times a year damn I got four [ __ ] I can so he get that inid huh he get that embiid he get that yish ad they to shoot neither one of them going to be up there playing defense like that so for him to bring that [ __ ] out no they going to get caught on the switch no and so I mean they going to get caught man Joel and B when be out there [ __ ] Joel and B ain’t going to press up on he ain’t going to have time to do that [ __ ] he gon [ __ ] shoot come down hit two threes he will TR he’s not I don’t I don’t I don’t mind trying to enhance you I get that Jing it’s more of the thought process problem yeah I yeah but there’s a lot of other people that he could have went to seek knowledge from at this point and get to Jamal Crawford I’m big Jamal Crawford same draft class all yes but 75 big fella like something different let’s learn let’s learn that bank shot let’s learn and face a [ __ ] up and shoot this thing off the glass consistently see he probably sits with he probably sits with Tim so much like like you know the fact that he said his trainer in France gave him this style that means that boring basketball might not be ready he might not be ready for just we going to sit here we going to turn work and we going to hit the bank we going to do he might not be ready for that you might need to like keep him with [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] like this big keep him entertaining just to keep him entertained like B get lazy though no but B get lazy so for him he just [ __ ] get lazy period doing the same thing like like I’ll be sitting there like all right we’re going to just do one dribble pull up right we going to just one dribble pull up and then I just I just wait and see how long before he Alters it like how many shots before he decides a one dribble give it a little step side before before they start playing with just the basics of it first right cuz that you have to know how long before like if he just sit there 100 straight same mechanics like you can teach him any move right because ad ADHD didn’t kick in right now we did five moves and he’s oh man this is [ __ ] boring let me you know goe spice it up then it lets me know that yeah you’re not very great at the basics and the people who are are excellent in this world at their crave they have perfected the basics [ __ ] when when all fails when every [ __ ] move you try to fail the basic is what it is right no matter what move Kobe did and he after he come out of it right it what is a regular ass jump shot so he had to perfect this regular ass jumper first before he does all this extra [ __ ] because when he does this it ends to this and that’s that’s what a lot of trainers don’t understand when you’re training these kids right all the moves is cool but what does his Baseline look like right can he hit 30 40 in a row like what is his capacity level how many shots can he he take before he decides like I’m bored he going to just start like you have to know that part of him first from when we saw this season before yeah before he starts D want all list and before he tries to excite himself because remember that happens in the game you got a player who sits there and when the game gets boring because it’s too easy he has to cuz he’s bored he done average 36 of you [ __ ] right right he average 36 he done score 30 40 35 45 50 50 45 45 60 55 what you think the rest of them games going to start looking like this [ __ ] going start one leg come off the like he going to try to experiment now cuz being regular is boring to him and is that a good or bad thing in your opinion it’s a good thing when you obsessed with being boring right like when like even with Kobe like some of those fadeaways double clutch fadeaways spin spin out of bounds on three people that just him just I’m bored damn bored I’m trying some [ __ ] I’m I’m bored of this [ __ ] right here it ain’t when you guys were hooping how often you just say [ __ ] it I’m just going to try some [ __ ] I didn’t he said I didn’t he said I’m going one dunk or two dunk no I just worked on sh I need to work I just knew where my shots was coming from man I listen man I just knew my [ __ ] was coming from so I didn’t the most I did since work on [ __ ] okay I’m G start shooting threes this year okay and how long did it take you to get to that point where you wanted to expand out beon years I just shoot him here and there but what I said I was going to shoot more this year then I worked on that that summer like I’m okay I’m extend my range this summer next season but no I wasn’t in the start shooting but [ __ ] I was doing okay Tim dun good at this [ __ ] Bank Shot let mean this [ __ ] must be yeah that’s what I’mma add in my game [ __ ] listen sh what did Mari do [ __ ] how did Mari get to that one oh yeah I’m I’mma add this to yeah that’s how you yeah that’s what I’m doing I’m not I’m no I’m about being efficient and effective dog I respect it know you said you used to track guys try to see if you could do their moves you know keep yeah I used to keep a log of just like like if I see someone do a move and I’m like damn what was that let me go ahead and add that and then I work on the summer even though I probably won’t use it I just have it so I perfected it to the point when it comes at me I can see it because I’ve done the mannerisms right I’ve done like I know like all right when when Tracy’s coming down because I’ve done did this 300 times a day when he’s when he’s coming down on me I know the movement cuz I got it from him right so I I’m more on it than you know I mean that’s what I’m saying a guy who is I’m not I’m not you know I’m not Luca bad right I’m not I’m not wasn’t Luca bad on defense right I was more why Luka got to catch a stray on juneth say I wasn’t luga bad on defense right but I wasn’t like you wasn’t calling me out to play defense so you know for the most part it was more that because I learned everybody move that when it was coming at me I’m like I’m on it right but you know it’s everything you everything I see is reaction right and it’s it’s just expanding your software so when you’re moving okay here come the double okay B right okay now I got to split it right and that’s all it is is is just expanding your brain to just do stuff when you need it to when you need to do it right I can’t sit there and all right okay Kenan did a 360 pump fake double dunk I can’t just go in the game and just do that I got to done tried that [ __ ] a 100 times first okay I got to torque the God I got T the my damn back hurt got man back her trying to TWP this [ __ ] I remember when I seen Ronda this is crazy this [ __ ] I seen Ronda on a fast break at Kentucky coming down full speed and hit him [ __ ] jumped out of bound trying to SW it turned around boom I went home and like yo I need this move fast break practiced it all summer to come on a fast break and say [ __ ] I’m already here CH at me if you can I didn’t try that [ __ ] not one time yeah not one time that I ever sit yeah show it and go like and I practice it all summer but he said I’m already here like as soon as I turn that corner I’m coming out I’m trying to jump yeah right so it was it was just one of those things that I put the time same thing with floating right mhm no I practiced the floater the year Ro step and it’s like I like this little [ __ ] right here like I’m I’m trying to get to the rim these [ __ ] can jump here he sit there and the [ __ ] snatch it out you know how embarrassing that [ __ ] is he didn’t block it he grabbed God give me that long fell like oh man am me I do this no more so I practice a lot of [ __ ] that I just never ever use but that that’s any gu who who creates stuff like I’m pretty sure if you if you tell Kyrie show me some [ __ ] you’ve never tried in a game oh he got a whole bunch of [ __ ] he got a whole bunch of [ __ ] never Unleashed we and we get to see some of that every once in a while with special stuff but uh so just looking at wimy year one to year two he’s got an Olympics to really help tighten his game up as well how much of a leap do you expect wimy to make next season shoes are untied damn both shoes see not you not a good shoe Ty I don’t know man all you’re doing is sitting here nobody else shoes man you be twiddling your feet too much your shoes ain’t doing that man I’m I’m an expert shoe is it the laces I don’t know might to double he needs he just sitting here like I need them strp Yo No that’s like yo it is real [ __ ] dog I swear that’s like you see somebody in the wheelchair with their shoes on top what you doing yo my son no no listen no my son man we be in the car he’s six I like I look back like we’ve been sitting still for why or how are your shoes untied we just we got in the car and before we get out like I tied them mhm I know I double knoted how your shoe untied right now M maybe you should double knot your shoes or get velcro do they do they make Veil Co for adults see I never had this prodct cuz I always wear sandals Orthopedic joints right said do they wear Veil for adults yeah that’s some Orthopedic joints they got the velcro for the little kids now that look like their shoelaces that sh is baller I’m I’m definitely have gave you some thought I’m lazy as y’all know like to save time but so what what leap do you expect wommy to make coming into next season doing all this stuff going to have an Olympics I mean potentially be defensive player of the year all NBA should he play in the Olympics yeah he has to yes it’s in France too yeah understand why you saying that if it was somewhere else City play no like I would take this year like I would take this year to get get going on my strength and like getting stronger and getting prepared for next year um just just because two the second year what’s that that that sophomore year and it’s like say well for him I this is his first Olympics ever right this is his first Olympics right he’s like right yeah he wouldn’t have been able to be on the yeah no I understand him playing I understand this is more exting it is no absolutely with everything surrounded it friend everything yes absolutely on one side but what what we’re saying is going in year two he needs to get stronger he needs certain things need to but if it was yeah but he definitely is going to play a these to damn 21 I just hope it doesn’t like cuz I’m sure he’s going to be doing a lot of stuff this summer I just hope he finds time to like tap into it like like tap into his real crap and really get yeah you know what I’m saying get ready for year two and will it be a burnout that’s what I’m and and that’s what I’m thinking going in the year to will it be too much going listen that’s a lot of person man him well that’s right man that’s a lot of that’s a lot of person to be man listen lot of basketball yeah he’s he’s number one pck man like you know what I mean you [ __ ] got y’all got extra [ __ ] y’all got to do but he 75 though extra [ __ ] right you got to do the interview after this game goddamn it we get to go home you number one for reason goddamn it you supposed to do all the interviews goddamn it sign all the autograph kiss all the goddamn babies high five everybody and your ass better be on time at practice tomorrow your long ass better be having running out there with that thing you know he going to be out there running with defin definitely he going to be the torch get your ass out there yeah rep the city damn it big ass out there he just going to light it from where he standing 2110 3.6 blocks I mean a leap for him is damn near 28 what 282 284 you going do it they G feature him pop ain’t going for that [ __ ] this year trust me yeah yeah they gonna run a lot of plays for him yeah it’s GNA be yeah yeah they are it’s going to be a big leap what’s so funny is if they just created the offense around him the leap is already delete absolutely like the fact that he wasn’t part of offense and everybody was hating on him and he averaged this just just tweaking the offense for him puts him in 26 27 automatically absolutely another and he going to play more minutes cuz he a play his minutes was down last year they liing his minutes he a even took he Ain took ankle nothing this year right yeah so he was smart though talking about that cuz I was wondering why they didn’t throw more lobs but with all that traffic in the paint I think I think I think to protect him I think his parents right we have to think as parents to for really being mindful of how tall he was possibly going to be and understanding that flexibility was going to be a big key to him not getting injured because he did yoga at an early age so still doing it yeah still doing it so really flexible so his body is used to doing certain things that a normal athlete who never did yoga can’t do so Spurs got the fourth and eighth pick in the draft free agency on the horizon they got a ton of cap space do you think the opportunity for other older vets around the league to get the chance to play with wimy will make the Spurs a hot free agency draw this summer got to be the right situation man got to be right people like what do you do the team is so young he’s so young right it’ be it’ be a bad move to try to spend money when he is not in form yet right he is not in form to really dominate at a very very high level right he’s not where yage is or where Giannis was when he won the championship right or or even in beid or in yeah we not even right so he’s not in that form yet to sit here and pay a whole bunch of veterans right to to to help him he’s not he’s he’s still like developing so I if I’m them I’m really going to be mindful of what I spend in the next few years and then when time is right and I say okay this is the year he’s going to take this leap go after those free agents that summer to really build with him would you get a guy like Trey young though like like a Trey young to come in with with him like just because I know you say he’s not there yet but you don’t think playing with Trey young can actually like build something there with those two if if Atlanta didn’t want to you know I mean I don’t mind a player like Trey young because of the outside shooting the pick and roll the his passing ability like we we we talk about Trey young scoring but his pass ability is great too right um playing with Trey young him see I don’t even like when it comes to like size and height he it he neutralizes any being small guards right so you know if you have four small guards it really don’t matter with a guy who who deflects shots like he does so um you know I think just find the right pieces that complement his his game right now he is number one I I don’t even know if there’s a was there a possibility of a second option there yeah the Johnson kid right yeah the Johnson kid yeah is he a legit second option or is he a third op find the second opo that like know I mean yeah he he shoot that thing like he is but I mean they’ve got they got kin Johnson they got for sale but I think he needs a point guard though I think he needs a a good point guard he need a facilitator man like somebody that can shoot it like and roll you’re forced to like you got to make a decision yeah Trey Speed Demon someone who [ __ ] fast as [ __ ] so what should be the approach then for the Spurs I’m not even saying a big name free agent but it seems like guys will want to have the opportunity to play with somebody like a wi fourth and a pick [ __ ] you got wiggle room to do something yeah but tough draft you know just trade it from now for later I’m trade one of them picks for Trey young though you I mean got the first yeah I mean I’m going try to trade hwks got the first hulks got the first pick already so so they they not and I’m saying if this was a draft where it was like o was an exciting one I could really rebuild my franchise but like you guys always said there is some talent in that draft you just got to find it if you’re if you’re if you’re I don’t know how good the SARS kid is right you know him and wi be on the same team would be crazy as [ __ ] too cuz they both are like guard so one can play to three four you so you got both they can play three four five you know so have them on the the same gen but they did play with Tim Duncan and David Robinson before so Too Tall would you give up would you give up your fourth fifth pick one of your your fourth fifth you got four and eight so a lottery I mean a fourth fifth pick one of these players for your number for that number one pick I would if you’re if you’re landed would you take it because right now with Trey Young and the way the age the age of your team he’s too young for it so if you’re um a Landa to you you think about that I would

Gilbert Arenas Breaks Down How Victor Wembanyama Is Training To LEVEL UP His Game in his 2nd NBA Season as Gil & The Gil’s Arena Crew react to Wemby training with Jamal Crawford early in the NBA Offseason and discuss how his newly developed guard skills mixed with playing in the 2024 Paris Olympics will catapult the NBA’s Rookie of The Year to new heights in his Sophomore season with the San Antonio Spurs.

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  1. Stop looking at him like a 7'5 traditional center. What do you want him to be? Kareem? That's not his game. He'd never be a traditional center. He's trying to develop a well-rounded game. Imagine a combo of AD and KD but 7'5. He ain't gonna be Shaq or Tim Duncan with that frame.

  2. Wemby should train with Hakeem, Duncan, KG, KD, Rondo, Ray Allen, and LJ. He could be the first unanimous GOAT if he stays healthy and for at least 15 years.

  3. Wemby has all the tools to be the best to ever do it. I hope Tim D spends a summer with him teaching the bank shot.

  4. …. He's not a BIG MAN he is just tall so he has handles but just needs tah sharpn em up a bit…ALL jump shots are available for a skilled athlete who has no 1 tall enough to BLOCK or bother his jumper or turn arounds, floaters shyt he can dam near jam on a defenders head 🤦🏾 so of course he doesn't want to have 10+ turnovers a game cause he keeps dribbling off his feet 😂 or getting swiped at by shorter players!

  5. The best players can just do everything now really well or elite. Look at Jokic or even Lebron they can do everything really well

  6. This is the laziest segment they have done.

    Kenyon is narrow minded as hell. Wemby isn't going to be able to establish post position. They would just push him out, because he doesn't have the weight to hold his spot.

    Also wemby didn't defend the opposing C half of the time, and rarely was he defended by the opposing C.

    Maybe these guys should watch the last 4 weeks of the regular season, Wemby was more of a small forward than anything. He attacked the rim off the dribble all the time, and was great at moving off the ball, his team just sucked.

    They know absolutely nothing about how Wemby was playing.

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