@Utah Jazz

Utah Jazz May Trade Walker Kessler?

Utah Jazz May Trade Walker Kessler?

we have to talk about isn’t it crazy a few months ago or a year ago this guy was one of the hottest players in his draft class A guy that people were acting like the Jazz got a steal and now they’re saying they’re going to trade him it is crazy how you can go from being a someone who is beloved within the franchise to somebody who might be Comm an afterthought uhhuh yep that’s where we’re at the Jazz could be listening to trades on Walker Kessler crazy just as they do a Rebrand the whole thing with Walker kastler I like the kid I like the kid I like the kid but Walker Kessler was a kid who went from his rookie season he played literally the same minutes but he went from being 72% and 3% from the field to 65 and 21 8 and a half bounds the seven and a half he was still a good rim protector like averaging over two blocks a game but I think offensively I think if we realize maybe he wasn’t that it’s just he might be close to a finished product and this might be the guy he’s the guy who gives you like nine and eight maybe like 10 and 10 few blocks there’s nothing wrong with that and he’s a guy who’s probably going to be a borderline top 15 Center in the NBA but does he fit with John Collins does he fit with lry marinin does he fit fit with the Utah Jazz and the what they’re doing Jake fiser said that the Jazz could listen to trade offers for Walker Kesler average eight seven and a half two and a half in 23 minutes he’s all rookie first team and somebody’s going to be like what if they did a walker kastler for Zack LaVine why would they do that so that’s just where it gets hard and you you look around you see what the trades are and you you think like who could they go after like the one that does kind of make sense for me and we’ll pull it up on the screen right now because for me when I look at this I think okay if they wanted to go get Brandon Ingram they so the the Pelicans want a big man they want a big man they’ve made this very very clear that they wanted a big man and I’ve I’ve I’ve I’ve gone here and I thought hm this actually makes sense so the Pelicans have said they don’t want to pay Mr Brandon Ingram and Walker Kessler is a guy that could interest the Pelicans and the other thing is is the Pelicans are a team that are trying to get off the tax apron so if you look at the contracts that are available I think going in I guess Jordan Clarkson who I want to I guess this past season Colin seon was worth so in this deal you are saving money so what if this deal happens Brandon Ingram for Colin ston and Walker Kessler I think this no picks involved straight up this way you save $15 million you save $15 million if you’re the Pelicans and you’re thinking why would the Pelicans want to save that much money so heading into next season the luxury tax is at 171 million and if you were to able to save 15 million and you’re you’re New Orleans you’re currently projected to be at $150 million heading into there so you saving 15 million on next year’s Bill brings you to 135 okay and that’s that’s pretty nice that you just saved $15 million and you’re at $135 million now and your free agents this offseason are only n Marshall Co Cody Zeller and yonas Valen chunis that are really important and you still could go out and spend a little bit of money so for me I just think golly this is not a bad move if you’re you’re the if you’re the Jazz you walk away with Brandon Ingram you can also say well I feel like Colin Sexton’s too good that’s fine guess what this is what we’ll do instead of Colin ston we’ll go ahead and do Jordan Clarkson it’s the same idea and you send it over boom I still think this is someone would say this is even better deal Jordan you get a backup guard who could be a six-man for the Pelicans you get the center that they want who’s young and he’s still got two more years on his deal Jazz get a guy who can help raise their floor I think every it’s one of those deals that I think everybody wins and it’s one that people will be interested in because everybody wins I want to hear your guys’s thoughts if you were the a part of this what would you or if you were in the front office what would you do and why I definitely think it’s interesting just to see how you know what the deal could be structured like I’m curious I’m curious to hear your guys’s thoughts I just think with a team like the Jazz and the Pelicans they would be both motivated to do a deal like this salary cap reasonings and as well as just being you know I think this helps both teams feel a need that you know is kind of keep holding them back so why not is my that’s my my thoughts and I know that maybe might not be the best reason but I thought I thought so so let me let me hear your guys’ thoughts what would you do

The Utah Jazz may consider trading Walker Kessler, according to Jake Fischer of Yahoo Sports. Kessler, a promising young center, could be on the move as the Jazz explore options to reshape their roster and build for the future.

What are the potential trade scenarios, and how would this impact the Jazz and the acquiring team? Join us as we delve into the details and discuss the possible outcomes. Stay updated with the latest NBA news by subscribing to our channel and following us on social media @CyroAsseo.
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