@Toronto Raptors

Pondering Potential Prospects at Pick #19 ft. Tyler Rucker

Pondering Potential Prospects at Pick #19 ft. Tyler Rucker

and we’re back Beyond is gone but he will be back in a future episode so don’t worry folks um we’re going to just continue on and we’re going to just talk about picks at 19 picks at 31 you know who works who doesn’t work and kind of go from there my question is going to start with 19 because that’s going to be something that informs a lot of the draft I think if you pick someone who is a high floor prospect whatever position it is at 19 I think you can take a swing at number 31 we do know that the Raptors do have to do some extra homework and have been because they have to fill up their pipeline for the G League they’re probably going to come in with I think it’s uh three two-way players or is it two two-way players that you could sign um I either way those spots are going to be now filled with new guys I think it was What DJ carton um I think yeah yeah um yeah there someone else so much too I think it is three now they changed so much so yeah but we we also had a lot of flux on our g-league team so we basically wiped out everyone you know because uh Maris Noel was one Dylan Harper was one and then I think at one point uh Porter was one so we had three and then they’re all gone for different reasons and and stuff like that Harper obviously with the rib issue um and I think the other one got got hurt as well so we’re not going to necessarily ask you about all of that but just so the audience is primed there is going to be multiple guys coming in to this uh to this team Beyond who we actually select so I’m going to let Coach because I know coach has at least a couple guys that he’s been wanting to ask about and we haven’t really covered on this and so coach I’m assuming you’re going to start with bub but I’ll let you be be the you know the judge of who you who you want to talk about first all righty so I was actually watching One the no one of the No Ceilings podcasts I think it was a couple of weeks ago and they were comparing Mr Carlton bub Carrington I think to Isaiah Collier I think that was the TV show uh TV show oh boy uh podcast but Tyler I want to get your thoughts on Bob Carrington he’s a name that we continue to hear um I he looks like he’s a talented player I know he’s young I think he’s still 18 but what are your thoughts on Carrington and where do you think he’s going to fall in the draft what range do you think I like I like him a lot um wasn’t a big time recruit kind of wasn’t even really on the radar as a a serious name and I’m not trying to I mean that as a slander but it wasn’t just a big name for preseason you weren’t really buzzing about him and then he started the year out he had a triple double and everyone’s like who the heck is Carlton Carrington at Pittsburgh then he started getting some eyes on him and um you know he’s really young 65 um looked thin on on tape and then he just measured in at the combine and he’s around like 195 I was like that’s a good number because I I just thought I was going to be lower I think he’s got like a six eight Wings spin but he’s really Shifty he’s raw he’s got a lot of talent though for being raw right now like I like I like the foundation of tools to work with like I I think they’re further along than what you’d be wanting like right now like there’s still a lot of upside but it’d be something very fun for a developmental staff to be like kind of grooming um he took some good strides defensively I thought in the beginning year it was kind of a little over placed and took some good strides the offense I think is he loves this mid-range shot he loves getting to it it’s like the elbow he goes back and forth and he just uses his size well to to kind of break people down and and pick you apart his shot selection for me needs to just get a little better he takes my least favorite shot in basketball which is uh one foot on the three-point line like crossing over where I’m like you just made it the toughest shot possible to get two points that it drives me nuts Demar shot yes it’s a Demar shot and it drives me nuts because it’s like well even if you’re an unbelievable shooter like just take a foot back and hit a three-pointer so he he that just drives me crazy but um he’s got some good feel too around the basket it’s just a a lot of good stuff that you’re like I I’ve said it for a while on on the no sing podcast with my co-host Tyler meaf I’d be like if that if I’m swinging and I want to get excited about a swing that would be one of the ones I’d go I’d go get I’d even try to go get or if I was if he’s still on the board i’ I’d be attacking that I think he’s G to be a top 20 pick um that’s kind of what I’ve heard is people were like he’s not getting past 20 um now there’s Buzz he’s getting late Lottery Buzz so it’s like well up if you take those two worlds it sounds like it’s going to be in the Raptor’s range so you never know but I think teams are intrigued and he’s having a good process and you know 65 and young with with good shifting in us that’s going to get teams very excited I think shot creation shot creation and shot creation is so key today especially if you watch the playoffs as well it just looks like he has that that potential skill set to do that in the NBA um I do have one other Prospect I want to ask youo as well and the Raptors have had him in for a workout possibly two but I definitely know it one and it’s one of her g-league ignite Guys Tyler Smith I watch him is like offensively he’s got some uh capabilities for sure good shot form it looks like to me but um I like the length at 68 610 what whatever he’s that but what are your thoughts on Tyler Smith you know it’s I feel like he’s cooled a little bit lately um because and I just heard some workouts or I’ve heard a little bit of everything so I’m trying to kind of get some more solid details but I think he’s cooled a little bit slipped a little bit but it’s it’s tough because I’m I’m hearing and stuff and I’m like well he’s proba a lot of guys aren’t good for workouts like you know they’re better when they’re playing in flow of the game and that’s when they can really Blossom I know one thing every time I saw or watched an ignite game I just was like Tyler Smith knows where to get his stuff like he he plays the right way he knows when it’s like I’m wide open take the shot with confidence um he works to get good looks and he he’s efficient and effective in limited minutes like he he put up good numbers and then you look and you’re like he only played 22 minutes like so he can he can get in in a rotation early on Off the Bench and give you a boost um I I think there’s some I don’t mean this as a a a bad way I just think he’s a little bit of a specialist right now where it’s just like he’s a floor spacer you get him in with the size to to be a pick and pop weapon um he he showed some developments with his Rim protection I just think there’s still some some areas in between all of that to kind of keep working with but at some point in this draft I I definitely think if you’re getting the 610 611 with a good shot from outside pick and pop weapon that still has upside like it’s very fun and and that’s I think the late teens and early 20s is that’s where you get excited about those because they could pay off in a big way it it seems to me like his also his straight line driving was you know adequate enough to you know maybe see some upside uh there in terms of starting to build out some more things I do think that there might be a ceiling there in terms of the overall like I’m not expecting him to suddenly you know turn into you know the equivalent of what Matas was doing you know like I’m not expecting that but I think that you know there might be a little bit more um upside to his game um which is which is interesting um I also I did see you had a film study with him I don’t know if it was you specifically I can’t remember that but I know one one of the guys on No Ceilings had a had a film study with him way back I I watched this like no it seems like months ago but that that was interesting um so yeah that was that was a Corey no I you know it might be someone that has a high like a a ceiling that can get reached quicker but like you look back like guys with size that can shoot if you can have a high percentage you’re gonna play they’re gonna keep giving you chances to play for a long time so if you could develop a little bit more of that like Tyler Smith has a there’s a path in which he plays for a very long time um but I I think he’s cooled a little bit I don’t know if it’s interviews or or whatnot but um that’s why this process is so fascinating especially with a year like this because you know there was a point in the year I want to say middle of season where people were like Tyler Smith might be the best prospect on the ignite right now like he just playing fantastic I think he was shooting mid 40s from downtown and rebounding blocking shots and and playing his game and and I think that’s where people were like he’s comfortable playing his role and it was a role in which every NBA team’s like we need a guy like this so um he’s gonna be really interesting on draft night because there could be all this Buzz about like hey he interviewed bad here and it’s like he’s got to interview good one place and then that’s the team that’s going to draft him so um we’ll see but I I I like Tyler Smith I just think might be in a specific range but that’s why the Raptors are just fascinating because it’s like they’re right in the pickings for a lot of these guys it could either be if they want them they can get them or U maybe they sup a little bit more like he could be I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s still there at 31 right now which people be like what and I’m like I would not be shocked right now if if he’s still there and he won’t be there for long but he’ll be there yeah for for me that actually where I have him uh yeah you know uh you know where I would pick him if I were the Raptor so coach you were gonna I got one more for you Tyler in the 19 no problem and I and you you’ve spoken to us a little bit about him before but not too much and we the three of us me uh Kenyan and Beyond we we love him we think that we we’d be perfectly happy we had him that’s Tristan dilva the guy just knows how to play he just a good value pick probably at 19 I don’t care about the age if you’re 22 or 23 I you don’t have to teach him how to shoot I don’t you have to teach him how to defend there’s a lot you just don’t have to teach and a team like hours right now we don’t I don’t think we need too many projects so okay to take a guy who’s ready to play now so Tristan D Silva your thoughts yeah that’s my guy uh I thought he was that’s that’s my guy I love him it’s you know I doing this for like scouting the draft forever I understand why upside very attractive like I I get it when you’re like fan base you’re like oh he has the potential he has the potential but then I get to a point where I’m a team like Toronto like let’s just say I was I’d be like the Silva’s gonna play for a long time for us like other guys might have more upside but I don’t know what this guy is like I’m looking at Tristan the Silva and I’m saying he shoots the crap out of it he’s tough um I know people some people are like is he soft and I’m like it’s not what I’ve heard like and that’s not what I’ve seen he’s tough he’s got positional versatility and he’s he’s around 69 um and he he’s high feel guy he knows how to play with teammates he knows how to get everyone the ball he knows just makes a lot of decisions you’re like my goodness Devin Carter and him were some of my favorite films I’ve watched this whole year because when I watched Tristan silvas I was like this is boring because it’s so good it’s just like everything he does you’re just like this is a joy to watch so there’s like teams I would like I did a thunder podcast and I was like I would absolutely love if they took him at 12 Tristan of Silva if the he could be on the board for the Raptors still at 19 um he plays so patiently like you’ll have him with the ball in the high post for example with guys cutting and he just like there’s a certain I you don’t see many guys play with that type of poise coming into the dream right and I just it’s something that just popped for me you know I’m I told you my favorite guy from last year it was K walls I’m not always looking for the big flash I’m looking for a guy that’s like textbook perfect right in a way and he fits that now with case and I will say there’s some upside there that people you know disrespected but that’s a whole conversation for another day um where a lot of people thought he couldn’t shoot coming in I tried to tell people like he he going to be able to shoot but uh in terms of Dila I mean it just seems like he just does a little bit of everything really well and then he’s also just so patient and it just like has that high floor as in terms of the skill um I think his brother plays internationally as well um I can’t remember if his brother was on the G league for some time I think he was but I have to D I think he played at Stanford for like four year like that’s it’s just every box like I’m right there with you when it comes to when I’m evaluating if I if I’m ever talking about a prospect and I’m trying to like convince myself that the weakness is glaring or if people keep pointing out something and I’m like is that really that big of a deal to not have him hire on your board um like Cas Wallace as a high school Prospect people were like can he it and then middle of the year at Kentucky he was like shooting the crap out of it and people were like H like are you he’s doing what you want him to do so what what what’s going on here I think the guys that do a lot of stuff really well but someone’s like hey they don’t do anything Elite it’s like the guys that do stuff really well and can do a lot of it play at the NBA for 15 years so I just think the Silva is like one of those like I would be just so I’d sleep like a baby because I’d be like we got got a guy that’s probably not going to be a superstar but he might be a star in his role and I think those guys are so valuable for for organizations like the Raptors where I’m not trying to make you guys mad you’re just trying to get so ability like at this point with the draft you’d love to be hit in a double like you don’t need to swing for the fences you just would like to be like we got a good pick at 19 now at 31 we can get you know a little creative and and maybe you swing for some upside I mean I’d like to hit single and just get on basee yeah a single but that’s what I’m saying like you just want to you want to take a step forward yes and I think the Silva is a big step forward and and not a leap but it’s a nice step forward yeah my thing is I have Scotty Barnes and I have RJ Barrett who could I put in between that fits their skill set and to me in this draft it’s Tristan D Silva because he does things well I.E shoot the ball get his own shot then maybe they just don’t do quite as well I just see him as that that a near Perfect Fit of what you’re going to get from this draft that’s just my opinion as well not just on his ability but also what’s his fit on the team I know people say well you always take the best talent I agree but I think fit at some point does have a little bit of a role in terms of draft picks as well just just a bit absolutely and I I think he fits um you know I was doing a I was talking with my co-host for metf on the new ceilings podcast we were just talking off the air and he’s just like he fits everywhere like he’s like every team wants this and I was like that’s exactly and he’s the one guy when I was asking around um the different Scouts and stuff and everyone he’s the one guy this year everyone kept saying I like him and I was like that’s that speaks very loudly now and then I I’d asked recently as I was just kind of talking to someone like about hey what’s the buzz going on Scout in the league and um it was a lot of like not positive buzz and I was like anyone and he goes oh yeah D Silva shot the crap out of it at a workout like just was like I was blown away like so like those are the the fun ones that are just kind of quiet Buzz that you’re like oh he that’s a good thing so I I love him I I just he knows how to play he knows how to play the right way and um I think those are the guys that you know like KEH h was another guy that I heard a lot of good stuff he if you watch the tape there’s a lot of promising stuff that he does good and now he looks like a great piece for the heat I think the Silva could be a version of that this year and I’d love the Raptors do you see him being there at 19 or do you think he’s gone around say 15 no it well it’s it’s tough this year because I I could see him going 12 I could see him going 20th um and there’s like 10 guys I could say that for about like five picks it’s just it’s kind of crazy it’s just a wild range because like with this year there’s so many guys that the range is always usually kind of slimm down with some of these prospects this year it’s like he could go eighth or 20th and you could say that about a ton of guys I think the Silva makes a lot of sense like for a lot of teams so it’s also like if you’re Toronto do you go get him do you try to get up to 15 and go get him because you love him and he’s perfect to like coach said be alongside RJ Barrett and Scotty and he’s the connecting piece you’re missing to kind of make everything flow th those are the guys like a Cas Wallace last year I was like just go get him um the Silva this year like I felt the same way about Keegan Murray I was just like d can play go get him um son I’m just say I share the name of his dad oh amazing yeah uh so yeah I don’t know I I just think the Silva’s uh people are trying to look somewhere like oh well he could be better and it’s like well this guy’s good already go get him so I think he could be there for the Raptors it would not it would not surprise me because that’s the range where things get really crazy and you know if Ed’s on the board and a team swings for Edy or KH wear goes or call year goes then all of a sudden it’s like well there the Silva’s Fallen to someone and um Orlando’s 18 right I believe so I’m just pulling it proud if I pulled it off Lakers are 17 I do know that Lakers 17 us hopefully they do us a Sol that the scary one who’s jet Howard this year and that’s no offense to Jet Howard I just think J how was surprised he got he got selected I thought it was gonna be greedy they already have FR yeah yeah ex exactly we get we get like FRS um does Jeff welman do do do Messi one more solid you know lifelong Raptor well and that’s that’s the you know I think this year’s draft we’re all fascinated to see what happens after the top five and then you’re yes you get into you get into ranges on the board where you’re like w that’s G to be a really fun run with like you know you guys the magic like the Lakers obviously people want to see what happens and so I I could see a world in which um I could see him being on the board still and I’ll be like that was a robbery for them the slope of the gradient of the of the talent between say five to 20 even it’s it’s a lot more lower of a slope than it would be in other drafts so most of the times it’ be you know the degree of the slope would be much there there’d be a a more steeper drop off even our coach actually had a had a interview recently basically saying you know he called it an even draft you know at least that’s what the it translated to because it was in Serbian and he basically outlined that you know from the top five to uh top to to 20 there’s not much different in in how he has assessed the level of talent and how the front office has assessed the level of talent as well so I think that that’s interesting for might just skip out on the 31 type stuff uh for this one because we’ve already talked about Tyler Smith a bit and you know I also want to respect this Tyler’s time but uh we should get into there’s three other names and we’ll just mention them right off rip and then get into it and then we’ll get out of here which is um you know Jaylen Tyson I believe uh kesan George and Jacob jacobe Walter who jacobe Walter is a very interesting one because he was ranked very highly and he is kind of slid back and then kind of pushed forward again and then slid back a little it’s been a little bit of a roller coaster for him um now uh I’m gonna start with Coach on this one because I you know I I I feel like uh we we switched roles now so so I’m GNA give Coach uh the question about um kesan first um just because I know how you feel about Tyson already um I’m just wondering how you feel about Kean George then we’ll ask Tyler kind of the same thing I mean I like his talent 68 it’s 40% from three looks like a connective piece uh in an offense I heard a comparison he’s like Kyle Anderson who can shoot a little bit who has actually nice form um which to me it sounds like a player who could do a little bit of everything I do kind of Wonder though the pace to me he looks like he can kind of get to his spots but at times just like he’s a bit slow maybe that’s just me from what I’ve been looking at I’m not sure but I do like the potential versatility I do like the size at 68 and he’s been someone certainly that’s I I’ve seen him is 19 or 20 and I’ve seen him in the 30s that’s just like Tyler said and Kenyan has said just this draft it’s flat even whatever you want to call it but I mean I have a I just see him being in one of those ranges quite frankly he’s uh you know when you watch those guys on tape and you’re like they look slow how do they keep getting to the basket or why can’t people stop him he’s one of those guys when I’m watching him I’m like why can’t people stop him but I think he’s he’s really good at using his he creates space with his steps like there’s guys that are short stride he can get somewhere can cover some ground um that Miami team was one of my least favorite teams to watch and like the last three years they were just a lot of um me guys like wanting to get their their own and then he had to kind of figure out how to be a freshman that was all of a sudden getting more minutes with that team so I think it was It was kind of tough but he’s got a beautiful shot um and he’s big and he’s he’s got a lot of potential to be an offensive weapon I just it’s tough watching in that in that situation because you’re like is this more along or does this have a little bit more rawness to more of a project I think he’s another guy that probably is going to be in the top 20 so we’re we’re throwing a lot of names in that conversation so someone’s going to be that’s why we keep saying you know it’s a good year to be picking in the outside the lottery or outside the top 10 because there’s going to be names falling down you you got your choice your choice to really pick a nice Talent so I like him it makes a another guy that you know we just talked about the Silva shooter well kon’s got upside and he can shoot so um he’d be a really interesting option for them is there a favorite between the names that I’ve mentioned the Walter Kean and then uh uh or sorry kaon and then uh Tyson like do do you have a for for I should specify for the Raptors yeah I was goingon to say um five man for Toronto to me Walter is lesser of my favorite just because of what we kind of have as a shooting guard already that we’re trying to develop I I’m a big fan of Grady um and I want him to get as many minutes as possible next year um and then obviously we don’t know the the looming Gary Trent question so um that’s kind of where we’re at in terms of a depth chart type thing yeah it’s funny with the Raptors because I’m always like I don’t know why I can’t my mind won’t comprehend that Barrett’s on the Raptors like that I just keep thinking he’s on the Knicks somehow and then I’m like no he got traded Toronto like why can’t you process this um so like I I like and I liked that trade for them but I like what they’re doing because they’re trying to build out a bit I still think Grady’s going to be a guy that takes a very nice step second year very nice step third year like I understand struggled out of the yeah he’s gonna he’s going to be fine a lot of those guys like those they struggle the rookie year because they’re like what the heck and then you got to figure out how to also looked did someone Tinker with a shot I saw like a video when he was in the g- league and I was like what the heck are you doing touching gr dick shot there’s been conversations about that we’ll just we’ll gosh there was a question asked and the interview was never aired okay great um so yeah yeah I was like what are you doing so I think he’s going to be fine he’ll be really good this year there’s a lot of guys I’m excited about about taking a big step yeah um getting back to your question sorry just excited um now I’m trying to think Tyson I don’t know if he I don’t know if Tyson would be at the top of my board for this one because I just think that guy needs he needs the ball more I would say like kaan gosh the Kobe’s this weird no it’s it’s been so weird toobe who was the other name because it wasn’t just Silva who was the other name so it was George Tyson and and and Walter yeah oh yeah so yeah I probably would say jacobe would be SEC no jacobe yeah jacobe would be second I’d put kaon George first and then Tyson third because I think jacobe would be too good of value and if is he Has Talent it’s just it was weird year and um you know you watch his pre like his high school stuff was fine because he played a little bit more off and then his before that there’s some ebl stuff where he has the ball in his hands and you’re like this dude’s a beast he’s a monster so I it’s it was just kind of a weird Baylor year but I’m also like my hypothetical is like it do does Baylor ask too much of guards like keante yeah I loved seeing him in person I had a I had a little one this year so I couldn’t go out to Bor to see someone or I couldn’t go Scout a lot of ing games this year but um jacobe I felt like if he has a a great rookie year I’m gonna be like okay I can’t trust Scott drew ever again because these guys are good and he just asks too much of them but um just we he’s been having a weird process I feel like he could be an option on at 19 right now yeah I I mean and I’ll just say this just to end this part portion you know I I hope the best for all these guys I hope that all of them land in spots that help them to succeed ultimately um you know and just become better people you know along the way because that’s what you hope for every day um coach do you have any final questions I Tyler it’s weird I haven’t I feel I forget he’s in this draft and I know that he’s I’ve seen him in earlier the year mocked as maybe a top 10 Talent um and now it’s like I feel like I might see him as well I might see him at 28 or I might see him at 30 or 31 I I’m not sure but I remember you had said once about how Baylor uses their top players having to do a lot and you kind of wonder if he settles into a role Le blossom in a sense and it’s it’s interesting yeah I I for sure think if he bought into a role you could really find something um because he could shoot um I I I thought going into this process he was going to be one of those guys that someone would text me and be like Jobe shot the crap out of it and I’d be like yeah I’m not I’m not surprised but it just I haven’t gotten anything to build momentum off of so what that’s why I’ve been kind of like okay so he’s probably going to name that kind of maybe slips a little little bit because everybody else is climbing so I’ll be interested I I think that if it gets to a certain point I would be like okay someone should jump all over this because the return is worth the swing um right and Jobe has talent but it’s it’s just me like we talked about like maybe he he’s not a potential number one guy maybe you kind of calm down a little bit and and put him alongside some other guys that are more you know Advanced and he can continue to build off of that and have something to go like if you had jacobe coming off the bench or in your rotation you’d probably be very intrigued by that if he could uh if he could be shooting consistently and playing good defense but just need some more consistency he’d have some great games this year and then just disappear for three games you’re like what’s going on and then all of a sudden he’d have two huge games and drop 30 and you’re like he dropped eight the next game and was four for 15 you’re like what’s what’s going on so I don’t know it it’s going to be interesting well other than that I think first of all I hope that your Celtics do well um you know um but at the same time I hope that they don’t do well uh guys that I was like that one sounded right that one sounded legit for what it’s worth Tyler I do think your CICS are gonna win I don’t think they’re gonna lose four straight to Dallas no I don’t either I just can’t if they lose the next one I’m I might have a panic attack because I’m G be like great game six in Dallas I have to sweat this out of I I it’d be cool for them to win um at home I I did see this morning that the last time they won it they were up three 0 lost oh wait was it or whatever I saw something that they the last time they won the title they were up three and lost uh lost game four maybe that was a playoff series because I was like they didn’t sweep the Lakers right no no what the heck was that tweet about so see that just tells you where I’m at right now with the draft cycle maybe it was a playoff series on that way but yeah it it Dallas is gonna be tough Dallas is you know whenever you got Luca or Kyrie those guys can shift things in a hurry so um especially when they play with Pace yeah and if Boston starts out cold again I’m GNA be like oh boy stop playing with your own food go go get to the basket so it we’ll see absolutely uh well first of all thank you so much for you know coming and joining us uh we will definitely be you know uh you know having you back on if you want to come back on in the future especially next year with it being the year that it’s going to be in terms of the draft um and the Raptors having a their pick actually um there wouldn’t be much to talk about if we didn’t have our pick so um you know I I I’m excited to talk talk about next year’s draft I’m excited to see what happens for this year’s draft um for the folks at home Beyond and I are probably going to go live I don’t know the exact moment we’re not going to go live throughout the draft we’re going to be going live uh near to the end of the first day uh when you know you know when we’re able to we’re not going to go live during the draft because we kind of like to spend that time just with you know hanging out sometimes you want to live in the moment not just be perpetually online um so uh wherever you are enjoy the draft what I will say if someone asked a good question the guys that are in The Greening room usually someone’s left hanging what happens do they have to stay there with their suit overnight do they have CS what happens I don’t know Tyler you tell me no idea I would be that would be a nightmare I’d be like do I have to go get a new suit like I I think you go one day and then you’re yeah yeah I think they give the guys option like you can come back and some guys might be like no but I’d be like screw it I’m I’m going back I’m going to walk but right someone’s gonna get left this year I mean I don’t know maybe they maybe they don’t get left it’s a very interesting Green Room list there was some names I was like okay but um we’ll see it’s gonna be crazy this year it’s gonna be nuts and for Raptor fans or Canadian fans Zach is a green room invite but he is staying at home he decided that he is going to spend that time with with his family so just keep that in mind that uh you know if you are a green room invite you don’t have to go so yeah um with that being said it’s been basketball rewind like comment subscribe again thank you to Our Guest I will leave all of those links in the description down below No Ceilings go subscribe they have good content on YouTube I am not sure if you guys are actually I think you guys are a podcast as well um but I do know that you also have written work and I am going to encourage people whether it’s the athletic whether it’s No Ceilings pick something and read it people do not read enough today read okay please it’s important um and I do read uh your some of your nose ceilings work um so yeah I encourage people to go check those links down below Tyler is there anything that you want to plug uh no I that was fantastic thank you oh I will say well you have a uh a draft guide coming out for No Ceilings soon so um No Ceilings it’s we work very hard every year on that it’s a digital download so um Raptor fans want to read in more depth about their guys so go check it out so thank you guys for having me I I always have a blast on this one absolutely and I think that No Ceilings is free if I’m not mistaken so um you know you have no excuse but to check out a couple articles people so yeah uh coach any any plugs by you nope Tyler come on back after the s absolutely just let me know and I’m there we we we might have to talk after uh you know that that exhibition game between uh you know our countries yeah as long as long as the Celtics win the finals I’ll come on after the draft there you guys see now I just stck okay got gotcha gotcha I see how be beond will like that all right with that being said everyone take care and peace

Basketball Rewind chats with Coach Roache, BeyondTheLockerRoom, and Tyler Rucker from NoCeilings to discuss all things related NBA draft 2024. This shorter conversation focuses on some of the potential prospects at #19.

Bub Cartington -2:15
Tyler Smith – 5:54
Tristan de Silva – 10:50
Kyshawn George – 22:27

Coach Roache –
BeyondTheLockerRoom –
Tyler Rucker –
NoCeilingNBA –

Check out all No Ceilings content below:

#Raptors #nba #basketball #rewind #nbadraft2024 #ware #missi #center #Ronholland #bruce #brown #basketballrewind #toronto #torontoraptors #wethenorth #scottiebarnes #gradey #poeltl #celtics #bucks #dame #scottiebarnes #Barnes #noceilings #tylerrucker #holland #Cartington #george #smith #ignite


  1. I liked the point Tyler made about watching many drafts, and players with high upside. In the past few years Raps fans have watched Masai, sign a bunch of those types of projects. What we saw is failure, after failure. Often when we hear high upside, it is about a players potential, but in reality very few players reach that potential. Drafting those guys is often a big gamble, and most of the time gamblers lose. Their is a lot of value in drafting guys who are at an NBA level, but maybe not the next James. A good player, is better than a bust. Not every player you draft needs to become a superstar, you need role players, also.

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