
How to Make More Shots IN-GAME

How to Make More Shots IN-GAME

there’s a difference between someone who can shoot and a shooter and part of this is how well you can dynamically make shots in other words being able to shoot with momentum in various directions even through the shot like you see here so this for example is a set shot and this is a more Dynamic shot now if you’re a taller longer player with a high release and or have a play style where you’re cool being a low volume 3point shooter you probably won’t need as much of this but if you want to become a higher volume 3point shooter make more shots and expand your possibilities this is definitely something to focus on because for most this wouldn’t be a good shot or you may not even see the opportunity to shoot it just cuz you know you can’t make it but for a dynamic shooter many times it’s going to be three points when you look at how most players train their shooting it’s often stand still or maybe on the move but at a lower speed where they slow down take their time and essentially make it a set shot which isn’t bad but it doesn’t prepare us for stuff like this and look I’m not even talking crazy Fading Into the shot clock shots I’m just talking little drifts hard plants from high speeds rotations in the air and stuff like this so here are a few things to be working on in your shooting workouts first is being able to manage lateral momentum very well which we’re working on here they’re trying to toss it out get there super quickly and then minimize the time from the catch into the release this may be the one we see most in games and if you can get really good at this all these shots become that much more possible adding in a contest is then big here to get you really going at a high speed and also help get you used to shooting and finishing your shot comfortably and not allowing the contest to rush you oh yeah we also did this drill first before any warm-up shots to get their F and psychological momentum going because part of being an adaptable shooter is being able to come in a bit cold and make shots something to do in some workouts the second one is shooting with high forward momentum this one can be tough because typically you’ll have so much speed that it’ll end up as more of a two motion shot or something where you got to control that power so sometimes shots will sail you’ll rush them and also end up being flat at times but if you get good at this these transition shots will become a lot easier as well as ones where you get a quick burst to the ball and raise up quickly your trigger will speed up and you’ll just feel overall more athletic shooting the rock so in this drill they’re going off the dribble but primarily because it helps him go at a higher speed I’m not exactly sure why but I think it’s because it’s easier to time up and go 100% than timing up the catch if you try it you’ll feel it I know a transition pullup three is probably not a shot most of these guys will be shooting a crazy Mountain game but it’s a great way to work on these qualities next is being able to shoot over the left and right shoulders so running parallel to or even away from the rim and turning as you catch take those final strides and even in the air especially coming off screens or lifts being able to shoot these is something that really only Bonafide Shooters can do especially turning later in that process but if you exaggerate this and get good at it you can open up a lot more shots for for yourself since you don’t always have to be fully squared before catching the ball which means you can Sprint and create more space obviously this takes body control and a ton of reps but something to try out then he’s being able to shoot slightly out of rhythm so a good Rhythm would be catching right here everything timed up into the shot of course we want to get as many in Rhythm shots as we can in a game that’s for another video cuz basketball isn’t always clean cut and perfect and there may be times where you pump fake and got to recreate Rhythm into the shot where you get to a bit awkward of a foot position and have to reset and find Rhythm so this ski where they’re exaggerating the height of the skip their partner says go and then they’re shooting it as quickly as possible is a really good way to work on this cuz sometimes if they’re pushing the speed like they should they’ll have to find the ground so quickly that it’ll feel a bit awkward or the pickup timing will be weird and this R is also good for being able to shoot from different heights for example if you have to jump up a bit to catch the ball into the shot maybe now you’re going to be able to hit the ground and pop right back up into that jumper so just building the general quality of being able to go from a high Center of mass or even off of the ground to a quick re B off the floor into a shot which again is a lot about Rhythm you could also pinpoint dribble pickups as another one which is one of the qualities we’re working on here this mainly for more ball dominant guards have the least to shoot off the dribble shots but either way it’s good to work on the qualities of rotating in the shot and picking up the ball from a variety of dribbles after this we got drifts in other words carrying the momentum from the movement into the shot one of the toughest Parts about drifting is that your perception of the rim is changing during the shot you start at one angle and release the ball at another so this is something that you need a ton of reps with just to get the feel for but if you can get good at this it allows you to continue your momentum and gain separation from the defender and especially going to your weak hand it honestly feels more comfortable at times to let that momentum continue a bit so we can start this closer with the hop into the drift where they’re getting accustomed to just drifting and since it’s closer they can get more reps as they get the hang of it they can exaggerate this more and if they’re still struggling they can tone it down a bit I also really like this spin drill that we did at the end where they’re alternating between getting on balance and Landing before the pole and one where they allow themselves to drift and land past the pole this side deal for me because they’re getting used to stopping themselves from a high speed and stopping that crazy momentum getting to that perfect balance but then also getting used to Drifting out of this both of which will be needed in a game is a highle dynamic shooter second and last one I’ll talk about here is shooting a bit on the way down being able to vary the release timing is a great tool especially in the mid-range but also from three where sometimes you’ll have more momentum and may need to hang a bit longer even if it’s not this much of a hang it’s a good way to exaggerate it and get comfortable finding power on the ball without using the jump as the main source of power and then lastly is being able to shoot with a super quick trigger again if you’re a taller player who gets shots off easier maybe speed isn’t as much of a priority but for the 99% of the world who’s under 64 so yeah you’re probably going to need to be able to shoot some super quick trigger shots where you don’t catch get set and then shoot but start the shooting process as the ball’s on the way there catch and as soon as it hits your hands you’re right into it like these guys are trying to work on here now the big key to working on really all of these in a game like we talked about try to make every shot a set shot right a perfect shot at least at first like here Duncan does a great job of using this leg like a kickstand to fully stop himself so he jumps straight up and down and basically makes it a set shot and in a workout yes work on this but you also want to prepare for some of the times like this where you do keep that moment going you want to be okay with missing some because if you’re not you probably just try to slow down and give yourself the best chance to make it a lot of times you you guys will do a good job of like pushing the speed or on the other one like jumping in that direction but you’ll kind of slow it down in the end for what reason for control for control because you don’t want to miss okay for this workout or at least the next couple of drills don’t care as much about making shots that’s why we’re not counting points on these I want you guys to just push the edges of how much you can move the speed that you can shoot at maybe shooting on the way down if you airball a couple shots that’s fine we’re doing these because they’re difficult and because I want to help you guys become like more Dynamic Shooters okay so for this one don’t care about the makes we will at the end but for now just kind of Let Yourself Go in terms of that speed so ease yourself into this of course if you can’t even make three or four out of 10 set shots try a bit of movement into your shots and training but don’t go too crazy with this but once you’re at five or six out of 10 or in game you’re making a decent amount start to progress up to the as always thank you guys so much for tuning in make sure to check out the Sharpshooter program which will be in the description make sure that you guys can work on all these qualities in a really structured manner stay tuned

Basketball, especially at higher levels, is a super high-speed game, and if you’re not able to make DYNAMIC shots, you probably won’t get as many clean looks up. So, to become a shooter (not just someone who can shoot), these are skills you’ll HAVE to pick up!

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  1. Pls make a video on how to be more consistant, including form shots and drills aswell as wrist strengthening exercises. Pls respond coach

  2. Great Video, I was also wondering if you can do a Tim Duncan attention to detail because everytime I go back to old video's a bunch of people commented his name and I would love to study him. Another suggestion would be Shaquille O'Neal just because he was a dominant force and unguardable and also would love to study him. Great Video still

  3. can you pls make a video on how to use ur length in basketball. im 5,8 with a 6,4 wingspnan at 14 and i could use it( if anyone wants to answer this in the comments then pls do)

  4. The guys in the gym shoot awful. Help them pls! Oh, that guy with the ''Michigan?' shorts can shot for real!

  5. Can you make a video for taller players (around 6'2-6'9)

    I know most of your audience aren't that tall, but I and many other would really appreciate it🙏

  6. One tip i find useful, dont worry about making the shot or not, focus on the mechanics, (eg. set base, arms first then rest of your loaded lower body, follow through etc) then trust the reps you put in.

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