@Detroit Pistons

It’s a NEW ERA in Detroit Pistons Basketball!

It’s a NEW ERA in Detroit Pistons Basketball!

it’s uh Brandon D from Woodward Sports hello Mr gors and everybody else in attendance and uh welcome Tran to you and your family as well I have one quick question for both of you all obviously there’s going to take some time in between when this Vision comes for fruition what is the message uh that you want to convey directly to fans supporters season ticket holders I think in digging into um the people of Detroit uh the fans of the city I know they’re a very proud um fan base uh and obviously haven’t seen and witnessed three World Championships there are expectations here and so I also know that they’ve been supportive in the downtimes of the Pistons as well in in the Years where it’s gotten dark I’ve even heard last year during the losing streak they were still coming out and being supportive so one uh we appreciate all that support but know that we’re going to put a group of talented young men on the court that are going to compete every night and um that Detroit Pistons uniform on will mean something to those players that will mean something to this entire organization in terms of the expectation of the product that’s put out on the court every night we might not win every night but we’re going to start playing some winning basketball every night and um you know whoever we hire as a head coach is going to partner with with us with that same vision and uh we’re going to attack that every day uh in in playing winning basketball that’s what I know that’s where I’ve come from um that’s what I want to see here in Detroit for a long time hey what up though people welcome back to wake up Woodward though that was the most inquisitive intro ever people right hey you know what Tre and Lon he has a away with words he everybody that I got to talk to about him after this press conference from other media members uh to platinum equity uh Executives as well as some other Scouts and things that that nature was that this is a very very very smart guy a very smart guy and the theme of this thing obviously everybody wanted to know a couple different things what is your free agency strategy whose voice is going to lead this front office uh people wanted to know what is uh you know what do you think of like Kade Cunningham and they really gave us a lot of the different answers including what is the timeline and they gave us a lot of the answers man it was pretty dope all it was pretty Dopey all right brother I guess uh what I wanted to take on uh what were sports live let’s go what was that right walk through the door and walk back out though he went to the kitchen finding a way out he stuck in the glass box of that brother is not having a good morning man shout out to that brother man shout out to him by the way Ryan’s reaction on the chat he’s found his way out now through Birmingham Roose he’s he’s made it I guess so good job let me give him a round of applause for that my man PR his way off the door it was like people are probably like what are they talking about but this guy walked like didn’t acknowledge anything that was going on we got lights on we’re all talking kind of loud into a microphone and just like head down starts banging on these slidey yeah we get a lot of that we get a lot of intruders into the studio oh through that see coming this is like out the back I was like what huh he didn’t care he was just trying to get in and out no s given koola Ryan’s reaction said in the chat the respect given to koola’s question is an acknowledgement of the quality of its question shout out to you hey thank you thank I got a lot of preparation uh like I said I I try and make sure personally that I am uh giving all that I can but I also make sure to lean on my teammates as well so these guys they definitely help me shout out to flannel Sam and uh and that dude Justin as well uh kg JB broer you guys all helped as well before we get like into the good stuff and I’m this you I’m not going to be a Debbie Downer um for all of this uh yeah we’re kind of talking before why the hell were they an hour and a half late yeah hour and 10 minutes late but like I I picture traan Langan as this guy we’re driving there and he’s just he’s just burning up inside like like this is your first press conference 3 weeks after you’re hired right and and who was the guy from platinum equity who moderated Mark Barnhill Tom gz’s part like respectfully they try give us a traffic excuse even if it’s real like like just come out and say I’m sorry man that’s just it’s not a good look to start the new regime I don’t blame Tran langon although he’s his face is all over this he’s part of this I I don’t like that I I also wish like they had you I don’t know if they had you guys do this but um you had to ask like two or three questions like together and then send it back up to Tran or to Tom gors um I don’t know I just wish it was structured a little different there were some really good stuff that come out but man not a good start you want to make sure that things start on time um you want to make sure things start on time it it’s something where the Pistons as it relates to press conferences at least during my time covering them they’ve had some issues with punctuality uh but I it’s not okay it’s not okay I I it’s not okay I’m not going to uh F find them too much but I wish that it was U something that you could depend on the schedule that they do put out I would say that much yeah yeah and and a little um maybe 20 25 minutes into the press conference traan lingan was talking about some of the players on the team and and there were four or five like sentences straight where he’s talking about being on time like text to to every he gave a couple different examples I’m like I wonder if that’s a subtle little jab at at uh his new boss without actually jabbing at him like Hey the the we’re we’re about to be on time from this point forward right yeah I sensed it yeah you know what I like Tran Lon because the standard that he wants to set from a power position and that to me was one of the things that was continued to be echoed throughout this press conference is that this is what this kind of Detroit Pistons organization has missed for some time Trent Lon being this unifying voice I know that you guys hey you know if you take a shot every time you heard this one word during the press conference thread thread Hey listen you would guys you guys would have been done maybe 20 minutes into the press conference but this is what’s been needed he said a voice when you listen to everything that’s going on he said a leader somebody that can actually execute on the The Vision this to me is saying that as much as they like what Troy Weaver could bring to the table from a basketball standpoint as much as what they did appreciate of Monty Williams as a coach as much as what they probably appreciated out of the last reported front office structure where Aron telm and Ed stefansky were kind of sharing things they said that treaser Landon is actually somebody built for this position yeah which is something that is encouraging I think that this is going to be the most traditional NBA front office experience that the Detroit Pistons organization has had since they had Joe Dumar yeah and that’s a long long time and and by that I also mean not that they haven’t had more traditional experiences after Joe Dumar but I mean when you also include the level of basketball Talent what it’s doing now is putting TR and langon in a position to make the best decisions based off of all of the good basketball Minds that he does have around him so if AR tellum in his Camp have some suggestions you know what let Tran Lon be the one to decipher that yes if Dwayne Casey who uh shout out to Dwayne Casey got to see him as well uh down at the press conference oh he’s this a great man um if he has some suggestions let trean Lon be the person who makes the decisions on those things that’s the sense that I got from this press conference is that not that these people are going to go away but that now you have the centralization of power and decision making and path forward that trajan Lon is going to bring um as it relates to being a stabilizing Force for this thing and um I know we’re going to get into it as well but one of the things that people were interested in was the timeline so uh probably in the second segment maybe a little closer to the end of this segment we’ll definitely get into that video as well yeah yeah I really liked how with traan langon you only have so much answers like there’s only so much you really can say but he was very thoughtful he with his answers he was very professional he’s complimentary of the questions coming but you could also tell he he would take a second and actually think about it and want to give him a real response as much as he could and and there is a lot of not coach speak GM speak PBO speak like there’s PR speak P speak we’re all Rel we’re all invited there by Public Relation exactly exactly but you could tell he’s trying to say something real yeah oh no I wanted you to finish your point no that was kind all I was going to say about okay but yeah so I mean with the Press confence I came out of it feeling better than I did going in and this is by no way me saying that I’m blindly trusting this regime yet we still need to see it on the floor but I did like some of the things I heard from ownership and from Tran as well Tom gors took accountability he didn’t come in talking about all the stuff he was doing for the community and things of that nature he came in he kind of pseudo admitted hey the structure was kind of out of whack I I’ve been too detached from the team and things of that nature and we need a centralization of power like uh Kool-Aid said we need leadership he kept mentioning the word CEO a lot during this he felt like Tran was the CEO in order to help take this forward that maybe they didn’t have confidence in Troy to be that guy so and I like what I heard from Tran man he he addressed um getting more Shooters on the team he he addressed yes man he addressed being willing to explore the trade market in order to speed this process up but he also acknowledged the young talent that we do have on this team it wasn’t just completely dismissive of everything that we have so while I am hopeful we do still need to see it on the court but for introductory press conference I felt like this was pretty good on both sides yeah I mean listen like I I like we talked about on theuh interview Friday kind of just before this thing there was nothing that they were going to say that was going to make me walk away kind of having a feeling that I did after DET Troy Weaver press conference it’s new times you kind of live and you learn try and get a little bit better as it relates to assessing these things and what the expectations should be so as it relates to the press conference it’s like yes you want him to Ace the press conference and he did and he showed The Moxy he showed a little of of the you know kind of the the intellect that’s been advertised of Tran Lon he shows the leadership and if it truly is a centralization of power underneath trasan lers uh Landon’s leadership then this is going to be a good thing moving forward at least as relates to how they do the work you know as it relates to what actually happens this is a situation now where you wait and you see patient but do you trust I don’t know how much now anymore but you will be patient so you know JB I put another uh video in the slack I think it’s the second one there uh what Drew him to the Pistons optimism one question for you as well Tran what are some of the things that attracted you to and ultimately led to accepting this job with the Detroit Pistons and what here currently makes you optimistic about the road ahead thank you for the question um I’ll Attack the second one um I think in in speaking to Tom through the process I could really feel his passion um for the organization I’ve done my homework to understand how much that he has given to the organization in terms of resources in terms of thoughtfulness in terms of um wanting this organization to be great um in in talking to him and spending time with with him um you know I knew that if I could come in with his with his confidence in me um I think I and the people that I was going to bring in we’d have a chance to get this thing back going uh in the direction that it needed to be I can’t do this myself so Tom has been incredibly supportive and AR as well and me hiring the people that I have um it’s a tremendous group of people uh in every Department I brought in The Scouting department and the cap Department performance um and they’re we are all the ones that are going to elevate um this organization uh from where it is now and hopefully create sustainable success this isn’t about one run this is about being successful creating a system creating processes in this organization which is going to allow the Detroit Pistons organization to be successful for a long time uh and hopefully well past me and well past us being here you know what man I can tell you EX exactly who he sounds like I hope it turns out this way as well yeah who does he sound like Brad Holmes oh no I think he sounds a lot like Brad Holmes the intellect the attention to detail kind of this Persona that it’s going to be his way yeah I I just I kind of get that from TR and Lon we we discussed is this going to be something that’s going to happen sooner rather than later is it going to happen kind of down the road he said there is no timeline this is just about getting this thing right and that’s what we wonder as a new regime coming in is he seeking to just kind of make sure he can establish his foundation and do it the right way and have confidence in that no matter what any of the outside noise will be cuz fans and supporters if this thing is going to be extended Beyond two to three years they have a right to feel how they feel mhm but Tre and Lon also has a right to his work and what that affords him to be able to do [Music]

Join Matt Broder and Detroit Kool-Aid as they discuss Trajan Langdon’s recent comments from his introductory press conference. Did you like what Trajan had to say?

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